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Sexually Transmitted Diseases

  • What comes in your mind when you hear of STDs or STI’s?
  • Definitely, you think of all the dreaded diseases and infections.
  • STDs refer to sexually transmitted diseases, while STIs refer to sexually transmitted infections.
  • These are infections or diseases that are mainly transmitted from one individual to another through sexual contact.
  • Examples of such diseases infections include; HIV & AIDS, genital herpes, gonorrhoea and syphilis, among others.

Causes of Sexually Transmitted Diseases

  • STDs may be caused by either bacterial or viral infection.
  • Those caused by bacteria include; Chlamydia, gonorrhoea, and syphilis while HIV & AIDs, genital herpes, genital warts (HPV), and hepatitis B is caused by virus.
  • It is important to note that the germs that cause STDs hide in human body fluids of the infected person.
  • Most of the organisms are spread through sexual contact but some, such as those that cause genital herpes and genital warts, may be spread through moist skin contact.
  • One can get Hepatitis B by sharing personal items with an infected person.
  • Such items may include toothbrushes or sharp objects like needles and razors.


  • The terms HIV and AIDS are mostly used interchangeably.
  • However, these terms do not mean the same thing.
  • HIV refers to Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV).
  • This is a slowly replicating retrovirus that causes the AIDS, which means Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome.

Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome

  • This is one of the sexually transmitted diseases and the most common among every society and region.
  • HIV weakens an individual’s immune system by destroying important cells that fight disease and infection.
  • A ‘deficient’ immune system can't protect a person.
  • Just like the other sexually transmitted infections, HIV & AIDS is transmitted through unprotected sexual encounter with an infected person.
  • It is primarily transmitted by exposure to infected body fluids, especially blood and semen.
  • However there are other scientifically proven ways through which the virus can be transmitted from one person to the other.
  • These ways include the following;
    • Blood transfusion– the recipient will be infected with the virus when the donor is HIV positive. In order to prevent any such risks, the blood should be screened before transfusion.
    • An infected mother may pass the virus to her child during pregnancy, birth or breastfeeding. A lot of care is required during child birth to ensure that the child is not infected. Safe child delivery should be done by a qualified medical practitioner. It should be done in a medical facility.
    • Sharing of contaminated needles. Injection with contaminated needles by drug users, or when health care workers inject patients during treatment or needle prick accidents.
    • Use of contaminated surgical instruments, for example, unsterilized knifes or blades used during traditional circumcision. It is recommended that it should be done in a medical facility.
  • The wise saying that prevention is better than cure cannot be over emphasised.
  • Although some of the STD’s are curable apart from HIV/AIDS it is important for the Muslim Ummah to avoid infection and prevent the spread of these diseases.
  • Therefore, it is a collective responsibility of all humankind to get the society free from these infectious diseases.

Prevention measures

  • Creating awareness among ourselves. For example, it is very essential for every Muslim to acquire sufficient knowledge on STIs and know the risk behaviours that may lead to one getting infected.
  • Muslims should avoid any irresponsible sexual behaviour. This may include having sex before marriage or practising sex outside your marriage (zina). Any relationship should be of married couples of the opposite gender.
  • It is also very important for a Muslim to take precaution before marriage. It is recommended that the bride and groom undergo medical tests before the nikah. This is meant to ensure that none of the two parties has been infected with an STI.
  •  One should also avoid any direct contact with blood without protective gadgets such as surgical gloves. This may happen during road accidents or while you are trying to help out an injured person.

Effects of Sexually Transmitted Diseases

  • Sexually transmitted diseases have adverse effects to both the individual and the society.
  • We are now going to look at some of the effects of these infectious diseases.

Effects of STDS to an Individual

  • If proper treatment is not administered STDs can damage a person’s reproductive system resulting to infertility.
  • They cause a lot of pain and suffering to the victim.
  • Having an STD may weaken the immune system leaving you more vulnerable to other infections.
  • Gonorrhoea results in Pelvic inflammatory diseases (PDI).
  • Chlamydia can lead to women being unable to bear children in future.
  • HIV and AIDS has no cure
  • STDs infection to a new-born child may lead to suffering or even cause death.
  • HIV and AIDs causes trauma to the victim. An infected person may be rejected by other members of the society.
  • The direct medical cost of HIV / AIDS is very high.

Effects of STDS to the society

  • Often the poor members of the society are burdened with treating the victims of the disease.
  • Break up of families due to mistrust and feelings of betrayal between the couples and among different family members. And as you aware, Islam encourages very strong family bonds.
  • Children whose parents die of AIDs are left orphans with nobody to take care of them. These destitute end up suffering due to lack of affection and basic needs.
  • When the bread winner passes on the beneficiaries will face difficulties in sustaining themselves.
  • High dropout rates in education institutions. Children whose parents have been weakened by AIDs or died of the scourge may be forced to abandon their education.
  • There is a demand for care for those living with HIV /AIDS in health institution. The able bodied and energetic population is forced to abandon their work in order to take care of their sick persons.
  • Children whose parents and family members are terminally ill are forced to assume responsibility at a very tender age. They shoulder the economic burden such as earning an income in order to provide food and care for other family members.
  • Creates a set-back in economic and social progress. The majority of the people living with HIV/AIDs are between 15 – 49 years. This denies the society the unskilled, semi skilled and skilled labour for agricultural and industrial development.

Islamic View on HIV/AIDS

  • It is important to note that Muslims all over the world regard HIV&AIDS as real and one of the most infectious and incurable diseases today.
  • Islam values human life and considers it as a gift from Allah (SWT).
  • According to this strong belief, no Muslim is at liberty to do what he or she wants with his or her body.
  • Instead, individuals have been entrusted with life by Allah and are supposed to take good care of it.
  • Allah (SWT) does not allow us to misuse or abuse the healthy body He has gifted us with.
  • No Muslim is allowed to accept personal freedom that leads to immoral acts that are forbidden by the Sharia.
  • Muslims have a view that once the Islamic social system is properly applied, a long-term solution to the problem of HIV& AIDS will be found.
  • It constructs a society that heavily emphasises on the importance of marriage prior to sexual relations.
  • Young people, for example, should not have casual affairs but should wait until the right age and time for legal union.
  • It even prescribes penalties on those who disregard the laid down Islamic laws.
  • For example, those guilty of zina should be flogged with a hundred stripes.
  • This is likely to go a long way in preventing the spread of HIV.
  • The Islamic code is against inappropriate social relationships as well as behaviours that results to corruption of the mind, leading to immorality.
  • Muslims are commanded to guard their modesty.
  • Almighty Allah (SWT) says, “Say to the believing men that they should to lower their gaze, and guard their modesty. That will make for greater purity for them: And Allah is well acquainted with what they do. And say to the believing women that they should lower their gaze and guard their modesty; that they should not display their beauty and ornaments except what (must ordinarily appear thereof....” [Q 24:30-31]
  • There should not be any solitary privacy (seclusion) between men and women who are of prohibited degrees.
  • Jabir ibn Abdullah (RA) narrated that the Prophet (PBUH) said, “Whosoever believes in Allah and the Last Day (Al-Yawm al-Akhir) let him not be alone with a woman who has not a Mahram (male relative who she cannot marry) with her. Indeed, the third (person) is al-Shaytan!” [Ahmad]
  • Abu Hurairah (R.A) reported that the Prophet (PBUH) said, “When a person commits fornication there goes out of him the Iman (belief) and it hovers like a canopy over his head and when he quits this act the Iman reverts to him again” [Tirmidhi& Abu Dawud]
  • It has been narrated by Abu Musa al-Ashari (R.A) that the Messenger of Allah (PBUH) said, “Any women that uses perfume and walks past men in order for them to smell her fragrance; she is a fornicator” [Tirmidhi & Abu Dawud].

Drug Abuse

  • In form two we, studied about drug abuse.
  • We also gave a definition of drug abuse.
  • Drug abuse is the excessive and persistent use of any chemical or natural substance that alters the functioning of the body cells for purposes other than the intended preventive or curative reasons.
  • When abused, drugs affect a person’s mind, health and social well-being.
  • We also learnt some of the reasons that may lead to drug abuse.
  • In this subtopic, we shall study more about the causes and effects of abusing drugs.

Causes of Drug and Substances Abuse

  • Drug and substance abuse has become a serious problem globally, especially among the youth.
  • But why do young people start taking drugs in the first place?
  • There are numerous factors that contribute to the abuse of drugs in the society.
  • These reasons may range from individual to societal challenges.
  • Among these reasons include the following:


  • Many people first try drugs because they curious about them.
  • Other young people have observed how their friends behave differently while on drugs and would like to get a similar experience.
  • Some youth would like to experiment on something that is always talked about in the society.
  • They thus end up falling victims of drug abuse.

Escaping reality

  • Sometimes it happens that people are faced with problems that make them unhappy with their lives.
  • For example, family disputes, financial constrains.
  • Some people may turn to drugs thinking that they will make them feel better by running away from reality.
  • It is unfortunate to note that drug taking is not a solution to one’s sorrows, failures and miseries of life.
  • The truth is that one just forgets the problems for the brief moment that he is under the effect of drugs but in reality, the problem persists.

Peer pressure

  • Majority of young people are lured into taking drugs by friends.
  • They are deceived by their peers that when they take drugs they will feel relaxed.
  • Others do it to impress their friends.
  • This is why those whose friends smoke or take alcohol will probably start engaging in drugs.
  • There are those who do not abuse drugs but may fear being mocked or ridiculed by their friends and will gather the courage of trying them.
  • Others imitate whatever their friends do, just to fit in and move with the crowd.
  • Since they do not want to be left alone or be alienated by their peers, they will do anything possible to please them.

Lack of Parental control or guidance

  • Childcare is an obligatory responsibility to any Muslim parent.
  • Islam encourages strong family bond in marriage so that the two parents take total control of the affairs of their children.
  • Children are gifts from Allah (SWT) and need not be left without guidance and supervision.
  • Child neglect among the family, especially among separated or disintegrated families, leaves the children vulnerable.
  • They may thus end up turning to drugs or other anti social behaviour in order to relieve stress and tension.
  • Parents should consistently guide their children and alert them on the dangers associated with drugs and substance abuse so as to save them from engaging in this habit.

Frustrations and emotional stress

  • Sometimes individuals are forced to perform beyond their limits in trying to achieve set goals or targets.
  • This could happen either in institutions such as at school, working place or even at home.
  • Those who cannot cope with the enormous pressure exerted on them may opt for drugs.

Illiteracy and Unemployment

  • In a society where people are poor and unable to educate their children, the young people become ignorant of the side effects of drugs and other chemical substances abused.
  • Some of them get involved in criminal activities and lawlessness which expose them to the harmful drugs.
  • Even in situations where the youth have acquired education, majority of them are unable to secure employment.
  • Lack of jobs and recreation makes them feel bored and hopeless resulting to them engaging in anti-social behaviour, such as drug abuse.

Abandonment and homelessness

  • Children who are abandoned by their mothers at a tender age or in infancy end up growing up in the streets.
  • The street children turn to drugs to waste away their time.
  • They also lack food, shelter, and clothing and become desperate.
  • In order to cope with the harsh conditions, they turn to drug and substance abuse.
  • The most abused drug by these street children is glue.

Too Much Freedom

  • In today’s life, people are too busy fending for their families.
  • During most parts of the day, the adults leave their homes for work and the young people are left alone in the home.
  • This freedom may be misused by some children who will grab the opportunity to experiment on drugs.
  • Since they are not supervised, a one time trial may end up being habitual.
  • Others will use drugs when left to go to friends’ homes, spend night out or when attending parties away from their homes.

Low self esteem

  • Many young people who are shy and timid would believe that the influence of drugs would make them gain confidence and courage.
  • They may require courage to participate in sporting activities, address a crowd among others.

Effects of Drug and Substance Abuse

  • Drugs are either natural or chemical substances which when induced into the body change the normal function of the body cells.
  • Because of their chemical structures or physical composition, drugs affect the body of the user in different ways.
  • Some of the effects are immediate, short term while others may last even after the person has stopped taking drugs.
  • Depending on the type of, drug can be induced in the human body in a number of ways.
  • These ways may include injection, sniffing, inhalation, or ingestion.
  • The method of how it enters the body impacts on how the drug affects the person.
  • For example, injection takes the drug directly into the blood stream, providing more immediate effects; while ingestion requires the drug to pass through the digestive system, delaying the effects.
  • When people get addicted to drugs, their body system becomes dependent on the drugs.
  • They end up having serious social problems or even fatal health risks.
  • Drugs and substance abuse has a lot of effects on the individual, friends, family, and on the society. The following are of the effects of drugs:

Health related problems

  • Drug abuse promotes poor health amongst users, which also affects their productivity at work, performance in school and responsibility at home.
  • Among these health problems are:
    • Marijuana and alcohol interfere with motor control and are factors in many automobile accidents.
    • Users of bang (marijuana) and hallucinogenic drugs may experience flashbacks.
    • Sudden abstinence from certain drugs results in withdrawal symptoms. For example, vomiting, muscle cramps, convulsions, and fever.
    • Expectant drug users have a higher risk of low birth-weight babies.
    • Drug abusers are at high risk of being infected with STDs. This may be as a result of getting involved in dangerous sexual activities and making wrong decisions. Irresponsible sexual activities can lead to the spread of sexually transmitted diseases like HIV and AIDS.
    • Cause cardiovascular conditions ranging from abnormal heart rate to heart attacks and even death.
    • Injected drugs can also lead to collapsed veins and infections of the blood vessels and heart valves.
    • Abuse of drugs weakens the body’s immune system, increasing susceptibility to infections.
    • Persistent use of hard drugs like cocaine and Bang may lead to stroke and widespread brain damage that can affect one’s daily life by resulting to problems with memory, attention and decision-making, including sustained mental confusion and permanent brain damage.

Social effects

  • Many drug users engage in violence and criminal activity, such as burglary and prostitution in our villages, learning institutions and more so urban centers.
  • Drug-related crimes disrupt peace within neighbourhoods due to violence among drug dealers and threats to residents. Drug influence is responsible for accidents at home, at the workplaces, along our roads, at school and other places resulting into injury or even death
  • Marital problems: When a family member abuses drugs he or she may engage in emotional abuse or violence. This may result in constant conflict within the family that may end up in separation or even divorce.
  • Poor work ethics and subsequent dismissal. Drug addicts may fail to perform at their places of work or absent themselves.
  • Parents who abuse drugs tend to neglect their children. They fail to provide the proper guidance that children need especially during their growing years. Teenagers who grow up in homes where adult or parent use drugs have a higher tendency getting addicted to drugs in future
  • People who are addicted or under the influence of drugs are apt to behave irresponsibly. They may abuse others, engage in fights and quarrels among other social evils.

Economic effects

  • Legal problems: Substance abuse can lead to problems such as unpaid bills, driving under the influence and crime.
  • Substance abuse causes the government to spend a lot of money mainly spent on treatment and prevention costs, healthcare, losses on job productivity and crime and social welfare.
  • It depletes family finances leading to poverty and inability to meet families’ obligations including payment of school fees, purchase of food and other amenities, as well as investment in income earning enterprises.
  • Low productivity in work stations disrupts economic activities such as agriculture, industry, employment thereby leading to decline in economic growth. This may subsequently result in poverty, food security among other economic challenges.

Islamic views on Drug and Substance Abuse

Read Qur’an [Q 2:219], [Q 90:91], [Q 1:90]

  • From the verses you have read, you will realise that the Qur’an prohibits and condemns the use of intoxicants.
  • Drug and substance problem has become so significant in the society that it is now addressed by religious, social and even human rights lobby groups.
  • In Kenya, a body called NACAD (National Authority for the Campaign against Drug and substance abuse) has been instituted to fight the menace.
  • Some of these programs have suggested a variety of treatment methods.
  • However, none of these methods has proven more successful to date than abstinence.
  • Islam provides clear direction concerning intoxicants.
  • The Qur’an is very specific and precise.
  • The word ‘Khamr’ has been used for an intoxicant.
  • Khamr includes any substance that intoxicates.
  • The use of alcohol and other drugs is considered a “major sin.”
  • Muslims are required to stay away from khamr as it is considered the mother of all evils.
  • The Almighty Allah (SWT) says, “They ask thee (Oh Prophet) concerning wine and gambling. Say: “In them are a great sin and some profit for men. But the sin is greater than the profit.”[Q 2:219]
  • Islam makes clear that the use of intoxicants is forbidden.
  • This is because it is considered to fog the mind thus inhibiting a person’s sense of judgement.
  • Drug and substance abuse also creates animosity among people, and hinders one from carrying out acts of ibada and remembering Allah (SWT).
  • Islam not only prohibits the use of intoxicants but also the sale of its raw materials like grapes to someone whom you know will make wine or other intoxicants from them.
  • If there is any doubt, the transaction is haram (forbidden.)
  • Also forbidden of Drug and Substance Abuse are selling, transporting, buying, giving or making of intoxicants.
  • Muslims, for example, are not permitted to sell alcohol to non-Muslims because it involves selling; transporting and buying of intoxicants.
  • The following Hadith states that the Noble Prophet (PBUH) prohibited intoxicants:
    • Ibn Umar (RA) reported that the Prophet (PBUH) said: “Every intoxicant is Khamr (wine) and every intoxicant is Haraam (unlawful). Whosoever drinks wine in this world and dies whilst having consumed it and not having repented from it will not drink it in the next world [i.e. in Paradise].”[Muslim]
    • Jaabir (RA) narrated that the Prophet (PBUH) said: “Whatever intoxicates in a greater quantity is also unlawful in a small quantity.”(At-Tirmithi, Abu Dawoud & Ibn Maajah)
    • Ibn Abbas (R.A) reported that the Prophet (PBUH) said: “If a habitual drunkard dies, he will meet Allah like the one who worships idols.” (Ahmad & Ibn Maajah)

Conservation of the Environment

Conservation of the Physical Environment

  • Environment refers to the natural and unnatural elements present around us, and the processes associated with them.
  • When we look around us, do we stop to think of all that surrounds us?
  • Our immediate environment comprises the earth, trees, the mountains, animals, rivers, air human –made features such as factories, buildings and means of transportation among others physical aspects of the environment.
  • It is important for humankind to make good use of the components of the physical environment while at the same time conserving them.
  • The exploitation of a particular natural resource is directly related to care and maintenance of the resource.
  • For example, when human beings cut down trees so that they may use it for construction, they need to plant more trees so as to avoid deforestation.
  • In day to day life, human beings engage in many activities which aim at securing benefits by way of satisfying their needs.
  • These activities include agriculture, industry, and infrastructure.
  • They should be carried out without causing any damage.
  • The following are some of the ways through which Muslims can engage in the preservation of the physical environment:
    • Muslims should take part in forest preservation programs like tree planting.
    • Muslims should avoid deforestation and get involved in formulation of policies to safeguard forests from destruction.
    • Waste products and exhaust fumes or smoke, being emitted from ordinary human or industrial activities and the uses of modern and advanced technology, should be carefully disposed.
    • Re-use of goods and recycling of materials and waste products should be encouraged as far as is possible, instead of disposing them off as trash.
    • The most selective and least destructive means of pest control should be used by farmers to minimise soil and water pollution.
    • Muslims should take necessary precautions to minimize the effects of natural catastrophes like earthquakes, floods, volcanic eruptions and storms.
    • Muslims should avoid realising waste products into flowing rivers and other water bodies but should construct sewerage systems for such disposal.

Conservation of the Moral Environment

  • Through the transmission of diverse cultures, the world we live in has promoted all forms of moral decay.
  • Different people in the world have varied beliefs and practices.
  • Islamic moral system has been negatively influenced by the life changing trends in the wider society.
  • However, Islam being a comprehensive way of life regulates the moral behaviour of every Muslim.
  • Muslims are not allowed to conform to those trends under whatever cost.
  • Moreover, Islam has universal standards by which actions are classified as either moral or immoral.
  • Islam guides humankind on how to achieve and maintain best morals.

Islamic views on the conservation of the moral environment

  • In order to conserve the moral environment, Muslims are urged to consistently observe the following:
    • Fear Allah (SWT) and obey His commands.
    • Avoid all forms of vanities and excessive attachment to the pleasures of the world.
    • Embrace the teachings of the Prophet (PBUH).
    • Constantly warning against evil practices such as slandering, falsehood, backbiting, rumour mongering among others.
    • Implementing corrective measures or awarding punishment for moral crimes such as zina, theft, highway robbery, apostasy among others.
    • Promoting modesty in the society for example the prohibition of Muslims to wear transparent clothes so as not to expose their body.
    • In matters of food and drink Muslims should abide by Allah (SWT’s) commandment to eat and drink what is good and lawful so as to protect their health as well as safeguard their dignity.
    • Promoting good relationship amongst the Muslims by way of greeting each other, praying for one another, visiting the sick, accepting invitations among others. This will minimise vices such as hatred and jealousy.


Islamic views on conservation of physical environment

  • According to the Holy Qur’an, environmental conservation is a religious duty as well as social obligation expected of every Muslim.
  • Conservation and preservation of environment is one of the basic principles of Islam.
  • Allah (SWT) created everything for the service of man. Allah (SWT) says,
    He Who has spread out the earth for you and threaded roads for you therein and has sent down water from the sky: With it have We brought forth diverse kinds of vegetation. Eat and pasture your cattle; verily, in this are signs for men endued with understanding.” [Q 20:53-54]
  • After creation, Allah chose humankind as the caretaker of everything. Allah (SWT) says, “It is We who have placed you with authority on earth, and provided you therein with means for the fulfilment of your life. Small are thanks that ye give. [Q7: 10]
  • The Prophet (PBUH) also emphasized on the position of humankind as the caretaker when he said, “The world is beautiful and verdant, and verily God, be He exalted, has made you His stewards in it, and He sees how you acquit yourselves.” (Muslim)
  • Human beings have been commanded to always do good.
  • Allah (SWT) says, “And do good as Allah has been good to you. And do not seek to cause corruption in the earth. Allah does not love the corrupters.” [Q 28:77]
  • The Prophet (PBUH) discouraged overconsumption, luxury and lavishness but encouraged moderation in all matters of life.
  • In his Hadith, the Prophet (PBUH) deals extensively with various aspects of the environment.
  • These include conservation of resources, land reclamation and environmental hygiene.
  • The Prophet (PBUH) clearly forbade destruction of trees, crops among other vegetation even during war times as long as they are still useful.
  • He encouraged sustainable cultivation of land, kind treatment of animals, preservation of natural resources and protection of wildlife.

Importance of environmental conservation

  • Allah (SWT) has called upon humankind to appreciate the value of all his creation and conserve it.

    Allah (SWT) asks humankind: “Have you seen the water which you drink? Was it you who sent it down from the rain cloud, or did We send it? Were it Our will, We could have made it bitter; why then do you not give thanks?” [Q 56:68-70]
  • To protect humankind from the effects of the harmful impact of destroying the environment. For example global warming, desertification among others.
  • To coexist peacefully with other creations like the wild animals who reside in forests.
  • Conserving the environment reduces chances of getting infected with diseases that may be as a result of pollution of the environment, For example water bone infections like cholera, hearing problems due to sound pollution among others.
  • Any Muslims who conserves the environment earns rewards from Allah (SWT).

    The Prophet (PBUH) says, “If any Muslim plants a tree or sows a field, and a human, bird or animal eats from it, it shall be reckoned as charity from him.” (Bukhari and Muslim)

Retention of Islamic cultural values in the changing society

  • Culture may be defined as the shared patterns of agreed behaviour and interactions within a society or group that are learned through a process of socialization.
  • These shared patterns identify the members of a particular culture from others.
  • Different cultures have different cultural practices known and practiced by its members.
  • Islam has its own culture derived from Qur’an and Hadith.
  • Allah (SWT) says, “We have indeed in the Messenger of Allah a beautiful patter (of conduct) for anyone whose hope is in Allah and the Final Day, and who engages much in the praise of Allah.” [Q 33:21]
  • The teachings of Islam have remained the same over time, despite the constantly changing societies.
  • Its teachings encourage Muslims to abide by whatever is good and permissible and to leave whatever is bad and prohibited.
  • Even though Muslims have their own culture, they cannot live in isolation from the rest of the world.
  • The immediate environment a person lives in and the people they interact with may positively or negatively influence them.
  • For example, Muslims living in a predominantly non-Muslim society will come across un-Islamic practices.
  • These may include manners of dressing, talking, and leisure activities among others.
  • Even though a Muslim should be steadfast in retaining the teachings of the Qur’an and Hadith, it is permissible for Muslims to borrow from beneficial practices and innovations that are not against the Sharia.
  • This may include modern inventions and discoveries like medical science, engineering, computer science, and new means of communication like use of mobile phones, Skype among others.
  • These changes are allowed to be used by Muslims in accordance with the need.
  • However, in the adoption of such changes, a Muslim should always retain his identity and should not be swallowed by the changing trends in the society.
  • His or her Islamic culture should not be compromised with other unacceptable practices which may result in identity crisis or confusion among the Muslims.

Ways to help Muslims retain their rich Islamic culture in the changing society.

  • Muslim should strengthen the family unit. A family is very important in promoting and upholding Islamic cultural identity. Children and other members of the family should learn Islamic cultural practices, norms and beliefs from the older members of the family who should always remain role models.
  • Muslims should seek Islamic knowledge so that they can know and understand their religious practices.
  • Muslims should develop strong moral characters which will guard them from all kinds of evil and immoral culture. Every Muslim should be steadfast in the observing morals according to the teachings of Islam.
  • The Muslims must initiate many influential and positive Islamic media which shall be airing programs in the Islamic way in order to counter negative western media influence. Media is one of the major channels through which culture is transmitted and can be used to promote the true Islamic culture.
  • Strengthening religious teachings through improving and increasing the Islamic learning centers, conducting lectures on Islamic values among others.
  • Muslims should adhere to the teachings of Islam and strictly observe the acts of worship sincerely. They should follow the Holy Qur’an and Hadith of the Prophet (PBUH) which give guidance on Islamic cultural practices.
  • Muslims should provide their children with positive leisure activities so that they may not be swayed by the un-Islamic practices they see around them. They may include sporting activities, swimming.
  • Muslims should organise for seminars and workshops to educate the youth on Islamic culture and warn them of the effects of the changing society.
  • To uphold all the identified Muslims festivals in the right manner and avoid observing non Islamic celebrations such as Valentine’s aay, April fool’s day among others.
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