Music Paper 3 Pre Mock Questions and Answers - Mokasa I Joint Examination July 2021

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    1. Continue the given opening to make a melody of 16 bars for voice. Modulate to the Dominant before returning to the tonic. Incorporate dynamic variations. Add phrase marks. (9 marks)
    2. Using staff notation, compose a tune to suit the following lyrics. Add phrase marks. (6 marks)
      ‘Singing, dancing and making merry; Lads and lasses in joyous pleasure,
      2 JHAGYTD
  2. Copy and harmonize the given melody for Soprano, Alto, Tenor and Bass (SATB). Choose appropriate chords from the following; I, ii, IV, V and vi. Use a passing six four. Indicate the chords that you use. (15 marks)


    1. Identify each of the following Kenyan instruments: (4marks)
      Arupepe - ..……………………………………………………………………………
      Embegete - ………..……………………………………………………………………
      Tuonik - …………………………………………………………………………….
      Mwazigizi - ……………………………………………………………………………..
    2. Name three Kenyan dances that acquire their names from the instruments that accompany them. (3 marks)
    3. State any three roles of Music in an initiation ceremony. (3 marks)
    4. Differentiate between a lyre and a fiddle. (4 marks)
    Answer any two of the questions (a), (b), (c) and (d).
    1. William Byrd
      1. During which period of Music History did William Byrd live? (1 mark)
      2. Why is William Byrd referred to as the King of English Music? (2 marks)
      3. Outline any two events that Byrd held jointly with Tallis. (2 marks)
      4. Outline two appointments held by Byrd during his musical career. (2 marks)
    2. Haydn Franz Joseph
      1. State two duties he performed while in Esterhazy. (2 marks)
      2. Name any two of his symphonies. (2 marks)
      3. What stood out about the Emperor String Quartet by Haydn. (1 mark)
      4. Outline any two influences on Haydn’s musical career. (2 marks)
    3. Franz Liszt
      1. What was Franz Liszt’s Nationality? (1 mark)
      2. Give one example of Liszt’s symphonic poem. (1 mark)
      3. Outline any two early influences on his musical career. (2 marks)
      4. Name any three works by Liszt. (3 marks).
    4. Bela Bartok
      1. State the three areas in Music which Bela Bartok specialized in. (3 marks)
      2. Outline any two influences on Bela Bartok’s composition. (2 marks)
      3. Identify the following works by Bela Bartok. (2 marks)
        • The wooden Prince - ..……………………………………………………..
        • Bluebeard’s Castle - ………………………………………………………
  3. Prescribed Traditional African Music Chivoti by Diwani Nzaro from Youtube.
    1. Name the media in the recording (2 marks)
    2. State any two roles of the melodic instrument in the recording. (2 marks)
    3. Outline any three characteristics of African Music evident in this work. (3 marks)
    4. Describe the beginning of the performance in the recording. (3 marks)
  4. Prescribed Western: Too Much I Once Lamented: by Thomas Tallis
      1. What type of work is “Too Much I Once Lamented”? (1 mark)
      2. Give a reason for your answer in (i) above. (1 mark)
    2. State the media of this work. (2 marks)
    3. Using bar numbers, identify four stylistic features used between bars 1 to 34. (4 marks)
    4. Identify the dynamics used in this work. (2 marks)
  5. Unprepared Analysis
    Study the music extract below and answer the questions that follow.
    1. By use of bar numbers, identify the form of this work. (2 marks)
    2. For what instrument is this music scored? (1 mark)
    3. Name the tonic key of this music. (1mark)
    4. Name the key to which the music modulates at bar 17. (1 mark)
    5. Write any two commonly used rhythmic motifs in the melody. (1 mark)


    1. Translate the following melody from staff to sol-fa notation. (4 marks)
    2. Define the following musical terms (4 marks)
      1. Ostinato
      2. Symphony
      3. A tempo
      4. Passion
      1. State any two roles of a producer in the Music industry. (2 marks)
      2. State four steps to consider before sight reading a piece of Music. (2 marks)
    4. Transpose the following music a Major 3rd up. (4 marks)



    1. Continue the given opening to make a melody of 16 bars for voice. Modulate to the Dominant before returning to the tonic. Incorporate dynamic variations. Add phrase marks. (9 marks)
      1 JGAYD
      • 16 Bars- 1 mark
      • Correct Modulation- 2 marks
      • Lyricism- 2marks
      • Dynamic Var - 1mark
      • Phrasing- 2 marks
      • Cadences- 1 mark (Final and any other)
    2. Using staff notation, compose a tune to suit the following lyrics. Add phrase marks. (6 marks)
      ‘Singing, dancing and making merry;Lads and lasses in joyous pleasure,
      • Syllabic division- 1 mark
      • Accentuation- 1 mark
      • Lyricism- 2 marks
      • Cadences – 1 mark (Final and any other)
      • Phrasing- 1 mark
        • Penalise if not indicated
          Key signature- ½ mark
          Time signature- ½ mark
  2. Copy and harmonize the given melody for Soprano, Alto, Tenor and Bass (SATB). Choose appropriate chords from the following; I, ii, IV, V and vi. Use a passing six four. Indicate the chords that you use. (15 marks)
    • Each correct chord ½ mark – 5 marks
    • Cadences - 2mark
    • Chord progression- 2 marks
    • Brace, bar lines- 1 mark
    • Voice leading- 1 ½ marks
    • Voice range -1 ½ marks
    • Passing six-four- 2 marks
    1. Identify each of the following Kenyan instruments: (4marks)
      • Arupepe - A horn from Iteso community
      • Embegete - A single headed drum from Kuria community
      • Tuonik - A cowbell from Sabaot community
      • Mwazigizi - A single stringed fiddle from the Taita community.
    2. Name three Kenyan dances that acquire their names from the instruments that accompany them. (3 marks)
      • Isukuti dance
      • Mabumbumbu dance
      • Peke dance
      • Shiriri dance
      • Chepkon’go
    3. State any three roles of Music in an initiation ceremony. (3 marks)
      • Encourage the initiates to be brave
      • Mock cowards
      • Educate the initiates on their new roles in the society after the ceremony
      • Educate the community on the culture passed down from generation to generation
      • Entertain the gathering
      • Any other correct answer
    4. Differentiate between a lyre and a fiddle. (4 marks)
      • A fiddle has 1 or 2 strings while a lyre has 6-8 strings
      • Most fiddles are played by bowing while most lyres are played by plucking
      • A fiddle is smaller in size then the lyre
      • A fiddle is played while being held under the arm while lyres are placed between the legs on the ground while playing
      • Any other correct answer
    Answer any two of the questions (a), (b), (c) and (d).
    1. William Byrd
      1. During which period of Music History did William Byrd live? (1 mark)
        • Renaissance Period
      2. Why is William Byrd refered to as the King of English Music? (2 marks)
        • He established English music genres that other composers emulated/ followed.
        • Developed the English madrigal
        • Wrote virginal and organ music that that elevated the English keyboard style.
        • Composed a great deal of Church music to English lyrics
      3. Outline any two events that Byrd held jointly with Tallis. (2 marks)
        • Was co-organist with Talis at the Royal chapel
        • Jointly granted the monopoly to import, print, publish and sell music and music paper. (accept any of the events)
      4. Outline any two appointments held by Byrd during his musical career. (2 marks)
        • Organist and master at the Lincoln Cathedral
        • Gentleman of the Royal Chapel
    2. Haydn Franz Joseph
      1. State two duties he performed while in Esterhazy. (2 marks)
        • He was assistant music director.
        • He was Kapellmeister.
        • Composed symphonies, operas, operattas, masses, chamber music and dance music.
        • He rehearsed and conducted performances of his own and other’s works.
        • Coached singers
        • Settled disputes among musicians in his charge.
      2. Name any two of his symphonies. (2 marks)
        • Surprise
        • Military
        • Clock
        • Drum roll
        • London
      3. What stood out about the Emperor String Quartet by Haydn. (1 mark)
        • It provided the melody for the national anthems of both Germany and Austria
      4. Outline two influences in Haydn’s musical career. (2 marks)
        • Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart considerably influenced Haydn in symphonic technique.
        • Other composers e.g. C.P.E Bach who influence him in writing symphonies and sonatas in 3 movements.
        • Influenced by the concertos of Antonio Vivaldi.
        • When he visited London, he was inspired by the works of G.F. Handel.
    3. Franz Liszt
      1. What was Franz Liszt’s Nationality? (1 mark)
        • Hungarian
      2. Give one example of Liszt’s symphonic poem. (1 mark)
        • A Faust Symphony
      3. Outline any two influences on his early music training. (2 marks)
        • His father Adams Liszt who taught him piano at the age of five.
        • His teacher Carl Czerny at Vienna.
        • His friend Frederick Chopin
      4. Name any three works by Liszt. (3 marks).
        • Oratorios: Die Legende von der heiligen Elisabeth and Christus
        • Symphony: A Symphony to Dante’s Divina Commedia
        • 12 symphonic poems, A Faust Symphony
        • Piano concerto, in E-flat, A major and E-flat
        • Piano Sonata: piano sonata in B Minor
        • Rhapsody: Hungarian Rhapsody No. 2 in C-Sharp Minor
        • Mass: Hungarian Coronation Mass
    4. Bela Bartok
      1. State the three areas in Music which Bela Bartok specialized in. (3 marks
        • Composition
        • Performance (piano)
        • Ethnomusicology
      2. Outline any two influences on Bela Bartok’s composition. (2 marks)
        • His mother taught him piano formally by the age of 5 years
        • His teachers like Istyan Thomas (piano and composition)
        • His contemporaries like Zoltan Kodaly who researched folk music with him, Richard Strauss
        • Music of his predecessors like Claude Debussy, Johannes Brahms
        • His tours to different countries in Europe where he collected folk music and interacted with other composers
        • Folk music from Europe and Asia
        • Nature and environment he was in at different points of hi career
      3. Identify the following works by Bela Bartok (2 marks)
        • The Wooden Prince- Ballet
        • Bluebeards castle- Opera
  5. Prescribed Traditional African Music Chivoti by Diwani Nzaro from Youtube.
    1. Name the media in the recording (2 marks)
      • A Chivoti-flute.
      • Two shaken idiophones- one low pitch and a high pitch.
      • A struck idiophone-upatsu.
    2. State any two roles of the melodic instrument in the recording. (2 marks)
      • Provides the main melodic tunes hence dictate the musical form.
      • Pitches the performance
      • Enriches the music texture.
    3. Outline any three characteristics of African Music evident in this works. (3 marks)
      • The main melodic instrument is accompanied by other percussive instruments hence enhances the performance in the presentation.
      • The music is polyrhythmic; emphasis is laid to the vitality and variations of the many underlying rhythms.
      • The music depicts an implied call-response style either in the melodic instrument itself or between the melodic instrument and the percussive section.
    4. Describe the beginning of the performance in the recording . (3 marks)
      • The music begins with the struck idiophone-upatsu followed by the low pitch shaken idiophone with is immediately followed by the melodic instrument-chivoti and finally the second high pitched shaken idiophone follow suit in a syncopated rhythm.
  6. Prescribed Western: Too Much I Once Lamented: by Thomas Tallis
      1. What type of work is Too Much I Once Lamented? (1 mark)
        • Ballet
      2. Give a reason for your answer in (i) above. (1 mark)
        • It has a fa-la-la-la refrain
    2. State the media of this work. (2 marks)
      • Choral work scored for soprano 1, soprano 2, alto, tenor, and bass.
    3. Using bar numbers, identify four stylistic features used between bars 1 to 34. (4 marks)
      • Word painting: bar 15-22 on the word ‘tormented’, bar 49-58 on the word ‘wringing’.
      • Upward scalic movement: bar 24- 33 on the bass line.
      • Sequence: bar24-25 is sequenced at 26-27 on the bass.
      • Imitation: bar 28-29 on the bass imitated at bar 30-31 on the alto.
      • Melismatic: bar 4-7 on the tenor.
      • Repetition: bar 73 repeated at bar 74 on the bass.
    4. Identify the dynamics used in this work. (2 marks)
      • mf- bar 1-12
      • f – bar 13-20, 30-35, 59-62, 70-77
      • dim- bar 21-23
      • mp- bar 23-25,63-65
      • cresc.- bar 26-29, 51-58,66-69
      • p-bar 36-50
  7. Unprepared Analysis
    Study the music extract below and answer the questions that follow.
    1. By use of bar numbers, identify the form of this work. (2 marks)
      • The music is in binary form (AB)
      • Bar 1 to 16 forms the first section A, while bar 17 to 32 forms the second section B
    2. For what instrument is this music scored for? (1 mark)
      • Scored for keyboard (Piano)
    3. Name the tonic key of this music. (1mark)
      • The tonic key of this music is A minor
    4. Name the key to which the music modulates to at bar 17. (1 mark)
      • The music modulates to the relative major key C major
    5. Write any two commonly used rhythmic motifs in the melody. (1 mark)
    1. Translate the following melody from staff to sol-fa notation. (4 marks)
      8 JGYATDA
      • Doh is F major
      • Beat= Crotchet
      • 4{|m:-.f:m.r:d.t,|d.,r:m.f:r:-|d.t,:l,.t,:d:t,|d:-:-:-||}
      • 4
    2. Define the following musical terms (4 marks)
      1. Ostinato
        • A short musical phrase or melody that is repeated over and over, usually at the same pitch
      2. Symphony
        • A major work for an orchestra usually composed in four movements, at least one of which is in sonata form.
      3. A tempo
        • Go back to the original speed.
      4. Passion
        • A type of oratorio telling the story of Jesus Christ’s crucifixion.
      1. State any two roles of a producer in the Music industry. (2 marks)
        • Records the raw music
        • Edits the music
      2. State four steps to consider before sight singing/ Reading a piece of Music. (2 marks)
        • Key signature
        • Time signature
        • Range
        • Rhythm
        • Any leaps that require attention
        • performance directions
        • Dynamics
    4. Transpose the following music a Major 3rd up. (4 marks)
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