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  • This paper has two sections A and B.
  • Answer ALL the questions in section A.  In section B answer questions 6 and any other TWO questions.

Answer all the questions in this section.

    1. What is the relationship between Geography and History?                         (2 marks)
    2. Identify three sub-branches of Geography in human and social sciences.     (3 marks)
    1. What is a mineral ore?                                                                                  (2 marks)
    2. State three ways in which mineral ores occur in the crust.                        (3 marks)
    1. Distinguish between a forest and forestry.                                                         (2 marks)
    2. State four factors that influence the distribution of forests in Kenya.                     (3 marks)
    1. What is nomadic pastoralism?                                                                 (2 marks)
    2. Give three reasons why nomadic pastoralists keep large herds of animals.         (3 marks)
    1. Name two types of environments.                 (2 marks)
    2. State three consequences of environmental degradation.                          (3 marks)

Answer question 6 and any other TWO questions from this section.

  1. Study the photograph below and use it to answer the questions that follow   
      1. Identify the type of photograph shown above.                 (1 mark)
      2. Identify two counties to the East of the Rift valley where the crop is grown.        (2 marks)
    2. Draw a rectangle measuring 8cm by 5cm.  On it, sketch and label the main features.(7 marks)
    3. State the physical conditions that favour coffee farming in Kenya.         (5 marks)
    4. Explain five differences between coffee farming in Kenya and Brazil.     (10 marks)
      1. What is fish farming?   (2 marks)
      2. State four significance of fish farming.                                 (4 marks)
    2. Use the diagram below to answer the following questions.   
      geo2222 q7bb q EgVyn                                       
      1. Identify the fishing method.                                                                      (1 mark)
      2. Describe how the method above is used to catch fish.  (6 marks)
    3. State three problems encountered by fishermen while fishing in Lake Victoria.   (3 marks)
    4. Explain four reasons why marine fishing is less developed in East Africa.           (8 marks)
      1. Define the term wildlife.     (2 marks)
      2. Explain how the following factors has influenced distribution of wildlife in East Africa.
        1. Vegetation cover                                                                             (2 marks)
        2. Rainfall variations                                                                          (2 marks)
        3. Human factors                                                                                 (2 marks)
      1. Identify four tourist attractions along the coast.                             (4 marks)
      2. State five ways in which tourism in Kenya and Switzerland are similar.           (5 marks)
    3. Explain the significance of tourism to Kenya’s economy.                            (8 marks)
      1. Name three non-renewable sources of energy.                               (3 marks)
      2. Give three disadvantages of using wood as a source of fuel.      (3 marks)                     
    2. The diagram below shows the Kenya’s hydroelectric power stations along River Tana.
      geo2 q9bb qsns
      1. Name the H.E.P stations marked M and N.                                          (2 marks)
      2. Name waterfall marked Q.                                                                         (1 mark)
      3. Apart from natural waterfalls, state three other physical factors that led to the establishment of seven forks hydroelectric power project along river Tana.       (3 marks)
      1. Identify two areas in Kenya where wind energy is harnessed. (2 marks)
      2. Give three advantages of wind energy.                                                (3 marks)
      1. Define energy crisis.    (2 marks)
      2. Explain the effect of energy crisis under the following sub-heading.
        Agriculture                                                                                        (2 marks)
        Tourism                                                                                              (2 marks)
        Industries                                                                                           (2 marks)                          
      1. What is a cottage industry?      (2 marks)
      2. Give four reasons why the government of Kenya encourages the establishment of Jua kali industries.   (4 marks)
    2. Study the sketch map shown below of the Ruhr industrial region .  Use it to answer ques
      1. Name the canal marked X.                                                                          (1 mark)
      2. Name the river marked Y.                                                                          (1 mark)
      3. Name the town marked W.                                                                        (1 mark)             
      1. Show how the government may solve the following problems facing industries in Kenya.
        • Competition from cheap imports.                                          (1 mark)
        • High cost of energy/electricity                                                (1 mark)
        • Limited market.                                                                              (1 mark)
      2. Explain three factors that favoured car manufacturing industry in Japan.    (6 marks)
    4. Form four Geography students carried out a field study at a paper mill.
      1. State three ways in which they prepared for the field study. (3 marks)
      2. Give four reasons why the industry was located near a source of water the student could have established.     (4 marks)     


Answer all the questions in this section.

    1. What is the relationship between Geography and History?                         (2 marks)
      History is the study of the past spectacular events while Geography explains where the events of the past took place and their influence to human activities.
    2. Identify three human and social sciences.                                                         (3 marks)
      - Historical Geography.
      - Economic Geography
      - Population Geography
      -Political geography
    1. What is a mineral ore?                                                                                  (2 marks)
      -A rock bearing a valuable mineral within the rocks of the crust.
    2. State three formations in which mineral ores occur in the crust.           (3 marks)
      -Some occur in veins and …….
      -Some occur in seams and beds
      -Some occur in alluvial deposits
      -Some occur as weathered rock products
    1. Distinguish between forestry and a forest.                                                         (2 marks)
      Forestry is the science of planting caring and exploitation of forests and forest resources while a forest is plant cover of trees and undergrowth covering a large tract of land.
    2. State four factors that influence the distribution of forests in Kenya(3 marks)                                          
      -Height above sea level
      -Gradient of the land
      -Aspect of the land
      -Amount of precipitation
      -Temperature variations
      -Type of the soil
      -Human activities
      -Government policy
    1. What is nomadic pastoralism?     (2 marks)
      A traditional livestock rearing method where a large heard are kept on extensive open lands and moved from place to place in search of pastures and water.
    2. Give three reasons why nomadic pastoralists keep large herds of animals.             (3 marks)                                          
      -It is a form of insurance against natural calamities.
      -Animals are kept as a sign of wealth prestige of social status
      -Animals kept are used to pay dowry
      -Animals are used as a source of food e.g. meat, milk, blood
      -It is a source of income from animals sold.
    1. Name two types of environments.                                                                         (2 marks)
      -Human environment.
      -Physical environment
    2. State three consequences of environmental degradation.                          (3 marks)
      -Acid rain destroys forests, vegetation and corrodes buildings.
      -Pollution in rivers and lakes makes water unsuitable for consumption causing death of marine life.
      -Death of wildlife, some plants and animals species are endangered.
      -Drying up of water resources causes water shortage.
      -Moto vehicle fumes pollutes air which is a health hazard.

Answer question 6 and any other TWO questions from this section.
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      1. Identify the type of photograph shown above.                                 (1 mark)
      2. Identify the two counties to the East of the Rift valley where the crop is grown.  (2 marks)
    2. Draw a rectangle measuring 8cm by 5cm. On it, mark and name the main                                        features.
      Crop (1 mark)
      Spurs (1 mark)
      Valleys(1 mark)
      hill                 (1 mark)
      Sky/horizon (1 mark)
    3. State the physical conditions that favour coffee farming in Kenya.         (5 marks)
      -Altitude of 910 – 2100m above sea level.
      -Cool to warm conditions/140C – 240C throughout the year.
      -High rainfall/1000mm – 2010mm
      -A well distributed rainfall throughout the year
      -Deep soils
      -Well drained soils
      -Gentle sloping land/undulating landscape
    4. Explain five differences between coffee farming in Kenya and Braz(10 marks)                           
      -In Brazil work is done by tenants while in Kenya its done by family members/casual labourers.
      -In Kenya only ripe berries are picked while in Brazil ripe and unripe berries are picked.
      -In Brazil coffee is mainly grown on rolling plateaus while in Kenya its  mainly grown in the highlands.
      -In Brazil farmers are faced with the climatic hazards e.g. frost while in Kenya frost is not a major problem.
      -Brazil earns more foreign exchange from coffee production while in Kenya less foreign exchange is earned.
      -Brazil’s coffee production has higher quote in the world market while Kenya’s coffee has a low quota in the world market.
      -In Brazil there is good network of roads and railways connecting plantation to export ports while Kenya transport system has to be improved./In Kenya roads are used while in Brazil roads and railways are used.
      1. What is fish farming? (2 marks)
        It is the practice of reading or breading fish under controlled conditions or in ponds for domestic and commercial purposes.
      2. State four significance of fish farming.                                 (4 marks)
        -Fish is sold to earn income raising the farmers living standards.
        -Fish farming create employment opportunities raising living standards.
        -Fish farming diversify the economy
        -Fish products are raw materials for some industries promoting industrialization.
        -Fish provides alternative source of proteins to the people
    2. Use the diagram below to answer the following questions.   
      geo2222 q7bb q EgVyn                                         
      1. Identify the fishing method.       (1 mark)
      2. Describe how the method is used.                                                          (6 marks)
        -A large purse shaped net with wings of netting on both sides.
        -The net has floats on the upper side and heights at the lower side to keep it in a vertical position in water.
        -The net has a string along its bottom edge which makes a narrow end.
        -The net is attached to two boats, a large and small one called seiners
        -The small boat drags the net to enclose the area that has fish and are detached to the net by the wings.
        -The string at the bottom of the net is placed to close the net at the bottom and trap the fish.
        -When the net is full it is pulled out of the water and the fish hauled into the large boat for preservation and transportation to the shore.
        -The net is then put back into the water to continue catching fish.
    3. State three problems encountered by fishermen while fishing in Lake Victoria.        (3 marks)                                          
      -Occurrence of strong winds/thunderstorm which may lead to high waves that cause accidental drowning/classification of fishing vessels and nets.
      -Poor fishing equipment/motor boat engines which are inefficient leading to low catch.
      -Poor storage/preservation facilities which cause fish perishing.
      -Floating vegetation/water hyacinth entangle and tear fishing netsw causes looses to the fishermen.
      -Swampy/marshy parts of the lake shores making …….difficult.
      -Insecurity/theft of fishing equipment discouraging fishermen
    4. Explain four reasons why marine fishing is less developed in East Africa.           (8 marks)        
      -The fisheries have a narrow continental shelf unsuitable for the growth of planktons and fish breeding hence few fish species
      -Poor transport connections to the fisheries used market areas discouraging fishermen.
      -Regular coastline with few indentations unsuitable for fish breeding and fishing  activities due to few landing points.
      -The sea water is too warm for fish breeding discouraging fish breeding.
      -Inadequate capital to buy modern fishing vessels and preservation facilities limit fishing activities. 
      -Inadequate skills and technology discouraging deep sea fishing.
      -Low demand for salt water fish discouraging marine fishing.
      1. Define the term wildlife.    (2 marks)
        -Wildlife refers to all untamed plants (flora) and animals (fauna) found in their natural habitats.
      2. Explain how the following factors has influenced distribution of wildlife in East Africa
        Vegetation cover (2 marks)
        -Grasslands supports grazing herbivores e.g buffalos.
        -Most carnivores live in grasslands and depend on herbivores for their food.
        -Rainfall variations (2 marks)
        -High rainfall areas have thick forests that support many animals species.
        -Moderate rainfall areas have thickets and grasslands with a    large number of herbivores and carnivores.
        -Low rainfall or arid areas have fewer plants and thorny bushes and few animals.
        -Human factors (2 marks)
        -Poachers kill some animals threatening them with extinction e.g. elephants.
        -Some people hunt animals for food reducing their number.
        -Tourist activities in the parks scare animals and interfere with their breeding behavior leading to decline in their population.
      1. Identify four tourist attractions along the coast.                             (4 marks)
        -Marine parks
        -Sandy palm-fringed beaches
        -Coral reefs
        -Water sports
        -Rich Swahili culture (dressing, dances, songs, houses)
        -Vascodagama pillar
        -Fort Jesus
        -Snake parks
        -Warm and sunny climate
        -Shimoni caves
        -Gede ruins
        -Mangrove swamps
        -Hallen park
      2. State five ways in which tourism in Kenya and Switzerland are similar.     (5 marks)                                        
        -In both countries, beautiful sceneries are a major tourist attraction.
        -Both countries have rich and varied cultures which have been preserved over the years.
        -Both Kenya and Switzerland have a population that is hospitable to tourists.
        -In both countries, resorts are well developed.
        -In both countries, tourism is a major foreign exchange earner.
        -Accommodation in both countries have been developed to international standards.
    3. Explain the significance of tourism to Kenya’s economy.                            (8 marks)
      Kenya earns foreign exchange when tourist visit the country. This is used to develop other sectors of the economy.
      It offers employment to thousands of people in both the public and private sectors. This improves the living standards.
      It has enhanced the development and the general improvement of infrastructure in the country.
      The industry has ensured that wildlife is conserved for the present and future generation.
      It encourages the development of the agricultural sector for more food is produced and sold to the hotels to feed the ever growing number of tourists.
      1. Name three non-renewable sources of energy.                               (3 marks)
        -Natural gas
      2. Give three disadvantages of using wood as a source of fuel.      (3 marks)          
        -Leads to deforestrations
        -Leads to depletion of the ecosystem
        -Leads to soil erosion
        -Leads to pollution of the environment
    2. The diagram below shows the Kenya’s hydroelectric power stations.
      geo2 q9bb qsns
      1. Name the stations marked M and N.                                                      (2 marks)
        M            -              Gitaru
        N             -              Kindaruma
      2. Name falls marked Q.                                                                                   (1 mark)
        Q             -              Grand falls
      3. State three physical factors that led to the establishment of seven forks hydroelectric power project along river Tana.                 (3 marks)
        -Regular and constant supply of water from river Tana.
        -Presence of large volume of water from River Tana
        -Presence of hard basement rock
        -Presence of sparse population in the area
        -Presence of non-porous rocks/impervious rocks
      1. Identify two areas in Kenya where wind energy is harnessed. (2 marks)
        -Nothern Kenya
        -Ngong hills
        -Coastal region
        -Some parts of Nyanza
      2. Give three advantages of wind energy.                                                (3 marks)
        Available as long as wind blows
        It is cheap
        Its clean/non-pollutant
        Can be produced on small scale
        Supplements other sources of energy
        Land between the wind mills can be used for other purposes
      1. Define energy crisis.     (2 marks)
        This is where the demand for energy is higher than the amount  being produced leading to high oil prices./ Where the demand for oil is higher than its supply leading to high oil prices.
      2. Explain the impact of energy crisis on the following
        Agriculture (2 marks)
        Leads to increased cost of farm inputs leading to low   production
        Tourism (2 marks)
        Reduction of tourists due to high costs of air fares/transport   costs.
        Industries (2 marks)
        Industries may close down or may scale down operations leading to laying off of workers.
      1. What is a cottage industry? (2 marks)
        This is a small scale industry, usually in the rural areas and which uses local raw materials and requires little capital to start and operate.
      2. Give four reasons why the government of Kenya encourages the establishment of Juakali industries.                                                       (4 marks)
        -To diversify export goods.
        -To make use of locally available raw materials
        -To create employment opportunities.
        -To save on foreign exchange by reducing importation of goods.
        -Requires little skills
        -To produce cheap consumer goods
        -It enhances growth of industries in rural areas reducing rural-                                                                               urban migration
        -It requires little capital investment
        -Encourages innovation.
    2. Give below is a sketch map of the Ruhr industrial region. Use it to answer question (i)
      geo2 q10b qsns
      1. Name the canal marked X.                                                                          (1 mark)
        X             -              Dortmund EMS Canal
      2. Name the river marked Y.                                                                          (1 mark)
        -R. ruhr
      3. Name the town marked W.                                                                        (1 mark)
    3. Form four Geography students carried out a field study at a paper mill.
      1. State three ways in which they prepared for the field study. (3 marks)
        -Seek permission
        -Conducting a reconnaissance
        -Holding discussions in class
        -Preparation for a questionnaire
        -Drawing of route map/obtaining route maps
        -Reading from relevant books
        -Preparation of a working schedule
      2. Give four reasons why the industry was located near a source of water the student could have established.   (4 marks)
        -Water is used for cooling machines to avoid damage by heat
        -Water is used as a medium through which they dispose off their                                                                             waste materials.
        -Water is used for industrial cleaning.
        -Water is used for drinking
      1. Show how the government may solve the following problems facing                                                  industries in Kenya.
        Competition from cheap imports. (1 mark)
        Imposing heavy duty on imported products that are also locally produced
        High cost of energy/electricity (1 mark)
        Developing alternative source of energy/ solar/ wind/biogas/geo…..
        Improving the quality of locally produced goods
        Limited market. (1 mark)
        Exploring external markets especially within COMES region.
        Improving transport network.
        Providing subsidies to the local manufacturers
      2. Explain factors that favoured car manufacturing industry in Japan.                        (6 marks)                                
        -Adequate capital to invest in the industry/leading to expansion of the industry.
        -Advanced technology and research has led to production of high quality cars that are competitive in the world market.
        -Japan produces fuel-saving vehicles leading to high demand in the world market.
        -Japan has a highly skilled industrial work force which enhances efficiency in production.
        -Japan has many sea ports which make importation of raw materials and exportation of cars and electronic possible.
        -Government policy of industrialization/peace and stability has led to rapid expansion of industries.
        -Japan has highly developed H.E.P power projects which provide power needed by the industries.
        -The large population in Japan provide a large market for cars and electronics.
        -Japan’s terrain/rugged landscape discourages agriculture and thus the people resort to industrial activities that provide an alternative income used to buy food and other requirements.
        -The strategic position/location of Japan in relation with other countries encourages trade thus promote production of vehicles and electronics since it is accessible from all points in the sea. 
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