Agriculture Paper 2 Questions and Answers - Bungoma Diocese Mock Exams 2021/2022

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  • Answer all questions in sections A and B. Answer any two questions from section C.
  • Answers to all questions should be written in the spaces provided.

SECTION A (30 Marks)
Answer ALL questions in the spaces provided

  1. Name the pig breed which has the following characteristics: long, large, and white body, broad and dished face, upright ears. ( ½ mk)
  2. Name two non-infectious causes of livestock diseases. 1mk
  3. Name four materials that are collected by bees. (2mks)
  4. Give two reasons for the two month dry period the cow requires before parturition (1mks)
  5. Outline four ways of controlling egg eating in poultry. (2mks)
    1. Name the cause of milk fever. ( ½ mk)
    2. Give one control measure of milk fever. ( ½ mk)
  7. .State three field conditions under which a disc plough should be used instead of a mouldboard plough. (112mks)
    1. State two disadvantages of using metal frames in construction of farm building. (1mk)
    2. Give three reasons for seasoning timber. (1 ½ mks)
  9. List four factors that influence the pulse rate of an animal (2 mks)
  10. State four qualities of colostrum which make it suitable for feeding newly born calf. (2mks)
  11. Name two dual purpose breeds of cattle 1mk
  12. Outline four reasons for swarming of bees. (2mks)
  13. State four reasons for steaming up in animal production. (2 mks
  14. Give two causes of high mortality in piglets. (1mk)
    1. what is a notifiable disease? (1mk)
    2. 'Name four examples of notifiable diseases in livestock. (2mks)
  16. Give three reasons why drenching alone is not an effective method of controlling intestinal parasites in livestock.
    (1½ mk)
  17. State four qualities of eggs preferred by consumers in the market (2 mks)
  18. Give four light breeds of chicken in poultry rearing. (2mks

SECTION B (20 Marks)
Answer all questions in this section in the spaces provided after every question

  1. The illustration below show different presentation of foetus at the time of birth. Study the illustrations and answer questions that follow.
          Agri BDM PP2 Q19 2122
    1. What diagram represents the normal position of a calf at birth (1mk)
    2. What term is used to refer to position shown in diagram K? (1mk)
    3. State three signs of parturition in cattle. (3mks)
  2. Observe the tools A, B and C illustrated below then answer the questions that follow.
    Agri PP2 Q20 BDM 2122
    1. Name tools A, B and C and state the correct use of each tool. (3mks)
       Tool    Identity   Function 
    2. State two maintenance practices that should be carried out to ensure that tool C is in a good working condition. (2mks)
  3. The diagram below represents a poultry keeping structure.
          Agri PP2 Q21 BDm 2122
    1. Identify the structure. ( ½ mk)
    2. Identify the part labeled U. ( ½ mk)
    3. State the maintenance carried out on the structure illustrated above. (1mk)
  4. The diagrams K, L, M and N below show four possible ways of drawing milk from the teat of a cow during milking.
       Agri PP2 Q22 BDM 2122
    1. Which diagram shows the proper way of drawing milk. (1mk)
    2. How long should it take to milk a cow from the start to the end of milking. (1mk)
    3. How would a milkman ensure that no milk remains in the udder at the end of milking?  (1mk)
    4. Give two practices carried out on milk immediately after milking. (2mks)
  5. Below is an illustration of an activity carried out by a poultry farmer keeping layers
          Agri BDM PP2 Q23 2122
    1. Identify the activity carried out using the set-up. (1mk)
    2. State two abnormalities in eggs that can be detected using the set-up above. (1mk)
    3. How can a farmer improve the following?
      1. Hardness of egg shells. ( ½ mk)
      2. Yellowness of the egg yolk. ( ½ mk)

SECTION C (40 Marks)
Answer any two questions from this section in the spaces provided after each question.

  1. Describe fish management under the following sub headings
    1. Procedure for establishing a pond. 10mks
    2. Stocking the pond. 3mks
    3. Management practices that would ensure maximum harvest of fish from the pond. 5mks
    4. Methods of preserving fish.    2mks
    1. State the functions of any six parts of a plunge dip. (6mks)
    2. State and explain four factors considered when selecting a breeding stock. (4mks)
    3. Explain five mechanical methods of controlling ticks. (10mks)
    1. State five advantages of embryo transplant. (5mks)
    2. Describe coccidiosis disease under the following sub- headings.
      1. Animals attacked (2mks)
      2. Causal organism (1mk)
      3. Symptoms (4mks)
      4. Control measures (3mks)
    3. A ration containing 20% DCP for growing chicks is to be obtained by mixing ground maiz containing 10% DCP and fishmeal containing 50% DCP. Calculate the amount of each feedstuff in kilograms required to prepare 200kg of the feed (5mks )


  1. Large white   (½mk)
    • Parasites.
    • Chemicals
    • Poor feeding/Nutrition.
    • Physical injuries. 2 x ½ = (1Mk
    • Nectar
    • Pollen
    • Propolis
    • Water
  3. Reasons for two month dry period are;
    • To enable the cow to provide nutrients to the developing foetus.
    • Cow is able to build up body reserves.
    • To enable the cow to develop the mammary tissue.
    • To enable the cow to replenish minerals and vitamins lost in the previous lactation.
      (½ x 2 = 1 mk)
  4. Ways of controlling egg eating in poultry
    • Collect eggs frequently and regularly from the laying boxes.
    • Make laying boxes dark.
    • Feed birds on a balanced feed to prevent mineral deficiency and harden shells.
    • Debeak perpetual egg- eaters.
    • Keep birds busy by hanging green leaves in the house.
    • Scatter grains in the litter to enable the birds to scratch them.
      (½ x 4 = 2 mks)
    1. causes of mik fever
      • Lack / low levels of calcium in blood stream.   (½mk)
    2. Control
      • Feed heavy yielding cows with mineral before and after calving.
      • Treat with calcium borogluconate injection (½ mk)
    • If the ground is hard.
    • If there are many obstacles in the field.
    • If the soil is sticky or heavy.
    • If there is little organic matter to be turned into the soil.
    • Where a rougher seed bed is required/ where land is liable to erosion.
      (½ x 3 = 1½ mks)
    1. Disadvantages of using metal frames for construction;
      • It is heavy to transport.
      • It is expensive.
      • Requires skill to construct / fit.
        (½ x 2 = 1 mk)
    2. Reasons for seasoning timber
      • To prevent insect damage.
      • To avoid fungal infestation and rotting.
      • To prevent warping.
      • Make it easy to work on.
      • To improve its durability.
        (½ x 3 = 1½ mks)
    • Degree of excitement
    • The age of the animal
    • Sex of the animal
    • Physiological status of the animal
    • Activity of the animal
      (4 x ½ = 2 marks)
  9. Qualities of colostrum;
    • It is rich in proteins, vitamins and minerals.
    • It is easily digestable.
    • It contains antibodies which pass immunity from mother to the calf.
    • Has laxative effect which clears the first faeces (dung) from calf’s digestive system.
      (½ x 4 = 2 mks)
    • Sahiwal
    • Red poll
    • Simental
  11. Reasons for swarming of bees.
    • Shortages of food and water.
    • Due to outbreak of diseases and parasites.
    • Death of queen.
    • Unfavorable smell / bad or odour smell.
    • Too much noise.
    • Death of brood
      ( ½ x 4 = 2mks)
    • To produce well developed young animals with high birth weight
    • To stimulate the alveolar cells of the udder in order to increase milk yields after calving.
    • To help the cow build up enough body reserves
    • To give the cow enough energy during parturition
    • To accustom the cow on feeds which will be given during milking (4 x ½ = 2 marks
  13. Causes of high mortality in piglets
    • Overlying by the mother.
    • Lack of breathing due to failure to remove mucus around nostrils at birth.
    • Infection leading to scouring
    • Chilling effects
    • Lack of colostrum after they are born.
      (½x 2 = 1 mk)
    1. A notifiable disease an infectious disease which once noticed must be reported to the authorities / government authorities for the purpose of taking action. (1 mk)
    2. Examples of notifiable diseases
      • foot and mouth disease
      • Rinder pest
      • Anthrax
      • Rift valley fever
      • New castle
      • Avion flue in poultry
      • Rabbies
        (½ x 4 = 2 mks)
    • It does not eradicate other stages of development of the parasite.
    • It does not destroy the parasites in the intermediate hosts
    • It does not destroy parasites in pastures, water and forage.
      (½ x 3 = 1½ mks)
    • Oval in shape
    • Brown in colour /white in colour
    • mooth shelled ˗ Should be clean
    • Should have an average weight of 57 grammes (4 × ½ =2mks)
    • leghorns
    • ancorna
    • minorca
    • sykes 4 x ½ = 2mks
    1. Diagram J (1mk)
    2. Breech presentation (1mk)
    3. Signs of parturation
      • The udder enlarges / full and distended udder.
      • The ligament on each side of the tail relax
      • The vulva enlarges
      • Clear mucus discharge from the vulva
      • Thick milky fluid from the teats
      • A water bag appears and burst, just before calving
        (1 x 3 = 3 mks)
    1. Name tools A, B and C and state the correct use of each tool.  (3mks)
       Tool    Identity   Function 
         A   Sickle  -Harvesting small grains and cereal crops eg rice, wheat and millet
      -Also ideal for cutting grass.
         B  pruning saw   Pruning or cutting branches eg coffee, citrus and ornamental plants.
         C  Jack plane  Smoothing and cleaning up surface of wood to obtain a fine even surface. 
      • Knobs or handles should be replaced when broken.
      • Check and replace any worn out parts of a plane.
      • Plane iron and cap iron require replacement when worn-out.
      • Cutting edge of the plane iron should be sharpened on an oilstone when blunt.
      • The plane should be laid on its side at the work bench when not in use.
      • After work the plane iron is drawn back and the plane placed on its side in the tool rack.
    1. Poultry fold structure – (1/2 mk)
    2. U – A wheel (1/2mk)
    3. Maintenance
      • Repair broken parts.
      • Move the folds to a fresh ground to reduce build up of disease and to keep hygiene
      • Move it to a fresh ground to provide fresh grass and avoid accumulation of droppings and to get fresh grass.
        ( 1 x 1 = 1mk)
    1. Which diagram shows the proper way of drawing milk. (1mk)
      • Diagram N.
    2. How long should it take to milk a cow from the start to the end of milking. (1mk)
      • Five to eight minutes.
    3. How would a milkman ensure that no milk remains in the udder at the end of milking? (1mk)
      • By massaging the udder and stripping out milk from the teats.
    4. Give two practices carried out on milk immediately after milking. (2mks)
      • Weighing.
      • Filtering/ sieving.
      • Cooling/ storage.
    1. Identify the activity carried out using the set-up. (1mk)
      • Egg candling.
    2. State two abnormalities in eggs that can be detected using the set-up above. (1mk)
      • Hair cracks on the shell.
      • Double yolk/ deformed yolk/ broken yolk
      • Absence of yolk.
      • Blood spots/ meat spots.
      • Dead embryo.
      • Inappropriate size and location of the air cell/air space.
    3. How can a farmer improve the following? (1/2 mk)
      1. Hardness of egg shells.
        • Feeding calcium/soluble grit/ oyster shells to the birds.
      2. Yellowness of the egg yolk. (1/2 mk)
        • Providing green vegetation/ green vegetables to the birds.
  23. Describe fish management under the following sub heading
    1. Procedure for establishing a pond. 10mks
      • Select a suitable site
      • Clear the land of all the vegetation
      • Mark the area
      • Dig out the soil from the floor ensuring upper side of pond is 0.5m deep and lower one 1.5m deep
      • Dig a core or a trench 0.5m wide and lower than the general level of the pond bottom and fill it clay or concrete to prevent seepage
      • Construct the inlet furrow, spillway and outlet
      • Plant grass on the walls
      • Fence around
    2. Stocking the pond. 3mks
      • Obtain fingerlings from a recognized hatchery
      • put them in oxygenated water in container
      • Lower the container in the pond water and allow the fingerlings to swim out freely
      • Ensure the right stocking rate
    3. Management practices that would ensure maximum harvest of fish from the pond. 5mks
      • Supplementary feeding with cheap food such as ground nut cakes, kitchen waste. Chicken manure
      • Give just enough food to avoid rotting polluting the water
      • Ensure gradual change in routine practices
      • Add fertilizer or manure to increase the plant volume
      • Control pests.disease and predator
      • Avoid damaging fingerlings and young fish during harvesting
    4. Methods of preserving fish. 2mks
      • Freezing-
      • Salting
      • Sun drying
      • Smoking
    1. State the functions of any six parts of a plunge dip. (6mks)
       Part   Function 
       Animal holding yard-Has a concrete floor. -Holding animals before dipping.
      -Have stones to ensure that mud from the hooves is removed before getting into the dip wash.
       Foot bath

      -Washing livestock feet to remove mud.
      -Contains copper II sulphate solution that helps in controlling foot rot.

      The jump- This is a narrow entrance to the dip tank with short steps. Allows animals to jump singly into the dip tank.
      Dip tank-It should measure 5m long at the bottom8m at the top and 1.6m deep at the highest level of acaricide. Holds the dip wash
       Rump or staircase Enables animals to climb out of the dip tank.
       Draining race Holds livestock after dipping to let the dip wash drain back to the plunge dip.
       Drying yard Holds animals for a while before being released to the pastures.
       Silt trap outlet Traps mud and dung before the dip wash flows back to the dip tank
       Dip tank shelter(roof) -Lower the evaporation rate of the dip wash.
      -Avoid the dilution of the dip wash by rain water.
       Water tank -Stores water used for dipping purposes.
       Waste pit

      -Used as a damping site for sediments from the dip tank.

    2. Factor considered when selecting breeding stock
      • Age – select young animals
      • Level of performance – select animals with high performance
      • Physical fitness – select animals which are free from physical defects
      • Health – select animals which are healthy.
      • Body conformation – animals with proper body conformation selected.
      • Behaviour/ temperament – animals with bad behaviour such as cannibalism not selected.
      • Quality of products – select animals with high quality products.
      • Mothering ability –select those with good mothering ability.
      • Adaptability – select those well adapted to prevailing climatic condition in the area.
      • Prolificacy – selected animals should have ability to give birth to many off springs.
    3. Explain five mechanical methods of controlling ticks. (10mks)
      1. Burning the infested pastures destroys a large number of eggs, larvae, nymphs and adults.
      2. Interfering with or altering the tick’s environment in the following ways:
        • Ploughing pasture land to expose the eggs to suns heat for desiccation or by burring them deeply.
        • Top dressing pastures using lime or dressing using an acaricide.
      3. Fencing off the pasture land and farm combined with regular use of acaricides.
      4. Starving the ticks to death by keeping the animals away from infested pastures through rotational grazing.
      5. Hand picking the ticks from livestock and killing them (de-ticking
    1. State five advantages of embryo transplant. (5mks)
      • It is possible to implant embryo from a high quality female to less valuable female and hence improve the performance of the offspring.
      • It stimulates milk production in a female that was not ready to produce milk.
      • A highly productive female can be spread over a large area to benefit many farmers.
      • It is easier to transport embryos in test tubes than the whole animal.
      • Embryos can be stored for long periods awaiting availability of a recipient female.
    2. Describe coccidiosis disease under the following sub- headings.
      1. Animals attacked (2mks)
        • Calves, poultry, lambs and young rabbits.
      2. Causal organism (1mk)
        • Coccidia of the Eimeria spp
      3. Symptoms (4mks)
        • Diarrhoea which may be whitish.
        • Dysentery or blood in the dung.
        • Birds have ruffled feathers, dull with drooping wings.
        • Animals become emaciated
        • Sudden death in birds, rabbits and kids.
      4. Control measures (3mks)
        • Use of coccidiostats.
        • Observing hygiene.
        • Isolation in cattle.
        • overcrowding in a poultry house should be avoided.
    3. A ration containing 20% DCP for growing chicks is to be obtained by mixing ground maize containing 10% DCP and fishmeal containing 50% DCP. Calculate the amount of each feedstuff in kilograms required to prepare 200kg of the feed. (5mks)
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