Home Science - Grade 7 Curriculum Designs

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No Subject Number of Lessons Per Week
(40 minutes per lesson)
1 English 5
2 Kiswahili/KSL 4
3 Mathematics 5
4 Integrated Science 4
5 Health Education 2
6 Pre-Technical and Pre-Career Education 5
7 Social Studies 3
8 Religious Education (CRE/IRE/HRE) 2
9 Business Studies 3
10 Agriculture 3
11 Life Skills Education 1
12 Physical Education and Sports 2
13 Optional Subject 3
14 Optional Subject 3
  Total 45

Education in Kenya should:

  1.  Foster nationalism and patriotism and promote national unity. Kenya’s people belong to different communities, races and religions, but these differences need not divide them. They must be able to live and interact as Kenyans. It is a paramount duty of education to help young people acquire this sense of nationhood by removing conflicts and promoting positive attitudes of mutual respect which enable them to live together in harmony and foster patriotism in order to make a positive contribution to the life of the nation.
  2.  Promote the social, economic, technological and industrial needs for national development.
    Education should prepare the youth of the country to play an effective and productive role in the life of the nation.
    1.  Social Needs
      Education in Kenya must prepare children for changes in attitudes and relationships which are necessary for the smooth progress of a rapidly developing modern economy. There is bound to be a silent social revolution following in the wake of rapid modernization. Education should assist our youth to adapt to this change.
    2. Economic Needs
      Education in Kenya should produce citizens with the skills, knowledge, expertise and personal qualities that are required to support a growing economy. Kenya is building up a modern and independent economy which is in need of an adequate and relevant domestic workforce.
    3.  Technological and Industrial Needs
      Education in Kenya should provide learners with the necessary skills and attitudes for industrial development. Kenya recognizes the rapid industrial and technological changes taking place, especially in the developed world. We can only be part of this development if our education system is deliberately focused on the knowledge, skills and attitudes that will prepare our young people for these changing global trends.
  3. Promote individual development and self-fulfillment
    Education should provide opportunities for the fullest development of individual talents and personality. It should help children to develop their potential interests and abilities. A vital aspect of individual development is the building of character.
  4. Promote sound moral and religious values.
    Education should provide for the development of knowledge, skills and attitudes that will enhance the acquisition of sound moral values and help children to grow up into self-disciplined, self-reliant and integrated citizens.
  5.  Promote social equality and responsibility.
    Education should promote social equality and foster a sense of social responsibility within an education system which provides equal educational opportunities for all. It should give all children varied and challenging opportunities for collective activities and corporate social service irrespective of gender, ability or geographical environment.
  6. Promote respect for and development of Kenya’s rich and varied cultures.
    Education should instill in the youth of Kenya an understanding of past and present cultures and their valid place in contemporary society. Children should be able to blend the best of traditional values with the changing requirements that must follow rapid development in order to build a stable and modern society.
  7. Promote international consciousness and foster positive attitudes towards other nations.
    Kenya is part of the international community. It is part of the complicated and interdependent network of peoples and nations. Education should therefore lead the youth of the country to accept membership of this international community with all the obligations and responsibilities, rights and benefits that this membership entails.
  8. Promote positive attitudes towards good health and environmental protection.
    Education should inculcate in young people the value of good health in order for them to avoid indulging in activities that will lead to physical or mental ill health. It should foster positive attitudes towards environmental development and conservation. It should lead the youth of Kenya to appreciate the need for a healthy environment.

By the end of Middle School, the learner should be able to:

  1. Apply literacy, numeracy and logical thinking skills for appropriate self-expression.
  2. Communicate effectively, verbally and non-verbally, in diverse contexts.
  3. Demonstrate social skills, spiritual and moral values for peaceful co-existence.
  4. Explore, manipulate, manage and conserve the environment effectively for learning and sustainable development.
  5. Practice relevant hygiene, sanitation and nutrition skills to promote health.
  6. Demonstrate ethical behavior and exhibit good citizenship as a civic responsibility.
  7. Appreciate the country's rich and diverse cultural heritage for harmonious co-existence.
  8. Manage pertinent and contemporary issues in society effectively.
  9. Apply digital literacy skills for communication and learning.


Home Science is an applied and integrated science which aims at improving the quality of life for the individual, the family and the community. It is also anchored on Kenya Vision 2030’s social pillar which promotes education, health, environment, gender, youth, children, housing, water and sanitation. The National Education Sector Plan (NESSP) 2018- 2022 has shown that Home Science is among other learning areas that expose a learner's abilities in life. Further, respondents in the Needs Assessment Survey (KICD, 2016) indicated that Home Science should be emphasised in the curriculum reforms.

Home Science is an optional subject in the lower secondary curriculum. As a discipline, it covers aspects of caring for self and the family, foods, nutrition, textiles, clothing, housing the family, home care, laundrywork, maternal health care and consumer education. It forms the foundation for learners who want to pursue related subjects and careers at the senior secondary and tertiary levels.


By the end of Junior Secondary School, the learner should be able to:

  1. adopt a healthy lifestyle through nutritional habits for the wellness of self and others,
  2. apply the principles of consumer education for personal financial management,
  3. develop skills in fabric choice for construction of garments and household articles,
  4. adopt healthy hygienic practices at personal and household level,
  5. build a foundation for further education, career and training,
  6. appreciate the importance of a healthy environment for the wellbeing of self and other


Strand  Sub Strand  Specific Learning Outcomes  Suggested Learning Experience  Key Inquiry Question (s)
1.0 Foods and

1.1 Conservation
of Food Nutrients

( 8 lessons)

By the end of the sub strand the learner should be able to:
  1. describe the role of Home Science education in contemporary life for self and others
  2. explain principles of nutrient conservation in food handling
  3. investigate the effect of heat on vegetables during cooking
  4. conserve food nutrients in various vegetables found in the locality
  5. describe the safety precautions to observe when investigating effect of heat on vegetables during cooking 
  6. appreciate the conservation of food nutrients in food handling.
 The learner is guided to:
  • brainstorm on the importance of knowledge and skills gained through Home Science in daily living for self, others and including each gender,
  • engage actively with a resource person in relation to careers and income- generating activities in Home Science,
  • discuss in groups the meaning of nutrient conservation in food handling (safe food preparation and cooking practices),
  • search, study and share the principles of nutrient conservation in food handling (heat, air and light) that may destroy or change the nutritional value of food,
  • use digital, print content or resource persons to search for and brainstorm on ways of minimizing nutrient loss in food handling (vegetables) such as food preparation (peeling, cutting, washing); in cooking (such as reducing the amount of water used in cooking, reducing the cooking time, reducing the surface area of food, covering food and avoid the use of Magadi soda) use blanching,
  • carry out experiments to investigate and record the effects of heat (colour, texture, taste ) on vegetables during cooking (frying and boiling),
  • practice and show-case how to conserve food nutrients in various vegetables found in the locality (frying and boiling),
  • practice safety precautions to apply while investigating the effect of heat on vegetables during cooking,
  • brainstorm in groups the effects of heat on vitamins and minerals(nutritive value) contained in vegetables.
  • make class presentations.
  1. How does the knowledge in Home Science improve quality of life?
  2. Why are the 3Rs important in minimizing the nutrient losses in vegetables?
Core Competences to be Developed
  • Communication and collaboration: The learners listen to one another while brainstorming on ways of conserving food nutrients during food handling activities such as food preparation
  • Learning to learn: The learner organises their own learning while discussing the effects of heat on vegetables during cooking.
  • Digital literacy: The learner uses digital and print content to search for ways of minimizing nutrient losses in food handling (vegetables).
  • Critical thinking and problem solving: The learners employ explanation skills to demonstrate how to conserve the various vegetables found in the locality.
  • Love as the learner portrays a caring attitude towards others while they carry out experiments to investigate and record the effects of heat on vegetables while cooking.
  • Responsibility as the learner observes safety while carrying out experiments on the effects of heat on vegetables.
  • Unity when the learner respects other people’s opinions as they debate the importance of knowledge and skills gained through Home Science, in daily living for self, others and including each gender,
Pertinent and Contemporary Issues (PCIs):
  • Health-related issues when the learner observes personal and kitchen hygiene while carrying out investigations on the effects of heat on vegetables during cooking.
  • Environmental education as the learner economically uses resources and dispose off wastes appropriately while carrying out experiments on the effects of heat on vegetables during cooking.
  • Safety and security education as the learner observes precautions while carrying out investigations on the effects of heat on vegetables during cooking.
Link to other Subjects:
  • Health Education as the learner observes and practices safety while carrying out investigations on the effects of heat on vegetables during cooking.
  • Mathematics when the learner is making conversions while weighing and measuring cooking ingredients correctly while carrying out investigations to observe the effects of heat on vegetables during cooking.
  • Integrated Science as the learner investigates the effect of heat on vegetables while they observe safety precautions.
  • Pre-technical and pre-career when the learner engages actively with a resource person concerning careers and income-generating activities in Home Science.
  • Health Education as the learner practices and show-cases how to conserve various vegetables found in the locality.
Assessment Rubric    
Indicator Exceeds Expectation Meets Expectation Approaches Expectation Below Expectation
Ability to describe the role of Home Science education in contemporary life for self and others. Correctly and comprehensively describes the role of Home Science education in contemporary life for
self and others.
Correctly describes the role of Home Science education in contemporary life for
self and others.
 Correctly describes the role of Home Science education in contemporary life for
self but not for others. 
Needs support to describe the role of Home Science education in contemporary life for either self or others.
Ability to explain the nutrient conservation in food handling. Correctly and comprehensively explains of nutrient conservation in food
Correctly explains of nutrient conservation in food
Correctly explains some of nutrient conservation in food
Explains some of nutrient conservation in food handling with assistance.
Ability to investigate the effect of heat on vegetables during cooking. Correctly and critically investigates the effect of heat on vegetables during cooking. Correctly investigates the effect of heat on vegetables during cooking. Investigates correctly, aspects of some effect of heat on vegetables during cooking. Correctly investigates some aspects of the effect of heat on vegetables during cooking when
Ability to conserve food nutrients in the various vegetables
found in the locality
Accurately and innovatively able to conserve food
nutrients in the various vegetables found in the locality
Accurately able to conserve food
nutrients in the various vegetables found in the locality
Accurately attempts to conserve food
nutrients in the various vegetables found in the locality
Accurately conserves some  food
nutrients in the various vegetables found in the locality
Ability to describe the safety precautions to observe when investigating effect of heat on vegetables during cooking Comprehensively and accurately able to describe the safety precautions to observe when investigating effect of heat on vegetables during cooking Accurately able to describe the safety precautions to observe when investigating effect of heat on vegetables during cooking Accurately able to describe some safety precautions to observe when investigating effect of heat on vegetables during cooking Can accurately describe some safety precautions to observe when investigating effect of heat on vegetables during cooking only when assisted.


Strand  Sub Strand  Specific Learning Outcomes  Suggested Learning Experience  Key Inquiry Question (s)
1.0 Foods and

1.2 Small Kitchen Tools and Equipment

(7 lessons)

By the end of the sub strand, the learner should be able to:
  1. classify the small kitchen tools and equipment used at home
  2. describe the uses of small kitchen tools and equipment
  3. explain factors to consider in the choice of small kitchen tools and equipment
  4. care for the small kitchen tools and equipment used at home
  5. improvise the small kitchen tools and equipment using safe locally sustainable resources.
  6. adopt proper use and care of the small kitchen tools and equipment tools and equipment
The learner is guided to:
  • observe real items, photos and illustrations of various kitchen tools and equipment and classify them as small and traditional utensils,
  • brainstorm in groups, the uses of various small kitchen tools and equipment (oven/ baking utensils, pans and pots, cutting, measuring &weighing, shaping & moulding, separating, lifting, mixing, turning, and scooping equipment),
  • discuss in groups the factors considered in the purchase of small kitchen tools and equipment (price, budget, quality, use and available substitutes),
  • carry out cleaning and storage of small kitchen tools and equipment used at home and school while observing safety precautions (self, others and the equipment),
  • Project: make(re-use or re- cycle) small kitchen tools and equipment using safe locally sustainable resources.
  1. Why are the small kitchen equipment useful in the kitchen?
  2. How are the basic small kitchen equipment stored safely in the kitchen?
Core Competences to be Developed
  • Citizenship: The learner is aware of a responsible and sustainable lifestyle when they make small kitchen tools and equipment using safe, locally available and sustainable resources.
  • Self-efficacy: The learner uses cleaning and storage skills of small kitchen tools and equipment while observing safety on self and the equipment.
  • Creativity and imagination: The learner applies new ideas and improvises small kitchen tools and equipment using safe, locally sustainable resources.
  • Responsibility as the learner observes safety precautions on self and the equipment while cleaning and storing small kitchen tools and equipment.
  • Respect when the learner understands and appreciates each other’s opinion when working in teams as they discuss in groups, factors considered in the purchase or use of small kitchen tools and equipment.
  • Social justice as the learner works harmoniously while carrying out cleaning and storage of small kitchen tools and equipment used at home and school.

Pertinent and Contemporary Issues (PCIs):

  • Intrapersonal skills during friendship formation as the learner improvises small kitchen tools and equipment.
  • Environmental awareness as the learner adopts a responsible and sustainable lifestyle when they re-use and re-cycle available resources to make small kitchen tools and equipment.
Link to other Subjects:
  • Health Educations as the learner observes safety precautions of self, others and that of equipment while cleaning and storing small kitchen tools and equipment.
  • Visual Arts as the learner makes small kitchen tools and equipment using safe locally sustainable resources.
Assessment Rubric    
Indicator Exceeds Expectation Meets Expectation Approaches Expectation Below Expectation
Ability to classify small kitchen tools and equipment used at home, Precisely and appropriately classifies small kitchen tools and equipment used at
Appropriately classifies small kitchen tools and equipment used at
Appropriately classifies some small kitchen tools and equipment used at
Classify some small kitchen tools and equipment but needs help.
Ability to describe the uses of small kitchen tools and equipment  Accurately and concisely able to describe the uses of small kitchen tools
and equipment
Accurately able to describe the uses of small kitchen tools and
Partly able to describe the uses of small kitchen tools and
Can only describe the uses of small kitchen tools and equipment when assisted.
Ability to explain the factors to consider in the choice of small kitchen tools and equipment. Comprehensively and correctly describes factors to consider in the choice of small kitchen tools and
Correctly describes factors to consider in the choice of small kitchen tools and
Correctly describes some factors to consider in the choice of small kitchen tools and
Describe some factors to consider in the choice of small kitchen tools and equipment with
Ability to care for the small kitchen tools and equipment used at home Systematically and correctly able to care for the small kitchen tools and equipment
used at home
Systematically able to care for the small kitchen tools and equipment
used at home
Partially able to care for the small kitchen tools and equipment
used at home
Systematically cares for some small kitchen tools and equipment used at
home with help.
Ability to improvise small kitchen tools and equipment using safe, locally sustainable resources. Correctly and innovatively improvises small kitchen tools and equipment using safe, locally sustainable
Correctly  improvises small kitchen tools and equipment using safe, locally sustainable
Fairly able to improvise some small kitchen tools and equipment using safe, locally sustainable
Can improvise some small kitchen tools and equipment using some safe, locally and sustainable resources with help.


Strand  Sub Strand  Specific Learning Outcomes  Suggested Learning Experience  Key Inquiry Question (s)
1.0 Foods and

1.3 Cooking Food

(16 lessons)

By the end of the sub strand, the learner should be able to:
  1. describe the methods of cooking different types of food
  2. examine the suitable equipment used in various methods of cooking food
  3. improvise the equipment used in various methods of cooking food
  4. describe the procedure for cooking foods using various methods
  5. plan, cook and serve suitable foods using safe appropriate methods
  6. appreciate the importance of varied methods of cooking different types of foods.

The learner is guided to:

  • use digital, print resources or resource persons to search for information on methods of cooking different types of foods (grilling, roasting and steaming),
  • discuss in groups the suitable equipment used for grilling, roasting and steaming food,
  • use safe, locally sustainable resources to improvise kitchen tools and equipment for grilling, roasting and steaming food (improvised steamer, improvised oven, improvised roasting grills),
  • engage in discussing guidelines appropriate for various methods of cooking (grilling, roasting and steaming) to ensure safety
    and quality of foods,
  • use grilling, steaming and roasting methods of cooking to prepare foods while observing appropriate safety of self and others,
  • present the cooked food items suitably (attractively and creatively),
  • discuss and make class presentations on the importance of varied methods of cooking different types of foods.
  1. Why should we use different methods in cooking food?
  2. How does food cooked by grilling, roasting and steaming taste and appear?
Core Competences to be Developed
  • Digital literacy: The learner uses digital, print resources or resources persons to search for information on methods of cooking different types of foods.
  • Self-efficacy: The learner uses various methods of cooking tasks effectively during preparation and presenting cooked foods.
  • Learning to learn: The learner reflects on own learning while presenting the cooked food items suitably.
  • Responsibilities as the learner observes precautions while using hot grills and steamers.
  • Unity when learner collaborates with others as they share opinions while grilling food.
  • Integrity as the learner utilize resources sparingly when using cooking ingredients.
Pertinent and Contemporary Issues (PCIs):
  • Safety and security issues as the learner observes safety while using grilling, steaming and roasting methods to prepare and present foods.
  • Environmental education as the learner economically uses and conserves locally available resources when improvising equipment for grilling, roasting and steaming food.
  • Interpersonal skills as the learner works in groups to prepare and present foods made using grilling, steaming and roasting methods.
Link to other Subjects:
  • Health Education as the learner proactively observes safety measures when using open fires, hot grills and steamers.
  • Mathematics when the learner makes conversions while weighing and measuring cooking ingredients accurately.
  • Computer Science as the learner uses digital and print resources to search for information on methods of cooking different types of foods.
  • Visual Arts as the learner presents food items cooked using grilling, roasting and steaming.
Assessment Rubric    
Indicator Exceeds Expectation Meets Expectation Approaches Expectation Below Expectation
Ability to describe methods of cooking different types of food. Correctly and broadly describe methods of cooking different types of food. Correctly able to describe methods of cooking different types of food. To a certain extent able to correctly describe some methods of cooking different types of food. Correctly able to describe some methods of cooking different types of food when
Ability to examine the suitable equipment used in various methods
of cooking food
Correctly and exhaustively able to examine the suitable equipment used in various methods of cooking food. Correctly able to examine the suitable equipment used in various methods of cooking food. Correctly able to examine the few suitable equipment used in various methods of
cooking food
Correctly able to examine some suitable equipment used in various methods of cooking food when helped.
Ability to improvise the equipment used in various methods of cooking food Suitably and creatively able to improvise the equipment used in various methods of cooking food Creatively able to improvise the equipment used in various methods of cooking food Creatively able to improvise some equipment used in various methods of cooking food with inaccuracies. Creatively able to improvise some equipment used in various methods of cooking food only when helped.
Ability to describe the procedure for cooking foods using various methods. Correctly and systematically able to describe the procedure for cooking foods using various methods. Able to describe the procedure for cooking foods using various methods. To some extent able to describe the procedure for cooking foods using various methods. Systematically describe some procedures for cooking foods using various methods only when
Ability to plan, cook and serve suitable foods using appropriate methods of cooking. Correctly and innovatively plans, cooks and serves suitable foods using appropriate methods of cooking. Correctly able to plan, cook and serves suitable foods using appropriate methods of cooking. Tries to correctly plan, cook and serve some suitable foods using appropriate methods of cooking. Correctly plans, cooks and serves some suitable foods using few appropriate methods of cooking
when assisted.


Strand  Sub Strand  Specific Learning Outcomes  Suggested Learning Experience  Key Inquiry Question (s)
2.0 Consumer Education

2.1 Buying
Goods and Services

(6 lessons)

By the end of the sub strand, the learner should be able to:
  1. analyse the factors to consider when buying goods and services needed at the household level
  2. explore the methods of buying various household goods and services from sale outlets
  3. describes the ways of saving income when buying household goods and services,
  4. carry out comparative shopping of various goods and services for household use
  5. perform the buying and selling transactions of goods and services for household use assess the challenges and mitigation factors experienced when buying goods and services for household use
  6. appreciate consumer education in the acquisition of goods and services.
The learner is guided to:
  • discuss in groups and make a list of various goods and services used to meet specific household needs of a family,
  • brainstorm and outline factors that influence consumer’s purchasing decisions on goods and services needed at the household level,
  • use digital, print resources, open resource centres, library resources or resources persons to explore and list possible sale outlets (online outlets, malls, supermarkets, ecommerce stores, stores)for various household goods and services,
  • share experiences while brainstorming on different methods of saving personal and family income when buying goods and services,
  • organize a field visit to explore buying methods used for various goods and services such as cash, credit, mobile money, barter trade,
  • conduct a market survey in the locality to compare and contrast goods and services at various sale outlets and the approximate amount of money needed to buy them. Share findings during class plenary,
  • arrange a convenient sale outlet and dramatize or role-play buyer and seller situation concerning prices, correct change, quality and good behavior using paper money, mock financial and accounting transactions and online transaction deals and sales,
  • brainstorm the issues associated with buying goods and services for household use and their mitigation factors
  1. Why do we acquire various goods and services?
  2. Why is comparative shopping a good idea when buying goods and services?
  3. How can one save income while shopping for goods and services?
Core Competences to be Developed
  • Communication and Collaboration: The learners recognizes the value of ideas by others as they role-play how to perform transactions of buying goods and services for household use.
  • Critical thinking and Problem solving: The learner uses researching skills while conducting a market survey in the locality to compare and contrast goods and services at various sale outlets and the approximate amount of money needed to buy them.
  • Integrity as the learner follows laid out procedures when they role-play how to perform transactions of buying goods and services for household use.
  • Patriotism as the learners embraces and obeys laws and regulations while exploring various methods of buying goods and services.
  • Respect as the learner appreciates each other’s opinion while making a list of various goods and services used to meet specific household needs of a family.

Pertinent and Contemporary Issues (PCIs):

  • Decision-making skill as the learner carries out field visits to explore buying methods for various goods and services.
  • Integrity as the learner displays transparency, fairness and accountability when handling money during the role- play on how to carry out transactions for goods and services.
Link to other Subjects:
  • Business Studies as the learner explores using digital and print resources to identify and list sale outlets for various goods and services in the prepared list.
  • Social Studies when learner explores buying methods used for various goods and services such as cash, credit, mobile money, batter trade.
  • Mathematics when the learner discusses and prepares a list of various goods and services and approximate amounts of money needed to buy them.
  • English Language as the learner learns new words expressed such as transaction, comparative shopping, cash, credit, mobile money, and barter trade.
Assessment Rubric    
Indicator Exceeds Expectation Meets Expectation Approaches Expectation Below Expectation
Ability to analyse the factors to consider when buying goods and services needed at the household level. Correctly and concisely and able to analyse factors to consider when buying goods and services needed at the household level, Correctly able to analyse factors to consider when buying goods and
services needed at the household level.
Partly able to correctly analyse factors to consider when buying goods and services
needed at the household level.
Needs support to correctly analyse factors to consider when buying goods and services needed at the household level.
Ability to explore the methods of buying various household goods and services from sale outlets Broadly and suitably able to to explore the methods of buying various household goods and services from sale outlets Broadly able to to explore the methods of buying various household goods and services from sale outlets Attempts to broadly explore some methods of buying various household goods and services from sale outlets Can broadly explore some methods of buying various household goods and services from sale outlets
only when helped.
Ability to evaluate the costs of various goods and services needed at the household level. Correctly and exhaustively able to evaluate costs of various goods and services needed at the household level. Correctly able to evaluate costs of various goods and services needed at the household level. Able to correctly evaluate some costs of various goods and services needed at the household level. Correctly able to evaluate some costs of various goods and services needed at the household level
with help.
Ability to perform the buying transactions of goods and services for household use. Correctly and systematically able to perform buying the transactions of
goods and services for household use.
Systematically able to perform buying the transactions of goods and services for household use. Systematically able to perform some buying the transactions of goods and services for household use. Systematically able to perform some buying the transactions of goods and services for household use
when assisted.


Strand  Sub Strand  Specific Learning Outcomes  Suggested Learning Experience  Key Inquiry Question (s)
3.0. Textiles and Clothing

3.1 Natural Textile Fibres

(12 lessons)

By the end of the sub strand, the learner should be able to:
  1. Classify the textile fibres based on their natural sources
  2. describe the properties of natural textile fibres
  3. explain the uses of natural textile fibres
  4. carry out the physical identification tests on natural textile fibres
  5. outline the safety precautions to observe when carrying out physical identification on natural fibres
  6. appreciate the value of various natural textile fibres in clothing and household articles.
The learner is guided to:
  • draw a textile tree or flow chart to organise the various textile fibres based on their natural sources (plant fibres; animal fibres; mineral fibres),
  • collect and mount samples of various types of natural textile material (plant fibre materials; animal fibre materials; mineral fibre materials) in a textile sampler album or scrapbook to describe the properties of natural textile fibres,
  • use digital media to search and watch video clips on various uses of natural textile fibres (plant fibre materials; animal fibre materials; mineral fibre materials) and present their findings in class plenary,
  • carry out physical identification tests (feel, burning test, sight) on natural textile fibres (plant fibre materials; animal fibre materials; mineral fibre materials). Observe safety while conducting the tests,
  • observe fashion magazines and watch video clips on various natural textile fibres (plant fibre materials; animal fibre materials; mineral fibre materials) to recognise the value of various natural textile fibres in clothing and household articles.
  1. How are different types of natural textile fibres identified in clothing material?
  2. Why is it important to know the type of textile fibres our clothes are made from?


Core Competences to be Developed
  • Communication and collaboration: The learner listens keenly and actively when analysing textile sampler albums or scrapbooks of various types of natural textile fibres.
  • Digital literacy: The learner uses digital media to search and watch video clips on various uses of natural textile fibres.
  • Citizenship: The learner brings together information when observing fashion magazines and watching video clips to appreciate the value of various natural textile fibres in clothing and household articles.
  • Responsibility as the learner independently and safely carries out physical identifation tests of natural textile fibres
  • Unity as the learner collaboratively works together during presentations of their findings in class plenary on various uses of natural textile fibres.
  • Social justice as the learner shares equitably the resources used to carry out physical identification tests.
Pertinent and Contemporary Issues (PCIs):
  • Safety and security as the learner observes caution when carrying out the burning test to identify natural textile fibres.
Link to other Subjects:
  • Visual Arts as the learner draws a textile tree, collects and mounts samples of various types of natural textile material in a textile sample album or scrapbook.
  • Integrated Science as the learner carries out identification tests on natural fibres
  • Health Education when the learner safely carries out physical identification tests of natural textile fibres.
Assessment Rubric    
Indicator Exceeds Expectation Meets Expectation Approaches Expectation Below Expectation
Ability to classify the textile fibres based on their natural sources. Accurately and concisely able to classify the textile fibres based on their natural sources. Accurately able to classify the textile fibres based on their natural sources. Makes effort accurately classify some textile fibres based on their natural sources from time to
Accurately able to classify limited number of textile fibres based on their natural sources only when
Ability to describe the properties of natural textile fibres. Broadly and correctly able to describe the properties of natural textile fibres. Correctly able to describe the properties of natural textile fibres. Attempts to correctly describe some properties of natural textile fibres now and then. Correctly describe few properties of natural textile fibres when prompted.
Ability to explain the uses of natural textile fibres Concisely and accurately to explain the uses of natural textile fibres Accurately to explain the uses of natural textile fibres Accurately to explain some uses of natural textile fibres Accurately able to explain some uses of natural textile fibres only when encouraged.
Ability to carry out the physical identification tests of natural textile fibres. Systematically and correctly able to carry out the physical identification tests of natural textile fibres. Systematically able to carry out the physical identification tests of natural textile fibres. Partially able to carry out the physical identification tests of natural textile fibres. Can be able to systematically carry out the physical identification tests of natural textile fibres
only when urged.
Ability to outline the safety precautions to observe when carrying out physical identification on natural fibres Clearly and accurately able to outline the safety precautions to observe when carrying out physical identification on natural fibres Accurately able to outline the safety precautions to observe when carrying out physical identification on natural fibres Accurately able to outline some safety precautions to observe when carrying out physical identification on natural fibres Accurately able to outline some safety precautions to observe when carrying out physical identification on natural fibres only when assisted.


Strand  Sub Strand  Specific Learning Outcomes  Suggested Learning Experience  Key Inquiry Question (s)
3.0 Textiles and Clothing

3.2 Sewing Machine

(10 lessons)

By the end of the sub strand, the learner should be able to:
  1. explain the factors considered in buying different types of sewing machines
  2. describe the functions of various parts of a sewing machine
  3. prepare a sewing machine for safe basic straight stitching
  4. practice the basic straight stitching on stitch swatches
  5. outline the machine faults and their remedies during straight stitching
  6. carry out the basic care of a sewing machine
  7. appreciate the use of a sewing machine in making straight stitching.

The learner is guided to:

  • use digital, print resources or a resource person to identify types of sewing machines used in making clothing and household articles (treadle, hand- driven, motor-driven or electric machine),
  • brainstorm aspects considered in purchasing different types of sewing machines,
  • discuss in groups the factors considered in buying different types of sewing machines,
  • observe a sewing machine, identify parts and describe the functions of the various parts of the sewing machine,
  • prepare a sewing machine for basic straight stitching by carrying out the upper and lower threading, winding the bobbin, placing the needle, testing the stitches, powering the electric sewing machine, marking the cutting lines and stitching lines,
  • practise safety precautions while preparing and using a sewing machine for basic straight stitching,
  • explore and brainstorm on machine faults, their causes and their remedies during straight stitching,
  • use a sewing machine to make samples of straight stitchings on a piece of clothing material (swatch, sample or strip)
  • carry out basic care on a sewing machine (dusting, oiling, covering and replacement of broken needles).
  1. Why is a sewing machine an asset worth buying?
  2. How is a sewing machine beneficial to an individual and the family?
Core Competences to be Developed
  • Learning to learn: The learners portray self-discipline to continuously learn when using the sewing machine to make quality stitches.
  • Critical thinking and problem solving:The learners employ evaluation and decision-making skills when exploring machine faults, their causes and their effects during machine stitching.
  • Self-efficacy: The learners develop personal skills in the ability to operate a sewing machine to make a stitch swatch, sample or strip.
  • Patriotism as the learner respects fellow peers during group activities as they practice running or operating, and winding the bobbin including threading the sewing machine,
  • Unity as learner takes turns in activities and conversations while identifying parts of a sewing machine and their functions.
  • Responsibility as learner engages in assigned roles and duties when using and caring for a sewing machine.
Pertinent and Contemporary Issues (PCIs):
  • Safety and security education when the learner observes caution while running /operating the sewing machine.
  • Personal skills as the learner develops and practices the art of using the machine straight stitches for making a stitch swatch, sample or strip
Link to other Subjects:
  • Pre-technical when the learner practices using and caring for the sewing machine.
  • Mathematics as the learner practices accuracy and adjust stitch length while they make quality machine stitches.
  • Health Education as the learner observes safety and hygiene during care for the sewing machine and when using the sewing machine to avoid accidents.
  • Business Studies as the learner discusses in groups the factors considered in buying different types of sewing machines.
Assessment Rubric    
Indicator Exceeds Expectation Meets Expectation Approaches Expectation Below Expectation
Ability to explain the factors considered in buying different
types of sewing machines.
Correctly and confidently able to explain the factors considered in buying
different types of sewing machines.
Correctly able to explain the factors considered in buying
different types of sewing machines.
Tries to correctly explain some factors considered in buying different types of sewing machines. Correctly explains some factors considered in buying different types of
sewing machines only when assisted.
Ability to describe the functions of various parts of a sewing machine. Suitably and consistently able to describe the functions of various parts of a sewing machine. Suitably able to describe the functions of various parts of a sewing machine. Sometimes able to describe some functions of various parts of a sewing machine. Suitably able to describes the functions of some parts of a sewing machine when
Ability to prepare a sewing machine for safe basic straight stitching, Accurately and independently able to prepare a sewing machine for safe basic straight stitching, Accurately able to prepare a sewing machine for safe basic straight stitching, Partially able to prepare a sewing machine for safe basic straight stitching, Accurately able to prepare a sewing machine for safe basic straight
stitching unless aided.
Ability to practice the basic straight stitching on a stitch swatch, sample or strip. Suitably and independently able to practice basic straight stitching on a stitch swatch , sample or
Suitably able to practice basic straight stitching on a stitch swatch , sample or
Sometimes able to suitably practice some basic straight stitching on a stitch swatch, sample or strip. Suitably able to practice some basic straight stitching on a stitch swatch, sample or strip when helped.
Ability to outline the machine faults and their remedies during straight stitching Precisely and exhaustively able to outline the machine faults and their remedies during
straight stitching
Exhaustively able to outline the machine faults and their remedies during
straight stitching
Exhaustively able to outline some machine faults and their remedies during
straight stitching
Can outline the machine faults and their remedies exhaustively during straight stitching only
when helped.
Ability to carry out the basic care of a sewing machine. Appropriately and consistently carry out basic care of a sewing machine. Consistently able to carry out basic care of a sewing machine. Makes little effort to consistently carry out basic care of a sewing machine. Can consistently carry out basic care of a sewing machine only when prompted.


Strand  Sub Strand  Specific Learning Outcomes  Suggested Learning Experience  Key Inquiry Question (s)
3.0 Textiles and

3.3 Seams


By the end of the sub strand, the learner should be able to:
  1. explain the meaning of the term seam as used in clothing construction
  2. identify the types of seams used in clothing construction
  3. analyse the factors to consider when choosing seams in clothing construction
  4. examine the qualities of well-made seams in clothing construction
  5. make the samples of seams used in clothing construction,
  6. construct a simple household article
  7. appreciate the use of seams in clothing construction.
The learner is guided to:
  • brainstorm the meaning of the terms seam, seam allowance, seam turning, seam line),
  • search for information on the different types of seams (open or plain, overlaid, french, double- stitched seams),
  • research, discuss and compile the factors to consider when choosing seams (open and plain)
  • illustrate the procedure of making open and plain seam,
  • make samples of different open and plain seams using machine stitches and mount them in a portfolio or folder.
  • neaten seam appropriately using suitable (pinking, edge stitching or use loop stitches),
  • prepare a class display and evaluate the qualities of the well-made open and plain seam from the samples made, use digital or print material to search for a suitable article (cushion cover, pillow case or lap bag) made using machine straight stitches and joined by an open or plain. Share the ideas in class,
  • make a simple household article, applying the skills learnt such as machine straight sewing, an open neatened seam (pinking, edge stitching) plain neatened seam (use of loop stitches) and hand-made decorative stitches (stem stitch, chain stitch and satin stitch),
  • take pictures and video clips on the sewing- up, share on learning platforms,
  • peer assess the finished household article (Work bag (lap bag), Pillow case, Cushion cover).
  1. Why are clothing and household articles joined with seams?
  2. How is the open seam different from an plain seam?
Core Competences to be Developed
  • Learning to learn: The learner portrays self discipline to continuously learn while making a simple household article.
  • Self-efficacy: The learner develops personal skills in the ability to operate a sewing machine to make a household article.
  • Creativity and imagination: The learner applies new ideas while making and mounting samples of different open or plain seams using machine stitches in a portfolio or folder
  • Patriotism as the learner respects fellow peers during group activities while assessing the household articles made.
  • Respect as the learner takes turns in activities and conversations while preparing a class display and evaluate the qualities of well-made open or plain seam from the samples made.
  • Responsibility as the learner engages in assigned roles and duties when researching, discussing and compiling the factors to consider when choosing open or plain seams.
Pertinent and Contemporary Issues (PCIs):
  • Safety and security education when the learner observes caution while running or operating the sewing machine when making the household article.
  • Personal skills as the learners develops and practices the art of using the machine straight stitches to make an open seam.
Link to other Subjects:
  • Pre-technical when the learner uses the sewing machine to make a household article using open seam.
  • Mathematics as the learner measures and makes a household article while practicing accuracy.
  • Visual Arts when the learner makes samples of different open or plain seams using machine stitches and mount in a portfolio or folder.
Assessment Rubric    
Indicator Exceeds Expectation Meets Expectation Approaches Expectation Below Expectation
Ability to explain the meaning of the term seam as used in clothing
Correctly and confidently able to explain the meaning of the term seam as used in
clothing construction.
Correctly able to explain the meaning of the term seam as used in
clothing construction.
Partially able to explain the meaning of the term seam as used in
clothing construction.
Correctly able to explain the meaning of the term seam as used in clothing construction
only when supported.
Ability to identify the types of seams used in clothing construction Accurately and explicitly to identify the types of seams used in clothing construction Accurately able to identify the types of seams used in clothing
 Accurately able to identify some types of seams used in clothing
Accurately able to identify few types of seams used in clothing construction only when 
Ability to analyze the factors to consider when choosing seams in
clothing construction
Exhaustively and correctly able to analyze the factors to consider when choosing seams in clothing construction Correctly able to analyze the factors to consider when choosing seams in clothing construction Attempts to correctly analyse some factors to consider when choosing seams in clothing construction Can only analyse correctly the factors to consider when choosing seams in
clothing construction when helped.
Ability to examine the qualities of well-made seams in clothing
Accurately and consistently able to examine the qualities of well-made seams in
clothing construction,.
Accurately able to examine the qualities of well-made seams in
clothing construction,.
Partially able to examine the qualities of well-made seams in
clothing construction,.
Accurately able to examine few qualities of well-made seams in clothing construction
unless assisted.
Ability to make the samples of seam used in clothing construction Methodically and accurately able to make samples of seam used in clothing construction Methodically able to make samples of seam used in clothing construction Attempts to methodically make some samples of seam used in clothing construction from time
to time.
Methodically makes few samples of seam used in clothing construction when aided.
Ability to construct a simple household article. Creatively and suitably able to construct a simple household
Suitably able to construct a simple household
Makes a little effort to suitably construct a simple household
Can suitably construct a simple household article only when


Strand  Sub Strand  Specific Learning Outcomes  Suggested Learning Experience  Key Inquiry Question (s)
4.0. Caring for the Family

4.1 Household Cleaning Agents

(8 lessons)

By the end of the sub strand, the learner should be able to:
  1. identify the cleaning agents for household purposes
  2. describe the forms of soap and soapless detergent for household use,
  3. describe the basic ingredients and substances added during soap making
  4. explain the qualities of an effective cleaning agent for household purposes
  5. prepare homemade soap using natural ingredients
  6. embrace the use of safe, locally sustainable resources in preparing homemade soap
The learner is guided to:
  • discuss in groups to differentiate types of household agents based on usage (Water-soft, hard, warm and cold, Soaps- toilet soaps and non-toilet soaps & Soapless detergents),
  • search from digital and print resources the various forms of soap and soapless detergents used for household purposes and compile their descriptions. (Soap:-liquids, cake/bar and hand-made; Soapless:-foam, powder, liquid, paste). Share findings in class,
  • search and watch a video clip or a demonstration by a resource person on making of homemade soap to describe basic soap ingredients (wood ash, water, salt and fats/oils) and the substances added during the making of soap (brightening agents, builders, lather stabilizers, foaming agents, whitening agents, dirt suspending agents, fragrances, dyes, antiseptics),
  • brainstorm using own experiences on qualities of an effective household cleaning agent such as gentle on hands, lathers, easily with water, appealing fragrance and safe on the fabric,
  • search for and collect safe, locally sustainable natural ingredients such as wood ashes, animal or plant oils or fats, salt and water,
  • safely prepare homemade soap (hand-made method),
  • explore and apply ways of improving homemade soap such as fragrances, dyes, antiseptic or glycerine for household uses.
  1. Why are the safe, locally sustainable raw materials for soap making better than the artificial ones?
  2. How should homemade soap be improved?
Core Competences to be Developed
  • Creativity and imagination: The learner will experiment with ideas on homemade soap to test if it works while exploring the different ways of improving it for various uses.
  • Critical thinking and problem-solving: The learner will employ evaluation and decision-making skills to search for and collect natural ingredients used for preparing homemade soap.
  • Citizenship : The learner will be aware of a responsible and sustainable lifestyle when searching for and collecting safe, locally sustainable ingredients for preparing homemade soap.
  • Love when the learner respects ideas and opinions from others, discussing in groups to differentiate types of soap and soapless detergents based on usage.
  • Peace when the learner follows laid out procedures of making home- made soap.
  • Social justice when the learner accords equal opportunities in sharing resources while exploring and applying ways of improving home -made soap for household uses.
Pertinent and Contemporary Issues (PCIs):
  • Safety and security education as the learner observes precautions when preparing homemade soap.
  • Problem-solving and poverty eradication as the learner makes their own homemade soap instead of spending.
Link to other Subjects:
  • Health Education when the learner observes safety when using ingredients and substances added during the making of home-made soap.
  • Computer Science when the learner searches, downloads and saves information on different forms of soap and soapless detergents.
  • Mathematics when the learner measures proportions of ingredients and substances used when making homemade soap.
Assessment Rubric    
Indicator Exceeds Expectation Meets Expectation Approaches Expectation Below Expectation
Ablity to identify the cleaning agents for household purposes Precisely and accurately able to identify the cleaning agents for household
Accurately able to identify the cleaning agents for household
Accurately able to identify some cleaning agents for household
Can accurately identify few cleaning agents for household purposes only when assisted.
Ability to differentiate soap and soapless detergents for household use Correctly and precisely able to differentiate soap and soapless detergents for household use. Precisely able to differentiate soap and soapless detergents for household use. Partially able to differentiate soap and soapless detergents for household use. Precisely able to differentiate soap and soapless detergents for household use only when unless assisted.
Ability to describe the basic soap ingredients and substances added during soap making Correctly and broadly able to describe the basic soap ingredients and substances added during soap making. Correctly able to describe the basic soap ingredients and substances added during soap making. Attempts to correctly describe some basic soap ingredients and substances added during soap making. Can only correctly describe the basic soap ingredients and substances added
during soap making when helped.
Ability to explain the qualities of an effective cleaning agent for household purposes Concisely and clearly to explain the qualities of an effective cleaning agent for household purposes Concisely able to explain the qualities of an effective cleaning agent for household purposes Concisely able to explain some qualities of an effective cleaning agent for household purposes

Can only explain the qualities of an effective cleaning agent for household purposes when assisted.


Ability to prepare homemade soap using safe,locally sustainable ingredients. Accurately and innovatively able to prepare homemade soap using safe, locally sustainable ingredients. Accurately able Hardly able to to prepare homemade soap using safe, locally sustainable ingredients. Makes an effort to accurately prepare home-made soap using safe, locally sustainable ingredients.

Can only acurately prepare home -made soap using safe, locally sustainable ingredients when helped.



Project Title: Homemade Soap

The CSL project is based on the strand, caring for the family, under the sub strand, household cleaning agents. The project seeks to deepen the understanding of the concept of soap by providing an opportunity to practise the knowledge gained in the classroom to benefit themselves and the community.

To implement the project, the learners should be guided and facilitated to make the planning, organisation and implementation of the project activities. The project should be conducted by learners in groups where resources are scarce.

Resources Required

The learners should make use of safe, locally sustainable ingredients to economically make homemade soap for household use. The materials are natural.

Integration of Learning and Community Service

Clean water remains a basic need and many do not have it in low and middle-income settings. Learners will address the need for accessibility to home -made soap for household use. This will minimise the risk of infections at school and in the community and raise the standards of hygiene which are real-life issues. World Health Organisation (WHO) also advises the general public to practise hand washing with soap and water both at home and in school. Washing hands with soap and water seems simple enough, but it can have a huge impact on personal and public health.

Making soap from safe, locally sustainable ingredients is an effective and inexpensive way to help prevent transmission of diseases such as diarrhoea, skin and respiratory infections for both learners and community members.


Strand  Sub Strand  Specific Learning Outcomes  Suggested Learning Experience  Key Inquiry Question (s)
4.0 Caring for the Family

4.2 Homemade Soap

(3 lessons)

By the end of the CSL Project, the learner should be able to:
  1. investigate the safe and economical ways to provide soap for household use
  2. document the proposed plan and procedure of preparing home -made soap for effective implementation
  3. apply the knowledge acquired on detergents to prepare homemade soap for household use
  4. use homemade soap in the care of the family and school community
  5. evaluate the effectiveness of the homemade soap project at school

The learner is guided to:

  • use digital and print resources to search for main ingredients (safe, locally sustainable ingredients) of making homemade soap for household use such as wood ashes, water, salt, fats or oils,
  • conduct meeting sessions to discuss and make a written step by step plan and procedure of preparing homemade soap,
  • use the plan made to guide them in collecting required natural ingredients and prepare the homemade soap. while observing safety.
  • make homemade soap for different purposes such as cleaning, laundry work and personal hygiene purposes,
  • show-case the use of homemade soap (cleaning, laundry work, personal hygiene purposes) to the school community (peers, teachers and workers),
  • use messages on posters, banners, one- on-one talks and open discussions or debates to enlighten and sensitize the school community on the benefits of using homemade soap such as to maintain hygiene, cleanliness and proper sanitation,
  • evaluate the project by collecting feedback (online survey, chats on learning platforms, oral interviews and feedback forms or questionnaires) from the school community on whether the project is effective and any challenges experienced of homemade soap,
  • conduct a meeting to discuss and document achievements and challenges experienced during the project.
  1. Why are ashes, salt, fats or oils used for soap making?
  2. How does one take precautions while preparing homemade soap?

The Key Component of CSL Developed: Life skills, Research, Entrepreneurship and Financial Literacy, Communication and Community Development.
Life Skill: Importance of Life Skill in the Community /School.

  1. The learner will apply problem solving steps to address the issue of inaccessibility to soap, poverty reduction, reduction of infections and improvement of sanitation in school and at home.
  2. The learners will create a to-do list and apply time management tips to complete the project on homemade soap from safe, locally sustainable ingredients.

Entrepreneurship and Financial Literacy: Importance of Entrepreneurship and Financial Literacy in the Community and School.

  1. The learner will develop soap making as a business idea and an opportunity in the community for poverty eradication.
  2. The learner will value business ideas and opportunities in enterprise creation.
  3. The learner will demonstrate the benefits of carrying out an effective and inexpensive soap making process for income-generation.

Research: Importance of Research

  1. The learner will explore opportunities for researching in the school community as they investigate the economical ways to provide soap at school and home,
  2. The learner will appreciate the significance of research in transforming the school community as they disseminate the benefits of homemade soap using safe, locally sustainable ingredients to the school community and give fruitful recommendations that will help improve the project in future.

Community Development: Importance of Community Development

  1. The learner will apply the knowledge and skill acquired in soap making to address the need for accessibility to soap at home and in school.
  2. The learner will create awareness on personal and public health in the community through improving access to soap, improved sanitation, reduction of infections and environmental conservation.

Communication: Importance of Communication

  1. The learner will enlighten and sensitize the school community on the benefits of using homemade soap, such as improving access to soap, improved sanitation, reduction of infections and environmental conservation. through use of messages on posters, banners, one-on-one talks and open discussions or debates.
  2. The learner will use varied print and social media and other online forums to collect, use and analyse feedback on the success of the project.
Core Competences to be Developed
  • Digital literacy: The learner interacts with technology to evaluate the project by collecting feedback from the community on whether the project is effective and any challenges experienced by use of homemade soap.
  • Critical thinking and problem solving: The learner employs open-mindedness and creativity to demonstrate the uses of the products made for cleaning, laundry work, personal hygiene purposes.
  • Learning to learn: The learner shares learnt knowledge, during the sensitization program on the benefits of using homemade soap at school and home, through use of messages on posters, banners, one-on-one talks and open discussions or debates.


  • Patriotism when the learner serves their school community when presenting recommendations that will help improve the homemade soap project in future.
  • Respect when the learner appreciates diversity in opinions as they work on the soap making CSLproject in groups.
  • Social justice when the learner accords equal opportunities in sharing safe, locally sustainable ingredients for preparing homemade soap.
  • Love when the learner resolves conflicts amicably while working in groups in the soap making CSL project.   
Pertinent and Contemporary Issues (PCIs):
  • Problem-solving skills when the learner makes soap from safe, locally sustainable ingredients to improve access to soap, eradicate poverty, reduce infections and improve sanitation.
  • Safety and security when learner adds antiseptics to the homemade soap and as they observe safety and hygiene while preparing it.
  • Poverty reduction as the learner develops skills in homemade soap making as a business idea and opportunity.
Link to other Subjects:
  • Visual Arts when the learner expresses creativity when adding substances such as fragrance, dyes and antiseptics in the homemade soap.
  • English language skills when learner organizes a sensitization program on how to economically prepare homemade soap from safe, locally sustainable ingredients at school and home.
Assessment Rubric    
Indicator Exceeds Expectation Meets Expectation Approaches Expectation Below Expectation
Ability to investigate the economical ways to provide soap for household use. Correctly and exhaustively able to investigate the economical ways to provide soap for
household use.
Correctly able to investigate the economical ways to provide soap for
household use.
Makes effort to correctly investigate some economical ways to provide soap for household use. Can be able to correctly investigate the economical ways to provide soap for household use, only
when aided.
Ability to document the proposed plan and procedure of homemade soap for effective implementation. Correctly and systematically documents the proposed plan and procedure of homemade soap for
effective implementation.
Correctly able to document the proposed plan and procedure of homemade soap for effective implementation. Attempts to correctly document proposed plan and procedures of hand-made soap for effective implementation with few inaccuracies. Can document the proposed plan and procedure of homemade soap for effective implementation only when assisted.
Ability to apply knowledge in soap making to prepare hand- made soap for household use Accurately and innovatively able to apply knowledge in soap making to prepare homemade soap for household
Innovatively able to apply knowledge in soap making to prepare homemade soap for household
Makes a little effort to innovatively apply knowledge in soap making to prepare homemade soap for household use Innovatively able to apply knowledge in soap making to prepare homemade soap for household usewhen helped.
Ability to use homemade soap in the care of the family and school
Correctly and relevantly able to use homemade soap in the care of the family and
school community
Relevantly able to use homemade soap in the care of the family and
school community
Partially able to use homemade soap in the care of the family and
school community
Can relevantly use homemade soap in the care of the family and school community, only
when assisted.
Ability to evaluate the effectiveness of the homemade soap project at school, Correctly and concisely able to evaluate the effectiveness of the homemade soap project at school, Concisely able to evaluate the effectiveness of the homemade soap project at school, Partially evaluate the effectiveness of the homemade soap project at school, Can be able to concisely evaluate the effectiveness of the homemade soap project at school, only when helped.


Strand  Sub Strand  Specific Learning Outcomes  Suggested Learning Experience  Key Inquiry Question (s)
4.0. Caring
for the Family

4.3 Special Treatments in Laundry work

(8 lessons)

By the end of the sub strand, the learner should be able to:
  1. explain types of special treatments in household laundry work
  2. examine requirements for special treatment in household laundry work
  3. prepare home-made starch for special treatment in household laundry work
  4. describe the procedure of various special treatments in household laundry work
  5. apply safety measures while carrying out various special
  6. carry out special treatments in household laundry work
  7. recognize the value of special treatments in household laundry work
The learner is guided to:
  • watch a video clip on various special treatments for household laundry work (spotting, sponging, starching, home dry- cleaning),
  • brainstorm reasons for carrying out special treatment during laundrywork,
  • discuss with a resource person to deduce requirements for special treatments in household laundry work (requirements for spotting; sponging; starching; home dry- cleaning),
  • make starch solutions from safe and sustainable materials within the locality such as potatoes, maize and rice, treatments in household laundry work
  • brainstorm in groups the procedure of various special treatments (spotting, sponging, starching, home dry-cleaning) in household laundry work,
  • role-play safety measures to be observed when carrying out various special treatments (spotting, sponging, starching, home dry-cleaning) in household laundry work,
  • carry out special treatments (spotting, sponging, starching, home dry- cleaning) in household laundry work,
  • discuss in pairs and present in plenary on the value of special treatments in household laundry work.
  1. Why are clothes and household articles given special treatment during laundry work?
  2. How are clothes and household articles given special treatment different from those without?
  3. Why should one take precautions while carrying out special treatment in laundry work for self and the garments?
Core Competences to be Developed
  • Self-efficacy: The learners practices personal skills while carrying out special treatments in household laundry work,
  • Learning to learn: The learner shares learnt knowledge when conducting discussions in pairs and presenting in plenary.
  • Digital Literacy: The learner watches a video clip on various types of special treatments for household laundry work.
  • Love when the learner resolves conflicts while working in teams to carry out special treatments in household laundry work.
  • Unity when the learner respects other opinions and appreciate the efforts of others while role-playing safety.
Pertinent and Contemporary Issues (PCIs):
  • Safety and security education when the learners observe caution when handling various solutions when carrying out special treatments in household laundry work.
  • Environmental awareness when the learners safely use and dispose of various solutions used during special treatment during household laundry work, to avoid environmental degradation.
Link to other Subjects:
  • Health Education when the learners role-play safety measures to observe when carrying out various special treatments in household laundry work
  • English Languages when the learners communicate during discussions in pairs and presentations during plenary on the value of special treatments in household laundry work.
  • Computer Science when the learners watch a video clip on various types of special treatments for household laundry work.
Assessment Rubric    
Indicator Exceeds Expectation Meets Expectation Approaches Expectation Below Expectation
Ability to explain types of special treatments in household laundry work Concisely and relevantly able explain types of special treatments in household laundry work Relevantly able explain types of special treatments in household laundry work Relevantly explain some types of special treatments in household laundry work Requires help to explain types of special treatments in household laundry work
Ability to examine requirements for special treatments in household laundry work Correctly and exhaustively able to examine requirements for special treatments in household laundry work Correctly able to examine requirements for special treatments in household laundry work Partially able to examine requirements for special treatments in household laundry work Can be able to correctly examine requirements for special treatments in household laundry work when
Ability to prepare home-made starch for special treatment in household laundry work Systematically and correctly able to prepare home-made starch for special treatment in household laundry work Correctly able to prepare home-made starch for special treatment in household laundry work Attempts to correctly prepare home-made starch for special treatment in household laundry work with inaccuracies. Requires helped to prepare home-made starch for special treatment in household laundry work
Ability to describe the procedure of various special treatments in household laundry work Logically and correctly describes the procedure of various special treatments in household laundry work Correctly able to describe the procedure of various special treatments in household laundry work Partially able to describe the procedure of various special treatments in household laundry work Can correctly describe the procedure of various special treatments in household laundry work only
when assisted.
Ability to apply safety measures while carrying out various special treatments in household laundry work Concisely and correctly able to apply safety measures while carrying out various special treatments in household laundry work Correctly to apply safety measures while carrying out various special treatments in household laundry work Correctly able to apply some safety measures while carrying out various special treatments in household laundry work Can be able to apply few safety measures while carrying out various special treatments in household
laundry work only when guided closely.
Ability to carry out special treatments in household laundry work Correctly and systematically able to carry out special treatments in
laundry work
Systematically able to carry out special treatments in laundry work Attempts to systematically carry out special treatments in laundry work Can carry out systematically few special treatments in laundry work only if


Strand  Sub Strand  Specific Learning Outcomes  Suggested Learning Experience  Key Inquiry Question (s)
1.0 Foods and Nutrition  

1.1 Conservation
of Food Nutrients

( 8 lessons)

  1. Observation schedule
  2. Practical work
  3. Self- assessment
  4. Critiques
  5. Checklists
  6. Rubrics
  7. Practical work
  • Video clips
  • Pictures
  • Charts
  • Digital and print materials
  • Recipe books
  • Resource person
  • Cooking tools, equipment and materials:
  • cooking equipment (charcoal jiko, gas cooker, electric cooker, paraffin stove, traditional open fireplace/ improved firewood stove• other resources- fuels, detergents,
  • foodstuff, kitchen cloths, cleaning materials
  • protective gear eg apron, headgear, gloves
  • First aid kit
  • Clearing and cleaning tools of equipment such as floor mops , rags, cloths, brooms, buckets or basins, dustpans, kitchen waste bin
Learners will be guided to:
  • educate other learners in health club activities in various methods of conserving vegetables.
  • make presentations on nutrient conservation in an open-forum such as at assembly, parent meetings, clubs, sports day, education day.
  • engage actively with a resource person concerning careers and income generating activities .
  • design a career wheel during clubs to demonstrate an understanding of various careers related to Home Science for each gender.
  • compose and recite poems, narratives, and songs about careers and income-generating activities in Home Science as well as on food nutrient conservation.
  • conduct debates with peers (face-to-face or online) on the role of Home Science for self and others.
  • organize and participate in presentations during exchange programmes such as symposiums, field trips and educational visits to other peers.
  • prepare talking walls and posters on careers related to Home Science as a subject.
  • sensitize parents and school community on conservation of food nutrients as well as the careers associated with Home Science and income-generating activities.
  • engage in straight talk on the importance of conservation of food nutrients in food handling during health week.
  • participate in discussions or open forums to brainstorm how the problem s associated with menstrual disorders affect teenage girls at home and in school and find solutions related to food nutrients intake. Reflect on the self and financial management skills required to address the solutions given.

1.2 Small Kitchen
Tools and Equipment

(7 lessons)

  1. Tests
  2. Observation schedules
  3. Self- assessment
  4. Critiques
  5. Checklists
  6. Rubrics
  7. Projects
  • Digital devices
  • Charts
  • Pictures
  • Photos
  • Charts/illustration
  • oven/ baking utensils
  • Pans and pots
  • Cutting tools
  • measuring &weighing equipment
  • shaping & moulding tools separating, lifting, mixing, turning, and scooping equipment
  • Storage equipment- Cupboards, wall units, shelves, racks,
  • Improvised small kitchen equipment such as wooden spoon, cooking sticks,
  • Kitchen waste bin
  • Cleaning cloths/ floor mops
  • Safety equipment
    •   First aid kit
    • Aprons/ overall coats
    • Hand gloves
    • Head gears.
    • Kitchen cloths
  • draw pictures or images of small kitchen equipment and pasting on talking walls, notice boards and classroom walls.
  • organize events to show-case talent in improvised small kitchen equipment.
  • start small business project on improvised small kitchen equipment in club activities,
  • share information on digital learning platforms to share various ides on small kitchen
  • equipment organize to share information on uses and care of various small kitchen equipment during clubs and societies.
  • organize for a visit to the school kitchen or other kitchens to learn more about uses, care and storage small kitchen equipment,
  • engage actively with a resource person on the concept of spending money wisely when buying different small kitchen equipment. Share findings in class, assembly or during clubs.
 1.3 Cooking Food 

(16 Lessons)
  1. Observation schedules
  2. Check lists 
  3. Observation schedules
  4. Checklists
  5. Rating scales
  6. Oral questions
  7. Peer and self- assessment
  8. Exhibitions
  9. On-line assessment
  10. Practical work 
  • Realia-foodstuff locally (available suitable for purpose)
  • Cooking tools and equipment (improvise or substitute as much as possible)
  • Cookers/stoves/( choose which one is suitable)-
    • Gas
    • Electric
    • Kerosine
    • Charcoal
    • Firewood
    • Solar
    • others
  • Food storage equipment( choose which one is locally available for use)
    • Food safe
    • Cupboard
    • Charcoal cooler
    • Refrigerators 
  • Roasting grills
  • Grills
  • Steamers
  • Skewers
  • Roasting dishes
  • Serving dishes
  • Source of fuel. Water, detergents, cleaning cloths,
  • Safety equipment
    • First aid kit
    • Aprons/ overall coats
    • Hand gloves
    • Head gears.
    • Covers
  • Kitchen cloths
    • Hand towel
    • Dish cloth
    • Tea towel
  • organize clubs and societies activities to practice further methods of cooking and display items made to educate peers and other members of the school community.
  • Visit a restaurants/ hotel/ eating joints to make observations and report on how these methods of cooking are conducted.
  • Write articles and making recipe books, compiling recipes for the school magazine and post some on the digital platforms for learning.
  • design posters and picture images on foods cooked using the methods of cooking various locally available foods.
  • present during a public event on various methods of cooking foods and how you can improvise as much as possible.
  • watch videos or images of suitable food cooked using different methods of cooking that reflect socio-cultural diversity within their locality and share during clubs and societies.
  • organize for a cultural day and showcase different foods cooked using the different methods of cooking learnt in class.
  • compose songs and poems on safety precautions to be practised while cooking food using methods of cooking leant in class.Present during assembly, parents day or in events in school.
  • use talents and abilities in methods of cooking to generate income as guided by parents , guardians and resource persons
  • search, reflect and brainstorm on economic resources used during grilling of foods and ways of conservation them ( fuels, water, money, time , foodstuff )
  • compose songs, poems, oral narratives on efficient use and management of sources of energy (fuels) and present before peers
Consumer Education

2.1 Buying
Household Goods and Services

(6 lessons)

  1. E-assessment
  2. Questionnaires
  3. Written tests
  4. Observation schedules
  5. peer assessment
  6. Critiques
  7. Report writing
  • Video clips
  • Pictures
  • Charts
  • Digital and print materials
  • Paper money/mock money
  • Accounting records eg. Receipt book,
  • Documentaries on buying transactions
  • hold discussions and presentations on importance of saving in personal finance during school assemblies or clubs and societies activities
  • organize to dramatize buyer and seller transactions during club activities, events and open forums to educate the school community concerning prices, correct change, quality and good behavior.
  • present songs or poems on methods of buying various
    needed household goods and services from various sale outlets, during drama or music festivals
  • role plays on the buying/ selling transactions of goods and services during club activities
  • engagement of a resource person on challenges and mitigation factors experienced when buying goods and services for household use during parents’ days
  • organize school mentorship and/or peer education programmes on the importance of saving
  • engage and empower parents on importance of saving and comparative shopping.
  • write a report and share with peers, on the principles of wise buying, in relation to smart goal setting for financial literacy.
3.0 Textilesand Clothing

3.1 Natural
Textile Fibres

(12 Lessons)

  1. Rating scales
  2. Rubrics
  3. Anecdotal records
  4. Oral questions
  5. Projects
  6. Portfolio
  7. Self-assessment
  8. Observation schedules
  9. Project work
  10. Practical work
  • Charts
  • Manila papers, felt pens or marker pens
  • Scrapbooks/textile sample album
  • Sample of different types of scrap fabrics
  • Glue/cow gum/any other glue available
  • Digital and print devices
  • Sources of heat eg candle, for the physical tests on fabric
  • Fashion magazines/ newspapers
  • Yarn samples
  • Fibre samples
  • develop simple guidelines or messages on posters on responsible management of natural textile fibers as resources for parents and guardians during a open forum.
  • write poems and songs articles on uses of natural textile fibres and present during assembly and clubs and societies or for the school magazine.
  • develop digital slides presentations of physical tests of identifying natural textile fibres and share on digital learning platforms.
  • make a scrapbook or textile album during clubs and societies.
  • model a textile tree to show classification of natural textie fibres and present during parents day/ academic day or other open forum with parents and guardians. organise debates in school on the different natural fibres and their advantages or disadvantages.
3.2 Sewing

(10 lessons)
  1. Online assessment
  2. Observation schedules
  3. Check lists
  4. Rating scales
  5. Written tests
  6. Journals
  7. Daily logs
  8. Projects
  9. Practical work
  • Real sewing machines( choose available suitable model) 
    • Treadle
    • Hand-driven
    • Electric- driven
  • Fabrics
  • Machine needles, scissors,
  • Sewing threads
  • Machine oil covers,
  • Chats
  • Manilla
  • Threads
    • Sewing
    • Tacking
    • Threads
  • initiate a project to model sewing machine model by drawing, designing and constructing a model, painting, or using digital literacy skill to make a 3-D model and share with peers at assembly or other events in school.
  • lead open forum in school to educate peers and school community on the sewing machine and its use.
  • create a project of images and illustrations accompanied by text on the parts of a sewing machine and their functions using digital devices and share on digital learning platforms.
  • organize during club activities business ideas using the sewing machine such as minor repairs at a fee.
  • show-case talent and potential in using the sewing machine, competition on the using of the sewing machine ( speed test)
  • sensitize peers and the whole school on machine faults and their remedies.
  • compose songs, poems, narratives on the types and functions of sewing machines and present during events, assembly, public school forums such as meetings,
  • organize for visit to a tailoring shop, sale outlet for sewing machines to learn more about various models of sewing machines and their prices.
  • take part in drama festivals with themes on talents and abilities on using the sewing machine.
  • explore on career opportunities employed for income generation. as a result of talent , abilities and skills on the sewing machine. Report findings during assembly, open forums, events and club meetings.

3.3 Seams

(10 lessons)

  1. Observation schedules
  2. Checklists
  3. Rating Scales
  4. Portfolio
  5. Anecdotal records
  6. Journals
  7. Projects
  8. self and peer assessment
  9. Oral assessments
  1. Fabrics/material
    • Machine sewing threads
    • Tacking threads
    • Decorative threads
    • Materials for the project work (pillow case, lap bag or cushion cover)
  2. Sewing machine
    • Treadle
    • Hand- driven
    • Electric- driven
  3. Machine needles, scissors,
  4. Sewing threads
  5. Machine oil covers,
  6. Chats
  7. Manilla
  8. Needlework tools and equipment
  9. Sample real items (lap bag, pillowcase and cushion cover)
  • show-case talents and potentialities in making seams using the sewing machine .
  • display items made using seams to sensitize and share information on the importance of open and plain seams.
  • share information on open and plain seam during clubs and societies meetings .
  • make items using the open and plain seams and sell to the school community.
  • write articles on how to make various articles using open and
    plain seams and post on digital
  • learning platforms and print such as school magazine.
  • organise a visit to learn how dressmakers make small items using straight machine stitching.
  • share information on seams during symposia and other exchange programs with peers.
  • organize fairs and exhibitions to showcase their talents and abilities on open and or plain seam and items made from knowledge and skills gained.
  • compose songs and poems on factors to consider when choosing open and plain seam,
    record and upload on digital platforms during clubs.
4.0 Caring for the Family   4.1 Household Cleaning Agents

(8 lessons)
  1. Peer assessment
  2. E-assessment
  3. Observation schedules
  4. Rating scales
  5. Checklists
  6. Rubrics
  7. Oral questions
  8. Written tests
  1. Detergents (Any locally available both soap( toilet and non-toilet) and soapless detergents
  2. Forms of soap and soapless detergents (liquid, foam, bar, powder, flakes
  3. Water (soft and hard)
  4. Ingredients for making homemade soap (wood ashes, salt, fats/ois, and water)
  5. Fragance/ perfume, dyes, antiseptic or glycerine
  6. Heating facility – jiko or any source of heat
  • recite poems and composing songs on household cleaning agents and presenting during events in school and other forums such as assembly or record and upload on digital learning platforms
  • initiate projects during clubs and societies to safely prepare homemade soap for income generation.
  • sensitize school community on forms and types of soap and soapless detergents.
  • use digital technology to record videos and audios of composed songs and poems on cleaning agents for household use and share on digital learning platforms or share during open forums in school such as parents day.
  • create posters on qualities of an effective household cleaning agent and display on noticeboards, walls in class, on trees,
  • exercise ways of conserving the environment while disposing cleaning agents and share effects of environmental degradation with peers, parents or guardians.
4.2 Homemade

(3 lessons)
  1. e-assessment
  2. Check-list
  3. Rating scales
  4. Rubrics
  5. Project
  6. Observation schedules
  7. Oral questions
  8. Online questionnaires
  9. exhibitions
  10. Project work
  11. Report writing
  • Ingredients for making homemade soap (safe, locally sustainable)
    • Wood ashes
    • Salt
    • Fat/oil (plant or animal)
    • Water
  • Digital devices
  • Oral interview and feed back forms
  • Heating facility or heat source
  • Containers for packing
  • initiate projects on soap making at school and home for income generation.
  • share the process of making homemade soap and share with peers during open forums and events including digital learning platforms.
  • write articles on homemade soap project for school magazine and other online social platforms to educate the school community as well as the larger community
  • Celebrate Global Hand-washing Day and demonstrate the importance of homemade soap in healthy living.
  • compose poems and songs on the ingredients naturally sourced for making homemade soap.
4.3 Special Treatments in Laundry work

(8 Lessons)
  1. Oral questions
  2. Observation Schedules
  3. Written questions
  4. Anecdotal records
  5. Project work
  6. Rating scales
  7. Practical work
  • Requirements for spotting, sponging, starching &
    • home-dry cleaning (safe and available locally)
  • Homemade laundry starch from starchy foodstuff locally available such as maize, potatoes, rice, corn & wheat
  • Basic laundry work equipment such as basins, buckets, clothesline, pegs, irons, ironing surfaces, hangers, soap dishes
  • Water storage equipment
  • Cleaning equipment and materials such as floor mops, rags or floor clothes, brooms as may be required for clearing up
  • Dusters
  • Digital devices and video clips
  • engage actively with a resource person to learn more about special treatments in household
    laundry work.
  • share information during clubs and societies to make homemade starch and other special treatments on household laundry work.
  • organize a display for talent show on special treatments in household laundry work.
  • design posters with procedures on various special treatments in household laundry work on talking walls, bins, noticeboards.
  • sensitize the school community on various special treatments used in household laundry work and their procedures as well as the importance.
  • participate in discussions and talks in open forums on economic ways of making starch using locally available resources
Read 552 times Last modified on Wednesday, 11 January 2023 12:34

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