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How can I stop masturbating?

12 Answers

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Um am not a doctor or anything but what I know is that you can try and avoid watching tempting videos like porn or erotic massage and if you feel the urge to do that get out of that secret place you are and go to where many people are and you will have escaped that time, if it is very late in the night try to shift your mind from the thought and think of something else like what you love or what you want your future to be like and most of all tell God the situation you are in and that you need help and God will help you,, though it seems futile try it helps
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Avoid erotic material,first then keep your mind busy with what you love doing ,it ought to help.And you can try praying.If a  relapse happens don't give up .
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Make sure you aren't idle perhaps find an enjoyable hobby like dancing,writing,all that you can think of and be prayerful.
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Get rid of things in your 4ne that pull you there,be prayerful for God will help and lastly keep yourself busy like ????% keep yourself busy atakama uko free do some exercise ama watch movies but don't forget to keep urself busy...
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It's upon you. Act as per how pple look upon you. Don't deceive urself.
In general, act decidedly.
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It's okay to masturbate. Just make sure you're not addicted to it and are in full of your body at all times. Any addiction is never good.
However masturbation is perfectly natural and you shouldn't feel ashamed or guilty to masturbate. So go on jrays.
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This is a common behavior among teens.. I do think it's okay to do so because it reduces chances of you getting into immoral behavior...but don't abuse it... don't let masturbation occupy your mind most of the time ... I think once a week isn't that bad at all.
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Simultaneously I agree with the last speaker 
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Be yourself 

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