English Paper 2 Questions and Answers - Mathioya Mock 2021 Exams

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    Read the passage below and then answer the questions that follow
    A short guy is a disadvantaged individual. And no, the disadvantage is not about reaching high surfaces. He can always stand on his toes or even get a stool. But what would he do when he is discriminated against or taunted on account of his being short; and when tall guys consider it something of a moral responsibility to remind the short fellow over and over that he is inferior?
    Apparently, a short man, besides being irritable, is a psychological wreck, thanks to some syndrome of sorts.
    Then there is a legion of misinformed women out there who declare to anyone who cares to listen that death would be a welcome alterative to dating a short man. Never mind that most are themselves as short as one can get. In their opinion, which they are entitled to anyway, tall is handsome, strong and literally oozes masculinity while short is the opposite. With limited choice of possible mates. Restrictions on probable mates and slew of wrongful generalizations, affirmative action would be in order here.
    But as they taunt, vilify, and harass short guys on the basis of height, the tall ones conveniently forget that no one chose how tall they would be. Elementary biology has it that we are all victims of genetic accidents;how tall one becomes is wholly subject to chance. Appearance and other human characteristics are aggregation parental traits at best, or a mutation at worst like when only one member is short in a family of tall fellows. It therefore speaks volumes about the gray matter upstairs in anyone chest thumping about being tall. Once, when the disciplined forces were hiring, I offered myself for consideration. I was subjected to all sorts of strenuous exercises running round and round the field in the midday sun like I had gone berserk, shutting my eyes alternately, and a host of other impossible strange routines, only to be turned away at the end of the day for the simple reason that my height did not add up.
    Merchants of rumours and falsehood have been at it again. After unleashing the “shorter the monkey the longer the tail” rumour, they are back with another mind-boggling one: that these long – tailed short monkeys are poor lovers. While endowment does not necessarily equal performance, such are generalization of the absurd; something akin to the misplaced belief that all Africans live on trees. If anything as one literary Great Philosopher put it, a tiger does not declare its turpitude, it pounces.
    And the politics of generalization do not end there. The short guy is also said to be irritable and hence the worst possible choice for a boss or even mate. Who wants to spend time with someone who will be over the roof at the slightest provocation? Not that the myth is gospel truth, but it has resulted in a further restriction of the short guy’s already limited choice of a mate.
    As if this is not enough, stiff competition for short ladies silently rages, pitting tall guys against short ones. Despite their wide appeal, the tall fellows have an inexplicable penchant for short ladies. Factor in the belief that it is something of a misnomer to date a taller Lady. The decision by some short ladies to give a not interested verdict for short men and you have remote, dwindling chances of short men getting a mate.
    Maybe it is time the short in stature considered coming together to fight this wholesale discrimination on account of their height, over which they have no control. An association would be the perfect gateway to affirmative action. Surely, what has height got to with love, temperament and everything else for that matter?
    1. Explain the irony of some women discriminating the short man. (3mks)
    2. According to the writer, what determines a person’s height? (2mks)
    3. Why does the writer give his experience when the disciplined forces were hiring?(2mks)
    4. What solution is given by the writer to end the discrimination of the short man? (2mks)
    5. What is the attitude of the writer towards people who discriminate against the short man? (3mks) ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………
    6. Make notes on the wrongful generalizations made about a short guy. (4mks)
    7. 'There is a legion of misinformed women out there who declare to anyone who cares to listen that death would be a welcome alternative to dating a short man” (Rewrite the sentence using ‘prefer’) (2mks)
    8. Explain the meaning of the following words and expression as used in the passage. (3mks)
      1. Legion
      2. Chest thumping
      3. Aggregation
  2. Read the following excerpt and answer the questions that follow (25mks)
    Helmer: (Putting his papers together) Now then, Little Miss Obstinate.
    Nora:(Breathlessly) Torvald - what was that letter?
    Helmer: Krogstad’s dismissal
    Nora:Call her back, Torvald!There is still time. Oh Torvald, call her back!Do it for my sake- for your own sake - for the children's sake!Do you hear me,Torvald?Call her back! You don't know what that letter can bring upon us.
    Helmer: it's too late.
    Nora:Yes it’s too late.
    Helmer:My dear Nora I can forgive the anxiety you are in although really it is an insult to think that I should be afraid of a starving quill-driver’svengeance?But Iforgive you nevertheless, because it is such eloquent witness to your great love for me.(Takes her in his arms.)And that is as it should be, my own darling, Nora. Come what will, you may be sure I shall have both courage and strength if they be needed. You will see I am a man enough to take everything upon myself.
    Nora:(in a horror-stricken voice)What do you mean by that?
    Helmer:Everything, I say -
    Nora:(recovering herself)You will never have to do that.
    Helmer: That's right. Well, we will share it, Nora, as a man and a wife should. That is how it shall be. (caressing her)Are you content now? There! There! - not these frightened dove’s eyes! The whole thing is only the wildest fancy!- Now you must go and play through Tarantella and practice with your tambourine. I shall go into the inner office and shut the door, and I shall hear nothing; you can make as much noise as you please.(turn back at the door)And when Rank, comes tell him where he will find me. (nods to her, takes his papers and goes into his room, and shut the door after him)
    Nora:(bewildered with anxiety, stands if rooted to the spot and whispers)He was capable of doing it. He will do it.He will do it in spite of everything. –No, not that!Never, never! Anything rather than that – anything, whatever it is!(She put her hand over her face, pull herself together, goes to the door and opens it. Ranks is standing without hanging his coat.During the following dialogue it begins to grow dark.)
    1. What according to Helmer makes him insist on firing Krogstad despite Nora's intervention just before this excerpt (3mks) ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..
    2. what does this excerpt reveal about the relationship between Nora and Helmer (2mks) ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………
    3. Explain what the playwright achieves by making Nora repeat certain expressions in these excerpt (2mks) ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..
    4. Describe Torvald’s character as brought out in this excerpt (2mks)
    5. Identify and explain any two Styles used in this excerpt (4mks) …………………………………………………………..…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..
    6. Identify and explain any one theme alluded to in the above excerpt (2mks) ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………
    7. How does this letter finally expose to Nora her husband's hypocritical nature in their marriage? give your answer in note form (5mks) …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………
    8. Summarise in not more than 20 words the reasons Torvald state for forgiving Nora in the excerpt. (2mks) ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………
    9. Explain the meaning of the following words and phrases as used in excerpt (3mks)
      1. Quill- driver Vengeance ……………………………………………………………………..
      2. Fancy ………………………………………………………………………………………….
      3. pulls herself together…………………………………………………………………………
    Read the narrative below and then answer the questions that follow
    For very many years, there was no rain. All the land became dry, and trees withered and died. Both domestic and wild animals died due to lack of water and grass to eat. Hyena had gone for many days without food. He was hungry and weak. One morning, he rose early to look for food. He scavenged through the entire forest and the sun moved towards the hills in the West, and it dawned on Hyena that it would soon be nightfall. That night, Hyena could not sleep a wink. His stomach rumbled throughout the night. He fell into a light troubled sleep after midnight, but this was not sufficient.
    He woke up at dawn and began to scavenge for food once again. He walked slowly and circumspectly, lest he missed a carcass in the woods. Feeling helpless, he walked slowly and circumspectly, lest he missed a carcass in the woods. Feeling helpless, he walked to the great valley overlooking a bushy hill where he glanced up and saw the sun which was then above his head. Walking on through the bush, he came upon a huge tree with spreading branches. Under the tree lay a dead elephant which must have died of hunger.
    Hyena could not believe his eyes. He opened and closed them, to make sure that what he saw was true. “It is Elephant! He’s dead!” he said. He was so pleased with himself that he gave a faint excited scream. He leapt and made to jump over the mammoth carcass of the Elephant. Poor Hyena fell on the Elephant’s stomach and nearly broke his back. He rolled to the other side of the carcass and lay there. Finally, he managed to get up, and ate ravenously.
    He ate quickly because he feared other Hyenas would come to share the carcass with him.He did not want to share his good fortune. He ate and ate for nearly two hours without even pausing to look up to see if anyone might be coming.
    He stopped and looked up to see the sun. It was moving across the sky and making for the West. He walked farther away from his great feed and jumped up onto low hanging branch to see how much he had eaten. He made a quick jump to the ground again, and went back to the carcass to resume his feed. He ate and ate until he disappeared into the Elephant’s stomach through the channel he had cut. He walked a little away from the Elephant, looking for a branch. He found one, rushed and made a high jump towards the branch. This time he jumped carefully but still missed narrowly, hurting himself. He went back and continued with his feed, this time slowly and forcing himself, but being fully satisfied, he could not eat anymore.
    He looked for yet another branch with which to satisfy himself that he was fully fed. He walked backwards, stomach protruding outwards from both sides. He sped painfully for the final jump, with much difficulty. He gathered momentum, and threw his trunk up determinedly with all his might. Whilst flying through mid-air heard a deafening explosion.“Gugugukuruuuuuuit!”Hecried out, saying, “God, come to my rescue.” He somersaulted in the air and dropped down dead with all intestines jutting out.
    1. Why would this story be called a fable? (2mks)
    2. Identify and illustrate two traits of Hyena in this narrative.(4mks)
    3. State one economic activity practiced by the community from which this narrative is taken. (2mks)
    4. Identify and illustrate any three features of oral narratives used.(6mks)
    5. What moral lesson do you learn from this narrative? (2mks)
    6. “He stopped and looked up to see the sun” (Rewrite as a question beginning’ Did ……. ) (1mk)
    7. Explain the meaning of the following expressions as used in the oral narrative: (3mks)
      1. Scavenge
      2. Not sleep a wink
      3. Ravenously
  4. GRAMMAR (15MKS)
    1. Rewrite the following sentences according to instructions given after each. Do not change the meaning.
      1. Matheri denied robbing the bank the previous year (Rewrite in direct speech)
      2. I can manage the office work. (Use manageable instead of manage)
      3. The students were so hungry that they decided not to go to class. (Being so hungry….)
      4. The girl to ……………………..(who, whom) the tusker fame Prize was given left the country yesterday.
    2. Replace the underlined words with the correct phrasal verb formed from the word in bracket.
      1. Form two students always bully the form one students when they are new in school (pick) (1mk)
      2. The shop next to the bank has reduced the prices on most of their goods.(mark) (1mk)
      3. The shrew businessman tried to take advantage of his ignorant customers by hiking the prices. (rip) (1mk)
    3. Read the passage below and indicate whether the underlined verbs are transitive or intransitive. (3mks)
      Taiswa screamed loudly last night. The scream awoke all of us and we did not know what to make of his behavior. Weria shook him violently with no success. All that Taiswa kept saying was, “They are snatching it from me!: Weria then looked at Mwaura who had come at a lightning speed to Taiswa’s bedside and shrugged. Oloo who did not want to lose a good part of his sleep, growled and yelled, “Taiswa,keep quiet!”
      1. Screamed ………………………………………………………………..
      2. Awoke ……………………………………………………………………
      3. Shook …………………………………………………………………….
      4. Snatching …………………………………………………………………
      5. Looked ……………………………………………………………………
      6. Keep ………………………………………………………………………
    4. Convert the following sentences into indirect speech.
      1. “Ken, are you not being too harsh,” Jane asked, “by punishing the children this long?”
      2. “ I greeted the president this morning,” Esther exclaimed.
    5. Use the correct form of the word given in the brackets to fill in the gap in each sentence. (3mks)
      1. The ………………….of the principal is admired by many.(strict)
      2. Furthermore, she sang beautifully to the …………………….(accompany) of the guitar which was …………………….(advantage) to her troupe


    1. They discriminate against the short man yet most of them are themselves as short as one can get.
    2. Height is determined by inherited parental traits or genetic mutation.
    3. To explain how the short men are disadvantaged and discriminated due to shortness.
    4. Forming an association to jointly fight against discrimination.
      • Contemptuous- says most of the women are misinformed
      • Critical – criticism these who discriminate against the short man for something he cannot control.
      • Irritable and worst possible choice for a boss or even mate.
      • Short man is irritable and psychological weak
      • Unfit to date on they are not handsome and strong hence masculine
      • Poor lovers
    7. There is legion of misinformed women out there who declare to anyone who cares to listen that they would prefer death to dating a short man.
        1. A large number of people
        2. Arrogant self-assertion, snobbism
        3. aggregation – collection
  2. Question 2 excerpt
    1. What according to Helmer makes him insist on firing Krogstad despite Nora's intervention just before this excerpt (3mks)
      • he fears being ridiculed that he has been swayed by outside influence
      • Torvald’s chauvinist personality makes him feel that his wife should not influence his decisions
      • Krogstad is morally corrupt
      • Krogstad holds those whom he is too familiar with in contempt despite the person's position in the job
      • Krogstad is tactless and lays no strain on himself when other people are present. He can easily embarrass a friend in public
    2. what does this excerpt reveal about the relationship between Nora and Helmer (2mks)
      • The relationship is strained. The husband disrespects the wife. He gives a cold shoulder to his wife's request for withdrawal of the letter to Krogstad. He instead sees only his self-importance
      • The husband sees his wife as subordinate to him. He demeans Nora by referring to her as Little Miss obstinate. He expects the wife to go and play through the Tarantella and practice with tambourine. This shows that he does not expect much of the wife.
    3. Explain what the playwright achieves by making Nora repeat certain expressions in these excerpt (2mks)
      • The playwright wants to show us how Nora gives her marriage/ family first priority as opposed to Helmer, since she knows that the letter being sent to Krogstad has a possibility of destroying her relationship with her husband and the children. That is why she is desperately trying to retrieve the letter before it reaches the recipient.
    4. Describe Torvald’s character as brought out in this excerpt (2mks)
      • Torvald is forgiving;’But I forgive you nevertheless.’
      • He is sarcastic/demeaning; ’Now then Little Miss obstinate.’
      • He is insensitive/uncaring/selfish; He sends the dismissal letter to Krogstad without listening to his wife’s reason against this action.
    5. Identify and explain any two Styles used in this excerpt (4mks).
      • There is metaphor;’ miss obstinate.’Torvald suggest that Nora is rude.
        ; a starving quill-driver’s Vengeance.’ A journalist itching to use the media to blackmail their perceived enemies for revenge.
      • There is personification;’ because it is such eloquent were witness to your great love for me.’Torvald imagines that Nora loves and cares for him so much as to worry about what is likely to happen to him.
      • It has Repetition; ‘call her back, ‘it brings out Nora’s desperation to salvage the family reputation.
    6. Identify and explain any one theme alluded to in the above excerpt (2mks)
      • Family relations; the relationship between the hammer and Nora is clearly brought out as one where the husband domineers.
      • love for the family; Nora desperately trying to save her marriage.
    7. How does this letter finally expose to Nora her husband's hypocritical nature in their marriage? give your answer in note form 5mks)
      • Krogstad responds by putting the bond into Torvald’s letter box.
      • Torvald reads of the Krogstad’s letter and accuses Nora of being morally-corrupt and unfit to bring up their children.
      • Torvald only thinks of the damage the revelation will do to his reputation not caring about Nora.
      • Nora realises that proverb does not actually love her
      • Krogstad withdraws his demands.
      • Krogstad celebrates that he has been saved and tell Nora that he has forgiven her
      • Nora decides to live Torvald with the children so that she does not morally corrupt them despite Torvald’s plea.
    8. Summarize in not more than 20 words the reasons Torvald state for forgiving Nora in the excerpt. (2mks)
      • Torvald forgives Nora because she has openly shown great love to him and she is anxious that the letter has been sent.
    9. Explain the meaning of the following words and phrases as used in excerpt (3mks)
      1. Quill- driver’s Vengeance- journalist’s /write’s revenge or retaliation/ playback
      2. Fancy imagination/ dream
      3. pulls herself together composes herself


  1. It’s an animal story. It has a moral lesson
  2. Greedy – he ate ravenously
    Mean/selfish- he did not want to share the carcass with other hyenas
  3. Pastoralism/animal rearing- domestic animals died
  4. Repetition- He ate and ate
    Personification- Hyena talking in the story
    Ideophone- gugugukuruuuuuit!
  5. We should learn the art of satisfaction
    Hyena died because of discontent
  6. Did he stop and look up to see the sun?
    1. scavenge - searched for/looked for
    2. Not sleep a wink – never slept at all
    3. Ravenously – hungrily


    1. “ I did not rob the bank last year” Matheri said
    2. The office work is manageable
    3. So hungry were the students that they decided not to go to class.
    4. whom
    1. pick on
    2. marked down
    3. rip off
    1. intransitive
    2. Transitive
    3. Transitive
    4. Transitive
    5. Transitive
    6. Intransitive
    1. Jane asked Ken whether he was not being too harsh by punishing the children that long
    2. Esther exclaimed that she had greeted the president that morning.
    1. strictness
    2. accompaniment, advantageous
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