CRE Paper 2 Questions and Answers - Mangu High School Mock Exams 2022

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    1. Explain the role of John the Baptist as a link between old and new testament (7mks)
    2.  With reference to the incident when Jesus was dedicated to God at the age of 40 days outline what Simeon and Anna revealed about his life (7mks)
    3. Identify six lessons about God from the Benedictus (6mks)
    1. Give six reasons why Jesus referred to Pharisees as hypocrites (6mks)
    2. Describe the healing of the paralytic Luke 5: 17-26  (8mks)
    3. Identify ways in which Christians can settle disagreements among themselves (6mks)
    1. Outline Jesus' teaching on the growth of God's kingdom (Luke 13:1-35) (8mks)
    2. Narrate the parable of the lost sheep (Luke 15:3-7) (6mks)
    3. Give six reasons why Jesus used the parable of the lost sheep in his teaching (6mks)
    1. Identify five ways in which the work of the Holy spirit was manifested on the day of Pentecost (5mks)
    2. Explain the teaching of Peter concerning the people of God (1 Peter 2:9-10) (8mks) 
    3. State six activities of the church which show that the Holy Spirit is at work today (7mks)
    1. State six similarities between the Christian and African traditional view on leisure (6mks)
    2. Give reasons why Christians condemn the taking of alcohol as a way of spending leisure time? (7mks)
    3. Explain the Christian criteria for evaluating the use of leisure (7mks)
    1. Identify seven ways in which Christians spread the gospel using the print media (7mks)
    2. Give seven reasons why Christians are opposed to deforestation (7mks)
    3. How can Christians help to protect the environment? (6mks)


    1. Explain the role of john the Baptist as a link between old and new testament (7mks)
      • He was a forerunner of Jesus / he prepared the way for the coming of the messiah/ ushered people into themessianic era. 
      • He introduced Jesus to people.
      • He baptized people with water in preparation for Jesus. 
      • He was the last and the only prophet in New Testament.
      • He preached to the people about Jesus. 
      • He advised people to live holy lives
      • He warned people of God's judgment. 
      • His coming was a fulfillment of O.T prophecies. 
      • He bore witness to Jesus as the messiah.
        7x1= 7 mlcs
    2.  With reference to the incident when Jesus was dedicated to God at the age of 40days outline what Simeon and Anna revealed about his life
      • Jesus would save people. 
      • Jesus would bring glory to Israel
      • He would be a light to the gentiles 
      • Jesus would be a universal savior
      • Jesus would bring judgment to the Israelites 
      • Many people would oppose his work. 
      • He would reveal the secret thoughts of people. 
      • Jesus would be a source of redemption for the Israelites.
      • Jesus is set for the rising/falling of many in Israel.
        7x 1 =7mks
    3. Identify six lessons about God from Zachariah's song the Benedictus (6mks)
      • God is the Lord of Israel 
      • God is a redeemer
      • God has raised a horn of salvation in the house of his servant David
      • God cares/merciful 
      • God is mighty /powerful 
      • God is Holy/righteous
      • God fulfils his promises / faithful.
        6 x1 = 6mks
    1. Why Jesus referred to Pharisees as hypocrites 
      • They considered themselves self-righteous
      • They despised others/looked down upon others. 
      • They exalted themselves /lacked humility.
      • They knew the commandment but did not apply them appropriately. 
      • They followed Jesus with an intention of finding faults/trapping him. 
      • They followed rules made by human beings/traditions of the elders as opposed to God's rule. 
      • They emphasized on the outward cleanliness as opposed to purity of the heart. 
      • They altered the Law of Moses to suit their selfish motives
      • They were abad influence to the people/misled others. 
      • Their effect on the people was hidden yet widespread.
        6x 1=6mks
    2. Describe the healing of the paralytic Luke 5; 17-26 
      • Jesus was teaching and Pharisees /teachers of the law were sitting by. 
      • Men brought a man who was paralyzed to be healed by Jesus.
      • They sought to bring him/lay him before Jesus / the place was crowded. 
      • They went up on the roof and let him down through the tiles into the midst before Jesus.
      • Jesus saw their faith/he told the man your sins are forgiven.
      • The scribes and Pharisees began to question who is this that speaks Blasphemies?/ Who can forgive sins but God only 
      • Jesus perceived their questioning and answered them which is easier to say your sins are forgiven or to say rise up and walk.
      • The son of man has authority to forgive sins. He said to the man rise, take up your bed and go home.
      • Immediately the man rose before them/took up that on which he lay/walked home glorifying God.
      • All were seized with amazement/they glorified God. 
      • They were filled with awe saying we have seen strange things today
        8x1 = 8mks
    3. Identify ways in which Christians can settle disagreements among themselves (6mks) 
      • They pray over the issue/problem.
      • They offer guidance and counseling to the affected.
      • By paying visits /talking to the offenders /fellowship. 
      • By involving church leaders as arbitrators. 
      • Forgiving the one who has wronged the other/asking for forgiveness. 
      • Willingness by the offenders to accept the mistakes made /accepting liability. 
      • Withdrawing some privileges for a period of time so that one can reform.
      • By sharing meals /eating together.
      • Through shaking of hands/accepting greetings.
        6x1 = 6mks
    1. Outline Jesus' teaching on the growth of God's kingdom (Luke 13:1-35)
      • Repentance is important lest destruction.
      • The need to work hard / be productive to be accepted in God's kingdom.
      • Jesus came to liberate people from the rule of Satan. 
      • The Kingdom of God starts to grow from a humble beginning. 
      • The Kingdom of God is universal/includes both Jews and non-Jews.
      • The Kingdom of God grows in a mysterious way/unseen manner.
      • To enter the kingdom of God one has to make a lot of effort /sacrifice/make the right decision in time/the door will not remain open forever.
      • Having social contact with Jesus is no guarantee of entering the kingdom of God/it belongs to those who obey Jesus/righteous.
      • The growth of God's kingdom happens when demons are cast out/people healed.
      • Those who reject Jesus have no place in the kingdom of God.
      • God would separate the righteous and the wicked.
        7x 1 =7mks
    2. Narrate the parable of the lost sheep (7mks)
      • The tax collectors and sinners were all drawing near to hear Jesus 
      • The Pharisees and scribes murmured why he was receiving / eating with sinners.
      • Jesus responded by telling them the parable of the lost sheep. 
      • He said a shepherd had 100 sheep 
      • He lost one of them.
      • He left the ninety nine and went to look for the one lost.
      • When he found it, he laid it on his shoulders / rejoicing.
      • When he came home/he invited friends / neighbours / rejoice with them.
      • Jesus exclaimed that there will be mere joy in heaven over one sinner who repents then the 99 righteous persons who need no repentance.
        7 x1 =7mks
    3. Give six reasons why Jesus used the parable of the lost sheep in his teaching 
      • To encourage sinners to accept the word of God.
      • To encourage people to realize their sinfulness / be willing to repent/reconcile. 
      • To teach about God's love for all people/ Kingdom of God is for all people.
      • To show God's unconditional forgiveness. 
      • To teach his audience the need to search for sinners. 
      • To teach his audience not to discriminate / despise sinners/ backsliders. 
      • To teach the audience the need to rejoice/welcome repentant sinners.
    1. Identify five ways in which the work of the Holy Spirit was manifested on the day of Pentecost. 
      • The disciples spoke in tongues/different languages.
      • The Holy Spirit empowered Peter to preach to the crowd.
      • The Holy Spirit reminded Peter of the Old Testament prophecies/teachings. 
      • The Holy Spirit gave Peter courage to defend the disciples of not being drunk.
      • The Holy Spirit convicted the multitude of their sin. 
      • The Holy Spirit enabled three thousand souls to be converted/come to Christ.
    2. Explain the teaching of Peter concerning the people of God (1 Peter 2:9-10)
      • The believers are a chosen people/race/ they have been selected.
      • The believers are a royal priesthood, they are to serve the greatest King/God.
      • The believers are a Holy nation/expected to lead holy/righteous lives. 
      • They belong to God/ they form a family of God / God's own possession. 
      • They are to declare the wonderful deeds of God/that is to lead a life of worshipping God/testifying about God. 
      • They were called from darkness to light/their lives had been transformed and should not be dominated by evil. 
      • They were once not a people / they were outside the covenant way of life.
      • They are led by the mercies of God/ have received God's grace.
        8x1 = 8mks.
    3. State six activities of the church which show that the Holy Spirit is at work today
      • Praying
      • Decision making of the church
      • Faith healings
      • Speaking in tongues
      • Singing and dancing
      • Giving alms and offertory
      • Courage displayed in condemning evil in the society
      • Holding fellowship meetings
      • Preaching and teaching the gospel
      • Celebrating sacraments
      • Bringing new converts to church
      • Pastoral care and counseling
      • Helping the needy
      • Ecumenical movements of churches xv. Writing Christian literature
      • Confessing our sins
        6 x 1= 6mks
    1. State six similarities between the Christian and African traditional view on leisure (6mks)
      • In both leisure is ordained by God.
      • In both leisure time should be used to help others /needy
      • In both leisure time should be used or worship / spiritual growth.
      • In both it should be used for physical fitness/games.
      • In both it is a time to hold festivals.
      • In both idleness is condemned.
        6 x1=6mks
    2. Give reasons why Christians condemn the taking of alcohol as a way of spending leisure time? (7mks)
      • It leads to conflicts/quarrels within the family
      • It leads to the misuse of family resources/wealth/poverty.
      • It may leads to alcoholism /addiction/ill health.
      • It leads to irresponsible sexual behaviour/prostitution/adultery fornication
      • It can lead to loss of job/loss of income/means of livelihood.
      • It may lead to accidents.
      • It may lead to irresponsibility/separation /divorce.
        7 x1 =7mks
    3. Explain the Christian criteria for evaluating the use of leisure (7mks)
      • A Christian should avoid leisure activities that lead to sin 
      • A Christian should engage in leisure activities that pleases God. 
      • Christians should avoid leisure activities that leads to addiction/enslavement.
      • Christians should engage in leisure activities that provide service to others.
      • Christians should engage in leisure activities that enrich one's knowledge of God.
      • A Christian should avoid leisure activities that are harmful to self /put one's life at risk. 
      • A Christian should engage in leisure activities that build the body /mind /soul/ and making a person alert/fit. 
      • A Christian should avoid leisure activities that are harmful to others/loud music.
        7x 1=7mks
    1. Identify seven ways Christians spread the gospel suing the print media (7mks)
      • By reading the Bible/Christian literature. 
      • Teaching using CRE textbooks
      • Selling magazines with Christian messages.
      • Advertising Christian issues in Newspaper/ Printing Christian newspapers /writing/producing publishing Christian magazines 
      • Distributing Christian pamphlets/Newsletters. 
      • Illustrating Christian messages using the Bible Atlas. 
      • Use of encyclopedia/commentaries to explain /interpret Christian terminologies. 
      • Displaying posters with Christian terminologies.
      • Imprinting Christian messages on various objects/items. 
      • Translating the print media into local languages.
        7x 1=7mks
    2. Give seven reasons why Christians are opposed to deforestation (7mks)
      • It destroys God's creation 
      • It leads to desertification /destruction of catchment area.
      • It denies the animals of their natural habitat 
      • It is against God's command/Human beings should take care of the environment.
      • It results in environmental pollution. 
      • It affects the source of natural/ traditional medicine.
      • It destroys the natural beauty/plants/animals.
      • It leads to soil erosion /soil degradation.
        7 xI=7mks
    3. How can Christians help to protect the environment? (6mks)
      • Teaching practicing methods of caring/conserving the environment/practicing good farming methods/ afforestation/clearing the environment
      • Sensitize people on the importance of protecting the environment. 
      • Volunteer to work in projects aimed at protecting the environment/giving guidelines on environmental management. 
      • By establishing flowerbeds, tree nurseries for people to get seedlings.
      • Taking good care of their homes/ land. 
      • Avoiding activities that result in environment degradation/role models.
      • Condemning the destruction /exploitation of the environment by greedy /powerful people.
      • Actively participating in the environmental days / labour Day. 
      • Giving financial support to environmental programmes.
        6x 1=6mks
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