Displaying items by tag: mathematics


  1. What is the total value of digit 4 in the following numbers (2mks)
  2. What is the place value of digit 3 in the following numbers (4mks)
    1. 3426
    2. 7553
  3. Work out the following numbers (2mks) 4567+456
  4. Write the following numbers in words (4mks)
    1. 6702
    2. 3210
  5. Which is heavier - 10kg of feathers and 10kg of stone (2mks :
  6. Ruth bought 457bags of sand and 798bags of cement. How many bags did she buy altogether? (2mks)
  7. Work out (2mks)
    5789 4597
  8. A grade 5 teacher had 63books to share among 7 pupils equally. How many books did each 8. pupil get? (2mks)
  9. Convert the following decimal into fractions (2mks)
  10. What is the place value of digit 2 in the following numbers (4mks)
    1. 2.4
    2. 7.52
  11. How many quarter kilogram packets are there in half a kilogram? (2mks)
  12. Work out (4mks)
    1. 46kg 572g x3
    2. A grade 5 boy grade 5 pupil had a string 12m 45cm long, he then cut the string into 3 equal pieces. What was the length of each piece?
  13. What is the product of 9 and 7 (Imk)
  14. Complete the pattern (2mks)
    8, 16, 24, ____40,____
  15. Murage had sh 100 note. He bought quarter kilogram of sugar at sh 30 and glucose at sh 15. How much balance did he get?
  16. A pupil planted 13 rows of trees. Each row had 9 trees. How many trees did she plant altogether?


  1. 4000
    1. thousands
    2. ones
  3. 5023
    1. six thousand seven hundred and two
    2. three thousand two hundred and ten
  5. they are equal
  6. 1255
  7. 1192
  8. 7
  9. 2/5
    1. ones
    2. hundredths
  11. 2
    1. 139kg 716g
    2. 4m 15cm
  13. 63
  14. 8, 16, 24, 32, 40, 48
  15. 55
  16. 117 trees


Tuesday, 07 September 2021 07:31

Mathematics - Class 8 End Term 1 Exam 2021 Set 1

  1.  What is 7090315 written in words?
    1. Seventy million ninety thousand three hundred and fifteen
    2. Seven million ninety thousand three hundred and fifteen
    3. Seventy million nine thousand three hundred and fifteen
    4. Seven millon nine thousand three hundred and fifteen
  2. What is the value of 300 − 75 ÷ 15?
    1. 3
    2. 15
    3. 59
    4. 295
  3. What is the value of: 4/5 − 1/3 of ¾ +5/6 ?
    1. 21/50
    2. 3/8
    3. 7/34
    4. ½
  4. What is the value of 0.324  ÷ (0.03 x 0.6)?
    1. 0.18
    2. 1.8
    3. 18
    4. 180
  5. What is 570.9685 correct to the nearest lenth?
    1. 570.0
    2. 570.9
    3. 570.96
    4. 571.0
  6. What is the measure of the obtuse angle KLM drawn below?
    class 8 et1 math set 1 q6
    1. 117°
    2. 123°
    3. 77°
    4. 63°
  7. What is the square of 2¼?
    1. 41/16
    2. 51/16
  8. Mavia bought the following items from the shop
    4 packets of sugar @sh 107
    2kg tomatoes @sh 88
    ½ kg of meat @sh 400
    3 bottles of soda @sh 35
    How much balance did she get from sh 1000?
    1. Sh 91
    2. Sh 370
    3. Sh 630
    4. Sh 909
  9. What is 3/8(24x −16y) + 4y in the simplest form?
    1. 9x − 10y
    2. 9x + 2y
    3. 9x − 20y
    4. 9x − 2y
  10. What is 3/8, 4/57/203/10 arranged in ascending order?
    1. 4/5,  3/87/203/10 
    2. 3/107/204/53/8 
    3. 3/107/203/84/5
    4. 3/83/10, 4/57/20
  11. The semicircle below represents a vegetable garden. It was fenced with five strands of wire.
    class 8 set 1 ET1 Q11
    What length of wire was used? (Take π=22/7)
    1. 132m
    2. 216m
    3. 660m
    4. 1080m
  12. Mwakio bought an item after being offered a discount of 30%. If this discount represented a reduction of sh 210, what was the price of the item before the discount?
    1. Sh 700
    2. Sh 490
    3. Sh 143
    4. Sh 63
  13. What is the next number in the pattern
    5, 12, 19, 26, _____ ?
    1. 33
    2. 35
    3. 37
    4. 40
  14. What is the value of  6c − (b − a) when a = 4, b = a+2 and c=½a + 3?
                                           b + c
    1. 26/11
    2. 210/11
    3. 19/11
    4. 10/11
  15. The figure below is an incomplete triangle PQR. Complete the triangle such that line PQ=6cm and PR=7cm. Draw a circle whose circumference touches the points P, Q and R.
    class 8 ET1 set 1 Q15
    What is the radius of the circle?
    1. 1.8cm
    2. 2.5cm
    3. 3.5cm
    4. 7.0cm
  16. The marked price of a table is sh 20000. The hire purchase price is 40% more than the marked price. Wasike bought the table on hire purchase terms by paying a deposit of sh 15000 and the balance in 5 equal monthly installments. How much was each monthly installment?
    1. Sh 7000
    2. Sh 5600
    3. Sh 4000
    4. Sh 2600
  17. What is the Least Common Multiple of 24, 30 and 60?
    1. 6
    2. 120
    3. 180
    4. 540
  18. A trader had a tonne of salt. He repacked the salt into equal number of 200g and 300g packets. How many packets did he get altogether?
    1. 40000
    2. 20000
    3. 4000
    4. 2000
  19. Onyango earns a basic salary of sh 40000 per month plus a commission of 6% on the sale of goods above sh 50000. In one month he sold goods worth sh 300000. How much altogether did he earn that month?
    1. Sh 18000
    2. Sh 55000
    3. Sh 8000
    4. Sh 6100
  20. A bus left town Q for town R a distance of 240km. It was driven at a speed of 80km/h. If it arrived at 2:40am, at what time did it depart from town Q?
    1. 11:40pm
    2. 5:40am
    3. 2:43am
    4. 2:37am
  21. A rectangular tank measures 3m long, 2.8m wide and 2.5m high. What is the capacity of the tank in litres?
    1. 21
    2. 2100
    3. 21000
    4. 210000
  22. In the triangle EFG below, bisect angle EGF to meet line EF at P.
    class 8 ET1 Set 1 Q22
    What is the length of line GP?
    1. 1.8cm
    2. 2.8cm
    3. 3.4cm
    4.  3.9cm
  23. The median of eight numbers is 7. Seven of the numbers are 11,4,9,4,5,8 and 10. What is the eighth number?
    1.  6
    2.  8
    3.  10.
    4.  14
  24. The price of a laptop decreased by sh 15000 to 25000. What was the percentage decrease?
    1. 662/3%
    2. 60%
    3. 40%
    4. 37½%
  25. Wahondo performed as follows in a test;
    Maths 80%, English 75%, Kiswahili 85%. Science 70%, SSTRE 90%. If he represented his scores in a pie chart. How many more degrees would represent SSTRE than Maths?
    1. 36°
    2. 72°
    3. 81°
  26. The volume of a cylindrical tin is 2816cmand the height is 14cm. What is its diameter? (Take π=22/7 )
    1. 8cm
    2. 16cm
    3. 32cm
    4. 64cm
  27. What is the value of x in the inequality
    5x − 20 > 3x + 8?
    1. x>14
    2. x < 14
    3. X>1½
    4. x<3½
  28. The table below shows how three teams performed in sports competition. The number of times each team was placed in either 1st, 2nd or 3rd position is as shown.
       1st   2nd   3rd 
     Star    3   2   1
     Elite    3   3   5
     Shine    2   4   2
    If 6 points were awarded for the first position, four points for the second position and 2 points for the third position. What was the total points scored by the three teams?
    1. 26
    2. 92
    3. 96
    4. 100
  29. How many groups of a hundred are there the total value of the digit in the thousands position in the smallest six-digit number formed using the digits 4,3,0, 5, 7, 1?
    1. 30
    2. 40
    3. 3000
    4. 4000
  30. Magelo and Olwande shared some fruits in the ratio 5:3 Magelo received 30 more fruits
    than Olwande. How many fruits did Magelo get?
    1. 18
    2. 45
    3. 75
    4. 120
  31. Milkio sold some of his properties to three people as follows: Kavunga got ¼ while
    Meso got 1/while Kioko received ½ of the remainder. What fraction of the properties did he sell?
    1. 11/12
    2. 17/24
    3. 5/24
    4. 7/24
  32. Which one of the following sets of measurements will form a right angled triangle?
    1. 4cm, 5cm, 12cm
    2. 8cm, 15cm, 20cm
    3. 7cm, 12cm, 25cm
    4. 10cm, 24cm, 26cm
  33. The figure below shows a stack of cubes. The stack was painted all over.
    class 8 Et1 Set 1 Q33
    How many cubes had paint on two faces only?
    1. 14
    2. 22
    3. 30
    4. 45
  34. A plane reached town Q from town on a Sunday at 0240hrs after travelling for 6 hrs 55mins. On what day and time did it leave town R?
    1. Sunday 7:45am
    2. Sunday 4:15am
    3. Saturday 7:45pm
    4. Monday 4:15pm
  35. The length of road is 4.5km. The road is represented on a map by 3cm. What is the scale of the map? 
    1. 1:1500000
    2. 1:150000
    3. 1:15000
    4. 1:500
  36. In the triangle below angle ABD is 30° and CDE=40°. Angle CED is 55°
    class 8 ET1 set 1 Q36
    What is the size of angle BAC?
    1. 55°
    2. 85°
    3. 95°
    4. 125°
  37. At a function the number of women was twice that of men. The number of children was half the total number of men and women. The function was attended by 270 people. How many children attended the function?
    1. 180
    2. 120
    3. 90
    4. 60
  38. The table below shows the postal charges in shillings for small packets in a certain year. 
     Mass of packet   East Africa   Rest of Africa   Rest of the world 
    Not over 20g
    Not over 100g
    Not over 250g
    Not over 500g
    Not over 1kg
    Not over 2kg
    Each additional
    1kg upto 5kg
    Mutunga sent the following packets
    A 600g packet to Tanzania
    A 4kg packet to Nigeria
    A 260g packet to America
    How much did he pay altogether?
    1. Sh 2493
    2. Sh 2501
    3. Sh 2711
    4. Sh 2721
  39. Twelve people can complete a piece of work in 20 days. How many more days will 8 people working at the same rate require to complete the same work?
    1. 30
    2. 18
    3. 10
    4. 62/3
  40. The following properties describe a certain quadrilateral
    • Diagonals are not equal
    • Sum of interior angles is 360°
    • Has a pair of parallel sides
    • Diagonals do not bisect each other.
      Which quadrilateral has the above properties?
      1. Square
      2. Trapezium
      3. Rectangle
      4. Rhombus
  41. The figure below represents a flower lawn.
    class 8 ET1 set 1 Q41
    What is its perimeter? (Take π = 22/7)
    1. 32.4m
    2. 34.4m
    3. 41.4m
    4. 37.9m
  42. The figure below shows a half cylindrical solid whose diameter is 28cm and length 50cm
    class 8 end term 1 Q42
    What is its surface area in square centimetres. (Take π=22/7 )
    1. 4256
    2. 4216
    3. 15400
    4. 30800
  43. A rectangular plot of land is 80m long and the length of one diagonal is 100m. What is the area of the plot in hectares?
    1. 0.8
    2. 4.8
    3. 48
    4. 0.48
  44. Makau bought f fruits. Obach bought 5q more fruits than Makau while Ongeri bought three times the total bought by both Makau and Obach. How many fruits were bought by the three people altogether?
    1. 8f +16q
    2. 8f+20q
    3. 6f + 15q
    4. 8f+10q
  45. The graph below shows Sarah's journey from town A to town B.
    class 8 ET1 Set 1 Q45
    What was her average speed for the whole journey?
    1. 18km/h
    2. 22½ km/h
    3. 36km/h
    4. 45km/h
  46. Special porridge is made by mixing sorghum and millet in the ratio 2:3. Sorghum costs sh60 per kg and millet costs sh40 per kg. If Aisha made 10kg of special porridge, how much money did she spend on sorghum and millet altogether?
    1. Sh 450
    2. Sh 240
    3. Sh 400
    4. Sh 480 
  47. Muunda bought 40 plates for sh 4160. He sold all the plates at a profit of 120% How much did he sell cach plate?
    1. Sh 104
    2. Sh 124.80
    3. Sh 228.80
    4. Sh 152
  48. Bongonko borrowed sh250000 from a bank that charged a simple interest at the rate of 20% per annum. How much interest did she earn altogether after 2 years?
    1. Sh 125000
    2. Sh 146000
    3. Sh 375000
    4. Sh 396000
  49. Mutua left Machakos at 8:15am and took 1 hours to travel to Emali. He stayed in Emali for 2 hours then travelled back to Machakos. The time taken to travel back to Machakos was half the time taken to travel to Emali. At what time did he arrive at Machakos?
    1. 12noon
    2. 12:10pm
    3. 1:00pm
    4. 1:40pm
  50. On triangle PQR drawn below, construct a perpendicular line from point to meet PR at S
    class 8 Set 1 ET1 Q50
    What is the size of angle SQR?
    1. 40°
    2. 45°
    3. 55°
    4. 145°


  1. B
  2. C
  3. D
  4. C
  5. D
  6. B
  7. D
  8. A
  9. D
  10. C
  11. D
  12. A
  13. A
  14. A
  15. C
  16. D
  17. B
  18. D
  19. B
  20. A
  21. C
  22. D
  23. A
  24. D
  25. A
  26. B
  27. A
  28. D
  29. A
  30. C
  31. B
  32. D
  33. A
  34. C
  35. B
  36. A
  37. C
  38. D
  39. C
  40. B
  41. B
  42. B
  43. D
  44. B
  45. D
  46. D
  47. C
  48. A
  49. C
  50. A
Monday, 06 September 2021 09:02

Mathematics - Class 7 End Term 1 Exam 2021 SET 1


  1. What is nine million one hundred and nine thousand and nine written in symbols?
    1. 9100909
    2. 9109009
    3. 9019009
    4. 9010909
  2. In a polling station the number of registered voters was 679495. What was the number rounded off to the nearest ten thousands?
    1. 680000
    2. 679000
    3. 700000
    4. 679500
  3. What is the sum of the total values of digits 6. and 2 in the number 864280?
    1. 6020
    2. 60200
    3. 860200
    4. 62000
  4. What is the value of 96120 divided by 24?.
    1. 4005 
    2. 405
    3. 45
    4. 40005
  5. What is the value of 1/8 + (1/3 ÷ 1/6)
    1. 2 1/6
    2. 4 1/24
    3. 2 1/8
    4. 5/8
  6. What is the place value of digit 4 in the number 58.3948?
    1. Thousandths
    2. Hundredths
    3. Ten thousandths
    4. Tens
  7. What is the circumference of the circle drawn below?
    1. 220m
    2. 290m
    3. 110m
    4. 255m
  8. A hotel buys 41.5 litres of milk every day. How many litres of milk did the hotel buy in the month of January, February and March year 2021?
    1. 3776.51
    2. 37351
    3. 38181
    4.  3776.251
  9. The figure below shows angles formed by two intersecting lines.
    Which of the following pair of angles are vertically opposites?
    1. f and h
    2. g and h
    3. f and g
    4. e and f
  10. What is the next number in the series
    12, 14, 17, 22, 29
    1. 38
    2. 42
    3. 40
    4.  46
  11. What is the actual length of a road in kilometres that measures 4cm on a mapdrawn to a scale of 1:400000?
    1. 160km
    2. 0 1.6km
    3. 16km
    4. 0.16km
  12. A sales lady salary of sh. 4000 was increased by 16%. What was the new salary of the sales lady?
    1. sh. 640
    2. sh. 3360
    3. sh. 4640
    4. sh. 10460
  13. A dairy company donated 60 carton of milk to a pre-school. If each carton contained 80-2dl packet of milk, how many litres of milk was donated?
    1. 9.6
    2. 9600
    3. 96
    4. 960
  14. The perimeter of a square plot of land is 216m. What is the area of the plot in square metres?
    1. 2816m2
    2. 864m2
    3. 2916m2
    4. 46656m2
  15. Muli bought the following items from a supermarket.
    1kg sugar @ sh.115
    ½ kg rice @ sh.110
    2kg maize flour for sh.130
    2 loaves of bread @ sh.45
    If he paid using sh. 1000 note, how much balance did he get back?
    1. sh.725
    2. sh.610
    3. sh.275
    4. sh.390
  16. Which of the following statements is incorrect about equilateral triangle?
    1. All sides are equal.
    2. Sum of angles add up to 180º
    3. All angles are equal
    4. Base angles are equal.
  17. A train left Nairobiu at 6:15pm and took 2 1/4hrs to reach Mombasa. At what time in 12-hour clock system did it reach Mombasa?
    1. 8:30am
    2. 7:45pm
    3. 8:30pm
    4. 7:45am
  18. A motorist drove from Nakuru to Naivasha town a distance of 360km taking 4 hours. What was the average speed in kilometres per hour for the journey?
    1. 9km/hr
    2. 120km/hr
    3. 90km/hr
    4. 80km/hr
  19. What is the LCM of 30, 40 and 60?
    1. 10
    2. 120
    3. 240
    4. 180
  20. The table below shows number of eggs sold by a vendor in a week
    Days Mon Tue Wed Thur  Fri  Sat Sun
    No. sold 22  16 22   17  24  20  26
    What is the mean number of eggs sold in the week?
    1. 22
    2. 17
    3. 21
    4. 20
  21. Using a ruler and a pair of compass construct triangle XYZ such that line XY=8cm, YZ=7cm and XZ=6.5cm. Measure the size of angle YZX.
    1. 58º
    2. 105º
    3. 75º
    4. 47º
  22. Which of the following is the correct order of arranging 3/5, 5/8, 7/10 and 1/2 from the largest to the smallest?
    1.  1/2, 3/5,5/8  , 7/10
    2. 3/5 ,7/10  ,5/8  , 1/2
    3. 1/2 ,  7/105/83/5
    4.  7/10  , 5/83/5
  23. The table below show timetable of a bus between different towns
    Town Arrival time Departure time
    Nairobi -----  9:10am
    Naivasha  10:25pm   10:40am
    Gilgil   12:10pm  12:25pm
    Nakuru  1:50pm  2:10pm
    Eldoret  2:45pm  ----

    How long did the bus take to travel from Naivasha town to Nakuru?
    1. 3 1/6hrs
    2. 1 5/6hrs
    3. 3 1/2hrs
    4. 2 3/4hrs
  24. What is the difference between the LCM of 15,20 and 25 and the GCD of 45,75 and 90
    1. 315
    2. 10
    3. 85
    4. 285
  25. A lorry is carrying 90 cartons each holding 40 tins of cooking fat. If each tin weighs 500g, what was the total mass of tins in kilograms?
    1. 1.8kg
    2. 180kg
    3. 1800kg
    4. 0.18kg
  26. In a class, the number of boys is 1/3 and the rest are girls. If there were 40 girls in the class, how many pupils are there in total?
    1. 60
    2. 35
    3. 75
    4. 90
  27. A lady sold milk from 12th January to 9th March 2020. For how many days did she sell the milk?
    1. 58
    2. 59
    3. 57
    4. 56
  28. The figure below represents a stack made of cuboids
    How many cuboids are used to make the stack drawn above?
    1. 33
    2. 32
    3. 30
    4. 27
  29. Using a ruler and a pair of compass construct triangle MNT such that line MN=5cm, NT=4cm and angle MNT 120º. Bisect angle MNT and let the bisector meet line MT at S. Measure the length of line MS.
    1. 4.3cm
    2. 7.8cm
    3. 2.3cm
    4. 3.4cm
  30. The figure below shows a school ground
    An athlete run all round the field two times, how many metres did he cover?(take π=22/7)
    1. 400m
    2. 526m
    3. 800m
    4. 1052m
  31. What is 7.5% written as a fraction to its simplest form possible?
    1. 15/2
    2. 3/4
    3. 7 1/2
    4. 3/40
  32. The table below shows postal rates for sending money order.
    Order valuye(sh) Commission(sh)
    Not exceeding 500  42
    501 - 1000  144
    1001 - 3000  174
    3001 - 5000  209
    5001 - 10000  295
    10001 - 20000  441
    20001 - 30000  617

    A father sent schol fees for his two children as follows: Sh.10500 and Sh.17400 respectively. How much commission did he pay at the post office?
    1. sh.617
    2. sh 1058
    3. sh 736
    4. sh882
  33. What is the value of
    32 + 15 - 4
    1. 6 2/3
    2. 4
    3. 3
    4. 2
  34. What is the value of
    16.42 - (3.16 + 8.4)
    1. 0.2
    2. 200
    3. 2
    4. 20
  35. A staff meeting ended at 5:00pm after taking 5 hours 55 minutes. At what time did the meeting start?
    1. 12:55pm
    2. 11:05am
    3. 12:05pm
    4. 11:55am
  36. The figure below shows a rectanguolar tank
    If the tank is to be filled with water using 50-litre container, how many containers will be required to fill the tank?
    1. 240
    2. 160
    3. 480
    4. 320 
  37. A square garden has an area of 10.24m2. What is the length of each side in centimetres?
    1. 3.2cm
    2. 3200cm
    3. 320cm
    4. 32cm
  38. Work out the value of 2 2/3 x 3 1/2
    1. 6 1/3
    2. 6 2/3
    3. 9 1/3
    4. 3 1/9
  39. In a harambee, there were 850 adults and 457 children. Idf each adult contributed sh.200 and each child contributed sh.100, how much money was collected altogether?
    1. sh 215700
    2. sh 176400
    3. sh 91400
    4. sh 21750
  40. What is the value of 5(3y - 2x) - 13y +6x to its si9mplest form possible?
    1. 28y + 4x
    2. 2y + 4x
    3. 2y - 4x
    4. 28y + 16x
  41. The pie chart below shows how a lady spent her salary.
    If her salary was Sh. 56000, how muc did she spend on rent?
    1. sh 21000
    2. sh 14000
    3. sh 28000
    4. sh 32000
  42. What is the area of the triangle drawn below
    1. 720m2
    2. 270m2
    3. 432m2
    4. 216m2
  43. Joel got 80% of the total marks in the end term examination. If the total marks as 500, how many marks did he loose on the examination?
    1. 100
    2. 140
    3. 400
    4. 360
  44. What is the value of t in the equation?
    4t - 6 + 36t = 60
    1. 1 3/4 
    2. 1 17/20
    3. 1 3/5
    4. 1 13/20
  45. The price of a text book is sh 600. If the price was decreased by 15%, what was ther new price of the book?
    1. sh 570
    2. sh 690
    3. sh 450
    4. sh 510
  46. The diagram below shows a cuboid whose length is 0.48m and a width of 0.25m
    If it's volume is 0.042m3, what is the length of its height(h) in centimetres?
    1. 55cm
    2. 38cm
    3. 35cm
    4. 28cm
  47. A vendor sold 2500 copies of Daily Nation newspaper at sh.70 each. If the vendor got 8% of the total sales, how much money did the vendor receive from the sales?
    1. sh 50000
    2. sh 14000
    3. sh 35000
    4. sh 70000
  48. In the figure below, Line AB=AC, angle ABC= 50º, angle ECA=15º and angle BAD= DAC
    What is the size of angle AEC?
    1. 30º
    2. 25º
    3. 15º
    4. 20º
  49. In the figure below, the radius of the circle is 35cm with a centre 0(take π=22/7)
    What is the area of the shaded region?
    1. 3859cm2
    2. 2450cm2
    3. 1400cm2
    4. 700cm2
  50. The bar graph drawn below shows amount of rainfall recorded in a week
    What was the amount of rainfall recorded in the last four days of the week?
    1. 1055mm
    2. 2250mm
    3. 1100mm
    4. 1150mm


  1. B
  2. A
  3. B
  4. A
  5. C
  6. A
  7. A
  8. B
  9. C
  10. C
  11. C
  12. C
  13. D
  14. C
  15. B
  16. D
  17. C
  18. B
  19. B
  20. C
  21. C
  22. D
  23. A
  24. D
  25. C
  26. A
  27. A
  28. C
  29. A
  30. C
  31. D
  32. D
  33. B
  34. C
  35. B
  36. D
  37. C
  38. C
  39. A
  40. C
  41. A
  42. C
  43. A
  44. D
  45. D
  46. C
  47. B
  48. B
  49. D
  50. D


Friday, 03 September 2021 11:06

Mathematics - Class 6 End Term 1 Exam 2021

  1. Write five hundred fifty five thousand six hundred and sixty nine in figures.
    1. 55500669 
    2. 555669
    3. 55506609
    4. 5555696
  2. Simplity:
    1. 40/50
    2. 4/25
    3. 8/25
    4. 4/5
  3. What is the place value of digit 6 in the number 36502?
    1. Ones
    2. Tens
    3. Hundreds
    4. Thousands
  4. Change 4km 35m into meters
    1. 435 m
    2. 4035m
    3. 40035 m
    4. 4350 m
  5. Kilonzo bought, 3/5kg of potatoes and 1/3 kg of tomatoes. What was the total mass of the items he bought?
    1. 4/15kg
    2. 14/15kg
    3. 3/8kg
    4. 3/15kg
  6. What is the place value of digit 4 in the number 792.843?
    1. Tenths
    2. Hundredths
    3. Thousandths
    4. Hundreds
  7. Multiply; 35.3 x 4
    1. 14.12
    2. 13.12
    3. 141.2
    4. 1.412
  8. How many rectangles are in the figure below?
    class 6 ET1 maths Q8
    1. 4
    2. 5
    3. 7
    4. 9
  9. What is 29 in Roman numbers?
    1. LXI
    2. XIX
    3. XXIX
    4. XXI
  10. What is the G.C.D of 6, 42 and 24?
    1. 2
    2. 3
    3. 168
    4. 6
  11. Find the area of the rectangle below.
    class 6 ET1 math Q11
    1. 122 cm2 
    2. 900 cm
    3. 900 cm2 
    4. 1800 cm2
  12. Work out 3.08 + 6.8 + 12
    1. 21.88
    2. 10.00
    3. 3.88
    4. 38.8
  13. Find the value of the angle marked m
    class 6 ET1math Q13
    1. 60°
    2. 55°
    3. 45°
    4. 180°
  14. How many halfkilograms are there in 17 kg?
    1. 17
    2. 34
    3. 68
    4. 8
  15. Find the value of w in 17+w=30 
    1. 13
    2. 23
    3. 47 
    4. 12 
  16. Add
     km     m     cm
      8     270    30
    +6     980    70 
    1. 15km 251 m 00 cm
    2. 14 km 251 m 100 cm
    3. 15 km 250 m 100cm
    4. 14 km 1251 m 00 cm
  17.  Work out;
    14 × 1½
    1. 14½
    2. 15½
    3. 21
    4. 12½
  18. Divide Class 6 ET1 math Q18
    1. 1003
    2. 13
    3. 103
    4. 1030
  19. Pick the like terms in the expression 9t + 8p + 6t +3p + 2p
    1. 28 pt
    2. 15t −13p
    3. 15t + 13p
    4. 13 t+ 15 p
  20. How many containers of A will fill 4 container B?
    class 6 ET1 math Q20
    1. 25
    2. 50
    3. 200
    4. 100
  21. What is the area of the shaded part?
    class 6 ET1 math Q21
    1. 140cm2
    2. 600 cm2
    3. 1200 cm2
    4. 200 cm2
  22. The scale on a map is 1 centimetres represents 10 m. Find the drawing length that will represent 80 m on the ground?
    1. 800 cm
    2. 80cm
    3. 8 cm
    4. 8000 cm
  23. Change 62/5 into an improper fraction.
    1. 5/32
    2. 5/30
    3. 30/5
    4. 32/5
  24. What is the value of y in the following factor tree?
    class 6 ET1 math Q24
    1. 3
    2. 9
    3. 2
    4. 18
  25. Weeks      Days
        7              4
      −3              6  
    1. 11 weeks 3 days
    2. 4 weeks   5 days
    3. 3 weeks   8 days
    4. 3 weeks   5 days
  26. What is the time in the clock shown
    class 6 Et1 Q26
    1. 9.00 o'clock
    2. 12.45 o'clock
    3. 12.00 o'clock
    4. 11.45 o'clock
  27. Which of the following numbers is divisible by 3 and 9
    1. 1008
    2. 222
    3. 33
    4. 903
  28. What is the LC.M of 12 and 18
    1. 42
    2. 36
    3. 30
    4. 6
  29. What is the total number of days in the month of May and September?
    1. 62
    2. 60
    3. 61
    4. 39
  30.  How many milimeters are there in 2¼ litres?
    1. 2100ml
    2. 2250ml
    3. 2140ml
    4. 2400ml
  31. Add
    sh    ct
    78    20
     1     80
    +9    70   
    1. sh 100 70 ct
    2. sh 89   70 ct
    3. sh 109  60 ct
    4. sh 88 170 ct
  32. Calculate the area of a square whose sides are 12 cm.
    1. 144 cm2
    2. 24 cm2
    3. 48 cm2
    4. 144cm
  33. Which of the following is an equilateral triangle?
    Class 6 Et1 math Q33
  34. Arrange in ascending order.
    1/8, ½, ¼, 1/3
    1. ½,1/3, ¼. 1/
    2. ½, 1/8,  ¼, 1/3
    3. ½, 1/3,1/8,  ¼
    4. 1/8, ¼, 1/3, ½
  35. Which of the following angles is the largest?
    1. Reflex
    2. Right
    3. Obtuse
    4. Acute
  36. What is the approximate mass of a newly born baby?
    1. 3g
    2. 30kg
    3. 3kg
    4. 300kg
  37. Ali bought 48 packets of biscuits. If each packet weighed 1/4kg, what is the total mass he bought in kilograms?
    1. 96 kg
    2. 192kg
    3. 12 kg
    4. 24kg
  38. Amina left Wajir at 9.00 a.m and arrived Nairobi at 2.00 p.m. How many hours did her jourmey take?
    1. 5 hours
    2. 11 hours
    3. 7 hours
    4. 4 hours
  39. Multiply 13 km 200 m by 8
    1. 105 km  600 m
    2. 104 km  1600 m
    3. 13 km  1600m
    4. 14 km   600m
  40. A family uses 2½ litres of milk everyday. How many litres does the family use in 2 weeks?
    1. 5L
    2. 17½L
    3. 25 L
    4. 35L
  41. If the year 2000 was a leap year. How many other leap years are there before 2010?
    1. 2
    2. 3
    3. 4
    4. 1
  42. Find the value of X if; 2/7x/21
    1. 4
    2. 6
    3. 14
    4. 8
  43. Muturi was sent to buy the following items;
    2 kg sugar @sh 70
    ½ kg meat at sh 100 per kg
    4 kg cooking fat (@ sh 70
    3 kg wheat flour each sh 60 per kilo
    If he paid using a one thousand shilling note, how much balance did he receive?
    1. sh 650
    2. sh 350
    3. sh 630
    4. sh 1700
  44. In a parent's meeting, the number of men who attended was 413 women 642 and 13 more children than men. How many people were in the meeting?
    1. 1068
    2. 1481
    3. 1710
    4. 1042
  45. Work out
    Hr    Min       S
    2        30      10
    ×                    3 
    1. 6h    90min    30s
    2. 7h    30min    30s
    3. 8h    30min    30s
    4. 9h    60min    30s

The graph below shows the favourite games for pupils in Amanda school. Use it to answer questions 46-49.

class 6 ET1 math Q46

  1. Which one is the most liked game in school?
    1. Tennis
    2. Athletics
    3. Soccer
    4. Hockey
  2. Which game is least liked by the pupils?
    1. Soccer
    2. Tennis
    3. Hockey
    4. Athletics
  3. How many more pupils like athletics than tennis?
    1. 200
    2. 120
    3. 80
    4. 320
  4. What is the total number of pupils in the school?
    1. 320
    2. 480
    3. 600
    4. 800
  5. What is the next shape in the pattern below?
    class 6 ET1 math Q50

Marking Scheme

  1. B
  2. D
  3. D
  4. B
  5. B
  6. B
  7. C
  8. C
  9. C
  10. B
  11. C
  12. A
  13. A
  14. B
  15. A
  16. A
  17. B
  18. A
  19. C
  20. D
  21. B
  22. C
  23. D
  24. C
  25. D
  26. A
  27. A
  28. B
  29. C
  30. B
  31. B
  32. A
  33. B
  34. D
  35. A
  36. C
  37. D
  38. A
  39. A
  40. D
  41. A
  42. B
  43. B
  44. B
  45. B
  46. B
  47. B
  48. C
  49. D
  50. A


  1. What is the next number after 9999?
  2. Write the total value of the digit 8 in 18605
  3. Write the next two numbers in the pattern below.
    6, 8, 10, 12, ___, ___
  4. Write 9 in roman numerals
  5. Complete and colour the patterns below.
  6. There are 987  pupils in Nyakongo Primary School. The number of boys is 406. How many girls are there?
  7. Round off the number 799 to the nearest 10
  8. There are twelve packets of pieces of chalk in a box. How many packets are there in twelve boxes?
  9. Anyango bought 72 mangoes. She arranged them in groups of 6. How many groups did she make?
  10. Write 43/8 as an improper fractions
  11. Work out the volume of the cuboid
  12. Which is the biggest number in the pair below?(0.6, 0.59)
  13. Multiply
    M             CM
    2               12
    x                 8
  14. Work out: 4√96
  15. A carpenter had eight pieces of timber. Each piece of the timber was 1m 28cm long. What was the total length?
  16. How many rows and columns are there in this figure
  17. How many ½kg packets can be obtained from 4kg of sugar?
  18. Add: 123kg to 48kg
  19. Kariuki bent a wire to form an angle. What angle did he form?
  20. Mofat has C skirts, 2T blouses and Y jackets. How many clothing items does he have?
  21. Mwangi harvested 1628 bags of maize in one season. He also harvested 3771 bags of maize in the following season. How many bags of maize did he harvest altogether?
  22. Kamwanga tea factory produced 2486kg of tea leaves in a day. A trader bought 995kgs of the same tea. How many kgs of tea remained?
  23. The clock face below shows time in the morning? What is the time in am/pm?
  24. Mwema had Sh.500. He bought the following items for his family
    1. Three pencils at sh.15 per pencil
    2. Three sharpeners at sh.31 per sharpener
    3. Three books at sh.88 per book
      He saved the balance. How much did he save?
  25. The followinf table shows the number of vehicles that were at the kisii agricultural show one day. Copy and complete the table
     Type of vehicle Number   Tally marks
     Buses 13   
     Cars 10   
     Pickups 14   


  1. 10,000
  2. 8000 
  3. 14,16
  4. IX
  6. 581
  7. 800
  8. 12 x 12=144
  9. 12
  10. 35/8
  11. 4 x 5 x 5=100
  12. 0.6
  13. 16M 96 cm
  14. 24
  15. 10m 24cm
  16. 10 columns, 6 rows
  17. 8
  18. 171kg
  19. Obtuse angle
  20. c+2t+y
  21. 5399
  22. 1491
  23. 9:30 am
  24. Ksh.98
     Type of vehicle Number   Tally marks
     Buses 13  ||||   ||||   ||| 
     Cars 10  ||||   ||||  
     Pickups 14   ||||   ||||   ||||
     Lorries  |||| ||

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