CRE Paper 1 Questions and Answers - Mokasa II Mock Exams 2022

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  • There are six questions in this paper.
  • This paper has two pages.
  • Answer any five questions.
  • All answers must be in English.


    1. Describe the second account of creation in Genesis 2:4b-25 (8marks)
    2. Identify seven causes of sin in Genesis 3-11 (7marks)
    3. Give five similarities between traditional African view of evil and Biblical concept of sin. (5marks)
    1. Describe the background to the call of Abraham in Genesis 11:24-32. (8marks)
    2. Outline six instructions given to Abraham concerning circumcision in Genesis 17:10- 14 (6marks)
    3. Identify six elements of Jewish worship which are found in Christian worship today (6marks)
    1. Explain four failures of King Saul. (8 marks)
    2. Outline seven factors that led to the spread of idolatry in Israel. (7 marks)
    3. Give five lessons Christians learn from the failures of King Saul. (5 marks)
    1. State seven teachings of prophet Amos about the day of the Lord. (7 marks)
    2. Outline seven ways in which the rich oppressed the poor during the time of prophet Amos. (7 marks)
    3. Identify six ways in which the church in Kenya restores members who have fallen from the faith. (6 marks)
    1. Explain six symbolic acts used by prophets Jeremiah to demonstrate God’s judgment and punishment to the Israelites. (6marks)
    2. State seven evils condemned by prophet Jeremiah during the temple sermon. (7marks)
    3. Identify seven leadership qualities that Christians learn from Nehemiah today.(7marks)
    1. State seven rituals related to death in African traditional communities. (7marks)
    2. Explain the African concept of a community. (7marks)
    3. Give six reasons why witchcraft is feared in traditional African community. (6marks)

Marking Scheme

    1. Describe the second account of creation in Genesis 2:4b-25 (8mks)
      • In the beginning the land was bare/ uncultivated desert.
      • Lord God had not caused it to rain upon the earth and no man to till the ground
      • God created man out of dust and breathed into him the breath of life
      • Woman was created out of man’s ribs as man was lonely
      • God created the Garden of Eden and placed man in it to till it.
      • At the centre of the of the garden, God placed the tree of knowledge of good and evil
      • Man was allowed to eat from all the trees except the tree of knowledge
      • God created birds and animals and gave man the responsibility to name them
      • The Garden of Eden was watered by four rivers i.e. Tigris, Euphrates, Gishon and Pishon
      • Mist went up from earth and watered the whole face of ground
        (1X8=8 MARKS)
    2. Identify seven causes of sin in Genesis 3-11 (7mks)
      • Human weakness/ Free will.
      • Temptation from Satan
      • Greed/lust for material things
      • Pride e.g. tower of babel
      • Disobedience to Gods commandments
      • Uncontrolled desires
      • Jealousy e.g cain.
      • Anger e.g Cain
      • Lack of faith in God.
      • Lack of knowledge of God
      • Man’s ambition/ man wanted to know what is good and evil.
        (1X7=7 MARKS)
    3. Give five similarities between traditional African view of evil and Biblical concept of sin (5mks)
      • In both cases God/ supreme being is good/not the author of evil/sin
      • Evil is caused by foreign agent/forces/external forces i.e. serpent in the bible and malicious/ bad spirit in the African community
      • In both sin comes as a result of disobedience of the culprit.
      • Both agree that the result of evil is suffering and hardship/death of the offender
      • In both, evil leads to separation from God/ In both, God is the guardian of law and order/morality
      • In both, evil leads to death of the offender
      • In both, God is supreme and is good ‘in both, evil may have resulted from failing in social and spiritual obligation
      • In both sin/evil is considered to interfere with the smooth running of the community as intended by God.
      • in both human beings have the ability to overcome evil by choosing good/right.
      • Sin evil leads to separation among human beings/ destroys relationship between people/ creates a situation of fear/mistrust/suspicion.destroys relationship between God.
      • In both sin/evil leads to punishment from God/ destruction of God’s creation through natural calamities.In both there is remedy for sin/evil.
        (1X5=5 MARKS)
    1. Describe the background to the call of Abraham Genesis 11:24-32 (8mks)
      • He lived in the city of Ur near river Euphrates
      • His father was a Semite/ they were semi nomadic people
      • He was the son of Terah.
      • They worshipped the moon/ they practised religious polytheism
      • He married a wife called Sarai
      • His wife Sarah remained barren till her old age
      • They migrated to Canaan but later settled at a place called Haran
      • He had two brothers, Haran and Hahor
      • Abraham had a nephew called lot
      • His father died at the age of 205 years in Haran
      • They sacrificed to their gods including human sacrifices.
        (1X8=8 MARKS)
    2. Outline SIX instructions given to Abraham concerning circumcision in Genesis 17:10-14 (6mks)
      • Every male was to be circumcised
      • Circumcision involved the cutting of the foreskin
      • Every male was to be circumcised on the eight day
      • It was to be passed from one generation to another
      • Slaves bought with Abraham’s money were to be circumcised/ born in Abraham’s house.
      • Any uncircumcised male shall be an outcast/excommunicated/cut off
      • It was a sign of an everlasting covenant between Abraham, his descents and God
      • It was a sign of obedience and faith in God
        (1X6=6 MARKS)
    3. Identify SIX elements of Jewish worship which are found in Christian worship today (6mks)
      • Observance of Sabbath
      • Observance of Passover which is the Christian Easter and Lord’s Supper
      • Giving of tithes and offering
      • Reading the bible
      • Building of altars
      • Following the Ten Commandments
      • Child dedication
      • Singing and dancing during worship
      • Giving of the first fruit.
      • Teaching of young children/catechism classes
      • Praying
      • Burning incense.
      • Respecting religious leaders.
        (1X6=6 MARKS)
    1. Explain four failures of King Saul (8 marks)
      • He performed the duties of a priest /offered burnt offering instead of waiting for Samuel to do it
      • He lacked patience to go by God’s timing/lacked patience to wait for Samuel who was to offer a burnt offering to God.
      • He disobeyed God’s command to destroy Amalekites completely by sparing the life of King Agag.
      • He spared the best of the animals instead of destroying them
      • He lost faith in God/consulted a medium/practiced necromancy
      • He wanted to kill David/was jealous of David
      • He was deceitful to the servant of God
      • He committed suicide
      • He killed the priests of the Lord at Nob.
      • He listened to the voice of his subjects/army
        (8x 1 = 8 marks)
    2. Factors that led to the spread of idolatry in Israel. (7 marks)
      • Transition from pastoral to agricultural life made the Israelites resort to worshipping the Canaanite gods in order to succeed in agriculture.
      • Intermarriages with Canaanites/the marriage between Ahab and Jezebel.
      • Split of the kingdom into two/Religious schism between Judah and Israel.
      • Subsequent kings after Jeroboam continued to worship idols, misleading the people.
      • Israelite defeat in wars made them seek consolation from other gods
      • Failures to destroy elaborate Temples built by the Canaanites.
      • The local Canaanite religion.
      • Israelites lacked strong faith in the invisible God.
      • A belief that a God is powerful in his own land.
        (7x1=7 marks)
    3. State five lessons Christians learn from the failures of King Saul (5 marks)
      • Christians learn that they should be patient/wait upon the Lord.
      • Christians should avoid evil deeds/thoughts in their lives.
      • They should obey God/His teachings/authority
      • They should have faith in God alone
      • They should trust in the saving power of God alone.
      • They should respect people anointed to do the will of God/church leaders
      • They should not be greedy/selfish
      • They should be responsible/true to their duties.
      • Christians should repent/ask for forgiveness.
    1. State seven teachings of prophet Amos about the day of the Lord. (7 marks)
      • It will be a day of terror and disaster
      • God will punish the Israelites for their disobedience/He will remember their evil deeds.
      • The land shall tremble/there will be earthquakes.
      • People will mourn/no happiness/ Wailing.
      • There will be darkness at noon /eclipse.
      • The feasts and festivals will not be joyful.
      • People will thirst/hunger for the word of God.
      • People will faint in the process of searching for the word of God
      • It will be a day of disappointment to the Israelites.
      • The wicked will not escape God’s judgment.
      • The day of the Lord will come unexpected.
      • It will come like someone who runs from a lion and meets a bear.
      • It will be a day of gloom/without brightness.
        (7x1=7 marks)
    2. Outline seven ways in which the rich oppressed the poor in Israel during the time of prophet Amos (7 marks)
      • The poor were sold for a piece of silver/pair of sandals.
      • The rich grabbed land/grains/food belonging to the poor.
      • The merchants used false/faulty weighing scales.
      • The rich sold foods that were unfit for human consumption to the poor/refuse.
      • Poor people were paid unfair wage/underpaid for the labor provided to the rich.
      • The poor were sold to slavery for being unable to pay the debts
      • They were charged high interest rates for the banked money.
      • The poor were denied justice in the law courts due to bribing of the judges by the rich/the cases of the poor were thrown out of courts.
      • The poor were persecuted/oppressed when they challenged the injustices done.
      • The rich failed to return the garments taken as pledge/they used the garments as bedding in the Temple
      • Wives of the rich pressured their husbands to exploit the poor to meet their luxurious lifestyles
    3. Identify seven ways in which the church in Kenya restores members who have fallen off from the faith. (6 marks)
      • By visiting them/inviting them to their homes
      • By being patient/forgiving them.
      • By evangelizing them/preach/teaching.
      • By guiding and counseling them/referring them to experts according to their needs
      • Praying for them.
      • By inviting them to church
      • By encouraging them to repent/confess.
      • By offering material needs/aid.
        (6x1=6 marks)
    1. Explain six symbolic acts used by prophets Jeremiah to demonstrate God’s judgment and punishment to the Israelites (6marks)
      • The parable of the wineskins or jars.
      • The waist cloth Jer 13L 1 – 11 Jeremiah was instructed by God to buy a waist cloth and wear it. He was to hide it in the crevices of rocks in the River Euphrates.
      • When he retrieved the cloth, it was ruined. The waist cloth symbolized Judah and Israel who had held a position of honour and praise.
      • The ruined waist cloth reflects the state of idolatry in Israel; this meant that God had already passed his judgment on them
      • Jeremiah’s life Jer 16: 1- 18. Jeremiah was commanded by God to neither marry nor to have a family. This meant that punishment would disrupt the normal family life. He was prohibited from entering into the house of mourning meaning that God hd completely withdrawn his blessings, love and pity for his people. Jeremiah was also restricted from entering a house of feast .This symbolized that time for feasting and happiness in Judah was over.
      • The potter and the clay. Jer 18: 1 – 17. Jeremiah was instructed to go to the potter’s house where he observed a potter molding clay into pots. He observed that, whenever the pot had defects the potter molds another pot. The potter and his clay symbolized the relationship between God and his people. That means that God would destroy and rebuild the nation. God would raise new nation after the destruction.
      • The earthen flask Jer 19: 1 – 15 Jeremiah bought the earthen flask for carrying water, he was to empty out the contents of the flask and break it in the presence of the elders and senior priests. The breaking of the flask symbolized the distraction of Judah. The city of Jerusalem, the royal place and ordinary settlements would be destroyed.The vision of the two baskets of figs Jer 24: 1 -10. Good fruits symbolized the exiles were to be protected and restored back to their land and be made Gods people. The bad fruits symbolized the king of Judah ad people who did not go to exile;
      • time will come when they would be destroyed completely.
      • Wearing of the yoke Jer 27: 1 – 15.Jeremiah put a yoke in his neck and walked around with it like an oxen. This act symbolized the burden that will be felt in the punishment that people would suffer. He affirmed that the people would be slaves in exile as God’s punishment. It symbolized the need for the king to surrender to the powers of Babylon so that they could be restored back.
    2. State seven evils condemned by prophet Jeremiah during the temple sermon.(7marks)
      • He condemned the false belief about the temple not being destroyed because it was God’s dwelling place.
      • He condemned the hypocrisy/presence of people who committed different sins and came to the temple to worship Yahweh.
      • He talked about the defilement of the temple by placing idols in it.
      • He condemned the worship of other gods/idolatry which was a rebellion to the Sinai covenant.
      • He condemned the practice of human sacrifice which was against the commandments of God.
      • He condemned oppression of the foreigners/widows/orphans which against the covenant way of life.
      • He condemned the stubbornness/rebellion of the Israelites against God’s warning
    3. Identify seven leadership qualities that Christians learn from Nehemiah today (7marks)
      • Faith in God
      • Courage and bravery
      • Mobiliser and organizer.
      • Compassion
      • Honesty
      • Initiative
      • Patriot
      • Prayerful
      • Good planner.
      • A diplomat
      • Practical
      • Wise/ good decision maker.
    1. State seven rituals related to death in African Traditional Communities. (7marks)
      • Wailing/crying as a sign of sorrow/announcing death
      • Making sacrifices to appease the ancestors/deceased
      • Prayers are made to ask the ancestors to accept the dead in the world of spirits
      • Singing and dancing depict anger towards death/in praise to the dead
      • Washing/oiling of the body before burial shows respect to the departed
      • Burying of the dead in the ancestral land shows that one is still a member of the community
      • Burying the dead with personal belongings symbolizes life after death
      • Driving of cattle/animals shows chasing away of evil spirits which caused death
      • Feasting /drinking is meant to bid farewell to the dead
      • Breaking of pots/destructing of property symbolizes the disorder brought about by death
      • Sharing of the deceased property among relatives as a sign of solidarity
      • Lighting of fire signifies chasing away evil spirits/warning spirits of the deceased
      • Pouring of libation shows continuity of life
    2. Explain the African concept of a community (7marks)
      • Community claim same origin or ancestry
      • They occupy a particular geographical area called ancestral land
      • Members of one community speak one common language which preserves their culture
      • They share a common culture namely history, customs,
      • myths, practices, beliefs, values, rules and taboos
      • They have a distinct social set up based on the family units, age sets and gender based.
      • They have political organization made up of elders, kings and chiefs who form the government and maintains law and order.
      • Communities had various economic activities like fishing, crop cultivation and livestock keeping.
      • The African community includes all those related through kinship ties as well as the dead and those yet to be born
    3. Give six reasons why witchcraft is feared in traditional African community. (6marks)
      • Witchcraft leads to death/destruction.
      • It is the work of the evil spirits.
      • It leads to poverty/ loss of property
      • It involves cheating/telling lies
      • In some cases people are forced to leave their homes/ migrate to other places.
      • It can lead to break up of families/ conflicts/ quarrel/division.
      • A person can be banished/made an outcast./ excommunication
      • Witchcraft causes suspension/hatred/mistrust amongst the people.
      • It leads to underdevelopment.
      • It can cause physical/psychological injury.
      • It can cause embarrassment to an individual/family
        (6x1=6 marks)
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