History Paper 1 Questions and Answers - Form 4 End Term 1 Exams 2021

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TERM 1 2021
TIME 2 hrs


  • This paper has 3 sections:A, B and C
  • Answer ALL the questions in section A
  • Answer ANY THREE in Section B
  • Answer ANY TWO in Section C


  1. How can anthropology be used to source information on history and government. (1mk)
  2. Identify one age set among the Nandi (1mk)
  3. Give two positive contributions of Seyyid said to the economy of Kenyan coast upto 1700 AD. (2mks)
  4. Identify one way of becoming a Kenyan citizen as per the new Constitution. (1mk)
  5. Give the main cause of political conflicts in Kenya. (1mk)
  6. Give two remedies that have been employed to curb food shortages in Kenya. (2mks)
  7. State two main features of the 1962 constitution of Kenya . (2mks)
  8. Give two rights of persons with disabilities in Kenya. (2mks)
  9. Identify one role of religion during the Agiriama resistance. (1mk)
  10. Give one impact of local government in colonial Kenya. (1mk)
  11. State two roles of Africans in the provision of health services during the colonial period. (2mks)
  12. Give two ways in which h the first World War contributed to African political awareness in Kenya. (2mks)
  13. Give one contributed of Daniel Moi in environmental conversation in Kenya. (1mk)
  14. State two functions of the County Executive Committee. (1mk)
  15. Identify one settlement scheme established by the government in former European farms. (1mk)
  16. State two achievements of the Kenya African Democratic Union in Kenya. (2mks)
  17. Identify one principle of public finance in Kenya. (2mks)

(Answer any three question )

    1. Give three reasons for the migration of Kenyan communities at the beginning of the 19th C. (3mks)
    2. Describe the social organization of the Somali in pre-colonial period. (12mks)
    1. State five factors that facilitated the coming of Arabs to the Kenyan coast by 1500AD. (5mks)
    2. Explain five factors that contributed to the decline of early city states along the Kenyan coast. (10mks)
    1. Give three reasons for the rise of independent churches during the colonial period. (3mks
    2. Explain six problems that were encountered by Trade Unions during the colonial period. (12mks)
    1. Give three reasons why Africans were denied the right to grow cash crops during the colonial period. (3mks)
    2. Explain six problems faced by settlers in colonial Kenya. (12mks)

(Answer any 2 questions)

    1. State three functions of the national Security Council in Kenya. (3mks)
    2. Describe the courts structure in Kenya. (12mks)
    1. Give three reasons that may lead to the impeachment of a governor from the officer. (3mks)
    2. Explain six challenges facing county governments. (12mks)
    1. mention five political challenge faced by Kenya Between 1964 to 1991. (5mks)
    2. Discuss any five factors that led to re- introduction of multiparty system in Kenya. (10mks)



  1. How can anthropology be used to source information on history and government. (1mk)
    • Their description and explanation of the beliefs and customs today can help him to visualize what that culture being described may have been in the past.
  2. Identify one age set among the Nandi (1mk)
    • Maina, Sawe, Chuma, Korongoro, kipkoimet, kaplelach, Kimnyige, Nyongi
  3. Give two positive contributions of Seyyid said to the economy of Kenyan coast upto 1700 AD. (2mks)
    • Plantation agriculture
    • Expansion of trade
    • Led to growth of urban centres
  4. Identify one way of becoming a Kenyan citizen as per the new Constitution. (1mk)
    • By birth
    • By Registration
  5. Give the main cause of political conflicts in Kenya. (1mk)
    • Party affiliation/elections
  6. Give two remedies that have been employed to curb food shortages in Kenya. (2mks)
    • Planting of drought resistant crops
    • Setting up irrigation schemes
    • Storage facilities- good
    • Family planning
    • National food policy
    • Intensive research
  7. State two main features of the 1962 constitution of Kenya. (2mks)
    • Had a bicameral legislature
    • Regionalism/federalism
    • Protection of minorities rights
    • Independent judiciary
    • Independent civil service
    • Independent electoral commission
    • Bill of rights
  8. Give two rights of persons with disabilities in Kenya. (2mks)
    • To be treated with dignity and respect
    • To access educational institutions and facilities
    • Reasonable access to all places. i.e Transport
    • Use of sing language
    • Access to materials and devices .e.g hearing aid, wheelchairs, magnifying lenses etc.
  9. Identify one role of religion during the Agiriama resistance. (1mk)
    • United the people against the British.
  10. Give one impact of local government in colonial Kenya. (1mk)
    • Exploited local resources for development
    • Helped maintain how law and order.
    • Promoted development of infrastructure and general welfare of the African sector.
    • Helped in the arbitration of African disputes through distinct African courts.
  11. State two roles of Africans in the provision of health services during the colonial period. (2mks)
    • The African medicine people provided medical services in the rural areas
    • Some African orderlies were trained
    • They cleared bushes, killed rats and drained swamps
    • Brought materials and constructed the dispensaries/health centres.
  12. Give two ways in which the First World War contributed to African political awareness in Kenya. (2mks)
    • Many African communities met and compared their experiences
    • They discovered that the white man was just like them
    • The colonial government introduced unfair measures against Africans after the war
  13. Give one contributed of Daniel Moi in environmental conversation in Kenya. (1mk)
    • Tree planting policy
    • Construction of Gabions
    • Encouraging agro-forestry
  14. State two functions of the County Executive Committee. (1mk)
    • Implementers country legislation and national legislation that affects the county
    • Manages and co-ordinate county administration and its departments
    • Prepare proposed legislation for consideration and debate by the assembly
    • Provides the county assembly with complete and regular reports on matters relating to the county.
    • Performs any other functions placed on it by the constitution.
  15.  Identify one settlement scheme established by the government in former European farms. (1mk)
    • The million acre scheme
    • The Harambee scheme
    • The Haraka scheme
    • The Shirika scheme
  16. State two achievements of the Kenya African Democratic Union in Kenya. (2mks)
    • United the smaller communities in the country
    • Mobilized Africans against colonial domination
    • Participated in the second Lancaster House conference, hence contributed to the independence constitutionProvided political education to Africans
    • It was the opposition party, hence ensuring checks on KANU government
  17. Identify one principle of public finance in Kenya.
    • Openness, accountability and public participation in financial matters.
    • Promotion of equity by sharing in affair manner
    • Promotion of equitable development of the country
    • Special provision to cater for marginalized groups and areas.
    • Ensuring the use of resources are shared equally between the present and future generations
    • Prudent and responsible use of public finances
    • Responsible financial management accompanied by clear fiscal reporting. (2mks)

(Answer any three questions)

    1. Give three reasons for the migration of beginning of the 19th Century. (3mks)
      • Escaping form clan or family feuds
      • There was population pressure in their area of Origin
      • They were in search of better grazing lands
      • They were fleeing outbreak of diseases that affected both people and animals
      • They were escaping famine and drought
      • They fled the constant attacks from their neighbours
      • They migrated to satisfy their spirit of adventure
    2. Describe the social organization of the Somali in pre-colonial period. (12mks)
      • They were divided into clans that consisted of closely related families
      • Each of the clans was headed by a council of elders. It settled disputes among the people.
      • The Somali also had age-set system to which the circumcised boys belong
      • The Somali believed in the existence of God whom they called WAK/WAQ
      • WAK was the creator and controlled all aspects of the Somali people’s lifestyle
      • They had religious leaders who medicated between the people and their God whom they worshipped in their religious centres.
      • In the 16th century the Somali convert into Islam.
      • The Somali divided duties according to gender. The men took care of animals and protected well while the women carried out domestic duties and constructed houses.
      • The women were not expected to participate in the political system of the community.
      • The Somali valued marriage as an important institution. They practiced exogamous marriage which was polygamous in nature
      • As the Somali adopted Islam their culture too become Islamic in nature. The society has since then changed to cope with the Islamic influence.
    1. State five factors that facilitated the coming of Arabs to the Kenyan coast by 1500AD. (5mks)
      • They used the monsoon winds, the Northeast and South West winds that blew their ships to and from the sea.
      • They ensured the control of the Red sea was in their hands to bar the enemy from attacking them.
      • The ports of Southern Arabia were good calling places ion the journey between the East and the West. In addition the deep harbours at the coast were ideal f
      • Or their ships to anchor refuel and get the supplies.
      • Arabs were skilled in marine technology, namely boat making and map reading, they used the compass to sail great distances from their homeland.
      • The Africans received them well –with hospitality
      • They were wealthy merchants who funded them. (5@1)
    2. Explain five factors that contributed to the decline of early city states along the Kenyan coast. (10mks)
      • The city states lacked unity. The often fought each other for purposes of superiority e.g Mombasa and Malindi.
      • The arrival of the Portuguese in 1498 changed their fortunes in the Indian ocean trade.
      • Religious conflicts between the Christian new-comers and the Islamic coastal dweller greatly undermined the stability of the coastal towns.
      • The Portuese conquest of individual city states made them to decline e.g Pate, Mombasa, Kilwa, Mafia, Zanzibar, Sofala, Brava, Solotra, Lamu
      • Invasion of the coast by the Omani Arabs who conquered the resistant coastal city states. (5@ 2
    1. Give three reasons for the rise of independent churches during the colonial period. (3mks)
      • Africans were unhappy with the Westernizing influence of Christian missionaries who taught against African customs such as female circumcision and polygamy.
      • Although Africans wanted to become Christians they still wanted to retain their cultural values.
      • Although Africans wanted to become Christians they still wanted to retain their cultural values.
      • African began to perceive mission education as inadequate, as it mostly prepared Africans for low positions in government or jobs as labourers in European farms.
      • Politically independent churches and schools emerged as a reaction against colonial domination and exploitation.
      • Many Africans also perceived the European missionaries as agents of the wider colonial system.
      • Independent churches were started by Africans who claimed to have received a divine calling for example John Owalo and Elijah Masinde.
      • Some churches were established after people felt dissatisfied with the interpretation of the Christian scriptures.
      • Many mission churches did not accommodate traditional African expressions of worship e.g dancing, singing and drum beating. Thus some independence churches were formed to allow Africans to express their Christianity freely.
    2. Explain six problems that were encountered by Trade Unions during the colonial period. (12mks)
      • Fear of victimization was rampant in the pioneer years
      • Another problem was the migrant nature of the African workforce threat characterized the early years of a colonialism.
      • Poor leadership also affected the running of the pioneer unions. This was due to lack of trained personnel with knowledge of trade unionism.
      • Many unions experienced shortages of funds as they usually relied on the meager contributions from workers.
      • Choice of leaders was sometimes influenced by ethnic considerations rather than competence.
      • There was constant wrangling among the leaders of trade unions.
    1. Give three reasons why Africans were denied the right to grow cash crops during the colonial period. (3mks)
      • African –grown cash crops would be prone to disease which would easily spread to their farms.
      • Africans lack of knowledge in cash crops cultivation would lower the quality of cash crops particularly coffee- hence threatening the settlers share in the world market.
      • African labour would not be available for European farms, since they would earn money for taxes from the sale of their own cash crops.
      • Africans would bring unnecessary competition to a market that should be monopolized by Europeans. 3 @ 1=3mks)
    2. Explain six problems faced by settlers in colonial Kenya. (12mks)
      • The constant raids by the local inhabitants such as the Nandi, Maasai and the Agikuyu threatened their peace and security. The Maasai raided their dairy farms for cattle.
      • Many Africans were not willing to offer labour which was needed to clear the bush and prepare the land for cultivation
      • Scores of settlers lacked basic farming knowledge and experience, since they has not engaged in farming before
      • A serious shortage of capital hindered the procurement of farm inputs, machinery, labour and money to meet the day to day operational costs of settler farms. Some of the settlers became bankrupt.
      • Marketing was difficult during the war period particularly due to the depression of the 1930s which was characterized by price fluctuations.
      • They experienced transport problems due to the inadequacy of roads and railways
      • The climate and soils of the colony were alien to the settler. They were unfamiliar with the seasons.
      • Pests and diseases were prevalent in the highlands. The settlers were assailed by various human, animal and crop diseases.

Answer any two questions

    1. State three functions of the national Security Council in Kenya. (3mks)
      • Integrates the domestic, foreign and military policies relating ato national security
      • Asses and appraise the objective, commitmentrs and risks to the Republic in respect of actual and potential national securing capabilities.
      • Reports annually to parliament on the state of security of Kenya
      • With approval of parliament, may:
        1. Deploy national forces outside Kenya for Peace operations
        2. Approve deployment of foreign forces in Kenya.
    2. Describe the courts structure in Kenya. (12mks)
      • Supreme courts
      • Court of appeal
      • High court
      • Subordinates courts
      • Magistrates courts
      • Kadhis courts
      • Courts martial
      • tribunals
    1. Give three reasons that may lead to the impeachment of a governor from the office. (3mks)
      • gross-violation of the constitution
      •  if the governor has committed a crime under national or international law
      • abuse of office or gross-conduct
      • physical or mental incapacity to perform official functions
    2. Explain six challenges facing county governments. (12mks)
      • transfer of functions
      • need for capacity building
      • cross country planning and development
      • structural overlaps
      • policy and legal gaps
      • economies of scale
      • restructuring
    1. mention five political challenges faced by Kenya Between 1964 to 1991. (5mks)
      1. Political assassination of Key politicians eg Pio Gama Pinto
      2. Crackdown of government critics
      3. Change the constitution clamour
      4. Death of Kenyatta
      5. Abortive Coup of 1982
      6. Introduction of queuing (Mlolongo voting)
    2. Discuss any five factors that led to re- introduction of multiparty system in Kenya.(10mks)
      1. Rampart corruption. The crusades for change were unhappy with rampant corruption in all settler of government, there was no opposition to check on these.
      2. Rigging election: it happened in 1988 and those who question were arrested and expelled from the party. This provoked Kenyans to demand for Multiparty ;
      3. Multiparty success in other parts of Africa which motivated multiparty activists in Kenya
      4. Pressure from the Church. Churches called the government to create an environment in which Kenyans could participate in governance. This pressure made the government to accept multiparty.
      5. Repeal of section 2A of the constitution in December laal government finally gave up and agreed to repeal section 2a allowing multipartism
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