Home Science Questions and Answers - Form 4 Mid Term 1 Exams 2023

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Section a
Answer all questions in this section

  1. Suggest two ways nutrients can be lost during storage (2mks)
  2. Give two advantages of grouping clothes before storage (2mks)
  3. Mention two ways of preventing mosquito bites in a house (2mks)
  4. Suggest two uses of a door in a pit latrine (2mks)
  5. List down two points to observe when using a sewing machine (2mks)
  6. Give two conditions suitable for growth of yeast (2mks)
  7. The size of a patch pocket depends on several factors. State 4 (2mks)
  8. State two points to note on the care of ears when cleaning the face daily (2mks)
  9. Differentiate between a dart and pleat in clothing construction (2mks)
  10. State 3 disadvantages of roasting as a method of cooking food (3mks)
  11. List four problems related to teething In small children (2mks)
  12. Differentiate between bound opening and continuous wrap opening (2mks)
  13. Explain the effect of hot water on each of the following (2mks)
    1. Blood stains
    2. Grease stains
  14. What is the role of VCT in safe parenting(2mks)
  15. Give two reasons for an open and coarse texture in creamed cake mixtures (2mks)
  16. List items referred to as accessories in good grooming. Name six (3mks)
  17. What is food budget (1mk)
  18. Give 2 uses of pocket on garments (2mks)
  19. List 3 differences between brooms and brushes (3mks)

Section B (20marks)

  1. You have been left with the responsibility of taking care of the house.
    1. Launder a viscose rayon blouse (7mks)
    2. Describe the procedure of weekly cleaning of a bedroom (8mks)
    3. Clean and sterilize a baby’s plastic cup (5mks)

Section c
Answer any two questions in this section

  1. After completing your cookery practical lesson you found that your white cotton apron has the following stains.
    1. Grease
    2. Coffee
      1. State clearly how the stains can be removed (5mks)
        1. Grease
        2. Coffee
      2. What factors should be considered when choosing brooms and brushes (5mks)
      3. Giving reasons in each case state five basic rules in the use of refrigerator (10mks)
    1. Give five steps to ensure that a sewing machine gives good stitches when stitching  (5mks)
    2. A well drain house in a comfortable house to live in Give five points to support the above statement (5mks)
    3. Suggest five reasons why a family should prepare for a baby’s arrival (5mks)
    4. Give five reasons for budgeting family income (5mks)
    1. Give five points to consider when buying commercial paper patterns (5mks)
    2. Give points to consider when entertaining visitors (5mks)
    3. Discuss four points to consider when buying labour saving cleaning equipment (8mks)
    4. State two reasons for using white ceramic tiles in the kitchen (2mks)


Section a 
Answer all questions in this section

  1. Suggest two ways nutrients can be lost during storage (2mks)
    • Expose to direct sunlight 
    • If food is stored for  along time
  2. Give two advantages of grouping clothes before storage (2mks)
    • Easy retrieval
    • For neatness
    • To avoid mixing clothes eg bed lined and table linen 
  3. Mention two ways of preventing mosquito bites in a house (2mks)
    • Clear bushes around the house
    • Drain stagnant water around the house
    • Use of mosquito nets
    • Use of mosquito repellents
  4. Suggest two uses of door in a pit latrine (2mks)
    • Offer privacy
    • Keep off bad smells from the latrines
    • Keep off flies smells from the latrines
    • Prevent accidents especially young crawling children and pets
  5. List down two pints to observe when using a sewing machine (2mks)
    • Place in a well lit room; ensues adequate visibility 
    • Thread the  m/c correctly
    • Use the correctly
    • Use the correct size of stitches for the fabric being stitched
    • Use correct tension for the work
  6. Give two conditions suitable for growth of yeast (2mks)
    • Food ; provided by the sugar in the flour
    • Warm. Provided by the working condition, ingredients used should be warmed to 25o and kept at that temperature throughout the mixing and proving process.
    • Liquid provided by the water or milk used in the mixture
  7. The size of a patch pocket depends on several factors.  State 4 (2mks)
    • Purpose
    • Position
    • Purpose of garment
    • Age of weaver
    • Size of garment
  8. State two points to note on the care of ears when cleaning the face daily (2mks)
    • Use soft cotton buds to remove excessive wax
    • Clean behind the ears well
    • Do not insert sharp objects into ears to avoid damaging the ear.
  9. Differentiate between a dart and pleat in clothing construction (2mks)
    • A dart is a double fold(i) of fabric whereas a pleat has(3) fold(1)
    • A dart is stitched on the  WJ(I) whereas  of pleat is stitched on R.S(I)
  10. State 3 disadvantages of roasting as a method of cooking food (3mks)
    • Shrinkage of food due to loose juice
    • Loose of weight of food
    • Expensive method since it used a lot of fuel in heating up
    • Only tender cut of meat can be meat
    • It not well managed food may dry up
  11. List four problems related to teething In small children (2mks)
    • Loose of appetite
    • Fever
    • Diarrhea
    • Vomiting restlessness
    • Irritation of the gum
  12. Differentiate between bound opening and continuous wrap opening (2mks)
    • Bound opening ,the binding is narrow and is cut on bias while continuous wrap opening the binding is wider and it is cut with the grain of the strip matching that of the garment.
  13. Explain the effect of hot water on each of the following (2mks)
    1. Blood stains 
      • It fixes the stain
    2. Grease stains
      • Melts the grease thus removing the stain.
  14. What is the role of VCT in safe parenting(2mks)
    • Incase the mother is HIV positive she is given antiretroviral drug to prevent mother to child transmission of HIV/AIDS during delivery
    • ARV drug is administered to a baby on delivery to stop contracting the virus
    • Parents know their HIV status so as to know how to take care of themselves
  15. Give two reasons for an open and coarse texture in creamed cake mixtures (2mks)
    • Incorrect weighing of  ingredients
    • Insufficient creaming
  16. List items referred to as accessories in good grooming. Name six (3mks)
    • Hats
    • Belts
    • Shoes
    • Hand bags
    • Jewellery
    • Scarfs
    • Gloves
  17. What is food budget (1mk)
    • Is what food item will be bought and how much each item will cost
  18. Give 2 uses of pocket on garments (2mks)
    • Decorative purpose
    • Functional eg put in a handkerchief
    • To complete some garment eg shirt
    • To emphasize fashion features
  19. List 3 differences between brooms and brushes (3mks)
    • Brooms have long handles white brushes have short
    • Brooms sweep large areas white brushed small areas
    • Brooms have soft bristles while brushes have stiff bristles
    • Broom remove loose dirt while brushes remove fixed dirt

Section B (20marks)

  1. You have been left with the responsibility of taking care of the house.
    1. Launder a viscose rayon blouse (7mks)
      • Collect all the equipment required (½)
      • Soak for a short time(½)  wring out of the soaking water(½)
      • Wash in warm(½)
      • Soapy water using kneading an squeezing method.
      • Rinse in warm water thoroughly to remove soap and dirt find rinse in cold (½) water to freshen.
      • Drip dry(½) under shade(½) secure with Pegs(½) iron on wrong slid(½)to avoid formation of marks using a warm iron while still damp(½) Air,fold and store appropriately 
      • Clean equipment and material  and material used, store appropriately
    2. Describe the procedure of weekly cleaning of a bedroom (8mks)
      • Collect all equipment necessary (½)
      • Open windows to air the room (½)
      • Strip (½) the bed and take the bedding and mattress outdoor to air(½)
      • Take sheets and pillow case to launder (½)
      • Close the windows (½) avoid raising of dirt(½)
      • Dust the ceiling (½) and clean the walls (½) sweep the floor methodically
      • Clean the floor according to types (½) clean the windows (½) and minor (½)
      • Make the bed(1mk) 
      • Tidy up the room (½)
      • Clean up the equipment used and store appropriately (½)
    3. Clean and sterilize a baby’s plastic cup (5mks)
      • Rinse in cold water (½) to remove dirt (½) wash in hot (½) soapy water using a soft sponge (½)rag (½)rinse in warm water thoroughly (½)to remove soap and dirt(½)find rinse in cold water (½)to refreshen.
      • Sterilize by boiling it for 10-20 min and keep it in boiled water or keep it in a sterilizing solution

Section c
Answer any two questions in this section

  1. After completing your cookery practical lesson you found that your white cotton apron has the following stains. 
    1. State clearly how the stains can be removed (5 mks) 
      1. Grease -  wash in very hot water with little washing soda in it.  Carbon tetrachloride may be used on the stubborn stain
      2. Coffee -  rub salt  on the stain and pour boiling water though the stain.  Rub salt and lemon juice and pour boiling water though the stain in a bit stubborn.  Use wood ash or borax in the same way as salt if stain is very stubborn
    2. What factors should be considered when choosing brooms and brushes (5mks)
      • Bristles should be firmly and closely set on the head.
      • Handle should be of comfortable length
      • Head should be smooth and slightly curved to reduce
    3. Giving reasons in each case state five basic rules in the use of refrigerator
      1. Keep the refrigerator at the proper temperature: Keeping the refrigerator at the proper temperature (around 40°F) helps to prevent the growth of bacteria and keeps food fresh for longer.
      2. Organize your food: Organizing your food in the refrigerator helps you to find what you need quickly and easily, and can also prevent cross-contamination between raw and cooked foods.
      3. Use airtight containers: Using airtight containers helps to keep food fresh by preventing air from entering and moisture from escaping.
      4. Clean regularly: Cleaning the refrigerator regularly helps to prevent the buildup of bacteria and unpleasant odors.
      5. Use a thermometer: Using a thermometer to check the temperature inside the refrigerator can help to ensure that it is running at the proper temperature, and can help you identify any issues that may be affecting the performance of the refrigerator.
    1. Steps to ensure a sewing machine gives good stitches (4mks)
      • correct tension
      • thread machine correctly
      • firm and accurate tacking
      • Correct size of needle for fabric
      • Thread shd match fabric in thickness
    2. Importance of good drainage (5mks)
      • frees house from dampness
      • avoid bad smells
      • makes places attractive
      • minimizes risk of getting diseases
      • preludes breeding places for pests breeding places for pests.
    3. Why a family should prepare for baby’s arrivals
      • Held family to manage their finances better
      • Avoid last minute rush and anxiety after baby is born.
      • Challenges the family to look for room and bed for the baby.
      • Allow mother to get the best for the baby.
      • Gives parents time to prepare younger children to accept the new baby.
    4. Five reasons for budgeting family income (5mk)
      • Helps  family to live within their income.
      • It promotes organized living and planning
      • The family knows how the money is being spent and they are able to evaluate their financial situation.
      • It encourages sensible control of various expenses.
      • It heps a family to look at their income sources realistically.
    1. Points to consider when buying commercial paper patterns (5mks)
      • Measurements shd correspond with one’s body measurements.
      • Style shd fit the figure
      • Fashion shd be current
      • Choose one with several styles
      • Beginner shd choose simple patterns.
    2. Points to consider when entertaining visitors (5mks)
      • Number and type of guests.
      • Type and style of service cutlery and crockery available
      • Number of dishes to be served.
      • Time of the day and weather.
    3. Points to consider when buying labour saving cleaning equipment’s (8mks)
      • Good quality to last long
      • Buy from a known brand whose spare parts can be easily obtained.
      • Buy one easy to understand, operate and maintain so as to use it correctly.
      • Shd not be noisy when being used.
      • Shd have operations manual for ease of reference.
    4. Reasons for using white ceramic tiles in the kitchen  (2mks)
      • Easy to clean
      • Easily show dirt
      • Attractive
      • Protect wall from dampness
      • Last long as they are easy to maintain
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