BIOLOGY PAPER 2 Marking Scheme - 2019 KCSE Prediction Answers Set 1

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      1. Protandry: condition in which stamen/anthers of a flower mature before the carpels/pistils/stigma;(1 mark
      2. Self sterility; pollen grains from anthers of a flower fail to germinate on the stigma of the same flower ; (1 mark)
      1. Q- Antipodal cells/embryo sac wall;
        R - Polar nucleus/nuclei;
        S - Egg call/ovum              3 marks
        • Secrete enzymes that digest the stigma/style/ovary tissue;
        • Offer passage for male nuclei to the ovum;          2 marks
    3. Award if correctly shown in the diagram;                  1 mark
    1. Excess amino acids are deaminated/amino group is removed/amino group is converted in to ammonia; ammonia combines with carbon(iv) oxide(in the ornithine cycle) to form urea; carbohydrate group is converted into glucose for respiration/glycogen for storage;
      2NH3+CO → CO (NH3)2 +H2O                    3 marks
    2. Glomerulus; Bowman’s capsule; proximal convoluted tubule; distal convoluted tubule; 3 marks
      1. Production of large amounts of dilute urine/diuresis; 1mark
      2. Diabetes inspidus; 1mark
      1. Using a living organism to regulate/control/reduce/check the population of another organism; 1 mark
        • Cats controlling mice;
        • beetles controlling water hyacinth;
        • fish in ponds controlling mosquito larvae;
        • Majimoto ants controlling scales;
        • goats controlling weeds in plantations; any 1 (1mark)
      1. eutrophication is enrichment of water bodies with nitrates/phosphates/ammonium ions/sulphates/nutrients; due to discharge of sewage/domestic effluents/kitchen wastes containing detergents/run off water containing fertilizers; leading to rapid growth of surface plants/algae bloom/aquatic plants/phyloplanktons; 
        Acc symbols for ions (aq) must be present. 
        Rej kitchen wastes alone 
        Rej domestic wastes         3 marks
      2. (Proliferation of plants) block light from reaching plants underneath which will not photosynthesise; the plant die and decompose leading to depletion of oxygen/lack of oxygen ;( as a result) animals also die/suffocate (to death); Reg organisms die 3 marks
    3. Nitrogen (IV) oxide; sulphur (IV) oxide;
      Acc Nitrogen Dioxide and sulphur dioxide
      Rej oxides of sulphur and nitrogen
      • Broad and flat to absorb maximum light;
      • Have chloroplasts which contain chlorophyll for trapping light;
      • Transparent cuticle to allow light to pass through;
      • Palisade cells are near the upper surface for optimum absorption of light; 2 marks
    2. X - Carbon (IV) oxide;
      Y – Oxygen;
      1. Xylem
      2. Phloem;
    4. Starch is insoluble in water; hence osmotically inactive; this reduces the effect on absorption of water
    1. Iodine solution was poured on the agar; 1 mark
    2. Millet seeds produced amylase; that converts starch to maltose2 marks
    3. To activate the enzymes; 1 mark
    4. To increase surface area for exposure of enzymes; 1 mark
    5. Starch would not be digested since the enzymes would be denatured by boiling;
    6. Placing millet seeds that have not been soaked; in water on the agar/boiled millet seeds on the agar;

                                                                                                                                    2 marks

      p2 ans 6a
      1. 26 kgs± 0.5;
      2. Girls 15 yrs − Girls 13 yrs  = 39 − 33 = 6
        6 ÷ 2; = 3.0 kg/year;
    3. Girls at adolescence grow faster; there is an increase in the size of hips and breasts;
    4. Girls generally grow faster than boys /boys grow slowly compared to girls; but later after puberty they grow more steadily.
    5. Girls above ten years begin the menstruation cycle; they need more iron to replace the blood lost during menstruation;
    6. Height of the body; volume of the body;
  1. Mouth;
    • With teeth for chewing to increase the surface area for digestion and easy swallowing
    • Has salivary gland which secrete saliva to soften and lubricate food for easy swallowing
    • Has muscular tongue to turn food sideways for proper mixing with saliva and chewing
    • Rolls food in to boluses and pushes them down the gullet
    • Saliva has saliva amylase to initiate digestion of starch;

    • Has circular and longitudinal muscles to propel food in to the stomach by peristalsis

    • Has circular and longitudinal muscles to propel food in to the stomach by peristalsis
    • Has cardiac sphincter muscles to allow/regulate food into the stomach
    • Pyloric sphincter to retain food for digestion in the stomach
    • With gastric glands that secrete mucus to protect wall of the stomach from digestive enzymes; enzymes pepsin and rennin to digest proteins;hydrochloric acid to kill bacteria in food;and provide optmum PH for protein digestion,activation of pepsnogen
    • With muscular walls whose contaction churn/mix chyne with digestive enzymes.  

    • With brunners glands in its walls to produce alkaline fluid and mucus
    • Has crypts of lieberkuhnwhose cells produce digestive enzymes
    • Is connected to the pancrease and the liver which supply pancreatic juice and bile respectively
    • Bile emulsifies fats and neutralizes the acid from the stomach. Pancreatic juice contains digestive enzymes/pancreatic lipase, pancreatic amylase and Trypsin that acts on lipids, starch/amylase and proteins respectively. 

    • Long to allow complete digestion and absorption of food
    • With villi and microvilli to increase surface area for digestion and absorption
    • Folded to increase surface area for digestion and absorption
    • Narrow to keep digested food in contact with epithelium to reduce distance over which food diffuses
    • With moist inner surface to enhance absorption of nutrients
    • With epithelical cells continuously replaced
    • Has lacteals for fat transportation
    • Has muscular walls for peristaltic movement of food 

    • Folded to increase surface area for absorption of water and mineral salts
    • With muscular walls for peristaltic movement of undigested food 

    • Secretes large amounts of mucus for lubrication to aid defecation

    • With muscular sphincter to control defecation
  1. Causes of air pollution 
    • Sulphur and nitrogen dioxide ;; from industries
    • Carbon (iv) oxide ( from combustion of fuels in industries and motor vehicles);
    • Dust and smoke (from quarries and factories)
    • Radio active radiations(from atomic and nuclear plants)
    • Agricultural chemicals used as sprays;
    • Noise from factories and vehicles; mark any five

    Effects on organisms 
    • Sulphur dioxide/nitrogen dioxide/dust/smoke/carbon iv oxide and agricultural sprays cause respiratory diseases; and irritate respiratory systems;
    • Nitrogen dioxide /sulphur dioxide combine with atmospheric moisture to form acidic rainfall which is corrosive; poisonsplants; lower metabolic activities/photosynthesis; acidic soils destroy vegetation.
    • Dust/ smoke reduce amount of light reaching on the plant lowering photosynthesis;
    • Carbon II oxide is a respiratory poison/combine with haemoglobin reducing oxygen carrying capacity of red blood cells;
    • Carbon iv oxide causes green house effect by forming a layer around the earth’s atmosphere/insulate the earth causing global warming/ change of climatic patterns;
    • Radioactive radiation causes mutation and cancer;

    Control methods
    • Erect factories and power generating station from residential areas;
    • Build factories with chimneys to discharge waste gases up the ground;
    • Educate people on dangers of air pollution;
    • Filtration of waste gases to remove poisonous pollutants before being discharged into the air;
    • Use of alternative less polluting fuels like hydroelectric power/lead free fuels;
    • Use smokeless fuels in houses and factories;
    • Banning manufacture and use of chemical weapons;
    • Impose heavy fines on air pollutors; (like factories)
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