English Paper 3 Questions and Answers - ACK Diocese Mumias Joint Evaluation Mock 2022

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  • Answer three questions only
  • Question one and two are compulsory
  • In question three choose only one of the optional texts you have prepared on
  • Where a candidate presents work on more than one optional text, only the first one to appear will be marked
  • Each of your essays must not exceed 450 words


  1. Imaginative composition (compulsory) (20marks)
    1. Write a composition to illustrate the following proverb: “Honesty is the best policy”
    2. Write a composition on the measures the government of Kenya should take in order to ensure peace prevails in the country.
  2. The compulsory set text (20marks)
    Henrik Ibsen, ADolls House
    The past always catches up with the present sometimes with the unintended consequences. Basing on the play A Dolls House, discuss the truthfulness of the above statement.
  3. The optional set Text
    1. The short story ;Memories We Lost and other stories(20marks)
      Window seat is like a mirror in which we see our image. Discuss the image of African countries as seen from the view point of the story, Window seat by Benjamin Branof
    2. Drama
      David Mulwa , Inheritance
      “Depriving people of their dignity has far-reaching consequences.”validate this statement with close reference to the play, Inheritance
    3. The Novel
      John Steinbeck, The Pearl
      “When an individual fails to heed to the wise counsel, he/she ends up suffering .”justify this statement using The Pearl by John Steinbeck

Marking Scheme

  1. Creative Writing
    Paper 101/3 is intended to test the candidates’ ability to communicate in writing. Communication established at different levels of intelligibility, correctness, accuracy, fluency, pleasantness and originality. Within the constraints set by each question, it is the linguistic competence shown by the candidate that should carry most of the marks.

    Examiners should not hesitate to use the full range of marks for each essay.

    It is important to determine first how each essay communicates and in which category A, B, C or D it fits.
    (The marks indicated below are for question one).

    1. D CLASS The candidate either does not communicate at all or his language ability is So minimal that the examiner practically has to guess what the candidate Wants to say. The candidate fails to fit the English word she knows into Meaningful sentences. The subject is glanc at or distorted. Practically no Valid. Punctuation. All kinds of error ‘’Broken English’
      • D- (01-02) Chaotic, little meaning whatsoever. Question paper or some words from it Simply copied.
      • D( 03) Flow of thought almost impossible to flow. The errors are continuous.
      • D+ ( 04 – 05) Although the English is often broken and the essay is full of errors of all Types we can least guess what the candidate wants to say.
    2. C CLASS The candidate communicates understandably but only more or less clearly. He is not confident with his language. The subject is often undeveloped. There may be some digressions. Unnecessary repetitions are frequent. The Arrangement is weak and the flow jerky. There is no economy of language : mother tongue influence is felt.
      • C- (06 -07) The candidate obviously finds it difficult to communicate his/her ideas. he/she is seriously hampered by his/her very limited knowledge of structure and vocabulary. This results in many grows, errors of agreement, spelling, misuse of prepositions, tenses, verb agreement and construction.
      • C (08) The candidate communicates but not with consistent clarity. His/her linguistic abilities being very limited, he/she cannot avoid frequent errors in sentence structure. There is little variety or originality. Very booking English, link are weak incorrect, repeated at times.
      • C+ (09 – 10) The candidate communicates clearly but in a flat and uncertain manner. Simple concepts sentence form are often strained. There may be an overuse of clichés, unsuitable idioms. Proverbs a misquoted or misinterpreted. The flow is still jerky. There are some errors of agreement, tenses and spellings.
    3. B CLASS This class is characterized by greater fluency and ease if expression. The candidate demonstrates that he/she can use English as a normal way of expressing himself/herself. Sentences are varied and usually well-constructed. Some candidates become ambitious and even over-ambitious. There may be items of merit of the one word or one expression type. Many essays in this category may be just clean and unassuming but they still show that the candidate is at ease with the language. There may be a tendency to under mark such essays. Give credit for tone. The candidate appeals to our emotions
      • B- (11-12) The candidate communicates fairly and with some fluency. There may be little variety. Sentence structure, grows errors are still found occasionally but this must not be over punished.
      • B (13) The sentences are varied but rather simple and straight forward. The candidate does not strain himself in an effort to impress. There is a fair range of vocabulary and idiom. Natural and effortless and some items of merit, economy language.
      • B+(14-15)The candidate communicates fairly his ideas pleasantly and without strain. There are errors and slips. Tenses, spellings and punctuation are quite good. A number of items of merit ‘’whole sentence’’ or the ‘’whole expression’’ type.
    4. A CLASS The candidate communicates not only fluently, but attractively, with originality and efficiency. He/she has the ability to make us share his deep feelings, emotion enthusiasms. He/ she expresses himself freely and without any visible constraint. The script gives evidence of maturity good planning and often humor. Many items of merit which indicate that the candidate has complete command of the language. There is no strength, just pleasantness, clever arrangement felicity of expression.
      • A- (16-17 )The candidate shows competence and fluency in using the language. He may lack imagination or originality which usually provide the ‘’spark’’ in such essays. Vocabulary idiom, sentence structure, links, variety are impressive. Grows errors are very rare.
      • A (18) Positive ability. A few errors that are felt to be slips. The story or argument has a definite impact. No grammar problem. Variety of structures. A definite spark.
      • A+ (19 – 20) The candidate communicates not only information and meaning, but also and especially the candidate’s whole self: his /her feelings, tastes, points of view, youth, culture. This ability to communicate his deep self may express itself in many ways; wide range effective vocabulary, original, approach, vivid and sustained account in the case of narrative, well developed and ordered argumentin the case of a debate or discussion Errors and slips should not deprive the candidate of the full marks, he deserves. A very definite spark.


 A   A+   19 -20  C    C+  09 - 10 
A   18  C   08 
 A-   16 -17  C-  06 - 07 
  B B+  14 -15  D   D+  04 - 05 
B    13  D   03 
B-   11 -12 D-  00 - 02




    • Decide on the degree of communication achieved A-D
    • After underlining, decide on the mark category.
    • Allocate a numerical mark to the essay.

    All problem scripts must be marked by the examiner and then sent to the team leader with comments in case of a centralized marking. The issues include:

      1. Consistent distortion of question, evasion of question, writing on a totally different subject with a clumsy attempt at connecting the essay to the subject given, inclusion of memorized passages etc.
      2. The question is given an unacceptable or questionable interpretation e.g. glorifying sex, crime, violence etc.
      3. Essays contain long, semi-relevant digressions or lack coherence.

        • The examiner marks the essay, gives a linguistic mark and comments on the nature of the irrelevancy. The essay is then passed to the team leader who judges whether the irrelevancy should be judged as a deliberate attempt to deceive or should be attributed to the candidate’s poor understanding of the subject. Deduct upto 4 marks for irrelevancy in the essay.
      Since the rubrics may change from year to year, the POINTS OF INTERPRETATION that are part of this MARKING SCHEME must be consulted and adhered to faithfully. Here are some general rules that usually apply.
      • Decide on the category D+, D or D-
      • Mark the errors on the essay and give numerical mark.
      • In case of centralized marking, team leaders should look at a good number of those scripts and ensure that the mark given is fair.
    4. Brevity
      • It should be remembered that the main quality of an essay is how effectively it communicates. If an essay looks too short, the examiner should take the time to count the exact number of word. If a candidate writes a very short story, he or she has already penalized himself or herself. Essays exceeding 450 words (2 pages) deduct 2 marks AD.
  2. The main signs indicate three degrees of seriousness of error    

    1.   The following symbols may also be used.
      • FAULTY PARAGRAPHING  Engp03q2 P (at the margin)
        at  the point where the paragraph should have started
      • REPETITION - r (of ideas) usually  in the margin
      • VAGUENESS (Words that don't make sense)
      • WRONG WORD ORDER Underline once and write W.O in margin W.O
      • IILOGICAL or CONTRADICTORY (ILL in margin)
      • BROKEN ENGLISH – When the candidate fails to communicate (BR in)
      • COW to indicate that a candidate has crossed to make a correction – paragraph/page.
      • BRACKETS [ ] indicate a part of a D script that communicates.
        Use an asterisk to indicate an item or a sentence that the rubrics indicate should be used.
      • TO INDICATE AN ITEM OF MERIT use a tick (√) either above a word or in the margin for the whole sentence.
      • Almost any error of agreement.
      • Serious tense error.
      • Errors of elementary vocabulary: spelling and misuse.
      • Punctuation errors or missing punctuation which causes serious lack of communication.
      • Elementary errors of idiom that affects communication.
      • Misuse of common prepositions.
      • Misuse of capital letters. Use of CAPS underline the first page and use CAPS on subsequent pages where the mistake persists.
      • Contracted forms except in dialogue.


      • It must be a story
      • The story must illustrate the saying; expect a situation where one benefits from telling the truth or one was saved from a difficult situation since truth was revealed.
      • If merely a philosophical discussion treat as irrelevant and deduct upto 4marks (20mks)
      • it should be an explanatory composition
      • Consider the level of communication not the number of points discussed.
  2. Henrik Ibsen, A Dolls House
    1. Introduction
      It is actually true that what one does in life will always affect her in the future either positively or negatively. In A Dolls House their characters who are affected by their actions. For instance Nora decides to forge her fathers signature and this later affects her marriage negatively.
      (accept any other relevant introduction)
      1. Forgery of the signature
        • Helmer falls ill due to overworking
        • The doctor advises that he moves to a warmer place probably Italy but they have no money.
        • Nora approaches Krogstad to lend her money. She is forced to forge a signature and lies to Helmer she borrowed it from her father .
        • She keeps this a secret but when the world starts crumbling around her, she reveals to Linde she borrowed the money from Krogstad
        • Krogstad eventually reveals the secret after getting a dismissal letter
        • This eventually leads to the break up of her marriage to Helmer.
      2. Mrs Linde
        • Her mother falls ill and gets bedridden but mrs Linde has no money. At the time she is in love but Krogstad has no money
        • She decides to abandon her true love and go in for a man of means whom she does not love
        • Unfortunately the oldman dies, her mother also dies and her siblings are of age
        • After the death of two , she suffers emotionally and financially. She feels hopeless
        • She comes to town to look for a job she meets Krogstad and confesses to him that that she is shipwrecked. She has to beg Krogstad to take her in.
      3. Dr. Ranks father lifestyle
        • Dr. Rank is a friend to the Helmers
        • He confides in Nora that he is about to die. He tells her that when he sends her his card with a black cross on it, then she should know that he is about to die.
        • He tells Nora that the cause of his death of his death is due to his fathers sin. He says his poor innocent spine has to suffer for his fathers youthful amusements.
        • He smoked a lot and took a lot of champagne. Thus they are taking revenge on his bones.(pg 64-65)
      4. Krogstads dirty life
        • He confesses to Nora that many years ago he was guilty of an indiscretion but the matter never came to court. Thus every way seemed to be close to him after that. As a result he was to try and win back his respect. To rid his corrupt deals from peoples minds, he has to keep his position at the bank. His sons are also grown thus he has to safeguard his name. that’s why nora has to convince helmer not to kick him out of the bank.(pg 35-36)
        • Helmer also says he was guilty of an offence but refused to take punishment (pg 46-47) that’s why helmer is not ready to keep him at the bank.
      5. Helmers mistreatment of Nora
        • Helmer does not really love Nora. He treats her like a plaything. He calls her pet names. He underrates her, not knowing what Nora is capable of.
        • He even cheats her that he is ready to risk his lifes blood for her sake(pg 101-102) but when the secret about the loan is revealed, he vilifies her. This makes Nora to quit the marriage

          Accept any other relevant point
          Mark 3:3:3:3
          Conclusion- it can be specific
          It can be general 2mks
          Body- 3:3:3:3 -12marks
          Conclusion -2mks
        • The short story –window seat – Benjamin Branoff
      1. Introduction
        Window seat actually exposes the shortfalls in most African countries like corruption, the bad state of roads and what happens in the matatu industry.
        (accept any other relevant introduction )2mks
      2. Body
        • The story exposes the madness of the matatu industry. There is a lot of congestion but the traffick police takes bribes (pg 62-63)
        • The state of the roads is bad and its too dusty and he has to learn the down town dance on the vehicle (pg64)
        • There is poor garbage coolection and a lot of air pollution (pg 65-66)
        • Corruption among the traffic police officers (pg 66-68)
        • Pick pocketing by the passengers (pg69-70)
        • Accept any other relevant point
          Mark 3:3:3:3 (12mks)
          Expect details
        • It can be general
        • It can be specific
    2. Drama- David Mulwa Inheritance
        • Lacuna Kasoo has little regard for other people. His opinion is what matters, it carries the day and he does not entertain divergent views
        • His desires for lulu is unrivalled and stops at nothing but to manhandle her.
        • He also keeps grudges that would be executed with a lot of ruthlessness. In an effort to contain the famenting rebellion triggered by his coronation, many people are killed.
      2. C1
        • Humiliation on leads resentment chipande uses his influence as acouncilor to buy Taminas land on the mountains. Tamina has to work on her former farm to pick coffe in order to fend for her family. This causes resentment among the people at the end they humble Chipande after Lacuna is overthrown
      3. C2
        • Detention leads humiliation lulu is detained at the palace against her will. She is kissed forcefully and Lacuna plans to marry her against her will. This is what attracts Taminas ire that she slaps Lacuna after he is toppled by the rebels. The fact that he is even denied an opportunity to attend her fathers burial leads to the ultimate humiliation of Lacuna.
      4. C3
        • Fear/death Judah Zen Mello is hunted down for refusing to kill his brother Romanus Bengo, a fierce critic of Lacuna. He is humiliated to a point that he can get gainful employment that he has to flee from home and lies low until he finds away into the mines as a security guard. His fate is sealed once it is discovered that he is working at the mines that the malfunctioning machines make a mine meat out of him. Ultimately the mines are recording fifteen percent drop in production and the mines are unnecessary burden on the tax payers.
      5. C4
        • Frustration leads rebellion abolishing of all positions is quite embarrassing to employees that it deprive them of dignity and is against labor laws. Withholding of salariesearned is equally painful to employees . with reviewed status and no earnings, it is imperative to note that every one turns against Lacuna in a rebellion that topples his leadership.
      6. C5
        • Confrontation Lacunas nerve to confront Reverend Sangoi with accusations of fermenting trouble through her pulpit teachings is quite uncouth of a leader. He relies on hearsay and does not look for evidence of these allegation. For a leader to bend that low is quite unacceptable. Hurling insults and casting as pensions on Reverend Sangoi is also unacceptable of a leader.
        • A people that have lost their all have nothing else to loose rather than fight for their souls. This is the position the people of Kutula find themselves in after being pushed by Lacuna Kasoo and his allies –overthrowing the evil regime is never an option for them.
    3. The Pearl, John Steinbeck
      • Introduction –can be specific
        -can be general
      • BODY
        1. After the visit of the doctor, Kino is attacked at night. He gets his knife and strikes but misses. He injures his forehead. Juana offers first aid and then advises him. He tells him that the pearl is evil, its like a sin, they should throw it away or break it between stones. They should bury it and forget about it. They should throw it back into the sea. It will destroy them but he does not listen. He says its their only chance, his son must go to school. As a result he is attacked a second time and is serious (pg 58-60, 74-78) after he has failed to sell the pearl. Juana the decides to throw the Pearl back into the sea. He is attacked again, he kills a man and is banished.
        2. Kino is advised by Juan Thomas three times but he refuses to listen to him. He tells him :-to be careful on the handling of the pearl. So that they do not cheat him but he says he has heard stories about the selling of the Pearl and he knows ( pg 67-68)
        3. He also warns him against against going to the city since it is a strange place. In lapaz he has him and his friends to assist him. When he leaves lapaz he loses his son
        4. He advises him to be careful on his way. He even gives him a weapon and food for the journey but he attacks the trackers who kill his son .
        5. On their way to mountain, Juana struggles to make Kino see that the Pearl may not really be worth the trouble. She tells him not to fight the trackers but he does not listen(pg 98) and Juana said, “perhaps the dealers were right and the pearl has no value.”
          He answers “…….No……they would not have tried to steal it if it had been valueless. In the end the son dies.
        6. Juana ignores Kinos advise when they are sheltering under the boulder and they see the trackers approaching. He tells her that they separate but she refuses eventually the son is killed.
        7. Juana is instructed by Kino not to come out of the care and keep the child quiet. Instead she moves to the entrance of the cave and exposes the baby. Coyotito cries and the trackers think is a coyote. He is shot and this leads to the loss of the baby. (pg109,112,114)
        8. The dealers advise Kino to 1500 pesos but Kino thinks its too little. According to the neighbours 1000 pesos was not to be thrown away. This is the kind of money he had never handled before. They thought he was a pig headed fool for not accepting it. He then decides to go to the capital to sell it for more money. He later loses his son then proceeds to throw the pearl back into the sea. (pg118)
          (accept any other relevant point)
          Marks 3:3:3:3 (12mks)
      • Conclusion
        1. It can be general or specific (2mrks)
        2. Grammar and organisaton 4mks
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