English Form 1 Questions and Answers - Term 3 Opener Exams 2021

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  • Answer all the questions in the spaces provided.
    • You have a friend who you saw last seven years ago. Recently you received a letter from him, telling you where he had been and what he has been doing. Write a letter to this long lost friend expressing your excitement on hearing from him and request him to attend your sister’s wedding. (20marks)
  2. CLOZE TEST (10 marks)

    Read the passage below and then fill in the blank spaces. Use only ONE word in each space.

    The (1)………………… common way for germs to spread from one person to another or from animals to people is (2) ………………………… drinking water.
    Drinking water from a tap is not possible for everybody (3) …………………………….. wells and springs can be kept clean. Wells need a fence around them to prevent animals from falling (4) ………………………….. People might not notice that there was a dead animal in the well. Then it would rot and every one would become (5) ………………………………… from the eater. (6) …………………………….. can put germs into springs and water-holes with their feet and tongues if they drink from them. Springs and water-holes need a (7) ………………..……...around them too. Best of all, drinking water sources should be covered and water taken (8) …………………..… with a pump. People must not use the grass or brushes near a source of drinking water as (9) ……………………… The (10) ……………………………. can easily be washed into the water by the rain
  1. Read the narrative below and then answer questions that follow.     (20 marks)
    Long long time ago Baboon was a cheat and always tried take advantage of other animals.One evening when the tortoise was crawling slowly home, he met baboon on his path.
    "Hello, old fellow," said the baboon heartily. "Have you found much to eat today?"
    'No,' replied Tortoise sadly. "Very little indeed."
    The baboon danced up and down, chortling with laughter at an idea which had just come to him. "Follow me, poor old Tortoise," he exclaimed, "and when you reach my home I will have supper all ready for you."
    "Thank you. Thank you," said the grateful Tortoise, as the baboon turned round and bounced gaily along the path that led to his home.
    Tortoise followed as fast as he could, which was very slow indeed, especially when he went uphill.
    Once or twice he stopped to rest, when the ground became so bumpy that he got disheartened, but holding in his mind the picture of a wonderful feast, he plodded on.
    At last he reached the place in the bush that the baboon called his home. 
    There he was, leaping about and grinning to himself, and as soon as he caught sight of Tortoise he exclaimed: "Bless my tail! What a long time you have taken to get here. I declare it must be tomorrow already!"
    "I'm so sorry," said Tortoise, puffing a little after his long journey. "But I'm sure you have had plenty of time to get the supper ready, so do not grumble at Me."
    "0h, yes, indeed!" replied the baboon, rubbing his hands together. "Supper's all ready. All you have to do is to climb up and get it. Look!" he said, pointing to the top of a tree. "Three pots of millet-beer, brewed especially for you."
    The poor tortoise looked up at the pots, which the baboon had wedged in the branches high above his head. He knew he could never reach them, and the baboon knew that too.
    "Bring one down for me, there's a good friend," begged Tortoise, but the baboon climbed the tree in the twinkling of an eye and shouted down to him: "0h, no! Anybody who wants supper with me must climb up to get it."
    So poor Tortoise could only begin his long homeward journey with a very empty stomach, cursing at his inability to climb trees.
    But as he went along, he worked out a splendid plan for getting his own back on the unkind baboon.
    A few days later the baboon had an invitation to eat with Tortoise.
    Baboon was very surprised, but knowing how slow and good-natured the tortoise was, the baboon said to himself: "0h, well, the fellow evidently saw the joke and bears me no malice. I'll go along and see what I can get out of him."
    At the appointed time the baboon set out along the track that led to Tortoise's home.
    Now it was the dry season, when many bush fires occur, which leave the ground scorched and black.
    Just beyond the river the baboon found a wide stretch of burnt and blackened grass, over which he bounded towards Tortoise, who stood waiting beside a cooking pot from which issued the most savoury of smells. "Ah, it's my friend the baboon!" said Tortoise. "I'm very pleased to see you. But did your mother never teach you that you must wash your hands before meals? Just look at them! They're as black as soot."
    The baboon looked at his hands, which were indeed very black from crossing the burnt patch of ground.
    "Now run back to the river and wash," said Tortoise, "and when you are clean I will give you some supper."
    The baboon scampered across the black earth and washed himself in the river, but when he came to return to Tortoise, he found he had to cross the burnt ground again and so arrived as dirty as before.
    "That will never do! I told you that you could only eat with me if you were clean. Go back and wash again! And you had better be quick about it because I have started my supper already," said Tortoise, with his mouth full of food.
    The poor baboon went back to the river time and again, but try as he would he got his hands and feet black each time he returned, and Tortoise refused to give him any of the delicious food that was fast disappearing.
    As Tortoise swallowed the last morsel, the baboon realized he had been tricked and with a cry of rage he crossed the burnt ground for the last time and ran all the way home.
    "That will teach you a lesson, my friend," said the Tortoise, smiling, as, well-fed and contented, he withdrew into his shell for a long night's sleep.
    My story ends there.
    1. Classify the narrative above. Give a reason for your answer.                                         (3marks)
    2. "Thank you. Thank you," said the grateful Tortoise. Why do you think the Tortoise thanks Baboon twice?               (2marks)
    3. Cite an example of each of the following features of narratives from the story above.    (4marks)
      1. Opening formula
      2. Closing formula
    4. Tortoise can be described as below. Explain the reason for each.                                 (4marks)
      1. Grateful
      2. Vengeful
      1. What did the tortoise and baboon doing for a living?       (2 marks)
      2. Why was the baboon surprised? (2 marks)
    6. Baboon appears to be more foolish than Tortoise. Give two reasons in support of this.  (2marks)
    7. What lesson do you learn from the story?                                                                  (1mark)
  2. Read the passage below and then answer questions that follow.     (20 marks)

    On January 2007 , Africa’s largest, oldest political party- the African National Congress was having her centenary celebrations. This was to be a gigantic milestone for former South Africa Nelson Mandela’s party and it my passionate prayer he was to be in a good shape to attend the momentous event.
    The main event of the celebrations was the presidential centennial gala dinner at Vista University in Free State to be hosted by President Jacob Zuma on January 7.
    This was to be a spectacle to behold Media reports have it that Zuma had extended official invitations to Kenya’s Prime Minister Raila Odinga and his deputy Uhuru Kenyatta to attend the January 7 event.
    The ANC events provide us with an opportunity to reflect on the significance of our parties in shaping our country’s political, economic and social landscape. It would be prudent to ask ourselves whether our own political parties are anywhere in comparison to ANC. Have our parties fulfilled their mandate or have they only operated vehicles to ascend to power?
    Raila Odinga sits at the helm of ODM, which was then Kenya’s largest political party while Uhuru was the chairman of Kenya’s oldest political party, Kanu. The two were therefore important in Kenya’s political landscape and deserved the ANC invitation. Kanu was by then re-inventing itself while ODM had just concluded its grassroots election in compliance with the new Political Parties Act.
    ANC was formed on January 8, 1912 in response to perceived injustices against black South Africans at the hands of the then white South African Government and had remained strong to date.
    ANC basically delivered its original mandate when it led South Africa in ending apartheid after the successful and fully-representative multi-democratic elections in 1994.
    This was a big plus for ANC and will remain etched in the minds of South Africans and the world in general for a very long time.
    Kanu is also credited with leading Kenya into independence; however, its leadership later took a completely different path which was nowhere near her original vision. After assuming power, it immediately engaged itself in an amazing plunder of national resources through mismanagement, tribalism, cronyism and political patronage.
    Today, Kanu cannot boast of the kind of exploits ANC was to be parading on January 8 that year. ODM was also measuring itself against ANC.
    Let this be an opportunity for Kenya’s political parties to learn and reflect on what it means to exist for posterity.
    Quoted from (David Sonye, Nairobi)
    1. Identify the personal pronoun used with ANC and KANU?                                               (1mks)
    2. Name any three important officials invited to the event.                                               (3mks)
    3. Give three reasons why KANU cannot boast of the kind of success as that of ANC           (3mks)
    4. Write any three lessons learnt from ANC.                                                                    (3mks)
    5. Explain the reasons why ODM and KANU were invited to the event.                              (3mks)
    6. Where was the main event of ANC?                                                                             (1mk)
    7. Who hosted the ANC events and when were they held                                                 (1mk)
    8. Explain the meanings of the following words and phrases as used in the passage.   ( 5mks)
      1. Celebrations…………………………………………………………….......
      2. Media………………………………………………………………………………
      3. Significance…………………………………………………………………
      4. Vision………………………………………………………………………………
      5. Parading……………………………………………………………………
  3. ORAL SKILLS (10 marks)
    1. Give one word which is pronounced the same as the one given in each case:           (6 marks)
      1. Weak ……………………………………
      2. One ……………………………………..
      3. Flour ………………………………….
      4. Blue ……………………………………
      5. Ate …………………………………….
      6. Due……………………………………
    2. Complete the dialogue below with the most suitable polite phrases.                   (4marks)
      • Student: ……………………………………get in?
      • Teacher: yes, Amollo. You may get in.
      • Student: …………………………………..for allowing me in.
      • Teacher: Feel free. Any problem?
      • Student: ………………………………………………. I did not collect my books as others did.
      • Teacher: You are forgiven, but make sure you don’t repeat this next time.
      • Student: ………………………………….again, sir. I promise.
  4. GRAMMAR     (20 marks)
    1. Fill in the most suitable form of the adjective in bracket.                                       (4marks)
      1. She was ………………………………………..than I thought. (young)
      2. Angela is …………………………………………………………………..of the five girls. (pretty)
      3. She is not ………………………………………………………………than her brother. (successful)
      4. That was the ………………………………………………..thing to think of. (funny)
    2. Complete the sentence with the most suitable form of the verb given in bracket.             (4marks)
      1. The kangaroo always …………………………………. (carry) its baby.
      2. The dog ……………………………… (eat) its toy last night.
      3. The man ………………………… (drive) to the supermarket last weekend.
      4. I often see her mother but she never ………………………….. (speak) to me.
    3. Fill in the blank spaces with the correct articles.          (4marks)
      1. ………………………….elephant is a gentle animal.
      2. Jane is ……………………….honest girl.
      3. Peter is ………………………….tallest in our class.
      4. She joined……………………..University in Nigeria.
    4. Pick from the list (for, but, and, so, yet, or, nor) to fill in the blank spaces.       (4marks)
      1. We were out of sugar, ……………………….we went out to buy some.
      2. Would you like bread …………….toast for breakfast?
      3. I adore that supermarket, …………………I want to own it one day.
      4. The old castle seemed grand ………………….mysterious.
    5. Use the correct question tags to fill in the gaps .                      (4marks)
      1. They should plant trees,……………………………………
      2. They won’t come tomorrow,……………………………………
      3. Can show you what I mean,………………………………….
      4. Shut the door....……………………………………………


    • Sender’s address 2 marks
    • Date     1 mark
    • Salutation 1 mark
    • Introduction 2marks
    • Body 8 marks
    • Letter ending 2 marks
    • Language 4 marks
    1. Most
    2. Through
    3. But
    4. In
    5. Sick
    6. Animals
    7. Fence/wall
    8. Out
    9. Latrines/toilets
    10. Germs
      • Trickster. Baboon tricks tortoise and the Tortoise also tricks the Baboon.
      • The Tortoise thinks he would have supper with Baboon.
      1. Long long time ago
      2. My story ends there
      1. Twice thanks Baboon when invited for supper.
      2. Cannot forgive Baboon for tricking him and plans to teach him a lesson.
        • cultivation
        • pot making
      2. how slow and good-natured the tortoise was, the baboon said to himself: "0h, well, the fellow evidently saw the joke and bears me no malice.."
      • Cannot tell that Tortoise is planning a revenge.
      • Cannot tell that the hands will still be dirty.
      • We should do others what is good/right.
      • Her
      • Nelson Mandera
      • Raila Odinga
      • Uhuru Kenyatta
      • Its leadership later took a completely different path which was nowhere near her original vision.
      • It engaged itself in an amazing plunder of national resources through mismanagement, tribalism, cronyism and political patronage.
      • Shaping our country’s political, economic and social landscape
      • Raila Odinga sits at the helmof ODM, which was then Kenya’s largest political party while Uhuru was the chairman of Kenya’soldest political party, Kanu.
      • The presidential centennial gala dinner at Vista University in Free State
      • President Jacob Zuma on January 7.
      1. Gathering/ party
      2. Broadcasting
      3. Importance
      4. Goal
      5. Performances
    1. Give one word which is pronounced the same as the one given in each case:
      1. week
      2. won
      3. flower
      4. blew
      5. eight
      6. dew
    2. Complete the dialogue below with the most suitable polite phrases.                                       (4marks)
      • Student: ……………………………………get in? May I
      • Teacher: yes, Amollo. You may get in.
      • Student: …………………………………..for allowing me in. thank you
      • Teacher: Feel free. Any problem?
      • Student: ………………………………………………. I did not collect my books as others did. I am sorry
      • Teacher: You are forgiven, but make sure you don’t repeat this next time.
      • Student: ………………………………….again, sir. I promise. Thank you
      1. younger
      2. The prettiest
      3. More successful
      4. Funniest
      1. carries
      2. ate
      3. drove
      4. speaks
      1. an
      2. an
      3. the
      4. a
      1. so
      2. or
      3. and
      4. yet
      1. shouldn’t?
      2. will they?
      3. Can’t I?
      4. Will you?   Don’t give a mark if the question mark is missing
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