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Answer all the questions in this section.

  1. Name two livestock tools that are used together as a pair. (2mks)
  2. State two uses of pliers in the farm. (2mks)
  3. Name two characteristics of merino sheep breed. (2mks)
  4. State four factors that influence the pulse rate of a dairy cow. (2mks)
  5. State three conditions that a good livestock structure should meet. (3mks)
  6. Name two characteristics of an effective acaricide that a farmer would use to control ticks in livestock. (2mks)
  1. Name three sources of water in an animals body. (1 ½ mks)
  2. List three methods a farmer can use when selecting a breeding stock. (1 ½ mks)
  3. List two ways through which a vaccine can be administered to poultry. (2mks)
  4. State two signs of lambing in sheep. (1mk)
  5. Identify the main use of queen excluder in a Kenya top bar hive. (1mk)
  6. List two necessities of an Apiary. (2mks)
  7. State two factors that may predispose dairy cattle to mastitis. (1mk)
  8. State the importance of the following parts in an egg.
    1. Chalaza
    2. Air space                                     (2mks)
  9. List two ways of controlling cannibalism in poultry production. (1mk)
  10. State two advantages of raising calves using natural method. (1mk)
  11. State two disadvantages of using animal power in a farm. (2mks)
  12. Name two maintenance practices carried out on a tractor battery. (1mk)

Answer all questions in this section.

  1. Study the diagrams below and answer the questions that follow.
    1. Identify the practice above in poultry production (1mk)
    2. State two signs of broodiness in hens. (2mks)
    3. State three factors observed in an egg using the method shown above. (3mks)
    4. Name one reason why a brooder should be round in shape. (1mks)
  2. Study the diagram below and answer the questions.
    1. Identify the practice above in sheep production (1mk)
    2. Name two tools used to carry out the practiceabove (2mks)
    3. State three reasons why a farmer should carry out the practice above. (3mks)
  3. Study the diagrams below and answer the questions following.
    1. Explain the temperature and the behavoiur of chicks in each diagrams shown above. (4mks)
    2. List three requirement of a good brooder. (3mks)

      SECTION C (40 MARKS)
      Answer any two questions.

    1. Explain five reasons that would make bees swarm from the hive.                                            (10mks)
    2. Discuss the procedure a farmer would follow when establishing a fish pond. (10mks)
    1. Describe the factors farmers should consider when selecting materials for constructing farm structures.  (10mks)
    2. Explain five routine management practices in calf rearing. (10mks)
    1. State and explain five reasons why farmers should keep livestock healthy.                              (10mks)
    2. Discuss four factors that influence the dairy feed requirement of an animal. (8mks)
    3. Name two methods used to compute livestock feeds. (2mks)



  1. Two livestock tools used as pair
    - trocar and canula
    - hypodermic needle and syringe
    - bull-ring and leading stick.                    2x1 =2mks
  1. Uses of pliers in the farm.
    - cutting wires
    - splitting wire
    - tightening bolts and nuts     2x1 = 2mks
  1. Characteristics of merino sheep
    - they are small in body and angular in form
    - they have a drooping rump
    - they are narrow in the chest and close together front
    - their muzzle in flesh coloured
    - produce fleece that is highly valued       2x1=2mks
  1. Factors that influence the pulse rate of a dairy cow
    -age of the animal
    - the degree of excitement
    - the sex of the animal
    - physiological status of the animal e.g. when an animal is pregnant. 2x1=2mks
  1. Conditions that a good livestock structure should meet.
    -well ventilated but free from cold winds (draughts)
    - provide adequate space
    -be leak –proof
    - be well lit and easy to clean           3x1= 3mks
  1. Characteristics of an effective acaricide used to control ticks in livestock.
    - have ability to kill ticks
    - harmless to both human and livestock
    - be stable                                                    2x1 = 2mks
  1. Three sources of water in an animals body.
    - direct drinking
    - from food
    - from metabolism                       3 x ½   = 1 ½ mks
  1. Methods a farmer can use when selecting a breeding stock.
    - mass selection
    - progeny testing
    - contemporary comparison           3x ½ = 1 ½ mks
  1. Ways of administering a vaccine
    - by injections
    - orally through the mouth
    - by inhalation through the nose
    - through the cloaca
  1. Signs of lambing in sheep.
    - restless and bleating
    - slackening of the hip muscles
    - the udder becomes large and teats are bright red in colour             2x ½ = 1mk
  1. Main use of queen excluder in a Kenya top bar hive.
    - to restrict the queen from laying eggs on all the combs in the top bars
    - to ensure high quality honey which not mixed with brood. 1x1=1mk
  1. Necessities of an apiary.
    - away from homesteads pastures and roads
    - away from noise and other disturbances
    - a sheltered place
    - near the source of water and flowering plants.             2x1=2mks
  1. Factors that predispose a dairy cattle to mastitis
    - age
    - stage of lactation
    - udder attachment
    - incomplete milking
    - mechanical injuries
    - poor sanitation
    - poor milking technique                     2x1=2mks
  1. Importance of the following parts in an egg.
    Chalaza – holding the yolk in position (right position)
    Air space – provide oxygen for the developing embryo
  1. Ways of controlling cannibalism in poultry production
    - avoid bright light in the house
    - avoid overcrowding by giving enough space to the birds
    - control external parasite
    -cull perpetual cannibals
    -keep birds busy by providing green vegetables / leaves
    - debeaking
    - provide birds with balanced diet. 1x1= 1mk
  1. Advantages of raising calves using natural methods
    - the calf takes milk at body temperature
    - the milk is free from contamination
    - problems of scouring are minimized                1x1=1mk
  1. Disadvantages of using animal power in a farm.
    - they are slower than the tractors
    - animals can damage crops
    - animals can be sick hence reduce output etc. 2x1 =2mks
  1. Maintenance practices on a tractor battery
    - should be fitted correctly on the tractor
    - should be charged regularly and periodically
    - for long storage it should be emptied and battery kept up site down.
    - corroded terminal should be cleaned and smeared with grease
    - the level of electrolyte should be kept just above the plate by topping with distilled water 2x ½ = 1


    1. egg candling     1x1=1mk
    2. signs of broodiness in poultry
      - the hen stops laying
      - the hen plucks off her feathers to use in the incubation nest
      -continuous staying of the hen in the laying nest after laying   2x1 =2mks
    3. Factors observed in an egg using the method shown above.
      - size of the airspace
      - whether the egg is fertilized
      - whether the yolk has blood spots
      - whether the shell is broken
      - whether the shell is very porous
      - whether the shell has any cracks                     3x1= 3mks
    4. Reasons why a brooder should be round in shape.
      - prevent chicks from overcrowding at the corners which may result to suffocation. 1x1=1mk
    1. Practice in sheep production
      Docking in sheep               1x1=1mk
    2. Tools used to carry out the practice
      - sharp knife
      - hot iron
      - elastrator and rubber ring   2x1 =2mks
    3. Reasons why a farmer should carry out the practice
      - facilitate mating
      - even fat distribution
      - prevent blowfly infestation                 3x1 = 3mks
    1. A – chicks are crowding around the heat source because the temperature is low. 1x1=1mk
      B – chicks moved farther away from the heat source because the temperature are very high
      C – chicks are evenly distributed within the brooder because the temperatures are favorable. 1x1
      D – chicks drift towards one side because the temperatures on the other side of the brooder are unfavorable, posing due to the effect of draught on that side. 1x1=1mk
    2. Requirement of a good brooder.
      - well aerated and warm
      - have enough feed and water troughs
      - should be spacious enough
      - should be clean
      - should be properly drained       3x1 = 3mks


    1. Reasons why bees swarm from bee hive.
      • Over crowding
      • Sick or infertile queen
      • Dampness and badodours
      • Lack of adequate ventilation                   explained
      • Damage of brood combs
      • Outbreak of diseases and parasites
      • Shortage of food and water in their surroundings. 5x2=10mks
    2. procedure a farmer would follow when establishing a fish pond
      • site selection
      • site markin
      • clearing the land    well outlined
      • digging the pond
      • - constructing the dyke       5x2=10mks
    1. Factors considered when selecting construction materials
      • Availability of material
      • Durability
      • Strength
      • Adaptability to the prevailing weather
      • Cost of the material
      • Workability of the material
      • Suitability of the material             5x2=10mks
    2. Routine management practices in calf rearing
      • parasite control
      • disease control
      • castration
      • identification
      • removal of extra teats
      • dehorning / disbudding             5x2=10mks
    1. Reasons why farmer should keep livestock health.
      • Health animals grow well and mature quickly
      • They have a longer productive life
      • Health animals have high productivity
      • Health animals produce quality product
      • To avoid spreading disease to animals and human
      • Reduce the cost of production i.e. in buying drugs           5x2=10mks
    2. Four factors influencing daily food requirement of an animal
      • body size of the animal
      • age of the animal
      • activities done by the animal
      • level of production of the animal
      • physiological condition of the animals body e.g. pregnancy, lactation health
      • environmental conditions e.g. hot or cold weather       4x2= 8mks
    3. Two methods of feed computation
      • trial and error method
      • Pearson’s square method     2x1 =2mks
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