English Paper 3 Questions and Answers - Bungoma Diocese Mock Exams 2021/2022

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Instructions to candidates

  • Answer three questions only
  • Question 1 and 2 are compulsory
  •  In question three choose only one of the optional texts you have prepared on
  •  Where candidates present work on more than one optional text, only the first one to appear will be marked.
  • Each of your essays must not exceed 450 words.
  • Candidates must answer the questions in English.Imaginative Composition (Compulsory). (20 mks)
  1. Either
    1. Write a story that ends with the following statement.
      ……………………………….that is how I ended up in this horrible place.
    2. Write a composition on how to curb teenage pregnancy menace in your county .
  2. Compulsory Set Texts
    H.R. Ole Kulet, Blossoms of the savanna.
    “Women are their own worst enemy” using H.R. Ole Kulet’s Blossoms of the Savanna for illustrations, show the truth in this statement (20 marks)
  3. The Optional Set Texts:
    Answer any one of the following questions.
    1. The Short Story
      Chris Wanjala (Ed.), Memories We Lost
      Using Lesley Nneka Arimah’s short story, “Light”, write a composition on the challenges fathers face in trying to raise a daughter in the absence of the mother.. (20 marks)
    2. Drama
      David Mulwa, Inheritance
      Write a composition on how western countries influence African countries using David Mulwa’s, Inheritance for illustrations.(20 marks)
    3. The Novel
      John Steinbeck, the Pearl
      “Appearance can be deceptive” using J. Steinbeck’s novel, The pearl, for illustrations, write an essay to show the truth in this statement (20 marks)


Q1. Imaginative composition
Points of interpretation
Composition (a)

  • Must be a story, if not deduct 2 marks AD for irrelevance.
  • Must end with the given statement, if not deduct 2 marks AD on Rubric.
  • Deduct 2 marks if length is more than 2 A4 pages-450 words.
    N.B. Penalized only up to 4 marks.

Composition (b)

  • Must be a discursive essay. If not, deduct. 2 marks.
  • Must be an essay that illustrates ways of curbing teenage pregnancy. If not, deduct 2 marks for irrelevance.
  • Deduct 2 marks if length is more than 2 A4 pages.
    N.B. Penalized only up to 4mks

Classification and allocation of marks
Read each composition, decide the class it falls and allocate the numerical mark based on the following criteria. subject each essay to the above mentioned deductions, if any.

General classifications

  1. Class essays (16-20 marks)
    The candidate communicates not only fluently but also attractively with originality and efficiency. He has the ability to make us share his/her deep feelings, emotions, enthusiasms. He or she expresses himself/ herself freely and with no visible constraint. The script gives evidence of Maturity, good planning and often humour. Many items of merit which indicate that the candidate has complete command of the language. There is no stain, just pleasantness, clever arrangement, felicity of expression.
  2. Class essays (11-15 marks)
    This class is characterized by great fluency and easy of expression without strain. The candidate demonstrates that he/she can use English as a normal way of expressing himself/herself. Sentences are varied and usually well-constructed. Some candidates become ambitious or even over- ambitious. There are many items of merit of one word or expression type. Many essays in this category may be just clean and unassuming, but they still show that the candidate is at ease with the language.
  3. Class essays (06-10 marks)
    Candidate communicates understandably but only more or less clearly. He or she is not confident with his/her language. Subject is often underdeveloped. There may be some digressions. Unnecessary repetitions frequent. The arrangement is weak and flow jerky. There is no economy of language. Mother tongue influence is felt.
  4. Class essays (01-05 marks)
    The candidate does not communicate at all. His language ability is so minimal that the examiner practically has to guess what the candidate wants to say. The candidate fails to fit the English words he/she knows into meaningful sentences. The subject is glanced at or distorted. Practically no valid punctuation. All kinds of errors (“Broken English”) are evident.

Specific classifications

  1. Class essays. (16-20 marks)
    The candidate communicates not only fluently but also attractively with originality and efficiency. He has the ability to make us share his/her deep feelings, emotions, enthusiasms. He or she expresses himself/ herself freely and with no visible constraint. The script gives evidence of Maturity, good planning and often humour. Many items of merit which indicate that the candidate has complete command of the language. There is no stain, just pleasantness, clever arrangement, felicity of expression.
    1. A- 16-17
      The candidate shows competence and fluency in using the language. He may lack imagination or originality which usually provides the “spark” in such essays. Vocabulary, idiom sentence structure, links, variety are impressive. Gross errors are very few.
    2. A 18
      Positive ability.A few errors that are felt to be slips. The story or argument has a definite impact. No grammar problems. Variety of structures.A definite spark. Many margin ticks.
    3. A+ 19-20
      The candidate communicates not only information but meaning, but also and especially the candidate’s whole self: his /her feelings, testes, point of view, youth, and culture. This ability to communicate deeply may express himself in a wide range of effective vocabulary, original approach, vivid and sustained account in the case of a narrative, well developed ad ordered argument in the case of a debate or discussion. Errors and slips should not deprive the candidate of the full marks he deserves. A very definite spark (very memorable)
  2. Class essays. (11-15 marks)
    This class is characterized by great fluency and easy of expression without strain. The candidate demonstrates that he/she can use English as a normal way of expressing himself/herself. Sentences are varied and usually well-constructed. Some candidates become ambitious or even over- ambitious. There are many items of merit of one word or expression type. Many essays in this category may be just clean and unassuming, but they still show that the candidate is at ease with the language.
    1. B- 11-12
      The candidate communicates fairly and with some fluency. There may be little variety in sentence structure. Gross errors are still found occasionally, but this must not be over punished by the examiner.
    2. B 13
      The sentences are varied but rather simple and straight forward. The candidate does not strain himself in an effort to impress. There is a fair range of vocabulary and idiom. Natural and effortless.Some items of merit, economy of language.
    3. B+ 14-15
      The candidate communicates his ideas pleasantly and without strain. There are errors and slips. Tenses, spelling and punctuation are good. A number of items of merit of the “whole sentence” or “whole expression” (margin ticks).
  3. Class essays. (06-10 marks)
    Candidate communicates understandably but only more or less clearly. He or she is not confident with his/her language. Subject is often underdeveloped. There may be some digressions. Unnecessary repetitions frequent. The arrangement is weak and flow jerky. There is no economy of language. Mother tongue influence is felt.
    1. C- 06-07
      The candidate finds it obviously hard to communicate his/her ideas. He/she is seriously hampered by his limited knowledge of structure and vocabulary. This results in many gross errors of agreement, spelling, misuse of prepositions, tenses verb agreement and sentence construction.
    2. C 08
      The candidate communicates but with not consistent clarity. His/her linguistic abilities being very limited, he/she cannot avoid frequent errors in sentence structure. There is little variety or originality. Very bookish English, links are weak, incorrect, repeated at times.
    3. C+ 09-10
      The candidate communicates in a flat and uncertain manner. Simple concept sentence forms are often strained. There may be an overuse of clichés, unsuitable idioms. Proverbs are misquoted or misinterpreted. The flow is jerky. There are some errors of agreement, tenses and spellings
  4. Class essays (01-05 marks)
    The candidate does not communicate at all. His language ability is so minimal that the examiner practically has to guess what the candidate wants to say. The candidate fails to fit the English words he/she knows into meaningful sentences. The subject is glanced at or distorted. Practically no valid punctuation. All kinds of errors (“Broken English”) are evident.
    1. D- 01-02
      Chaotic, little meaning whatsoever. Question paper or some words from it simply copied.
    2. D 03
      Flow of thought almost impossible to follow. The errors are continuous.
    3. D+ 04-05
      Although the English is broken and the essay is full of errors of all types, we can at least guess what the candidate wants to say.

Q2. Compulsory set novel

H.R. Ole Kulet, Blossoms of the savanna.
“Women are their own enemy” using H.R. Olekulet’s Blossoms of the Savanna for illustrations, show the truth in this statement (20 marks)

Introduction (2mks): Many societies have practices that oppress and discriminate against women, sadly, in most cases the perpetuators of these practices are women. ( a ward any other relevant intro)

FGM. The FGM according to the story told to the girls (Resian and Taiyo) by Purmuat, was started by women many years ago when it was necessary but many years women have continued to perpetuate the vice long after . A group of women lure Taiyo to Ensoit to have her circumcised against her will

Forced marriage. The Enkoboni Olarinkoi’s mother has arranged and forced Resian to marry her son. She torments Resian everyday as she waited for her to get better so that she is circumcised and married off to Olarinkoi. She prodes her stomach just in case she is pregnant.

Yeiyo Botor. When Resians questions the various injustices meted against women. in the society, especially the lenient fine the elders gave the vagabonds who nearly raped Resian and Taiyo .Yeiyo Botor together with Mama Milanoi, tell her off. Yeiyo Botor concludes that Resian was suffering from olkweny as a result of being Intoiye nemengalana.

Mama Milanoi. She is quiet as Olekaelo and Oloisudori plan to forcibly circumcise and marry off Resian to Oloisudori a man she describes as a monster. She conspires with other women to lure Taiyo to Ensoit to have her circumcised by cheating her that her sister Resian was there and had refused to eat until she sees Taiyo.

The three blind mice- Resian compose a song about Nasila’s three blind mice; the Enkamuratani, Enkasakutoni,enkaitoyoni. All are women who are in the fore in perpetuating fgm and tormenting intoyie nemengalana
Accept any 4 well illustrated points( 3x4=12mks)

Conclusion.(2mks): to put an end to women oppression, women themselves should be in the fore in the campaign before the rest of the society joins in. ( accept any other relevant conc.)

Q3 The Optional Set Texts

  1. Chris Wanjala (Ed.), Memories We Lost
    Using Lesley Nneka Arimah’s short story, “Light”, write a composition on the challenges fathers face in trying to raise a daughter in the absence of the mother.. (20 marks)

    Bringing up a child requires the presence of both the mother and the father, in the absence of one, especially the mother, bringing up a girl pauses a great challenge for a father. Some of this challenges have been highlighted in Lesley Nneka’s story, the light. (Accept any other relevant introduction)
    • Chores- Enebeli is unable to teach daughter basic chores like cooking. The girl’s mother is shocked when she hears that Enebeli made breakfast for girl yet the girl was old enough to cook.
    • The hair-When Enebeli’s wife commends on the state of the girl’s hair, Enebeli tries to do the hair with terrible results. Enebeli‘s wife’s sister’s had to come take the girl and shave her hair.
    • Survival- when Enebeli’s wife goes away to America to study, Enebeli, struggles to survive with the girl, they survive the crime scene of the girl’s first moon, the adult talk and various questions the girl had that should have been answered by the mother
    • Love notes- Even after putting himself in the shoes of a fourteen year old girl, Enebeli could not understand why his daughter would send love notes to the boy.
      Conclusion (2mks): single parenting is very tasking, and full of challenges. Parents should therefore strive to stick together.( Accept any other relevant conclusion)
      Accept any 4 well illustrated points ( 3x4=12mks)
  2. Drama
    David Mulwa, Inheritance
    Write a composition on how western countries influence many African countries. (20 marks)

    Introduction: long after attaining indepence, many African countires are still being controlled by western countries, Kutula republic in David Mulwa’s inheritance in one such country. (accept any other relevant intro)
    1. Natural resource exploitation- king Kutula XV tries to protect Kutula’s natural resources such as gold for the people but Menninger and Thorne, arrange for his killing and replace him with his easy to manipulate son.
    2. Governance- After king Kutula XV proves to be difficult to control; Menninger and Thorne conspire with his power hungry son Lacuna kasoo to kill him. Lacuna Kasoo is the installed as the new leader. Later on, when Lacuna Kasoo becomes corrupt and unable to repay the loans, Goldstein and Robert threaten to remove him from power.
    3. Independence- Lacuna Kasoo the leader of the Kutula republic cannot make independent economic decision void of foreign interference. He has specific instruction on what to do with the loan advanced to his country by Goldstein and Robert.
    4. Foreign goods- many Africans have been made to believe that goods from foreign countries are more superior than the local ones. Coffee grown in Kutula republic is exported to London for processing before being imported back into Kutula. Lacuna Kasoo offers Goldstein and Robert apples- foreign fruit. even the turkey served at the palace was imported from Yolanda’s farm .
      Conclusion- many African countries have never attained real independence from the colonial rule since western countries continue to manipulate and influence their governance.( accept any other relevant conclusion).
      Accept any 4 well illustred points( 3x4=12mks)
  3. The Novel
    John Steinbeck, the Pearl
    “Appearance can be deceptive” using J. Steinbeck’s novel, The pearl, for illustrations, write an essay to show the truth in this statement (20 marks)
    Introduction- whenever we make judgment of people and situations, we should look beyond appearance, J. Steinbeck in his novel, The pearl, illustrated this in various episodes.(accept any other relevant intro).
    1. The pearl-when Kino finds the pearl at first, he looks at it glimmering and shinning and sees his life changing for the better, his son going to school, he and Juana getting married in church and having new clothes. Later on, the pearl ends up being a source of their trouble, their son is killed.
    2. The doctor- when the doctor heard about Kino’s great pearl, he starts to imagine himself in Paris, eating in a restaurant. He shows up at Kino’s house in the evening appearing to be concerned with the welfare of the child, he says that he came as soon as he could, he gives Coyotito some white powder which makes the child sicker. The doctor’s real intention was to get Kino’s pear and go off to Paris.
    3. Pearl buyers- when Kino arrives to sell his pearl the pearl buyers sit in their shops pretending that, they have no information about the pearl. They conspire to defraud Kino of his Pearl by offering very low prices by appearing to genuinely appraise and value the pearl.
    4. The priest- when the priest hears about Kino’s pearl, he begins to think of repairs needed in church and wonders if Kino and Juana had been married in church. He then goes to Kino’s house although he rarely visited the brush huts, he advises Kino not to forget to give thanks to God.
      Conclusion- all that glitters is not gold, so they say, there is always more to what we see in the outside. (Accept any other relevant conc.)
      Accept any 4 well illustrated points( 3x4=12mks)

NB: for Question 2 and 3 award the conclusion, and language mark depending on what the candidate scores in the body. 1-6 earns 1mks in conclusion,7-12 earns 2mks in conclusion, 0-4 earns 1mks for language,4-6 earns 2mks for language,7-8 earns 3mks for language, 9-12 earns 3mks for language.

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