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    1. Distinguish  between  subject  and  content as components of a work of art.               (2mks)
    2. Define rhythm in Art and Design.                                                                                   (1mk)
    3. What is a design brief?                                                                                                   (2mks)
    4. What type of balance is employed in the picture below                                                 (1mk)
      art1 qsns
    5. Explain the term “character” with reference to  line as an element of Art and Design. (1mk)
    6. Name any two ingredients required to form glaze.                                                         (1mk)
    7. Study the drawings below and answer the questions that follow. 
      art1 ggg qsns
      1. State the category to which each of the drawings belongs.                                    (2mks)
      2. At which stage are the drawings?                                                                             (1mk)
    8. Give two causes of pinholes in printing.                                                                     (2mks)
    9. What is a cartoon strip?                                                                                                 (1mk)
    10. List two main uses of voids in a sculpture.                                                                   (2mks)
    11. Briefly describe the following terms as used in mosaic (2mks)
      1. Tesserae
      2. Interstices
    12. Why are fabrics decorated with random patterns preferred for making clothes.         (2mks)


  1. Below is a used in the weaving   process.
    art1 q2 qsns
    1. Name the tool.                                                                                                         (1mk)
    2. State its function.                                                                                                    (1mk)
    3. List any three factors to be considered when calculating the length of warps before the weaving   process.    (3mks)
  2. Study the process below and carefully answer the questions that follow.
    art1 q3 qsns
    1. Name the process                                                                                                          (2mks)
    2. Name the main equipment used in the process.                                                            (1mk)
    3. Give two advantages of using the above technique over others.                                  (2mks)
    1. State the function of common salt (Sodium chloride) in the fabric dyeing process. (1mk)
    2. Draw and label a tjanting in the space below.                                                         (3mks)
    3. Name two ways in which texture can be achieved on fabric decorated using batik.    (1mk)
  4. Rewrite the first stanza of the Kenya National Anthem in calligraphy (English version). (5mks)
  5. Outline the process of firing bone dry clay items using the open firing process.      (5mks)


    1. Differentiate  an  Ornament  from  Jewellery.                                                              (2mks)
    2. Explain any 4 factors that should be considered in designing ornaments.                  (4mks)
    3. State three properties of copper that make it a suitable metal for ornament making. (3mks)
    4. When is a shield considered an ornament?                                                                 (2mks)
    5. What is a spacer?                                                                                                        (2mks)
    6. What is the function of spacers?                                                                                (2mks)
    1. What is collage?                                                                                                          
    2. State 3 reasons why montage is regarded as a type of collage.                                (3mks)
    3. Distinguish Mosaic and Collage.                                                                           (10mks)
    1. Explain the use of the following materials in a clay body.
      1. Ball clay (2mks)
      2. Fire clay (2mks)
      3. Grog (2mks)
    2. Describe the process of modeling a water jug using a combination of slab and coil methods (9mks)



    1. Distinguish between subject and content as components of a work of art         (2mks)
      -Subject is the image that viewers can easily identify. Subject maybe a person, place, thing event.
      -Content- message, feeling or idea an artwork communicates. What the artwork means.
    2. Define rhythm in Art and Design.                                                                                  (1mk)
      - Flow of elements having a regular repeat pattern.
      -Flowing movement having a regularly repeated pattern.
    3. What is a design brief?                                                                                                   (2mks)
      It is a clients specification containing
    4. What type of balance is employed in the picture below                                                (1mk)
    5. Explain the term “character” with reference to line as an element of Art and Design. (1mk)
      -Distinctive qualities
    6. Name any two ingredients required to form glaze.                                                        (1mk)
      -Whiting/ Flux
      -Silica/ Flint


  1. Below are tools used in the weaving process.
    1. Name the tool.(1mk)
    2. State its function.(1mk)
      -Pass weft thread through a shed during weaving.
    3. List any three factors to be considered when calculating the length of warps before the weaving  process. (3mks)
      -Length of fabric
      -Loom size
      -Allowance for shrinkage
      -Allowance for finishing(twisting, frills)
  1. Study the process below and carefully answer the questions that follow.
    1. Name the process (2mks)
    2. Name the main equipment used in the process. (1mk)
      -Press mould
    3. Give two advantages of using the above technique over others.(2mks)
      -Fast way of producing identical items
      -Accurate in terms of putting details.
    1. State the function of common salt (Sodium chloride) in the fabric dyeing process.(1mk)
    2. Draw and label a tjanting in the space below.(3mks)
    3. Name two ways in which texture can be achieved on fabric decorated using batik.(1mk)
  2. Rewrite the first stanza of the Kenya National Anthem in calligraphy.(5mks) (English version)
  3. Outline the process of firing bone dry clay items using the open firing process.(5mks)
    -Dig a shallow pit
    -Arrange wood/stick/twigs/straws/dry grass in the pit
    -Arrange the clay items starting with the big ones, pile up as you put the small ones.
    -Cover the clay items with grass/twigs
    -Light the fire and let it burn till all the firewood is consumed
    -Let it cool, remove from the pit.


    1. Differentiate an Ornament from Jewellery.(2mks)
      -Ornament- Object used to enhance the appearance of a person, another object, surface etc.
      -Jewellery- Ornaments worn on the human body.
    2. Explain any 4 factors that should be considered in designing ornaments.(4mks)
    3. State three properties of copper that make it a suitable metal for ornament making.(3mks)
      -Does not rust
      -Can be polished to a high shine
    4. When is a shield considered an ornament?(2mks)
      -When displayed on the wall for beauty
    5. What is a spacer?(2mks)
      -Decorative shaped metal component which has rings or loops.
    6. What is the function of spacers?(2mks)
      -Used to separate bands of colour and keep the necklace rigid in shape.
    1. What is collage?(2mks)
      -Technique of creating a composition by pasting a variety of art materials on a surface.
    2. State 3 reasons why montage is regarded as a type of collage. (3mks)
      -Both involve pasting of materials
      -Done a flat surface
      -Can be combined with other techniques
      -Involve cutting of materials/ materials are in irregular shape.
    3. Distinguish Mosaic and Collage.(10mks)
      Mosaic                                                              Collage
      Mono-media                                             Multi-media
      Juxtaposition                                            Superimposition
      Colour is emphasized                                Texture is emphasized      
      Materials are cut regular in shape               Irregular
      Shimmering effect                                    Textural effect


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