Computer Studies Paper 2 Questions and Answers - Sunrise Evaluation Pre Mock Exams 2021

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  1. Type your name and index number at the top right hand corner of each printout
  2. Sign and write the date of the examination below the name and index number on each printout
  3. Write your name and index number on the compact disks
  4. Write the name and version of the software used for each question attempted in the answer sheet
  5. Passwords should not be used while saving in the compact disks
  6. Answer all the questions
  7. All questions carry equal marks
  8. All answers must be saved in your compact disks
  9. Make a printout of the answers on the answer sheets provided
  10. Hand in all the printouts and the compact disks


Question 1

  1. Using Desktop Publishing application program, design the following publication. Name the file as HEALTHY_SCHOOL (19mks)
  2. Prepare the page layout out as follows:
    1. Custom paper size: Width = 11.6”, Height = 8.268 (2mks)
    2. Set the margins to 0.787” all round (2mks)
    3. Divide the page into TWO equal horizontal parts using a ruler guide. (2mks)
    4. The border of the design should start from the set margins (2mks)
      NB: After designing one part of the divided page, TWO copies of the publication should fit into one page in landscape as set up above.
  3. Create a logo as shown to measure height 1.213” and width 1.118” (3mks)
    1. The main title text (near the logo) should be of Candara, Font size 26, Bold and Right aligned (4mks)
    2. Set-up the rectangular object with the main heading to a background color of Accent 1 (1mk)
  5. The text on the lower part of the publication should to be formatted as follows: (3mks)
    • Color: Custom color combination (Red=51, Green=4, blue=252)
    • Alignment: Left
    • Font: Size 10
  6. Format all other text to times new roman font type and font size 12 (2mks)
  7. Apply a style to the line below the text in columns and a thickness of 4.5” in weight (1mk)
  8. Enforce hyphenations to the text in columns (1mk)
  9. The star object with text “Reach every group” should be a 24-point star. Format the text inside to font type calibri (2mks)
  10. Make the designs to fit one page (1mk)
  11. Group all objects in the two designs as one. (2mks)
  12. Insert a footer using your name index number, aligned to the center (2mks)
  13. Print the publication. (1mk)

Question 2
The information in the table below was obtained from the books of Safiri Transport Company.

  1. Using a database management application split the information in the above table into two tables namely vehicle and drivers respectively and save the database as Safiri Transport Company (15 Marks)
  2. Create a relationship between the two tables (2 Marks)
  3. Create an appropriate form that would be used to enter new records in the driver’s table and save it as form driver (7 Marks)
  4. Create a query that will display a list of all the drivers who made more than 5 trips to kericho, include all the necessary details. Save it as kericho. (5 Marks)
  5. Create a query with a calculated field named total allowance to display the total allowance earned by each driver, include all the necessary details. Save it as allowance (5 Marks)
  6. Using both tables, create a query that would be used to complete each driver’s earnings and save it as pay roll. (3marks)
  7. Using the payroll query in (f) design a report for Safari Transport Company that would used to calculate total allowance and monthly pay for each driver, assuming that each driver works for 25 days in a month. (7marks)
  8. Print vehicle, driver, form driver, kericho, allowance and payroll (6 Marks)


      • Correct filename “HEALTHY_SCHOOL” 1mk 1
      • Fully typed text 6
      • Bulleting @ ½mk x 4 2
      • Bolding 1
      • Numbering 1
      • Underlining @½mk x 2 1
      • Punctuation 1
      • Inserting drop cap (1mk), dropped 3 lines (1mk) 2
      • Line between text in columns and graphics in the middle, 4.5’ weight (1mk) 1
      • Outline border for the design (1mk) 1
      • Correct insertion and placement of graphics in the middle 2
      1. Correct custom paper size , landscape orientation ( Width = 11.6”, Height = 8.268) @1mk 2
      2. Margins (Top, Bottom, Right, Left) @½mk x 4 2
      3. Dividing page into two parts with ruler guide – 1part@1mk
      4. Fitting design into the set margins – correct placement in relation to the set margins. 2
      • Correct placement 1mk 3
      • Measurement: Height 1.213” (1mk) and Width 1.118” (1mk)
        • Upper case ½mk
        • Font type – Candara 1mk
        • Font size – 26 1mk
        • Text aligned to right ½mk 4
      2. Object background color – Accent 1(1mk)
      • Font color – Custom color combination (Red=51, Green=4, blue=252) @ 1mk, incorrect combination = ½mk
      • Aligned to left 1mk
      • Font size – 10pts 1mk
      • Font type – Times new roman 1mk
      • Font size – 12pts
      • thickness of 4.5” in weight
    8. Hyphenation (any) 1
    9. STAR 2
      • 24 sided star 1mk
      • Background color - Black ½mk
      • Text inside- font type Calibri ½mk
    10. Fitting TWO copies of the design into one page
      •  Correct positioning 1mk
      •  If not correct award ½mk 1
    11. All objects in the design grouped as one (1mk),
      • If not grouped 0mk 1
    12. FOOTER
      • Name 1mk, Index number 1mk
      • Correct alignment to center 1mk 2
    13. Printing 1
      1. Creating database named Safiri Transport Company 1mk
      2. Creating and naming the table vehicle
        Creating and naming the table drivers 2mks
      3. Vehicle table
        Creating and naming the table vehicle
        Correct field data types 5mks
      4. Driver table
        Creating and naming the table drivers
        Creating and naming field 5mks
      5. Primary keys
        Vehicle table
        Driver table 2mks
    2. Two relationships(correct fields) 2mks
    3. Creating forms (Forms with all fields)
      Vehicle table
      Driver table 7mks
    4. Creating query name Kericho
      Display drivers details (list of all the drivers who made more than 5 trips to kericho) 5mks
    5. Creating query name Allowance
      Display driver’s details and total allowance earned by each driver. 5mks
    6. Creating query name Pay roll
      Compute each driver’s earnings 3mks
    7. Creating a report
      Total allowance
      Monthly pay for each driver 7mks
    8. Printing :
      • Vehicle
      • Driver
      • Drivers
      • Allowance
      • Payroll  6mks
        Total for Q.2 = 50
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