English Paper 3 Questions and Answers - Cekenas Mock Exams 2022

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Answer three questions only

  1. Imaginative composition
    1. Write a composition ending with the following
      … I angrily stormed out never to look back.
    2. Write a composition to illustrate the saying:
      “Misfortunes never comes singly”
  2. Compulsory set text.
    Henrik Ibsen, A Doll’s House
    A Doll’s House is a play that shows that during tough times, the call for wisdom in choosing the best option is quite prudent. Write an essay to show the truth of this statement drawing your illustrations from the play.
  3. Optional set texts
    Answer any one of the following three questions;
    1. The short story ‘Memories We Lost and Other stories by Chris Wanjala’
      Secrecy and mistrust can damage relationships. Discuss with illustrations from Dilman Dila’s Stones Bounce on Water.
    2. Drama
      David Mulwa: The Inheritance
      A leader’s shortcomings can cause untold suffering to the subjects. Write a composition on this statement basing your illustrations on the character of Lacuna Kasoo in David Mulwa’s The Inheritance.
    3. Novel
      John Steinbeck: The pearl
      Drawing examples from John Steinbeck’s, The Pearl, write an essay to illustrate the saying, ‘A friend in need is a friend indeed.’


Paper 101/3 is intended to test the candidate’s ability to communicate in writing. Communication is established at different levels of intelligibility, correctness, fluency, pleasantness and originality.
Linguistic competence shown by the candidate that should carry most of the marks.
Examiners should not hesitate to use the full range or marks for each essay.
It is important to determine FIRST how the essay communicates and in which category A, B, C or D it fits.

D CLASS: The candidate either does not communicate at all. Their language ability is too minimal that the (01 —05 examiner practically has to guess shat the candidate wants to say. The candidate fails to fit the English words she knows into meaningful sentences. The subject is glanced or distorted. Practically no valid punctuation. All kinds or errors l3roken English”.
D- (01 —02): Chaotic. Little meaning whatsoever. Question paper or some words from it simply copied. D (03): Flow of thought almost impossible to follow. The errors are continuous.
D+ (04-05): Although English is often broken and the essay is full of errors of all types, we can at least guess what the candidate wants to say.

C CLASS: The candidate communicates understandably but only more or less clearly. They are not confident with their language. The subject is often undeveloped There may be some digressions. Unnecessary repetitions are frequent (06 — 10):
C (06 — 07): The candidate obviously finds it difficult to communicate his ideas. He is seriously hampered by very limited knowledge of structure and vocabulary. This results in many gross errors of agreement, spelling, misuse of propositions. Tenses, verb agreement and sentence construction.
C 08: The candidate communicates clearly but not with consistent clarity. Their linguistic abilities being very limited, they cannot avoid frequent errors in sentences structure. There is little variety or originality.
C+ (09 — 10): The candidate communicates clearly but in a flat and uncertain manner.
Simple concepts sentence forms are often strained. There may be an overuse of clichés. Unsuitable idioms. Proverbs are misquoted or misinterpreted. The flow is still jerky. There are some errors or agreement, tenses, spelling.

B CLASS: This class is characterized by greater fluency and ease of expression. The candidate demonstrates that they can use English as a normal way of expressing himself herself Sentences are varied and usually well-constructed. Some candidates become ambitious and even over ambitious. There may be items of merit of the one of the one word or one expression type. Many essays in this category may be just clean and unassuming, but they still show that the candidate is at ease with the language. There may be a tendency to under mark such essays (11 — 15).
B- (11 — 12): The candidate communicates fairly and with some fluency’. There may he little variety in sentence structure. Gross errors are still found occasionally. This must not be over punished by the examiner.
B (13): The sentences are ‘varied hut rather simple and straightforward. The candidate does not strain himself or herself in an effort to impress. There is a fair range of vocabulary and idiom. Natural and effortless. Some items of merit. Economy of language.
B+ (14 — 15): The candidate communicates his ideas pleasantly and without strain. There are errors and slips. Tenses, spelling and punctuation era quite good. A number of items of merit of the whole sentence’ or the “whole expression” type.

A CLASS: The candidate communicates not only fluently, but attractively with
(16 —. 20) originality and efficiency. He/she has the ability to make us share his/her deep feelings, emotions and enthusiasms. He/she expresses himself/ herself freely without visible constraint. The script gives evidence of maturity, good planning and often humour. Many items of merit which indicate that the candidate has complete command of the language. There is no strain, just pleasantness, clever arrangement, felicity of expression.
A- (16— 17): The candidate shows competence and fluency in using the language. He/she may lack imagination and originality which usually provide the spark’ in such essays. Vocabulary, idiom, sentence structure, links and variety are impressive. Gross errors are very rare.
A (18): Positive ability. A few errors that are felt to be slips. The story or argument has a definite impact. No grammar problems. Variety of structure. A definite spark. Many margin ticks.
A+ (19 —20): The candidate communicates not only information and meaning but also and especially the candidate’s whole self, his her feelings, tastes, points of view, youth 2lnd culture. This ability to communicate his deep self may express itself in many ways wide rang of effective vocabulary, original approach, vivid and sustained account in case of narrative, well developed and ordered argument in the case of a debate or discussion. Errors and slips should not deprive the candidate of the full marks he she deserves.

Points of Interpretation

  1. Must be a story if not deduct 4mks AD.
  2. Should show some injustice that was meted on the character.
  3. Must end with the sentence given if not deduct 2AD
  4. Must be a story
  5. Must illustrate the truth of the saying
  6. Must show a series of suffering/ misfortunes

Compulsory Set Text
A Doll’s House
A Doll’s House is a play that shows that during tough times, the call for wisdom in choosing the best option is quite prudent. Write an essay to show the truth of this statement drawing illustrations from the play.
The introduction must capture the two sides of the question that when one is desperate he or she is supposed to make a wise decision (s) that will work for them. The candidate’s input in the introduction must be seen.
At one point in our lives, we have encountered difficult moments and it is prudent we act quickly and wisely to resolve the problem for our own benefit and that of our immediate family members. It does not help when we stand aloof and choose to complain about it. The decision we make will go a long way in preventing much worse situation. Nora, Linde and Krogstad in A Doll’s House use wisdom to resolve challenging problems in their lives; consequently, saving their reputation.
Accept any other relevant introduction.

  1. Nora decides to take a loan to save her husband’s life
    Torvald has been sick because he has been overworking himself dreadfully. The doctor recommends to Nora that he urgently needs to go south for medication. The family can’t raise the money to cater for travel and medical expenses as the whole venture is expensive to the family, as it will cost 250 pounds, a tremendous amount of money. Again, the society forbids women from borrowing without the consent of their husbands. The situation is made worse as Helmer doesn’t entertain borrowing and refuses to entertain her whims and caprices. Nora hatches a desperate though prudent plan to forge her father’s signature thus saving him a lot of anxieties during his last days. She uses this to obtain a loan of 250 pounds from Krogstad. The family spends one year in Italy and they come back when Helmer is as sound as a bell healthy wise
  2. Nora discretely pays the loan
    Nora has to pay back the loans she borrows from Krogstad in terms of quarterly interest and monthly instalments as per their agreement. When Helmer gives Nora cash for the family upkeep, she prudently spends some of the money and uses the rest to repay the loan since the burden of repaying this loan is weighing on her. She is desperate and works like a man by doing crotchet work, needle work, embroidery and copy work to supplement the repayment schedule. She locks herself every evening late in to the night for three weeks the previous Christmas doing such work. She is also forced to buy the simplest and cheapest of things and this makes Helmer question her spending habits thus calling her a spendthrift. She also has to learn how to make Helmer give her money which immediately seems to melt in her hands, though she uses the same in the repayments.
  3. Nora cleverly secures Mrs.Linde the much needed job.
    When Linde visits Nora, she requests that Nora helps her secure a job. Nora approaches Helmer over the same and he olliges but this means he will dismiss Krogstad and replace him with Mrs. Linde. Nora finds herself between a rock and a hard place. She therefore pleads with Helmer to spare Krogstad. Krogstad threatens Nora that he would have no choice but to disclose her murky business.Pg.76. She is even forced to reveal the secret to Linde that she forged a signature to procure a loan. However, Helmer is determined to dismiss him, forcing Nora to come up with strategies to divert her husband’s attention from the letter that Krogstad drops in his letterbox which includes pleading with him, dancing tarantella, demanding Helmer coach her for the whole night. (Pg8 1, 84) By doing this she manages to keep the secret of the loan deal for some little more time.
  4. Nora’s self-realisation makes her walk out on a sham marriage.
    Helmer is agit ted by Nora’s defense of Krogstad and sends Krogstad the dismissal letter. Krogstad revenges by disclosing that Nora committed a fraud as she secretly borrowed 250 pounds from him. This irks Helmer who calls Nora a criminal, a liar, a hypocrite and tells her he shall not allow her to bring up the children lest she also corrupts them. He also tells her that she will remain in his house but not as his wife anymore for he no longer loves her. Nora is shocked by his outburst since she had done it out of love and in fact had saved his life. She had not expected such a reaction from him since he had said he would shelter her from any danger that would threaten her. In fact, though she had been psychologically disturbed prior to this revelation (pg. 76, 77, 80) she had thought that a wonderful thing must happen. Probably, Helmer would defend her once Krogstad makes the threat real. It is against this backdrop that she gives back her marriage of eight years. She could not bear the betrayal from her husband. She prudently decides to go on a quest of self-discovery and tells Helmer that if they would ever reunite, both of them must be so changed that it would he a real wedlock and this gives Helmer some bit of hope at the end.
  5. Mrs. Linde selflessly sacrifices her love for Krogstad for the sake of her family
    Mrs. Linde has an ai1kng mother and young siblings to take care of but she has no means of income. The mother is sick, helpless and bedridden. She is in a relationship with Krogstad who cannot support her financially since his prospects seem hopeless at that time. To save the situation, she prudently dumps Krogstad and marries a wealthy old man who approaches her and offers to marry her. This is a man she does not love but she feels justified in accepting his offer since she will be able to take care of the family interests at the time. She is able of take care of her mother till she dies free from care. Her younger brothers are now well off since they have got situations and can shift for themselves, thus they need her no longer.
  6. Mrs. Linde comes to the rescue of Krogstad
    Unfortunately, the wealthy old man passes on and his business which was a precarious one crumbles down thus leaving her with no inheritance, not even children or even grief. In her joblessness and desperation, she attempts to run a small shop, work at a small school but fails. She feels she can no longer stay in the back water anymore and goes to Nora’s town in search of some work. While at Nora’s home she also has a job offered by Helmer. She also initiates her reunion with Krogstad since she has been lonely and yearns for someone to live for and work for. The two forgive one another and reconcile. She is a happy woman after this prudent decision. She also makes Krogstad write a letter withdrawing his threats to Helmer and returns Nora’s bond, citing something good that has happened to him (a happy change of fortunes).
  7. Anne decides to leave her daughter with strangers/ decides to quit her relationship with the wicked man.
    Daughter grows up well and she is confirmed and married and happy to invite her mother for both occasions.
    The wicked man did not do a single thing for her.
    She get a good place by being Nora’s nurse who did not have a mother to raise her. She also nurses Nora’s children P.51
    When we find ourselves in difficult situations such as Nora and other characters found themselves in, we ought to do all we can to reverse the situation regardless of our reputation

Marking points:

  1. Body:
    For a candidate to score a full, the following are expected:
    1. The character;
    2. Background information leading to the desperate situation/decision
    3. The desperate prudent / wise action/decision made/reaction
    4. The anxiety the pain/the stress/the suffering that goes with the situation
    5. The outcome of the decision/result/consequence/benefit /
  2. Introduction
    People who keep issues from one another are hound to have poor relations especially it the truth is uncovered.
    (Any relevant introduction)
    Si The secret affair between Peter and Chelsea creates a sense of mistrust in Winnie. Winnie almost drops her cup when Chelsea remarks that she would spend her next honey moon there, Pg 152. ‘You won’t shut me up! There is something between you and Chelsea! This assertion is true as in the end Peter and Chelsea get married after Winnie’s death.
    Sii Simon secretly adds alcohol to Meg’s tea against Joe’s wishes. On pg 148. Joe had always suspected that Meg had secret bottles and on asking Simon he denies it, Joe looks at Simon with a sneer to show his disapproval. Meg is actually driven into alcoholism due to the mistrust that exists between her and the business partners. Simon says that he as sure Joe would reprimand Meg. p 149.
    Siii Tim. Winnie’s Cousin, secretly plans Winnie’s murder so as to be a beneficiary of Winnie’s wealth. Pg 149, Winnie talks about the how Tim would inherit her money and when Winnie’s body is found and investigations are conducted, Okello the guard says that lie was drugged, even though the evidence is scanty it is later discovered that Tim had contacted a poacher in Kenya before he got to Uganda (dart gun).
    Siv. Even after conspiring to murder Winnie and become heirs of her wealth, Tim and Peter do not trust each other and they disagree on how they are to share what they had acquired. They testify against one another making it easy for the courts to make a judgement, pg 163.
    Sv. Winnie mistrusts everybody who is around her. She believes someone wants to kill benefit from her wealth. When fire cracker goes off. She believes it was asset up for them to run so as someone would add poison to her tea. She cannot even eat the food prepared by the cooks it is poisoned. She even asks whether they would deposit her body at the pond, pg 152.
    In conclusion, relationships shrouded in mistrust and secrets are bound to fail.

Question 3b
Any relevant introduction

  1. Greed and selfishness
    Leader Lacuna and his cronies use public resources to enrich themselves. Lacuna is greedy for power and this makes him kill his own father. King Kutula XV in order to become the leader of Kutula. Lucuna borrows moneys from foreign countries to use it for development of Kutula. However, he embezzles the money by buying an aircraft for personal use. He careiessl gives money to his cronies and deposits money in foreign accounts in Canada, Swiss, Luxemburg and Manhattan. This causes suffering to the people of Kutula. Due to his selfishness. Lucuna kills Judah Len Melo for not to allowing him to Mary his daughter.
  2. Oppression and exploitation.
    Lacuna kasoo is an oppressive leader. He poisons his own father King Kutula XV. The people are forced to work without rest and they only rest when they are dead. The black man is sentenced to work for the white man till death. The leaders in power forcefully take people’s property. Tamina loses her house, land and cars. Those who raise their voices to criticize the government are in danger of being killed. Judah Zen Melo is beaten up for refusing to kill his brother Bengo who is a critic of the government. Zen cannot easily find a job since nobody is willing to employ him. His land is taken. Lulu is forcefully locked up at Lacuna’s palace. He wants to make her his wife against her wish. Bango is jailed.
  3. Corruption.
    Lacuna borrows money meant for development but embezzles it. The peoples sweat is poured in Lucina’s porous pockets as he deposits public funds in his foreign banks. Bribery - Lacuna wants to bribe to kill Bengo whom he considers a thorn in his leadership. The people are given handouts and this makes them sing praises to Lacuna. They become blind to the truth. Lacuna is nepotic: He favours his own tribesmen, kinsmen and concubines.
  4. Abuse of office
    Those in power disregard their subjects. They use their power to dismiss Judah Zen Melo for refusing to kill his brother. Chipande uses his power to purchase Tamina’s land at a very cheap price. He later influences Lacuna not to give anyone licence to grow coffee since he does not warn competition. Lacuna uses his power to employ his own tribesmen and kinsmen. This is after he is confronted by the employees who protest and rebel against his leadership. He sacks them all and employs his people. Lacuna uses his power to have people killed. He orders the killing of all deserters. He also uses his power to remove the inhabitants of the valley so that foreigners can occupy it. Lacuna uses his power to arrest and lock up Lulu in his palace. He wants to marry her forcefully. He also has Judah killed.
  5. Dictatorship/Authoritarian.
    Lacuna takes over power forcefully after killing his own father, king Kutula XV. The leaders order the killing of people. The people are detained arbitrary. Lacuna uses dictatorship to freeze employees’ salaries after his foreign accounts are emptied by Robert. He increases the tax of profits of companies and business and keeps it for himself.
  6. Inefficiency:
    The government as led by Lacuna does not do its work well. Lacuna takes a loan meant to fund the mining of silver. He fails to follow up the money and production of silver. He does not care whether they are making a loss or a profit. When the production of silver reduces by 15%, Lacuna is not aware. He only gives order without monitoring. Due to his inefficiency, Lacuna, does not keep records of the mines proceeds. Machines are not serviced or new ones bought.
    Any valid conclusion

Question 3(c)
Drawing examples from John Steinbeck’s The Pearl, write an essay to illustrate the saying, “A friend in need is a friend indeed.”
Many of us have numerous friends including our immediate family members who happen to be our immediate friends. / However, a true friend is that person who stands by you or always on your side in trying moments/ They will stick by you in moments of happiness or pain. Juana and Juan Thomas in The Pearl prove valuable friends of Kino when misfortunes strike him./ Any other valid introduction

  1. Scorpion
    Juana stands with Kino when the baby is stung.When Coyotito is stung by a scorpion, Kino has no idea what to do. The family is poor thus cannot raise money to seek medication. They cannot see the doctor who is a racist. To save Coyotito’s life, Juana suggests that they see the doctor whether with cash or not. She also offers first aid by sucking poison out of Coyotito’s shoulder. She also finds some seaweed and made a fat poultice of it and applies to the baby’s swollen shoulder. The pain subsides. There are no stomach cramps. She also prayed that her husband finds the pearl so that they can afford medication. Indeed Kino finds the greatest pearl of the world.
  2. Attacks
    When increased attacks, Juana advises Kino to either destroy the pearl or sell it as the family was in great danger, When Kino refuses, she opts to throw it back into the sea. Although she does not succeed since Kino waylay her, it sends a strong message that she is tired and she values their lives and anything that puts their lives on line must be destroyed. When she finally lays her hands on the pearl she doesn’t throw it into the sea she feels this would hurt her husband more. She helps him on his feet, wipes blood and dresses the wounds.
    3. Pearl buyers
    When Kino opts to sell the pearl to the capital, Juan Thomas warns him to be cautious of the pearl dealers as they are likely to exploit him. He was not privy to the price of the pearl thus he would have used agents to sell the pearl. Kino does not listen to wise counsel from his brother. He is intimidated, humiliated and regrets why he went to the town. Truth downs on him that enemies are all over. Juan is not through with him, he still warns Kino that he has exposed himself to the enemies thus he must move with speed to dispose off the pearl.
  3. Killing
    When Kino kills a man, his house and boat is destroyed. He is a marked man. His enemies are baying for his blood and he can only save his life by escaping. It is Juan Thomas who hides him in his house and lies to the villagers that Kino’s family has escaped; probably perished into the sea. He tells them Kino has gone to the south along the coast. Before they escape, he gives Kino, a bag of beans, a gourd of rice, a cup of dried pepper, a block of salt and a knife for self-defence. Juan again, advises Kino to avoid the shore and wishes him well.
  4. Flight
    Juana sticks by Kino as they flee. She adamantly refuses to leave him as as he suggests urguing that they stick together. He draws his strength from her resolve.
    Juana and Juan Thomas demonstrate the real meaning of friendship. Were it not for their timely intervention, Kino’s family would have perished whole.
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