ENGLISH - Form 2 End of Term 1 2019 Examinations

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  1. FUNCTIONAL WRITING: (10 marks)
    Imagine you are to visit a relative who stays in Nakuru for 2 days. You realize that you have to buy new things for your packing and some groceries for your host. Prepare a shopping list.


    Read the following story and answer the questions that follow.

    Elephant learns some manners”

    One day elephant came across Squirrel on the path to the river. The proud and lordly Elephant swept Squirrel off the path with his trunk, rumbling, “Out of my way, you of no importance and tiny size”.
    Squirrel was most offended, as he had every right to be. Stamping his little feet in a rage, he decided that he was going to try and teach Elephant some manners.
    “Ho!” shouted Squirrel indignantly, “you may be very tall, and you may be very proud, and I bet you think you’re the greatest animal on earth, but you are much mistaken!”
    Elephant looked round in surprise. “I am not mistaken, Squirrel”, he rumbled, “I am the greatest, and everyone knows it”.
    “Let me tell you something, Elephant,” said Squirrel, chitterling angrily and flicking his tail, “I may be small, but I can eat ten times as much as you! I challenge you to an eating contest – and I bet you that I, Squirrel, can eat more palm nuts, and for a longer time, than you, high and mighty Elephant!”
    Elephant roared with laughter. He was so amused, in fact, that he accepted the tiny creature’s challenge. Besides, he was rather fond of palm nuts.
    So both animals collected a huge pile of palm nuts and agreed to start the contest the very next morning at first light. Elephant could hardly wait. He even skipped his evening meal of acacia pods so as to be truly empty for the morning. He intended to put Squirrel firmly in his place, once and for all.
    The next day dawned fine and sunny, as it often does in Africa, and the two contestants started to eat.
    Elephant munched steadily through his pile, with a fine appetite. Squirrel, nibbling away furiously, was soon full to bursting. Quietly, he slipped away, sending a cousin who was hiding nearby to take his place. Elephant was so absorbed in his greedy task that he didn’t even notice.
    Brothers, sisters, cousins, uncles, aunts – one hungry squirrel after another took a turn at the pile of palm nuts.
    Eventually, at midday, Elephant looked up. “Well, Squirrel, have you had enough yet?” he asked, surprised to see his small adversary still busily eating. Not only was he still eating, but his pile of palm nuts was disappearing almost as fast as Elephant’s own.
    “Not yet!” mumbled Squirrel, his mouth full, “And you?” “Never!” replied Elephant scornfully. And he started to eat a little faster. By the time the sun was setting, Elephant was so full he could hardly stand. He looked over to where Squirrel, who had come back after a day of sleeping in a nearby tree), was still eating more palm nuts. Elephant groaned.
    “Truly you are amazing, Squirrel,” he said. “I cannot go on, and I’m forced to admit that you have won the contest”. And he lifted his trunk in salute. Squirrel, hopping with delight, thanked Elephant and told him not to be so proud in future. And from that day to this, Elephant has always shown great respect for Squirrel.

    (When Hippo was Hairy and Other Tales from Africa, Lutterworth Press, 1990)
    1. Classify this narrative with reasons. (2 marks)
    2. Explain why the squirrel was offended. (6 marks)
    3. Mention two items that the elephant liked to eat.   (2 marks)
    4. Elephant was so full that he could hardly stand. (Rewrite; beginning: So full…….) (2 marks)
    5. Identify 3 aspects of style used in the narrative . Illustrate each. (3 marks)
    6. Identify and illustrate character traits of:
      1. Elephant (2 marks)
      2. Squirrel  (2 marks)
      3. Write one English proverb to summarize the moral lesson in this narrative. Explain. (3 marks)
      4. Explain the meaning of the following as used in the passage. (2 marks)
        • Intended
        • Full to bursting
  3. POEM:

    Read the poem below and answer the questions that follow.                                    (15 marks)

    I had a dream last night, I dreamed
    I had to pick a mother out.
    I had to pick a father too
    At first, I wondered what to do,
    There were so many there, it seemed.
    Short and tall and thin and stout.
    But just before I sprang awake.
    I knew what parents I would take.

    And this surprised and made me glad:
    They were the ones I always had!
    1. Write a rhyme scheme of the poem above. What is its effect? (4 marks)
    2. Mention three sound patterns that the poet has used. (3 marks)
    3. Which words would you stress in line 7 of the poem? (3 marks)
    4. How would you say the last line of this poem? (2 marks)
    5. If you are performing this poem to your classmates, how would you know that they are not concentrating? (3 marks)

    Demi and Mathathi were ……………………………………..(1) of the tribe. ………………….(2) cut down trees and cleared the dense forests ……………………………….(3) cultivation. They owned ……………………………………..(4) cattle, sheep and goats and they often sacrificed to Murungu and held communion with the ancestral spirits. Waiyaki had …………………..(5) about these two generations of the tribe and he was proud of them. Only he wished he knew what they had …………………………………………….(6) like. They must have been great and strong to have braved the ……………………………………(7) of the forest. Sometimes in the bush, he and ……………………………… (8) boys played Demi and Mathathi. One day a boy from Koina told Waiyaki. “……………………………….(9) cannot be Demi”. “Why?” he asked. The other ……………………………..(10) came round.

  5. GRAMMAR. (15 MARKS)
    1. Give the silent letter in the following words. (5 marks)
      1. Pitch
      2. Lamb
      3. Palm
      4. Bridge
      5. Honour
    2. Match the phrasal quantifiers with right nouns. (5 marks)
      1. A bundle of……………
      2. A tube of……………
      3. A pinch of …………
      4. A bouquet of ………………
      5. A blade of …………………
    3. Fill in each gap in the following sentences with a possessive pronoun. (5 marks)
      1. This computer belongs to Kurgat. It is ……………………………………
      2. This house belongs to me. It is ………………….
      3. This country belongs to us. It is………………………
      4. These balls belongs to the boys. They are …………………
      5. This handbag belongs to Joan. It is …………………
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