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  1. Read the passage below and then answer the questions that follow.              (20 marks)

    Indiscipline pervades our life so completely today that it is difficult to imagine what a decent disciplined society looks like. We see, hear and read about indiscipline in homes, in schools, in the public service, in the private sector, on the roads…It’s alarming.

    The malaise takes so many different forms –sometimes brutally crude, at other times subtle-that a comprehensive definition of it would be very difficult. For our present purpose let us say that indiscipline is a failure or refusal to submit one’s desires and actions to restrains of orderly social conduct in recognition of the rights and desires of others. The goal of discipline is self- interest; its action, the abandonment of self-restrain in pursuit of the goal.

    Although indiscipline is by definition distinct from lawlessness, the line between the two is often tenuous indeed. For example, an indiscipline driver breaks a traffic regulation by overtaking on the sidewalk; then commits the criminal act of manslaughter by knocking down and killing pedestrian.

    The danger of indiscipline escalating into lawlessness is particularly acute when large numbers of people are involved in it: i.e. in situations of mass indiscipline.
    There is no provision in our laws which say a man who comes first to a public counter should be served before the man who comes later. But our sense of natural justice and our intelligence tell us that it should be so because it is only fair and experience has shown that any other way is liable to create disorder and delay.

    Discipline does not invite supervision by an external force but is imposed by the individual from within. Indeed discipline is either self-discipline or it is nothing at all. But although society thus appears to leave individuals to their own discretion in the matter of social discipline, this freedom is strictly controlled by sanctions of varying severity. It may be no more than a disapproving look; a mild verbal reprimand, or it may be extremely grave like for instance, social ostracism.

    I think that society realizes that given adequate social education, the average citizen will come to appreciate that it is in his or her interest to uphold discipline. As soon as a sufficient number of citizens understand this, they will supervise their behavior and that of their immediate neighbors. The resulting condition may be called a climate of discipline.

    Even in such climate there will always be sporadic incidents of indiscipline because there will always be people who on account of their immaturity, mental incompetence, sheer devilry or even innocent exuberance are unable or unwilling to impose the internal brake of self-discipline on their desires and actions. But in disciplined societies they will remain an eccentric minority.

    1. Why does the author describe indiscipline as alarming?                                (2 marks)
    2. What makes it difficult to define indiscipline precisely?                               (3 marks)
    3. According to the passage how can we reduce indiscipline?                           (3 marks)
    4. Why do you think the example of indiscipline driver is given?                            (4 marks)
    5. Make notes on how an individual as well as the society help to instill self- discipline (4 marks)
    6. Although indiscipline is by definition distinct from lawlessness, the line between the two  is often tenuous indeed. (Replace the underlined word with a synonym)     (1mark)           
    7. Explain the meaning of the following words and expressions as used in the passage. (3 marks)
      1.  Verbal reprimand
      2. Devilry
      3. Tenuous          
  1. Henrik Ibsen, A Doll’s House
    Read the excerpt below and then answer the questions that follow. 
    KROGSTAD: Are you sure of that?
    MRS. LINDE: Quite sure, but-
    KROGSTAD: (with searching look at her) Is that what it all means?-that you want to  save your friend at any cost? Tell me frankly. Is that it?
    MRS. LINDE: Nils, a woman who has sold herself for another’s sake doesn’t do it a second time.
    KROGSTAD: I will ask for my letter back.
    MRS. LINDE: No, no.
    KROGSTAD: Yes, of course I will. I will wait here until Helmer comes; I will tell him he must give me my letter back-that it only concerns my dismissal-that he is not to read it-
    MRS. LINDE: No, Nils, you must not recall your letter.
    KROGSTAD: But, tell me, wasn’t it meant for the very purpose that you asked me to meet you here?
    MRS. LINDE: In my first fright, it was. But twenty-four hours have elapsed since then,and in that time I have witnessed incredible things in this house. Helmer must know all about it. This unhappy secret must be disclosed; they must have a complete understanding between them, which is impossible with all this concealment and falsehood going on.
    KROGSTAD: Very well, if you will take responsibility. But there is one thing I can do in any case, and shall do it at once.
    MRS. LINDE:(listening) You must be quick and go! The dance is over; we are not safe a moment longer.
    KROGSTAD: I will wait for you below.
    MRS. LINDE: Yes, do. You must see me back to my door-
    KROGSTAD: I have never had such an amazing piece of good fortune in my life!

    1. Explain what happens before this excerpt                                          (4 marks)
    2. Why does Krogstad say he would ask for his letter back?                 (3 marks)
    3. “Nils, a woman who has once sold herself for another’s sake doesn’t do it a second time.” Briefly explain what makes Mrs. Linde say this.        (3 marks)
    4. From the dialogue, whatdo we learn about Mrs. Linde’s character?       (4 marks)
    5.  “But there is one thing I can do in any case and I shall do it at once.”
      What is it that Krogstad does and how does it affect the rest of the play. (4 marks)
    6. “I have never had such an amazing piece of good fortune in my life!”
      (Rewrite beginning: Never……..)                                                      (1 mark)
    7. What is the ‘good fortune’ Krogstad refers to?                                 (2 marks)
    8. Explain the meaning of the following expressions as used in the excerpt.                             (4 marks)
      1. At any cost
      2. Recall
      3. Elapsed
      4. Incredible things
  1. Read the following narrative and then answer the questions after it.

    Along time ago, there lived a cock and his family as well as a kite and his family. The former was hardworking while the latter was lazy. It happened that the place was hit by famine. People from far used to travel along way to go to kibiro to barter food for salt. It also happened that both families ran short of salt.
    Cock’s wife informed her husband that they had ran short of the salt and asked him to take some finger millet to Kibiro. He agreed, went to Kibiro and obtained salt and set upon the return journey.
    The other family got wind of this. Mrs. Kite also asked her husband to go to Kibiro and try to get salt since the lazy family did not have anything to take. Kite set off to Kibiro. On the way he met cock resting on his way home with the salt beside him. He was standing on one leg having hidden one of his legs in the wing as cock do many times when resting. Kite asked cock how he had managed to get the salt where upon cock told kite that the salt miners had cut off one of his legs in exchange for salt. Kite accepted the lie and proceeded toKibiro ready to do the same. Cock continued with his journey and got home safely.
    On arrival at Kibiro, kite offended his legs for a bundle of salt which the miners readily accepted. His leg was consequently amputated rendering him immobile, even unable to carry salt home. Poor kite flew back home, where he was received by his family in much grief, especially when he narrated to them the ordeal he went through. Later, kite’s family was to receive the traumatizing news that cock had actually ill-advised the kite, leading to loss of his leg.
    Henceforward great enmity ensued between the two families with kite’s family swearing to retaliate by hunting cock’s family down and eat them. This goes on to date.

    1. Classify this narrative and give a reason for your answer.                             (2 marks)
    2. Describe the character of Cock and Mrs. Kite.                                                     (4 marks)
    3. Identify three features of oral narratives employed in the narrative.      (6 marks)
    4. What two things do you learn from this narrative about the social life of the people in the community it is drawn from?                                                                           (2 marks)
    5. Identify the use of humour in the story and state its effect                           (3 marks)
    6. The other family got wind of this. (Add a question tag)                                    (1 mark     
    7. Using illustration describe the lesson you learn from the events in the narrative?(2 marks)
    1. Rewrite each of the following sentences according to the instructions given after each. Do not change the meaning.      (4 marks)                                                        
      1. The coach was not allowed to select the team. That’s why they lost.
        (Begin: If the coach……….)
      2. Esther said that Patricia had stolen her dress. (Begin: Esther accused…….)
      3.  “How well do you know thiscity?” asked the policeman. (Rewrite in reported speech)
      4. There are very few students in the classroom. (Use……..any……….)
    2. Use the correct form of the word in brackets to fill in the blank spaces. (3 marks)
      1.  If I had money, I…………………………………….. (buy) a computer.
      2.  Mary has already prepared and……………... (drink) a glass of water.
      3.  If the hotel ………………… (be) that expensive, we would have stayed for only one night.
    3. Fill in the blank spaces with the correct prepositions.             (3 marks)
      1. The prefect is answerable…………..the behavior of the class.
      2. I have placed the coffee table……………..the shade of that tree.
      3. My brothers and I will share this piece of land……………….ourselves.
    4. Fill in each blank space with the correct alternative from the given choices. (2 marks)
      1. He and…………… (I/me) were great friends.
      2. Ships……………….. (sail/sails) in the sea.
    5. Complete the following sentences with the correct form of the words in brackets.(3 marks)
      1. He…………………believes in hard work. (true)
      2. Abudi was liked by all her colleagues because of her…………….(humble)
      3. The police said it was a strange………………. . (occur)


    1. It has began to look like the normal thing/ virtually every facet of the society has been affected/ No sector has escaped/ Indiscipline pervades our life…./ It’s everywhere in schools, homes, public service, private sector, on roads….(any one 2 marks)
    2. It assumes many different forms1mk-some forms are overt (crude)1mk while others are discreet (subtle) 1mk
    3. through recognition 1mk, respect of other people’s right 1mk and desires 1mk.
    4. it shows that although indiscipline is not strictly lawlessness 2mks, it can easily lead to lawlessness and criminal acts 2mks
    5. Exercise self-discipline without external supervision 1mk
      individual can also supervise the behavior of his/ her neighbor 1mk
      Society must control indiscipline by showing disapproval and/ punishing it 1mk
      Society has a duty of providing social education.1mk(must be in note form deduct 1/2N if not in note form)
    6. Though/ Even though 1mk
      1. a rebuke/warning/caution/scolding/admonishing/reproof 1mk
      2. mischief/high spirit/evil nature/wickedness/daring act/escapade/adventure 1mk.
      3. very thin/hardly noticeable/does not exist1mk
    1. krogstad asks Christine if she can have him back after what he did.1mk
      Christine tells him she understands that he did it out of despair.1mk.
      He regrets he cannot undo what he has done.1 mk.
      Mrs.Linde informs him that the letter is still in the box1mk.
    2. He does not want Nora’s husband to know the secret of the forgery Nora has kept for so long. 1mk.
      He has reunited with Christine and is very happy. 1mk.
      He does not want to ruin Helmers’ marriage. 1mk.
    3. she once sacrificed her love for the sake of her sick mother and two young brothers.1mk.
      she means that she cannot be doing it the second time 1mk because that experience was enough.1mk.
      1. selfless-she sacrificed her love for the sake of her mother and siblings.
      2. understanding- she tells krogstad that she understands despair made him do that.
      3. loving- she loves her mother and her two brothers.
        (Any two well illustrated traits 4mks).
    4. krogstad writes Nora another letter and returns the bond that had the evidence of forgery 1mk.
      Helmer is very happy and tells Nora he has forgiven her.1mk.
      this comes too late for he had already condemned her. 1mk.
      Nora decides to leave him and the children1mk.
    5. Never had I such an amazing piece of good fortune in my life!1mk                        
    6. Christine had left him for a richer man who would help her support her sick mother and her two brothers.1mk.
      She has given him another chance for she wants to have somebody to live and work for. 1mk.
      1. No matter what/ despite the danger involved 1mk
      2. ask/ call back 1mk
      3. pass1mk
      4. unbelievable things.1mk
    1. Aetiological/why/explanatory narrative. 1mk .it explains why kite eats chicken.1mk
      1. opening formula-a long time ago
      2. closing formula-that goes to date
      3. personification-the cock and the kite have the ability to marry and rise                                            children
      4. timelessness-a long time ago
      5. element of fantasy-cock and kite engaging in barter trade with human beings.
      6. moral lesson-consequences of trickery.
        (Any 3 well illustrated points 6 mks)
      1. cock is cunning –cheats kite to give out his leg for salt.
      2. mrs kite is vengeful-she decided to retaliate by hunting cock’s family and eat them.
        (Any two well illustrated traits 4 mks)
      1. sharing-shares commodities such as salt.
      2. marriage- they marry and bring up children.
      3. living together.
        (Any 2 points 2mks)
    2. The amputation of kite’s leg in exchange for salt.
      Effect: Makes the story interesting
      Helps show the folly of /foolishness of Kite
    3. didn’t they?
      1. If the coach had been allowed to select the team, they would have                                    won/would not have lost.1mk
      2. Esther accused Patricia of stealing her dress.1mk
      3. The policeman asked me/us how well I/we knew that city.1mk
      4. There is hardly any student in the classroom/ There are hardly any                                        students in the classroom.1mk
      1. would have bought/would buy 1mk.
      2. drunk1mk
      3. was1mk
      1. for 1mk
      2. in1mk                                                                                                                   
      3. amongst1mk
      1. I 1mk
      2. sail1mk
      1. truly1mk
      2. humility1mk
      3. occurrence1mk





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