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Friday, 10 November 2023 09:41

Mathematics Questions - KCPE 2023 Past Papers

  1. What is three million forty eight thousand two hundred and fifty seven written in numerals?
    1. 30482 7
    2. 3408257
    3. 3480257
    4. 3084257
  2. What is the place value of 7 in the number 9843.071?
    1. Tens
    2. Tenths
    3. Hundredths
    4. Hundreds
  3. What is the next number in the pattern shown below?
    3/4, 11/4, 13/4, 21/4, _______.
    1. 11/8 
    2. 12/3 
    3. 23/
    4. 31/4
  4. What is 3/as a percentage?
    1. 121/2
    2. 183/4
    3. 361/2
    4. 371/2
  5. Charity cycled from home to school a distance of 12 kilometres. She started the journey at 7.20 a.m and arrived at 8.00 a.m. What was her speed in metres per second?
    1. 2.5
    2. 5
    3. 10
    4. 18
  6. The figure below shows a trapezium UWXY. Line YX is parallel to line UW. The perpendicular distance between the parallel lines is 12 cm and line YX = 18 cm. The area of the trapezium is 252 cm2.
    What is the length of line UW?
    1. 16 cm
    2. 18 cm
    3. 24 cm
    4. 39 cm
  7. A teacher shared pencils among his learners. The girls received 2/3 of the pencils and the boys received 5/6 of the remainder. The
    teacher remained with 8 pencils. How many pencils did the teacher have before sharing?
    1. 40
    2. 96
    3. 136
    4. 144
  8. A school received five thousand and forty two books. The books were delivered in two lorries. The first lorry had three thousand and sixteen books. How many books were in the second lorry?
    1. 2026
    2. 2036
    3. 7068
    4. 8058
  9. What is the value of 
    1/of (2/3 − 1/6) ÷ 11/4?
    1. 1/3
    2. 1/5
    3. 2/15
    4. 5/16
  10. Cylindrical tins each of diameter 20 cm and a height of 15 cm were packed in a carton. The carton measured 120 cm long, 80 cm wide and 30 cm high. How many tins were packed in the carton?
    1. 61
    2. 48
    3. 24
    4. 12
  11. What is the value of 16.8×0.0542 ?
    1. 0.0126
    2. 1.26
    3. 12.6
    4. 126
  12. A scale drawing of a rectangular plot of land measures 3 cm by 2 cm. The scale used is 1:2000. What is the actual area of the plot in ares?
    1. 24000
    2. 2400
    3. 240
    4. 24
  13. What is the value of x in the equation
    2x/3 − 4x/9 = 12?
    1. 54
    2. 104/5
    3. 101/2
    4. 9
  14. What is 567432 rounded off to the nearest ten thousands?
    1. 560000
    2. 567000
    3. 570000
    4. 600000
  15. Three bells ring at intervals of 12 minutes, 24 minutes and 36 minutes. They rang together at 10.00 a.m. When was the last time they rang together before 10.00 a.m?
    1. 8.48 a.m
    2. 8.48 p.m
    3. 11.12 a.m
    4. 11.12 p.m
  16. The area of a semicircle is 39.25 cm2. What is the length of the diameter? (Тakе л = 3.14)
    1. 25 cm
    2. 10 cm
    3. 6 cm
    4. 5 cm
  17. A pupil reported to a boarding school on 27th January, 2019. He went for a mid-term break on 18th March 2019. How many nights did he spend in school?
    1. 49
    2. 50
    3. 51
    4. 52
  18. The area of a square plot of land is 0.0576 hectares. The plot was fenced all round using five strands of wire. What was the total length of the wire used?
    1. 480 m
    2. 192 m
    3. 96 m
    4. 24 m
  19. A pipe has a diameter of 0.7 m and a length of 3 m. The outer surface of the pipe was painted. What was the area that was painted?
    (Таkе л = 22/7)
    1. 13.2 m2
    2. 10.4 m2
    3. 6.6 m2
    4. 2.2 m2
  20. What is the value of 4n2(r + y) + ny    when n = 2, r = 3 and y = 5
                                         r + y − n
    1. 101/2
    2. 121/3
    3. 23
    4. 138
  21. A printing press produced 11457 books on Monday. It produced 308 more books on Tuesday than on Monday. On Wednesday, it produced 4796 less books than the total number produced both on Monday and Tuesday. How many books were produced in the three days?
    1. 16561
    2. 18426
    3. 23222
    4. 41648
  22. A cylindrical container has a diameter of 56 cm and a height of 30 cm. The container is half filled with water. How many litres of water are in the container? Тakе л = 22/7
    1. 258.72
    2. 147.84
    3. 73.92
    4. 36.96
  23. Construct triangle PQR such that line PQ = 10 cm and angle RPQ = angle RQP = 40°. Construct a circle that touches the vertices P, Q and R. What is the measure of the diameter of the circle?
    1. 10 cm
    2. 5 cm
    3. 3.6 cm
    4. 1.8 cm
  24. A van is loaded with 120 cartons each containing 40 packets of salt. The mass of each empty carton is 500 g and that of each packet of salt is 750 g. What is the total mass of the load in kilograms?
    1. 36600
    2. 3660
    3. 3600
    4. 3540
  25. Kelvin deposited sh 15 000 in a bank. The bank paid compound interest at the rate of 12% per annum. What was the total interest paid by the bank at the end of two years?
    1. sh 18 816
    2. sh 3 816
    3. sh 3 600
    4. sh 2016
  26. Ntimama had 40 cows and 55 goats in his farm. He sold 10% of the cows and increased the number of goats by 20%. What was the new number of animals in the farm?
    1. 110
    2. 106
    3. 102
    4. 80
  27. The area of a right angled triangle is 54cm2. The length of one of the shorter sides is 12cm. What is the perimeter of the triangle?
    1. 15 cm
    2. 21 cm
    3. 36 cm
    4. 42 cm
  28. A saleslady earns a basic salary of sh 10 500 per month. She also earns a commission on sales above sh 100 000. In one month, she sold items worth sh 150 000 and earned a total of sh 18 000. What was the percentage commission?
    1. 5
    2. 7
    3. 12
    4. 15
  29. A rectangular floor measures 7.5 m long and 2.5 m wide. The floor is covered with square tiles of side 0.5 m. How many tiles were used to cover the floor completely?
    1. 112
    2. 75
    3. 38
    4. 28
  30. What is the value of
    7(32 + 4) − 5 x 8 ÷ 2 + 6?
    1. 77
    2. 56
    3. 53
    4. 35
  31. The following figure shows a triangle drawn inside a semicircle.
    What is the area of the shaded part in cm2? (Take π = 22/7 )
    1. 775.25
    2. 481.25
    3. 294.00
    4. 187.25
  32. What is the square of 61/4?
    1. 1561/4
    2. 391/16
    3. 361/16
    4. 21/2
  33. A family uses 30 decilitres of milk everyday. How many litres of milk did they use during the months of February and March 2016?
    1. 186
    2. 183
    3. 180
    4. 177
  34. A cuboid measures 6 cm long, 5 cm wide and 4 cm high. What is the total length of the edges?
    1. 30
    2. 60
    3. 90
    4. 120
  35. The cash price of a sewing machine is sh 24 800. The hire purchase price is 15% more than the cash price. Joseph purchased the machine on hire purchase terms. He paid a deposit of sh 8 520 and ten equal monthly instalments. How much was the monthly instalment?
    1. sh 20 000
    2. sh 2 852
    3. sh 2 480
    4. sh 2 000
  36. The average mass of 36 pupils is 45 kg. The average mass of the pupils together with their teacher is 46 kg. How much more is the mass of the teacher than the average mass of the pupils?
    1. 127 kg
    2. 82 kg
    3. 37 kg
    4. 36 kg
  37. The marked price of a bag of beans was sh 4 500. A school bought eight bags of beans at a total cost of sh 34 400. What was the total discount allowed?
    1. sh 200
    2. sh 1 600
    3. sh 4 300
    4. sh 4 700
  38. A trader bought 10 crates of soda at sh 600 per crate. He paid sh 30 per crate for transportation. Each crate of soda contained 24 bottles but ten bottles broke during transportation. He later sold each bottle of soda for sh 30. What percentage profit did the trader make?
    1. 20
    2. 142/7
    3. 10
    4. 911/21 
  39. A poultry farmer bought the following items:
    2 chick feeders @sh 85
    5 bags of chick mash @sh 450
    4 bags of growers mash @sh 650
    2 packets of chick formula for sh 150
    She paid for the items using 6 one thousand shilling notes. How much balance did she get?
    1. sh 680
    2. sh 830
    3. sh 4 665
    4. sh 5 170
  40. In the figure shown, lines RS and TU are parallel. Line VW is a transversal.
    Which one of the following statements is correct?
    1. Angle a = Angle f
    2. Angle (c+e) = 180°
    3. Angle (g+d) = 180°
    4. Angle (d+h) = Angle (a+e)
  41. Juma bought a pair of trousers for sh r. He also bought a pair of shoes for twice the price of a pair of trousers and a shirt for half the price of the pair of trousers. He paid using two sh x notes. Which one of the following expressions represents the balance Juma got?
    1. x − 31/2r
    2. 2x  − 31/2r
    3. 2x + 31/2r
    4. x + 2  − 31/2r
  42. The following pie chart shows sales made by a farmer in a certain day.
    The value of the sales for maize was sh 880. What was the value of the sales for bananas?
    1. sh 1760
    2. sh 2 420
    3. sh 2 860
    4. sh 7 920
  43. Which one of the following statements is correct about all right angled triangles?
    1. Two sides are equal
    2. Two angles are right angles
    3. The largest angle is 90°
    4. The longest side is opposite the smallest angle
  44. Eighteen men working at the same rate can complete a job in 30 days. How many more men, working at the same rate can complete the same job in 12 days?
    1. 15
    2. 27
    3. 33
    4. 45
  45. The following are properties of quadrilaterals.
    1. all sides are equal
    2. opposite angles are equal
    3. all angles are equal
    4. diagonals bisect each other
      Which one of the properties is true for a rhombus?
      1. (ii), (iii), (iv)
      2. (i), (ii), (iii)
      3. (i), (iii), (iv)
      4. (i), (ii), (iv)
  46. Which one of the following statements is correct?
    1. 0.45 > 48%
    2. 1/4 < 0.2
    3. 3/4 = 0.85
    4. 0.36 > 7/20
  47. Construct triangle PQR such that line PQ = 8 cm, angle RPQ = 45° and angle PRQ = 75°. Construct a perpendicular line from point R to meet line PQ at M. What is the measure of line RM?
    1. 2.9 cm
    2. 5.0 cm
    3. 5.9 cm
    4. 7.2 cm
  48. The following table shows a timetable for a certain aeroplane plying from Airport S to Airport V.
     Airport  Arrival time   Departure time

    A passenger arrived at Airport T at 1.30 p.m.. How long did the passenger have to wait to depart from the airport?
    1. 20 minutes
    2. 30 minutes
    3. 1 hour 20 minutes
    4. 1 hour 40 minutes
  49. Brenda has x books. Amina has thrice as many books as Brenda. Juma has 10 books less than the total number of books both Brenda and Amina have. They have a total of 86 books altogether. Which one of the following equations can be used to find the number of books Brenda has?
    1. 8x − 10 = 86
    2. 8x + 10 = 86
    3. 4x + 10 = 86
    4. 4x − 4 = 86
  50. The bar graph below shows the amount of milk, in litres, a farmer got from his farm in one week.
    Which two days following each other in the week had the highest total production of milk?
    1. Tuesday and Wednesday
    2. Wednesday and Thursday
    3. Wednesday and Sunday
    4. Saturday and Sunday
Tagged under
Thursday, 09 November 2023 12:02

Mathematics Questions - Grade 6 KPSEA 2023 Exams

  1. Lorries delivered 84072 bags of maize to a refugee camp. What is the number of bags of maize in words?
    1. Eighty thousand four hundred and seventy two
    2. Eighty four thousand seven hundred and two
    3. Eighty four thousand and seventy two
    4. Eighty four thousand seven hundred and twenty
  2. In a hospital, 436587 children were vaccinated against polio in a certain year. What is the total value of digit 6 in the number?
    1. 600
    2. 6000
    3. 60000
    4. 600000
  3. A tree nursery had 368593 seedlings. Customers bought 27364 tree seedlings in a day. How many tree seedlings remained?
    1. 395957
    2. 341239
    3. 341229
    4. 94953
  4. A milk processing factory produced 19468 packets of milk. How many packets of milk to the nearest thousands were produced?
    1. 20000
    2. 19500
    3. 19470
    4. 19000
  5. What is the next number in the pattern?
    8, 24, 72, 216,_________________
    1. 232
    2. 264
    3. 360
    4. 648
  6. Work out
    24 ÷ 3 + 9 x 6 − 4
    1. 8
    2. 26
    3. 58
    4. 98
  7. Musa spent 2/5 of his salary on food. He also 1/4 spent of the salary on rent. What is the total fraction of the salary that Musa spent on food and rent?
    1. 13/20
    2. 9/20
    3. 7/20
    4. 3/20
  8. What is the value of 95/6 – 11/3?
    1. 111/6
    2. 91/6
    3. 82/3
    4. 81/2
  9. Wangeci made a necklace using red and green beads. The red beads used were 25% while the rest were green. Which of the following decimals represent the green beads?
    1. 7.5
    2. 0.75
    3. 0.075
    4. 0.0075
  10. A tailor bought a fabric material. He used 0.263 of the fabric to make a pair of shorts, 0.287 to make a shirt and 0.45 to make a dress. How much of the fabric was used to make both the dress and the shirt?
    1. 0.332
    2. 0.637
    3. 0.713
    4. 0.737
  11. The height of water in a dam increased by 5 cm after it rained. What is the increase in the height of water in millimetres?
    1. 50
    2. 500
    3. 5000
    4. 50000
  12. A teacher drew the folowing shape on the board.
    What is the perimeter of the shape?
    1. 43 cm
    2. 48 cm
    3. 50 cm
    4. 58 cm
  13. A ribbon is 31 cm 6 mm long. Rehema cut 5 cm 3 mm of the ribbon to make a flower. What length of the ribbon remained?
    1. 26 cm 3 mm
    2. 34 cm 3 mm
    3. 36 cm 9 mm
    4. 36 cm 3 mm
  14. A wall of a rabbit hutch is in the shape of a rectangle and a triangle as shown.
    What is the area of the wall?
    1. 6370 cm2
    2. 5590 cm2
    3. 4810 cm2
    4. 3185 cm2
  15. Kimeto drinks 3.7 litres of water everyday. How many millilitres of water does he drink?
    1. 37
    2. 370
    3. 3700
    4. 37000
  16. A road construction company mixed sand and small stones. The mass of sand was 18 tonnes 481 kilograms. The mass of small stones was 12 tonnes 394 kilograms. What is the total mass of the mixture?
    1. 30 tonnes 875 kilograms
    2. 30 tonnes 775 kilograms
    3. 20 tonnes 875 kilograms
    4. 6 tonnes 87 kilograms
  17. A tea processing factory distributed fertilizer to farmers using 4 lorries. Each lorry carried 24 tonnes 235 kilograms of fertilizer. What was the total mass of the fertilizer distributed?
    1. 96 tonnes 940 kilograms
    2. 96 tonnes 920 kilograms
    3. 96 tonnes 840 kilograms
    4. 86 tonnes 940 kilograms
  18. A flower company exported 4850000 kilograms of fresh flowers. How many tonnes of fresh flowers did the company export?
    1. 485000
    2. 48500
    3. 4850
    4. 485
  19. Wambua represented his school in a music festival. He began his performance in the afternoon at the time shown on the clock face.
    At what time did Wambua begin his performance?
    1. 2.07 p.m.
    2. 2.35 a.m.
    3. 2.35 p.m.
    4. 3.35 p.m.
  20. The table shows a travel timetable for a train from Manga station to Pate through Nanga.
     Station  Arrival time  Departure time 
     Manga    6.15 a.m.
     Nanga  8.30 a.m.  8.40 a.m.
     Pate  11.54 a.m.  
    A tourist travelled from Manga station to Pate using the train. How long did the journey take?
    1. 5 hours 39 minutes
    2. 3 hours 24 minutes
    3. 3 hours 14 minutes
    4. 2 hours 15 minutes.
  21. Ndemo assists his father to sell clothes in their shop. He sold a dress for sh 1 675. He made a profit of sh 390 after selling the dress. What was the buying price of the dress?
    1. sh 2 065
    2. sh 1 385
    3. sh 1 325
    4. sh 1 285
  22. The area of a rectangular piece of paper is 72cm2. The length of the paper is 9 cm. What is the width of the paper in millimetres?
    1. 0.8
    2. 8
    3. 80
    4. 800
  23. Omondi drew accurately the triangle shown on a piece of paper.
    Measure angle LMN using a protractor. What is the size of angle LMN?
    1. 100°
    2. 80°
    3. 60°
    4. 40°
  24. While picking litter in the school compound, Munya picked the following 3-D object.
    How many edges does the object have?
    1. 6
    2. 8
    3. 9
    4. 12
  25. A carpenter joined five pieces of timber to make a window frame as shown.
    Which of the following pieces of timber are parallel?
    1. r and p
    2. m and n
    3. n and q
    4. r and q
  26. Grade 6 learners harvested tomatoes from their agriculture project. The bar graph shows the amount of money received from Monday to Friday after selling the tomatoes.
    How much money did the learners receive on Wednesday?
    1. sh 2 250
    2. sh 2 000
    3. sh 1 750
    4. sh 1 500
  27. During a geometry lesson, learners were asked to describe the faces of a cylinder, pyramid, cube and cuboid. Which of the following descriptions was correct?
    1. A cylinder has a square face 
    2. A pyramid has a triangular face
    3. A cube has a rectangular face
    4. A cuboid has a circular face
  28. The table shows the number of patients who were treated for various diseases in a dispensary. Some information is missing in the table.
     Disease  Tally   Number of patients 
     Malaria    12
     Diabetes  ////  
     Tuberculosis  ////   /  
     HIV/AIDS    8
    How many patients were treated altogether?
    1. 30
    2. 20
    3. 29
    4. 10
  29. Ngei had some oranges. He gave out 4 oranges to his friend. He remained with more than 6 oranges. Use letter p to represent the number of oranges that Ngei originally had. Which of the following inequalities correctly represents this information?
    1. p−4<6
    2. 6−p>4
    3. p−4>6
    4. p−6<4
  30. A self-help group shared some money among 50 women. Each woman in the group got sh 8 500. Use letter x to represent the amount of money shared. Which of the following equations correctly represents this information?
    1. 50x = 8500
    2. 50/x = 8500
    3. x + 50= 8500
    4. x/50 = 8 500
Tagged under
  1. What is eighteen million, eighteen | 6. thousand and cighteen and eighteen thousandths?
    1. 18 018 018.18000
    2. 18 108 018 018
    3. 18 018 018 .18
    4. 18 018 018.018
  2. How many groups of hundreds are there in the total value of digit 6 in the following number?
    2 368 753.25
    1. 60 000
    2. 6 000
    3. 600
    4. 60
  3. What is the value of
    0.039 × 0.051×0.063 ?
    0.013× 0.017 × 0.009
    1. 0.063
    2. 0.63
    3. 6.3
  4. What is 72 072 divided by 24?
    1. 30 003
    2. 3003
    3. 303
    4. 33
  5. What is the product of the LCM of 18 and 24 and the GCD of 36 and 48?
    1. 12
    2. 72
    3. 84
    4. 864
  6. Below is a diagram of a rectangle.
    What is the area of the rectangle?
    1. 126m2
    2. 46m2
    3. 136m2
    4.  112m2
  7. What is the value of
    33/4 of 51/3 / +42/3 ÷ 13/× 11/3?
    1. 175/9
    2. 225/9
    3. 235/9
    4. 185/9
  8. What is the next number in the pattern?
    3, 6, 15, 42,
    1. 123
    2. 81
    3. 119
    4. 109
  9. The diagram below shows a circle cut out from a semicircle.
    What is the area of the remaining part of the semicircle?
    1. 308cm2
    2. 616cm2
    3. 154cm2
    4. 1232cm2
  10. 24 men working at the same rate can take 48 days to complete a certain job. How many more days would it take if 8 men failed to turn up?
    1. 64
    2. 16
    3. 24
    4. 8
  11. Ten pupils in a class sat for a test and got a mean of 18.9. The score for ninc pupils were 9, 12, 15, 18, 21, 24, 24, 24 and 27. What was the median score?
    1. 15
    2. 19.5
    3. 39
    4. 18
  12. A businessman borrowed sh.80 000 from a financial institution at a compound interest rate of 4% per annum. How much was in his account after two years?.
    1. Sh.6 528
    2. Sh.86 528
    3. Sh.6 400
    4. Sh.86 400
  13. What is the value of
    2x2 + 3y +3z
         x + y + z
    if x = 3, y = x + 5 and z = x + y.
    1. 25/22
    2. 15/11
    3. 25/11
    4. 15/22
  14. Mark spent 2/5 of his salary o school fees and 1/4 on savings. e also spent 3/7of the remainder on transport. If he was left with Sh. 16,800, how much was spent on savings?
    1. Sh.12 600
    2. Sh. 21 000
    3. Sh. 33 600
    4. Sh. 84 000
  15. The diagram below shows a piece of land drawn to scale 1:50 000.
    What is the actual area of the plot in hectares?
    1. 10ha
    2. 100ha
    3. 1 000ha
    4. 10 000ha
  16. Sean paid sh.35 700 for a TV set after getting a discount of 15%. How much more would he have paid had he been given 10% discount?
    1. Sh.3 780
    2. Sh.6 300.
    3. Sh.4 200
    4. Sh.2 100
  17. A 33-scater bus and a 14-seater matatu ferried 343 passengers to a function. The matatu made an extra trip. If each passenger paid sh.80, how much more money did the bus earn than the matatu?
    1. Sh.18 480
    2. Sh.8 960
    3. Sh.9 520
    4. Sh.27 440
  18. Construct a triangle ABC such that linc BC = 7cm, AB = 8cm and AC = 6cm. Draw a circle that touches points ABC. What is the length of the radius of the circle? 
    1. 2.0cm
    2. 3.9cm
    3. 4.2cm
    4. 8.3cm
  19. In the figure below ABCD is a parallelogram and angle ABC = 80°.
    What is the siza of angle AED?
    1. 90°
    2. 45°
    3. 80°
    4. 55°
  20. In a school there are 180 pupils in lower primary and 240 pupils in upper primary. Each lower primary child is given 2-2dl packets of milk every week. The pupils in upper primary are given 3-2dl packets cach week. How many litres do they consume in three weeks altogether?
    1. 216/
    2. 432/
    3. 648l
    4. 504l
  21. The stack below was made of cubes as shown below.
    How many cubes were required to complete the stack?
    1. 150
    2. 60
    3. 90
    4. 75
  22. Karim went on holiday on 28th October 2022 and went back to school on 3rd January 2023. For how many days was he on holiday?
    1. 65
    2. 66
    3. 67
    4. 68
  23. In a school, the ratio of boys to girls is 4:3. During a sporting activity, 1/6 of the of the girls took part and 1/5 boys took part. The number of girls who did not take part was 225. What was the population of the school?
    1. 360
    2. 270
    3. 630
    4. 570
  24. The table below shows the number of absentees in a class of 48 pupils.
     Days  Mon  Tues   Wed   Thur   Fri 
     Girls  2  3   4   5   2 
     Boys  5  2   1   3   5 
    What was the total attendance for the week? .
    1. 33
    2. 217
    3. 240
    4. 208
  25. Construct a parallelogram such that lines AB = 6cm and BC = 8cm. Angle ABC = 125°. At point C drop a perpendicular to meet the extension of line AB at X. What is the length of line AX?
    1. 10.5cm
    2. 4.5cm
    3. 6.5cm
    4. 7.6cm
  26. What is the simplest form of
    3 (28x+49y) + 5 (12x-24y)?
    1. 22x + y
    2. 22x + 4ly
    3. 22x − y
    4. 22x − 41y
  27. A sales agent is paid a basic salary of sh.24 000 and a commission of 4% on all the sales above sh.70 000. In one month, she earned a total of sh.39 000. What was the value of the sales that month?
    1. Sh.375 000
    2. Sh.26 800
    3. Sh.445 000
    4. Sh.345 000
  28. The pic chart below represents how Ben spent his money in a certain month.
    If sh.32 000 was saved, how much more was spent on personal development than on clothings?
    1. Sh.96 000
    2. Sh.57 600
    3. Sh.38 400
    4. Sh.19.200
  29. A bus left town A for town B on Thursday at 9.30pm. The journey took 13hrs 30 min. On which day and time did the bus get to town B in 12hr clock system?
    1. Friday 11.00pm
    2. Saturday 10.00am
    3. Friday 11.00am
    4. Saturday 10.00pm
  30. A cylindrical water tank whose height is 4.2m has a diameter of 2.8m. If the tank is full of water, how many 5 more litres are needed to fill the tank?
    1. 25 872/
    2. 20 697.6/
    3. 5174.4/
    4. 12 936/
  31. 31. A rectangular plot of land has a diagonal of 195m and the width measures 75m. The land is to be fenced using five strands of wire. What is the length of the wire required?
    1. 510m
    2. 2550m
    3. 1350m
    4. 2700m
  32. Amani bought the following items from a shop.
    22kgs of sugar@sh. 130.
    4-litre packets of milk at sh. 120 per litre.
    2-2kgs of wheat flour@sh. 118 per kg.
    11⁄21⁄2kgs of salt for sh.45
    3litres of cooking oil @sh. 110 per half litre.
    If she paid using 2-1000 shillings notes, how much balance did she get? 
    1. Sh.1 742
    2. Sh.258
    3. Sh.1 412
    4. Sh.588
  33. A clock gains 10 seconds after every two hours. The clock was set right on Tuesday at 7.30am. At what time. did it show the following Tuesday at 7.30pm?
    1. 7.15pm
    2. 7.16pm
    3. 7.29pm
    4. 7.45pm
  34. Ken is 36 years older than his son. His wife is 8 years younger than him. If their total age is 106 years now, how old is his wife now?
    1. 46
    2. 22
    3. 38
    4. 28
  35. The table below shows the charges of | 38. The figure below shows a triangular. sending money orders both inland and interstate.
    Nancy sent two inland money orders valued at sh.8 500 and sh.17 000. She also sent two interstate money orders valued at sh.4 500 and sh.22 500. How much money at the post office did she pay?
    1. Sh.53 397
    2. Sh.970
    3. Sh.53 470
    4. Sh.897
  36. What is the value of x in the equation
    x + 2(x − 3) = 8
    3          2
    1. 81/4
    2. 33/4
    3. 71/3
    4. 43/4
  37. The fractions 4/7, 7/9, 8/11 and 9/13 are to arranged in a descending order. Which is their correct order of arrangement?
    1. 4/7, 9/13, 8/11, 7/9
    2. 9/13, 8/11, 7/9, 4/7
    3. 7/9, 8/11, 9/13, 4/7
    4. 4/7, 7/9, 8/11, 9/13
  38. The figure blow shows a traingular prism
    What is the volume of the prism?
    1. 2400cm3
    2. 4800cm3
    3. 2720cm3
    4. 5440cm3
  39. In an election, four candidates took part. The winning candidate got 0.48, the second candidate got 0.22 and the third candidate got 0.6 of the remainder. If the fourth candidate got 3600 votes, how many votes than the second candidate did the winning candidate get?
    1. 7 800
    2. 14 400
    3. 6 600
    4. 30 000
  40. An empty 54-seater capacity bus has a mass of 1.8 tonnes.of the seats are occupied by adults with a mean mass of 72kg and the rest occupied by children with a mean mass of 45kg. The driver has a mass of 80kg. What is the mass of the loaded bus in kgs?
    1. 3482
    2. 3.482 
    3. 5282
    4. 5.282
  41. After working for 15 days, a driver and a conductor carn sh.45 000 in total. After working for 25 days the driver carns sh,43 750. How much will the conductor earn in the month of August if he did not work for five days?
    1. Sh.38 750
    2. Sh.93 000
    3. Sh.78 000
    4. Sh.32 500
  42. Richard travelled from Laare to Nairobi a distance of 420km. It took him four hours to travel to Nairobi. He stayed at Nairobi for two hours and then drove back taking 3hours. What was the average speed for the whole journey?
    1. 931/3 km/h
    2. 120km/h
    3. 96km/h
    4. 126km/h
  43. A farmer harvested 260 bags of maize in the year 2021. In the year 2022, the harvest increased by 15%. He was left with 49 bags and sold the rest at sh.3 500. How much money did he get?
    1. Sh.1 046 500
    2. Sh.1 956 500
    3. Sh.1 785 000
    4. Sh.875 000
  44. A rectangular water tank measures 1.2m by Im by 0.75m. How many litres does it hold when half full?
    1. 900/
    2. 450/
    3. 1800l
    4. 1350l
  45. Three girls contributed sh.3 600 to buy a gift. Nancy contributed twice as much as Nimo and Mary. Mary contributed sh.600 more than Nimo. If Nimo contributed sh.x, which of the following equations can be used to get the amount Nancy contributed?
    1. 2x + 600 = 3600
    2. 4x + 1 200 = 3 600
    3. 6x + 1 800 = 3 600
    4. 6x + 1 200 = 3600
  46. Nephat sold a cow for sh.17 600 making a 12% loss. At what price should he have sold the cow to make a 30% profit?
    1. Sh.20 000
    2. Sh.24 000
    3. Sh.22 800
    4. Sh.26 000
  47. The hire purchase price of an item is 140% of the marked price. Linet paid a deposit of sh.24 000 and a monthly deposit of sh.12 000 for one year. What was the marked price of the item?
    1. Sh.144 000
    2. Sh.168 000
    3. Sh.120 800
    4. Sh.48 000
  48. The table below shows a farc chart from town A to town F.
    Anita, her husband and their four children travelled from town A to town F via town D. How much fare did they pay if the children paid half their fare?
    1. Sh.1 320
    2. Sh.1 980
    3. Sh.1 200
    4. Sh.2 400
  49. What is the square root of √0.0081 ?
    1. 0.09
    2. 0.009
    3. 0.03
    4. 0.3
  50. The graph below shows the journey by a motorist from town A to town B and back.
    What is the average speed for the whole journey?
    1. 64km/h
    2. 30km/h
    3. 24km/h
    4. 48km/h


  1. D
  2. C
  3. D
  4. B
  5. D
  6. A
  7. C
  8. A
  9. C
  10. C
  11. B
  12. B
  13. D
  14. B
  15. C
  16. D
  17. C
  18. C
  19. A
  20. C
  21. B
  22. C
  23. C
  24. D
  25. A
  26. A
  27. B
  28. D
  29. C
  30. C
  31. B
  32. B
  33. D
  34. A
  35. C
  36. A
  37. C
  38. A
  39. B
  40. C
  41. D
  42. A
  43. C
  44. B
  45. C
  46. D
  47. C
  48. A
  49. A
  50. D
  1. In Kisumu county, seven hundred and ninety -six thousand, six hundred and ninety-six shillings, was donated to shiner's youth group. for empowerment by the cabinet secretary of sports. What was the total amount donated in symbols?
    1. 769696
    2. 766669
    3. 7966696
    4. 796696
  2. A vendor sold 61799 newspapers in the month of June. How many newspapers were sold to the nearest hundreds?
    1. 62000
    2. 61700
    3. 61790
    4. 61800
  3. Work out: 5748 x 26
    1. 149448
    2. 1494480
    3. 5774
    4. 149484.
  4. A farmer harvested 103 bags of groundnuts. He sold all the bags at sh 1436568 to a supermarket. What is the total value of the amount represented by digit ↳ in the figure in shillings?
    1. 40000
    2. 400000
    3. Thousands
    4. Tens of thousands.
  5. Grade six learners were asked to write the smallest factor of 144. What did they write as the correct answer?
    1. 144
    2. 1
    3. 2
    4. 12
  6. Joy, a grade six learner, made number cards and arranged them as shown below.
    What did Joy write on the fifth card?
    1. 48
    2. 62
    3. 72
    4. 70.
  7. A carpenter has two pieces of timber measuring 224cm and 280 cm respectively. He cut the two into smaller pieces of equal length. What was the length of the longest common pieces cut from the timber?
    1. 8
    2. 4
    3. 18
    4. 20
  8. Solve the value of x:
    6x + 10 = 58
    1. 84/8
    2. 48
    3. 8
    4. 94/8
  9. During a county music festival 10000 participants presented their items. The number of participants who took position one were only 52. Express the fraction of those who took position one. as a decimal.
    1. 0.52
    2. 0.0052
    3. 0.052
    4. 5.2.
  10. The circle below shows how a farmer divided his land.
    The shaded part shows the used land. What is the equivalent fraction to the land that is unused?
    1. 2/5
    2. 6/10  
    3. 4/10
    4. 8/16
  11. Work out 49cm 6mm ÷ 8
    1. 6cm 2mm
    2. 5cm 12mm
    3. 6cm 4mm
    4. 5cm 2 mm.
  12. John, a mathematics teacher, displayed a card below during a mathematics lesson.
    What is the reciprocal of the fraction in the card?
    1. 42/7 
    2. 46/6 
    3. 7/46 
    4. 46/7
  13. During an assessment, the analogue clock face in the room showed the following time.
    Which type of angle was formed by the minute. hand and hour hand at 9.00?
    1. Right angle
    2. Obtuse angle
    3. Acute angle,
    4. Reflex angle
  14. Ondiek cut a 7/8 piece of sugarcane from the farm. He shared 1/4 of the piece of sugarcane with his friend Rehema. What fraction of the piece of sugarcane remained?
    1. 21/32
    2. 5/8
    3. 1/2
    4. 1/8 
  15. Serah had 73/5 kg of flour. She used 52/5 of the flour. How much flour remained?
    1. 131/5 
    2.  13
    3. 25/10
    4. 21/5 
  16. A patient's mass was 59.3972 kg. The doctor rounded off the figure to 2 decimal places and noted it down.
    What did the doctor write?
    1. 59.40
    2. 59.39
    3. 58.40
    4. 59.00
  17. What is 27.4934 + 132.26?
    1. 40.7194
    2. 28.816
    3. 159.7534
    4. 159.7435
  18. A learner was given a plain paper which she painted as shown below.
    What is the area of the part that was shaded if the figure had a base of 13cm and a height of 8cm?
    1. 52cm2
    2. 104cm2
    3. 21 cm2
    4. 52cm
  19. What is 9% as a decimal?
    1. 9.00
    2. 0.09
    3. 0.90
    4. 0.009.
  20. Find the next two numbers in the pattern below.
    4,16, 36, 64,_________  _________
    1. 64,81
    2. 81,100
    3. 100, 144
    4. 9,10.
  21. Anita is a mathematics leader in Grade 6. Shetold her classmates to work out the following
    What was the correct answer?
    1. 6/16
    2. 64/9
    3. 9/64 
    4. 3/8  
  22. Arrange 1/7, 2/3, 4/21, 5/6 from the largest to the smallest?
    1. 1/7, 2/3, 4/21, 5/6 
    2. 1/7, 4/21, 2/3, 5/6
    3.  5/6, 2/3, 4/21, 1/7, 
    4. 5/6, 2/3, 1/7, 4/21
  23. Add 25kg 67 lg to 9 kg 300g.
    1. 16kg 371g
    2. 34kg 790g
    3. 34kg 97 lg
    4. 43kg 791g
  24. A farmer had t ducks, w turkeys and y pigeons. How many birds did he have altogether?
    1. t + w
    2. t+w+y
    3. w-t+y
    4. w + y.
  25. A square piece of land measures 29km 450m. Wamaidha drove round the land 5 times. What distance did he cover?
    1. 142km 2250m
    2. 147km 2250m
    3. 147km 250 m
    4. 142km 250 m.
  26. What is 49 ÷ 7 x 150 − 735
    1. 3150
    2. 31500
    3. 3510
    4. 315.
  27. A lesson started at 12.30 pm and ended at 2.05 pm.How long did the lesson take?
    1. 10 hr 35 mins
    2. 1hr 25mins
    3. 1 hr 35mins
    4. 10 hrs 25 mins
  28. Musa was going to school. Before he could reach the school gate, he realized that he had left his scarecrow at home. He turned back to go and pick it. Which turn was made by Musa?
    1. ½ turn
    2. ¼ turn
    3. Full turn
    4. 3/4 turn
  29. Which quadrilateral has the following properties?
    1. All sides are equal.
    2. Interior angles are equal.
    3. Diagonals are equal.
    4. Diagonals meet at at right angle.
      1. Rectangle
      2. Parallelogram
      3. Rhombus
      4. Square
  30. The types of vehicles that were packed in an area were recoded in a graph as shown
    Which type of vehicle was the least parked in the area?
    1. Lorries
    2. Matatus
    3. Buses
    4. Cars


  1. D
  2. D
  3. A
  4. B
  5. B
  6. C
  7. A
  8. C
  9. B
  10. A
  11. A
  12. C
  13. B
  14. B
  15. D
  16. A
  17. C
  18. A
  19. B
  20. C
  21. C
  22. C
  23. C
  24. B
  25. C
  26. D
  27. C
  28. A
  29. D
  30. B
  1. Write thirty six million thirty six thousand and thirty six thousand and thirty six.
    1. 36 036 306
    2. 36 306 306
    3. 36 306 .036
    4. 36 036 036
  2. What is 269.8999 rounded off to the nearest thousandth?
    1. 269.899
    2. 269.900
    3. 269.000
    4. 270.000
  3. Which of the following inequality statements is correct?
    1. 004 = 40%
    2. 2/5 > 40%
    3. ¾ = 65%
    4. 0.01 < 10%
  4. What is the total value of digit 4 in the number 387.2847?
    1. Hyundreth
    2. Thousandth
    3. 4/1000
    4. 4/100
  5. The perimeter of a square is 224m. What is twice the area?
    1. 3136m2
    2. 448m2
    3. 1244m2
    4. 6272cm2
  6. What is the value of
    4(52 − 32) + 9 x 4
             √36 ÷ 2
    1. 331/3
    2. 25
    3. 100
    4. 5 5/9
  7. What is the value of 
    2/5 of (3/5 − 3/8) + 2/5 x 3/4
    1. 117/100
    2. 16/25
    3. 217/50
    4. 117/50
  8. Which of the following is the next number in the sequence?
    1, 2, 6, 15, 31
    1. 56
    2. 53
    3. 61
    4. 59
  9. What is the value of 
    62 − 4(35 − 24) ?
        12 ÷4
    1. 4
    2. 3
    3. 24
    4. 6
  10. A family consumes 6-500ml packets of milk daily. low many litres did they consume from 13 January to 11* April of the year 2022?
    1. 26.1litres
    2. 261litres
    3. 267 litres
    4. 258 litres
  11. What is the sum of the square ol 4½ and the square root of 181/16?
    1. 95/16
    2. 81/4
    3. 13/16
  12. Construct a triangle PQR such that line PQ = 6.5cm, PR = 7.5cm and angle PQR = 69°. From point R drop a perpendicular to meet line PQ at X.

    What is the size of angle PRX?
    1. 29°
    2. 61°
    3. 151°
    4. 126°
  13. Kibet had sh 1000 note. He wanted to change into denominations of sh 500, sh 200, sh 100 and sh 50. How many notes did he get?
    1. 5
    2. 4
    3. 7
    4. 6
  14. Osman deposited sh.300 000 in a commercial bank that paid simple interest at 6% per annum. How much was the amount in his account after 18 months?
    1. Sh. 327 000
    2. Sh. 27 000
    3. Sh. 18 000
    4. Sh 318 000
  15. John left Mumias for Busia at 10:36 am. He drove at a speed of 90km/hr for a distance of 60km. At what time did he get to Busia?
    1. 11:26am
    2. 11:16am
    3. 10:56am
    4. 12:16pm
  16. A rectangular water tank measures 3.2m by 2.4m by 1.8m high when full of water. After 3 days the level of water dropped by 60cm. How many litres remained in the tank?
    1. 13 824ltrs
    2. 4 608ltrs
    3. 9 216/trs
    4. 5 400ltrs
  17. What is the value of x in the equation
    x −1 + 3x + 7 = 6
       2           8
    1. 73/7
    2. 52
    3. 45
    4. 63/7
  18. A Kigali bound bus left Nairobi on Monday 8:30pm. The journey was to take 2¼ days. On reaching Busia border, the bus delayed for 3hrs. At what day and time did the bus get to Kigali?
    1. Thursday 2:30am
    2. Wednesday 2:30am
    3. Thursday 5:30 am
    4. Wednesday 5:30am
  19. Janet made a loss of 12% for selling 23. The line AB below is a part of a an item at sh.17 600. How much would she have sold to make a 25% profit?
    1. Sh.20 000
    2. Sh.25 000
    3. Sh.22 000
    4. Sh.26 500
  20. What is the value of 2x(y − z)
                                        y + z
    if x = 4, y = 3x and z = ½y
    1. 22/3
    2. 11/3
  21. Kim spent of his salary on fees, of the remainder on rent and the rest on savings. If the savings was sh.7 500 how much did he spend on rent?
    1. Sh.11 250
    2. Sh.33 750
    3. Sh.3 750
    4. Sh.22 500
  22. The following are characteristics of a certain quadrilateral:
    (i) One pair of parallel lines.
    (ii) Diagonals are not equal.
    (iii) Interior angles add upto 360°.
    The quadrilateral described above is a
    1. Trapezium
    2. Rectangle
    3. Rhombus
    4. Parallelogram
  23. The line AB below is a part of arhombus ABCD where angle BAD = 120°. From point C drop a perpendicular to meet line AB at X.
    What is the length of line AB?
    1. 7cm
    2. 4.9cm
    3. 2.5cm
    4. 3.1cm
  24. During a prayer rally in Nyayo stadium, a total of 5 700 children were in attendance. The number of women was 2/3 that of children but 500 less than that of men. How many people attended the prayer rally altogether?
    1. 3 800
    2. 10 000
    3. 13 800
    4. 4 300
  25. The table below shows a fare chart in shillings for a bus from a certain route.
    Three adults and four children travelled from town A to town E via town C. On reaching town C, one more adult and two children joined the passengers. How much money did they pay altogether if the children paid half of the fare?
    1. Sh.2 200
    2. Sh.2 250
    3. Sh.2 240
    4. Sh.1 400
  26. A clock loses ten seconds every hour. If it was set right on Monday 8:00am, what time did it show the following Monday at the same time?
    1. 8:28am
    2. 7:32am
    3. 8:28pm
    4. 7:32pm
  27. Wagalla paid sh.30 400 for an item after getting a 5% discount on the marked price. How much less would he have paid had he been given a 10% discount?
    1. Sh.1 600
    2. Sh.3 200
    3. Sh.28 800
    4. Sh.33 600
  28. The mass of an empty carton is 0.8kg. The carton is filled up with 24-500g tins of cooking fat. A pickup whose mass when empty is 1.2 tonnes is packed with 80 such cartons. What is the total mass of the loaded pickup in kgs?
    1. 1024 kg
    2. 2224kg
    3. 960kg
    4. 2160kg
  29. Which of the following set of measurements cannot be used to form a right angled triangle?
    1. 4.5cm, 6cm, 72cm
    2. 1.2m by 1.3m by 1.5m
    3. 0.5m, 1.2m, 1.3m
    4. 0.8m, 1.5m, 1.7m
  30. The mass of ice was −20°C. It was heated for five minutes and the new temperature was 45°C. What was the rate of temperature rise in celsius per minute?
    1. 13°C per min
    2. 9°C per min
    3. 8°C per min
    4. 11°C per min
  31. A water tank measures 60cm by 50cm by 40cm. The tank is open at the top. What is the area the of internal surface area?
    1. 14 800cm2
    2. 12 000cm2
    3. 11 800cm2 
    4. 12 400cm2
  32. Three boys Ben, Bett and Tom contributed sh.1 200 to buy a ball. Tom contributed twice as much as both Bett and Ben. Bett contributed sh.200 more than Ben. If Ben contributed sh.x, which of the following equations can be used to get the amount contributed by Tom?
    1. 3x + 200 = 1 200
    2. 3x + 300 = 1 200
    3. 6x + 600 = 1 200
    4. 5x + 600 = 1 200
  33. Karen and Sylvia shared some money in the ratio 3:5. If Sylvia got sh.3 900 more than Karen, how much money were they sharing?
    A. Sh.9 750
    B. Sh.10 400
    C. Sh.5 850
    D. Sh.15 600
  34. A sales agent earns a basic salary of sh.18 500. She is also paid 9% commission on all the sales she makes above sh.50 000. In one month she earned sh.68 900. How much was her sales that month?
    1. Sh.560 000
    2. Sh.520 000
    3. Sh.24 701
    4. Sh.610 000
  35. What is the difference of the LCM and HCF of 12,16, and 24?
    1. 48
    2. 4
    3. 52
    4. 44
  36. Below is a solid net.
    What is the correct number of faces, edges and vertices?
             F    E    V
    1.   9    5    6
    2.   5    9    6
    3.   6    5    9
    4.   9    6    5
  37. In an election, four candidates got votes as follows:
    Third candidate got 0.23
    Second candidate got 0.27.
    First candidate got 0.42.
    Fourth candidate got the rest which were 6400 votes. How many more votes did the winning candidate get than the second candidate?
    1. 80 000
    2. 33.600
    3. 18.400
    4. 12 000
  38. James scored the following in a test.
     Subject   Maths   Eng   Sci   Kiswa 
     Score      80     90     60      70 
    If this information was put on a pie chart, what angle would represent the difference between Maths and Science?
    1. 24°
    2. 72°
    3. 96°
    4. 108°
  39. Onyango travelled from Nyando to Machakos a distance of 432km in four hours. He drove back taking 6hrs. What was the average speed for the whole journey?
    1. 72 km/h
    2. 108 km/h
    3. 862/5 km/h
    4. 96 km/h
  40. The diagram below shows a piece of land
    What is its perimeter?
    1. 198m
    2. 231m
    3. 330m
    4. 99m
  41. The cash price of a generator is sh.240 000. The hire purchase price is 25% more than the cash price. Hassan paid a deposit and the rest in 15 equal monthly instalments of sh.17 600. How much was the deposit?
    1. Sh.24 000
    2. Sh.36 000
    3. Sh.64 000
    4. Sh.46 000
  42. A group of 54 men can take 72 days, to complete a certain job. How many more days would it take if 18 men failed to turn up?
    1. 108
    2. 48
    3. 18
    4. 36
  43. What is the simplest form of
         3(2x + 4y) + 2(3x + 2y),?
                   2(4y + 6x)
    1. 4y + 2x
      2x + 4y
    2. 2y + 3x
      3x + 2y
    3. 4y + 3x
      2y + 3x
    4. 3x + 2y
      4x + 3y
  44. The fractions 3/7, 2/3,4/9 and 8/11  are to be arranged from the smallest to the largest. Which of the following is the correct order?
    1. 8/11, 3/7, 2/3, 4/9
    2. 2/3, 3/7, 4/9, 8/11
    3. 3/7, 4/9, 2/3, 8/11
    4. 8/11, 2/3, 4/9, 3/7
  45. The number of pupils enrolling in a school in a subcounty increased to 4800 in this year. If it was a 20% increase from last year, how many pupils enrolled last year?
    1. 5760
    2. 4200
    3. 4000
    4. 5600
  46. Leah's piece of land is drawn to scale 1:20000. If it measures 5cm by 3cm on the map, what is its actual area in hectares?
    1. 0.6
    2. 60
    3. 600
    4. 6000
  47. The figure below shows a right angled traingle joined to a semi circle.
    What is the area of te figure above?
    1. 5026 cm2
    2. 1925 cm2
    3. 3101 cm2
    4. 1176 cm2
  48. 48. A wheel of diameter 56cm made 4000 revolutions. What distance in km did it cover?
    1. 704km
    2. 7.04km
    3. 352km
    4. 3.52km
  49. 49. Cynthia bought the following items from the shop:
    3kg sugar @ Sh. 230
    32kg of rice @ Sh. 100
    6-500ml packets of milk @60 per packet. 3 litres of cooking oil for Sh. 540.
    3 bars of bathing soap for Sh.240
    If she paid using 3- 1000 shilling notes, how much balance did she get?
    1. Sh. 2180
    2. Sh. 820
    3. Sh. 340
    4. Sh. 260
  50. In the figure below line FL is parallel to line GJ. Angles KIJ = 62 and IHG = 54°
    What is the size of angle EFK?
    1. 126°
    2. 64°
    3. 116°
    4. 118°


  1. D
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  48. B
  49. B
  50. C
  1. Mong' are imported four hundred and eighty six thousand and thirty nine computers in one year. What is this in symbols?
    1. 4860039
    2. 486039
    3. 48639
    4. 4086039
  2. What is the difference of the total value of digit 9 and 5 in the number 8940567?
    1. 900 000
    2. 900 500
    3. 899 500
    4. 909 500
  3. Work out:- 48 + 2 x 90 ÷ 9 – 20
    1. 480
    2. 68
    3. 48
    4. 28
  4. What is the reciprocal of 3/8?
    1. 31/8
    2. 22/3
    3. 21/8
    4. 15/8
  5. Add: 11/5 +  21/3
    1. 38/15
    2. 21/15
    3. 31/7
  6. What is the smallest five digit number that can be formed from 8, 6, 9, 2 and 3?
    1. 23869
    2. 98632
    3. 29368
    4. 23689
  7. What is the missing number in the sequence below?
    72, 68, _____,60, 56
    1. 64
    2. 66
    3. 62
    4. 63
  8. What is 0.75 expressed as a percentage?
    1. 0.75%
    2. 7.5%
    3. 7500%
    4. 75%
  9. An athlete went round the figure below three times. (II = 22/7,)
    What distance did he cover?
    1. 88m
    2. 112m
    3. 176m
    4. 528m
  10. Work out: 41/4 − 22/3 =
    1. 11/12
    2. 7/12
    3. 27/12
    4. 15/12
  11. What is the L.C.M of 10, 15 and 45?
    1. 5
    2. 45
    3. 60
    4. 90
  12. Divide: 78026 ÷ 13 =
    1. 6002
    2. 602
    3. 62
    4. 60002
  13. Calculate the area of the figure below
    1. 156cm2
    2. 60cm2
    3. 78cm2
    4. 30cm2
  14. A trader bought 12 tonnes of sugar. He packed it in 500g packets. How many packets did he obtain?
    1. 24000
    2. 2400
    3. 240
    4. 24
  15. What is the size of the angle PQR in the figure below?
    1. 115°
    2. 105°
    3. 85°
    4. 65°.
  16. What is the sum of: 15 tonnes 470kg and 23 tonnes 950kg?
    1. 39t 520kg 
    2. 39t 420kg
    3. 38t 520kg
    4. 38t 1420kg
  17. Kemboi bought a radio for sh. 3500. He later sold it for sh. 2700. How much loss did he get?
    1. sh. 4200
    2. sh. 6200
    3. sh. 800
    4. sh.1800
  18. What is the size of angle x in the figure below?
    1. 57°
    2. 63°
    3. 123°
    4. 67°
  19. Identify the 3-D object below
    1. Triangular prism
    2. Rectangular pyramid
    3. Triangular pyramid
    4. Rectangular prism
  20. Simplify the inequality below
    Y _ 3 > 9
    1. y < 6
    2. y > 24
    3. y <6
    4. y < 12
  21.  Round off 87291 to the nearest thousands.
    1. 88000
    2. 87300
    3. 87000
    4. 90000
  22. What is the value of;  (7)2?
    1. 14/18
    2. 49/54
    3. 77/99
    4. 49/81
  23. What is the place value of digit 3 in the number 8.7639?
    1. Tens
    2. Thousandths
    3. Hundredths
    4. Tenths
  24. What is the volume of the cuboid below?
    1. 843 cm3
    2. 96 cm2
    3. 96cm3
    4. 15cm3
  25. A water tank carries 12000cm3 when full. What is this capacity in litres?
    1. 1.2
    2. 12
    3. 120
    4. 1200
  26. A bus left Mombasa for Kisumu 6hrs 15minutes after midnight. What time is it in 24 hour clock system?
    1. 6:15pm
    2. 1815hrs
    3. 0615hrs
    4. 18:15am
  27. Lenox bought 8¼-kg of mutton. He cooked 45/6-kg for his guests. How many kilograms did he remain with?
    1. 35/12 kg
    2. 45/12 kg
    3. 37/12 kg
    4. 47/12 kg
  28. Work out:-
    99285 + 476291
    1. 575576
    2. 585576
    3. 574576
    4. 5755
  29. What is the sum of even numbers between 60 and 70?
    1. 130
    2. 390
    3. 260
    4. 420
  30. The graph below shows the amount of milk sold by a dairy farmer in one week,
    How many litres of milk did the farmer collect in the week?
    1. 1475
    2. 1275
    3. 1475
    4. 1375


  1. B
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  27. A
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  29. C
  30. D
  1. The number of registered voters in a certain constituency is nine hundred and nine thousand, nine hundred and nine. What is this in symbols?
    1. 9009909
    2. 909909
    3. 9990909
    4. 99909
  2. Round off 28298 to the nearest hundreds.
    1. 28300
    2. 28200
    3. 28000
    4. 282100
  3. What is the place value of digit 2 in the number 256834 ?
    1. Hundred thousands
    2. Two hundred thousands
    3. Thousands
    4. Millions
  4. Add:
    + 438228  
    1. 788397
    2. 878378
    3. 878377
    4. 978378
  5. What is the L.C.M of 12, 15 and 18 ?
    1. 60
    2. 90
    3. 45
    4. 180
  6. What is the total value of digit 8 in the number 786524 ?
    1. 80000
    2. 8000
    3. 86000
    4. 87000
  7. What is the area of the rectangle below?
    1. 92cm2
    2. 448cm2
    3. 348cm2
    4. 438cm2
  8. Add:
    Km                m
    27                272
    ×                      6  
    1. 162km 1632m
    2. 164km 632m
    3. 163km 632m
    4. 165km 632m
  9. Jemimah worked out the sum below.
    122 + 378 − 150. What was the correct answer?
    1. 200
    2. 350
    3. 228
    4. 450
  10. What is the place value of digit 4 in the number 25.843 ?
    1. Tenths
    2. Hundredths
    3. Thousands
    4. Thousandths
  11. Multiply:
    x 26  
    1. 9724
    2. 8724
    3. 9714
    4. 8734
  12. What fraction is unshaded?
    1. 1/3 
    2. 3/8
    3. 5/8
    4. 2/3
  13. A journey by bus took 365 minutes. How long was it in hours and minutes?
    1. 36 hours 5 minutes
    2. 3 hours 65 minutes
    3. 6 hours 5 minutes
    4. 5 hours 35 minutes
  14. Which pair shows multiples of 6 before 36 ?
    1. 12 and 18
    2. 30 and 36
    3. 24 and 30
    4. 42 and 48
  15. What is the volume of the cuboid below?.
    1. 252cm3
    2. 152cm3
    3. 63cm3
    4. 242cm3
  16. Subtract 215850 from 872171.
    1. 656321
    2. 656421
    3. 655321
    4. 666321
  17. Work out:
    72 ÷ 24 x 4 + 3 − 10
    1. 15
    2. 12
    3. 5
    4. 3
  18. An athlete covered 12000m. What distance did he cover in Km ?
    1. 1.2km
    2. 12km
    3. 120km
    4. 1200km
  19. Work out: 9/10 − 3/5 
    1. 3/10
    2. 1/5
    3. 7/10
    4. 3/5
  20. Which angle represents a reflex angle?
  21. Lawi earns Sh. 8700 per week. If he received sh. 7450 after the tax. How much was the tax?
    1. Sh. 1150
    2. Sh. 1250
    3. Sh. 1350
    4. Sh. 1050
  22. Thomas has x goats. He gave each of his sons y goats. How many goats did each son get?
    1. (x + y)
    2. (x − y)
    3. x/y
    4. y/x
  23. What is the G.C.D of 8, 12 and 16?
    1. 4
    2. 30
    3. 36
    4. 48
  24. Which number is divisible by 2, 5 and 10 ?
    1. 4055
    2. 5201
    3. 2500
    4. 4022
  25. Achupa has 49 pigs in her farm. What is the number in Roman numbers?
    1. VIX
    2. XXXXIX
    3. LIX
    4. XLIX
  26. Which lines are parallel?
  27. What is the time in the clock face below?
    1. Twelve o'clock
    2. Half past six
    3. Half past twelve
    4. Thirty minutes
  28. Divide: 84014 ÷ 7 =
    1. 12002
    2. 1202
    3. 1212
    4. 12022
  29. Convert 3/4 into a decimal.
    1. 3.4
    2. 7.5
    3. 0.75
    4. 1.25
  30. Arrange the following fractions below in ascending order.
    1/2, 2/3, 3/4, 4/5,
    1. 1/2, 2/3, 3/4, 4/5
    2. 4/5, 3/4,  2/3, 1/2
    3.  2/3, 1/2, 3/4, 4/5
    4.  3/4, 2/3, 4/5, 1/2


  1. B
  2. A
  3. A
  4. D
  5. D
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  26. A
  27. C
  28. A
  29. C
  30. A
  1. The number of pupils at Karapul Primary school is three thousand four hundred and nineteen. What is this number in symbols?
    1. 30419
    2. 3419
    3. 34019
    4. 3491
  2. A farmer has 1256 goats and 729 sheep in his farm. How many animals does he have altogether?
    1. 1885
    2. 1985
    3. 1986
    4. 1886
  3. What is the next number in the sequence below?
    6, 12, 18, 24, _____________-
    1. 28
    2. 32
    3. 30
    4. 36
  4. Subtract 2343 from 7564?
    1. 5021
    2. 5221
    3. 5120
    4. 4221
  5. Round off 398 to the nearest tens.
    1. 400
    2. 390
    3. 300
    4. 3980
  6. What fraction is unshaded?
    1. 1/3
    2. 1/4
    3. 3/4
    4. 2/3
  7. Work out:-
    x 24 
    1. 1104
    2. 1004
    3. 964
    4. 1204
  8. Write ix in Hindu/Arabic numerals.
    1. 11
    2. 7
    3. 9
    4. 8
  9. What is the place value of digit 7 in the number 8795?
    1. tens
    2. hundreds
    3. thousands
    4. 700
  10. Write 7/5 as a mixed number.
    1. 12/5
    2. 21/5
    3. 15/7
    4. 12/7
  11. Use a ruler to measure the line AB below.
    1. 10cm
    2. 11cm
    3. 8cm
    4. 9cm
  12. The diagram below shows Peter's maize farm.
    What is its perimeter?
    1. 38m
    2. 40m
    3. 48m
    4. 28m
  13. A rope measures 8m long. What is the length of the rope in centimetres?
    1. 8000cm
    2. 800cm
    3. 80cm
    4. 8cm
  14. How many small boxes are used to make the stack below?
    1. 10
    2. 36
    3. 18
    4. 24
  15. Lydia bought 16 tins of blue band. If each tin was 1/2kg. How many kilograms of blue band did she buy?
    1. 4kg
    2. 8kg
    3. 16kg
    4. 32kg
  16. Identify the angle below.
    1. Right angle
    2. Reflex abgle
    3. Acute angle
    4. Obtuse angle
  17. Work out:
    weeks          days
       8                  1
    − 2                  6      
    1. 6weeks  5days
    2. 5weeks  2days
    3. 5 weeks  5days
    4. 6weeks   2days
  18. Atieno slept for 4 hours 20 minutes. How many minutes did she sleep?
    1. 420 minutes
    2. 260 minutes
    3. 240 minutes
    4. 200 minutes
  19. Which one is a need?
  20. Moses bought a packet of maize flour for sh. 230. He paid with sh. 500 note. How much balance did he get?
    1. sh. 230
    2. sh. 370
    3. sh. 270
    4. sh. 170
  21. Kolo had 9698 bags of maize in his stores. He sold 3324 bags of maize. How many bags remained in the store?
    1. 6384
    2. 5374
    3. 6374
    4. 5384
  22. Add all the multiples of 4 between 30 and 39.
    1. 66
    2. 67
    3. 68
    4. 65
  23. Which shape below is an oval?
  24. Which one is NOT a factor of 30?
    1. 3
    2. 5
    3. 6
    4. 7
  25. Find the missing number.
    14 × G4MathMT3S12023Q25 = 84
    1. 5
    2. 7
    3. 6
    4. 70
  26. Write 74/100 as a decimal.
    1. 0.74
    2. 74.00
    3. 7.4
    4. 0.074
  27. What is the perimeter of the shape below?
    1. 126cm
    2. 84cm
    3. 42cm
    4. 168cm
  28. How many points of intersections are there in the figure below?
    1. 3
    2. 4
    3. 5
    4. 2
  29. Work out: 5b + 3c + b = _____________________
    A. 4b + 3c
    B. 4b - 3c
    C. 3b + 3c
    D. 6b + 3c
  30. The chart below shows vehicles which passed near Masumbi Primary School.
     Vehicles  Tally marks  Number
     Cars  //// ///  
     Vans  ////  /  
     Lorries  ////  
     Buses  //  
     Motorbikes  ////  ////  ////  //  
    How many vehicles passed near the school?
    1. 32
    2. 28
    3. 42
    4. 38


  1. B
  2. B
  3. C
  4. B
  5. A
  6. C
  7. A
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  9. B
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  12. A
  13. B
  14. D
  15. B
  16. A
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  18. B
  19. C
  20. C
  21. C
  22. C
  23. A
  24. A
  25. C
  26. A
  27. D
  28. B
  29. D
  30. D




  1. Write in words 5503813.
    1. Five million five hundred and thirty thousand eight hundred and thirteen
    2. Fifty million, five hundred and three thousand eight hundred and thirteen
    3. Five million five hundred and thirty thousand eight hundred and thirty
    4. Five million five hundred and three thousand eight hundred and thirteen
  2. What the total value of digit 3 in 8397028?
    1. Hundreds of thousands
    2. 397028
    3. 300000
    4. Thousands
  3. Grade 6 Learners in Msingi Bora Primary School planted tree seedling in different month as shown below.
     Month   Number of tree seedlings 
    Arrange the months in descending order according to the number of seedlings planted.
    1. June, July, May, April, March
    2. June, July, March, April, May
    3. May, April, March, July, June
    4. July, June, May, March, April
  4. A farmer sold 56894 chickens to his friend. How many chickens did the farmer sell to the nearest thousand?
    1. 57000
    2. 60000
    3. 56800
    4. 56000
  5. What is the GCD of 49.21 and 28?
    1. 588
    2. 21
    3. 7
    4. 3
  6. What is the sum of edges and vertices of the figure below?
    1. 8
    2. 20
    3. 14
    4. 18
  7. Wanja's container has 18 litres of water. She adds 10 litres of water in every one hour. She fetches water for 8 hours. What is the total amount of water in the container after the eighth hour?
    1. 98
    2. 18
    3. 28
    4. 108
  8. Work out: 45 + √576
    1. 24
    2. 70
    3. 25
    4. 69
  9. A company supplied 5432 iron sheet on Monday and 4023 iron sheets on Tuesday to construct dispensaries in a sub-county. How many iron sheets did they supply in the two days?
    1. 9419
    2. 8455
    3. 9455
    4. 1409
  10. Kaluli arrived at home very late in the evening as shown on the clock below. At what time did Kaluli reach home in 12-hour clock system?
    1. 11.25 am
    2. 2325 hours
    3. 12.25 pm
    4. 11.25 pm
  11. Work out the sum of
    524163 + 312805 + 120021.
    1. 979696
    2. 956989
    3. 716947
    4. 91337
  12. Quinter earns a salary of sh 3635 daily. How much will she earn in 88 days?
    1. 372300
    2. 354700
    3. 417268
    4. 319880
  13. Calculate 24 x 66 −12 × 47 +124
    1. 74008
    2. 1144
    3. 896
    4. 468
  14. Arrange 5/83/7,4/6,1/2  from the smallest to the largest.
    1. 5/8, 4/6,1/2,3/7
    2. 4/6,5/8, 3/7, 1/2
    3. 1/2, 3/7, 5/8,4/6
    4. 3/7,1/2, 5/8,4/6
  15. The government imported three hundred and fifty eight thousand bags of maize to fight hunger. During inspection, the agent found out that one hundred and seventy eight bags of maize were not good for consumption. Calculate the number of bag of maize that was good.
    1. 358178
    2. 536000
    3. 357822
    4. 357922
  16. A carton of chalks weighs 25kg 500g. How much will 6 such cartons weigh?
    1. 153kg
    2. 150kg 300g
    3. 153kg 300g
    4. 4kg 250g
  17. Ronny had 75% of the 60 marks in each of his 5 subjects. How many marks does he have in total? 
    1. 375
    2. 225
    3. 300
    4. 200
  18. Work out:
    Weeks     days
        7             5
      ×               6      
    1. 42 weeks 30 days
    2. 45 weeks 3 days
    3. 46 weeks 2 days
    4. 13 weeks II days
  19. Measure the angle marked y.
    1. 133°
    2. 47°
    3. 55°
    4. 78°
  20. Work out:
    93612 × 467 − 57892 + 32 x 865
    1. 23672
    2. 66638
    3. 8792
    4. 6214
  21. In a fundraising ceremony adults took 53 litres 144 millilitres of juice. The children took 34 litres 286  millilitres of juice. How many litres and mililitres of juice was used altogether?
    1. 18 litres 858 millilitres
    2. 88 litres 430 millilitres
    3. 19 litres 142 millilitres
    4. 87 litres 430 millilitres
  22. Mwende bought the following items from a shop.
    • Two -2 kg packet of maize flour @. sh 250
    • 3 packets of milk @sh 60
    • A loaf of bread for sh 65
    • I litre of juice @ sh. 220
      What balance did she get if she gave the shopkeeper sh 1000 note?
      1. Sh 35
      2. Sh 965
      3. Sh 715
      4. Sh 285
  23. Work out the size of angle x.
    1. 90°
    2. 60°
    3. 30°
    4. 45°
  24. The unit of measurement of length or distance is
    1. Metres or centimetres
    2. Celsius or Kelvin
    3. Grams or kilograms
    4. Litres or millilitres
  25. A square has a perimeter of 24cm. What is the area of the square?
    1. 36cm2
    2. 144cm2
    3. 12cm2
    4. 8cm2
  26. Two angles of a triangle are 30° and 45°. What is the size of the third angle?
    1. 45°
    2. 75°
    3. 285°
    4. 105°
  27. Construct a line AB of length 6cm. Bisect the line AB. Draw the bisector to cross line AB at O.What is the length of BO?
    1. 6.0 cm
    2. 9.0cm
    3. 5.0 cm
    4. 3.0 cm
  28. Which of the following statements is true about any triangle?
    1. A triangle has 4 sides.
    2. A triangle can form ↳ angles.
    3. A triangle has equal sides and angles
    4. Angles in a triangle add up to 180°.
  29. Calculate the circumference of the circle below.
    1. 17.60 cm
    2. 35.20 cm
    3. 98.56 cm
    4. 70.40 cm
  30. Grade 6 learners picked 32 marbles of different colours as shown in the table below.
     Colours   Tally marks 
     Green  llll lll
     Yellow  lll
     Red  llll  llll  llll
    How many blue marbles did the learners pick?
    1. 32
    2. 25
    3. 14
    4. 7


  1. D
  2. C
  3. B
  4. A
  5. C
  6. B
  7. A
  8. D
  9. C
  10. D
  11. B
  12. D
  13. B
  14. C
  15. C
  16. A
  17. B
  18. C
  19. B
  20. D
  21. B
  22. A
  23. C
  24. A
  25. A
  26. D
  27. D
  28. D
  29. B
  30. D



  1. What is the total value of digit 4 in 840956?
    1. 400 000
    2. Four thousand
    3. 40 000
    4. Tens of thousands 
  2. Work out
    5789 − 4597
    1. 10 386
    2. 1192
    3. 9314
    4. 8314 
  3. Use digits 6, 2, 4, 8 and 9 to form the largest number. What is the largest number in words?
    1. Twenty four thousand, six hundred and eighty nine
    2. Forty eight thousand nine hundred and sixty two
    3. Ninety eight thousand two hundred and forty six
    4. Ninety eight thousand six hundred and forty two. 
  4. Round off 68272 to the nearest thousand.
    1. 68000
    2. 70000
    3. 68200
    4. 69000
  5. What is the sum of the LCM and GCD of the 12, 28 and 49?
    1. 1176
    2. 2352
    3. 98
    4. 1177
  6. What the name of the following type of angle?
    1.  Acute angle
    2. Right angle
    3. Obtuse angle
    4. Reflex angle
  7. A Grade 5 teacher had 78 exercise books to share equally among seven learners. How many books did the teacher need to add to ensure all the learners get equal share?
    1. 11 rem 1
    2. 12
    3. 6
    4. 1
  8. Convert 0.45 into a simplified fraction.
    1. 9/20
    2. 20/9
    3. 22/9
    4. 45/100
  9. Murage had sh 1000 note. He bought a half kilogram of sugar at sh 440 per kilogram, 3 packets of glucose at sh 30, four loaves of bread for sh 260 and one litre of cooking oil for sh 220. How much balance did he get from the shopkeeper?
    1. Sh 790
    2. Sh 210
    3. Sh 10
    4. Sh 270
  10. Work out:
     KM         M
      72        134
    −36        234   
    1. 36km 100 m
    2. 35 km 900 m
    3. 34 k 900
    4. 35 km 100 m
  11.  A learner planted 13 rows of trees. Each row had 29 trees. How many trees did the learner plant altogether?
    1. 42
    2. 377
    3. 3
    4. 380
  12. What is the place value of digit 2 in 235681?
    1. Thousands
    2. Tens of thousands
    3. Millions
    4. Hundreds of thousands
  13. Calculate:
      M        CM
      57        48
    +58        32   
    1.  1m 16 cm
    2. 114m    70cm
    3. 115m    80cm
    4. 115m    82cm
  14. Work out: 4 × 62 ÷ 2 + 8 − 32
    1. 100
    2. 132
    3. 54
    4. 124
  15. Ruth bought 657 bags of sand and 898 bags of cement. How many bags did she buy altogether?
    1. 32
    2. 1555
    3. 241
    4. 1560
  16. Arrange 4536, 6564, 5694, 5476 in descending order.
    1. 4536, 5476, 5694, 6564
    2. 6564, 5694, 5476, 4536
    3. 4536, 6564, 5476, 5694, 
    4. 6564, 5694, 5476, 4536
  17. Bindu had 4 trays of 30 eggs each. He added 3 more trays. Fifty eggs broke. How many eggs does he have altogether?
    1. 260
    2. 160
    3. 210
    4. 73
  18. Work out the following.
      × 46  
    1. 8460
    2. 10810
    3. 281
    4. 10800
  19. Which of the following numbers is divisible by both 2 and 5?
    1. 205
    2. 190
    3. 198
    4. 831
  20. A farmer planted 25698 avocado seeds in one plot of land. In another plot, he planted 2245 seeds. After three months, the farmer sold 25980 seedlings. How many seedlings remained?
    1. 49433
    2. 53923
    3. 2527
    4. 1963
  21. Which of these fractions is the biggest?
    1. 4/9
    2. 3/7
    3. 3/8
    4. 5/11 
  22. What is the next number in the sequence below?
    4, 12, 36, 108, __________________
    1. 216
    2. 144
    3. 324
    4. 972
  23. Measure the side of the following figure and calculate its area.

    1. 16 square centimetres
    2. 15 square centimetres
    3. 16 centimetres
    4. 20 square centimetres
  24. What is the total value of digit 9 in 45.779?
    1. Thousandths
    2. Nine hundredths
    3. 0.009
    4. 0.09
  25. A factory processed 4575 litres of juiced in week I and 3646 litres of juice in week 2. How many litres of juice were processed in the two weeks
    1. 7221
    2. 8221
    3. 929
    4. 8211
  26. Which is the perimeter of the trianlge below?
    1. 84cm
    2. 56cm
    3. 175cm
    4. 87cm
  27. How many stacks were used in the pile below?
    1. 36
    2. 35
    3. 27
    4. 34 
  28. Grade 5 learners picked marbles of different colours as shown in the table below.
     Colours   Tally marks   Number of marbles 
     Red  ////  //  
     Blue    4
     Green   ////  ////  ///  
     Yellow  ///  
    How many marbles did Grade 5 learners pick altogether
    1. 25
    2. 27
    3. 20
    4. 30
  29. What is the time?
    1. 10 minutes to 11
    2. 10 minutes past 10
    3. 50 minutes past 10
    4. 50 minutes to noon
  30. James was facing the East. He made a three quarter turn in anti-clockwise direction. Which direction did James face after the turns?
    1. South
    2. North
    3. West
    4. East


  1. C
  2. B
  3. D
  4. A
  5. D
  6. C
  7. C
  8. A
  9. B
  10. B
  11. B
  12. D
  13. C
  14. A
  15. B
  16. D
  17. B
  18. B
  19. B
  20. D
  21. D
  22. C
  23. B
  24. C
  25. B
  26. B
  27. A
  28. B
  29. B
  30. A
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