Displaying items by tag: mathematics


  1. What is 90601854 written in words? 
    1. Ninety million sixty one thousand eight hundred and fifty four. 
    2. Ninety million six hundred and one thousand eight hundred and fifty four. 
    3. Nine million six hundred and one thousand eight hundred and fifty four.
    4. Nine million thirty one thousand eight hundred and fifty four,
  2. What is the total value of digit 8 in the number 70805102? 
    1. Hundred thousand 
    2. Sixty thousand
    3. Eight thousand 
    4. Eight hundred thousand
  3. What is the number 984.2793 rounded off to the nearest hundredths? 
    1. 984.30
    2. 984.28
    3. 984.279
    4. 984.3
  4. Subtract 4. from 7.
  5. What is the value of 34136 divided by 34? 
    1. 104
    2. 10004 
    3. 1004
    4. 14
  6. What is the value of 3/8 - of 4/5 2/3?
    1. 1/5
    2. 3/10
    3. 3/40
    4. 3/20
  7. Work out 7.5 x 0.45 
    1. 13.5
    2. 0.135
    3. 1.35
    4. 0.0135
  8. What is the size of the angle marked g in the figure below?
    1. 48°
    2. 132°
    3. 40°
    4. 38°
  9. A square has an area of 619/25 cm. Find its length
    1. 169/25cm
    2. 102/5 cm
    3. 5/13 cm
    4. 23/5 cm
  10. What is the expression
    12(p+5k +2)+5(2p-4k+3) in its simplest form?
    1. 22p - 40k +39
    2. 32p+80k+ 39
    3. 22p+40k+ 39 
    4. 32p+ 70k - 39
  11. Wamai sold a pair of trousers for shs. 1530 after making a 15% loss. What was the buying price of the pair of trousers?
    1. shs. 1275
    2. shs. 2100
    3. shs. 1800
    4. shs. 1600
  12. Senaipei covered a distance of 54km within I hour. What was her speed in metres per second?
    1. 15
    2. 54
    3. 0.9
    4. 30
  13. Which of the following fractions is a non terminating fraction?
    1. 1/5
    2. 1/9
    3. 1/8
    4. 4/16
  14. What is the value of 384+89+10-44 of 45 +15? 
    1. 142
    2. 351
    3. 3785
    4. 461
  15. Which of the following numbers is not divisible by 11? 
    1. 7238
    2. 60311
    3. 90937
    4. 81730
  16. Work out the perimeter of the figure shown below twice. (Take n=22/7)
    1. 120cm
    2. 148cm 
    3. 240cm
    4. 280cm
  17. A farmer packed 5.4 tonnes of maize in bags of 600 grammes sending them to the market. How many packets of maize did he send to the market?
    1. 90
    2. 9000
    3. 900
    4. 90000
  18. The following are properties of a quadrilateral 
    • All sides are equal. 
    • Diagonals are equal. 
    • All angles are right angles. 
    • Diagonals bisect each other at right angles.
      Which quadrilateral is described above? 
      1. Rhombus 
      2. Trapezium 
      3. Square
      4. Rectangle
  19. A school parents meeting ended at 12.10p.m. after taking a periodef 2 hours. At what time had the meeting started in 24hr clock system? 
    1. 0925h
    2. 1455h 
    3. 0255h
    4. 0825h
  20. Karega, Mutahi and Mbithe shared some money. Mutahi got 2/7 of the money and Mbithe got 2/3 of the remainder. What fraction of the money did Karega receive?
    1. 16/21
    2. 11/21
    3. 5/12
    4. 1/21
  21. What is the next number in the sequence below? 16,21,28, 37, 48,
    1. 85
    2. 61
    3. 59
    4. 63
  22. Muli bought 8 chairs at shs. 240 each. He later sold them all at shs. 1000 more than the buying price. What was the profit for each chair? 
    1. shs. 365
    2. shs. 225
    3. shs. 125
    4. shs. 135
  23. What is the product of H.C.F. and L.C.M.of 18, 24 and 36? 
    1. 72
    2. 432
    3. 78
    4. 66
  24. Find the area of the shaded part.
    1. 96cm2
    2. 192cm2 
    3. 720cm2
    4. 528cm2
  25. The mean of seven numbers is 4. Six of the numbers are 2,3. 1.2.7 and 8. What is the seventh number?
    1. 5
    2. 3
    3. 4
    4. 2
  26. Miriam bought the following items: 3 packets of maize flour a shs. 90 2kg of rice for shs. 170 1½ kg of potatoes at shs.50 per kg 2 loaves of bread at shs. 48 cach If she had shs. 800, how much money was she left with?
    1. shs. 708
    2. shs. 611
    3. shs. 92
    4. shs. 189 
  27. In the diagram below line RV=VS=ST and angle VRS=70°
    What is the size of angle TVR? 
    1. 75°
    2. 35°
    3. 40°
    4. 90°
  28. What is the value of (0.14)2
    1. 0.0196
    2. 19.6
    3. 0.196
    4. 1.96
  29. A bicycle wheel, has a diameter of 70cm. How many kilometers will it cover after making 4000 turns? 
    1. 0.88km
    2. 8.8km 
    3. 88km
    4. 880km
  30. After the increase of fuel, the fare from Malindi to Kilifi was increased by 20%. What was the new price if it was shs. 150 before increasing? 
    1. shs. 60
    2. shs. 180
    3. shs. 120
    4. shs 30
  31. Simplify the inequality below 4m-14<14 - 3m
    1. m=4
    2. m<0
    3. m<28
    4. m<4
  32. Momanyi sold eggs from 5" January to 5 March 2019. For how many days altogether did he sell the eggs? 
    1. 59
    2. 61 
    3. 58
    4. 60
  33. What is 6.5% as a decimal?
    1. 0.065
    2. 0.60
    3. 0.65
    4. 65
  34. Find the volume of the rectangular tank below when ¾ full of water in m
    1. 160000cm2
    2. 40000cm2
    3. 0.12m2
    4. 0.04m2
  35. The area of a rectangle is 350m2. The length of a rectangle is 25cm. Calculate its perimeter. 
    1. 50m
    2. 64m
    3. 78m
    4. 39m
  36. The table below shows commission rates by the post office for sending money locally.
    Commission Inland
    Value of the order shs cts
    Not exceeding 500
    501 - 1000
    1001 - 3000
    3001 - 5000
    5001 - 10000
    10001 - 20000
    20001 - 30000
    30001 - 35000
    Wothaya sent shs. 9500 to luis son and shs. 13450 to his daughter for school fees using money order. How much did he pay at the post office altogether?
    1. shs. 736
    2. shs 3950
    3. shs. 23686
    4. shs. 22950
  37. What is the sum of faces vertices and edges of an open cuboid?
    1. 480
    2. 26
    3. 25
    4. 20
  38. A family uses 2-2dl packets of milk everyday. How many litres did the family use in the month of February year 2020? 
    1. 116L
    2. 11.2L
    3. 112L
    4. 11.6L
  39. Workout twice the value of
    3x + 4y - 27
         2x + y
    if x=2. y=4 and z=3
    1. 8
    2. 16
    3. 4
    4. 2
  40. What is the sum of the first 17 odd numbers?
    1. 153
    2. 167
    3. 289
    4. 169
  41. Tumaini primary school has 480 pupils. 45% are boys. Has many more girls than boys are there in the school?
    1. 264
    2. 44
    3. 220
    4. 48
  42. What is the value of 82(92 - 32)?
                                       42 x 62
    1. 8
    2. 30
    3. 26
    4. 74
  43. What is the place value of digit 9 in the product of 2.45 and 0.12? 
    1. Tenths
    2. Tens 
    3. Hundredths 
    4. Thousandths
  44. In Majimatamu primary school std. 7 class has 24 boys and 36 girls. During a Kiswahili lesson 1/8 of the boys and ¼ of the girls didn't do their homework. How many pupils did their homework?
    1. 12
    2. 48
    3. 27
    4. 21
  45. The pie chart below shows how Kalewa spent his monthly salary of sh. 48000
    How much did Kalewa spend on schoolo fees than on rent?
    1. shs. 800
    2. shs 12000
    3. shs. 3000
    4. shs.4000
  46. Arrange the following fractions from the smaijest to the largest 2/3, 4/7, 0.75, 0.6 
    1. 2/3,0.6,0.75,4/7
    2. 2/3,0.75,0.6,4/7
    3. 0.75,2/,0.6,4/7
    4. 4/7,0.6,2/,0.75
  47. A farmer fenced his rectangular plot of land shown below using 3 strands of wire. He also left a gate of 10m.
    What is the total length of the wire?
    1. 270m
    2. 830m
    3. 810m
    4. 280m
  48. A path is drawn on a map on a scale of lem rep 80m. What length on the map would represent a distance of 7.2km?
    1. 9cm
    2. 0.9cm 
    3. 90cm
    4. 0.09cm
  49. Construct triangle ABC such that AB =6cm, BC= 8cm and AC-10cm. What is the measure of angle ACB? 
    1. 90°
    2. 37°
    3. 53°
    4. 60°
  50. The graph below shows Mwakanda's journey from Kericho to Nakuru.
    How many kilometres had he covered at Act 11.30a.m?
    1. 45km 
    2. 50km
    3. 55km 
    4. 60km


  1. B
  2. D
  3. B
  4. D
  5. C
  6. C
  7. A
  8. A
  9. D
  1. C
  2. A
  3. B
  4. B
  5. B
  6. C
  7. B
  8. C
  9. A
  10. C
  1. B
  2. C
  3. B
  4. D
  5. A
  6. D
  7. A
  8. A
  9. B
  1. D
  2. B
  3. A
  4. C
  5. C
  6. C
  7. C
  8. D
  9. C
  10. C
  1. D
  2. A
  3. C
  4. B
  5. D
  6. D
  7. C
  8. C
  9. B
  10. A


  1. What is twenty two million two hundred ar two thousand two hundred and two and two hundredths written in figures?
    1. 20202202.02
    2. 22202202.02
    3. 22202202.2 
    4. 22202022.02
  2. How many groups of tenths in the total valu of digit five in the number 345.69?
    1. 50
    2. 5
    3. 500
    4. 0.5
  3. What is the place value of digit 7 obtained after working out 0.03:40?
    1. Hundredth 
    2. Thousandth 
    3. Tenths
    4. Ten thousandth
  4. Work out;
    3(42 - 32) + 20 ÷ 5 - 2 x 5 + 1 
    1. 16
    2. 27 
    3. 7
    4. 8
  5. During a wedding ceremony children were twice the number of adults. Women were twenty more than men. If the children were 248, how many men attended the wedding? 
    1. 124
    2. 62 
    3. 52
    4. 72
  6. What is the value of; 4/5 + ¼ (½ - 1/5) of 3/÷ ¼ 
    1. 189/400
    2. 73/80
    3. 213/80
    4. 189/40
  7. Round off 5799.9996 to the nearest thousandth 
    1. 5800.000 
    2. 5799.000 
    3. 5799.999
    4. 5800
  8. Eighty one electricity poles were used to supply electricity between two towns at an interval of 50 m. Find the distance from the firs to the last pole in km 
    1. 4.1 km
    2. 4100 km
    3. 40 km
    4. 4 km
  9. Calculate the area of the shaded part.
    1. 56 cm2
    2. 120 cm2
    3. 184 cm2
    4. 64 cm2
  10. What is the sum of the next two numbers in the pattern; 5, 9, 18, 34, 59, 
    1. 176
    2. 239
    3. 144
    4. 154
  11. Sheila spends ¼ of her salary on rent 1/3 on food and 2/3 of the remainder on school. If she saves the rest, what fraction of the salary is her savings?
    1. 5/18
    2. 2/5
    3. 13/18
    4. 5/36
  12. A section of a road 17.5 km is represented by a line 3.5 cm on the map. Find the scale on the map. 
    1. 1:500000
    2. 1:5 
    3. 1:50000
    4. 1:5000
  13. Simplify: ¼ of 2r2 - wp
                      tw - wp
    if r=p+2, t=5, p=4, w-p-2 
    1. 10
    2. 3.6
    3. 5
    4. 28
  14. Find the measure of the obtuse angle QRS in the figure below.
    1. 197º
    2. 163º
    3. 207º
    4. 183º
  15. The fare from Meru to Nairobi was increased from sh 600 to sh 800 during the christmas holiday. What was the ratio increase? 
    1. 3:4
    2. 30:4
    3. 40:3
    4. 4:3
  16. A wheel made 2000 revolutions and covered a distance of 3.52 km. Calculate the radius of the wheel 
    1. 56 cm
    2. 42 cm
    3. 28 cm
    4. 21 cm
  17. Which statement is true? 
    1. 0.8 = 8/9
    2. 8/9>0.8
    3. 0.8>8/9
    4. 8/9<0.8
  18. In Butengi Primary School the ratio of girls to boys is 5:3. There are 180 less boys than girls. How many pupils are in the school? 
    1. 450
    2. 600
    3. 720
    4. 800
  19. A watch gains 12 seconds every hour. It was set right on Monday at 2.00 pm. What time did it show after 10 hours? 
    1. 12.02 am
    2. 11.58 pm 
    3. 12.02 pm
    4. 4.00 pm
  20. The height of the tank below is 1.2 m. It has water upto a depth of 70 cm. How many litres are needed to fill the tank?
    1. 144 L
    2. 6L
    3. 84 L
    4. 60 L
  21. Simplify;
    4(3y + 4x) - 3(2y + 3x)
    1. 6y + 25x
    2. 6y + 7x
    3. 18y + 25x
    4. 6y - 7x
  22. A trader bought 200 cabbages for sh 10 per cabbage. He used sh 240 for lunch and transport. On the way 20 cabbages were spoilt and he sold the rest at sh 18 per cabbage. Calculate his profit. 
    1. sh 1000
    2. sh 5240
    3. sh 2240
    4. sh 1240
  23. David earns sh 25500 after working for 30 days. How much less will he earn if he is absent for 6 days?
    1. sh 30600
    2. sh 20400
    3. sh 5100
    4. sh 6200
  24. The figure below shows a table mat made of cotton material.
    Calculate the area of material used to make it? 
    1. 342 cm2
    2. 1162 cm2
    3. 1540 cm2
    4. 770 cm2
  25. Which of the following measurements will form a right angled triangle?
    1. 5m, 1.2m, 1.3m
    2. 0.3m, 0.4m, 5m
    3. 1.2m, 1.6m, 2.5m
    4. 1m, 2.4m, 2.6m
  26. By selling a jacket for sh , Dan gave the customer a 10% discount. How much more would the customer have paid if the discount was 7%?
    1. sh 45
    2. sh 1500
    3. sh 105
    4. sh 1395
  27. Convert 12 % into a ratio
    1. 1:8
    2. 1:80
    3. 1:4
    4. 1:40
  28. Calculate the volume of the solid below in cubic centimetres. (x = 22/7)
    1. 4620
    2. 1234
    3. 2310
    4. 420
  29. Solve for m in the equation; m/2m+1/4 = 4
    1. 8
    2. 51/3
    3. 5
  30. Oloo deposited sh 30000 in a bank that paid simple interest at the rate of 5% per month. How much interest was in his account at the end of 1 year and 2 months? 
    1. sh 21000 
    2. sh 51000 
    3. sh 1750
    4. sh 31750
  31. Monica is twice as old as her daughter. The daughter is 5 years older than the brother. In five years time the sum of their ages will be 90. If the brother is n years old, how old is the mother now?
    1. 25
    2. 65
    3. 45
    4. 40
  32. Work out; 4.5 x 2.4 ÷ 0.8 - 2.7
                           0.35 +0.55 
    1. 1.2
    2. 12
    3. 120
    4. 24
  33. The hire purchase price of a fridge is 20% more than the cash price. The cash price is sh 20000. Henry bought it by paying a deposit of sh 8000 and the rest in instalments of sh 800 per month. For how long did he pay for the fridge?
    1. 15 months . 
    2. 14 years
    3. 1 years
    4. 16 months
  34. Thirty men can clear a piece of land in 20 days. How much longer would it take to clear the land if six men failed to turn up? 
    1. 25
    2. 10
    3. 5
    4. 8
  35. In the figure below PQ and RS are parallel lines.
    Find the measure of angle EFD. 
    1. 72º
    2. 122º
    3. 108º
    4. 100º
  36. A driver was to cover a 350 km journey driving at a speed of 70km/hr. He started at 0830 hours, expecting to arrive on time. However, he had to stop after driving for two hours to refuel and take lunch which took 30 minutes. At what speed must he drive to arrive at the expected time?
    1. 84km/h
    2. 105 km/h
    3. 100 km/h
    4. 70 km/h
  37. A piece of land measures 100 m by 50m. It is fenced using 5 strands of wire leaving a distance 10 metres for the gate. Calculate the length of wire used. 
    1. 300 m
    2. 5000 m
    3. 1500 m
    4. 1450 m
  38. Calculate the area of the rhombus. The diagonal line LM is 60 m.
    1. 2400 m2
    2. 3000 m2
    3. 1200 m2
    4. 6000 m2
  39. A bus arrived in Nairobi at 4.40 am on Monday after travelling for 8h 30 minutes from Mombasa. On which day and time had the bus left Mombasa? 
    1. Sunday, 8.10 am 
    2. Sunday, 8.10 pm 
    3. Monday, 8.10 am 
    4. Monday, 8.30 pm
  40. Kamau bought the following items from a shop;
    3½kg of rice @sh120
    1½kg of meat @sh 240
    2 loaves of bread @sh 50
    2-2kg packets of unga @ sh 110
    What balance did he get if he paid for the items using 3-sh 500 notes? 
    1. sh 1100
    2. sh 1210
    3. sh 290
    4. sh 400
  41. Construct triangle PQR where line PQ = 9cm, QR-12 cm and angle PQR is a right angle. Draw a circle touching the sides of the triangle. Measure hthe radius.
    1. 3 cm
    2. 3.5 cm
    3. 6 cm
    4. 7 cm
  42. The diagonal of a rectangular piece of land is 50m. On of its shorter sides is 14m. Calculate its perimeter.
    1. 48 m
    2. 124 m
    3. 62 m
    4. 672 m
  43. Calculate the surface area of the closed cylindrical tank below.
    1. 11.88 m2
    2. 10.34 m2
    3. 3.08 m2
    4. 1188 m2
  44. A salesman is paid a basic salary of 5% on value of goods sold up to sh 120000. He is also paid a commission of 2% on goods sold above 120000. Calculate his total salary during a month in which he sold goods worth sh 300000? 
    1. sh 6000
    2. sh 7500
    3. sh 10500
    4. sh 13500
  45. The following are characteristics of a quadrilateral;
    1. Diagonals are not equal
    2. Some angles are equal
    3. Interiror angles add up to four right angles
    4. All sides are equal.
      The quadrilaterial described above is a;
      1. Rhombus
      2. Rectangle
      3. Parallelogram
      4. Square
  46. The mean of 6 numbers is 7.5. Five of the numbers are 10, 7, 8, 9 and 3. Find the sum of median and mode. 
    1. 8
    2. 17
    3. 15.5
    4. 16
  47. A tank has water to a level of 2000 cm. A family uses 20% of the water daily. Find the level of water at the end of the second day?
    1. 1200
    2. 1600
    3. 1280
    4. 1400
  48. The table below show the marks scored by a pupil during a test.
    SCORE 88 84 68 90 70
    If a pic chart was to be drawn, what angle would represent Kiswahili? 
    1. 79,2
    2. 63
    3. 81
    4. 61.2
  49. What is the difference of the LCM of 12 and 8 and the GCD of 22 and 66? 
    1. 46
    2. 13
    3. 528
      The graph below shows the number of trays of eggs sold by a farmer during the week.
  50. If a tray holds 30 eggs, on which day did the farmer collect 1050 eggs?
    1. Monday
    2. Wednesday
    3. Friday
    4. Thursday


  1. B
  2. A
  3. D
  4. C
  5. C
  6. B
  7. A
  8. D
  9. B
  10. B
  1. D
  2. A
  3. C
  4. B
  5. D
  6. C
  7. B
  8. C
  9. A
  10. D
  1. B
  2. A
  3. C
  4. B
  5. D
  6. A
  7. A
  8. C
  9. D
  10. D
  1. D
  2. B
  3. C
  4. C
  5. B
  6. A
  7. D
  8. A
  9. B
  10. D
  1. A
  2. B
  3. A
  4. C
  5. A
  6. D
  7. C
  8. D
  9. B
  10. D



  1. Which of the following number is 4,256,352.021
    1. Fourmillion two hundred and fifty six thousand three hundred and fifty two and twenty one hundredths.
    2. Fourmillion two hundred and fifty six thousand three hundred and fifty two thousand.
    3. Fourmillion two hundred and fifly six thousand three hundred and fifty two and twenty one thousandth
    4. Fourmillion two hundred and fifty six thousand three hundred and fifty two and two hundred tenth.
  2. What is the value of 2 in the number 563.1427?
    1. Thousandth
    2. 2/100
    3. 0.02
    4. Two thousandth
  3. How many days were there between 21st December 2011 and 3rd March 2012.
    1. 73
    2. 71
    3. 72
    4. 74
  4. Round off the following number to the nearest hundredth
    1. 368
    2. 368.0
    3. 368.00
    4. 368.000
  5. What isthe value of
    2(6²-4²) - 8 x 6 ÷ 2
            2 x 4
    1. 40
    2. 24
    3. 16
    4. 2
  6. Chepngeno bought the following items from the shop.
    3kg rice @ shs.82
    2 bars of soup @ shs.115
    250 of washing powder for 65
    ½ litre of cooking oil @ shs.60 per ¼ litres
    4g of maize meal @ shs.95 per 2kg packet
    If she paid using 2-500 shillings notes, how much balance did she get?
    1. 149
    2. 851
    3. 89
    4. 179
  7. In the figure below line PQis parallel to line ST, Line UV is a transversal

    Which of the following statements is not TRUE
    1. a + g = 180°
    2. b=g
    3. a+c = e+h
    4. d+h = f+c
  8. What is the sum of the square of ²/₃ andthe square root 6¼?
    1. 6¹¹/₁₂
    2. 2¹⁷/₁₈
    3. 6²⁵/₃₆
  9. Which one of the following is the seventh number in the sequence?
    2,4,7,12,19, __, __
    1. 30
    2. 41
    3. 13
    4. 43
  10. Which one of the following is the simplest form of
    1.   3a+5b  
    2. 4a+7b
    3.    3a+b   
    4.    4a+3b  
  11. Below is a train timetable from town A to F
    Town Arrival
    A   6:00am
    B 8:20am  8:35am
    C 10:45am  11:05am
    D 12:40pm 12:55pm
    E 2:10pm 2:25pm
    F 3:15pm 3:30pm
    How long did the train take to travel fom town B to town E?
    1. 5hrs 50mnin
    2. 5hrs 35min,
    3. 6hrs 05min
    4. 4hrs 50min
  12. The rectangle below is drawn to scale1cm: 50:000cm.
    What isthe actual area in hectares?”
    1. 60000 hectares
    2. 600 hectares
    3. 60 hectares
    4. 6 hectares
  13. The diagram below shows an isosceles triangle
    Calculate the area ofthe triangle.
    1. 350cm²
    2. 175cm²
    3. 336cm²
    4. 168cm²
  14. The diagram below is par ofa Rhombus ABCD
    Complete the Rhombus and drop a perpendicular from point to meet AB at X.
    What is the measure of the line XB?
    1. 4cm
    2. 5cm
    3. 4.5cm
    4. 6.7cm
  15. Onyango paid 12,375 for a TV after getting 25% discount, What was the marked price of the TV set?
    1. Shs4125
    2. Shs.9281.25
    3. Shs.16,500
    4. Shs.4,200
  16. Three buses leave the bus station at an interval of 24min, 36min and 48min. If they all left the bus stationat 8:10am, when will they eave station together again?
    1. 10:34am
    2. 11:34am,
    3. 9:34am
    4. 10:34pm
  17. A rectangular water tank measures 2.4m long, 1.2m wide and 0.9m high. It contains water to a height of 0.75m, how many more litres of water are required to fill the tank?
    1. 2160litres
    2. 2592litres
    3. 1620lites
    4. 432litres
  18. The fractions ½,⁷/₉,³/₈,⁵/₇ are to be arranged from the largest to the smallest. Which of the following is the correct order?
    1. ⁷/₉,½ ,⁵/₇ ,³/₈
    2. ⁷/₉,⁵/₇ ,³/₈ ,½
    3. ⁷/₉,⁵/₇ ,½ ,³/₈
    4. ⁵/₇,⁷/₉ ,½ ,³/₈
  19. The following are characteristics of quadilaterals
    1. Diagonals bisect at right angle.
    2. Diagonals are equal
    3. All angles are equal
    4. Opposite sides are equal and parallel
    5. All sides are equal
      Which combination is true for both square, and rhombus?
      1. (i)(iv)(v)
      2. (i)(iv)(ii)
      3. (ii)(iii)(iv)
      4. (iii)(iv)(v)
  20. The number of incoming flights recorded at Jomo Kenya Interatonal airport in certain months of the year are recorded below.
    Month June July Aug Sep Oct
    No. of flights 83 97 103 79 107
    Which two consecutive months recorded the highest mean of incoming fights?
    1. August and October
    2. Julyand August
    3. June and September
    4. September and Uetober
  21. Construct triangle PQR in which PQ=6.7cm.Tem QR= 5.8 and PR=7.1cm,Bisect angle QRP and let the sector meet Line PQ at M.
    What isthe size ofangle PRM?
    1. 40°
    2. 90°
    3. 23° 
    4. 67°
  22. What is the value of xin
    4(x-3) + 2(3+x) = 3
       2             4     
    1. 4¹/₅
    2. 3
    3. 5
  23. A packet is in form of a pyramid with rectangular base. Which of the following statements is true about the number of edges and vertices?
    1. 8 edges, 3 vertices
    2. 5 edges, 8 vertices
    3. 9 edges, 6 vertices
    4. 6 edges, 9 vertices
  24. A company employed 12 people to complete a peace of work in 4 dys. After working the first day 3 people did not work again. How many days did the work take to be complete?
    1. 4 days   
    2. 6 days
    3. 5¹/₃ days
    4. 5 days
  25. Which of the following sets of measurement will form a right angled triangle?
    1. 0.7cm, 2.4cm, 2.5cm
    2. 0:05cm, 0.12cm, 1.3cm
    3. 0.8fcm, 15cm, 1.7cm
    4. 3cm, 0.4cm, 5cm
  26. A lorry was loaded  with 50 bags of maize, 35 bags of and 24 bags of Ndengu. If a bag of maize weighed 90kgs while that of beans weighed 75kg, a bag of Ndengu weighed 60kg. How much was the total mass off the lorry and the load if an empty lorry has a mass of 2.75 tonnes?
    1. 8.563 tonnes
    2. 7.125 tonnes
    3. 11.315 tonnes
    4. 4.5 tonnes
  27. Gathuma bought a piece of land for 2 million shillings. He sub-divided the land into twenty five equal plots. He sold each plot at shs.100,000, What was the percentage profit?
    1. 20%
    2. 40%
    3. 50%
    4. 25%
  28. The table below shows the number of crates of soda sold by a distributor in one week.
    Mon Tue Wed Thur Fri
    52 46 65 75 34

    Which bar graph correctly show this information?
  29. Jamal deposited 50,000 ina bank that earns 5% simple interest per annum. How much interest was in his account after 1½ years?
    1. 53,750shs.
    2. 3,750shs.
    3. 7,300shs.
    4. 57,500shs.
  30. During the first lady half marathon on zero campaign 250 men took part. The number of women was three times that of men and 1250 less than that of boys. The number of girls was 200 more than that of boys. How many people in total participated inthe function?
    1. 2400
    2. 5200
    3. 1700
    4. 4200
  31. The cash price of a Generator is 24,000. The hire purchase price is 25% more than cash price. Nanok bought it on hire purchase paying 25% of the hire purchase as the deposit and the rest in 12 equal instalments. How much was, each instalment?
    1. shs.2,000
    2. shs.22,500
    3. shs.1 875
    4. shs.7,500
  32. The figure below shows a trapezium PQRS. Line PQ is parallel to RS. Line PQ=13cm, line RS=7cm and line QR=10cm,
    Whats the area of the figure?
    1. 80cm
    2. 100em
    3. 200cm
    4. 160cm
  33. What is the value of
    3.2 ÷ 0.8 + 2(0.26+3.74)
            3.6 ÷ 0.9
    1. 0.003,
    2. 0.03
    3. 0.3
    4. 3
  34. A sales lady earns a monthly salary of shs.12500, Shes also paid 2.5% on all the sales above 200,000. In one month she sold 25 cartons of books each worth 30,000. How much money did she earn as commission that month?
    1. 26 250
    2. 18 750
    3. 13 730
    4. 31 250
  35. Four boys Kantet, Mkoko, Owuor and Anyona contributed some money to buy a ball. Anyona contributed x while Mkoko contributed 1/3 of what Anyona contributed. Owuor contributed sh.200 less than the total for both Anyona and Mkoko, Kantet contributed 100 more than Anyona. If the total amount raised was 2,700, which ofthe following equation can be used to find the amount raised by each boy?
    1. 3x + 2/3x + 300 = 2700
    2. 3x + 2/3x - 100 = 2700
    3. 2x + 2/3x - 300 = 2700
    4. 2x + 1/3x - 100 = 2700
  36. At te beginning of the year 2013, the total number of leopards and buffalo at Ruma National park was 18,000. 15% of these animals were leopard. At the end ofthe year the leopard increased by 20% while the buffalo reduced by 20%. What was the total numberof animals at the park by the end ofthe year?
    1. 14 400
    2. 12 240
    3. 3 240
    4. 15 480
  37. The diagram below shows Wakaba's plot of land.
    Calculate the length ofthe wire needed to fence the land using three strands of wire
    1. 3720m
    2. 1240m
    3. 880m
    4. 800m
  38. The table below shows the number of cars that passed near Waka school ina certain week. Number for Thursday is not shown.
    Day Mon Tue Wed Thur Fri Sat
    No. of
     29  33  41    47  37

    If the mean number of cars was 36, what is the sum of mode and median?
    1. 29
    2. 64
    3. 35
    4. 55
  39. In a certain factory 3/5 of the employees are women. On a day when 3/20 of the women were absent, 306 women were present. How many men are there in the factory?
    1. 600
    2. 360
    3. 54
    4. 240
  40. The perimeter ofa rectangle is 36cm.The width is 4cm less than the length .Calculate twice its area.
    1. 77cm²
    2. 55cm²
    3. 154cm²
    4. 110cm²
  41. A motorist drove for 40min ata speed of 90km/hr from home to town. He took 24min to drive back home. Calculate the average speed for the whole journey.
    1. 150km/hr
    2. 225km/hr
    3. 112½km/hr
    4. 120km/hr
  42. Ole Munyere shared a number of cows: To his four children. Their shares were Timothy 0.3, Gloria 0.11, Sein 0.19 Naiserian 0.17. Ifthe children gota total of 462 cows, how many cows did he remain with?
    1. 138
    2. 0.23
    3. 600
    4. 0.77
  43. In a meeting there were 840 attendants. The ratio of men to women was 3:4. Later 60 men left while 60 women joined. What was the new ratio of men to women?
    1. 1:1
    2. 4:3
    3. 9:5
    4. 5:9
  44. The diagram below shows which type of a triangle?
    1. Right angled triangle
    2. Scalene
    3. Isosceles triangle
    4. Equilateral triangle
  45. The diagram below shows a wooden solid
    Calculate the sure area taking π=3.14
    1. 2590.5cm2
    2. 1906.5cm2
    3. 706.5cm2
    4. 3790.5cm2
  46. Duale’s watch loses 15sec every hour. The watch was set right on Monday 8:30am. What time didit show on Friday the same week when the correct time was 8:30am?
    1. 8:54am
    2. 8:54pm
    3. 8:06am
    4. 8:06pm
  47. A triangular plot of land measures 75m by 125m by 150m is to be fenced. The posts are to be 2.5m apart. How many posts are required?
    1. 141
    2. 15
    3. 14
    4. 140
  48. Sathya Sair School received 120 cartons of milk. Each carton contain 21 -2dl packets of milk. How many litres of milk were received by the school?
    1. 504 litres
    2. 5040 litres
    3. 252 litres
    4. 2520 litres
  49. Which of the following shapes will be the next in the pattern?
  50. The graph below shows apart of Nyaga’s Journey from Tharaka Nithi to Nyahururu a distance of 280km. After driving for 1½hrs his vehicle broke down and took one hour to repair.
    What was his spood afr repairing the car?
    1. 16 8/17 km/hr
    2. 25 km/hr
    3. 40 km/hr
    4. 12 ½km/hr

Marking Scheme

  1. B
  2. C
  3. B
  4. B
  5. C
  6. C
  7. A
  8. B
  9. A
  10. D
  1. C
  2. D
  3. C
  4. B
  5. C
  6. D
  7. C
  8. A
  9. B
  10. A
  1. C
  2. C
  3. A
  4. C
  5. A
  6. C
  7. C
  8. D
  9. C
  10. B
  1. D
  2. B
  3. C
  4. A
  5. A
  6. D
  7. A
  8. C
  9. C
  10. B
  1. A
  2. B
  3. C
  4. A
  5. B
  6. B
  7. B
  8. B
  9. A
  10. A



  • This paper consists of 30 Questions.
  • Answer all the questions.
  • Show all the working in the spaces provided below each question.


  1. What is the total value of digit 8 after working out 23457 + 9130?
  2. The number of litres of pesticides used to kill locusts in the month of June. was 897. This was less the number used in May. If the number of litres of pesticides used in May was 5678, use the place value table to show place values of the reduction of pesticide used?
  3. Write the following in words. Kshs 46,987
  4. Round off 809976 to the nearest thousand.
  5. Mwakazi's total marks in assessments for the year 2021 and 2022 were as follows; 345,457,387,298,460,323. Arrange his performance in a descending order?
  6. A school has 960 pupils. The school has two streams from Grade one to six and two streams in class 7 and 8. How many pupils are there per stream?
  7. Mwaura had Kshs 7654 and Tim had Kshs 8765. They put the amount in one ac count. How much did they have altogether ?
  8. Find the volume of;
  9. A book costs sh 345. What is the cost of 20 such books?
  10. Work out;
    36= 6 x 5 + 8 - 12=
  11. Convert 7035 millilitres into litres and millilitres.
  12. Calculate the area of the figure.
  13. Fill in the missing number
    __ = 63/72
  14. Solve the equation
    W + 7=13
  15. A carpenter had a piece of wood 73m 50 cm long. It was cut into 7 equal pieces. How many pieces were cut?
  16. Find the sum of the largest and smallest number formed by the digits below.
  17. Which of the following lines are parallel?
  18. What is the next number in the pattern? 2,4,8, 16, 32, _____________?
  19. Convert 0.09 into a fraction.
  20. Find the difference between the LCM and GCD of 5, 10 and 15.
  21. Work out;
    km           m
      5          575
      x              4
  22. Convert 10345 metres into km and metres.
  23. Work out 
    40.4 + 0.77 + 3.5 =
  24. Caleb bought the following items from a shop;
    2 kg of rice @ sh 130
    A loaf of bread for sh 80
    2 packets of milk @ sh 55
    A 2 kg packet of maize flour for sh 115
    He paid using 4 - sh 200 notes. Calculate her balance.
  25. Calculate the distance round the figure.
  26. Simplify the fraction.
  27. Convert 240 hours into days.
  28. How many small tins will fill the big tin?
  29. Mary had W mangoes. She ate 5 mangoes and gave her friends 8 mangoes. Form an equation to show the number of mangoes that remained?
  30. The graph below shows the number of litres of milk sold by a farmer during the week.

    If a litre of mi lk cost sh 50, how much money did the farmer collect on Tuesday, Thursday and Friday. 

Marking Scheme

  1. 80/ Eighty
  2. 4781
  3. Forty six thousand nine hundred and eighty seven
  4. 810000
  5. 460, 457, 387, 345, 323, 298
  6. 60
  7. Sh 16 419
  8. 360cm3
  9. Sh 6900
  10. 26
  11. π 35ml
  12. 270m2
  13. 7
  14. W=6
  15. 10m 50cm
  16. 11588
  17. C
  18. 64
  19. 9/100
  20. 55
  21. 22km 300m
  22. 10km 345m
  23. 44.67
  24. Sh 235
  25. 140m
  26. 2/3
  27. 10 days
  28. 48
  29. W-13
  30. Sh 5750


  1. Write 3241 in words.
  2. What is the place vatue of digit 6 in the number613?
  3. What is the total value of the underlined digit? 453
  4. Write in symbols:
    One thoiisand and thirty four
  5. Round off to the nearest 10    - 149
  6. Numbers which are divisible by 2 are called numbers. (odd, even)
  7. Write the first six multiples of 4.
  8. Complete the following pattern:
    23,21, 19, 17,
  9. Write 6 in Roman numeral.
  10. Add:
    +   9 

  11. A factory processed 4378 bags of coffee berries in October and 3912 bags in November. How many bags of coffee berries were processed in the two months?
  12. 645
    - 89

  13. Work out by rounding off the number to the nearest 10.
    19 - 13 =
  14. 24 x 2 =
  15. 29 ÷ 2 =


  1. Work out the perimeter of this shape.
  2. m   cm
    5     30
    -2    10

  3. How many ½ kg packets can be obtained from 4 kg of sugar?
  4. 59 litres
    +40 litres

  5. 1 hour =________minutes.  


  1. Complete the pattern
  2. A triangle has sides.
  3. Name any object with a triangular shape


  1. Arrange the following marks obtained by ten learners in a Mathematics test in ascending order.
    46, 48, 56, 50, 48, 60, 46, 56, 62, 56


  1. 5a + 2a =
  2. 3c + 4c =
  3. 10b - 7b =
  4. Naliaka sold 9p shirts, 2r pairs of shorts and 8r skirts. How many items did she sell?
  5. w + 3w =
  6. 20m - 13m = 


  1. Three thousand two hundred and fourty one.
  2. hundreds
  3. 50
  4. 1034
  5. 150
  6. even
  7. 8, 12, 16, 20, 24
  8. 15, 13
  9. vu
  10. 2023 
  11. 8290
  12. 556
  13. 6
  14. 48
  15. 14 rem 1
  16. 92
  17. 3m 20 cm
  18. 8
  19. 99 litres
  20. 60
  21. pattern
  22. 3
  23. Any triangle item.
  24. 46, 46, 48, 48, 50
    56, 56, 60, 62
  25. 7a
  26. 7c
  27. 3b
  28. 19 items
  29. 4 w
  30. 7m
Tuesday, 26 April 2022 12:52

Mathematics Homework Activities - CBC Grade 4


Exercise 1

a).Whole numbers

  1. Use an abacus to represent the place value of the digits in the following numbers
    1. 2346
    2. 7049
  2. A tank contains 29648 litres of water. How many litres of water are represented by digit 6?
  3. Write the numbers below in word
    1. 999
    2. 985
  4. Write the largest number formed by the digit 2, 9 and 7 in words
  5. George used the symbol 6, 8 and 5 to form 3 digit numbers. Write the smallest number that he formed in words.
  6. Arrange the following numbers from the largest to the smallest 618, 186, 816, 168, 861
  7. Round off 599 to the nearest ten.
  8. List all the factors of 48
  9. Write the next 3 multiples of 7 after 28.
  10. How many odd members are there between 13 and 29?
  11. Work out 9 minus 2 and give your answer in Roman numerals.
  12. Write the missing numbers to complete the pattern
    5, 9, 13, ........... , ......... ,25, 29

Exercise 2
Addition and subtraction of whole numbers

  1. Work out
    1. 2786 + 235 = 
    2. 8476 + 651 =
  2. Subtract
    1. 3901 - 846 =
    2. 8275 - 999 =
  3. The schools were supplied with text books. School Y received 5305 books while school Z received 2007 books. How many text books altogether did the two schools receive?
  4. A farmer harvested 642 bags of maize and 1526 bags of beans. How many bags altogether did the farmer harvest?
  5. In a certain primary school, there were 1080 learners. If 609 are girls, how many boys are in that school?
  6. A Meeting was attended by 852 men and 1436 women. Work out the sum of the people who attended the meeting by rounding off each number to the nearest 10
  7. Find the missing numbers
    1. 800 + ................. = 1800
    2. 1100 + ................ = 9500

Exercise 3
Multiplication and division of whole numbers

  1. There are 36 match sticks in a match box. How many match sticks are there in ten such match boxes?
  2. There are 48 learners in each class in a certain school. How many learners are there in 8 classes altogether?
  3. A matatu carries 38 passengers in one trip. How many passengers are carried in 64 such trips?
  4. Work out
    1.   98
    2. 84 ÷ 7 =
  5. Mohamed had 73 mangoes. He put them in baskets each holding 6 mangoes
    1. How many baskets did he fill?
    2. How many mangoes remained?
  6. 92 sweets were shared among 7 children.
    1. How many sweets did each child get?
    2. How many sweets remained?
  7. Kim brought 24 boxes of tiles each containing 36 tiles. How many tiles altogether did he buy?

Exercise 4

  1. What fractions of the figure is shaded?
    1. 1a ygauyda
    2. 1b auygduyad
  2. What fraction of the group is unshaped?
    1. 2a uygauygyada
  3. Write the denominator in the following fractions
    1. 2/9
    2. 4/9
  4. In a birthday party, Mutunga divided the cake into 6 equal parts. He ate two of the parts.
    What fraction of the cake did Mutunga eat?
  5. Convert 35/6 into improper fractions
  6. Change 17/4 into a mixed fraction
  7. Shade 7/10 in the diagram below
    7 ahagdyagda
  8. The list given shows some fractions
    3/5, 12/7, 43/8, 8/11, 18/13, 23/17
    1. The proper fractions are?
    2. Theimproper fractions are?
    3. Mixed fractions are?

Exercise 5

  1. Write the shaded part as a decimal
    1 auygdyuada
  2. Shade 0.6 in the diagram
    2 auydguyagda
  3. Write the following fractions as decimals
    1. 0.05
    2. 0.5
    3. 0.43
  4. Write the following decimals as fractions
  5. What is the place value of digit 8 in the number 5.38?
  6. Write seven hundredths as a decimal
  7. Arrange the decimals from the smallest to the largest
    1. 1.3, 3.1,0.9, 0.3, 2.4
    2. 0.54, 0.31, 0.72, 1.2
  8. Which is the bigger number in each of the pairs below?
    1. 0.8, 0.79
    2. 4.37, 4.73

Exercise 6

  1. Which units would you use to measure?
    1. Length of your classroom ..............................
    2. Length of your Math's Exercise book ...............................
    3. Length of your Chalk box .........................
    4. Length of your knife ...............................
  2. Convert the following into metres
    1. 400cm
    2. 250cm
  3. Convert 375cm into metres and centimetres
  4. Convert 7m 45cm into centimetres
  5. Work out
    1.   m   cm
       18   70
      + 6   30
    2.    m   cm
         41  85
      + 35  30
    3.   m   cm
        25  55
      +12  45
  6. Subtract
    1.   m  cm
        12  40
      +11  68
    2.   m  cm
        32 10
      +20 99
  7. A rope has a length of 8cm 20cm. If it was cut into two pieces. If one piece is 5m 35cm, what was the length of the other piece?
  8. Multiply
    1. 4m 24 cm by 7 =
    2. 8m 32cm by 4 =
  9. A metallic rod 32m 2cm long was cut into 5 equal pieces. How long was each piece?
  10. Divide 44m 16cm by 3 = 

Exercise 7

  1. Work out the perimeter of each shape below?
    1. a uygauygdad
    2. b agdaguygdada
    3. c ayugduyada
    4. d aygdyuada
  2. An athlete ran around the field below two times. What distance did he cover?
    2e ahdguyagda
  3. Calculate the perimeter in metres
    3e auygdyuada
  4. Calculate the area in square units
    1. area a aydguada
    2. area b aiugdhiuad
    3. area c agdyuad
  5. Calculate the area of the figures below
    1. 5a uygauygdada
    2. 5b aiuhdiauhda
    3. 5c auygduyada
  6. The area of a rectangle is 90cm2. If its length is 15cm, what is its width?

Exercise 8

  1. When 1 kg of meat is divided into 2 equal masses, each piece of meat has a mass of.....................kg
  2. How many half kg masses are there in 4kg?
  3. How many quarter kg packets can be packed from 6kg?
  4. Complete the statements below
    1. 1kg = .............................. half kg
            =  ............................. quarter kg
    2. 1/2 kg = ............................ quarter kg
  5. A shopkeeper had 12 half kg packets of sugar. How many kg of sugar did he have?
  6. How many kg packets can be mad efrom 16 quarter kg packets?
  7. A wedding cake whose mass was 2kg, was cut into four equal parts. What was the mass of each piece of cake?

Exercise 9
Addition and subtractions

  1. Work out
    1. 132kg + 84kg = 
    2. 536kg + 729kg = 
    3.     87kg
      + 45kg
  2. Gitonga bought 5413kg of maize in January. In February, he bought 899kg of maize. How many kg of maize altogether did he buy?
  3. Joshua bought 527kg of beans. Mutua bought 408kg of beans. How many kilograms of beans did they buy altogether?
  4. Subtract 328kg from 1903kg
  5. Work out
  6. A butcher bought 557kg of meat. He sold 198kg to his customers. How many kilograms of meat remained?
  7. A teacher had 224 sweets. He gave out 170kg to his learners. How many sweets remained?

Exercise 10
Volume and Capacity

  1. Name the figures drawn below
    1. volume 1
    2. volume 2 auygdad
  2. volume 3 aydhgyuad
    1. How many layers are in the stack shown?
    2. How many unit cubes are in each layer?
  3. Work out the volume of the cuboids represented below
    1. volume 4 ayugdad
    2. volume 5 aiuhduiada
  4. How many half litre cups can fill the 5 litre jug?
    volume 6 iuahdiua
  5. Two quarter litres are equal to .......................... litres
  6. One litre has ................ 1/4 litres
  7. 3 litres = ................. quarter litres
  8. A drum has 247 litres. Another drum has 169 litres of water. How many litres of water are in the two drums altogether?
  9. A tank had 2084 litres. A familyu used 1253 litres. How many litres remained?
  10. Work out
    1. 603 litres
      -58 litres
    2.   1924 litres
      +4094 litres
  11. Complete the statement
    volume 11 aiuhduiahda


  1. The clock face below shows time in the morning
    volume 12 agdyada
    What is the time in am/pm?
  2. What time in am/pm is it?
    1. 4 hours after midnight
    2. 2 hrs 20 minutes after midday
    3. 30 minutes after-midnight
  3. Draw a clock face and show






     a) 6.25  b) 5 minutes to 3 o'clock
  4. Kariuki arrived home at the time shown in the evening
    time 2 actual agdiuada
    What time in am/pm did he arrive home?
  5. At what time of the day is the shadow shortest?
  6. Convert 3hr 15 minutes into minutes
  7. Covert 135 minutes into hours and minutes
  8. How many hours are there in 480 minutes
  9. A football match took 115 minutes. How long did the match take in hours and minutes?
  10. Convert 14 days into hours
  11. How many days are there in 144 hours?
  12. Convert 42 days into wevIcs and days
  13. A house wAs cons tructed into 84 dayss. How long was this period in weeks?
  14. Work out
    1.   Hrs min
        6    45
      +4    15
    2.   Hrs min
         9     18
      -  8     30
    3. weeks days
          5        6
      +  2        4
  15. Kipchoge took 2hrs 25 minutes to finish a race. Jelimo took 2 hours 48 minutes to finish the same race. How much longer did Jelimo take to finish the race?'


  1. Convert sh.9 into cents
  2. convert 685 cents into and cents
  3. Jane bought a rriatch or 4.50 shillings. How many cents did the match box cost?
  4. How many 5 shillings coins are in Sh.80?
  5. A shopkeeper had the following coins in his cash box
    • 3 coins of sh. 10 each
    • 2 coins of sh. 5 each
    • 5 coins of sh. 20 each
      How much money altogether did he have in his cash box?
  6. Leah bought a packet of Unga at Sh.120, 2 loaves of bread each, costing Sh.50 and a match box for Sh.5.
    1. How much money did she spend?
    2. How much balance did she get if she gave the shopkeeper Sh.500?
  7. Mary bought 2kg meat for sh. 835. How much balance did she get from sh. 1000?
    1.   sh  cents
        85    20
      +17    80
    2.  sh  cents
      123  10
      -74   95
  9. John had Sh.146.90 cents while Onyango had Sh.308.70 cents. How much more money did Onyango have than John?


  1. Complete by writing clockwise or anticlockwise
    1. Turning the key to close a door .......................................
    2. Opening a tap .......................................
    3. Closing a lid of a bottle .......................................
    4. Movement of the hand of a clock face .......................................
  2. How many half turns can be made to make a full turn?
  3. Complete the statement
    1. An angle less than a right angle is called .......................................
    2. An angle more than a right angle but less than two right angles is called .......................................
  4. Name the angle shown below
    zzzzzzzzzz 4 aygduyada
  5. Which angle is commonly found at the corners of a door or a text book? .......................................
  6. A rectangle has .......................................lines of symmetry
  7. A square has......................................lines of symmetry
  8. A triangle has......................................angles
  9. Complete the pattern
    9 last aguygyad

Data handling

  1. The following are marks scored by 20 grade 4 learners in a Mathematics quiz.
    78, 74, 86, 88, 78, 84, 74, 78, 88, 86, 74, 88, 86, 78, 74, 84, 74, 88, 86, 88
    Record the data in the table below
    Marks Tally marks  Number of pupils 
  2. The table shows the number of vehicles observed by learners from masomo primary school during a school tour
    Copy and complete the table
     Vehicles Tally marks  Quantity 
     Taxis   IIII    IIII   III      
     Lorries    34
     Saloon car  IIII    IIII  IIII  I   
     Min buses    27
     buses  IIII   IIII   IIII   IIII  I     


  1. A farmer has 8 goats, Y sheep and Z hens. How many animals altogether does he have?
  2. There are 3g girls and 2g boys in a cinema hall. How many people altogether are in the cinema hall?
  3. A farmer collected 12C eggs then sold 7C egg remained?
  4. A book seller has 5d books. He sold 3r books. How many books remained?
  5. In a class there are 8x pupils.Each pupil was given 3 sweets. How many sweets altogether were given out?
  6. Maria bought 3 shirts from the supermarket. If each shirt was sold at 6p shillings, how much did she pay for the shirts, altogether?
  7. Simplify the expressions below
    1. 2w + 5w + 4w = 
    2. 7x - 3x - x =
    3. 8q + .4q + 2q =
  8. George had 10 b story books, 12 y exercise books and 8 x maths text books. How many books in total did he have?
  9. Karim had Sh.15d. He spent Sh.9d to buy toys. How many shillings did he remain with?
  10. In a basket there are 6t lemons, 8x mangoes and 4y oranges. How many fruits altogether are in the basket?


Exercise 1

    1. maths 1 iyauyad
    2. maths 2 auygda
  2. Hundreds
    1. Nine Hundred and ninety nine
    2. Nine Hundred and eighty five
  4. 972
  5. 562
  6. 861, 816, 618, 186, 166
  7. 600
  8. 1,2,3,4,6,8,12,16,24
  9. 28,35,42,49
  10. 13,15,17,19,21,23,25,27 
  11. Vii
  12. 17, 21

Exercise 2 

    1. 3021
    2. 9127
    1. 3055
    2. 7276
  3. 7312
  4. 2168
  5. 471
  6. 2290
    1. 1000
    2. 8400

Exercise 3

  1. 360
  2. 384
  3. 2432
    1. 4606
    2. 12
    3. 17 Rem 1
    1. 12
    2. 1 Mango
    1. 13
    2. 1sweet
  7. 864

Exercise 4

    1. 5/8
    2. 4/5 or
  2. 2/5 
    1. 9
    2. 9
  4. 2/6 or 1/3
  5. 23/6
  6. 41/4
  7. Shading 7 boxes
    1. 3/5, 8/11
    2. 12/7, 18/13
    3. 43/8 23/17

Exercise 5

  1. 0.375
  2. Shading
    1. 0.9
    2. 0.07.
    3. 0.59
    1. 5/100
    2. 5/10
    3. 43/100
  5. Hundredth
  6. 0.07 
    1. 0.3, 0.9, 1.3, 3.1, 24
    2. 0.31, 0.54, 0.72, 1.2 8.
    1. 0.8 
    2. 4.73

Exercise 6

    1. metres
    2. Centimetres
    3. Centimetres
    4. Centimetres
    1. 4 metres
    2. 2.5m
    1. 3 metres 75 cm
  4. 745cm 
    1. 25m 00cm
    2. 77m 15cm
    3. 38m 00cm 
    1. 24m 08cm
    2. 53m 09 cm
  7. 2.85
    1. 29.68
    2. 33.22
  9. 6.44
  10. 14.72

Exercise 7

    1. 46cm
    2. 140cm
    3. 106cm
    4. 143cm
  2. 586cm
  3. 2 metres
    1. 4 units
    2. 48 units
    3. 64 units
    1. 216cm2
    2. 250 cm2
    3. 1125cm2
  6. 6cm

Exercise 8

  1. 0.5 
  2. 8
  3. 24
    1. 2, 4
    2. 2 5.
  5. 6.
  6. 4
  7. 1/2 kg

Exercise 9

    1. 216
    2. 1265
    3. 132
  2. 6312kg
  3. 935kg
  4. 1575
  5. 1949
  6. 359
  7. 54

Exercise 10

    1. Cube
    2. Cuboid
    1. 4
    2. 24
    1. 108 cubes
    2. 96 cubes
  4. 10
  5. 1/2
  6. 4
  7. 12
  8. 416 litres 
  9. 831
    1. 545
    2. 6018
  11. 1 Litre


  1. 10.37am 
    1. am 
    2. pm 
    3. am
  3. maths 3 atydadga

    maths 4 auygdyad
  4. 6.20pm
  5. Noon
  6. 195 mins
  7. 2 hrs 15 min
  8. 8 hours
  9. 1 hour 55 min 
  10. 336 hrs 
  11. 6 days 
  12. 6 weeks 
  13. 12 weeks
    1. 11 hrs 00min
    2. 48 min
    3. 8Wks 3days
  15. 23 min


  1. 900 cents
  2. 6 sh. 25 cts
  3. 450 cts
  4. 16
  5. 140 Shs
    1. 225
    2. 275
  7. 165 Shs 
    1. 103Shs 00cts
    2. 48Shs 15 cts
  9. 161.80 cts


    1. Anti-clockwise
    2. Clockwise 
    3. Clockwise
    4. Clockwise
  2. 2
    1. acute
    2. Obtuse 
    1. Obtuse
    2. Acute
    3. Right angle
    4. Reflect angle
  5. Right angle
  6. 2
  7. 4
  8. 3

Data Handling

Marks Tally marks  Number of pupils 
 74  IIII  5
 78  IIII  4
 84  II  2
 86  IIII  4
 88  IIII  5


 Vehicles Tally marks  Quantity 
 Taxis   IIII    IIII   III      13
 Lorries  IIII  IIII   IIII   IIII   IIII   IIII  IIII    34
 Saloon car  IIII    IIII  IIII  I   16
 Min buses  IIII  IIII  IIII  IIII  IIII II  27
 buses  IIII   IIII   IIII   IIII  I     22


  1. A farmer has 8 goats, Y sheep and Z hens. How many animals altogether does he have? 8 + Y + Z = 8YZ
  2. There are 3g girls and 2g boys in a cinema hall. How many people altogether are in the cinema hall?  3g + 2g = 5g
  3. A farmer collected 12C eggs then sold 7C egg remained?   12c - 7c = 5c
  4. A book seller has 5d books. He sold 3r books. How many books remained?  5d - 3r
  5. In a class there are 8x pupils.Each pupil was given 3 sweets. How many sweets altogether were given out?  24x
  6. Maria bought 3 shirts from the supermarket. If each shirt was sold at 6p shillings, how much did she pay for the shirts, altogether?  18p
  7. Simplify the expressions below
    1. 2w + 5w + 4w =  11u
    2. 7x - 3x - x = 3x
    3. 8q + .4q + 2q = 14q
  8. George had 10 b story books, 12 y exercise books and 8 x maths text books. How many books in total did he have?  10b + 12y + 8x
  9. Karim had Sh.15d. He spent Sh.9d to buy toys. How many shillings did he remain with?    6d
  10. In a basket there are 6t lemons, 8x mangoes and 4y oranges. How many fruits altogether are in the basket?  6t + 8x + 4y
Tagged under


  1. What is the place value of the underlined figure (5mks)
    1. 66...................................................................
    2. 7405 ...................................................................
    3. 8726 ...................................................................
  2. Arrange the numbers from the largest to the smallest
    1. 90, 190, 290, 394
    2. 313, 303, 103, 113
    3. 19,18, 29, 38, 49
  3. Work out:
    1. 304
    2. 928
      + 12           
    3. 297
    4. 968
  4. Round off the figure to the nearest 10
    1. 67 ...................................................................
    2. 92 ...................................................................
    3. 25 ...................................................................
  5. Name the shapes below
    1. 5 ayigdad
    2. 5b auuhduada
    3. 5c aygdad
    4. 5d augdyauda
  6.  What is the next number in the series
    1. 90, 100, 110,......,130
    2. 13,15,...........,19,21
    3. 25,20, 15,.........,5
  7. What is the fraction of shaded parts
    1. 7a aughduyad
    2. 7b aiugduiad
    3. 7c ayugyudada
  8. Represent the numbers on the abacus
    8a aiugdad
    8b aiuyhdad
  9. Mr. Kamau had 799 marbles. He bought other 29 marbles. How many marbles did he have altogether?
  10. Work out:
    1. 897
      - 29     
    2. 963
      - 17    
  11.  A year has ................... months
    1. 12 a aiiytdya
    2. 12b aiuhduiad
  13. What is 1/2 of 24 = ...................................................................
  14. Complete the pattern
    14 aiuhuiahdda


    1. ones
    2. hundred
    3. tens
    1. 394, 290, 190,90
    2. 313, 303, 113, 103
    3. 49,38, 29, 19, 18 3. 
    1. 734
    2. 947
    3. 394
    4. 1013
  4. 70, 90, 30
    1. star
    2. square
    3. triangle 
    4. circle
    1. 120
    2. 17 
    3. 10
    1. 3/8
    2. 1/4
    3. 4/13
    1. 8a aygdyad
    2. 8b iyugduyad
  9. 828
    1. 868
    2. 946
  11. 12
    1. 250
    2. 600
  13. 12 
Tagged under


  1. What is the total value of digit 4 in the following numbers (2mks)
  2. What is the place value of digit 3 in the following numbers (4mks)
    1. 3426
    2. 7553
  3. Work out the following numbers (2mks)
    4567+ 456
  4. Write the following numbers in words (4mks)
    1. 6702
    2. 3210
  5. Which is heavier - 10kg of feathers and 10kg of stone (2mks :
  6. Ruth bought 457bags of sand and 798bags of cement. How many bags did she buy altogether? (2mks)
  7. Work out (2mks)
    5789 - 4597
  8. A grade 5 teacher had 63books to share among 7 pupils equally. How many books did each 8. pupil get? (2mks)
  9. Convert the following decimal into fractions (2mks)
  10. What is the place value of digit 2 in the following numbers (4mks)
    1. 2.43
    2. 7.52
  11. How many quarter kilogram packets are there in half a kilogram? (2mks)
  12. Work out (4mks)
    1. 46kg 572g x3
    2.  A grade 5 boy grade 5 pupil had a string 12m 45cm long, he then cut the string into 3 equal pieces. What was the length of each piece?
  13. What is the product of 9 and 7 (1mk)
  14. Complete the pattern (2mks)
    8, 16, 24,............., 40,..............
  15. Murage had sh 100 note. He bought quarter kilogram of sugar at sh 30 and glucose at sh 15. How much balance did he get?
  16. A pupil planted 13 rows of trees. Each row had 9 trees. How many trees did she plant altogether?


  1. Thousands
    1. 3000
    2. 3
  3. 5023
    1. six thousand, seven hundred and two
    2. three thousand, two hundred and ten
  5. 10kg of stone
  6. 1255
  7. 1192
  8. 9
  9. 4/10 or  2/5
    1. 2
    2. 0.02
  11. 2
    1. 139 kg 716 g
    2. 4m 15cm
  13. 63
  14. 8,16,24,32,40, 48
  15. 55
  16. 117
Tagged under


  1. What is the place value of digit 3 in the numbers below? (3mks)
    1. 430 4
    2. 2653 2
    3. 58 23
  2. A member of county assembly donated 5486 books to a certain school. What is the figure in words.
  3. What is the perimeter of the figures
  4. In a farm there are 4678 animals 2626 are female animals. How many male animals were in the farm
  5. Workout
    1. 672
    2. 987
    3. 3561
    4. 4623
      + 288
  6. Write the following numbers in words
    1. 343
    2. 999
    3. 606
  7. Fill in the missing number
  8. What is the next number in the series
    1. 2000,2200,_____,2600, 2800
    2. 900, 1000, 1100,_____,1300
    3. 3, 5,____,9, 11
  9. Arrange the fraction from the smallest to the largest
    1. 1/81/21/41/3,____
    2. 1/91/31/61/81/10,____
  10. Multiply
    x  3
  11. Acarton had 5 packets of pens, each packet had 12 pens. How many pens were there in the carton altogether
  12. Complete the pattern


    1. hundreds
    2. tens
    3. ones
  2. five thousand four hundred and eighty six
    1. 35 cm
    2. 93 cm
    3. 68 cm
  4. 2052
    1. 1398
    2. 1236
    3. 12830
    4. 4911
    1. Three hundred and forty three
    2. Nine hundred and ninety nine
    3. Six hundred and six
    1. 9
    2. 5
    3. 8
    1. 2400
    2. 1200
    3. 7
    1. 1/81/41/31/2
    2. 1/101/91/61/3
  10. 723
  11. 60 pens 


  1. What is 18 018 018 written in words? 
    1. Eighteen million, eighty one thousand and eighteen.
    2. Eighty one million, eighteen thousand and eighty one.
    3. Eighteen million, eight hundred and one thousand and eighty one.
    4. Eighteen million, eighteenthousand, one hundred and eight.
  2. What is the place value of digit 3 in the number 532816? 
    1. Hundreds 
    2. Thousands 
    3. Tens of thousands 
    4. Hundreds of thousand
  3. The area of a square mat is 841cm? Find the length of one side of the mat. 
    1. 19cm
    2. 29cm 
    3. 31cm
    4. 21cm
  4. Which of the following numbers is divisible by 11?
    1. 15669 
    2. 88456 
    3. 14633 
    4. 58806
  5. What is the total value of digit 8 in the product of 526 and 32?
    1. Eight hundred 
    2. Eight thousand 
    3. Eighty thousands 
    4. Eighty
  6. Two bags of wheat weight 48kg and 64kg have to be put in smaller bags of equal mass. What is the greatest mass of each smaller bag obtained by subdividing the wheat equally without a remainder? 
    1. 8kg
    2. 192kg
    3. 16kg
    4. 32kg
  7. Simplify the equation below.
    4(3a + 4c) + 3 (2a - 3c)
    1. 18a - 25c
    2. 18a + 7c
    3. 18a +25c
    4. 18a - 7c
  8. What is the LCM of 15, 18 and 21?
    1. 360 
    2. 420 
    3. 630
  9. What is the next number in the following pattern?
    5, 8, 13, 20, 29,  .................
    1. 38 
    2. 42 
    3. 40 
    4. 45
  10. Which of the following statement is CORRECT?
    1. 2/9 is greater than 0.22 
    2. 2/is less than 0.22 
    3. 0.22 is greater than 2/9
    4. 2/is equal to 0.22
  11. Pamela bought the following items from a shop.
    2 loaves of bread @sh. 55.00
    3 bars of soap for sh.215.00
    11/2kg of rice @sh.90.00
    2-2kg wheat flour @ sh. 130.00
    How much money did she pay for all the items?
    1. Sh.860.00 
    2. Sh.1060.00 
    3. Sh.780.00 
    4. Sh.720.00
  12. What is the value of k in the equation.
    2k + 3+ k = 36
    1. 13
    2. 11
    3. 12 
    4. 14
  13. A car uses one litre of petrol to cover 123/4 km. How many kilometers will be covered by the car if it's fueled with 61/2 litres of petrol?
    1. 821/2 km 
    2. 832/8 km 
    3. 871/2 km
    4. 287/8 km
  14. Which of the following number is divisible by 8?
    1. 24856 
    2. 64844
    3. 36846
    4. 48682
  15. What is 58642 rounded off to the nearest thousands? 
    1. 58 600
    2. 58 000
    3. 60 000
    4. 59 000
  16. Express 13/20 as a percentage?
    1. 52%
    2. 65%
    3. 78%
    4. 56%
  17. What is the mass of 3 packets containing 161/3 kg, 122/5 kg and 181/6 kg of rice?
    1. 361/9 
    2. 271/6
    3. 469/10
    4. 332/3
  18. What is the reciprocal of 51/6?
    1. 31/6
    2. 61/5
    3. 61/6
    4. 6/31
  19. Round of 18.67864 to three decimal places?
    1. 18.67
    2. 18.678
    3. 18.68 
    4. 18.679
  20. Add: 517.4+ 1.8693 + 14.85
    1. 524.1233 
    2. 544.9311 
    3. 534.1193 
    4. 516.4322
  21. A man earns sh.28 000. He saves 18% and spends the rest. How much does he spend? 
    1. Sh.5040 
    2. Sh.22*960 
    3. Sh.21 560 
    4. Sh.18 550
  22. A motor cycles wheel has a diameter of 63cm. What distance will it cover if it rotates 500 revolution?
    1. 99m 
    2. 99 000m 
    3. 9.900m 
    4. 990m
  23. Find the area of the triangle drawn below.
    23 afasads
    1. 612cm2
    2. 522cm2
    3. 504cm2
    4. 536cm2
  24. What is the size of angle marked n?
    24 sssfssf
    1. 120°
    2. 40°
    3. 130°
    4. 150°
  25. A plane left Jomo Kenyatta airport at 2115hrs. After flying for 13 hours 40 minutes, it landed in Amsterdam in Netherlands. At what time in 24 hours clock system did it land?
    1. 1355hrs
    2. 1055hrs
    3. 2255hrs
    4. 0155hrs
  26. A lorry travelled from Thika to Mai Mahiu, 150km away in one and half hours. At how many kilometres per hour did it travel? 
    1. 80km/hr 
    2. 90km/hr 
    3. 100km/hr
    4. 120km/hr
  27. A rectangular container of length 90cm and width 60cm was filled with 270,000cm of water. Find the depth of the water in the container. 
    1. 60cm 
    2. 50cm 
    3. 40cm 
    4. 30cm
  28. A lorry was loaded with 80 cartons of milk. Each carton contained 50 two-decilitre packets of milk. How many litres of milk did the lorry carry? 
    1. 800 
    2. 80 
    3. 8000 
    4. 80000
  29. Add:
      T     kg     g
     15   234   98
    + 3   979   932

    1. 180 1213kg 1300g 
    2. 191 214kg 300g
    3. 191 214kg 3g 
    4. 19t 214kg 30g
  30. The price of a whcelbarrow Sh.3275. If it was sold at a loss of sh.725, at what price was it sold? 
    1. Sh.4 000.00
    2. Sh.2 875.00 
    3. Sh.2 550.00
    4. Sh.3 575.00
  31. Mwangi's plot of land is rectangular in shape. Its dimensions are 850m long and 315m wide. Calculate the area of the plot in hectares?
    1. 2.6775ha
    2. 26.775ha
    3. 267.75ha
    4. 2667.5ha
  32.  What is the area of the shaded region in the figure below.
    32 szdfsada
    1. 4988cm2
    2. 1247cm2
    3. 3842cm2
    4. 2494cm2
  33. What is the sum of complimentary angle of 56° and supplementary angle 75°?
    1. 139°
    2. 154°
    3. 146°
    4. 131°
  34. Which of the following statement is FALSE about triangles?
    1. It has three sides.
    2. The sum of exterior angles adds up to four right angles.
    3. The sum of interior angles adds up to four right angles. 
    4. It has three angles.
  35. A train left Syokimau Machakos at 0845hrs. It arrived at Railway station in Nairobi at 0935hrs. How long did the journey take in seconds?
    1. 30 000
    2. 3000
    3. 300
    4. 30
  36. The diagram below is a rectangular box
    36 agdatgda
    What is the volume of the box in cm3?
    1. 82.875cm3
    2. 8.2875cm3
    3. 0.82875cm3
    4. 0.082875cm3
  37. The table below shows charges of sending letters within the country through post office.
    Letters (weight)    Sh. Ct .
     Upto 50g  53 00
     Over 50g to 100g  86 00
     Over 100g to 300g 113 00
     Over 300g to 500g 145 00
     Over 500g to 1kg 181 00
     Over 1kg to 2kg

    216 00

    Naisiae posted two letters each 750g and another ones 1.5kg. What was the total postage charge?
    1. Sh.578.00
    2. Sh.617.00 
    3. Sh.397.00
    4. Sh.713.00
  38. A storage space measuring 16m by 15m by 6m is fully packed with boxes each measuring 4m by 3m by 2m. How many boxes will be fully packed in the storage space? 
    1. 6 000
    2. 6
    3. 600
    4. 60
  39. A dog ran at speed of 18km/hr to catch a rabbit. It took 20 minutes to catch the rabbit. How far did the dog run in metres?
    1. 100m 
    2. 6000m 
    3. 4000m
    4. 200m
  40. Jonah scored the following during end of term three exams: Mathematics 86%, English and Kiswahili 78% each, Science 84% and Social Studies/Religion 79%. Calculate his subject mcans score?
    1. 81.75% 
    2. 81% 
    3. 80.5% 
    4. 82%
  41. Mwajuma bought 80 oranges. He later found that 1/5 of them were bad. How many oranges were good? 
    1. 16
    2. 20
    3. 60
    4. 64
  42. The figure below is an incomplete stack of cubes.
    42 aiygduyada
    How many cubes are they?
    1. 40
    2. 24
    3. 50
    4. 64
  43. Naisura has a rectangular piece of land which measures 800m by 400m. If this piece of land is drawn to the scale of 1cm represent 100m. What will be the dimension of the drawing scales? 
    1. 8cm, 2cm 
    2. 800cm, 400cm 
    3. 3cm, 2cm 
    4. 8cm, 4cm
  44. Liam has 50kg bag of sugar. He repacked this sugar into 125g packets. How many packets did he obtain?
    1. 4 000 
    2. 400
    3. 40
    4. 4
  45. In class of 80 pupils in Enakishomi primary school each pupil was given 4 decilitre packet of milk. How many millilitrus were given out to the whole class?
    1. 320 
    2. 3 200
    3. 32 000
    4. 320 000
  46. Below is a net of a certain solid.
    46 a88yt gdyada
    What is the product of the edges and faces when folded?
    1. 72
    2. 48
    3. 64
    4. 96
  47. The circle graph below shows how Kirui used his 48 hectares of land.
    47 aygdyagdad
    How many hectares were occupied by wheat and maize? 
    1. 6ha
    2. 12ha
    3. 18ha
    4. 30ha
  48. The table below represent the mass of 20 pupils in a class.
     Mass in kg 24  26   29 31 
     No. of pupils  4  8  5  3
    What was the total mass of the pupils?
    1. 524kg 
    2. 542kg
    3. 425kg
    4. 452kg
  49. What is the next pattern in the shapes below?
    49 aigdad
  50. On the graph below, the vertical axis shows the cost of wheat in shillings while the horizontal axis shows the number of kilogram.
    50 aygdyagdyga
    How much will you pay for 20kg?
    1. Sh.400.00
    2. Sh.600.00 
    3. Sh.500.00 
    4. Sh.300.00



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