Thursday, 09 November 2023 12:13

Creative Arts and Social Studies Questions - Grade 6 KPSEA 2023 Exams

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  1. Study the drawings and choose one that shows correct overlapping.
  2. Which of the following would best describe a still life composition?
    1. People sitting still.
    2. Still trees on a calm day.
    3. Buildings and street lights.
    4. Calabash, gourd, pot.
  3. Why is it necessary to wash a fountain pen when you change to a different colour of ink?
    1. To make the pen clean.
    2. To make the ink clear.
    3. To avoid blocking the pen.
    4. To avoid mixing ink colours.
  4. A learner is to weave the item shown in the picture.
    Identify the technique to be used.
    1. Twine
    2. Plaiting
    3. Plain weave
    4. Coil and stitch.
  5. The picture below is a pot made using the coil technique.
    Which of the following is the best way of joining the coils?
    1. Using slip.
    2. Using pallets.
    3. Using glue.
    4. Pressing well.
  6. The following statements highlight ways in which plastic bottles can be reused. Which one does not?
    1. Making toys.
    2. Decorating places.
    3. Using them to water flowers.
    4. Keeping them in the river bank.
  7. The picture shows a wristband made from leather.
    Identify the technique used to decorate it.
    1. Thonging.
    2. Beading.
    3. Stitching.
    4. Gluing.
  8. The following statements describe how puppets are given character during performance.
    Which one does not?
    1. Create a voice
    2. Make movements
    3. Increase size of the theatre
    4. Use different clothes and jewellery.
  9. A Grade 6 learner has come across an interesting artwork. Which would be the correct way of using the artwork?
    1. Copy and trace the artwork.
    2. Edit the artwork and use it.
    3. Seek permission from the artist.
    4. Take a photograph when no one is watching.
  10. Learners at Barara primary school plan to exhibit and sell their artwork during the Open Day. Which strategy will not be effective for marketing their artwork?
    1. Join the school's art club.
    2. Post pictures of artwork on sale on social media.
    3. Announce and invite the community for the exhibition.
    4. Create posters to advertise sale of the artwork.   
  11. Which of the following is not a component of a folk dance?
    1. Costumes.
    2. Body movement.
    3. Songs.
    4. Cheering
  12. The following statements describe how folk songs are performed. Which one is not correct?
    1. Performed observing safety.
    2. Performed observing good manners.
    3. Performed with coordinated body movements.
    4. Performed using sharp props.
  13. Which of the following statements does not describe the correct way of singing?
    1. Singing the tune accurately.
    2. Pronouncing the words clearly.
    3. Singing while talking.
    4. Using facial expressions.
  14. Grade 6 learners collected the following tools and materials:
    Hollow tube, knife, tin, nails, wooden bars, feathers, paint and ruler.
    Which of the materials and tools can be used to make a flute?
    1. Hollow tube, nails, feathers and knife.
    2. Hollow tube, knife, nails and ruler.
    3. Hollow tube, wooden bars, paint and nails.
    4. Hollow tube, ruler, nails and feathers.
  15. Atieno has finished playing her fiddle during a prize-giving ceremony. Which of the following statements, best describes what she should do with the fiddle?
    1. Wash it with water.
    2. Keep it outside under the sun.
    3. Hang it on the wall.
    4. Put it on the floor.
  16. Which of the following rhythmic patterns best fits the text given below:
    Njoo twende uwanjani
  17. Which of the following words best describes how a lullaby should be sang?
    1. Loudly and softly.
    2. Softly and sadly.
    3. Slowly and softly.
    4. Fast and softly.
  18. The following are some practices observed when handling a musical instrument:
    1. Return the instrument in its case after use.
    2. Put the parts together correctly before use.
    3. Wipe moisture from the instrument after use.
    4. Wash the mouth piece with warm soapy water
    5. Clean the instrument with warm soapy water.
    6. Wipe the instrument using a damp cloth.
      Which of the practices are hygiene measures observed after playing the descant recorder?
      1. (vi), (iv), (ii) and (i).
      2. (iii), (iv), (v) and (i).
      3. (ii), (iii), (vi) and (i).
      4. (v), (vi), (iv) and (ii).
  19. Juma's string instrument is not producing the desired sound. What should he do to the instrument?
    1. He should clean the instrument.
    2. He should warm the instrument.
    3. He should get another instrument.
    4. He should tune the instrument.
  20. The following are diagrams of two Kenyan indigenous musical instruments.
    Which statement is true about musical instruments (i) and (ii)?
    1. Instrument (i) is played by bowing while instrument (ii) is played by hitting.
    2. Instrument (i) is tuned by adjusting knobs while instrument (ii) is tuned by warming.
    3. Instrument (i) is a percussion instrument while instrument (ii) is a string instrument.
    4. Instrument (i) cannot play a melody while instrument (ii) can play a melody. 
  21. Which one of the following group of elements are elements of weather?
    1. Temperature, snow, rain.
    2. Wind, temperature, air pressure.
    3. Sunshine, fog, temperature.
    4. Temperature, snow, air pressure.
  22. During a class field trip, Grade 6 learners observed some relief features on their way. Which one of the following diagrams represents a relief feature observed?
  23. The following is a structure representing some parts of a town.
    Which direction is the Health Centre from the Railway Station?
    1. North
    2. South
    3. East
    4. West
  24. The tropical rainforest vegetation is found in areas that receive high rainfall. In which region is the vegetation found in Eastern Africa?
    1. Northern region of Sudan.
    2. Western region of Kenya.
    3. Northern region of Uganda.
    4. Southern region of Tanzania. 
  25. A Grade 6 teacher has invited a resource person to discuss about the semi desert climate in Eastern Africa. Which of the characteristics is true about the climate?
    1. It receives high rainfall.
    2. It experiences high humidity.
    3. It experiences high temperatures.
    4. It receives rain in the afternoon.
  26. The Social Studies teacher has asked the Grade 6 learners to use the map of Kenya to locate the national parks.
    Which one of the following national parks did they find in Mandera County.
    1. Sibiloi
    2. Amboseli
    3. Kora
    4. Malka Mari
  27. Grade 5 learners were asked to use digital devices to search for communities that belong to the Nilotes of Kenya. Which combination of communities could they have found?
    1. Abagusii and Somali.
    2. Luo and Akamba.
    3. Maasai and Turkana .
    4. Nubians and Pokomo.
  28. Kota observed her grandmother making a pot then made her own pot. The method of learning used by Kota is
    1. Narration
    2. Apprenticeship
    3. Discussion
    4. Riddles.
  29. Gala primary school is planning to hold elections of the Children's Government. The Grade 4 learners have been asked to discuss functions of the Children's Government in school. Which one of the functions is not correct?
    1. It speaks on behalf of the learners to the school administration.
    2. It ensures that the learning environment is friendly
    3. It assists teachers to ensure learners follow the school rules.
    4. It ensures teachers report for duty early.
  30. John had acquired Kenyan citizenship by registration but has received a letter cancelling it. What could have caused the citizenship to be cancelled?
    1. Voting during the general election.
    2. Attending a local harambee meeting
    3. Joining a political party.
    4. Using false documents.
  31. Grade 5 learners plan to go for an educational tour to a nearby national park. Which means of transport are they likely to use while in the park?
    1. Bus
    2. Train
    3. Lorry
    4. Motorcycles.
  32. Your teacher has asked you to walk around the school compound to collect samples of natural resources. Which of the samples below are you likely to collect?
    1. Bottles
    2. Tools
    3. Posters
    4. Soils.  
  33. Grade 5 learners of Mamboleo primary school visited a nearby demonstration farm. The farm manager told them that subsistence farming is different from small scale farming in that;
    1. small scale farmers keep large herds of animals while subsistence farmers grow food crops
    2. subsistence faming is done on small farms while small scale farming is done on large farms.
    3. small scale farmers grow cash srops and food crops while subsistence farmers grow food crops.
    4. subsistence farmers use simple tools while small scale farmers use machinery. 
  34. Mzee Hekima was invited to talk to Grade 4 learners on African Traditional leaders. Which qualities of a good leader is he likely to have discussed? The leader should be a
    1. good dancer
    2. prophet
    3. storyteller
    4. courageous person.
  35. Grade 5 learners were asked to identify the symbols of national unity. Which one the following is not a symbol national unity?
    1. Language
    2. Flag
    3. National Anthem
    4. Public seal.




  1. Your teacher tells you to be planting trees in the school. The main reason for this practice is to
    1. avoid living in a dusty compound
    2. ensure learners are busy.
    3. conserve the school environment.
    4. utilize the water in the school.
  2. Which of one the following is an appropriate activity to engage in during your leisure time?
    1. Doing physical exercises.
    2. Sitting by the roadside.
    3. Attending disco parties.
    4. Participating in betting games.
  3. Members of the family can help to promote unity at home by
    1. reporting those who do not work
    2. sharing duties among themselves
    3. inviting their friends to help them to do the work
    4. giving gifts to those who work hard.
  4. Grade 5 learners were told a story on how baby Moses was saved by Pharaoh's daughter. Which value did they learn from the story? 
    1. Holiness.
    2. Kindness.
    3. Peace.
    4. Loyalty.
  5. A CRE teacher asked pupils to group the books of the Bible according to the Old and New Testaments. Select the box that contains only the books of the New Testament.
  6. Which of the following commandments teaches you to be content with what you have?
    1. Do not worship any other God.
    2. Do not desire another man's property.
    3. Do not commit adultery.
    4. Do not accuse anyone falsely.   
  7. After reading the miracle of the healing of the woman who had the flow of blood, your teacher asked you to give a reason why the woman touched the edge of the garment of Jesus. Select the correct answer from the choices given. 
    1. She loved the garment of Jesus.
    2. She touched it by mistake.
    3. She was told by the disciple to do so.
    4. She had faith that she would be healed. 
  8. The main lesson from the parable of the friend at midnight is that we should O
    1. provide help to our friends
    2. welcome visitors in our homes
    3. be persistent in prayer
    4. lock our doors at night.
  9. Jesus performed different miracles during his ministry on earth for different reasons. A miracle of Jesus that encourages Christians to be thankful is the miracle of
    1. healing the Ten Lepers
    2. healing the Roman Officer's servant
    3. turning water into wine
    4. calming the storm.
  10. The story of the Rich Man and Lazarus teaches Christians to use their money for
    1. organising parties for friends
    2. buying food for poor people
    3. buying clothes for themselves
    4. travelling to different places.
  11. Which command did Jesus give to his disciples during the Last Supper?
    1. Do this in memory of me.
    2. Go and heal the sick.
    3. Do not take a purse for yourself.
    4. Bless those who curse you.
  12. What value do Christians learn from the story of Ananias and Sapphira of the Early Church?
    1. Tolerance.
    2. Mercy
    3. Perseverance
    4. Honesty
  13. On your way to school, a stranger offers you a lift. What is the best action for you to take?
    1. Accept the lift and get into the car.
    2. Refuse and go back home.
    3. Refuse and continue walking to school.
    4. Hide in the bush until the vehicle goes away.
  14. Your school prefect has assigned pupils various duties to perform before the lessons begin.
    Which one of the following statements represent the correct reason why you should cooperate with the school prefect?
    1. To avoid being punished.
    2. To obtain good things from the prefect.
    3. To promote respect for authority.
    4. To be recognized by the teachers. 
  15. Social media is one of the quickest ways of communication in the world today. Which one of the following activities would be the best use of social media by Grade 6 pupils?
    1. Chatting with friends all the time.
    2. Exchanging messages in their learning areas.
    3. Taking and posting their pictures.
    4. Watching all kinds of videos.



  1. During the PPI lesson, Aisha talked to a group of learners affected by famine and drought. She encouraged them not to lose hope as Allah would provide for them. The surah she can refer to while encouraging them is
    1. Al-Quraish
    2. Al-Kauthar
    3. Al-Humaza
    4. At-Takathur
  2. Grade 6 learners were presented with three verses from surah Al-Qariah and asked to arrange them in their correct order.
    1. Wa maa adraaka mal qariah
    2. Wa takunul jibalu kal i'inil
    3. Yaumu yakunu nnassu kal farashil mabthuth.
      The correct order of the verses is
      1. iii, i, îi
      2. iii, ii, i
      3. i, ii, iii
      4. i, iii, ii.
  3. Imam Abubakar was invited to school to talk about surah Al-Masad. One lesson learned from the surah is that
    1. Allah will reward those who perform good deeds.
    2. Wealth cannot protect a person from Allah's punishment
    3. Muslims should seek protection from Allah.
    4. Muslims should ask for forgiveness from Allah
  4. During the Environmental Day, Grade 6 learners participated in different activities.
    1. cleaning the market
    2. cleaning the school compound
    3. planting trees
    4. conserving the soil
      Which of the activities is considered as charity according to the Hadith of the Prophet (p.b.u.h)?
      1. i
      2. ii
      3. iii
      4. iv
  5. According to the hadith of the Prophet (p.b.u.h), Grade 4 learners can practice responsible living by
    1. wearing clean clothes
    2. following school rules
    3. assisting other learners when they have problems
    4. sharing what they learned in school with their friends in Madrasa.
  6. Haytham has been having a lot of difficulties at home. The virtue he can practise from the Ulul-Azm prophets is
    1. Justice
    2. Honesty
    3. Patience
    4. Kindness.  
  7. Choose the box that contains the pillars of Iman that are correctly arranged.
  8. When is witr prayer performed?
    1. Before dhuhr prayer.
    2. Before Asr prayer
    3. After fajr prayer.
    4. After isha prayer
  9. Grade 6 learners participated in a quiz where they were asked to mention the categories of people exempted from fasting
    The learner who gave the correct answer is   
    1. Samira - sick, old and blind
    2. Sheikha - sick, old and traveller
    3. Maimuna- sick, traveller and blind
    4. Jamila - sick, traveller and women.   
  10. When Mahmoud performs wudhu, he uses a lot of water unnecessarily. This act is known as
    1. Tawakkul
    2. Taqwa
    3. Israf
    4. Ihsan.
  11. The box that contains intoxicants only is
  12. Amira, the class secretary asks for bribes from her classmates so as not to include them in the list of noise makers. The value that Amira lacks is
    1. Responsibility
    2. Integrity
    3. Love
    4. Unity.
  13. During the Parents' Day, Grade 5 learners presented a poem on obligations of parents. One obligation that the Grade 5 parents should fulfil towards their children is
    1. buying them gifts
    2. playing with them
    3. doing homework for them
    4. Protecting them against harm.
  14. The experience of the Prophet (p.b.u.h) during the first revelation teaches learners that they should
    1. trust in Allah
    2. pray to Allah
    3. Observe fast
    4. give zakat.
  15. The value that learners can learn from the way the Answar helped the Muhajirun in the story of the Hijra to Madina is
    1. unity
    2. peace
    3. integrity
    4. patriotism.



  1. Which one of the following birds is associated with Lord Krishna?
    1. Peacock.
    2. Dove.
    3. Swan.
    4. Eagle.   
  2. Grade 4 learners were told by their teacher to research on the deities and their roles. Which one of the deities given below is associated with creation?
    1. Vishnu.
    2. Shiv.
    3. Brahma.
    4. Ganesh.
  3. Jayna went to visit Ayodhaya during Diwali. However, she discovered there is a Jain Tirthankar, whose birth is also associated with Ayodhya, the Jain tirthankara is   
    1. Mahavir
    2. Abhinandannath
    3. Mallinath
    4. Neminath.
  4. The following statements describe an Enlightened Being:
    1. He is seated on the carriage in the battlefield in Kurukshetra;
    2. He is very devoted to an Avatar of Lord Vishnu;
    3. He has supernatural powers;
    4. He protects the good. 
      Who among the following Enlightened Beings is described above? 
      1. Bishma.
      2. Dashrath.
      3. Dronacharya.
      4. Hanuman.
  5. Animals are considered sacred creation which should not be killed. The Scripture that talks about the preservation of the animals is
    1. Ramayan
    2. Shikshapatri
    3. Dhammapada
    4. Bhagwad Gita.
  6. The head priest in the temple which Manisha visits daily recites the Scripture in Sanskrit. The priest tells Manisha that he recites the Scripture in Sanskrit because
    1. in translating into vernacular, the inner meaning is lost
    2. the rythm of recitratioon gives pleasure to listeners
    3. will motivates people to learn Sanskrit
    4. Sanskrit is easier than the vernacular.
  7. The prayer shown below belongs to
    1. Sanatan
    2. Jains
    3. Sikhs
    4. Buddhists.
  8. Dhwaj is a prominent feature in places of worship that is hoisted on top of it to
    1. beautify the place of worship
    2. helps devotees identify the faith
    3. gives importance to the faith's symbol
    4. It gives direction to the devotees.
  9. Anil failed to perform well in his PHE assessment task. When he approached the teacher for assistance, he was told to practice the principle of ____________________ to pass his examination.
    1. Punarjanam
    2. Purushartha
    3. Pranidaya
    4. Pvarthana
  10. A teacher of HRE organized a class presentation on how morning chanting is done in a place of worship. The Sikh principle that guides the chanting is
    1. Kirat Karna
    2. Wand shakna
    3. Naam Japna
    4. Sewa karna.
  11. The image of an elephant at the entrance of Jain derasa symbolises
    1. loyalty
    2. taming of wildlife
    3. a symbol for removing negative energy
    4. a symbol of protection of the temple.
  12. Mohini is invited by her friend Jinita to the Mandir associated with an Avatar of Lord Vishnu for some prayers. Which of the following greetings is Mohini most likely to hear?
    1. Jai Ambe.
    2. Jai Shri Krishna.
    3. Jai Jinendra.
    4. Jai Bhole Nath.
  13. During a PHE lesson, Amrit fell down and hurt his leg. Hanjit stopped playing immediately and took Amrit for first aid. The value that was demonstrated by Hanjit is
    1. respect
    2. responsibility
    3. patience
    4. tolerance.
  14. Which two of the Utsavs, celebrate the victory of good over evil?
    1. Paryushan Parv and Vasant Panchami.
    2. Navratri and Janamashtami.
    3. Diwali and Holi.
    4. Ramnavmi and Gurupurab.
  15. The head teacher encouraged the learners to practice Yoga every morning. The main reason for practicing Yoga is to
    1. participate in sports
    2. enhance social cohesion
    3. grow spiritually
    4. be physically fit.
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