Study the map of Kaplet Area above and use it to answer questions 1 to 7.
- The railway in Kaplet area is likely to transport?
- Tea to the factory
- Passengers to the town
- Tourists
- Minerals
- The area covered by the lake is likely to be __________________________ km2.
- 13
- 9
- 8
- 17
- The climate in the South Eastern side of Kaplet area is likely to be
- cool and dry
- hot and dry
- hot and wet
- cool and wet
- The dorminant soils in the North western side of Kaplet area is
- alluvial soils
- clay soils
- volcanic soils
- black cotton soils
- Three of the following are sources of livelihood for people in Kaplet area. Which one is not?
- Lumbering activities
- Mining activities
- Farming activities
- Trading activities
- Which one of the following services are not offered in Kaplet town?
- Recreational services
- Educational services
- Health services
- Religious services
- Kaplet area rises from
- North west
- North EastC
- South West
- South East
- Settler farming in the white highlands was mainly done for
- commercial purposes
- Food production
- Subsistence use
- Home use
- Which one of the following is true about the population structure of India?
- Most of the people are old
- There is low death rate
- The population growth rate is low
- The birth rate is high
- One of the following is not a problem associated with rapid industrialization. Which one?
- Rural - Urban migration
- Better economic development in the country
- It can lead to depletion of resources
- Pollution
- Which one of the following is not an effect of the rotation of the earth? It causes
- day and night
- different seasons.
- difference in time
- apparent movement of the sun
Use the diagram below to answer questions 12-13
- Name the parts marked Q and R respectively
- conelet, vent
- dyke, magma
- conelet, dyke
- crater, vent
- Which one of the following mountain was not formed in the above way?
- Mt. Longonot
- Mt. Ruwenzori
- Mt. Kenya
- Mt. Nyirangongo1
- The following are examples of industries. Which one can be classified as a primary industry?
- Shoe making at Limuru
- Cement making at Athi river
- Textile industry at Kisumu
- Sugar refining at Awendo
- The system of administration used by the British in Northern Nigeria was
- direct rule
- assimilation
- paternalism
- indirect rule
- Below is a weather instrument. It is used to measure
- humidity
- temperature
- air pressure
- rainfall
- Which one of the following boxes consist of communities that belong to the KWA speakers?
- The following are characteristics of a type of marriage
- it is conducted by a religious leader
- A marriage certificate is issued
- a man is allowed to marry upto four wives
The type of marriage described above is likely to be- Christian marriage
- Hindu marriage
- Customary marriage
- Muslim marriage
- Copper is a major mineral in Zambia it has all the following uses except?
- Making water pipes
- Making sulphuric acid
- Making car radiators
- Making ornaments
- Which one of the following best explains why the government has established game parks and game reserves?
- To conserve wildlife
- To attract tourists
- To create employment
- To make good use of land
- The following are characteristics of a climatic region in Africa?
- it experiences cool wet winters
- summers are hot and dry
- Annual rainfall is about 500-1000mm
- temperatures range from 13°c - 24°c
Which one of the following is not likely to experience this type of climate?- Morocco
- Algeria
- South Africa
- Zimbabwe
- Who among the following leaders were associated with African socialism?
- Oginga Odinga and Ronald Ngala
- Jomo Kenyatta and Daniel Moi
- Tom Mboya and Jomo Kenyatta
- James Gichuru and Masinde Muliro
- Which one of the following is not a reason why people should vote in the national elections?
- To elect a new government
- To exercise their democratic right
- To elect leaders of their choice
- To obey the laws of Kenya
Study the map of Eastern Africa below and answer the questions that follow.
- The capital city of the country marked W is
- Khartoum
- Juba
- Mogadishu
- Addis Ababa
- The pre-historic site marked T is likely to be
- Olduvai gorge
- Hyrax hill
- Omo valley
- Rusinga island
- The lake marked Q was formed through a process called
- Faulting
- Downwarping
- Erosion
- Volcanicity
- Name the desert marked S
- Namib
- Ogaden
- Chalbi
- Nubian
- All the following communities followed the route marked R. Which one did not?
- Rendille
- Somali
- Oromo
- Maasai
- The following describes an early visitor to Eastern Africa
- He was a German
- He signed treaties with African chiefs
- He was the founder of the German East African Company (GEACE) in 1887.
The visitor described above is likely to be- William Mackinnon
- Seyyid Said
- Carl Peters
- John Speke
- The feature drawn below is likely to be fund in the
- desert
- coastal lowlands
- highlands
- lake basin
- The main reason why the government is encouraging the conservation of natural forests in Kenya is because
- they control desertification
- they contain rare species of trees
- they control soil erosion
- they are habitats for wildlife
- Below are descriptions of a certain hominid
- made tools from stones
- communicated through speech
- ate cooked food
The hominid described above is likely to be- Homo Erectus
- Homo habilis
- Ramapithecus
- Australopithecus
- The following are problems experienced by IGAD except
- lack of peace
- mistrust among members
- prolonged drought
- lack of common currency
- In a democratic society
- people join the ruling party
- only one political party is allowed
- elections are held regularly
- citizens are forced to pay taxes
- Mzee Torotich a maize farmer in Kitale has bought land and settled in Kinangop where he grows potatotes. This type of irrigation is called
- urban-rural migration
- urban-urban migration
- rural-urban migration
- rural-rural migration
- Which one of the following sets of rivers drain into the Atlantic ocean?
- One of the duties of the school board of management is to
- employ teachers
- plan and develop school projects
- punish indisciplined children
- sack non performing teachers
- Which one of the following skills was not learnt through apprenticeship during the pre-colonial period?
- Wood carving
- Iron smelting
- Herding
- Medicine
- The following are disadvantages of irrigation schemes. Which one is not?
- They contribute to the spread of diseases
- They lead to global warming
- They lead to reduction of water in the rivers
- They support growth of food crops which are cheap
- Which one of the following is not a cause of soil erosion?
- Heavy rainfall
- Monocropping
- Overgrazing
- Strip cropping
- The people who founded the kingdom of old Ghana obtained their wealth mainly from
- weaving
- hunting
- trade
- fishing
- An elected county representative can lose a seat if
- the election is cancelled by a court
- the person visits anther country
- the person misses 5 consecutive sittings
- the person does not contribute to debates in the county assembly
- The best action to take if a pupil is sexually abused by a stranger is to
- rash the pupil to the pharmacy and buy ARV drugs
- arrest the stranger
- take the pupil to the hospital
- advise the pupil not to use that route again
- The following are descriptions about a certain community in Africa
- decisions were made through concensus
- they were hunters and gatherers
- they traded with their neighbours
The community above is likely to be- The San
- The Buganda
- The Nyamwezi
- The Khoisan
- During the pre-colonial period, people associated the croaking of frogs with
- the coming of a dry season
- the coming of a good harvest
- the coming of rains
- the coming of strong rains
Use the diagram below to answer questions 46-47
- The diagram above shows the formation of
- land breeze
- sea breeze
- orographic rainfall
- Cyclone
- Which one of the following towns is not likely to experience the above phenomenon?
- Kisumu
- Mombasa
- Dar-es-salaam
- Arusha
- If a person is stopped from joining a legal party of his choice he / she is denied the freedom of
- speech
- politics
- movement
- association
- One of the following was a function of a clan in the traditional African societies. Which one is not?
- Settle disputes
- Predict the future
- Defend the community
- Train warriors
- Which one of the following may lead to high population growth rate in a county?
- Cases of early marriages
- Family planning practices
- Change in cultural attitudes
- Education and awareness
- Minutes of a school management committee meetings are written by
- Deputy headteacher
- The chairperson
- The headteacher
- One of the teachers
- Who among the following African leaders resisted the French in his territory?
- Chief Mkwawa
- Mekatilili wa Menza
- Samoure Toure
- Kabaka Mwanga
- Which one of the following is the reason why Madaraka day is celebrated in Kenya?
- To remember the day when Kenya attained self government
- To remember freedom fighters
- To celebrate independence day
- To celebrate the day Kenya became a republic
- The road sign below means
- bumps ahead
- slow down
- danger ahead
- round about
- Gamal Abdel Nassaer promoted agriculture in Egypt when he
- set aside land for plantation farming
- initiated the building of Aswan High dam
- gave land to the peasants
- abolished Sharia laws
- Which one of the following sets of countries consists only of those colonized by the French?
- Libya, Somalia, Egypt
- Senegal, Cameroon, Congo
- Angola, Nigeria, Mozambique
- Algeria, Mali, Senegal
- Which tourist attractions below arecorrectly matched with the country where they are located?
- Gedi ruins - Uganda
- Pyramids - Kenya
- Berber villages - Morocco
- Slave markets - Zanzibar
- Which one of the following is not a horticultural crop?
- Cotton
- Pawpaws
- Avocadoes
- Roses
- Cabinet meetings in Kenya are chaired by the
- Speaker
- President
- Attorney General
- Chief justice
- Population census is carried out in Kenya after years.
- 10
- 5
- 20
- 7
- God created the universe in 6 days. On which day did He create the sea, creatures and birds
- 2nd
- 4th
- 5th
- 6th
- "Never against shall I destroy my people with water" God made a covenant with Noah. The sign of the covenant was
- Dove
- Rainbow
- Raven
- Fire
- Abraham separated with Lot due to
- jealousy
- hatred
- enemity
- quarrels over grazing lands
- Which gift of the holy spirit did Joseph have which made him famous in Egypt?
- Interpreting dreams
- Working miracles
- Artistic talent
- Was a good speaker
- Why did Moses decide to leave Egypt to go and live in Midian?
- To look for the burning bush
- To escape from Pharaoh
- To look for Jethro's herd
- To receive the ten commandments
- Which one of the following achievements of David made Jerusalem a centre of worship? He _______________________
- built the temple
- brought back the ark of the covenant
- killed Goliath
- fought 5000 men
- "My clan is the weakest in the tribe of Manasseh and I am the least important member of my family." Who spoke these words
- Gideon
- David
- Isaiah
- Joseph
- Which one of the following is the reason why king Solomon is remembered as a great king of Israel. He ____________________
- bought the ark of the covenant to Jerusalem
- had many wives
- had great wisdom
- built the lord's temple in Jerusalem
- Which one of the following is not a prophecy of prophet Isaiah about the work of the Messiah. He would
- preach good and to the poor
- give sight to the blind
- lead Israelites free from the Roman rule
- set the oppressed fire
- Why was Mary greatly troubled by the angel's message during the annunciation of the birth of Jesus?
- She was engaged to Joseph
- she was a virgin
- she feared the angel
- she was barren
- Who ordered for a census to be done when Jesus was born?
- Pontius Pilate
- King Herod
- Augustus Caesar
- Governor Quirintius
- Complete the following beatitude: Happy are these who are humble
- for they will see God
- God will be merciful to them
- the kingdom of heaven
- they will receive what God has promised
- Which of the following parables of Jesus teaches about forgiveness
- the good Samaritan
- the prodigal son
- the mustard sad
- the net
- Which of the following teachings of Jesus about prayer is true?
- God answers prayers immediately
- It should be said in humility
- Prayer should be long
- It should be said in groups
- Cleophas and his friend were talking to Jesus without realising till he
- prayed with them
- broke the bread
- explained the scriptures
- drank the wine
- Jesus asked His disciples to pray on Mount Olive inorder to
- stay awake
- defend themselves
- avoid falling into temptations
- fight Judas and the soldier
- Which one of the following activities shows a fruit of the holy spirit?
- Telling about the future
- Speaking in tongues
- Caring for the sick
- Conducting bible study
- Before the disciples received the Holy spirit they were in a room in Jerusalem
- sleeping
- praying
- hiding
- eating
- The story of Saul on his way to Damascus teaches Christians to
- support the spread of the gospel
- help there in need
- be kind to the poor
- read the scriptures
- When there was a famine the believers sent Paul and Barnabbas to Judea to
- preach to non jews
- heal the sick
- take money to fellow believers
- place hands on the non converts
- Which one of the following is a role of ancestors in the traditional African society?
- Ancestors act as intermediaries between the living and God.
- Ancestors show the living how to use their talents wisely
- Ancestors remind the living to love their enemies
- Ancestors teach the living on how to pray
- Three of the following are reasons why circumcision is practised in traditional African societies, which one is not?
- The initiates become full members of their community
- The initiates pass from childhood to adulthood
- The initiates are allowed to marry
- The initiates become chiefs
- Which one of the following traditional African practice concerning new life is illegal in Kenya?
- Naming
- Taking
- Circumcision
- Female genital mutilation
- Which of the following statements is true of both christianity and traditional African religion?
- They both teach about the second coming of Jesus
- They both have holy books
- They both have missionaries
- They both teach about life after death
- Christians best prepare themselves for Easter by
- repenting their sins
- buying new clothes
- visiting their friends
- preparing special food
- After assisting her mother in kitchen. work, Daisy realizes that she had some extra time. As a christian the best way to spread it is by
- reading story books
- watching films
- visiting her friend
- visiting an orphan
- Which one of the following is not a reason why the taking of alcohol as a way of spending leisure is condemned.
- It leads to conflicts within the family
- It leads to irresponsible sexual behaviours
- It promotes mental health
- It could lead to a loss of income
- Dennis, a standard eight pupil has been receiving gifts from an elderly rich woman who wants to have a relationship with him. As a christian the right action for him to take is to
- transfer to another school
- inform other pupils about the roman
- report the matter to the headteacher
- accept the gifts
- You have discovered that Bosire your best friend is being used by a rich man to sell drugs to other pupils in school. As a christian you should tell him to
- Transfer to another school
- ask the rich man to pay him well
- sell the drugs and not use them
- stop selling the drugs and concentrate in class
- Which one of the following is a wrong use of money?
- Helping the needy to become rich
- Paying school fees for a relative
- Paying salaries to workers
- Giving gifts to voters
- Which one of the following Surah teaches about oneness in Allah (SWT)?
- Al-Fatiha
- An-Nas
- Al-Ikhlas
- At-Kanthar
- The verse 'you do not worship what I worship' is derived from which surah?
- Al-miminim
- Maun
- Al-Kafirun and off
- Zilzala
- The prayer performed between morning and mid-day is called:-
- fajr
- dhuhur
- dhuha
- witri
- The sunna prayer performed during the night of Ramadhan is called:-
- Ishai
- Tarawele
- Istiskai
- Sala tul lail
- Which of the following surah is recited seventeen times a day by muslims?
- Annas
- Al-Fatiha
- Aya tul kursy
- Tyin
- Which of the following can nullify udhu?
- Passing wind
- Speaking
- Applying perfume
- Shaking hands
- Which is the correct order of prayers performed by muslims?
- Fajr, Dhuhr, Asr, Maghrib, Isha
- Fajr, Dhuhr, Maghrib, Asr, Isha
- Fajr, Dhuhr, Maghrib, Isha, Asr
- Fajr, Maghrib, Dhuhr, Isha, Asr
- Which of the following prophet of Allah received Suhuf?
- Ibrahim
- Issa
- David
- Mohamed
- What is the main teaching from Surah Al Alaq?
- All people should be responsible for their deeds
- A man was created from a clot of blood
- Allah is the only forgiver
- Prophet is favoured by God
- Who among the following is not a prophet?
- Zulekha
- Isaak
- Yunus
- Ishmail
- When you visit a sick in the hospital the best gift you can give to him is:-
- a flower
- get well card
- food
- a dua
- When someone gives you a gift you should say:-
- Alhamdulillahi
- Jazakallah
- lahaula wa lakwata
- Audhubillahi
- Islam teaches on hardwork since:-
- it discourages begging
- it discourages laziness
- it is a way of creating wealth
- it is a way of earning lawfully
- Which of the following items is hash for zakat?
- Personal clothings
- House furniture
- Farm produce
- Family house
- When muslims are in need they should seek help from:-
- Mohamed
- Jibril
- Allah
- Imam
- Which one of the following islamic months is not among the sacred months (ash-hunul-human)?
- Rajab
- Muharan
- Dulhija
- Ramadhan
- The lesson derived from the bottle of badr is that prisoners should be:-
- treated kindly
- be forced to work
- be set free
- denied food
- Which one of the following is a halaal business practice?
- Gambling
- Selling alcohol
- Hoarding
- Lending money
- The festival of Idd Id Fitri is celebrated on:-
- 1st shawal
- 30th Ramadhan
- 1st Ramadhan
- 1st Rajab
- Hussein found a thousand shilling note on the assembly ground. What would be the best course of action?
- Share the money with friends
- Take the money to his parents
- Take the money to the teacher
- Use the money to buy school books
- The duty of angel Izrail is to:-
- remove people's souls
- blowing the trumpet
- recording deeds
- bringing rain
- Which of the following attributes of Allah describes Allah as the king of kings?
- Malik
- Kahman
- Al-gudus
- Ar-rahum
- Which one of the following can be classified as light najis?
- Bacon
- Dogs urine
- Urine of a baby boy
- Vomit
- How many rakaas are performed during Fajr prayers?
- 4
- 10
- 8
- 2
- Which of the following are fadh prayers prayed by muslims?
- Dhuha
- Dhuhr
- Tareweh
- Taqwa
- Thuluthul Quran is a title given to surah Ikhlas. This is because Sura Ikhlas is the:-
- mother of the Quran
- a third of Quran
- heart of Quran
- opening chapter
- Muslims lost in the battle of:-
- Badr
- Hunain
- Uhud
- Khadaq
- The two Muadhatein surah are __________________ and __________________
- Nas and Falaq
- Kauthar and Maun
- Nasr and Asr
- Dhuha and Inshirah
- Who is not among the four caliphs of prophet (pbuh)?
- Abbakar
- Abu-jahal
- Ali
- Uthman
- Doing right and avoiding evil wherever we are is a sign of having:-
- Ihsan
- Iman
- Taqwa
- Tawakkal

- D
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- B
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- B
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- B
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- D
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- C
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- C
- A
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- A
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- A
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- B
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- B
- C
- D
- B
- B
- B
- C
- C
- C
- A
- C
- A
- D
- D
- D
- A
- D
- C
- C
- D
- D
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