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  1. Since last year third term, your class form 4 Green’s academic performance has been drastically going down. This has raised a lot of worries in the entire school, and it was one of the issues that came up during the release of the first examinations results of this term. After that meeting, the School Principal summoned you as the Class Prefect to his office and requested you to lead a class committee to find out the reasons for such a performance. Write a report that you would present to him in two weeks’ time underlining the causes for this performance by your class and the recommendations that you suggested.      (20 marks)

  2. Fill in the blank with the most appropriate word             (10 marks)

    It is undeniable that our education system.1……………. Kenya has done a lot for students. Our literacy 2……………………. has risen tremendously over the 3..…………….thirty years. More youths are leaving school for the work force at 4…………………… educational levels. The majority of Kenyans have had the 5…………… of primary education, something most of our grandparents do not 6……………………However, there are still 7…………………which need improvement in our educational system. There is need for enough space experimentation 8……………the cultivation of genuine interest. .….9…….is required is a real understanding and appreciation of the subject,10…………merely high marks.
    1. Provide homophones for the following words             (3marks)
      1. Coup 
      2. Brooch 
      3. Muscle 
    2. Assign intonation to the following sentences. (3 marks)
      1. I think we are completely lost
      2. We will be able to go, won’t we? 
      3. She bought a house 
    3. Write down a word with a silent letter as indicated.                      (3marks)
      1. p
      2. s
      3. n
    4. Identify the odd one out based on the pronunciation of the underlined letter(s).            3 marks
      1. Quay, quaint, quack, quality 
      2. Chain, Character, Flinch, Champion 
      3. Sachet, Packet, Ticket, Thicke
    5. Explain the different meanings of the sentence below when different words are stressed as indicated: Wafula saw the thieves enter the house. 2 mks
      1. Wafula
      2. House
      1. Your class had invited a former student, now employed by a top company to give a talk on ‘succeeding in the corporate world’. However, during the talk, you realize that most of your classmates are not concentrating. List four things on the part of the speaker that contributed to this.                                                                  (4marks)
      2. Suggest two non-verbal cues you would advise the speaker to employ to enhance the delivery of the message                                                    (2marks)

  2. Read the narrative below and answer the questions that follow.


    WHY is it that Crows torment the Owls as they sleep in the daytime? For the same reason that the Owls try to kill the Crows while they sleep at night Listen to a tale of long ago and then you will see why.
    Once upon a time, the people who lived together when the world was young took a certain man for their king. The four-footed animals also took one of their numbers for their king. The fish in the ocean chose a king to rule over them. Then the birds gathered together on a great flat rock, crying: "Among men there is a king, and among the beasts, and the fish have one, too; but we birds have none. We ought to have a king. Let us choose one now." And so the birds talked the matter over and at last they all said, "Let us have the Owl for our king." No, not all, for one old Crow rose up and said, "For my part, I don't want the Owl to be our king. Look at him now while you are all crying that you want him for your king. See how sour he looks right now. If that's the cross look he wears when he is happy, how will he look when he is angry? I, for one, want no such sour-looking king!" Then the Crow flew up into the air crying, "I don't like it! I don't like it!" The Owl rose and followed him. From that time on the Crows and the Owls have been enemies. The birds chose a Turtle Dove to be their king, and then flew to their homes.

    1. You have been asked to narrate the above story to a group of young people. What four things would you do to attract their attention? (2marks)         
    2. If you were narrating the above story to young children, how do you ensure you sustain their attention for the entire course of the narration?    (2marks)
    3. How would you say the line “I don't like it! I don't like it!"?                  (2marks)

  3. Read the following telephone conversation and answer the questions that follow.

    Secretary: (Phone rings) Hello, Purpose Drive Secondary school, may I help you?
    Caller: I want to speak to the principal.
    Secretary: May I know who is calling please?
    Caller: (Impatient and irritated) I have said I want to speak to the principal, period
    Secretary: Excuse me I am sorry He is in a meeting with the board of management, could you please call later, Sir?
    Caller: (Shouting) are you stopping me from talking to your boss, do you know who I am? Had you even heard of the supplier of your stationery?
    Secretary: (Politely) Oh, Mr. Erickson? I am sorry you cannot talk to him now call after an h   our or may I take a message to him please?
    Caller: (Bangs the receiver)

    1. Identify two instances that show the caller lack of telephone etiquette. (2 marks)
    2. How can you tell that the secretary observes professional conversational skills in the above telephone conversation?  (2 marks)


  1. Format                                                                                                                  (5 marks)
    • Heading: (eg. A REPORT ON THE DECLINING PERFORMANCE OF FORM 4 GREEN)        (1 mark)
    • Introduction        (½ mark)
    • Terms of reference        (½ mark)
    • Procedure/Methodology        (½ mark)
    • Findings (Causes for the Poor academic Performance)        (½ mark)
    • Conclusion        (½ mark)
    • Recommendations                    (½ mark)
    • Signing Off (Report compiled and written by)

      Name of the Report Writer,
      Designation of the Report Writer)                                        (1 mark)

    • Content
    • Introduction (the issue to be investigated, its prevalence the names of the committee members, the officer who has called for the report)  (2 marks)
      *** must be in prose.

      For example:
      For the past two terms, Form 4 Green has been tailing in the examinations done in the school. This is a departure from the excellent performance it had previously been posting. This necessitated the Principal to call the Class Prefect and requested him together with the other class leaders to go and find out the reasons for this. The committee members were:
      1. Kyengo Kaluma – Chairperson
      2. Sandra Barbie - Secretary
      3. Nikita Kiev – Member
      4. Omu Shambulizi - Member
      5. Priestly Elvis – Member.

    • Terms of Reference (the duration that the investigation is to take, the area(s) the investigation is to be done)          (1 marks)

      For example:
      The report was to concentrate on the times the members of this class were in class and what they would do in their dormitories during private study time. It was to be presented in two weeks’ time to the Principal.

    • Procedure (the methods that have been used for the collecting the information: interview, observation, questionnaire)                                                         (1 mark)

      For example:
      The class members were interviewed individually by the committee members. A questionnaire was also given to the school prefects who are member of this class to give reasons for the deteriorating performance.

    • Findings ( noise making in class, insufficient assignment, poor reading culture, poor time management, etc)                                                                     (3 marks)
      ***must be subtitled and explanation written in prose in grammatically-correct sentences:
      For example:

      The committee members discovered/noticed/found out that the class members would make a lot of noise anytime there was no teacher in class.

      It was noticed that the students had little work for the evening preps 

    • Conclusion (a comment on the necessity for quick/prompt action)               (1 mark)
      For example:  
      There is an urgent need for the school administration to take prompt action to salvage the class from further decline in performance as they have now been registered for the national examinations.
    • Recommendations ( silence in class, giving enough assignments, ) (3 marks)
      For example:
      The members recommended that the notorious noisemakers need to be suspended for a week from school.
      Language                                                                                               (4 marks)
      It can be presented in the passive or from the third person perspective.
      It must be presented in a formal language and tone.
      Tense mostly in the past and minimal use of the present and conditional tenses.

  2. Cloze Test
    • in
    • level
    • past
    • higher/different
    • benefit
    • have  
    • areas
    • for
    • What
    • not

    1. Homophones
      • Coo
      • Broach
      • Mussel
    2. Intonation        
      • Falling
      • Rising
      • Falling
    3. Silent letter
      • psalm, psychic, receipt, coup, corps.
      • aisle, island, debris
      • autumn, column, condemn, damn, hymn, solemn
    4. Odd one out
      • quay
      • character
      • sachet
    5. Sentence stress
      • Wafula – Nobody else but Wafula
      • house – not any other place but the house (nowhere else but the house)
      1. Weaknesses of the speaker
        • The speaker is inaudible / has poor voice projection
        • The speaker have taken too long
        • The speaker may have digressed
        • The speaker avoided eye contact with the audience
        • Choice of language/words was beyond the students' ability
        • Speaker had groomed inappropriately
        • Speaker's posture was inappropriate
      2. Non-verbal cues
        • I would ask them to keep eye contact with the speaker.
        • I would advise them to sit upright
        • I would advise them to take notes as the lesson goes on
        • I would ask them to avoid distractors
      1. I would capture attention by:
        • Singing a song.
        • Posing a riddle.
        • Clapping my hands.
        • Banging the table.
          (Any 3 suitable answers 1mk each)
      2. I would sustain the interest by:
        • Appropriate tonal variation
        • Effective gestures
        • Appropriate facial expression.
        • Mimicry or imitation.                                      
          (Any 3 suitable answers 1mk each)
      3. I would say the line by:
        • Stressing the words 'don't like' because they are emphatic words.
        • I would shake my head as I say them to show my dislike for what has been decided.
        • I would raise my tone to emphasize the message. (any 2 suitable answers 1mk each)
      1. Telephone etiquette
        • He failed to identify himself at the beginning of the call
        • Talks rudely to the secretary
        • Talking too loudly/shouts
        • He hangs up on the secretary
        • Engages in an argument with the secretary
      2. She identifies herself at the beginning of the call
        She is patient and courteous
        She is polite and does not shout
        Holds her cool
        She is pleasant in the entire conversation
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