Biology Paper 1 Questions and Answers - Alliance Mock Examinations 2022

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  1. The diagram below represents an organism. Study it and answer the questions that follow.
    1. Identify the kingdom to which the organism belongs (1 mark)
    2. Name the structures labelled X (1 mark)
    3. Identify the type of nutrition carried out by the organism and give a reason
      Type of Nutrition.................................Reason.........
    1. State the phylum where all members have open circulatory system. (1 mark)
    2. State advantages of closed circulatory system over open circulatory system. (2marks)
  3. Explain why malaria cannot be transmitted through blood transfusion. (2 marks)
  4. A boy held a locust upside down and attempted to drown it, by immersing the head in water. Explain the observation made (2 marks)
  5. Explain why malaria cannot be transmitted through blood transfusion. (2 marks)
  6. The diagram below shows an experiment that was carried out to investigate a certain biological process. Study it an answer the questions below.
    1. What is the aim of the experiment? (1 mark)
    2. Name the tissue removed in the above experiment? (1mark)
    3. State how the above-named tissue is structurally adapted to its function? (2marks)
    4. Draw a diagram to illustrate the observation made after 3 weeks? (1 mark)
    1. Name the protrusions found on the posterior end of the skull, that articulate to the atlas.(1 mark)
    2. Give the name of the joint formed in (a) above, and state its functions. (2 marks)
      Joint: ..........
  8. Explain natural selection using principles considered by Charles Darwin. (4marks)
  9. The chart below shows a summarized process that occurs in animals.
    1. Name the following:
      1. Process X
      2. Substance A
      3. Product B
    2. State the condition necessary for the reactions in matrix to occur.
  10. Study the diagram below and answer the questions that follows (3marks)
    1. Identify the parts labelled B, C and D.
    2. State the adaptation of part A to function. (2marks)
  11. The diagram below shows the position of an image formed in a defective eye.
    1. Name the defect
    2. State how the defect named in (a) above can be corrected.
    3. Draw a sketch, to demonstrate how the above condition is corrected.
  12. Three stems of tradescantia of equal length were placed in three solutions of different concentrations. The set ups were left to stand for 30 minutes. The results were recorded in the table below.
    Solution Initial length of stem (mm)
    Final length of stem (mm)
    1. Identify the nature of solution A.
    2. Account for the observation made in solution B.
    3. Apart from the length name any other observation made on the stem in solution C.
  13. Study the diagram below and answer the questions which follow.
    1. Identify the muscle represented by letters A and B (1 mark)
    2. Name the joint (1 mark)
    3. Name parts label D, E and F (3marks)
  14. State the effects of over secretion of thyroxine hormone (3 marks)
  15. Differentiate between simple reflex and conditioned reflex action. (3marks)
  16. Describe the mechanism of closing the stomata on the basis of photosynthetic theory (4 marks)
  17. An investigation was carried out on a mammalian kidney.
    1. Name the gland labeled T.
    2. What is the function of the structure named in (i) above in the kidney.
    3. Identify the disease shown in the kidney above.
    4. Giving examples, state ways in which biological nitrogen fixation is carried out (2marks)
  18. The diagram below represents a certain organism collected by a student at the sea shore
    1. Name the class to which the organism belongs.
    2. State the observable features that enables the above organism adapt to its habitat. (2marks)
  19. What is the importance of seed dispersal?
  20. The diagram below represents a section through the mammalian car.
    1. Name the structures labelled R and T. R..................
    2. State how the structures S is adapted to its functions. (2 marks)
    3. State the functions of structures Q and T
  21. State three aspects of growth that can be estimated in living organisms.
    1. Define the Incomplete metamorphosis.
    2. State one function of each of the following hormones
      1. Juvenile hormone.
      2. Ecdysone.


    1. Protoctista/Protista first letter must be capital letter
    2. flagellum; rej. flagella
    3. autotrophic;
      presence of chloroplast
    • arthropoda rej. anthropoda, arthropods
    • blood circulates over longer distance at a faster rate due to high pressure; animals tend to be more active due to efficient transport of gases; oxygenated and deoxygenated blood do not mix
  3. it is a vector disease; parasite are transmitted from an infected individual to a healthy one through bite of female anopheles mosquitoes
  4. the locust did not drown; spiracles used for gaseous exchange are located on the abdomen and thorax, no spiracles on the head
  5. plasmodium has undergone mutation/mutates; and develops resistance due to prolonged use of quinines
    1. to investigate translocation of food substances
    2. pholem
    3. has sieve pores to allow free movement of materials from one glove to another;
      have companion cells with numerous mitochondria to supply energy for active transport;
      cytoplasmic filaments which allow bidirectional movement of materials
    1. occipital condyles
    2. hinge joint;
      nodding of the head;
  8. variation exists between individuals of some species; due to environmental pressure population struggles for existence; organisms with favorable adoptive features the pressures(survival of the fittest); upon maturity they reproduce and the favorable traits are passed to offsrpings leading to existence of new species
      1. glycolysis
      2. pyruvic acid
      3. carbon(iv) oxide
    2. oxygen gas
    1. B - Ovary
      C - Uterus
      D - Vagina
    2. has cilia to propel the ovum towards the uterus
      has smooth muscles which contract to enable movement of ovum to uterus for implantation
      long to increase surface area for fertilization
    1. myopia
    2. wearing concave or diverging lens
    1. isotonic solution
    2. solution B was hypertonic to cell sap of tradescantia; cells lose water to solution B by osmosis became plasmolysed hence reduced in length
    3. stem was rigid/firm
    1.  bicep and tricep muscles
    2. hinge joint
    3. D - Olecranon process
      E - Ulna
      F - Radius
  14. increased metabolism ; increases heart beat; mental restlessness/nervousness; enlarged thyroid gland

  15. Simple refles Conditional refles
    independent on experience
    some sensory and motor neurone
    single stimulus envokes response
    Dependent on experience
    sensory neurone is replaced but motor remains unchanged
    both substitute and original reflex evokes
    it is learned
  16. at night, no photosynthesis occurs; glucose converted to starch and osmotic pressure reduces/ is lowered; guard cell loses water by osmosis; becomes flacid and stomata closes
    1. adrenal gland
    2. secretes aldosterone hormone for reabsorbtion of Na+ in kidney
    3. kidney stones
    4. symbiotic nitrogen fixation e.g rhizobium and leguminous plants
      fixation by free living bacteria e.g azctobater chlorostridium etc
    1. insecta
    2. has wings to fly and colorize new habitat
      presence of exoskeleton to support insect above ground
      presence of legs to search for food, escape unfavorable condition
    • plants inhabit new habitats
    • prevents overcrowding
    • avoids competition for nutrients, light etc
    1. R - Eustachian tube;
      T - Semi circular canal
      1. It's fluid filled/ contains perslymph and endolymph which conduct sound vibrations from oval window to sensory cells
      2. has sensory cells that are stimulated by vibrations to produce nerve impulses
    3. Q - Collect and concenttrates sound waves into external auditory meatus
      T - Maintains body balance and posture
    • cell division
    • cell expansion; accept cell enlargement
    • cell differentiation
    1. development in some insects involving egg, nymph and adult
      1. formation of carval cuticle; retension of juvenile characteristic
      2. moulting in insects
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