Music Paper 3 Questions and Answers - KCSE 2022 Prediction

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  • Answer all the questions in this paper.
  • In question 4 answer any two of the questions numbered (a), (b), (c) and (d). (c) 
  • Candidates should answer the questions in English.


  1. Melody writing.
    1. Copy and continue the following opening to make a melody of 16 bars for voice incorporating a sequence and a duplet. Modulate to the dominant before returning to the tonic. Add phrase marks. (9 Marks)
      Music BDM PP3 Q1 2122
    2. Using staff notation, write a suitable melody and fit in the following text. (6 Marks)
              Singing, playing and dancing together,
                Keeps the children united and happy.
  2. Harmony
    Harmonize the following melody for SATB. Choose appropriate chords from i, ii, iv, v and vi. Indicate the chord used. (15 Marks)
    Music BDM PP3 Q2 2122


  1. African Music
    1. State any three relationships between music and dance in the performance of Africa folk dance. (3 Marks)
    2. Outline any four roles played by sukuti ensemble in the performance of African folk songs.(4 Marks)
    3. Name two Kenyan dances named after the body part that execute the main dance movement. (2 Marks)
      1. What is an idiophone? (1 Marks)
      2. State two methods of playing Chivoti. (2 Marks)
      3. Name any two parts of an African drum and state how each contribute to sound production. (2 Marks)
  2. Western Music
    Answer any two of the following questions numbered (a) , (b), (c) and (d)
    1. William Bryd.
      1. In which period of music history did Byrd live? (1 Mark)
      2. Outline four contributions of William Byrd towards the development of music of the period he lived. (4 Marks)
      3. Apart from William Byrd serving as an organist at the Lincoln, Cathedral, state any other two of his appointments. (2 Marks)
    2. Franz Joseph Haydn
      1. Name any two composers who influenced Franz Joseph Haydn musically. (2 Marks)
      2. State any two characteristics features of Haydn’s music with reference to melodic style and harmony. (2 Marks)
      3. Name titles of Haydn’s most oratorios. (2 Marks)
      4. What inspired Haydn to write the two oratorios? (1 Mark)
    3. Franz Liszt
      1. What is Liszt’s nationality? (1 Mark)
      2. Apart from list name any 4 composers who wrote symphonic poem. (4 Marks)
      3. What type of work is each one of the following? (3 Marks)
        1. Christus ………………………………………………
        2. Les Preludes……………………………………………
        3. Totentanz………………… ……………………………
    4. Bella Bartok
      1. In which musical period of history did Bella Bartok lived? (1 Mark)
      2. Outline four characteristics of Bella Bartok’s music. (4 Marks)
        1. Define an opera. (1 Mark)
        2. Name any title of Opera by Bella Bartok. (1 Mark)
  3. Analysis of prescribed African music.
    Chivoti by Diwani Nzaro from YouTube
      1. What is the main medium of performance in this recording? (1 Mark)
      2. State any four roles played by the main medium in this recording. (4 Marks)
    2. State five characteristics features of African Music in the performance in this recording.   (5 Marks)
  4. Analysis of prescribe Western music.
    Too much I once Lamented by Thomas Tomkins.
    1. What type of work is Too Much I once Lamented? (1 Mark)
    2. Name the composer of this work. (1 Mark)
    3. Describe the metre used in this music. (1 Mark)
    4. By use of bar numbers, describe the form of this music. (3 Marks)
    5. In which key/ tonality is the 2nd soprano at 62 – 63? (1 Mark)
    6. By use of bar numbers, identify the following compositional devices. (3 Marks)
      1. Homophonic texture
      2. Chromaticism
      3. Scalic motion
  5. Unprepared Analysis
    Study the piece of music below and answer the questions that follow:
    Music BDM PP3 Q7 2122
    1. By use of bar numbers, describe the form of this music. (2 Marks)
    2. For what medium is this music? Give a reason for your answer. (1 Mark)
    3. Write the ornaments in bars 5, 8 and 30 in full. (3 Marks)


  1. General knowledge questions .
    1. State the meaning of each of the following terms as used in music.
      1. Drum major
      2. Tutti
      3. Mosso
      4. Arco
    2. State four ways through which harmonic effect is achieved during the group performance of a traditional African folk song. (4 Marks)
    3. Name and explain the three basic textures used in Western Music. (3 Marks)
    4. Translate the following music from staff to sol-fa notation. Remember to indicate the tonic.  (5 Marks)
      Music BDM PP3 Q8 2122

Marking Scheme


  1. Melody writing.
    1. Copy and continue the following opening to make a melody of 16 bars for voice incorporating a sequence and a duplet. Modulate to the dominant before returning to the tonic. Add phrase marks. (9 Marks)
    2. Using staff notation, write a suitable melody and fit in the following text. (6 Marks)
      Singing, playing and dancing together,
      Keeps the children united and happy.
  2. Harmony
    Harmonize the following melody for SATB. Choose appropriate chords from i, ii, iv, v and vi. Indicate the chord used. (15 Marks)


  1. African Music
    1. State any three relationships between music and dance in the performance of Africa folk dance. (3 Marks)
      • The music dictates the dance style
      • The music enhances the dance
      • The dance enhances the music
    2. Outline any four roles played by sukuti ensemble in the performance of African folk songs. (4 Marks)
      • keep the rhythm
      • Maintain the rhythm
      • Motivate the performers
      • Attract the audience
      • Mark the start of the performance
    3. Name two Kenyan dances named after the body part that execute the main dance movement. (2 Marks)
      1. What is an idiophone? (1 Marks)
        • Self sounding instruments
      2. State two methods of playing Chivoti. (2 Marks)
        • Holding- held transversely
        • The lower lip placed on the lower part of the blowing hole
        • Air is blowen across the blowing hole
      3. Name any two parts of an African drum and state how each contribute to sound production. (2 Marks)
        • membrane- vibrates to produce the sound
        • open end-lets out the sound
  2. Western Music
    Answer any two of the following questions numbered (a) , (b), (c) and (d)
    1. William Bryd.
      1. In which period of music history did Byrd live? (1 Mark
        • Renaissance
      2. Outline four contributions of William Byrd towards the development of music of the period he lived. (4 Marks)
        • Wrote catholic and Anglican church music
        • Composed madrigals
        • Published church music
        • Wrote jubilate
      3. Apart from William Byrd serving as an organist at the Lincoln, Cathedral, state any other two of his appointments. (2 Marks)
        • composer
        • choirmaster
        • elected chairman of chapel royal
    2. Franz Joseph Haydn
      1. Name any two composers who influenced Franz Joseph Haydn musically. (2 Marks)
        • Nicole porpara
        • CPE bach
      2. State any two characteristics features of Haydn’s music with reference to melodic style and harmony. (2 Marks)
        • The music is basically homophonic in nature
        • Some of his music has surprising modulations
      3. Name titles of Haydn’s most oratorios. (2 Marks)
        • Seasons
        • the creations
      4. What inspired Haydn to write the two oratorios? (1 Mark)
        • Handels Oratorios
    3. Franz Liszt
      1. What is Liszt’s nationality? (1 Mark)
        • Hungarian
      2. Apart fro list name any four composers who wrote symphonic poem. (4 Marks)
        • Smetana
        • Borodin
        • Sibelious
        • Strauss
      3. What type of work is each one of the following? (3 Marks)
        1. Christus
        2. Les Preludes
        3. Totentans
    4. Bella Bartok
      1. In which musical period of history did Bella Bartok lived? (1 Mark)
        • 20th century
      2. Outline four characteristics of Bella Bartok’s music. (4 Marks)
        • It had some romantic characteristics elements
        • He employed Hangarian folk element
        • Rhythmic vitality was an essential feature
        • His music employed a wide range of elements
        1. Define an opera. (1 Mark)
          • drama set to music
        2. Name any title of Opera by Bella Bartok. (1 Mark)
  3. Analysis of prescribed African music.
    Chivoti by Diwani Nzaro from YouTube
      1. What is the main medium of performance in this recording? (1 Mark)
        • chivoti
      2. State any four roles played by the main medium in this recording. (4 Marks)
        • Pitch the performance
        • Play melodies
        • play an ornament to indicate climax
        • Play the part of solo and responseCue in the parterns
    2. State five characteristics features of African Music in the performance in this recording. (5 Marks)
      • Short and repetitive
      • Has ornaments
      • Call and respose style
      • Poly rhythmic
      • Use of pentatonic scale
  4. Analysis of prescribe Western music.
    Too much I once Lamented
    by Thomas Tomkins.
    1. What type of work is Too Much I once Lamented? (1 Mark)
    2. Name the composer of this work. (1 Mark)
    3. Describe the metre used in this music. (1 Mark)
    4. By use of bar numbers, describe the form of this music. (3 Marks)
    5. In which key/ tonality is the 2nd soprano at 62 – 63? (1 Mark
    6. By use of bar numbers, identify the following compositional devices. (3 Marks)
      1. Homophonic texture
      2. Chromaticism
  5. Unprepared Analysis
    Study the piece of music below and answer the questions that follow:
    1. By use of bar numbers, describe the form of this music. (2 Marks)
      • Binary form- A Bar 1-32
      • B 33-64
    2. For what medium is this music? Give a reason for your answer. (1 Mark)
      • instrumental, the use of the lower mordent
    3. Write the ornaments in bars 5, 8 and 30 in full. (3 Marks)


  1. General knowledge questions .
    1. State the meaning of each of the following terms as used in music.
      1. Drum major
      3. Mosso - moved
      4. Arco  -  Pays with the bow
    2.  State four ways through which harmonic effect is achieved during the group performance of a traditional African folk song. (4 Marks)
      • When there is instrumental accompaniment of voice
      • When there is octave singing between voices
      • When parts start at different points
      • When there is overlapping of phrases
    3. Name and explain the three basic textures used in Western Music. (3 Marks)
      • HOMOPHONIC- Single melodic line heard with a chordal accompaniment
      • POLYPHONIC-Two or more melodic lines performing at the same time with imitations
      • MONOPHONIC-Single melodic lines without supporting harmonies
    4. Translate the following music from staff to sol-fa notation. Remember to indicate the tonic.   (5 Marks)
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