Christian Religious Education Paper 2 Questions and Answers - Kakamega Evaluation Mock Exams 2022

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    1. Outline Jeremiah’s prophecies about the Messiah (Jeremiah 23: 5-6) (6marks)
    2. State seven similarities in the annunciation of the birth of John the Baptist and that of Jesus Christ (7marks)
    3. What challenges did John the Baptist face during his ministry? (7marks)
    1. Explain four teachings of Jesus on the qualities of a true disciple (Luke 6:20-49) (8marks)
    2. Outline the activities that took place during the feeding of the 5,000 Luke 9:10-17 (7marks)
    3. Give five lessons learnt about Jesus from the feeding of the 5,000 (5marks)
    1. Outline the instructions that Jesus gave to the seventy-two disciples When he sent them on a mission. (8marks)
    2. Narrate the parable of the widow and the unjust judge. (Luke18:1-8) (6marks)
    3. Give six reasons why Christians should have faith in God. (6marks)
    1. Identify the gifts of the Holy Spirit according to Saint Paul. (I Corinthians 12:7-11). (8marks)
    2. Describe how the unity of believers is expressed in the image of the people of God (1st Peter 2: 9 - 10). (6marks)
    3. State six ways in which Christians are able to identify those who posses the gifts of the holy spirit (6marks)
    1. Outline the traditional African teaching on Leisure (6marks)
    2. Identify Christian criteria for evaluating the use of Leisure (7marks)
    3. Explain the dangers of using illicit drugs among the youth in Kenya Today (7marks)
    1. Give six reasons why laws are important to the people of Kenya. (6marks)
    2. State seven rights of a Kenyan citizen. (7marks)
    3. Give reasons why Christians in Kenya are against capital punishment (7marks)


    1. God formed man out of dust and breathed into his nostrils the breathe of life
      God planted the Garden of Eden in the east and placed man whom he had formed
      He planted trees of all kind in the garden including the tree of knowledge of good and evil
      He irrigated the garden using a river that divided into four/Pishon /Gihon /Tigris /Euphrates
      God put man in the garden of Eden to till and keep it
      God commanded man to eat from all the trees in the garden except from the tree of knowledge of good and evil lest he shall die
      God saw that it was not good for man to be alone /decided to make him a helper fit for him
      God formed animals and birds and brought them to man to name them /man gave names to creatures
      Lord caused man to go into sleep /formed the woman out of man’s ribs
      The man and his wife were both naked and were not ashamed
      (Any 8x1=8marks)
    2. The Garden of Eden/ a home.
      A helper/companion/wife.
      His love/perfect happiness.
      Wealth e.g. gold from the rivers.
      Power to procreate.
      Authority over creation.
      All types of food from the plants and animals.
      Water from the four rivers.
      (Any 6x1=6marks)
    3. Paying of a fine
      Excommunication/ banishment/ ostracized/ Exile
      Punishment/ ridicule/ pain to the body
      Being killed
      Cleaning/ undergoing rituals
      Making sacrifices to appease the ancestors/ God/ Spirit
      Offering compensation
      Being cursed/ mysterious happenings
      Denial of privileges (Any 6x1=6marks)
    1. He guides the Israelites by a pillar of cloud during the day
      He provided a pillar of fire of guide them during the night.
      God sent an angel who engulfed the Egyptian solders in darkness to delay their attack on the Israelites.
      He gave them priests to be intermediaries between them and God.
      God split the waters of the Red sea to create a dry path for the Israelites to pass.
      He punished the Egyptian soldiers who were pursuing the Israelites by drowning them in the Red Sea.
      God changed bitter water into sweet waters for the Israelites to drink at Marah.
      God provided Manna and quails as food for the Israelites when they were hungry. Healing those who were bittern by snakes.
      God assisted the Israelites to defeat the Amalekites.
      He provided them with strong leaders like Moses.
      God gave them the 10 commandments to guide them on their relationship with him and one another.(First 8x1=8marks)
    2. They built alters
      They offered sacrifices/burnt sacrifices/burnt offerings
      They sang songs/danced
      They said prayers
      They held festivals
      They gave offerings/tithes
      They constructed/sacred places of worship/tabernacle/tent of meeting
      They observed the Sabbath day
      They observed the ten commandments and the Mosaic law
      They had religious leaders e.g. Moses, Aaron and priests
      (Any 5x1=5marks)
    3. The emergence of splinter groups within the church.
      The emergence of cults which practice ungodly activities.
      The emphasis of materialism by the churches.
      Lack of roles models among the leaders.
      Open conflict among/between the leaders and the church members/authoritarianism.
      Misuse of resources by the leaders.
      Rise of state-church conflict e.g No/Yes situation.
      Confusion among Christians due to different interpretation of the Bible.
      Church leaders not having time for all members/discrimination.
      Negative effects of mass media/modern technology
      Permissiveness/moral decadence/during abuse
      (First 7x1=7marks)
    1. He brought the ark of the covenant to Jerusalem.
      He made Jerusalem a holy city where Israelites from all over the land came for important religious occasion.
      He composed the Psalms which were used in worship by the Israelites.
      He showed respect to the prophets of Yahweh/listened to their messages.
      He wanted to build a temple for God/made preparations for its construction.
      When he made mistakes, he asked for Yahweh’s forgiveness/repented.
      He sought for God’s guidance in whatever he wanted to do
      He entered into a covenant with God.
      He build alters / offered sacrifices
      (First 6x1=6marks)
    2. He stopped the Israelites from going to worship in Jerusalem.
      He made golden calves and placed one at Bethel and another at Dan to represent Yahweh.
      He set up two rival places of worship at Dan and Bethel.
      He made Israelites to offer sacrifices to the golden calves.
      He chose priests from ordinary families i.e. those who did not belong to the tribe of Levi to serve at worship centers.
      He burnt incense at altars of the idols i.e. he worshipped idols thus breaking the first commandment.
      He instituted religious festivals and feasts in the months of his choice.
      He led a revolt that led to the split of the kingdom
      He did not listen to the advice of the prophet of God
      He offered his own sacrifice on the altar yet he was not a priest.
      (Any 4x2=8marks)
    3. By visiting them/inviting them to their homes.
      By being patient/forgiving them.
      By evangelizing them/preaching to them/teaching them.
      By guiding and counseling them/referring them to experts according to their needs.
      Praying for / with them
      By inviting them back to church.
      By encouraging them to repent/confess.
      By offering them material needs/aid.
      (Any 6x1=6marks)
    1. Major Prophets – their messages/books are elaborate/detailed
      Minor Prophets – they have short /brief messages
      Early old testament prophets- were sent by God for specific tasks
      Prophetesses- these are women who prophesied e.g. Miriam, Debora etc
      Professional/court prophets-they assisted the kings in finding out Gods will.They preached to the people /brought them to the covenant way of life
      (First 3x2= 6marks)
    2. The Israelites sold honest men into slavery for silver or a pair of sandals.
      Exaggeration of prices/ overcharging.
      Land grabbing by the rich /were robbed their belongings.
      Use of false scales/faulty weighing scales
      Trampling on the needy.
      Bribery and corruption in the law courts. The poor were prosecuted when they challenged injustice and spoke the truth in the court.
      Worthless wheat was sold to them /goods unfit for human consumption.
      The poor were made to work on land owned by the rich for very little pay.
      Temple prostitutes were from the poor families. (Any 8x1=8marks)
    3. There are too many needy cases.
      Tribal/ethnic feelings may hinder one from giving assistance to the needy.
      Political leaning/affiliations influence Christians against helping those who do not belong to their camp.
      Lack of what to share/inadequacy
      Indifferences of some Christians to the light of the needy.
      Denominational differences where some Christians are not ready share with those who do not belong to their group.
      Poor communication/infrastructure in some parts of the country that make impossible to reach the needy.
      It is difficult to identify the genuine needy cases.
      Misappropriation of resources meant for assisting the needy discourages Christian from contributing.
      (First 6x1=6marks)
    1. They would live according to Gods law/obey all his commandments/requirements
      They would not intermarry with the foreigners living in their land
      They promised not to farm every seventh year/they were to cancel all the debts
      They would make annual contribution towards temple expenses/not to neglect the house of God
      They were to provide wood for burnt sacrifices
      They would offer the first fruits of their harvest/dedicate their first born sons/flocks as required by the law
      They would pay their tithes in accordance with the law
      They would not buy corn or anything else foreigners on the Sabbath or any other holiday
      (First 7x1=7marks)
    2. Cleansing of the temple
      Reinstating of the Levites and other temple workers
      He ordered the closure of Jerusalem for proper Sabbath observance
      He separated the Jewish from the foreigners
      He purified the priesthood.
      Throwing out the household of Tobia out of the chamber
      Cleansing the chamber in the temple
      Returning the vessels of the house of God
      Appointing treasures over the storehouses
      Stopping the buying and selling of wares on the Sabbath day
      He ordered an end to mixed marriages/foreigners.
      (Any 6x1=6marks)
    3. Opposition from political leaders/society.
      Lack of cooperation from the members of the church/lack of unity among Christians
      False prophets/cultic affiliation// hypocrisy/black magic/witchcraft
      Misinterpretation of the scriptures
      Drug abuse among the members
      Lack of adequate time for pastoral care
      Poor infrastructure that make it impossible to reach some areas
      Insecurity in some parts of the country
      Lack of resources to enable them spread the good new/poverty
      Lack of professional training to enable them do their work effectively.
      Permissiveness/moral decadence, which has become the order of the day.
      Negative influence from the mass media/pornography.
      (Any 7x1=7marks)
    1. Some initiation rite have been abandoned e.g. removal of teeth
      The rites are less elaborated /no ceremonies
      Some communities have adopted initiation rite from others.
      The times for initiation have been shifted due to formal education.
      Many prefer to go for circumcision in hospitals.
      The age of initiation has shifted from adolescent to young children.
      It is carried out at family level in most cases
      Female genital mutilation (F.G.M) has been outlawed
      (First 6x1=6marks)
    2. The songs inform the participants of the history of the community/preserving culture/ importance of initiation.
      They provide an opportunity for the members to socialize/welcome ancestors
      It diverts the initiate’s minds from the impending pain.
      The songs teach the initiates important moral values.
      The songs educate the participants of gender roles /relationship
      Through singing and dancing members exercise their bodies
      The songs encourage the initiates to face the challenges/rebuke cowardice.
      They are used to mark the various stages of the initiation ceremonies.
      It is a form of prayer for the initiates /drive away evil spirits/ involving spirits
      Singing and dancing is a form of entertainment.
      (First 8x1=8marks)
    3. Health risks-it may lead to excessive bleeding to girls
      It may lead to death
      It may lead to infertility among the girls
      It contributes to early marriage
      It may lead to the victim being discriminated against / psychological torture/girl being traumatized
      It may lead to the victim dropping out of school
      Uncircumcised girls can be discriminated/harassed in learning institutions/community
      Forced female circumcision undermines the dignity of the victim
      It is against the women rights/child abuse
      It leads to lack of sexual satisfaction
      It may lead to HIV/AIDS infections
      It may lead to separation/divorce (Any 6x1=6marks)
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