Agriculture Paper 2 Questions and Answers - Catholic Diocese of Kakamega Mock Exams 2023

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  • This paper consists of three sections: A, B and C
  • Answer all questions in section A and B
  • Answer any two questions in section C
  • Candidates should answer all the questions in English.

Answer all questions in the spaces provided.

  1. Name four tools that can be use to assemble a jembe.  (2mks)
  2. Name four ways in which a vaccine can be administered to livestock.  (2mks)
    1. State two signs of heat observed in rabbits  (1mk)
    2. Distinguish between the following practices as used in livestock production
      1.  Tupping and serving.  (1mk)
      2. Ringing and raddling.  (1mk)
  4. State four factors that determine the amount of water required by an animal.(2mks)
  5. State four non-chemical methods used to control ticks  (2mks)
  6. Name three functions of a clutch in the tractor's transmission system.  (3mks)
  7. Highlight two management practices carried on a broody hen.  (2mks) 
    1. What is dry cow therapy  (1mk)
    2. At what stage of gestation is dry cow therapy practices  (1mk)Define the following terms as used in livestock breeding.
    1. Prolificacy.   (1mk)
    2. Mothering ability. (1mk)
  10. Name four tools that are used when laying concrete blocks during construction of a wall. (2mks)
  11. Name four diseases that attack poultry   (2mks)
  12. State four disadvantages of artificial incubation.   (2mks)
  13. State two conditions that make a cow to withhold milk during milking
  14. The following is a list of poultry breeds
    • White leghorn
    • Light Sussex
    • Rhode Island Red
    • Ancona
      Categorise them into
      1. Light breeds  (1mk)
      2. Heavy breeds   (1mk)


  1. The picture below shows a breed of goat kept in East Africa. Use it to answer questions that follow.
    1.  Identify the breed  (1mk)
    2. Classify the breed according to the purpose it is kept for   (1mk)
    3. Name other three breeds in the class named in (b) above.   (3mks)
  2. If an animal consumes 5kg dry matter (DM) for every 100kg body weight per day. Calculate the amount of dry matter (DM) consumed by an animal weighing 1000kg live weight per year (show your working).   (5mks)
  3. Study the diagrams of the farm tools below.
    1. Identify tool E and F above  (2mks)
    2. State the functional differences between E and F    (1 mk mark as a whole)
    3. State reasons for maintaining farm tools and equipments in good condition.     (2mks)
  4. The diagram below shows a type of beehive commonly used in Kenya.
    1. Identify the type of beehive shown above.  (1mk)
    2. State the function of the following parts labelled N and M.  (2mks)
    3. Give one reason why Kenyan farmers prefer to use this type of hive   (1mk)

Answer Any two questions in this section.

    1. Discuss mastitis disease under the following sub-heading
      1. Casual organism  (1mk)
      2. Animal affected  (2mks)
      3. Control measures   (2mks)
      4. Symptoms   (3mks)
    2. Describe the procedure of semen collection   (7mks mark until the order is broken)
    3.  Describe the life cycle of a two host tick    (5mks)
    1. Outline the factors that a farmer should consider when constructing a dairy shed.   (8mks)
    2. Compare the use of an ox drawn moldboard plough with tractor --drawn moldboard plough   (7mks)
    3. Explain three routine livestock feeding practices carried out when rearing livestock.   (6mks)
    1. Describe the management of broilers in the brooder from a day old chick upto the end of brooding   (8mks)
    2. Explain factors affecting milk composition in livestock nutrition.   (7mks)
    3. State five predisposing factors of livestock diseases   (5mks)

Answer all questions in the spaces provided.

  1. Name four tools that can be use to assemble a jembe.
    1. Cross cut saw (reject hand saw).
    2. Spoke share
    3. Wood rasp rej. File
    4. Mallet
  2. Name four ways in which a vaccine can be administered to livestock.
    1. Injection
    2. Oral (Through the mouth)
    3. Nasal (Through the nose)
    4. Ocular (Through the eye)
    5. Cloacal (Through the Cloaca)
    1. State two signs of heat observed in rabbits
      • Frequent urination
      • Doe throws herself on its side
      • Doe rub her body against the wall
      • Doe become restless
      • Vulva turns red and swells
      • Peeping/contacting other rabbits in adjacent cages. 1
    2. Distinguish between the following practices as used in livestock production
      1.  Tupping and serving.
        Is the act of mating in sheep and goats while serving is the act of mating in cattle and pigs.
      2. Ringing and raddling.
        Is the trimming of wool around the sheath of the penis to facilitate mating in sheep while Raddling is the fitting of rams with breeding cluter painted in different colours on the underside to identify sires of lambs, infertile ewes and ewes with repeated heat.
  4. State four factors that determine the amount of water required by an animal.
    • Ambient temperature
    • Type of feed eaten by animal
    • Level of production / amount of work
    • Weight of animal/ body size
    • Species of the animal
    • Condition of the animal.
  5. State four non-chemical methods used to control ticks
    • Burning heavily injected pasture
    • Ploughing heavily injected pasture
    • Double fencing of pasture land -rej.
    • Fencing alone Biological i.e use of predators/birds
    • Rotational grazing.
  6. Name three functions of a clutch in the tractor's transmission system.
    • Connects/disconnects the drive shaft from the engine
    • Agriculture paper 2 marking scheme
    • Enables smooth take off of tractor
    • Enables stopping of the tractor without stopping the engine.
  7. Highlight two management practices carried on a broody hen.
    • Disease and parasite control by vaccination and dusting respectively.
    • Provision of enough feeds, to enable it return to the nest quickly.
    • Allow it to go out for exercises
    • Provision of enough drinking water.
    1. What is dry cow therapy
      • Is infusion of long acting antibiotics into the teat canal, to prevent Mastitis bacteria;
    2. At what stage of gestation is dry cow therapy practices
      • When drying off/end of location period.
  9. Define the following terms as used in livestock breeding.
    1. Prolificacy.
      • Ability to give birth to many offspring at a time (large litter)
    2. Mothering ability.
      • Having good natural instinct towards the young ones of an animal.
  10. Name four tools that are used when laying concrete blocks during construction of a wall. (2mks)
    • Mason's trowel
    • Spirit level
    • Plumb bob and line.
    • Mason's square
    • Spade
      (4x2 = 2mks)
  11. Name four diseases that attack poultry
    • Coccidiosis
    • Fowl typhold
    • New castle
    • Gumboro
    • Fowl pox
  12. State four disadvantages of artificial incubation.
    • Expensive in terms of purchasing incubator
    • Labour demanding
    • Requires more skills than natural
    • Poses high risk of demanding all eggs/embryos is requirements such as temperature is not strictly adhered to
  13. State two conditions that make a cow to withhold milk during milking
    • Change of milking schedule /routine
    • Presence of strange surroundings
    • Poor milking techniques
    • Health status i.e sick/feeling pain when milked
    • Hanger
    • Change of milkman.
  14. The following is a list of poultry breeds
    • White leghorn
    • Light Sussex
    • Rhode Island Red
    • Ancona
      Categorise them into
      1. Light breeds
        • White leghorn
        • Ancona
      2. Heavy breeds
        • Rhode Island red
        • Light Sussex


  1. The picture below shows a breed of goat kept in East Africa. Use it to answer questions that follow.
    1.  Identify the breed
      • Toggen burg
    2. Classify the breed according to the purpose it is kept for
      • Dairy goat
    3. Name other three breeds in the class named in (b) above.
      • Saaneni
      • British alpine
      • Anglo nubian
      • Jamnapari
  2. If an animal consumes 5kg dry matter (DM) for every 100kg body weight per day. Calculate the amount of dry matter (DM) consumed by an animal weighing 1000kg live weight per year (show your working).
    If 100kg body weight require 5kg of dry matter per day
    Therefore: 100kg = (1000/100 x 5)kg
                                    = 50kg DM/day
    If a day requires 50kgDM what about
    365 day = 50/1 x 365 kgDM 
    = 18250kgDM
  3. Study the diagrams of the farm tools below.
    1. Identify tool E and F above
      E: Bolus gun
      F: Drenching gun
    2. State the functional differences between E and F
      (1 mk mark as a whole)
      E:administers solid drugs to the animal, while F administer liquid drugs (marked as a whole)
    3. State two reasons for maintaining farm tools and equipments in good condition.
      • Avoid injury to user
      • Increase durability / long lasting
      • Increase efficiency
      • Reduce cost of replacement
      • increase resale value
  4. The diagram below shows a type of beehive commonly used in Kenya.
    1. Identify the type of beehive shown above.
      • Kenya top bar hive ACC KTBH;
    2. State the function of the following parts labelled N and M.
      N: Site for attachment of combs
      M: Bee entrance
    3. Give one reason why Kenyan farmers prefer to use this type of hive
      • Top bar can be removed for easier inspection of combs and replaced
      • Honey combs can be removed without disturbing the broody
      • Leads to harvesting high quality honey without brood
      • Easy to construct and repair
      • Cheap to construct
      • more works is harvested as comps are not returned to the hive

Answer Any two questions in this section.

    1. Discuss mastitis disease under the following sub-heading
      1. Casual organism
        • Bacteria
        • Accept Streptococcus glaciate/streptococcus spp/Staphylococcus urines /Staphylococcus spp.
      2. Animal affected
        • Cattle/goats/sheep/camel/horse
      3. Control measures
        • Affected quarters of the udder is emptied of milk and antibiotics is instilled and left for 12 hours.
        • After milking, use teat dip on every quarter
        • Using correct milking technique complete milking
        • High laid of hygiene/disinfect milking environment.
        • Use of dry cow therapy
        • Use of strip cup when milking to detect mastitis and injected cows should be milked last
        • Use separate udder towel/cloth for each animal or disinfect after milking each animal
        • Get rid of sharp objects in grazing / milking areas to prevent teat injury.
        • Open wounds on teats should be treated
      4. Symptoms
        • Milk contains purs/blood/thick clots/turns watery
        • Swollen udder and toats/animal kicks when milked or suckled
        • Death of infected quarter of the udder
        • Milk has salty taste / fine clots/flakes in gore milk
    2. Describe the procedure of semen collection
      1. Cow is restrained in the crush; teaser(cow)
      2. A bull is then brought to the teraser cow.
      3. Bull mounts on the cow and direct penis to the vulva
      4. Person grabs the penis immediately
      5. The penis then directed into the artificial virgina stimulates the bull to injuculate
      6. collected semen is then diluted and stored special plastic straws (payets) in frozen
      7. Release the cow
        (7mks mark until the order is broken)
    3.  Describe the life cycle of a two host tick
      • Requires two hosts to complete life cycle
      • Eggs on the ground hatch into larvae
      • Which climbs onto the first host, feed on the blood and get engorged, the moult into nymphs, nymphs feed in the same host and get engorged and drop on the ground, nymphs moult into adults, Adults climb on the second host, suck blood (feed) and mate, females fall on the ground to lay eggs.
    1. Outline the factors that a farmer should consider when constructing a dairy shed.
      • Specious to allow for exercise
      • Adequate feeding and watering space
      • Have a feed store, drug and equipment store
      • Proximity of calfpen, to be fed immediately
      • Provision for waste disposal
      • Provision for resting area
      • Floor should be made of concrete to withstand pressure
      • Milking area should be separated from feeding area.
    2. Compare the use of an ox drawn moldboard plough with tractor --drawn moldboard plough
      1 Less skills required to operate More skill required to operate
      2 Can be used to carry out more operations It is used for primary cultivation only
      3 Can be used on steeper slope Used on flat and gentle slopes
      4 It's source of power is unreliable Its source of power is reliable
      5 Cheap to buy Expensive to buy
      6 High labour requirement Low labour requirement
      7 It is cheaper to maintain It is effective to maintain
      8 It is effective on small scale farms t is effective for medium and large scale
    3. Explain three routine livestock feeding practices carried out when rearing livestock.
      1. Flushing: Extra feeding of females on high quality feeds 2-3 weeks before mating to increase
        chances of conception.
      2. Steaming up: Provision of extra feeds of high nutritive value to an animal during the last weeks
        of gestation
      3. Creep feeding; feeding of young animals on high quality feeds from birth to weaning.
    1. Describe the management of broilers in the brooder from a day old chick upto the end of brooding
      • Ensure brooder corner are rounded to prevent crowding at corner that lead to suffocating of chicks to death
      • Provide enough brooding space
      • Clean and disinfect the brooder and equipments
      • Clean and disinfect the brooder and equipments
      • Provision of proper litter on the floor to provide warmth and absorb moisture
      • Maintain temperature in 1st week at 30°C and reduce by 20°C every week until week 5.
      • Provide adequate waters and appropriate lighting
      • Control parasites using appropriate method e.g prophylactic
      • Isolate and treat sick animals
      • Proper record keeping
      • Debeaking done at day 8-10 towards end of brooding.
      • Provide blenty of clean water.
      • Dead chicks should be disposed properly.
    2. Explain factors affecting milk composition in livestock nutrition.
      • Age of animal long animals produce milk with higher butter fat content than old one.
      • Cindition of the anima Extreme emaciation lead to drop of bottle fat content.
      • Stage of location/ pregnancy Butter fat content is higher at the middle of location.
      • Completeness of milking last drop of milk drawn has the highest butter fat content while
      • Friesian has the lowest butter fat content among dairy breed,
      • Type of feed eaten large quantities of roughage produce milk with high fats protein and lactose than animal feeding on a lot of grains
      • Seasion of the year (Fat paercentage increase during cold season.
      • Bread differences; different breads of animals produce milk with different percentage compositions
    3. State five predisposing factors of livestock diseases
      • Species of animal
      • Breed of animal
      • Age of animal
      • Sex of animal
      • Colour of animal
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