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in Geography Form 1 by
  1. Name two by-products obtained when crude oil is refined.     
  2. State three ways in which mining derelicts can be rehabilitated. 
    1. Give two uses of Gold.     
    2. Identify three problems facing gold mining in South Africa.
    3. Describe the processing of gold in South Africa.  
    1. Name two alluvial mining methods.     
    2. Explain four ways in which soda ash mining contributes to the economy of Kenya.

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    1. Bitumen/Tar/Asphalt
    2. Lubricant/grease
    3. Sulphur
    4. Wax
    5. Resin/petro-chemicals
    1. Planting tress
    2. Creating a park to attract tourists
    3. Introducing aquaculture
    4. Refilling the holes
    5. landscaping for settlement/farming
      • Used in dentistry as Gold teeth fillings and tooth caps
      • Used to make medals
      • Used to make jewellery/ornaments
      • Used as a basis of the world currency/medium of exchange
      • Used in chemical factories to make compounds for photographic materials
      • Used to make gold paint for cookery such as spoons
      • Expensive to mine for lying deeply.
      • large capital is required to start mines
      • Problem of removal of underlying water
      • Inadequate supply of fresh water on the surface in the mining areas
      • Accidents resulting from collapsing of mine roofs
      • Low gold content in the ore.
      • Complication of mining by folds and faults in the crust.
      • Industrial unrest.
      • Ore is crushed to a fine powdery dust
      • Ore is mixed with water until it becomes fluid mud
      • Cyanide is added to dissolve gold.
      • The fluid is runoff with gold dissolved leaving behind waste salts.
      • Zinc dust is added to filter gold for solidification.
      • Gold sinks as it is dense.
      • Gold is smelted and cast ingots/bows
      • Panning
      • Dredging
      • hydraulic mining
      • Soda ash is exported to earn foreign exchange which is used in the economic development of a country.
      • It creates employment opportunities to Kenya, which raises the standard of living of the people/earn more income.
      • Soda ash provides raw materials to the manufacturing industries leading to industrialization/glass manufacture.
      • It has led to the development of social amenities in the area/hospitals and schools hence inproving the living standards.
      • Has lead to the development of Magadi town.
      • It has supported pastoralists by providing water for their animals/domestic use.
      • It provides revenue for the country through taxation.
      • Has led to the growth of local and foreign tourism.
      • Has led to the development of infrastructure e.g railway line from Konza to Lake Magadi.
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