History Paper 2 Questions and Answers - Kapsabet Mocks 2020/2021

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Answer all questions in this section.

  1. State the scientific theory that explains the origin of human beings. (1mark)
  2. Identify two uses of stone tools by early man. (3marks)
  3. State two negative effects of the land enclosure system in Britain during 18th century. (2marks)
  4. Give two features of Roman roads by 1300 AD. (2marks)
  5. Why was silent trade practiced by Trans Saharan traders? (1mark)
  6. State two uses of electricity in Europe during the 19th century. (2marks)
  7. State two advantages of using fire and smoke signals to pass message in Traditional societies. (2marks)
  8. Give one negative impact of internet today. (1mark)
  9. Identify the famous cultural event that was first held in the city of Athens in 1896. (1mark)
  10. State two reasons why Nationalism developed in Ghana during colonial period. (2marks)
  11. Name the leader of the Lozi who collaborated with the British in the late 19th century. (1mark)
  12. Outline two similar methods used to recruit African labour in the British and French colonies in Africa. (2marks)
  13. State one function of the Court of Justice of the Common market for Eastern and Southern Africa (COMESA) (1mark)
  14. Give the main reason for the formation of the leaque of Nations. (1mark)
  15. Identify two factors which have undermined the exploration of mineral resources in Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) since Independence. (2marks)
  16. State one condition that a country should fulfil in order to become a member of Non-Aligned movement. (1mark)
  17. Give one disadvantage of a federal system of Government. (1mark)

Answer any three questions from this section.

    1. State five stages of evolution of man. (5marks)
    2. Describe five ways in which the development of the upright posture improved the early man’s way of life. (10marks)
    1. Give three factors which should be considered when sending a message. (3marks)
    2. Explain six effects of Telecommunication on modern society. (12marks)
    1. Give three methods used by European powers to establish colonial rule in Africa. (3marks)
    2. Explain six effects of the British direct rule in Zimbambwe. (12marks)
    1. State five economic activities of the Asante during the 19th century. (5marks)
    2. Describe the political organization of the Shona during the pre-colonial period. (10marks)

Answer any two questions from this section.

    1. What were the results of the bombing of Nagasaki and Hiroshima in Japan in 1945. (3marks)
    2. Describe six causes of the cold war. (12marks)
    1. State five common characteristics of the common wealth member state. (5marks)
    2. Explain five ways through which United Nations promotes peace in the world. (10marks)
    1. State three ways in which a person can become a member of parliament in Britain. (3marks)
    2. Explain six functions of the president in India. (12marks)

Marking Scheme

  1. State the scientific theory that explains the origin human beings. (1mk)
    • The evolution/Darwin theory
  2. Identify two uses of stone tools by early man. (3mks)
    • For protection/defence
    • For skinning animals after hunting
    • For digging roots
    • For cutting meat
    • For sharpening wood
    • For killing animals
    • For scraping animal skins
  3. State two negative effects of the land enclosure system in Britain during 18th century. (2mks)
    • Displaced the poor people/landlessness
    • Forced the poor people to migrate to urban centres
    • It increased pauperism in Europe
    • Created immigration to other parts of the world.
  4. Give two features of Roman roads by 1300 AD. (2mks)
    • They were straight
    • They were well drained
    • They were durable
    • They had bridges/tunnels
  5. Why was silent trade practiced by Trans Saharan traders? (1mk)
    • Due to languages barrier/lack of common languages
  6. State two uses of electricity in Europe during the 19th century. (2mks)
    • Driving machines in factories
    • Providing light
    • Heating/cooking
    • Powering locomotives/trains
    • Powering communication gadgets
  7. State two advantages of using fire and smoke signals to pass message in Traditional societies. (2mks)
    • Fire and smoke signals convey messages faster
    • It was cheaper method of passing information.
    • Outsiders could not understand the meaning of the message.
  8. Give one negative impact of internet today. (1mk)
    • Addiction
    • Cyber crime
    • Moral erosion/Pornography
  9. Identify the famous cultural event that was first held in the city of Athens in 1896. (1mk)
    • Olympic games
  10. State two reasons why Nationalism developed in Ghana during colonial period. (2mks)
    • Loss of independence
    • Western education
    • Exploitation of African resources e.g land and minerals
  11. Name the leader of the Lozi who collaborated with the British in the late 19th century. (1mk)
    • Lewanika
  12. Outline two similar methods used to recruit African labour in the British and French colonies in Africa. (2mks)
    • Imposition of taxes on Africans
    • They used chiefs to recruit labour
    • They introduced forced labour.
  13. State one function of the court of justice of the common market for Eastern and Southern Africa (COMESA) (1mk)
    • It interprets the provision of the treaty
    • It ensures proper application of the treaty
    • It arbitrates disputes among members
  14. Give the main reason for the formation of the leaque of Nations. (1mk)
    • To promote/Sustain world peace/security/ To prevent the occurrence of another war.
  15. Identify two factors which have undermined the exploration of mineral resources in democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) since Independence. (2mks)
    • Civil war in the country
    • Shortage of labour due to displacement of people
    • Smuggling of minerals
    • Political interference by neighbouring states.
    • Poor transport network.
  16. State one condition that a country should fulfil in order to become a member of Non-Aligried movement. (1mk)
    • A country should be independent
  17. Give one disadvantages of a federal system of Government. (1mk)
    • There is a great temptations for succession by parts of the country
    • It lead to unequal development.
    1. State five stages of evolution of man. (5mks)
      • Aegyptopithecus (Egyptian ape)
      • Dryopithecus africanus/Proconoul/woodland ape
      • Kenyapithecus (Kenyan ape)/Ramapithecus (Asian ape)
      • Austropithecus (southern ape)/zinjanthropus/nutcraker
      • Homo habilis (handy man)
      • Homo erectus (upright man)
      • Homo sapien (intelligent man)
      • Homo sapien sapiens (modern man)
    2. Describe five ways in which the development of the upright posture improved the early man’s way of life. (10mks)
      • The early man was able to move/walk/run/faster with long strides;
      • Man could use the hands to carry out farming activities
      • Man could use hands to grasp items conveniently
      • Man could spot/sight the animals/wild fruits which he used to hunt/gather from far distances
      • Man could see the impending danger from a distance and take appropriate measures
      • Man used hands to make tools/weapons which were used for different purposes
      • Man used the hands to defend himself/attack the enemies.
      • Man used the hands to perform/carry out domestic chores/young ones.
    1. Give three factors which should be considered when sending a message. (3mks)
      • The urgency of the message/speed
      • The complexity of the message/simplicity/clarity
      • The distance between the sender and receiver of the message
      • The availability of communication facilities/methods/mean
    2. Explain six effects of Telecommunication on modern society. (12mks)
      • The message are conveyed over long distances/shorten distances
      • It has led to spread of ideas to different parts of the world/the world has become a global village/sharing of ideas
      • Television, videos, computers and cinemas transmit entertainment through pictures.
      • Telecommunication systems are medium of transmitting education programmes all over the world
      • Weather forecasting navigation and space exploration have been made easy by use of satellites.
      • Information can be relayed through radio, television or cell phone remote places easily.
      • It has promoted trade through advertisement on radio, television and computers
      • Security has improved through camera/close circuit TV
      • Modern weapons have telecommunication services which are efficient
      • Various job opportunities employment has been created
      • Communication devise have made tax collection/revenue collection easier for the government e.g electronic tax registered
      • Management/storage of information has been made easier through the use of computer/internet
      • It has immorality through pornography
      • It has encouraged idleness as viewers get addicted to programmers on T.V etc
      • It has promoted business transaction e.g buying and selling in internet
      • The government earns revenue through taxation on telecommunication services.
    1. Give three methods used by European powers to establish colonial rule in Africa. (3mks)
      • Military conquest/expeditions
      • They signed treaties/agreements with African rulers/diplomacy/collaboration
      • Deception/treachery/luring Africans with European goods
      • Chartered trading companies
      • Playing off communities against each other in order to weaken
    2. Explain six effects of the British direct rule in Zimbambwe. (12mks)
      • Africans lost large tracts of land to the white settlers thereby straining relations between the two groups
      • Introduction of forced labour as the white settlers required cheap labour in their farms
      • Formation of African Nationalist movements to address their grievances against white dedominations.
      • Loss of power by traditional powers as the British appointed their own administrators who ruled the people directly.
      • Imposition of taxes on Africans inorder to force them to provide lobour to the whites so as to raise money
      • Africans were exposed to deplorable working conditions which exposed them to risks
      • Introduction of pass laws which restricted the movement of Africans.
      • Africans were confined into reserves thereby creating room for European settlements.
      • Exploitation of mineral resources/agricultural resources for the benefits of the colonial government at the expense of African development.
      • Loss of independence by Africans as they were subjected to the British colonial rule
      • Racial segregation
      • Western education/Christianity
      • Development of transport & communication network
      • Undermined African culture
    1. State five economic activities of the Asante during the 19th century. (5mks)
      • They grew crops for food/trade
      • They carried out trade among themselves/other groups
      • They were involved in mining
      • They practiced Art and crafts/basketry/weaving
      • They practised iron working/blacksmithing
      • They did hunting/gathering
      • They practiced pottery making.
    2. Describe the political organization of the Shona during the pre-colonial period. (10mks)
      • The shona were ruled by an emperor/King who had absolute authority over the subjects.
      • The emperor’s position was hereditary so as to reduce succession dispute
      • The emperor was assited in the administration by the queen mother, the queen sister, army commander, head drummer, head door keeper or head cook
      • There was an advisory council whose work was to advise the emperor
      • The empire was divided into provinces which were headed by provincial/lesser kings
      • The provinces were divided into chiefdoms ruled by chief
      • Under the chief were headmen who were in charge of the villages
      • The Empire had a standing army whose main duty was to defend/expand the empire
      • The king/Emperor was symbol of unity as he was semi-divine
      • There existed priests who acted as spies for the emperor/king
    1. What were the results of the bombing of Nagasaki and Heroshima in Japan in 1945. (3mks)
      • Many people lost their lives
      • Property of great value was destroyed
      • The radioactive elements caused many diseases
      • Many people were maimed
      • There was economic decline
      • Many people suffered psychologically
      • Japan surrendered unconditionally
    2. Describe six causes of the cold war. (12mks)
      • The disagreements between the Soviet Union and the United States of America over reduction of arms led to arms race.
      • The occupation of Eastern Europe by Soviet Union caused fear among U.S.A and its allies in Western Europe/Iron curtain policy by the USSR.
      • The ideological differences pursued by the U.S.A and U.S.S.R created mistrust/suspicion among them leading to hostility.
      • The domination of United Nations by United States of America and her allies was checked by U.S.S.R through the use of her veto power thus increasing the tension
      • The involvement of both United States of America and U.S.S.R in European conflicts in the late 1940s created tension among them.
      • America’s Marshal plan to revive European economies after the war made U.S.S.R to counteract by arming a similar one/COMECON thus enhancing tension.
      • Formation of military alliances/N.A.T.O by United States of America and her allies led to U.S.S.R and her allies to form a similar alliance/Warsaw pact thus intensifying the rivalry.
      • Construction of the Berlin wall by U.S.S.R in Germany to block Western after the Second World War
    1. State five common characteristics of the common wealth member state. (5mks)
      • They use English as the official language
      • They English Monarch/King/Queen is recognized as the head
      • They cooperate in sports/games
      • They make consultations/exchange information e.g in finance, trade, science and technical assistance
      • They have close economic ties
      • Most of the states have similar legal/administration systems/parliamentary system
      • They have a common military tradition based on the British one
    2. Explain five ways through which United Nations promotes peace in the world. (10mks)
      • It sends peace-keping missions to conflict areas in order to enforce ceasefire/prevent further confrontation.
      • It uses envoys to mediate disputes between warring groups so as to find amicable solutions to problems
      • It hears cases through the international court of justice between states/individuals with a view of administering justice.
      • It imposes sanctions against states that defy its resolution in order to force them to comply.
      • It uses peace messengers to sensitify people on its importance of peace/encourage peaceful co-existence.
      • It encourages disarmament by signing arms control treaties/agreements with a view of reducing tension/suspicion between states.
      • It promotes human rights/freedoms by enforcing international laws which protect people against abuse.
      • It promotes humanitarian assistance to the needy by giving them protection/basic needs
      • It promotes democracy and good governance in countries by providing electoral assistance/sending observers to monitor elections in order to ensure fairness/credibility
      • It condemns all forms of terrorism/putting in place method of combating it through international agreements.
    1. State three ways in which a person can become a member of parliament in Britain. (3mks)
      • Election of the member to the house of commons
      • Nomination of the person by the Monarch
      • Through inheritance of the House of Lords
      • By virtue of the office
      • By appointments due to outstanding performance
    2. Explain six functions of the president in India. (12mks)
      • He/she dissolves/calls elections of the lower house of parliament/Lok Sabha/House of the people
      • The president assents/veto bills that have been passed by parliament
      • The president is the commander in-chief of the armed forces.
      • The president appoints state governors/attorney general/supreme court judges,
      • The president declares a state of emergency when national security is threatened
      • The president appoints the prime minister on advice of parliament/He calls the leader of the winning party to form government.
      • He/she is a symbol of national unity
      • He establish special councils to arbitrate on inter state disputes.
      • He nominates 12 members to the council of state/Upper House/Rajja Sabha.
      • He is the leader of political party that nominates him for elections.
      • He pardons offenders.
      • He makes regulation for certain union territories.
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