History Paper 2 Questions and Answers - Bungoma Diocese Mock Exams 2021/2022

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  • This paper consists of three sections A, B and C
  • Answer ALL the questions in section A
  • Three questions from section B and
  • Two questions from section C.

Answer all the questions in this section in the answer booklet provided.

  1. State two reasons why the study of government is important (2 marks)
  2. Define the term ‘pre-history’ (1 mark)
  3. Name two economic activities of man in the pre-historic period (2 marks)
  4. Give two examples of tools made by middle stone age man (2 marks)
  5. Identify one factors that forced early man to change from hunting and gathering to food production (1 marks)
  6. Name two early centers of agriculture in the world. (2 marks)
  7. Name the type of writing invented by the early world. (1 mark)
  8. Give two advantages of money system in trade (2 marks)
  9. State two ways in which the industrial revolution in Europe promoted colonialism (2 marks)
  10. What was the most important symbol of unity among the Asante? (1 mark)
  11. Name one chartered companies which were used to administer European colonial possessions in Africa. (2 marks)
  12. State two conditions that one had to fulfill to become assimilated to French West Africa. (2 marks)
  13. State one way through which the European maintained peace among themselves during the partition of Africa (1 mark)
  14. Apart from Nigeria and Ghana, name other West African country which was ruled by Britain(1 mark)
  15. What is the main function of the security council of the UNO? (1 mark)
  16. Mention one method used by the international community to hasten independence in South Africa. (1 mark)
  17. Identify one types of democracy. (1 mark)

Answer any three questions from this section in the answer booklet provided.

    1. State three roles played by the Tuaregs in the Trans-Saharan trade. (3 marks)
    2. Explain six effects of the Trans-Saharan trade (12 marks)
    1. Identify three ways in which trade contributed to the growth of Kingdoms in Africa in the 19th C. (3 marks)
    2. Explain six factors that led to the rise and growth of the Buganda Kingdom. (12 marks)
    1. Give five reasons why many developing countries have lagged behind in industrialization. (5 marks)
    2. Explain five effects of the industrial Revolution in Europe. (10 marks)
    1. Name three systems of colonial administration used by European powers in Africa. (3 marks)
    2. Discuss the difference between the British and French forms of administration in Africa. (12 marks)

Answer any two questions from this section in the answer booklet provided.

    1. State three reasons why the United States of America (USA) was reluctant to join the First World War during the initial stages. (3 marks)
    2. Explain six results of the first world war (12 marks)
    1. State three objectives of the Non –aligned movement (3 marks)
    2. Explain six factors that undermined the activities of Non-aligned movement (12 marks)
    1. Outline three functions of the East African community (3 marks)
    2. Explain six problems which the East African Community faced upto 1977 (12 marks)



  1. State two reasons why the study of government is important 2 marks
    1. It helps us understand how laws are made.
    2. Helps us understand the organs of the state.
    3. Help us understand how government raises and spends revenue.
    4. Helps us compare our government system with other systems in other countries.(any 2x1=2mks)
  2. Define the term ‘pre-history’ 1 mark
    • The study of man’s history before written records were used. Study of man’s distant past.
  3. Name two economic activities of man in the pre-historic period (2marks)
    1. Hunting
    2. Gathering
    3. Fishing (2x1=2marks)
  4. Give two examples of tools made by middle stone age man (2marks)
    1. Choppers
    2. Daggers
    3. Scrapers
    4. Tang (2x1=2marks )
  5. Identify one factor that forced early man to change from hunting and gathering to food production. (1marks)
    1. Increased population which could not be provided with adequate food by the environment
    2. Climatic changes like drought that threatened life of animals and plants.
    3. Competition for food among human beings and between human beings and animals.
      (2pts x 1= 2marks)
  6. Name two early centres of agriculture in the world (2marks)
    1. Mesopotamia
    2. Egypt – Nile valley
    3. Indus valley
    4. Ganges valley in India (2x1 = 2marks)
  7. What was the types of writing invested by the early Egyptians. (1mark)
    • Hieroglyphics
  8. Give two advantages of money system in trade
    1. It is not bulky
    2. Money is a store of value or wealth
    3. It is easily divisible into smaller units.
    4. It is a measure of value for goods and services. (2pts x 1 = 2marks)
  9. State two ways in which the industrial revolution in Europe promoted colonialism (2 marks)
    1. Colonies acted as sources of raw materials for industries.
    2. Colonies acted as markets for the manufactured goods.
    3. Colonies acted as outlets where they could invest surplus capital.
      (2x1 = 2marks)
  10. What was the most important symbol of unity among the Asante? (1mark)
    • The Golden stool (1mark)
  11. Name two chartered companies which were used to administer European colonial possessions in Africa. (2marks)
    1. The Royal Niger company
    2. The British South African Company
    3. The Germany East African Company
    4. The Imperial British East African company
  12. State two conditions that one had to fulfill to become assimilated to French West Africa (2marks)
    1. Ability to speak French
    2. Literacy in French – able to read and write
    3. Service in the French army / government.
    4. One had to be monogamous
    5. Had to be converted to Christianity. (2pts x 1 = 2marks)
  13. State one way through which the European maintained peace among themselves during the partition of African (1marks)
    1. By signing treaties among themselves
    2. By organizing the Berlin Conference to lay down the guiding principles of partition.
  14. Apart from Nigeria and Ghana, name one other West African country which was ruled by Britain (1mark)
    • Gambia  (1x1 = 1mark)
  15. What is the main function of the security council of the UNO (1mark)
    • To maintain international peace and security (1mark)
  16. Mention one method used by the International Community to hasten independence in South Africa. (1mark)
    1. Economic sanctions
    2. Social sanctions e.g.. banned from international games (1x1= 1mark)
  17. Identify one type of democracy.
    • Absolute democracy
    • Constitutional democracy


    1. State three roles played by the Tuaregs in the Trans-Saharan trade (3marks)
      1. They acted as guides.
      2. They provided security to traders.
      3. They acted as interpreters.
      4. They maintained the oasis.
      5. Provided food and accommodation to traders.
        3pts x 1 = 3mks)
    2. Explain six effects of the Trans-Saharan trade 12 marks
      1. A class of wealthy Arabs and African traders came up.
      2. It led to the spread of Islamic religion
      3. Trading centres became big urban centres –led to the growth of town e.g. Gao, Kano, Saleh, Timbukta.
      4. Transport facilities were improved.
      5. Led to the settlement by the Arabs and the Swahili traders in West Africa.
      6. Led to intermarriages between the Arabs and the Africans.
      7. New industries were introduced like leather and textile industries.
      8. It increased warfare
      9. It introduced new cultural value sin W. Africa e.g. people adapted New styles of dressing and eating habits.
      10. Led to the introduction of empires e.g. Mali, Songhai and Ghana.
      11. Led to the depopulation of W. Africa through slave trade.
      12. Opened W. African to the outside world. (6pts x 2 = 12 marks)
    1. Identify three ways in which trade contributed to the growth of kingdoms in Africa in the 19th C (3mks)
      1. Wealth from trade boosted the growth of kingdoms
      2. Kings imposed taxes and other levies on the traders who passed through their territories.
      3. Kings acquired arms and ammunition from trade that they used to protector and expand their frontiers.
      4. Kings used the trade items e.g. clothes as gifts to win the loyalty of their subject chiefs.
        (3pts x 1 = 3 marks)
    2. Explain six factors that led to the rise and growth of the Buganda Kingdom (12marks)
      1. The fall of the Bunyoro – Kitara kingdom her traditional enemy.
      2. The Buganda had able Kabakas
      3. The idea geographical location with adequate rainfall ad fertile soils favoured agriculture.
      4. The small size of the kingdom enabled it to hold together.
      5. They had a centralized system of government under the Kabaka that ensure unity.
      6. Their participation in the long distance trade with the Arabs and Waswahili boosted growth.
      7. They acquired firearms through trade.
      8. They had a strong army which enabled them to conquer the weaker neighbouring states such as Buddu and Busonga.
      9. Baganda traditions boosted growth women worked in the farms, while men took part in politics and wars.
      10. She got wealth from the kingdoms she had conquered which were rich in ivory, slaves and iron ore.
        (any 6pts x 2= 12marks)
    1. Give five reasons why many developing countries have lagged behind in industrialization
      1. Long periods of colonization.
      2. Poor transport and communication.
      3. inadequate capital.
      4. Low literacy level.
      5. Stiff competition from the industrialized nations.
      6. Poverty leading to small domestic matters.
      7. Political instability.
      8. Poor leadership and corruption.
      9. Brain drain. (5 x 1 = 5mrks)
    2. Explain five effects of industrial revolution in Europe:
      1. Led to rural urban migration.
      2. Lead to creation of social groups ie industrialist and workers.
      3. Led to population increase in towns hence unemployment and congestion.
      4. Led to population growth.
      5. Led to improved medical services.
      6. Led to collapse of cortege industries.
      7. Created poor working conditions in the industries.
      8. Led to child and women labour. Any 5pts x 2 = 10mrk)
    1. Name three systems of colonial administration used by European powers in Africa.
      1. Indirect rule
      2. Direct rule
      3. Assimilation
      4. Associations (3 x 1 = 3mrks)
    2. Discuss the differences between the British and French form of administration
      1. The British appointed traditional leaders as chiefs whereas the French hand picked individuals as chiefs.
      2. The French administration used militia offices whereas the British used a mixture of amateurs and professionals.
      3. British rule was varied as both direct and indirect rule was applied. The French had a uniform policy of assimilation but only changed to association when assimilation failed.
      4. Indirect rule preserved Africans cultures while assimilation eroded them.
      5. Africans in French colonies became French citizens with full rights. The colonies remained subjects.
      6. British maintain the local leaders and gave alot of power, while the French worked to undermine chieftaincies.
      7. Laws in French colonies were legislated in France but in British colonies they were made by the respective.
      8. British colonies were administered separately by a governor accountable in Britain. The French colonies were governed as a federation and regarded as oversea provinces or departments of France.
      9. The French colonies elected their representatives to the chamber of deputies in France while British colonies had Le.g.co and were not represented in the House of Commons. 6pts x 2 = 12mrks


    1. State three reasons why the United State of America (USA) was reluctant to join the WW1 during the initial stages.
      1. Desire to abide by the term of the Monroe Doctrine of 1823 which forbid from interfering with European affairs.
      2. Fear of revolt by her citizens of Germany origin.
      3. Fear of outbreak of civil war been American of German decent and those of other European nationalists.
      4. The war had not interfered with the USA’s interest until 1916. 3 x 1 x= 3mrks
    2. Explain six results of the First World War.
      1. Many people were killed and many others wounded.
      2. Outbreak of disease e.g. the Spanish influenza caused tens of thousands of deaths.
      3. A lot of money was spent on the war. Nations spend a lot to buy guns, food, ammunitions and other war materials.
      4. International trade came to a standstill and this brought economic disaster especially to Europe.
      5. The world experienced vandalism and wanton destructions of property e,g means of transport and communications were destroyed.
      6. Africans became politically aware. The Africans soldiers who participated in the war overcame the myth of European superiority.
      7. German was made to pay for the damages as it was declared solely responsible.
      8. German lost Alsace and Lorraine to France.
      9. Led to the creation of new nations in Europe e.g. Hungary and Yugoslavia.
      10. USA emerged as the leading world power.
      11. Germany lost all her overseers territories.
      12. Germany lost all her overseas territories (colonies) which were declared mandated territories placed under the supervision of League of Nations.
      13. Led to the formation of n international organization the League of Nations in 1919 to check any other outbreak of war in future.
      14. It laid the foundation for the WW2. German felt that they were falsely accused of being solely responsible.
      15. Led to the rise of dictators like Benito Mussolini in Italy and Adolf Hitler in Germany.
        (Any 6pts x 2= 12mrks)
    1. State three objectives of the non-aligned movement. (3mrks)
      1. To safeguard the sovereignty of member states.
      2. To fight for the decolonization of the third world countries.
      3. To discourage military alliance promoted by the super powers.
      4. To work for the disarmament of the superpowers.
      5. To promote active participation in the UNO programme.
      6. To promote economic independence of member counties.
      7. To promote economic independence of member countries.
      8. To fight racism in the world.
    2. Explain six factors that undermined the activities of non-aligned movement. (12mrks)
      1. Political instability experience by member states was undermined their contribution to the movement.
      2. Economic ties between the third world countries and their political masters has made it difficult for the member states to pursue an independent live.
      3. Border disputes between neighbouring members have weakened their cooperation e.g. between Morocco and Algeria.
      4. Economic backwards of some of the members has made it difficult for them to meet their obligations in the movement.
      5. Ideological differences between member states has undermined their cooperation whereas some countries are inclined towards\ the west and others towards the East.
      6. Personality differences between leaders of members states was undermined their efforts to discuss issues successfully.
      7. Membership to other organizations such as OAU. Common wealth etc has made it difficult for some sates to participate actively in the affairs of the movement.
      8. Breakup of the soviet union has destabilized the movement.
      9. Nationalism – National interest have conflicted with the objectives of the movement.
        (6 pts x 2 = 12 marks)
    1. Outline three functions of the East African community. (3marks)
      1. To promote trade among the three East African countries.
      2. To provide common services such as railways, harbours, posta and telecommunication.
      3. To provide for three trade of goods produced within East Africa.
      4. To provide a wider and more secure market for the foods produced in the region.
      5. To facilitate free movement of people
      6. To facilitate and strengthen ties and understanding between the members states.
      7. To bring economic balance between the states.
      8. Establish similar custom tariffs and duties to non-member states. (any 3pts x 1 = 3 marks)
    2. Explain six problems which the East African community faced upto 1977 (12 marks)
      1. Ideological difference where Tanzania used socialistic ideology while Kenya and Uganda used mixed capitalists economy.
      2. Political upheavals in Uganda undermined the performance of the community.
      3. Failure by member countries to remit funds stalled joint ventures.
      4. Unfair distribution of services e.g.. Kenya was blamed for taxing much from the community.
      5. Border disputes e.g. between Kenya and Tanzania and Kenya and Uganda strained relationships.
      6. Lack of a common currency discouraged inter-state transaction of goods.
      7. Nationalism and sovereignty of the states whereby state interests came forst and regional interests were relegated to second place.
      8. Lack of political goodwill among the three leaders.Personality difference e.g.. between Julius Nyerere of Tanzania and Idi Amin of Uganda made it difficult to convene meetings. (any 6 pts x 2= 12 marks)
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