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Answer all the questions in this section.

    1. Differentiate between latitudes and longitudes.     (2 mks)
    2. State three reasons why the interior of the earth is very hot.   (3 mks)
  2. Describe the origin of the continents according to the theory of continental drift .         (5mks)
    1. Name the three main stages of the long profile of a river(3mks)
    2. State three conditions under which gorges may form(3mks)
    1. Give two sources of underground water.       (2mks)
    2. State three conditions that favour the formation of artesian wells. (3mks)
    1. What is the meaning of the term vegetation?     (1 mk)
    2. Use the sketch map below to answer the questions that follow
      geo1 q5
      1. Identify the type of vegetation in the shaded region marked F (1 mk)
      2. State two characteristics of theabove identified vegetation type ( 2mks)

        SECTION B
        Answer question six and any other two questions from this section

        Study the map provided of Taita Hills 1:50000(Sheet 189/14) and answer the questions that follow.
      1. Convert the scale of the map into a statement scale. ( 1mk )
      2. Give the six grid figure reference of the dispensary at Ronge forest.( 2mks)
      3. Calculate the area of Ronge forest. Give your answer in KM2( 2mks)
      1. What is the actual height of the hill at grid square 3926.   (1 mk)
      2. Describe the distribution of settlement in the area covered by the map. ( 4mks)
    3. Draw a cross section from grid reference 360160 to grid reference 440160. Use a vertical      
      scale of 1cm to represent 20m. ( 4mks)
      On the cross-section,mark and name the following;
      1. A railway line.                                     (1mk)
      2. Thicket vegetation(1mk)
      3. A hill                                                           (1mk)
    4. Students of Weruga School (grid square 2524) carried out a field study on vegetation west of their school.      
      1. Give three reasons why they would require a time schedule.   (3 mks)
      2. Name twonatural vegetation that they identified.   (2 mks)
    5. Citing evidence from the map name three social services that are carried out in the area coveredby the map.(3mks)
      1. What is ocean salinity?       (2mks)
      2. Give three sources of mineral salts in ocean water. (3mks)
    1. Explain three factors that cause horizontal movement of ocean water. (6mks)
    2. Describe how the following are formed
      1. Wave-cut platform.       (4mks)
      2. Cuspate foreland.         (5mks)
    3. You intend to carry out a field study on wave deposition on the coast of Kenya.
      1. Formulate two hypotheses for your study.     (2mks)
      2. Give three reasons why you would need to state objectives for your study.(3mks)
      1. Listfour characteristics of desert soils.       (4 mks)
      2. Give two factors that contribute to soil leaching.     (2 mks)
    2. Explain how each of the following factors influence the formation of soil
      1. Parent rock         (2 mks)
      2. Living organisms                                                                                       (2 mks)
      3. Topography       (2 mks)
    3. Draw a well labelled profile of a mature soil.     (5 mks)
    4. Differentiate between a soil profile and soil catena.     (2 mks)
    5. Explain three ways in which human activities contribute to soil erosion.   (6 mks)
      1. What is a glacier?(2mks)
      2. How is a glacier formed?                     (4mks)
      1. Explain three processes through which ice moves                 (6mks)
      2. Describe the formation of a cirque             (3mks)
    1. Describe how the movement of valley glaciers is influenced by the following factors
      1. Temperature (2marks)
      2. Width of glacier channel       (2marks)
    2. You intend to carry out a field study on Mt Kenya
      1. Name three types of moraines you are likely to identify                             (3mks)
      2. State three problems you are likely to encounter                             (3mks)
      1. Define the following features
        Erg         (1 mk)
        Hamada         (1 mk)
        Reg(1 mk) 
      2. State two factors that contribute to the development of hot desert. (2 mks)
    2. With the aid of well labeled diagrams explain how a rock pedestal is formed.( 8mks)
    3. Explain three factors that influence wind transportation in a desert. (6 mks)
    4. You are required to carry out a field study of an arid area in Kenya.  
      1. Formulate two objectives for the study findings.   (2mks)
      2. State two measures the government would put in place to curb desertification in Kenya.                                     (2mks)
      3. Name any two features resulting from action of water in desert areas.( 2mks)


    1. Differentiates between latitudes and longitudes
      – Latitudes run from west to east while longitude run from north to south
      – Latitudes show how far a place is from the equator while longitude show how far
      – Latitudes are parallel to one anotherwhile longitudes meet at the poles
      – Distance between latitudes is even around the globe while that between longitudes is longest at equator and decreases pole wards2 marks-Mark as a bloc
    2. State three reasons why the interior of the earth is very hot
      The rate of cooling was very slow thereforeinterior still retain much of the original heat
      – The overlying rock layer exert a lot of pressure generating heat
      – Radioactivity within the interior due to collision results in heat generation 3 x 1 = marks 
  2. Describing the theory of continental drift.
    -Originaly the earth was a large huge land mass called pangaea
    - Pangaea was surrounded by large water mass/ocean/panthalasa
    - Pangaea broke into two subcontinents ienorthren continent (laurasia) and southern continent       (gondwanaland)
    -The two continents were separated by a narow sea/ tethys
    -The two continents broke further
    -Laurasia split to form continents in the northern hemisphere
    -Godwanaland split to form continents in the southern hemisphere
    -The continents gradually drifted to their present position
    Key words must be mentioned to score Max. 5mks
    1. What are the three stages of the long profile of a river?
      - Youthful stage /young stage/torrent stage / upper course stage
      - Mature stage /middle stage/valley stage
      - Old stage/plain stage/lower course stage
      ( 3 x 1 = 3 mks)
    2. State three conditions under which gorges may form  
      - Where a waterfall retreats upstream forming a gorge downstream side of waterfalls.
      - Where a river flows across a plateau made up of alternating horizontal layers of hard and soft rocks.
      - Where a river maintains its flow on the land that is being uplifted
      - Where there is a fall in the sea level /base level making a river to renew its erosive activity.-Where a river flows along a line of weakness like a fault line with less resistant rocks.
      (Any 3 x 1 = 3mks
    1. Give two sources of underground water
      – Rainwater
      – Melt water
      – Lakes and sea water
      – Magmatic water
      – Rivers                                                                                       (2 x1 =2 marks)
    2. Condition that favour the formation of artesian well
      The aquifer must be sandwiched between impermeable rocks so that it can retain water.
      – The aquifer must outcrop in a region which is source of water e.g a rainy area.
      – The aquifer must dip from a region of water intake and the rock layers must form a broad syncline basin                          
      – The mouth of the well must be lower than the intake area to allow water to be forced to the surface by pressure                       Any 3 x1 = 3 marks)
    1. What is vegetation
      Is a community of plants and grasses that cover a place and give a distinct character.
      1* 1=1 mark
      1. Name the vegetation marked F
        Coniferous forest                                         1*1=1 mark
      2. Characteristics of identified vegetation type.
        -Trees are conical in shape            
        Trees have needle like shaped leaves          
        -Trees are in uniform stands          
        -Consists of a thick carpet of mosses on its undergrowth.            
        -Trees are evergreen.              
        -Trees are tall and have straight trunks            
        -Trees have thick backs                                                         Any   2*1=2marks


  1. Study the map provided of Taita Hills and answer the question that follow.
      1. convert the scale of the map into a statement scale.     (1 mrk)
        1 cm rep 0.5km/one centimeter represents half km.     (Show working)
      2. Give the six-grid figure reference of the Dispensary at Ronge forest.
        367297(2 mks)
      3. Calculate the area of Ronge forest.
        - Complete squares -0                    
        -Incomplete     8/2
        -   Area    4km2+/- 0.5 km2( 2 mks)
        (Must show working)
      1. What is the actual height of the hill at grid reference 3926?
        873m                     1 x 1 = mark
      2. Description of distribution of settlement
        –The western part of the area covered by the map has denser settlement
        -Some places have nucleated settlement-Mwatunge
        -Eastern part has sparse settlement
        There is linear settlement along transport lines eg roads
        Thicket/ forest areas have little or no settlements
        Steep areas have little or no settlements e.gMragua Hills
        (Any four 4x1 = 4 mks )
      1. Give three reasons why they would need a time schedule
        − To give ample time for each activity
        − To reduce the tendency of time wastage
        − To provide an estimate of time requirement for the study
        − To provide a basis or evaluation the field work while still in progress
        − To provide a framework guiding the researcher to remain within the topic is scope
        (Any 3 x1)=3mks
      2. Name two natural vegetation that they identified
        - woodland
        - scrub
        - scattered traces       2 x 1 = 2 marks
    4. Citing evidence from the map name three social services that are found in the area covered by the map    
      - Rehabilitation-prison /Rehabilitation centre
      -     Education – schools
      -     Religious/worship – churches /
      -     Health – Dispensary /Health Centre (Any 3 x 1 = 3mks
      1. What is ocean salinity?
        -The degree of saltiness in ocean water     (2 marks)
      2. Give three sources of mineral salts in ocean water
        - Underlying rocks on sea floor which dissolves in the ocean water
        - Magma from mantle outpouring on the sea floor during vulcanicity and minerals dissolve in ocean         water
        - Rivers pouring their water into the ocean have dissolved minerals `
        (Any 3 x 1 =3 marks)
    1. Explain three factors that causes horizontal movement of ocean waters.
      - Winds moving across an ocean cause a frictional drag on the ocean water making the water to move in the same direction as wind
      - Rotation of the earth leads tocoriolis force which deflect ocean water to their right in the northern hemisphere.
      - Presence of land masses in the ocean   makes already moving ocean water to split hence forming new stream of movement.
      - Differences in the temperature of ocean water make ocean water to move from low temperature areas towards the high temperature areas
      - Differences in water density make the ocean water flow from high density areas towards low density areas (Any 3 x 2 =6 marks)
    2. Describe how the following are formed
      1. wave- cut platform
        - Marine wave erosion takes place on the shore line
        - A small hollow called a notch develops
        - Repeated wave erosion enlarges the notch until it collapses
        - Another notch soon begins to develop on the new cliff face and collapses again
        - The sea level falls leaving behind a wide gently sloping pavement called wave cut platform
        (Well explained =4marks)
      2. Cuspate foreland
        - Long shore drift operating along a coast brings materials such as sand and shingle to the shore
        - The material gets deposited from the shore seawards forming to adjacent spits
        - Due to continued deposition of sand by long shore drift the splits extend towards each other
        - With time the two spits join to form a triangular shaped deposit of sand enclosing a lagoon in the sea called a cuspate foreland     (Well explained= 4 marks)
      1. Formulate two hypotheses for your study
        -Most of the features found on the coast were not formed as a result of wave deposition
        - There is no relationship between the slope of the land and wave deposition features.
        -Wave deposition features on Kenyan coast have no much economic importance
        (Any 2 well stated 2 x 1 =2 marks)
      2. Give three reasons why you had to state objectives for your study
        - To keep the scope of your study
        - To determine the tools/equipment for use during data collection
        - Enable gauge the success of the study      
        (Any3 x 1 =3 marks)
      1. Characteristics of desert soils
        - They are thin / shallow
        - They are stoney / sandy
        - They are saline
        -They are loose in texture
        -Low moisture contents
        - Rich in calcium (Any 2 x1 =2 marks)
      2. Two factors that influence soil leaching.
        - Nature of the soil/ solubility of the minerals .
        -High rainfall.
        - Topography         (Any 2 x1 =2 marks )
    1. Explain how each of the following factors influence the formationof soil
      1. Parents rock.
        - The nature of rock influence weathering .hard rocks weather slowly while soft rocks weather fast
        - The rock determines the soil texture
        -The type of minerals in the parents rock are transferred to the soil during formation
        (Any 2x1=2mks
      2. Living organisms
        -They assists in breaking down the rocks through burrowing ,ploughing root penetration.
        - They influences the chemical composition by adding / removing organic acid solution / minerals -Burrowing / digging influence soil aeration
        (Any 2x1=2mks)
      3. Topography.
        -It determines the rate of weathering/ steep slopes encourage rapid weathering.
        -It influences soil depth, gentle slopes have deep soils.
        -It influences soil drainage / where land is flat soils are poorly drained
        (Any 2x1=2mks)
    2. A well labelled profile of mature soil
      geo1 q8ms
    3. Differentiate between a soil profile and catena.    
      - soil profile is the vertical arrangement of soil layers into horizon while catena is the sequential soil arrangement along a slope   Mark as a bloc   (2 x1 =2 marks )
    4. How human activities contributes to soil erosion.
      -Monoculture exhaust soil making soil vulnerable to erosion.
      - Over stocking reduces vegetation cover.
      - Ploughing up and down a slope.
      - Mining & quarrying.
      - Shifting cultivation
      (Any 3 well explained points x 2= 6mks)
      1. What is a Glacier
        – a mass of ice which moves outwards from a central area of ice accumulation under gravity (2 mks)
      2. Formation of a glacier
        - Snow fall occurs – snow accumulate in preexisting valleys and depressions on the earth surface
        - Continental snowfall increases the weight of snow compressing it and resulting in Thawing of some underlying ice.
        - With time becomes thick, hard and glossy because all air has been squeezed out of it and it moves because the lower layers are plastic due its weight.     (Well explained) 4 mks
      1. Process of ice movement
        -Plastic flowage- as viscous mass due to the weight of the overlying layer of ice
        -Basal slip – the weight of the ice causes thawing of the lower layers creating a film of melt water. Gravity the cause ice to slip as slide over the underlying rock.
        - Internal shearing – differential sliding of ice along places due to the great down shape pressure
        (Process 3 mks)
        (Explanation 3 mks)
      2. Describe the formation of a cirque (3mks)
        - Pre existing depression on the mountain side snow accumulate in the depression and form a cirque glacier
        - Frost action by the cirque glacier enlarges the hollow.
        - Abrasion at the bottom deepen the depression.
        - Plucking process steepenes the sides and back
        Eventually a depression resembling an arm chair with a concave floor is formed.                          
        (Any 3 x1=3 mks
      1. temparature-
        -Glaciers move faster in summer/when the temperatures are higher because the ice melts due to the warm conditions, whereas in winter/when temperatures are low, ice movement is slow due to cold conditions.
        -The temperature of the bottom of the valley glacier rises with increased pressure thereby thawing and enabling its movement down slope.                        (2 marks)
      2. Width of the glaciers channel
        -When the channel is wide, ice movement is slow, that is, because ice spreads out forming a thin layer, hence there is less pressure to cause thawing that would facilitate ice movement/when the channel is narrow.                   (2 marks)
    3. You intend to carry out a field study on Mt Kenya
      1. Name three types of moraines you are likely to identify                            
        -Terminal moraine  
        -Lateral moraine
        -Ground moraine
        - Media /moraine        
        Any 3x1=3mks
      2. State three problems you are likely to encounter                          
        - Fatigue due to climbing / descending steep slope
        - cold weather
        - Wild animals
        - Thick vegetation / inaccessibility
        Any 3x1= 3mks
      1. Define the following feature
        -   Erg – sandy desert     1 mk
        -   Hamada – rocky desert     1 mk
        - Reg – stony desert     1 mk
      2. State two factors that contribute to the development of hot desert.
        − Increased temperature and excessive evaporations  
        − Low rainfall / drought
        − Rain shadow effect
        − Continentally
        − Existence of cold ocean currents
        − Human activities e.g. detours       Any2 x1=2 mks
    2. With the aid of well labeled diagrams explain how a rock pedestal is formed.

      − Rocks of heterogeneous nature are acted on by wind abrasion and weathering process
      − The softer rocks are eroded faster than the hard rocks
      - Abrasion is more pronounced near the ground surface because the materials are heavier
      -This results into the formation of a rock structure with alternating layers of grooves and protrusionscalled a rock pedestal
    3. Explain three factors that influence wind transportation in a desert.
      − Speed and force of the wind - the faster and more forceful the wind is the greater the load it can transport
      − Nature of the load - fine dust are easily picked up and blown away while heavy ones are dragged − All interfering obstacle in the pathway
      − State of the particles moisture content of the material      
      (Any 3 x 2 = 6mks)
    4. You are required to carry out a field study of an arid area in Kenya.
      1. Formulate two objectives for the study findings.   (2mks)
        − To find out the different features formed as a result of wind action
        − To identify the most common agent of erosion in the area      
        Any 2 x 1 = 2mks    
        Any other relevant objective
      2. State two measures the government would put in place to curb desertification in Kenya.                                                          
        − A forestation & re afforestation
        − Controlled grazing − Irrigating dry lands
        − Stabilizing sand dunes
        − Controlling soil erosion and adopting conserving measures
        − Controlling industrialization        
        (Any 2 x 1 = 2 mks
      3. Name any two features resulting from action of water in desert areas.
        − Bajada
        − Inselberg
        − Mesas and buttes
        − Pediments
        − Pedi plain
        − Playas
        − Salinas
        − Dry river valley      
        (Any 2x 1 = 2 mks)
        geo1 q13ms
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