Computer Studies Paper 1 Questions and Answers - Baringo North Joint Evaluation Mock Exams 2022

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Instructions to Candidates

  • This paper consists of two sections; A and B.
  • Answer ALL the questions in section A
  • Answer question 16 and any other THREE questions from section B
  • Candidates should answer the questions in English

Answer all questions in this section.

  1. State the software technological differences between the second generation and the third generation computers [2 marks]
  2. State two ways of ensuring proper ventilation in a computer room [2 marks]
  3. Convert the decimal number 20.375 to it binary number system equivalent [3 marks]
  4. Pat has installed internet in his home computer in order to use it for browsing. State three ways in which he would prevent viruses from infecting the computer. [3 marks]
  5. State three ways of transforming a picture embedded in a Desktop Publishing programme in order to fit in a designated space on a computer. [3 marks]
  6. Distinguish between a line printer and a page printer as used in computers. [2 marks]
  7. Describe virtual reality as used in computers. [2 marks]
  8. State the function of each of the following features of an email software
    1. Inbox [1 mark]
    2. Draft [1 marks]
    1. Explain the term toggle key as used in computer keyboard [2 marks]
    2. List two examples of toggle keys on a keyboard [2 marks]
  10. State the type of error that would occur in data processing for each of the following cases:
    1. Entering the number 315 instead of 351 [1 marks]
    2. Entering the text “Kwys” instead of “Keys” [1 mark]
  11. State four factors to consider when selecting an input device for use in a computer room. [4 marks]
  12. State three functions of Un-Interruptible Power Supply (UPS) [3 marks]
  13. Distinguish between a page break and a column break as used in a word processor. [3 marks]
  14. State three factors to consider when selecting an operating system to install in a computer. [3 marks]
  15. Differentiate between analogue signal and digital signal as used in computers. [2 marks]

SECTION B (60 marks)
Answer ALL questions from this section in the spaces provided.

    1. Explain the term dry running as used in program development. [2 marks]
    2. Describe three properties of an algorithm. [3 marks]
    3. Write an algorithm using both pseudocode and flow chart to print the sum and average of numbers from 1 to n where n is provided by user and n>=1. [10 marks]
    1. State four outcomes that may result from using incorrect requirement specifications during system development. [4 marks]
    2. A school opted to use direct change over approach when installing a new system. Explain three challenges that the school may face as a result of this approach. [6 marks]
    3. State three reasons that may lead an organization to install an intranet. [3 marks]
    4. The figure below shows a coaxial cable. State the function of the part labelled A. [2 marks]
  3. Use the figure below to answer the questions that follow:
    1. Give the name of the above network topology [1 mark]
    2. State three disadvantages of the above topology [3 marks]
    3. A publisher intends to use a desktop publishing programme to create a publication which is to have many graphics. State three ways in which the graphics may be acquired for this purpose. [3 marks]
    4. Interpret each of the following spreadsheet formula:
      1. =count if (D2:D9,”>” B4) [2 marks]
      2. =sumif (B3:B11,”4M”, D3:D11) [2 marks]
      1. The following are the fields of products table in a database created to store records of products manufactured in factory:
        • Product number
        • Product name
        • Price
        • Product description
          State the appropriate data type for each field [4 marks]
    1. Explain three features of a graphical user interface as used in computers. [6 marks]
    2. State the function of each of the following computer keyboard keys:
      1. Caps Lock [1 mark]
      2. Shift [1 mark]
      3. Home [1 mark]
    3. Using two’s complement notation, determine the value of the operation 2510 – 2910. [6 marks]
    1. Distinguish between a computer drive and computer driver. [2 marks]
    2. State two peripheral devices connected to the computer via PS/2 [1 mark]
    3. Jane encountered desktop computer with the following features
      • 3.0 USB ports
      • 4.0 GB primary storage
      • 19” TFT VDU
      • 500 SATA HDD
      • Linux 7.1
        AVG antivirus
        1. Give 3 reasons for wide use of USB gadgets in the society today. [3 marks ]
        2. What is the meaning of the following specifications:
          1. 4.0 GB primary storage [1 mark]
          2. 19” TFT VDU [1 mark]
          3. 500 SATA HDD [1 mark]
          4. Linux 7.1 [1 mark]
        3. Give three factors to consider when selecting an OS to install in your computer. [3 marks]
        4. Describe two symptoms of a computer infected by virus. [2 marks]

Marking Scheme

  1. State the software technological differences between the second generation and the third generation computers [2]
    • 2nd generation used assembly languages while 3rd generation used high-level languages
  2. State two ways of ensuring proper ventilation in a computer room [2]
    • Wide windows
    • Use of vents/ventilators
    • Air-conditioners/dehumidifiers/fans
    • Providing spacious environment
    • Avoid over crowding
  3. Convert the decimal number 20.375 to it binary number system equivalent [3]
    • 2010 = 101002
      .375 x 2 = 0.75
      .75 x 2 = 1.5
      .5 x 2 = 1.0
      Hence 20.37510 = 10100.0112
  4. Pat has installed internet in his home computer in order to use it for browsing. State three ways in which he would prevent viruses from infecting the computer. [3]
    • Using antivirus software
    • Surfing smart e.g. avoid certain sites/ovoid downloading certain attachments
    • Use of firewalls to prevent certain attachments/hackers
    • Use of complex password to restrict data access
    • Scanning downloads
    • Enabling the security settings in the browser
  5. State three ways of transforming a picture embedded in a Desktop Publishing programme in order to fit in a designated space on a computer. [3]
    • Rotation
    • Flipping
    • Cropping
    • Stretching
    • Resizing
  6. Distinguish between a line printer and a page printer as used in computers. [2]
    • Line printer prints one line of text at a time while page printer prints a whole page at a time
    • Line printer is impact while page printer is non-impact
    • Line printer is slow while page printer is fast
    • Line printer is noisy while page printer is quiet
  7. Describe virtual reality as used in computers. [2]
    • Computer generated simulation of a three-dimensional image/environment that can interarcted with in a seemling real or physical way by a person wear specialized head gear.
  8. State the function of each of the following features of an email software
    1. Inbox [1]
      • Storage location where new email messages aare stored.
    2. Draft [1]
      • A storage location where messages composed but not yet sent are stored
    1. Explain the term toggle key as used in computer keyboard [2]
      • Keys that alternate the input mode. When press ON they intended to perform a task, when pressed OFF, they perform a different task.
    2. List two examples of toggle keys on a keyboard [2]
      • Caps lock, Insert, Num lock and Scroll locl
  10. State the type of error that would occur in data processing for each of the following cases:
    1. Entering the number 315 instead of 351 [1]
      • Transposition error
    2. Entering the text “Kwys” instead of “Keys” [1]
      • Transcription error
  11. State four factors to consider when selecting an input device for use in a computer room. [4]
    • Compatibility with existing system
    • Cost of the device
    • Extra features in the device
    • Purpose of the device
    • Nature of data to be captured
    • Portability
  12. State three functions of Un-Interruptible Power Supply (UPS) [3]
    • Stabilizes power
    • Stores power
    • Alerts user through an alarme system when poer is down
  13. Distinguish between a page break and a column break as used in a word processor. [3]
    • Page breaks marks the end of a page while column page marks the end of a column
      NB. Accept illustrations
  14. State three factors to consider when selecting an operating system to install in a computer. [3]
    • Hardware configuration a computer e.. RAM.HDD, and othersystemrequirements
    • Type of computer in terms of size and make
    • User-friendliness
    • Number of users it can support
    • Cost
    • Applications intended for use in the computer
  15. Differentiate between analogue signal and digital signal as used in computers. [2]
    • Analog data uses values that change continuously while digital uses values that are descrett
      NB. Accept illustrations
    1. Explain the term dry running as used in program development. [2]
      • Process where a programmer manually (pen & Pencil) work through a code to trace the values of variables and to identify errors
    2. Describe three properties of an algorithm. [3]
      • Must have a start and a stop
      • Steps must be precise
      • Statements must not have more than one meaning/no ambiguity
      • There should be clear indentation of statements
      • Input,Output and Procesing statements should be clearly defined using keywords
    3. Write an algorithm using both pseudocode and flow chart to print the sum and average of numbers from 1 to n where n is provided by user and n>=1. [10]
    1. State four outcomes that may result from using incorrect requirement specifications during system development. [4]
      • System may end up being costly
      • System may be delivered late
      • System may not meet user specification
      • Higher cost of maintenance
      • System may be unreliable and prone to errors
      • System may not meet legal requirements
    2. A school opted to use direct change over approach when installing a new system. Explain three challenges that the school may face as a result of this approach. [6]
      • In case of a problem thre will be no fall back
      • There will be less time for users to familirise themselves with new system
      • Possibility of sabotage by users because of less time to monitor and manage stress resistance
    3. State three reasons that may lead an organization to install an intranet. [3]
      • to isolate resource from the internet
      • to provide communation and collaboration amongst organization staff
      • to publish and share valuable information easily with users
      • to safely run critical applications
    4. The figure below shows a coaxial cable. State the function of the part labelled A. [2]
      Compp1qa17.JPG 1
      • Used to provide insulation
      • To block electromagnetic fields from interference
      • To protect signal distortion
  17. Use the figure below to answer the questions that follow:.
    1. Give the name of the above network topology [1]
      • Bus
    2. State three disadvantages of the above topology [3]
      • Slow
      • T-Joints weaken the signal (BNC connectors)
      • A bus that is not terminated causes Ringing
    3. A publisher intends to use a desktop publishing programme to create a publication which is to have many graphics. State three ways in which the graphics may be acquired for this purpose. [3]
      • Using digital camera
      • Scanning thegraphics from other sources
      • Downloading from the Internet
      • Drawing/Drawing tools
      • Clipart
    4. Interpret each of the following spreadsheet formula:
      1. =count if(D2:D9,”>”B4) [2]
        • Count those values in the range D2;D9 with values greater than the value in cell B4
      2. =sumif(B3:B11,”4M”,D3:D11) [2]
        • Sum the values in the cell range D3;D11 for records whose corresponding values in cell range B3:B11 equals to “4M”
      1. The following are the fields of products table in a database created to store records of products manufactured in factory:
        • Product number Autonumber/Text
        • Product name Text/String
        • Price Currency/Number
        • Product description Memo/Text/String
          State the appropriate data type for each field [4]
    1. Explain three features of a graphical user interface as used in computers. [6]
      • Windows
      • Icons
      • Menus
      • Pointers
    2. State the function of each of the following computer keyboard keys:
      1. Caps Lock [1]
        • Is a toggle key when ON the characters typed are in uppercase and when OFF the characters typed are in lower case
      2. Shift [1]
        • Used together with alphanumeric key to type the alternate character
      3. Home [1]
        • Used to take the cursor to the beginning of a line
        • Used in conjunction with other keys to modify the function of the key
    3. Using two’s complement notation, determine the value of the operation 2510 – 2910. [6]
      • 2510 = 0001 10012
      • 2910 = 0001 11012

        2s complement of 2910 = 1110 0010 + 1 = 1110 0011
      • Adding the two binary numbers
        0001 1001 + 1110 0011 = 11111100
    1. Distinguish between a computer drive and computer driver. [2]
      • A computer drive is a hardware component that facilitates storage and retrieval of data on incorporated to the operating system the controls the functionality of their specific peripheral devices. A removable storage device while a computer driver is sets of instructions installed
        Difference @ 2 Marks
    2. State two peripheral devices connected to the computer via PS2 [1 ]
      • Keyboard
      • Mouse
    3. Jane encountered desktop computer with the following features
      • 3.0 USB ports
      • 4.0 GB primary storage
      • 19” TFT VDU
      • 500 SATA HDD
      • Linux 7.1
      • AVG antivirus
        1. Give 3 reasons for wide use of USB gadgets in the society today. [3]
          • Allows multiple peripheral devices on a single port
          • Quality data transmission
          • Faster data transmission
        2. What is the meaning of the following specifications :
          - 4.0 GB primary storage [1 ]
          -19” TFT VDU [1]
          - 500 SATA HDD [1]
          -Linux 7.1 [1]
        3. Give three factors to consider when selecting an OS to install in your computer. [3]
          • Processor speed
          • Purpose of the computer
          • Memory size
          • Compatibility and
          • Upgradeablility
          • User needs
          • User friendliness
          • Make of the computer
        4. Describe two symptoms of a computer infected by virus. (2]
          • Hang ups
          • Shutting down frequently
          • Error messages
          • Quizical messages
          • file increase and decrease
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