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                                                                RIMBA AREA

Study the map of Rimba Area provided and answer questions 1 - 7.

  1. The land in Rimba area rises from
    1. North West to South East
    2. North West to North East
    3. North East to South East
    4. South West to North East.
  2. The following economic activities are carried out in Rimba area except
    1. cattle rearing
    2. fishing
    3. banking
    4. trading.
  3. What is the approximate length of the murram road in Rimba area?
    1. 5 km.
    2. 13 km.
    3. 8 km.
    4. 6 km.   
  4. The main factor that has influenced population settlements in Rimba area is
    1. transport
    2. security
    3. climate
    4. water.
  5. The religious building in Rimba area is used by
    1. Buddhists
    2. Muslims
    3. Christians
    4. Hindus.
  6. The social service that is urgently required by people in Rimba area is
    1. education
    2. security
    3. recreation
    4. health.
  7. Which of the following statements is true about Rimba area?
    1. The development is due to the quarry.
    2. River Safi drains into Lake Rimba.
    3. There are many cattle dips.
    4. Rimba area is administered by a chief.
  8. Which one of the following groups of communities in Kenya consists of Western Bantu?
    1. Agikuyu, Ambeere, Atharaka. 
    2. Mijikenda, Pokomo, Adawida.
    3. Abakuria, Abaluhyia, Abasuba.
    4. Ameru, Abasuba, Akamba.
  9. Which one of the following is not a traditional method of foretelling weather?
    1. use of a rain gauge.
    2. croaking of frogs.
    3. migration of some birds.
    4. shedding of leaves of some trees.
  10. Which one of the following treatment was not given by traditional African medicine men?
    1. Mental disorder treatment.
    2. Fixing broken bones.
    3. Heart operation.
    4. Digestive disorder treatment.
  11. Below are statements describing a traditional form of government in East Africa.
    1. Grouped villages.
    2. Had a Parliament.
    3. Divided into sub counties.
    4. Leadership was inherited.
    5. Ruled by chiefs.
      Which one of the following combinations of statements describe the Nyamwezi?
      1. (i), (ii), (iv).
      2. (ii), (iii), (v).
      3. (iii), (iv), (v).
      4. (i), (iv), (v).
  12. The statements below describe the migration of a community into Kenya during the pre-colonial period.
    1. They migrated from South-West Ethiopia.
    2. They settled near Mount Moroto.
    3. They settled on the floor of the Rift Valley.
    4. They spread around the floor of the Rift Valley in search of pasture.
      The community described above is the
      1. Sabaot
      2. Acholi
      3. Turkana
      4. Pokot.
  13. The diagram below shows a weather measuring instrument.
    The instrument is used to measure the amount of water
    1. in the atmosphere
    2. on the ground
    3. from the rains
    4. from the plants.
  14. The diagram below shows the process of formation of a mountain.
    The process is known as
    1. Volcanicity
    2. Faulting
    3. Deposition
    4. Folding.
  15. Below are some of the leaders in Kenya.
    1. Masinde Muliro
    2. Daniel arap Moi
    3. Oginga Odinga
    4. Mwai Kibaki
    5. Tom Mboya
      Who among the groups of leaders fought for the re-introduction of multi-party democracy in 1991? 
      1. (iii) (v) (ii).
      2. (iii), (ii), (i)
      3. (iii), (ii), (iv)
      4. (i), (iii), (iv)
  16. Forty youth from Makueni County were employed in the Magadi Soda factory in Kajiado County where they are living. This type of migration is called
    1. Rural to rural
    2. Urban to urban
    3. Rural to urban
    4. Urban to rural.
  17. Which one of the following is not true about traditional education in Kenya? It enabled
    1. one to marry many wives
    2. one to earn a living
    3. the youth to become responsible
    4. the youth to be self reliant.
  18. Which one of the following pre-historic sites is found in Tanzania?
    1. Nsongezi.
    2. Afar Depression.
    3. Fort Tenan.
    4. Kalambo.
  19. Below are statements about a famous traditional leader in Kenya.
    1. He was a respected medicineman. 
    2. He prophesied the coming of Europeans.
    3. He felt Europeans would harm the Africans.
    4. He died in 1904.
      The leader described above is
      1. Mekatilili wa Menza
      2. Koitalel arap Samoei
      3. Sakawa
      4. Masaku.
  20. Which one of the following types of mountain vegetation is found below the bare rock?
    1. Savannah.
    2. Bamboo.
    3. Rain forest. 
    4. Moorland.
  21. The following are characteristics of an early human being.
    1. cooked food.
    2. walked straight and upright.
    3. kept domestic animals.
    4. built simple houses.
      The early human being described above is
      1. Homo Sapien
      2. Home Erectus
      3. Homo Habilis
      4. Kenyapithecus.
  22. Which season is experienced in the northern hemisphere in the month of December?
    1. Winter.
    2. Summer.
    3. Autumn. 
    4. Spring.
  23. Juma, a Class 8 pupil asked his teacher for the meaning of bush fallowing. The teacher's response was that it is
    1. growing of both food and cash crops 
    2. growing of crops and keeping of livestock
    3. leaving the land idle to regain fertility before using it again
    4. moving to a new land after the soil in the present land is exhausted.
  24. Three of the following are problems facing poultry farming in Kenya. Which one is not?
    1. Expensive poultry feeds. 
    2. Shortage of land.
    3. Diseases that kill birds.
    4. Changes in prices of poultry products.

Use the map of Kenya below to answer questions 25 to 28


  1. The language group that migrated into Kenya using the route marked J is
    1. Nilotes
    2. Cushites
    3. Bantu
    4. Semites.
  2. The river marked K is
    1. Ewaso Nyiro North
    2. Tana
    3. Galana Sabaki
    4. Ewaso Nyiro South.
  3. The game reserve marked L is
    1. Maasai Mara
    2. Serengeti
    3. Tsavo
    4. Ruma.
  4. The town marked M is
    1. Kakamega
    2. Kisumu
    3. Eldoret
    4. Homa Bay.
  5. Class 7 pupils visited Masinga dam on River Tana for an education tour. One of the pupils asked the tour guide why the dam was built. The guide told them that the main reason why the dam was built was to
        1. provide a fishing site
        2. generate hydoelectricity
        3. provide water for domestic use
        4. create a recreation centre.
  6. Jane plans to go to Uganda to sell bananas. Which problem is she likely to face?
    1. Poor transport.
    2. Difference in currency.
    3. Political instability.
    4. Similarity of goods.
  7. Which one of the following is the least cause of conflicts in school?
    1. Reporting each other.
    2. Using other learners' property. 
    3. Bullying each other.
    4. Performing well in class.
  8. The following are characteristics of a type of soil.
    1. It has small particles.
    2. It has high water retention.
    3. It is difficult to plough
    4. It is dark in colour.
      The type of soil described above is
      1. Clay
      2. Sandy
      3. Loam
      4. Alluvial  
  9. Which one of the following is a reason why Lewanika collaborated with the British?
    1. To get back his land.
    2. For protection from other European powers.
    3. For spread of christianity in his Kingdom. 
    4. To stop slave trade.
  10. Which of the combinations of crops below are grown in horticultural farming? A
    1. Cabbages, millet, pawpaw.
    2. Potatoes, beets, bananas.
    3. Onion, apples, roses.
    4. Rice, tomatoes, carnations.
  11. One of the reasons why the Tswana practise nomadic pastoralism is that
    1. the area receives low rainfall 
    2. they own large herds of livestock
    3. they have large tracks of land
    4. they like migrating with animals.
  12. The main contribution of coffee farming to the economy of Ethiopia is that, it
    1. earns foreign exchange
    2. creates employment
    3. develops infrastructure
    4. leads to growth of industries.
  13. Below are some uses of a crop.
    1. Used to make perfumes.
    2. Used to make dental medicine
    3. Used to make soap.
    4. Used as a flavour in cakes.
      The crop described above is
      1. Cocoa
      2. Cloves 
      3. Onions 
      4. Chillies.
  14. The main problem facing industries in Kenya is
    1. limited markets
    2. inadequate capital
    3. inadequate skilled labour
    4. limited raw materials.
  15. The following are reasons for the establishment of settlement schemes in Kenya except
    1. to settle the landless
    2. to reduce population pressure
    3. to create job opportunities
    4. to increase food production.
  16. Who among the following leaders is correctly matched with the resistance group they led
           Movement            Leader
    1. Hehe                     Mkwawa
    2. Mandinka              Kabaka Mwanga
    3. Buganda               Mekatilili
    4. Giriama                 Samori Toure
  17. Below are uses of a certain mineral. It is used:
    1. as food for animals.
    2. to manufacture soap. 
    3. for domestic purposes.
    4. to prevent a human disease.
      The mineral described above is
      1. diatomite
      2. fluorspar
      3. salt
      4. limestone.
  18. Which one of the following countries was colonized by France?
    1. Egypt.
    2. Angola.
    3. Morocco.
    4. Cameroon.
  19. The following statements describe a type of democracy.
    1. Citizens elect representatives.
    2. Elected members make laws.
    3. Government appoints officials to implement policies.
      The type of democracy described above is 
      1. indirect democracy
      2. direct democracy
      3. civic democracy
      4. pure democracy.
  20. Which one of the following is not true about tourism in Kenya?
    1. Tourism brings many religions to Kenya
    2. Tourism creates jobs for Kenyans.
    3. Tourism earns Kenya foreign exchange.
    4. Tourism promotes international relations.
  21. Below are some causes of soil erosion.
    1. High rainfall.
    2. Monocropping.
    3. Shifting cultivation.
    4. Weak soil structure.
    5. Overstocking.
      Which one of the following combinations of causes is as result of human activities?
      1. (i), (ii), (iii).
      2. (ii), (iii), (v). 
      3. (i), (iii), (iv).
      4. (i), (iii), (v).
  22. Domestic tourism refers to the visit of local people
    1. to another country to preach
    2. in their own country for pleasure 
    3. in their own country for seminars
    4. to other countries for pleasure.
  23. Fatuma, a Standard 8 pupil sees a person being beaten by some people. The best action for her to take is to A
    1. talk to the people to stop 
    2. run away from the scene
    3. let the people continue beating the pupil D
    4. call for help from other people.
  24. The right to health care is referred to as
    1. civil right
    2. social right
    3. economic right
    4. environmental right.
  25. Which one of the following statements is true about fish farming in both Kenya and Japan?
    1. Fish is sold through co-operatives.
    2. Fish is the leading export.
    3. Both have a strong fishing culture.
    4. Both rear salt and fresh water fish.
  26. John a Standard 8 pupil found a Grade 4 pupil lying on the floor unconscious. The best action to take is to
    1. shout for help
    2. run away from the scene
    3. report the matter to the teacher 
    4. administer first aid.
  27. Which one of the following is the role of school management committee?
    1. Organize relevant teaching materials.
    2. Maintain cleanliness in the school.
    3. Plan for development of the school.
    4. Transfer teachers.
  28. The following are processing industries except
    1. Soda ash factory in Magadi
    2. Milk factory in Naivasha
    3. Sugar factory in Mumias
    4. Shoe factory in Limuru.
  29. Which one of the following practices may lead to drug abuse?
    1. Using preventive medicine.
    2. Healthy leisure activities. 
    3. Monitoring use of medicine. 
    4. Selling medicine in shops.
  30. The following tasks are carried out by people in Kenya.
    1. Paying taxes.
    2. Attending religious seminars.
    3. Participating in elections.
    4. Taking care of one's property.
    5. Taking care of the environment.
      Which combination of the tasks above consist of responsibilities of a Kenyan citizen?
      1. (i), (iii), (v). 
      2. (iii), (iv), (v).
      3. (ii), (iii), (v). D
      4. (i), (iv), (v).
  31. Three of the following are responsibilities of the United Nations. Which one is not?
    1. Settling disputes between countries. 
    2. Settling refugees.
    3. Providing famine relief.
    4. Discussing internal security.
  32. Which one of the following philosophies was adopted by the Kenya government at independence?
    1. Nyayo.
    2. African socialism.
    3. Uhuru na kazi.
    4. Harambee.
  33. Who among the following nominates Cabinet Secretaries in Kenya? The
    1. President
    2. National Assembly
    3. Senate
    4. Judiciary.  5
  34. We show respect to our National Anthem by
    1. learning it in Kiswahili
    2. singing it many times
    3. standing at attention when singing it 
    4. singing it in English and Kiswahili.
  35. Who among the following is not a member of the County Assembly in Kenya?
    1. Ward representatives
    2. Nominated members.
    3. Youth representatives.
    4. Deputy Governors.
  36. The work of Kenya Defence Forces is to
    1. arrest law breakers
    2. assist in making laws
    3. provide protection from external attacks
    4. provide protection from internal conflicts.




  1. From the Genesis stories of creation, Adam and Eve were placed in the garden of Eden by God in order to
    1. be saved from dangerous animals
    2. till and protect the garden
    3. name the animals in the garden
    4. eat the fruits from all the trees in the garden.
  2. A lesson Christians learn from the incident when Abraham was willing to sacrifice his son Isaac is that they should be
    1. obedient to God
    2. honest in their lives
    3. respectful to other
    4. joyful when serving God.
  3. "God has made me a ruler over all Egypt,come to me without delay" (Genesis 45:9). These words said by Joseph to his brothers when he received them in Egypt demonstrate that he
    1. was planning to enslave them
    2. was planning to give them leadership positions
    3. owned a lot of land in Egypt 
    4. had forgiven his brothers.
  4. Who among the following people was chosen by God to assist Moses to deliver the Israelites from Egypt?
    1. Caleb.
    2. Joshua.
    3. Jethro.
    4. Aaron.
  5. "I am who I am" (Exodus 3:14). These words were spoken by God to Moses when he was
    1. crossing the Red Sea
    2. receiving the Ten Commandments from God
    3. performing miracles in Egypt 
    4. being called by God.
  6. Ruth chose to go with her mother in-law Naomi back to Bethlehem mainly because she
    1. wanted to visit her relatives in Bethlehem
    2. hoped to get a husband in Bethlehem
    3. desired to worship the God of Naomi
    4. desired to live in a new place with Naomi.
  7. King David promoted the worship of God in Israel mainly by
    1. bringing the covenant box to Jerusale
    2. making sacrifices to God
    3. preparing materials for the building of the temple in Jerusalem
    4. singing and dancing for God.
  8. A lesson Christians learn from the rich woman from Shunem when she built a room for prophet Elisha is that they should
    1. ask for favours from servants of God
    2. build places of worship
    3. give gifts to their friends
    4. take care of the servants of God.
  9. Which one of the following statements is a teaching of the new covenant foretold by prophet Jeremiah? God would
    1. write his laws upon people's hearts
    2. write the laws on stone tablets
    3. make the Israelites a kingdom of priests 
    4. make Israel a great nation.
  10. Which one of the following statements were said by the angel to the women who went to the tomb to anoint the body of Jesus?
    1. "What are you talking about to each other as you walk along?".
    2. "Do not be afraid... God has heard your prayer."
    3. "Go and make the tomb as secure as you can".
    4. "He is not here, he has risen ".
  11. Which one of the following statements was said by Simon about baby Jesus when he was presented by his parents for dedication in the temple? He will
    1. be called the son of the Most High 
    2. be a light to reveal God's will to the Gentiles
    3. be a great man in the sight of the Lord 
    4. have an everlasting kingdom.
  12. "The scripture says, worship the Lord your God and serve Him only" (Luke 4:8). These words were said by Jesus
    1. during the Sermon on the Mount
    2. when he was sending his disciples on a mission
    3. when he was being tried before pilate 
    4. during his temptation in the wilderness.
  13. A lesson Christians learn from the incident in which Jesus told a rich man to sell all he had and give the money to the poor is that they should
    1. use their wealth to serve others 
    2. seek spiritual wealth
    3. have limited material possessions 
    4. give all their wealth to the poor.
  14. A parable of Jesus that shows how different people receive the word of God is the parable of the
    1. mustard seed
    2. sower
    3. three servants
    4. Good Samaritan.
  15. The main lesson Christians learn from the incident when Jesus raised Jairus' daughter from death is that they should 
    1. seek help from others
    2. work for God
    3. comfort those who have problems
    4. have faith in God.
  16. Which one of the following is a reason Jesus was baptized in River Jordan? In order to
    1. purify himself
    2. receive the holy spirit
    3. fulfill the law of Moses
    4. please John the Baptist.
  17. A lesson Christians learn from Philip when he explained scriptures to the Ethiopian Eunuch who was on his way from Jerusalem is that they should
    1. avoid asking questions to strangers
    2. be led by the Holy Spirit
    3. travel to different places
    4. read many books.
  18. Which one of the following is a reason why deacons were chosen in the early church? To
    1. be in charge of the distribution of food
    2. perform miracles in church
    3. preach the good news
    4. organize singing in the church.
  19. "I have no money at all but I will give what I have..." (Acts 3:6). These you words were said by Peter when he was about to
    1. baptize Cornelius in Caesarea
    2. heal the lame man at the Beautiful Gate
    3. raise Tabitha back to life in Joppa 
    4. heal Aeneas in Lydda.
  20. Which one of the following statements is a teaching from the Apostles' Creed?
    1. "May your Kingdom come"
    2. "Forgive us our sins"
    3. "He ascended into heaven"
    4. "Happy are pure in heart."
  21. Which one of the following is a gift of the Holy Spirit?
    1. Joy.
    2. Healing.
    3. Patience
    4. Self control.
  22. In traditional African communities but pregnancy is valued mainly because it 
    1. is a time for the expectant mother to receive gifts
    2. gives the expectant mother time to rest 
    3. is a sign of the arrival of a new member of the community 
    4. provides an opportunity for relatives to visit the expectant mother.
  23. The main reason why people are encouraged to get married in both traditional African communities and Christianity is in order to
    1. to raise their status
    2. have children
    3. to get wealth
    4. to get labour.
  24. In traditional African communities members of a family share duties mainly to
    1. avoid idleness of some members
    2. please the ancestors
    3. develop different talents
    4. provide for the needs of the family.
  25. Christians in Kenya should obey those in authority because
    1. God expects them to do so
    2. those in authority are powerful
    3. It is a way of pleasing them
    4. they will be rewarded for doing so.
  26. On her way home from school, Joan findssome Grade 3 pupils stealing mangoes from a nearby farm. As a Christian, what is the correct action for Joan to take? She should A
    1. take the mangoes and return them to the owner of the farm
    2. stop them from stealing and tell them to respect other people's property
    3. ask those pupils to give her some of the mangoes
    4. report the matter to their class teacher.
  27. Your deskmate, Hellen, tells you that her parents are infected with HIV and she is finding it difficult to care for them. As a Christian what is the best advice to give Hellen? Tell her to
    1. seek help from the church
    2. come and stay with you
    3. go and stay with her relatives
    4. request the classmates to assist.
  28. Your deskmate, Brian, tells you that he does not like collecting rubbish because he feels this is manual work. As a Christian what is the correct advice for you to give Brian? Tell him
    1. the benefits of a clean environment 
    2. to request his parents to transfer him to another school
    3. to be hiding when others are working
    4. that you will be doing the work for him.
  29. You discover that your classmate, Stella, has a habit of taking alcohol during the weekend and she invites you to join her in the habit. What is the correct action for you to take? 
    1. Tell your classmates about it.
    2. Tell Stella's parents about her behaviour. 
    3. Refuse and tell her the effects of alcohol abuse.
    4. Refuse and stop talking to her.
  30. Your friend Carol tells you that her aunt who recently came from another country and is staying with them is showing symptoms of COVID-19. The aunt has refused to isolate herself and therefore Carol fears she might have contracted the virus. What is the best advice for you to give Carol? Tell her to 
    1. Isolate herself and not to share any item with other family members
    2. go and live with another relative who stays far
    3. go for a COVID-19 test and encourage her aunt and other family members to do the same.
    4. request her parents to send her aunt away so that they can be safe.



  1. A Surah that promises Prophet Muhammad (P.b.u.h) success in his mission is
    1. A-Tiin
    2. At-takathur
    3. Al-Asr
    4. An-Nasr
  2. Omar was giving a talk in class on why Muslims should assist orphans. The Surah he should refer to is
    1. Al-Lahab
    2. Al-Inshirah
    3. Al-Maun
    4. Al-Fatiha.
  3. Muslims are urged to pray to Allah andmake sacrifices to Him in Surah
    1. Al-Kauthar
    2. Al-Aadiyat 
    3. Al-Ikhlas
    4.  Al-Lahab.
  4. 'Illa ladhina amanu wa'amilu swalihaat'. This verse is found in Surah
    1. Al-Humaza
    2. Al-Asr
    3. Al-Qadar
    4. Al-Falaq.
  5. Muslims are warned against gathering of be wealth in Surah
    1. Al-Kafirun
    2. Al-Qariah 
    3. Al-Humaza 
    4. Al-Zilzilah.
  6. Which among the following is a characteristic of a hypocrite according to the Hadith of the Prophet (P.b.u.h)?
    1. Takes riba.
    2. Betrays trust.
    3. Neglects swalat. 
    4. Disrespects parents.
  7. Which one of the following is a rule of eating according to the Hadith of the Prophet (P.b.u.h)?
    1. Eating what is in front of you.
    2. Saying alhamdulillah when you start eating.
    3. Saying bismillah when you finish eating.
    4. Eating food that is good for you.
  8. Which among the following is not a condition of saum? One must
    1. be a Muslim
    2. be mature and sane
    3. be in the state of wudhu
    4. make the intention (nia) to fast.
  9. The tashahud is recited during
    1. Idd celebrations
    2. Aqiqah celebrations
    3. the performance of swalat
    4. the performance of Hajj.
  10. During performance of wudhu, Hassan washed the following parts of his body
    1. feet
    2. ears
    3. hands
    4. face
      Which of the above are fardh parts of wudhu?
      1. (ii) (iii) (iv).
      2. (ii) (i) (iii).
      3. (i) (ii) (iv).
      4. (i) (iii) (iv).
  11. A pilgrim in a state of Ihram is not allowed to
    1. take a bath
    2. brush teeth
    3. use perfume
    4. eat meat.
  12. Fatma, a Grade 6 pupil performed a three rakaat sunnah prayer after Isha prayer. Which among the following prayers did she perform?
    1. Witr.
    2. Ba'adiya.
    3. Khusuf.
    4. Taraweh.
  13. 'Bismillah' is a phrase used by Muslims when they
    1. start to do something
    2. get something good
    3. face problems in life
    4. wake up in the morning.
  14. Your classmate Mariam is disappointed because she did not qualify to join the debate team. What is the best advice that you can give her? Tell her to
    1. stop participating in debate
    2. continue participating in debate
    3. join another club
    4. concentrate on her studies.
  15. Jamal your friend tells you that he accidentally took another person's shoes after Dhuhr prayers in the mosque. The correct advise you would give him is that he should ob od live
    1. throw the shoes away
    2. donate the shoes to the poor
    3. keep the shoes and wear them
    4. take the shoes back to the mosque.
  16. Which among the following statements is true about the angels of Allah? They
    1. eat and drink
    2. received books
    3. obey the commands of Allah
    4. obey the teachings of the Prophet.
  17. Which among the following is the correct order of the last four Prophets of Allah? 
    1. Zakariyah, Issa, Yahya,Muhammad.
    2. Zakariyah, Yahya, Issa,Muhammad. 
    3. Yahya, Zakariyah, Issa,Muhammad.
    4. Yahya, Issa, Zakariyah,Muhammad.
  18. Ali, a Grade 4 pupil has been abusing his classmates and has decided to repent after realising his mistake. Which one of the following attributes of Allah will encourage him to seek for repentance?
    1. Al-Jabbar.
    2. Al-Muumin.
    3. Al-Aziz. 
    4. Al-Rahim.
  19. The first event of the last day is
    1. destiny
    2. judgement
    3. resurrection
    4. assembling.
  20. Which one of the following business practices should be avoided by Muslims
    1. Charging interest on loans.
    2. Selling goods on credit.
    3. Earning profit from goods sold.
    4. Selling equipment for sports.
  21. When choosing a friend in your class, you should consider one who is
    1. quiet
    2. famous
    3. rich
    4. humble.
  22. A'adhama Ilahu ajrak. This dua is said for
    1. a bereaved person
    2. a disabled person
    3. a dead person
    4. a sick person.
  23. The main reason why many Muslims lost their lives during the battle of Uhud is because they
    1. were few in number and the Quraish were many
    2. did not follow instructions from the Prophet
    3. had insufficient weapons
    4. were overpowered by the enemy.
  24. Which one of the following events happened in the year of sorrow
    1. Muslims were expelled from Makka.
    2. The death of the Prophet (P.b.u.h).
    3. The death of Lady Khadija and Abu Talib.
    4. Muslims were prevented from performing Hajj.
  25. The last sermon of the Prophet was at
    1. Mount Arafat
    2. Mount Swafa
    3. Masjid Quba
    4. Masjid Nabawi.
  26. Which among the following activities helped in the spread of Islam along the Coast of Kenya between the 15th and 19th century? A
    1. building of the Kenya Uganda railway.
    2. translation of the Quran into Kiswahili.
    3. intermarriage between the Portuguese and Arabs.
    4. intermarriage between the Africans and Arabs.
  27. Which among the following festivals is correctly matched with the month in which it is celebrated?
           Festival              Month
    1. Idd-ul-Addha       Rajab.
    2. Idd-ul-fitr             Shawwal.
    3. Isra-wal-Miraj      Dhulhijja
    4. Milad-un-Nabi     Muharram
  28. Which among the following months is not among the ash-hurul-hurum?
    1. Muharram.
    2. Dhul-Qaada.
    3. Rajab.
    4. Ramadhan.
  29. A common act among all Muslims is
    1. wearing white garments
    2. eating with hands
    3. facing Qibla during Swalat
    4. breaking fast with dates.
  30. Who among the following was the son of Nabi Adam?
    1. Habil.
    2. Suleiman.
    3. Yunus.
    4. Ismail.



  1. Which of the following Panch Mahabhoot is correctly matched with its quality?
           Panch Mahabhoot            Quality
    1. Jala                                     taste
    2. Agni                                    warmth
    3. Vayu                                   smell
    4. Akash                                 touch
  2. The attribute of Parmatma that is shown in the Sikh greeting, 'Sat sri Akal' is
    1. Loving
    2. Knowledgeable
    3. Powerful
    4. Eternal.
  3. Which of the following was done by Lord Vishnu in his Matsya Avatar?
    1. Saved mankind from destruction.
    2. Gave moral values to humanity.
    3. Protected the Divine Knowledge.
    4. Destroyed Evil. ide-mu-ballM
  4. The following statements described a Jain Tirthankar:
    1. He was the 23rd Tirthankar.
    2. Lord Indra protected him during his meditation.
    3. He preached Ratna Traya.
    4. He attained moksha on Samet Shikhar.
      The Tirthankar described is
      1. Parshwanath
      2. Shantinath
      3. Mallinath
      4. Neminath.
  5. Which one of the following was the main achievement of Guru Gobind Singh? He
    1. defended Hinduism.
    2. composed the poem 'Chandani Charitra.'
    3. founded the Khalsa Panth.
    4. chose Banda Bahadur as his successor.
  6. Who among the following personalities stopped the practice of animal sacrifice? 
    1. Lord Buddha.
    2. Shradhanand Swami.
    3. Vallabhacharya Guru.
    4. Ramanujacharya.
  7. The following incidents happened according to the epic Ramayana:
    1. Rama, Sita and Laxman went to the forest for 14 years.
    2. Hanuman located Sita in Ashok Vatika.
    3. Rama and Laxman helped Vishwamitra to kill the evil beings in his ashram and neighbouring land.
    4. Rama killed Ravan.
    5. Rama broke the bow of Parshuram.
      The correct order of the incidents is:
      1. v, i, iv, ii, iii
      2. i, ii, iii, iv, v
      3. ii, i, v, iii, iv
      4. iii, v, i, ii, iv.
  8. During which of the holy days is Kalpasutra read?
    1. Navratri.
    2. Paryushan.
    3. Diwali.
    4. Holi.
  9. Purusharth is a Hindu principle that encourages devotees mainly to
    1. satisfy desires
    2. follow ethics and morals
    3. make an honest living
    4. attain self-enlightenment.
  10. The following are the teachings of Guru Nanak except
    1. earn honestly
    2. practise penance 
    3. pray sincerely
    4. help the needy.
  11. Ajay, a standard 8 pupil, gets angry easily. His parents advised him to practise the principle of
    1. Akrothe
    2. Ahimsa
    3. Sheel
    4. Satya   
  12. Which one of the following principles of Dharma is correctly matched with its practice?
          Principle                Practice
    1. Dharma                 Self-control
    2. Dama                    Honesty
    3. Dhruti                    Patience
    4. Asteya                   Sincerity
  13. The principle that guides a person towards attainment of moksha is
    1. Asteya
    2. Kshama
    3. Vidya
    4. Shaucham.  
  14. The best way to achieve mental purity is through
    1. studying scriptures
    2. meditation practised regularly
    3. visiting places of worship
    4. listening to religious discourses.
  15. Which of the following ceremonies is performed by a Sikh devotee?
    1. Nishkraman.
    2. Upanayan.
    3. Chudakarma.
    4. Amrit Chakhna.
  16. The first Sanskar performed after a Hindu baby is born is
    1. Jatkarma
    2. Namkarna
    3. Chudakarma
    4. Nishkarman.
  17. The Buddhist devotees offer prayers in their place of worship which is known as
    1. Derasar
    2. Stupa
    3. Gurudwara
    4. Mandir.
  18. Which of the following is a place of pilgrimage which is important to devotees of Lord Vishnu and Lord Buddha?
    1. Abu.
    2. Palitana.
    3. Bodhi Gaya.
    4. Kashi.
  19. A unique common feature which is performed for celebrating festivals in Sikhism is
    1. fireworks
    2. sprinkling of colours
    3. playing raas and garba
    4. langar.
  20. Which one of the following is performed for the ustav of Navratri?
    1. Installing the Garbo in the venue.
    2. Burning the effigy of Ravan.
    3. Lighting a bonfire.
    4. Having a funfair.
  21. Which utsav is celebrated for a personality who taught Hindus to keep their promise at any cost?
    1. Janmashtmi.
    2. Ram Navmi.
    3. Shivratri.
    4. Holi.
  22. Who among the following yogis practised karma yoga?
    1. Bhagirath, Nivedita.
    2. Tulsidas, Surdas.
    3. Raja Janak, Nachiketa.
    4. Ramdas, Chandanbala.
  23. The following are the steps for performing a yogasana:
    1. Lying on the ground face up.
    2. Relaxing every part of the body.
    3. Removing tension and thoughts.
    4. Staying still with eyes closed.
    5. Being still for a few minutes.
    6. Turn on the side and get into a sitting position.
      The asana described above is
      1. Vajrasan
      2. Padmasan
      3. Shavasan
      4. Shalbhasan.
  24. Raja Janak was given the knowledge of attaining moksha by sage
    1. Vashishta
    2. Yagnavalkaya
    3. Changadeva
    4. Ashtavakra.
  25. Sumaira noticed that some of the neighbours have been scattering litter all over the compound. The best action for Sumaira to take is to
    1. dispose off the litter and ignore them
    2. sensitize the neighbours on the importance of proper litter disposal
    3. complain to the caretaker about the issue
    4. tell her parents what the neighbours are doing.
  26. Vivek, a Standard 8 pupil has a parent who was infected by COVID-19 and has been in the hospital for a long time. The class teacher and his class mates raised the funds to pay part of the hospital bill. The sadachar demonstrated by their action is
    1. tolerance
    2. obedience
    3. respect
    4. compassion.
  27. Your friend, Paras, has been spending a lot of his time playing computer games and his performance in school is dropping drastically. What is the correct advice for you to give Paras?
    1. Tell him to balance his study time withplay time.
    2.   Ask him to give you his computer games.
    3. Tell him to seek for advice from other classmates.
    4. Request him to transfer to a different school.
  28. The best way for Grade 6 pupils to demonstrate care for the environment is by 
    1. sweeping their classroom
    2. dusting the bookshelf
    3. planting trees
    4. keeping the grass short.
  29. Hindus pay tribute to their ancestors and departed souls of their family members in the month of
    1. Kartik
    2. Bhadrapad
    3. Chaitra
    4. Falgun.
  30. Who among the following is worshipped on Nirjala Ekadashi?
    1. Lord Buddha.
    2. Lord Rama.
    3. Lord Vishnu.
    4. Lord Hanuman.
Friday, 10 November 2023 09:43

Science Questions - KCPE 2023 Past Papers

  1. Which one of the following types of teeth in human beings is not shed?
    1. Premolars.
    2. Incisors.
    3. Molars.
    4. Canines.
  2. In which one of the following pairs of partsbof the human body does digestion of food take place?
    1. Liver and stomach.
    2. Stomach and mouth.
    3. Pancreas and small intestine.
    4. Large intestine and mouth.
  3. During breathing in, the following happens to air as it passes through the nose except being
    1. warmed
    2. moistened
    3. cleaned
    4. absorbed.
  4. The following diagram represents a certain blood cell in human beings.
    The function of the blood cell is to
    1. transport oxygen
    2. clot blood
    3. fight germs
    4. transport food.
  5. Which one of the following excretory products is produced by the skin, lungs and the kidney?
    1. Salt.
    2. Carbon IV oxide.
    3. Water.
    4. Urea.
  6. The following are control measures for HIV and AIDS except
    1. immunization
    2. counselling and testing
    3. educating masses
    4. media advertisement.
  7. The main reason why one should go for HIV testing is
    1. to know one's HIV status
    2. to stop spreading of HIV
    3. for an infected person to live positively
    4. for one to seek treatment.
  8. The following are signs and symptoms of a certain communicable disease:
    1. Chest pain;
    2. Loss of weight;
    3. General body weakness;
    4. Prolonged coughing.
      The disease can best be prevented through
      1. proper ventilation
      2. clearing bushes
      3. proper nutrition
      4. giving vaccination.
  9. Which one of the following practices is dangerous when handling chemicals at home?
    1. Storing chemicals in bottles.
    2. Following instructions on the container. 
    3. Smelling chemicals to identify them.
    4. Using protective equipment
  10. The following are some signs and symptoms of sexually transmitted infections:
    1. painful urination;
    2. painless chancre;
    3. rush on the body;
    4. smelly pus from the genitals.
      Which two are for syphilis?
      1. (i) and (iii).
      2. (i) and (iv).
      3. (ii) and (iii).
      4. (ii) and (iv).
  11. Which one of the following diseases is in the immunisation schedule for infants?
    1. Herpes.
    2. Malaria.
    3. Diphtheria.
    4. Chancroid.
  12. Healthy teeth can be maintained by
    1. eating sugary foods
    2. using teeth to open bottles
    3. eating vegetables and fruits
    4. cleaning teeth before breakfast.
  13. Which one of the following plants store food in the stem?
    1. Sweet potato.
    2. Irish potato.
    3. Cassava.
    4. Carrots.
  14. The following is a representation of a food chain.
    Grass → Grasshopper → Guinea fowl → Eagle
    The secondary consumer is 
    1. eagle
    2. grasshopper
    3. grass
    4. guinea fowl.
  15. Which one of the following adaptations enable plants to survive in wet areas? 
    1. Presence of thin cuticle.
    2. Presence of needle like leaves. 
    3. Deep roots.
    4. Succulent stems.
  16. An example of a plant that obtains food nutrients from insects is
    1. mango
    2. cactus
    3. acacia
    4. sundew.
  17. Which two of the following are oil crops?
    1. Maize and barley.
    2. Coconut and maize.
    3. Cotton and barley.
    4. Coconut and millet.
  18. Pupils assembled the following materials to construct a certain weather instrument:
    1. A glass bottle;
    2. Ink;
    3. Biro pen tube;
    4. Water;
    5. Manilla paper;
    6. Cellotape.
      The weather instrument constructed was a
      1. windvane
      2. rain gauge
      3. liquid thermometer
      4. wind sock.
  19. In the solar system, the fourth planet from the sun is
    1. Mars
    2. Uranus
    3. Jupiter
    4. Earth.
  20. The following are characteristics of a certain animal:
    1. lays eggs;
    2. breathes using lungs;
    3. has a moist skin;
    4. undergoes external fertilization.
      The animal described is most likely to be a 
      1. lizard
      2. bat
      3. fish
      4. frog.
  21. Which one of the following animal feeds is classified as pasture?
    1. Lucerne.
    2. Sorghum.
    3. Hay.
    4. Oats.
  22. Which one of the following is an internal parasite?
    1. Tsetse fly.
    2. Round worm.
    3. Jigger.
    4. Mite.
  23. An example of a bird that feeds on grains is
    1. eagle
    2. dove
    3. duck
    4. sun bird.
  24. Which one of the following is not a way of using water sparingly?
    1. Using a watering can.
    2. Repairing leaking pipes.
    3. Using drip irrigation.
    4. Turning off taps.
  25. One of the disadvantages of hard water is that it forms fur in kettles which
    1. prevents convection of heat
    2. acts as an insulation
    3. makes the kettle rusty
    4. increases evaporation  
  26. Which one of the following is a way of conserving water by reusing?
    1. Harvesting rain water.
    2. Cleaning the house with tap water.
    3. Watering plants with treated sewage water. 
    4. Washing coffee berries using borehole water.
  27. The disease that can be controlled by draining stagnant water is
    1. bilharzia
    2. cholera
    3. typhoid
    4. dysentery.   
  28. The following are some effects of soil erosion:
    1. Small holes on the ground; 
    2. Thin top layer of soil missing; 
    3. V-shaped trenches on the ground;
    4. Small and shallow channels on the ground.
      Which two effects are for gulley and sheet erosion?
            Gulley               Sheet
      1. iv                       iii
      2. iii                       ii
      3. i                         iii
      4. iii                        iv
  29. Which one of the following takes the shortest time to release nutrients into the soil?
    1. Mulches.
    2. Farmyard manure.
    3. Green manure.
    4. Compost manure.
  30. The following observations were made on different types of soil:
    1. Spreads easily;
    2. Good for construction;
    3. Makes long ribbons;
    4. Good for farming;
    5. Has good drainage.
      Which observations are correctly matched to sand and clay soils?
             Sand           Clay
      1. (i)                  (v)
      2. (ii)                 (iv)
      3. (i)                  (iii)
      4. (iii)                (iv)
  31. A child was diagnosed with the following signs and symptoms:
    1. wrinkled face;
    2. wasted body muscles;
    3. general body weakness;
    4. crying a lot.
      The child's condition can be corrected by providing adequate food that is
      1. rich in iron
      2. a balanced diet
      3. rich in proteins
      4. rich in vitamins.
  32. Which one of the following pairs of food preservation methods is correctly matched as modern and traditional?
           Modern                                       Traditional
    1. Smoking                                      Use of low temperature
    2. Canning                                       Drying
    3. Salting                                         Smoking
    4. Use of low temperature               Use of honey
  33. Which one of the following can cause food poisoning?
    1. Micro-organism.
    2. Excess spices.
    3. Excess cooking oil.
    4. Less fibre in food.
  34. Which one of the following pairs consist only of sources of chemical energy?
    1. Firewood and dynamo.
    2. Dynamo and sun.
    3. Firewood and battery.
    4. Sun and battery.
  35. The following diagram represents an improved jiko.
    Which one of the following parts labelled
    N, P, Q and R minimizes heat loss?
    1. N
    2. P
    3. Q
    4. R
  36. In an experiment to investigate good and bad conductors of electricity, different materials were used and observations made. Which one of the following was likely to be a correct observation?
           Material                 Observation
    1. Pin                         bulb lights
    2. Glass                     bulb lights
    3. Nail                        bulb does not light
    4. Coin                       bulb does not light
  37. The following diagram represents a setup that can be used to demonstrate a certain aspect of light.
    The aspect investigated is
    1. refraction of light
    2. dispersion of light
    3. reflection of light
    4. how light ttravels
  38. In which one of the following pairs of materials is heat transferred through convection only?
    1. Glass and water.
    2. Iron rod and glass.
    3. Air and iron rod.
    4. Air and water.
  39. Which one of the following is not a special sound? Sound from a
    1. siren
    2. crying child
    3. ringing bell
    4. scream.
  40. The following are some of the ways used to light a house:
    1. electric bulbs;
    2. translucent roofs;
    3. windows;
    4. lamps.
      The natural ways of lighting a house are
      1. (i) and (ii)
      2. (ii) and (iii)
      3. (ii) and (iv)
      4. (iii) and (iv).
  41. The following are uses of a certain component of air:
    1. making plant food;
    2. preserving soft drinks; 
    3. putting out fires.
      The air component is
      1. oxygen
      2. carbon dioxide
      3. nitrogen
      4. inert gases.
  42. Which one of the following pair of liquids are miscible?
    1. Water and kerosene.
    2. Cooking oil and milk.
    3. Water and cooking oil.
    4. Cooking oil and kerosene.
  43. A certain form of matter has the following characteristics:
    1. occupies space;
    2. has definite mass;
    3. has definite volume;
    4. has definite shape.
      The characteristics are likely to be for
      1. solids and gases
      2. gases only
      3. solids only
      4. gases and liquids.
  44. Which one of the following material sinks L in water?
    1. Office pin.
    2. Wooden ruler.
    3. Plastic plate.
    4. Candle wax.
  45. Which one of the following pairs of levers has the fulcrum between the load and effort?
    1. Spade and wheelbarrow.
    2. Wheelbarrow and crowbar.
    3. Crowbar and claw hammer.
    4. Spade and claw hammer.
  46. Friction is an advantage when
    1. closing a door
    2. swimming
    3. sharpening a knife
    4. flying.
  47. In a single fixed pulley, the effort used is
    1. almost equal to the load
    2. less than the load
    3. twice the load
    4. in the same direction as the load.
  48. Which one of the following can pollute soil, water and air?
    1. Spilt oil.
    2. Aerosal sprays.
    3. Industrial gas emissions.
    4. Burning of tyres.
  49. The main purpose of mulching is to
    1. control soil erosion
    2. conserve soil moisture
    3. kill weeds by suffocation
    4. add humus to the soil. no dow
  50. Which one of the following statements correctly describes the term environment? 
    1. Home of a living thing.
    2. Surrounding of a living organism. 
    3. Daily changes of the atmosphere.
    4. Interdependence between living things.
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Friday, 10 November 2023 09:42

English Questions - KCPE 2023 Past Papers

Questions 1 to 15

Read the passage below. It contains blank spaces numbered 1 to 15. For each blank space, choose the best alternative from the choices given.

Good management of waste is important for a clean environment. When waste is not disposed of ___1___, it can affect human health ___2___ damage the environment. For instance, waste that is carelessly dumped has led to ___3___ of water sources, bad smell and an increase___4___ disease vectors, pests and scavengers. ___5___ some types of waste do not need to be thrown away. They___6___ be recycled. For example, waste paper can be ___7___ to a factory to make toilet paper. Other materials that can be recycled ___8___ plastics, glass and metals.enl

In some communities, there are organisations that ___ 9___ environmental awareness. They do this by ___10___ providing households with garbage bags. The households use these bags to put in the rubbish from ___11___ houses. These organisations also give the youth the ___12___of ensuring that they pick ___13___ garbage and ferry it to ___14___ collection points. This type of activity trains the youth to be ___15___members of society.

   A  B  C  D
 1.  speedily  properly  directly  nicely
 2.  and  but  also  even
 3.  lack  wastage  decrease   pollution 
 4.  in  to   on   by 
 5.  Moreover  Therefore   However   Besides 
 6.  might  will   can   shall 
 7.  sold  stored   removed   collected 
 8.  include  example  again  thus
 9.  guide  direct  assist  promote
 10.  regularly  quickly  politely  carefully
 11.  our  these  their  those
 12  task  favour  choice  power
 13.  a  the  some  any
 14.  few  other  opposite  different
 15.  humble  generous  responsible  obedient


For questions 16 to 19, choose the best alternative to fill in the blank space.

  1. When my father fell sick, he  _________________ in bed for five days.
    1. lay
    2. laid
    3. lied
    4. lain
  2. Juma was congratulated __________________ passing his examination.
    1. for
    2. on
    3. at
    4. over
  3. Sarah ____________________ a story to entertain us at breaktime.
    1. put out
    2. made up
    3. gave up
    4. brought out
  4. Our class prefect will __________________ from his position at the end of the term.
    1. step down
    2. take down
    3. get down
    4. put down

For question 20, choose the best arrangement of the given sentences to make a sensible paragraph.

    1. We dug holes in our school compound.
    2. We made a fence around each seedling.
    3. We planted and watered the seedlings.
    4. It was a tree planting day.
      1. (iv) (ii) (i) (iii)
      2. (iv) (i) (iii) (ii)
      3. (i) (iv) (ii) (iii) 
      4. (i) (iii) (iv) (ii)

For questions 21 and 22, choose the alternative that means the same as the underlined sentence.

  1. Unless it rains. I will not plant beans.
    1. I will not plant beans when it rains.
    2. I will plant beans because it rains. 
    3. I will not plant beans after it rains. 
    4. I will only plant beans if it rains.
  2. The person who repairs shoes has gone home.
    1. The repairer has gone home.
    2. The mender has gone home.
    3. The cobbler has gone home.
    4. The monger has gone home.

Read the passage below and then answer questions 23 to 25.

Dan, Leah, Asha and Shem are pupils at Akili Primary School. They take part in different activities during the holidays. Dan grows potatoes and maize. Leah grows potatoes and keeps dairy cattle. Asha grows potatoes and maize. Shem and Dan keep poultry and sheep.

  1. Which activity is the least practised by the pupils?
    1. Poultry farming.
    2. Dairy farming.
    3. Crop farming,
    4. Sheep farming.
  2. Which two pupils would get mutton and eggs from their farming?
    1. Leah and Shem. 
    2. Dan and Asha.
    3. Leah and Dan.
    4. Dan and Shem.
  3. Which statement is true according to the passage?
    1. Only one pupil grows maize.
    2. Three pupils keep poultry.
    3. Dan does most activities.
    4. Shem keeps sheep and grows maize.

Read the passage below and then answer questions 26 to 38.

Jeremy lived with his parents in Kongoni village. His father was a peasant farmer who owned a tiny piece of land. Each year, he planted maize and beans on this farm but the family did not have enough to eat. Jeremy's mother moulded pots and weaved baskets to sell at the local market. However, these did not fetch the family much money.

Jeremy was a very clever boy and his father was proud of him. He constantly got very good grades and was top of his class. What his teachers did not know was that Jeremy was always tired and hungry by the time he reached school. He had to walk ten kilometres to school every day. In the evening, he would walk back home and arrive when it was nearly dark. His mother would ask him to look after the younger children while she cooked supper.

One morning, Jeremy's mother was not feeling well. She sent him to fetch some firewood. This would make him late for school. He was worried that he would miss the first lesson.

As soon as he dropped the bundle of firewood in the house, Jeremy hurriedly left for school. On the way, he had to cross a narrow wooden bridge. Some of the wood appeared rotten and could fall into the river any time. So, Jeremy walked across the bridge carefully. Suddenly, he heard a splash and a scream from behind. He turned and saw a small child clinging onto a piece of timber. Jeremy wasted no time. He dived into the river. It was very cold. He felt the current carry him along. He swam hard against it and soon reached the child. He held out his hand and the child clung to him. Jeremy swam to the river bank with the little boy in his arms.

Soon a crowd gathered at the river bank. Among them was a smartly dressed lady.

"You are a brave young man". She said. The overjoyed lady led the two boys to her home. She gave them clothes to change. She told Jeremy, "Don't worry. I will accompany you to school and explain to your teacher why you are late." The lady was pleased with Jeremy's heroic act and gave him a brand new bicycle and promised to pay his school fees when he joined secondary school the following year. Jeremy was grateful and very excited. is

(Adapted from Safari Children's Book 2 (1973) JKF, Nairobi.)

  1. Which one of the following is true about Jeremy's family?
    1. They were proud.
    2. They were not wealthy.
    3. They were generous.
    4. They were not hardworking.
  2. According to the passage, Jeremy's father was proud of him because Jeremy
    1. worked very hard at school.
    2. helped his parents at home.
    3. saved the boy at the river.
    4. sold pots and baskets at the market.
  3. The word "clinging" as used in passage means
    1. holding.
    2. touching.
    3. floating.
    4. pushing.
  4. Why was Jeremy always hungry when he reached school?
    1. His family had many members.
    2. He was given work during supper time.
    3. The farm did not produce anything.
    4. The family did not have enough food.
  5. "Top of his class" as used in the passage means;
    1. Jeremy was a leader in his class.
    2. Jeremy performed best in his class.
    3. Jeremy was doing everything in his class.
    4. Jeremy was sitting in front of his class.
  6. Why was Jeremy worried?
    1. He would be late for class. 
    2. His mother was unwell. 
    3. He would be punished.
    4. His friends would laugh at him.
  7. Why did Jeremy rush to school?
    1. He had to cross a narrow bridge.
    2. He wanted to save the little boy.
    3. He wanted to attend the first lesson.
    4. He had already brought the firewood.
  8. Why did Jeremy walk carefully across the bridge?
    1. He was tired.
    2. It was weak.
    3. It was made of wood.
    4. He was afraid of the river.
  9. From the passage, we can say that the small child
    1. was in great danger.
    2. was the smart lady's child.
    3. wanted to swim in the river.
    4. went to the same school as Jeremy.
  10. Which one of the following is not true about the passage?
    1. Jeremy's mother was a businesswoman. 
    2. Jeremy was always late for school.
    3. Jeremy knew how to swim.
    4. Jeremy's teachers did not know him well.
  11. From the passage, we can say that the smartly dressed lady is
    1. clever and brave. 
    2. wise and patient.
    3. generous and thankful.
    4. curious and talkative.
  12. Which one of the following statements is true according to the passage?
    1. Jeremy knew the smartly dressed lady. 
    2. Jeremy fetched firewood every day.
    3. Jeremy was in final year in primary school.
    4. Jeremy did not take care of his sick mother.
  13. Which one of the following is the most important lesson we learn from this passage?
    1. We should always dress smartly.
    2. We should always help those in need.
    3. We should walk carefully across bridges. 
    4. We should work hard in school.

Read the following passage and then answer questions 39 to 50.

There are many sources of natural energy. They include wind, water and the sun. Energy from the sun is called solar energy. This type of energy is renewable. This means that it naturally replaces itself as it is being used. It therefore does not get finished. Solar energy is also plentiful. In fact, in only about 12 minutes, enough solar energy reaches the surface of the earth to supply the entire world with energy.

However, solar energy is not available all the time. It is not available at night. Clouds can also block out some of it. Nevertheless, when there is sunlight, solar energy can be conserved and used later. Moreover, when the sunlight strikes walls of buildings, solar energy is absorbed and stored. During the night, as outdoor temperatures fall, the stored energy is released slowly making the rooms warm.

A device called solar collector can be used to heat water for washing clothes, washing dishes and bathing. Water heated this way can also be stored in a tank to warm indoor air by releasing the heat. Unfortunately, this method of heating water is not used very much because the collector cannot store enough energy required to heat a large amount of water.

Another way of heating water is by using a solar furnace. The method can be used to heat water to temperatures high enough to produce steam. The steam can be used to generate electricity. So far, very few solar furnaces are being used because they are very expensive to build.

All in all, the sun remains one of the most available sources of energy. Therefore, energy experts hope to make better use of solar energy in the future.

(Adapted from Science Probe (Second Ed.) 1993 by John Wiley & Sons, Canada.)

  1. According to the first paragraph, we can say that the sun
    1. is the only natural source of energy.
    2. produces energy that can be used over and over again.
    3. has better energy than wind and water.
    4. takes exactly 12 minutes to reach the earth.
  2. Renewable energy is one which is
    1. used completely.
    2. found everywhere.
    3. always there.
    4. rarely replaced.
  3. From the passage, we can tell that solar energy is mostly available
    1. at night.
    2. at sunrise.
    3. when it is cloudy.
    4. when the sky is clear.
  4. What happens when sunlight reaches a house?
    1. Outdoor temperatures reduce.
    2. The walls become much better. 
    3. Energy from the sun is blocked.
    4. Solar energy is stored in the walls.
  5. The word "device" as used in the passage means the same as
    1. method.
    2. equipment.
    3. way.
    4. plan.
  6. According to the passage, rooms can be made warm by
    1. hot water kept in a tank.
    2. making houses strong.
    3. the use of a solar furnace.
    4. building many water collectors.
  7. Which one of the following statements is trueabout a solar collector?
    1. It is used to store hot water.
    2. It is used to wash different things.
    3. It is not common.
    4. It is not expensive.
  8. The word generate as used in the passage means the same as
    1. produce.
    2. control.
    3. carry.
    4. light.
  9. From the passage, which of the following is arranged in the correct order?
    1. solar furnace; producing steam; generating electricity; heating water. B
    2. heating water; solar furnace; producing steam; generating electricity.
    3. solar furnace; heating water; producing steam; generating electricity.
    4. heating water; producing steam; generating electricity; solar furnace.
  10. From the passage, we can tell that energy experts are
    1. patient. 
    2. powerful. 
    3. energetic.
    4. hopeful.
  11. In future, the use of solar energy will
    1. possibly improve.
    2. be the only one left.
    3. attract more experts.
    4. be cheaper.
  12. Which one of the following would be the most suitable title for this passage?
    1. Getting energy from the sun.
    2. Types of renewable energy.
    3. Storage of solar energy.
    4. Uses of natural energy.
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Friday, 10 November 2023 09:41

Mathematics Questions - KCPE 2023 Past Papers

  1. What is three million forty eight thousand two hundred and fifty seven written in numerals?
    1. 30482 7
    2. 3408257
    3. 3480257
    4. 3084257
  2. What is the place value of 7 in the number 9843.071?
    1. Tens
    2. Tenths
    3. Hundredths
    4. Hundreds
  3. What is the next number in the pattern shown below?
    3/4, 11/4, 13/4, 21/4, _______.
    1. 11/8 
    2. 12/3 
    3. 23/
    4. 31/4
  4. What is 3/as a percentage?
    1. 121/2
    2. 183/4
    3. 361/2
    4. 371/2
  5. Charity cycled from home to school a distance of 12 kilometres. She started the journey at 7.20 a.m and arrived at 8.00 a.m. What was her speed in metres per second?
    1. 2.5
    2. 5
    3. 10
    4. 18
  6. The figure below shows a trapezium UWXY. Line YX is parallel to line UW. The perpendicular distance between the parallel lines is 12 cm and line YX = 18 cm. The area of the trapezium is 252 cm2.
    What is the length of line UW?
    1. 16 cm
    2. 18 cm
    3. 24 cm
    4. 39 cm
  7. A teacher shared pencils among his learners. The girls received 2/3 of the pencils and the boys received 5/6 of the remainder. The
    teacher remained with 8 pencils. How many pencils did the teacher have before sharing?
    1. 40
    2. 96
    3. 136
    4. 144
  8. A school received five thousand and forty two books. The books were delivered in two lorries. The first lorry had three thousand and sixteen books. How many books were in the second lorry?
    1. 2026
    2. 2036
    3. 7068
    4. 8058
  9. What is the value of 
    1/of (2/3 − 1/6) ÷ 11/4?
    1. 1/3
    2. 1/5
    3. 2/15
    4. 5/16
  10. Cylindrical tins each of diameter 20 cm and a height of 15 cm were packed in a carton. The carton measured 120 cm long, 80 cm wide and 30 cm high. How many tins were packed in the carton?
    1. 61
    2. 48
    3. 24
    4. 12
  11. What is the value of 16.8×0.0542 ?
    1. 0.0126
    2. 1.26
    3. 12.6
    4. 126
  12. A scale drawing of a rectangular plot of land measures 3 cm by 2 cm. The scale used is 1:2000. What is the actual area of the plot in ares?
    1. 24000
    2. 2400
    3. 240
    4. 24
  13. What is the value of x in the equation
    2x/3 − 4x/9 = 12?
    1. 54
    2. 104/5
    3. 101/2
    4. 9
  14. What is 567432 rounded off to the nearest ten thousands?
    1. 560000
    2. 567000
    3. 570000
    4. 600000
  15. Three bells ring at intervals of 12 minutes, 24 minutes and 36 minutes. They rang together at 10.00 a.m. When was the last time they rang together before 10.00 a.m?
    1. 8.48 a.m
    2. 8.48 p.m
    3. 11.12 a.m
    4. 11.12 p.m
  16. The area of a semicircle is 39.25 cm2. What is the length of the diameter? (Тakе л = 3.14)
    1. 25 cm
    2. 10 cm
    3. 6 cm
    4. 5 cm
  17. A pupil reported to a boarding school on 27th January, 2019. He went for a mid-term break on 18th March 2019. How many nights did he spend in school?
    1. 49
    2. 50
    3. 51
    4. 52
  18. The area of a square plot of land is 0.0576 hectares. The plot was fenced all round using five strands of wire. What was the total length of the wire used?
    1. 480 m
    2. 192 m
    3. 96 m
    4. 24 m
  19. A pipe has a diameter of 0.7 m and a length of 3 m. The outer surface of the pipe was painted. What was the area that was painted?
    (Таkе л = 22/7)
    1. 13.2 m2
    2. 10.4 m2
    3. 6.6 m2
    4. 2.2 m2
  20. What is the value of 4n2(r + y) + ny    when n = 2, r = 3 and y = 5
                                         r + y − n
    1. 101/2
    2. 121/3
    3. 23
    4. 138
  21. A printing press produced 11457 books on Monday. It produced 308 more books on Tuesday than on Monday. On Wednesday, it produced 4796 less books than the total number produced both on Monday and Tuesday. How many books were produced in the three days?
    1. 16561
    2. 18426
    3. 23222
    4. 41648
  22. A cylindrical container has a diameter of 56 cm and a height of 30 cm. The container is half filled with water. How many litres of water are in the container? Тakе л = 22/7
    1. 258.72
    2. 147.84
    3. 73.92
    4. 36.96
  23. Construct triangle PQR such that line PQ = 10 cm and angle RPQ = angle RQP = 40°. Construct a circle that touches the vertices P, Q and R. What is the measure of the diameter of the circle?
    1. 10 cm
    2. 5 cm
    3. 3.6 cm
    4. 1.8 cm
  24. A van is loaded with 120 cartons each containing 40 packets of salt. The mass of each empty carton is 500 g and that of each packet of salt is 750 g. What is the total mass of the load in kilograms?
    1. 36600
    2. 3660
    3. 3600
    4. 3540
  25. Kelvin deposited sh 15 000 in a bank. The bank paid compound interest at the rate of 12% per annum. What was the total interest paid by the bank at the end of two years?
    1. sh 18 816
    2. sh 3 816
    3. sh 3 600
    4. sh 2016
  26. Ntimama had 40 cows and 55 goats in his farm. He sold 10% of the cows and increased the number of goats by 20%. What was the new number of animals in the farm?
    1. 110
    2. 106
    3. 102
    4. 80
  27. The area of a right angled triangle is 54cm2. The length of one of the shorter sides is 12cm. What is the perimeter of the triangle?
    1. 15 cm
    2. 21 cm
    3. 36 cm
    4. 42 cm
  28. A saleslady earns a basic salary of sh 10 500 per month. She also earns a commission on sales above sh 100 000. In one month, she sold items worth sh 150 000 and earned a total of sh 18 000. What was the percentage commission?
    1. 5
    2. 7
    3. 12
    4. 15
  29. A rectangular floor measures 7.5 m long and 2.5 m wide. The floor is covered with square tiles of side 0.5 m. How many tiles were used to cover the floor completely?
    1. 112
    2. 75
    3. 38
    4. 28
  30. What is the value of
    7(32 + 4) − 5 x 8 ÷ 2 + 6?
    1. 77
    2. 56
    3. 53
    4. 35
  31. The following figure shows a triangle drawn inside a semicircle.
    What is the area of the shaded part in cm2? (Take π = 22/7 )
    1. 775.25
    2. 481.25
    3. 294.00
    4. 187.25
  32. What is the square of 61/4?
    1. 1561/4
    2. 391/16
    3. 361/16
    4. 21/2
  33. A family uses 30 decilitres of milk everyday. How many litres of milk did they use during the months of February and March 2016?
    1. 186
    2. 183
    3. 180
    4. 177
  34. A cuboid measures 6 cm long, 5 cm wide and 4 cm high. What is the total length of the edges?
    1. 30
    2. 60
    3. 90
    4. 120
  35. The cash price of a sewing machine is sh 24 800. The hire purchase price is 15% more than the cash price. Joseph purchased the machine on hire purchase terms. He paid a deposit of sh 8 520 and ten equal monthly instalments. How much was the monthly instalment?
    1. sh 20 000
    2. sh 2 852
    3. sh 2 480
    4. sh 2 000
  36. The average mass of 36 pupils is 45 kg. The average mass of the pupils together with their teacher is 46 kg. How much more is the mass of the teacher than the average mass of the pupils?
    1. 127 kg
    2. 82 kg
    3. 37 kg
    4. 36 kg
  37. The marked price of a bag of beans was sh 4 500. A school bought eight bags of beans at a total cost of sh 34 400. What was the total discount allowed?
    1. sh 200
    2. sh 1 600
    3. sh 4 300
    4. sh 4 700
  38. A trader bought 10 crates of soda at sh 600 per crate. He paid sh 30 per crate for transportation. Each crate of soda contained 24 bottles but ten bottles broke during transportation. He later sold each bottle of soda for sh 30. What percentage profit did the trader make?
    1. 20
    2. 142/7
    3. 10
    4. 911/21 
  39. A poultry farmer bought the following items:
    2 chick feeders @sh 85
    5 bags of chick mash @sh 450
    4 bags of growers mash @sh 650
    2 packets of chick formula for sh 150
    She paid for the items using 6 one thousand shilling notes. How much balance did she get?
    1. sh 680
    2. sh 830
    3. sh 4 665
    4. sh 5 170
  40. In the figure shown, lines RS and TU are parallel. Line VW is a transversal.
    Which one of the following statements is correct?
    1. Angle a = Angle f
    2. Angle (c+e) = 180°
    3. Angle (g+d) = 180°
    4. Angle (d+h) = Angle (a+e)
  41. Juma bought a pair of trousers for sh r. He also bought a pair of shoes for twice the price of a pair of trousers and a shirt for half the price of the pair of trousers. He paid using two sh x notes. Which one of the following expressions represents the balance Juma got?
    1. x − 31/2r
    2. 2x  − 31/2r
    3. 2x + 31/2r
    4. x + 2  − 31/2r
  42. The following pie chart shows sales made by a farmer in a certain day.
    The value of the sales for maize was sh 880. What was the value of the sales for bananas?
    1. sh 1760
    2. sh 2 420
    3. sh 2 860
    4. sh 7 920
  43. Which one of the following statements is correct about all right angled triangles?
    1. Two sides are equal
    2. Two angles are right angles
    3. The largest angle is 90°
    4. The longest side is opposite the smallest angle
  44. Eighteen men working at the same rate can complete a job in 30 days. How many more men, working at the same rate can complete the same job in 12 days?
    1. 15
    2. 27
    3. 33
    4. 45
  45. The following are properties of quadrilaterals.
    1. all sides are equal
    2. opposite angles are equal
    3. all angles are equal
    4. diagonals bisect each other
      Which one of the properties is true for a rhombus?
      1. (ii), (iii), (iv)
      2. (i), (ii), (iii)
      3. (i), (iii), (iv)
      4. (i), (ii), (iv)
  46. Which one of the following statements is correct?
    1. 0.45 > 48%
    2. 1/4 < 0.2
    3. 3/4 = 0.85
    4. 0.36 > 7/20
  47. Construct triangle PQR such that line PQ = 8 cm, angle RPQ = 45° and angle PRQ = 75°. Construct a perpendicular line from point R to meet line PQ at M. What is the measure of line RM?
    1. 2.9 cm
    2. 5.0 cm
    3. 5.9 cm
    4. 7.2 cm
  48. The following table shows a timetable for a certain aeroplane plying from Airport S to Airport V.
     Airport  Arrival time   Departure time

    A passenger arrived at Airport T at 1.30 p.m.. How long did the passenger have to wait to depart from the airport?
    1. 20 minutes
    2. 30 minutes
    3. 1 hour 20 minutes
    4. 1 hour 40 minutes
  49. Brenda has x books. Amina has thrice as many books as Brenda. Juma has 10 books less than the total number of books both Brenda and Amina have. They have a total of 86 books altogether. Which one of the following equations can be used to find the number of books Brenda has?
    1. 8x − 10 = 86
    2. 8x + 10 = 86
    3. 4x + 10 = 86
    4. 4x − 4 = 86
  50. The bar graph below shows the amount of milk, in litres, a farmer got from his farm in one week.
    Which two days following each other in the week had the highest total production of milk?
    1. Tuesday and Wednesday
    2. Wednesday and Thursday
    3. Wednesday and Sunday
    4. Saturday and Sunday
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  1. Study the drawings and choose one that shows correct overlapping.
  2. Which of the following would best describe a still life composition?
    1. People sitting still.
    2. Still trees on a calm day.
    3. Buildings and street lights.
    4. Calabash, gourd, pot.
  3. Why is it necessary to wash a fountain pen when you change to a different colour of ink?
    1. To make the pen clean.
    2. To make the ink clear.
    3. To avoid blocking the pen.
    4. To avoid mixing ink colours.
  4. A learner is to weave the item shown in the picture.
    Identify the technique to be used.
    1. Twine
    2. Plaiting
    3. Plain weave
    4. Coil and stitch.
  5. The picture below is a pot made using the coil technique.
    Which of the following is the best way of joining the coils?
    1. Using slip.
    2. Using pallets.
    3. Using glue.
    4. Pressing well.
  6. The following statements highlight ways in which plastic bottles can be reused. Which one does not?
    1. Making toys.
    2. Decorating places.
    3. Using them to water flowers.
    4. Keeping them in the river bank.
  7. The picture shows a wristband made from leather.
    Identify the technique used to decorate it.
    1. Thonging.
    2. Beading.
    3. Stitching.
    4. Gluing.
  8. The following statements describe how puppets are given character during performance.
    Which one does not?
    1. Create a voice
    2. Make movements
    3. Increase size of the theatre
    4. Use different clothes and jewellery.
  9. A Grade 6 learner has come across an interesting artwork. Which would be the correct way of using the artwork?
    1. Copy and trace the artwork.
    2. Edit the artwork and use it.
    3. Seek permission from the artist.
    4. Take a photograph when no one is watching.
  10. Learners at Barara primary school plan to exhibit and sell their artwork during the Open Day. Which strategy will not be effective for marketing their artwork?
    1. Join the school's art club.
    2. Post pictures of artwork on sale on social media.
    3. Announce and invite the community for the exhibition.
    4. Create posters to advertise sale of the artwork.   
  11. Which of the following is not a component of a folk dance?
    1. Costumes.
    2. Body movement.
    3. Songs.
    4. Cheering
  12. The following statements describe how folk songs are performed. Which one is not correct?
    1. Performed observing safety.
    2. Performed observing good manners.
    3. Performed with coordinated body movements.
    4. Performed using sharp props.
  13. Which of the following statements does not describe the correct way of singing?
    1. Singing the tune accurately.
    2. Pronouncing the words clearly.
    3. Singing while talking.
    4. Using facial expressions.
  14. Grade 6 learners collected the following tools and materials:
    Hollow tube, knife, tin, nails, wooden bars, feathers, paint and ruler.
    Which of the materials and tools can be used to make a flute?
    1. Hollow tube, nails, feathers and knife.
    2. Hollow tube, knife, nails and ruler.
    3. Hollow tube, wooden bars, paint and nails.
    4. Hollow tube, ruler, nails and feathers.
  15. Atieno has finished playing her fiddle during a prize-giving ceremony. Which of the following statements, best describes what she should do with the fiddle?
    1. Wash it with water.
    2. Keep it outside under the sun.
    3. Hang it on the wall.
    4. Put it on the floor.
  16. Which of the following rhythmic patterns best fits the text given below:
    Njoo twende uwanjani
  17. Which of the following words best describes how a lullaby should be sang?
    1. Loudly and softly.
    2. Softly and sadly.
    3. Slowly and softly.
    4. Fast and softly.
  18. The following are some practices observed when handling a musical instrument:
    1. Return the instrument in its case after use.
    2. Put the parts together correctly before use.
    3. Wipe moisture from the instrument after use.
    4. Wash the mouth piece with warm soapy water
    5. Clean the instrument with warm soapy water.
    6. Wipe the instrument using a damp cloth.
      Which of the practices are hygiene measures observed after playing the descant recorder?
      1. (vi), (iv), (ii) and (i).
      2. (iii), (iv), (v) and (i).
      3. (ii), (iii), (vi) and (i).
      4. (v), (vi), (iv) and (ii).
  19. Juma's string instrument is not producing the desired sound. What should he do to the instrument?
    1. He should clean the instrument.
    2. He should warm the instrument.
    3. He should get another instrument.
    4. He should tune the instrument.
  20. The following are diagrams of two Kenyan indigenous musical instruments.
    Which statement is true about musical instruments (i) and (ii)?
    1. Instrument (i) is played by bowing while instrument (ii) is played by hitting.
    2. Instrument (i) is tuned by adjusting knobs while instrument (ii) is tuned by warming.
    3. Instrument (i) is a percussion instrument while instrument (ii) is a string instrument.
    4. Instrument (i) cannot play a melody while instrument (ii) can play a melody. 
  21. Which one of the following group of elements are elements of weather?
    1. Temperature, snow, rain.
    2. Wind, temperature, air pressure.
    3. Sunshine, fog, temperature.
    4. Temperature, snow, air pressure.
  22. During a class field trip, Grade 6 learners observed some relief features on their way. Which one of the following diagrams represents a relief feature observed?
  23. The following is a structure representing some parts of a town.
    Which direction is the Health Centre from the Railway Station?
    1. North
    2. South
    3. East
    4. West
  24. The tropical rainforest vegetation is found in areas that receive high rainfall. In which region is the vegetation found in Eastern Africa?
    1. Northern region of Sudan.
    2. Western region of Kenya.
    3. Northern region of Uganda.
    4. Southern region of Tanzania. 
  25. A Grade 6 teacher has invited a resource person to discuss about the semi desert climate in Eastern Africa. Which of the characteristics is true about the climate?
    1. It receives high rainfall.
    2. It experiences high humidity.
    3. It experiences high temperatures.
    4. It receives rain in the afternoon.
  26. The Social Studies teacher has asked the Grade 6 learners to use the map of Kenya to locate the national parks.
    Which one of the following national parks did they find in Mandera County.
    1. Sibiloi
    2. Amboseli
    3. Kora
    4. Malka Mari
  27. Grade 5 learners were asked to use digital devices to search for communities that belong to the Nilotes of Kenya. Which combination of communities could they have found?
    1. Abagusii and Somali.
    2. Luo and Akamba.
    3. Maasai and Turkana .
    4. Nubians and Pokomo.
  28. Kota observed her grandmother making a pot then made her own pot. The method of learning used by Kota is
    1. Narration
    2. Apprenticeship
    3. Discussion
    4. Riddles.
  29. Gala primary school is planning to hold elections of the Children's Government. The Grade 4 learners have been asked to discuss functions of the Children's Government in school. Which one of the functions is not correct?
    1. It speaks on behalf of the learners to the school administration.
    2. It ensures that the learning environment is friendly
    3. It assists teachers to ensure learners follow the school rules.
    4. It ensures teachers report for duty early.
  30. John had acquired Kenyan citizenship by registration but has received a letter cancelling it. What could have caused the citizenship to be cancelled?
    1. Voting during the general election.
    2. Attending a local harambee meeting
    3. Joining a political party.
    4. Using false documents.
  31. Grade 5 learners plan to go for an educational tour to a nearby national park. Which means of transport are they likely to use while in the park?
    1. Bus
    2. Train
    3. Lorry
    4. Motorcycles.
  32. Your teacher has asked you to walk around the school compound to collect samples of natural resources. Which of the samples below are you likely to collect?
    1. Bottles
    2. Tools
    3. Posters
    4. Soils.  
  33. Grade 5 learners of Mamboleo primary school visited a nearby demonstration farm. The farm manager told them that subsistence farming is different from small scale farming in that;
    1. small scale farmers keep large herds of animals while subsistence farmers grow food crops
    2. subsistence faming is done on small farms while small scale farming is done on large farms.
    3. small scale farmers grow cash srops and food crops while subsistence farmers grow food crops.
    4. subsistence farmers use simple tools while small scale farmers use machinery. 
  34. Mzee Hekima was invited to talk to Grade 4 learners on African Traditional leaders. Which qualities of a good leader is he likely to have discussed? The leader should be a
    1. good dancer
    2. prophet
    3. storyteller
    4. courageous person.
  35. Grade 5 learners were asked to identify the symbols of national unity. Which one the following is not a symbol national unity?
    1. Language
    2. Flag
    3. National Anthem
    4. Public seal.




  1. Your teacher tells you to be planting trees in the school. The main reason for this practice is to
    1. avoid living in a dusty compound
    2. ensure learners are busy.
    3. conserve the school environment.
    4. utilize the water in the school.
  2. Which of one the following is an appropriate activity to engage in during your leisure time?
    1. Doing physical exercises.
    2. Sitting by the roadside.
    3. Attending disco parties.
    4. Participating in betting games.
  3. Members of the family can help to promote unity at home by
    1. reporting those who do not work
    2. sharing duties among themselves
    3. inviting their friends to help them to do the work
    4. giving gifts to those who work hard.
  4. Grade 5 learners were told a story on how baby Moses was saved by Pharaoh's daughter. Which value did they learn from the story? 
    1. Holiness.
    2. Kindness.
    3. Peace.
    4. Loyalty.
  5. A CRE teacher asked pupils to group the books of the Bible according to the Old and New Testaments. Select the box that contains only the books of the New Testament.
  6. Which of the following commandments teaches you to be content with what you have?
    1. Do not worship any other God.
    2. Do not desire another man's property.
    3. Do not commit adultery.
    4. Do not accuse anyone falsely.   
  7. After reading the miracle of the healing of the woman who had the flow of blood, your teacher asked you to give a reason why the woman touched the edge of the garment of Jesus. Select the correct answer from the choices given. 
    1. She loved the garment of Jesus.
    2. She touched it by mistake.
    3. She was told by the disciple to do so.
    4. She had faith that she would be healed. 
  8. The main lesson from the parable of the friend at midnight is that we should O
    1. provide help to our friends
    2. welcome visitors in our homes
    3. be persistent in prayer
    4. lock our doors at night.
  9. Jesus performed different miracles during his ministry on earth for different reasons. A miracle of Jesus that encourages Christians to be thankful is the miracle of
    1. healing the Ten Lepers
    2. healing the Roman Officer's servant
    3. turning water into wine
    4. calming the storm.
  10. The story of the Rich Man and Lazarus teaches Christians to use their money for
    1. organising parties for friends
    2. buying food for poor people
    3. buying clothes for themselves
    4. travelling to different places.
  11. Which command did Jesus give to his disciples during the Last Supper?
    1. Do this in memory of me.
    2. Go and heal the sick.
    3. Do not take a purse for yourself.
    4. Bless those who curse you.
  12. What value do Christians learn from the story of Ananias and Sapphira of the Early Church?
    1. Tolerance.
    2. Mercy
    3. Perseverance
    4. Honesty
  13. On your way to school, a stranger offers you a lift. What is the best action for you to take?
    1. Accept the lift and get into the car.
    2. Refuse and go back home.
    3. Refuse and continue walking to school.
    4. Hide in the bush until the vehicle goes away.
  14. Your school prefect has assigned pupils various duties to perform before the lessons begin.
    Which one of the following statements represent the correct reason why you should cooperate with the school prefect?
    1. To avoid being punished.
    2. To obtain good things from the prefect.
    3. To promote respect for authority.
    4. To be recognized by the teachers. 
  15. Social media is one of the quickest ways of communication in the world today. Which one of the following activities would be the best use of social media by Grade 6 pupils?
    1. Chatting with friends all the time.
    2. Exchanging messages in their learning areas.
    3. Taking and posting their pictures.
    4. Watching all kinds of videos.



  1. During the PPI lesson, Aisha talked to a group of learners affected by famine and drought. She encouraged them not to lose hope as Allah would provide for them. The surah she can refer to while encouraging them is
    1. Al-Quraish
    2. Al-Kauthar
    3. Al-Humaza
    4. At-Takathur
  2. Grade 6 learners were presented with three verses from surah Al-Qariah and asked to arrange them in their correct order.
    1. Wa maa adraaka mal qariah
    2. Wa takunul jibalu kal i'inil
    3. Yaumu yakunu nnassu kal farashil mabthuth.
      The correct order of the verses is
      1. iii, i, îi
      2. iii, ii, i
      3. i, ii, iii
      4. i, iii, ii.
  3. Imam Abubakar was invited to school to talk about surah Al-Masad. One lesson learned from the surah is that
    1. Allah will reward those who perform good deeds.
    2. Wealth cannot protect a person from Allah's punishment
    3. Muslims should seek protection from Allah.
    4. Muslims should ask for forgiveness from Allah
  4. During the Environmental Day, Grade 6 learners participated in different activities.
    1. cleaning the market
    2. cleaning the school compound
    3. planting trees
    4. conserving the soil
      Which of the activities is considered as charity according to the Hadith of the Prophet (p.b.u.h)?
      1. i
      2. ii
      3. iii
      4. iv
  5. According to the hadith of the Prophet (p.b.u.h), Grade 4 learners can practice responsible living by
    1. wearing clean clothes
    2. following school rules
    3. assisting other learners when they have problems
    4. sharing what they learned in school with their friends in Madrasa.
  6. Haytham has been having a lot of difficulties at home. The virtue he can practise from the Ulul-Azm prophets is
    1. Justice
    2. Honesty
    3. Patience
    4. Kindness.  
  7. Choose the box that contains the pillars of Iman that are correctly arranged.
  8. When is witr prayer performed?
    1. Before dhuhr prayer.
    2. Before Asr prayer
    3. After fajr prayer.
    4. After isha prayer
  9. Grade 6 learners participated in a quiz where they were asked to mention the categories of people exempted from fasting
    The learner who gave the correct answer is   
    1. Samira - sick, old and blind
    2. Sheikha - sick, old and traveller
    3. Maimuna- sick, traveller and blind
    4. Jamila - sick, traveller and women.   
  10. When Mahmoud performs wudhu, he uses a lot of water unnecessarily. This act is known as
    1. Tawakkul
    2. Taqwa
    3. Israf
    4. Ihsan.
  11. The box that contains intoxicants only is
  12. Amira, the class secretary asks for bribes from her classmates so as not to include them in the list of noise makers. The value that Amira lacks is
    1. Responsibility
    2. Integrity
    3. Love
    4. Unity.
  13. During the Parents' Day, Grade 5 learners presented a poem on obligations of parents. One obligation that the Grade 5 parents should fulfil towards their children is
    1. buying them gifts
    2. playing with them
    3. doing homework for them
    4. Protecting them against harm.
  14. The experience of the Prophet (p.b.u.h) during the first revelation teaches learners that they should
    1. trust in Allah
    2. pray to Allah
    3. Observe fast
    4. give zakat.
  15. The value that learners can learn from the way the Answar helped the Muhajirun in the story of the Hijra to Madina is
    1. unity
    2. peace
    3. integrity
    4. patriotism.



  1. Which one of the following birds is associated with Lord Krishna?
    1. Peacock.
    2. Dove.
    3. Swan.
    4. Eagle.   
  2. Grade 4 learners were told by their teacher to research on the deities and their roles. Which one of the deities given below is associated with creation?
    1. Vishnu.
    2. Shiv.
    3. Brahma.
    4. Ganesh.
  3. Jayna went to visit Ayodhaya during Diwali. However, she discovered there is a Jain Tirthankar, whose birth is also associated with Ayodhya, the Jain tirthankara is   
    1. Mahavir
    2. Abhinandannath
    3. Mallinath
    4. Neminath.
  4. The following statements describe an Enlightened Being:
    1. He is seated on the carriage in the battlefield in Kurukshetra;
    2. He is very devoted to an Avatar of Lord Vishnu;
    3. He has supernatural powers;
    4. He protects the good. 
      Who among the following Enlightened Beings is described above? 
      1. Bishma.
      2. Dashrath.
      3. Dronacharya.
      4. Hanuman.
  5. Animals are considered sacred creation which should not be killed. The Scripture that talks about the preservation of the animals is
    1. Ramayan
    2. Shikshapatri
    3. Dhammapada
    4. Bhagwad Gita.
  6. The head priest in the temple which Manisha visits daily recites the Scripture in Sanskrit. The priest tells Manisha that he recites the Scripture in Sanskrit because
    1. in translating into vernacular, the inner meaning is lost
    2. the rythm of recitratioon gives pleasure to listeners
    3. will motivates people to learn Sanskrit
    4. Sanskrit is easier than the vernacular.
  7. The prayer shown below belongs to
    1. Sanatan
    2. Jains
    3. Sikhs
    4. Buddhists.
  8. Dhwaj is a prominent feature in places of worship that is hoisted on top of it to
    1. beautify the place of worship
    2. helps devotees identify the faith
    3. gives importance to the faith's symbol
    4. It gives direction to the devotees.
  9. Anil failed to perform well in his PHE assessment task. When he approached the teacher for assistance, he was told to practice the principle of ____________________ to pass his examination.
    1. Punarjanam
    2. Purushartha
    3. Pranidaya
    4. Pvarthana
  10. A teacher of HRE organized a class presentation on how morning chanting is done in a place of worship. The Sikh principle that guides the chanting is
    1. Kirat Karna
    2. Wand shakna
    3. Naam Japna
    4. Sewa karna.
  11. The image of an elephant at the entrance of Jain derasa symbolises
    1. loyalty
    2. taming of wildlife
    3. a symbol for removing negative energy
    4. a symbol of protection of the temple.
  12. Mohini is invited by her friend Jinita to the Mandir associated with an Avatar of Lord Vishnu for some prayers. Which of the following greetings is Mohini most likely to hear?
    1. Jai Ambe.
    2. Jai Shri Krishna.
    3. Jai Jinendra.
    4. Jai Bhole Nath.
  13. During a PHE lesson, Amrit fell down and hurt his leg. Hanjit stopped playing immediately and took Amrit for first aid. The value that was demonstrated by Hanjit is
    1. respect
    2. responsibility
    3. patience
    4. tolerance.
  14. Which two of the Utsavs, celebrate the victory of good over evil?
    1. Paryushan Parv and Vasant Panchami.
    2. Navratri and Janamashtami.
    3. Diwali and Holi.
    4. Ramnavmi and Gurupurab.
  15. The head teacher encouraged the learners to practice Yoga every morning. The main reason for practicing Yoga is to
    1. participate in sports
    2. enhance social cohesion
    3. grow spiritually
    4. be physically fit.
  1. During a lesson, Grade 6 learners discussed functions of different parts of a plant. Which part of a plant is responsible for making plant food?
    1. Root.
    2. Stem
    3. Fruit.
    4. Leaf.
  2. The following diagrams were drawn by learners to represent two types of root systems E and F.
    Which one of the following pairs of plants is matched to its correct root system.
              E                          F
    A. Maize                 Sugarcane
    B. Beans                 Maize
    C. Sisal                   Beans
    D. Sugarcane          Sisal
  3. During a class activity, learners recorded the following observations about a group of invertebrates:
    1. three body parts;
    2. three pairs of legs;
    3. have wings;
    4. have antennae.
      Which one of the following is a member of the group observed by the learners?
      1. Tick.
      2. Millipede.
      3. Cockroach.
      4. Centipede.
  4. The following diagram represents some parts of the human heart drawn by learners during a lesson on functions of parts of the heart.
    Which one of the following is a function of the part labelled G?
    1. Pumping blood to the lungs.
    2. Pumping blood to other parts of the body.
    3. Receiving blood from the rest of the body. 
    4. Receiving deoxygenated blood.
  5. Grade 6 learners listed the following parts of the human reproductive system. Which part belongs to the female reproductive system?
    1. Cervix.
    2. Prostate
    3. Testis.
    4. Penis.
  6. During a Science lesson, learners observed activities shown in the following pictures. In which one of the activities is water not conserved?
  7. A person donated a desktop computer to a friend who needed it instead of throwing it away.
    This is an example of managing solid waste by
    1. reusing and recycling
    2. reusing only
    3. reducing only
    4. reducing and recycling.
  8. During a class discussion, learners suggested ways of controlling water pollution. Which one of the following ways would control water pollution?
    1. Boiling.
    2. Filtration.
    3. Avoiding open defecation.
    4. Chemical treatment.
  9. During a class discussion, learners listed ways of preventing infestation by external parasites. Which one of the following ways prevent infestation by jiggers?
    1. Not sharing clothes.
    2. Wearing shoes.
    3. Soaking clothes in hot water.
    4. Ironing clothes.
  10. Learners used a ball and ring shown in the following set up to demonstrate a certain property of matter. They observed that the ball could pass through the ring before heating but after heating it could not.
    Which one of the following properties of matter was being demonstrated? Matter
    1. exerts pressure and has volume
    2. changes state and has mass
    3. occupies space and has weight
    4. expands and contracts.
  11. Which one of the statements describes an application of change of state of matter in everyday life?
    1. Working of thermometers.
    2. Warming water.
    3. Hardening of bricks.
    4. Drying of clothes.
  12. Which one of the following components of air is 78% by volume?
    1. Carbon dioxide.
    2. Oxygen.
    3. Nitrogen.
    4. Inert gases.
  13. Learners listed the following as ways by which friction can be reduced. Which one was not correct?
    1. Lubrication.
    2. Sharpening tools.
    3. Smoothening surfaces.
    4. Using rollers.
  14. A learner used a ladder as a simple machine to reach and fix a bulb in a house. The ladder is a simple machine because it makes it easier to
    1. move loads in circles
    2. move loads horizontally
    3. overcome loads in the opposite direction of force
    4. move loads through heights.
  15. Learners observed a cloud which appeared long, curled, feather-like and light. The cloud observed is most likely to be
    A. cirrus
    B. nimbus
    C. stratus
    D. cumulus.

The following photograph shows a farmer constructing a structure for controlling soil erosion. Study it and answer questions 16 and 17.


  1. Identify the structure in the picture.
    1. Gabion.
    2. Grass strip.
    3. Terrace.
    4. Trash line.
  2. How does the structure control soil erosion?
    1. Intercepts rain drops.
    2. Reduces speed of water.
    3. Stores water.
    4. Holds the soil back.
  3. The picture below shows farm produce la-belled "ORGANIC" on the market.
    What does the label "ORGANIC" mean? The farm produce is
    1. free from artificial chemicals
    2. free from pests and diseases
    3.  fresh
    4. more tasty.

The following photograph shows a method of protecting livestock. Use it to answer questions 19 and 20.


  1.  The method protects the livestock by
    1. preventing entry of the wild animals
    2. producing flashing lights at night
    3. scaring wild animals away
    4. trapping the wild animals.
  2. How can you describe the animals in the photograph? They are
    1. carnivorous
    2. decomposers
    3. omnivorous
    4. herbivorous.

The following photograph shows a farmer carrying out a practice after germination of maize. Study it and answer questions 21 to 23.


  1. Identify the practice.
    1. Gapping.
    2. Pruning.
    3. Thinning.
    4. Training.
  2. Which one of the following wild animals most likely interferes with germination of seeds?
    1. Mole.
    2. Monkey.
    3. Squirrel.
    4. Weaver bird.
  3. From the photograph, name the other caring practice the farmer carried out on the maize.
    1. Harvesting.
    2. Pruning.
    3. Training
    4. Weed control   
  4. Which one of the following is an indigenous vegetable crop?
    1. Cabbage.
    2. Kales.
    3. Pigweed.
    4. Spinach.
  5. Which one of the following pairs of crops consists of indigenous root crops?
    1. Arrowroots and carrots.
    2. Beetroot and cassava.
    3. Carrots and yams.
    4. Cassava and arrowroots.
  6. Grade 5 learners at Kabila primary school were asked to give the meaning of common communicable diseases.
    Which one of the following statements is true about common communicable diseases?
    1. They are diseases that are spread easily from one person to another.
    2. They are diseases that cannot be spread from one person to another.
    3. They are diseases that are spread only by communicating to people.
    4. They are diseases that spread only when people move from one place to another.
  7. Four Grade 6 learners were asked by their teacher to bring some items needed for a Home Science lesson. Below is what each learner brought:
    Auma:   Body lotion, petroleum jelly and skin care cream.
    Chris:    Thread, thimble, make-up kit and pins.
    Fatma:  Tie, socks, belt and scarf.
    Festus: Cup, spoon, perfume and needle.
    Who among the learners brought accessories used to enhance personal appearance?
    1. Auma.
    2. Chris.
    3. Fatma.
    4. Festus.
  8. Razia advised her parents to always include savings in their family budget.
    Which one of the following statements is true about savings?
    1. Savings is the amount of money you are left with after buying all items required.
    2. Savings is the amount of money you are given back after paying for items.
    3. Saving is the amount of money set aside for unexpected expenses.
    4. Savings is the amount of money set aside for future use.
  9. Masiero accompanied her father to the shop to 34. Amanda has noticed that her school uniform buy cooking fat.
    Which one of the following is an important factor they should consider when choosing the cooking fat?
    1. Colour of the packaging.
    2. Expiry date on the package.
    3. The type of packaging used.
    4. Weight of the packaging material.
  10. Grade 5 learners were asked to identify micronutrients found in food. Some of the micronutrients they identified are
    1. proteins and lipids
    2. carbohydrates and lipids
    3. carbohydrates and proteins.
    4. vitamins and minerals.
  11. Lotum has advised his uncle not to use salting method to preserve meat.
    Which one of the following is a reason Lotum's uncle should avoid using salt to preserve meat?
    1. Salt increases risk of constipation.
    2. Salt increases risk of hypertension. 
    3. Salt improves weak bones.
    4. Salt decreases the risk of asthma.
  12. Salim is suffering from scurvy.
    Which one of the following eating habits is likely to have made Salim to develop scurvy?
    1. Decreased consumption of fruits and vegetables.
    2. Increased consumption of fruits and vegetables.
    3. Decreased consumption of foods rich in carbohydrates.
    4. Increased consumption of foods rich in fibre and water.
  13. Ann and Ken were talking about one of the steps in laundering a handkerchief. The handkerchief is put in clean cold salty water without soap for some time. The step they were talking about is
    1. washing
    2. sorting
    3. soaking
    4. rinsing
  14. Amanda has a gaping seam. She wants to repair it. Which one of the following stitches can she use to repair the gaping seam? 
    1. Loop stitches.
    2. Back stitches.
    3. Hemming stitches.
    4. Oversewing stitches.
  15. Every time Rihana wears her favourite dress, it clings to the body which makes her uncomfortable. To prevent the dress from clinging to her body, Rihana should
    1. bleach the dress after washing
    2. use a disinfectant when rinsing
    3. rinse the dress well with clean water
    4. use a fabric conditioner when rinsing.
  16. Grade 6 learners developed the following rules for racing games:
    1. Wear suitable shoes while running;
    2. Keep to your lané when running;
    3. Drink adequate amount of water before the race;
    4. Avoid performing any exercise before the race.
      Which one of the following set of rules is correct?
      1. i, ii, iv.
      2. i, iii, iv.
      3. i, ii, iii.
      4. ii, iii, iv..
  17. Rope skipping is a common physical activity. Which one of the following statement is true about the effects of rope skipping exercise?
    1. Makes the leg joints weak.
    2. Causes lifestyle disease.
    3. Can cause injury to ankles.
    4. Improves physical fitness.
  18. Grade 6 learners were asked to run to a specific point within the shortest time. possible. Which component of fitness were the learners developing?
    1. Speed.
    2. Coordination.
    3. Strength.
    4. Balance.
  19. Sharing food during a camping activity is common among a group of friends. Why should friends share food during an outdoor activity?
    1. Show friends' background with different kinds of food.
    2. Promote unity among friends for better group work.
    3. Encourage friends to rely on others for food.
    4. Saves time for those who do not want to prepare and carry food.
  20. During an outdoor activity, a group of learners found the following sign marked on the path.
    What does this sign mean?
    1. Turn right.
    2. No way through.
    3. Stop.
    4. Turn left.
  21. A gymnastic competitor performed the skill shown in the following picture.
    What is the name of the gymnastic skill?
    1. Side vault.
    2. Wall vault.
    3. Fence vault.
    4. Jump vault. 7
  22. A first aid box contains items that are used when one is injured. Which of the following items is correctly matched with its use during first aid?
    1. Scissors cutting papers and muscles that have been injured.
    2. Bandages making straps to support the first aid box.
    3. Thermometer - controlling body temperature.
    4. Cotton wool - applying antiseptics and cleaning cuts.
  23. Learners improvised relay batons using various materials. Which of the following material made the most durable relay baton?
    1. Manila paper.
    2. Clay.
    3. Wood.
    4. Grass,
  24. The following picture shows a gymnast performing a ________________________________________.
    1. hand stand
    2. head stand
    3. inverted stand
    4. hand and head stand.
  25. Four learners set up outdoor shelters as follows:
    Jane: Close to the river
    John: At the top of the hill
    James: At the bottom of the valley=
    Juliet: At a gentle slope sheltered by trees
    Who among the learners chose a suitable site for an outdoor shelter?
    1. Jane.
    2. John
    3. James
    4. Juliet.
  26. Two players collided during a PHE lesson. One player started bleeding from the nose. Which one of the following is the correct first aid to control the bleeding?
    1. Lying on the back while facing up.
    2. Putting cotton wool in the nostrils to block the blood from flowing.
    3. Sitting while leaning forward and pinching the soft part of the nose.
    4. Sitting down with legs raised to relax and stop bleeding.
  27. Learners were asked to improvise a triangular bandage. Which one of the following material was suitable for improvising the bandage?
    1. Newspapers.
    2. Banana leaves,
    3. Pieces of clothes.
    4. A piece of carton.
  28. Learners were asked to improvise a soccer ball to use during the inter-class competition. Which of the following materials did the learners use?
    1. Old newspapers, strings, sand.
    2. Cotton wool, papers, strings.
    3. Leaves, plastic bottles, strings.
    4. Cotton wool, wire, old newspapers.
  29. A school handball team members took their positions in the court ready to start the game. How many players did the team comprise?
    1. 5
    2. 6
    3. 7
    4. 8
  30. When starting a race in athletics, competitors are given commands. Which of the following command is not given?
    1. Go.
    2. Set.
    3. Run.
    4. On your marks.
Thursday, 09 November 2023 12:11

Kiswahili Questions - Grade 6 KPSEA 2023 Exams

Swali la 1 hadi la 5

Soma kifungu kifuatacho kisha ujibu maswali.

(Ni jioni. Leni na Kibo wamekutana mtoni. Ni msimu wa kiangazi.)

Leni: (Akitabasamu.) Bingwa, hujambo? Ha! Ha! Ha! Umejitwika mtungi kichwani kutafuta maji!
Kibo: (Akionyesha kukasirika.) Sijambo, lakini mimi si bingwa. Ubingwa gani na hata tone la maji sina?
Leni: Samahani kaka. Sikudhani unaweza kukosa maji. Ajabu! Matangi yako makubwa yamekauka?
Kibo: Bila shaka. Unavyoona kiangazi kimetuathiri sisi sote. Hali ya anga isipobadilika tutaangamia.
Leni: (Akionyesha kuhuzunika.) Ni kweli unavyosema mwenzangu. Lakini hiyo anga itabadilikaje ilhali miti inakatwa ovyo?
Kibo: Ipo haja ya sisi kushirikiana ili kutunza na kuhifadhi mazingira yetu. Kumbuka tusipoziba ufa...
Leni:  (Akikubaliana naye.) Tutajenga ukuta. Nasikitika hali hii ikiendelea tutakosa chakula. Wanyama na ndege nao watakosa makao.
Kibo:  Mwandani wangu, hakika utunzi wa mazingira ni wajibu wetu.
Leni:   Kweli kabisa. (Wanaagana na kuondoka)

  1. Leni alimwamkua Kibo, hujambo? Ni salamu gani nyingine ambayo Leni angetumia kumwamkua Kibo?
    1. Chewa?
    2. Masalkheri?
    3. Sabalkheri?
    4. Shikamoo?
  2. Leni alitumia lugha ya adabu alipokuwa akizungumza na Kibo. Chagua kauli aliyoitumia inayoonyesha adabu.
    1. Umejitwika mtungi kichwani kutafuta maji!
    2. Wanyama na ndege nao watakosa makao.
    3. Matangi yako makubwa yamekauka?
    4. Ni kweli unavyosema mwenzangu.
  3. Katika mazungumzo, msikilizaji anaweza kukamilisha kauli ya anayezungumza. Chagua kauli iliyotumiwa kukamilisha nyingine katika mazungumzo haya.
    1. Bila shaka.
    2. Tutajenga ukuta.
    3. Kweli kabisa.
    4. Samahani kaka.
  4. Leni alimweleza Kibo athari za kutotunza mazingira. Ungekuwa Kibo, ungetaja athari gani nyingine?
    1. Kiwango cha joto kuongezeka.
    2. Wanafunzi kuacha shule.
    3. Mahusiano baina ya watu yataharibika. 
    4. Vyombo vya usafiri wa umma vitapungua.
  5. Neno mwandani limetumika katika mazungumzo. Chagua neno lenye maana sawa na mwandani.
    1. Ndugu.
    2. Jirani.
    3. Sahibu.
    4. Mwenza.

Swali la 6 hadi la 9

Soma kifungu kifuatacho kisha ujibu maswali.

Ushuru ni malipo yanayotozwa na serikali kama ada ya kuingiza bidhaa ndani ya nchi au kuziuza nje ya nchi. Pia, ni ada inayotozwa raia kwa kuuza au kununua huduma mbalimbali. Nchi yetu hutegemea ushuru ambao wananchi hutozwa ili kuendesha shughuli zake.

Shirika lenye jukumu la kukusanya ushuru nchini Kenya ni Halmashauri ya Ukusanyaji Ushuru almaarufu KRA. Shirika hili limepewa mamlaka ya kikatiba kukusanya aina zote za ushuru: ushuru wa mapato, ushuru wa forodhani, ushuru kutokana na shughuli za kitalii na nyinginezo.

Serikali huandaa bajeti kila mwaka ili kuhakikisha matumizi yafaayo ya fedha. Bajeti huwa na makadirio ya mapato na mgao wa fedha kwa matumizi mbalimbali. Makadirio hayo husomwa bungeni na Waziri wa Hazina ya Kitaifa kisha kuidhinishwa.

Ni wajibu wa kila mwananchi kulipa ushuru ili taifa letu liweze kujitegemea. Tukifanya hivyo, tutaweza kupiga hatua kimaendeleo. Tutakuwa na miundomsingi bora, huduma nzuri za kimsingi kama vile afya na elimu na hata nafasi zaidi za ajira

  1. Kulingana na kifungu, maendeleo ya taifa hutegemea:\
    1. bidhaa zinazouzwa.
    2. bajeti ya taifa.
    3. huduma za kimsingi.
    4. ushuru unaotozwa.
  2. Kifungu kimeonyesha kuwa ni haki ya KRA kukusanya ushuru kwa sababu:
    1. bajeti huandaliwa kila mwaka.
    2. imepewa mamlaka kikatiba. 
    3. ni muhimu kuhakikisha matumizi yafaayo ya fedha.
    4. bidhaa nyingi huuzwa ndani na nje ya nchi.
  3. Miundomsingi ikiimarika:
    1. viwanda vya uzalishaji bidhaa vitaimarika.
    2. wakulima watapata mazao mengi. 
    3. idadi ya watu itaongezeka.
    4. uharibifu wa mazingira utapungua.
  4. Chagua maana ya neno kuidhinishwa kama lilivyotumiwa katika kifungu.
    1. kuwasilishwa.
    2. kuchunguzwa.
    3. kukubaliwa.
    4. kukamilika.

Swali la 10 hadi la 12

Soma kifungu kifuatacho kisha ujibu maswali.

Likizo iliyopita nilitumia muda wangu wa mapumziko kumsaidia mlezi wangu kuwatunza mifugo wetu. Jambo hilo lilimfurahisha sana mlezi wangu akanizawidi ndama wa kike. Nilimpa ndama wangu jina, Simati.

Nilijitolea kwa hali na mali kumtunza Simati. Anapendeza kwa rangi yake nyeupe na madoa meusi. Matarajio yangu ni kwamba siku za usoni atapata ndama wake. Wakati huo utakapofika, nitamkama maziwa.

Maziwa nitakayoyapata nitayagawa kwa matumizi ya nyumbani na mengine nitayauza kwa usaidizi wa mlezi wangu. Hela nitakazopata kutokana na mauzo ya maziwa hayo, nitaziweka kama akiba kwani akiba haiozi.

  1. Kulingana na kifungu, msimulizi alipewa zawadi kwa sababu:
    1. alifika nyumbani kwa likizo.
    2. alimsaidia mlezi wake.
    3. alimpa ndama jina Simati.
    4. alitamani kuuza maziwa.
  2. Chagua jibu linaloonyesha kuwa msimulizi anafahamu uwekezaji.
    1. Anatumia likizo yake vizuri.
    2. Anatarajia Simati atapata ndama.
    3. Anafurahisha sana mlezi wake.
    4. Anapanga kuuza maziwa ili apate pesa.
  3. Msimulizi alimsaidia mlezi wake kuwatunza mifugo wao. Kuwatunza ni:
    1. kuwalinda.
    2. kuwatayarisha.
    3. kuwapenda.
    4. kuwafurahisha.

Swali la 13 hadi la 15

Soma kifungu kifuatacho kisha ujibu maswali

Kesho ni Ijumaa. Itakuwa sikukuu ya Mashujaa nchini. Kutakuwa na sherehe ya kuadhimisha siku hiyo. Jena na Joana watakariri shairi kuhusu mashujaa. Tangu juzi, wamekuwa wakifanya mazoezi ili kujiandaa. Mtondogoo watarejea shuleni. Watawasimulia wenzao kuhusu matukio ya siku hiyo.

  1. Jena na Joana watarejea shuleni mtondogoo. Mtondogoo itakuwa siku gani?
    1. Jumamosi.
    2. Jumapili.
    3. Jumatatu.
    4. Jumanne.
  2. Chagua vitendo vinavyoonyesha kuwa Jena na Joana wanapenda nchi yao.
    1. Kuhudhuria sherehe, kukariri shairi. 
    2. Kurejea shuleni, kukariri shairi.
    3. Kusimulia matukio, kuhudhuria sherehe.
    4. Kusimulia matukio, kurejea shuleni.
  3. Maana ya kujiandaa kulingana na kifungu ni:
    1. kujitambulisha.
    2. kujitayarisha.
    3. kujinufaisha.
    4. kujiburudisha.

Soma kifungu kifuatacho. Kina nafasi 16 hadi 20. Umepewa majibu manne hapo. Chagua jibu lifaalo zaidi kati ya yale uliyopewa.

Kuwa na afya yaani ____16____  bora ni jambo muhimu kwa binadamu. Mlezi wangu husema kuwa lishe bora na mazoezi ya viungo vya mwili ni njia ____17_____ ya kutupatia afya njema. Yeye huhakikisha kwamba ____18____ matunda, mboga, mihogo na maharagwe ____19____ wingi. Tukiwa
na afya njema, tutaweza kufanya kazi kwa bidii kama ____20____.

   A  B  C  D
 16.  uhai  nguvu   kimo   siha 
 17.  kuzuri  nzuri  mzuri  vizuri
 18.  tunakula  tungekula   tukila   tulikula 
 19.  ya  kwa  ni  vya
 20.  kiwavi  mchwa   tausi   njiwa 

Kutoka swali la 21 hadi la 30, chagua jibu sahihi.

  1. Chagua umoja wa:
    "Majembe yatatumiwa kupalilia mipapai yao michanga".
    1. Jembe litatumiwa kupalilia mipapai yake michanga.
    2. Jembe litatumiwa kupalilia mipapai yake mchanga
    3. Jembe litatumiwa kupalilia mpapai wake mchanga.
    4. Jembe litatumiwa kupalilia mpapai wake michanga.
  2. Chagua jibu sahihi kujaza pengo.
    Jakaya amekuwa akiwasaidia ______________________ zamani.
    1. hadi
    2. kisha
    3. tena
    4. tangu 
  3. Ukitaka kwenda chooni utamwomba mwalimu ruhusa kwa kumwambia unataka kwenda ________________________.
    1. bafuni.
    2. majifichoni.
    3. msalani.
    4. chumbani
  4. Matu ni fundi wa nguo. Rinda la Anna limeshonwa na Matu. Kwa hivyo, Anna __________________________ rinda na Matu.
    1. wameshonewa
    2. wameshonesha
    3. ameshonewa
    4. ameshonesha
  5. Chagua jibu sahihi kujaza nafasi.
    Mlango _______________________ darasa ni safi.
    1. za
    2. ya
    3. wa
    4. la
  6. Mjomba wako alikuletea zawadi juzi. Ikiwa leo ni Jumamosi, mjomba wako alikuletea zawadi siku gani?
    1. Jumanne.
    2. Jumatano.
    3. Alhamisi.
    4. Ijumaa.
  7. Tamu ni kwa chungu ilhali mwepesi ni kwa:
    1. mzito.
    2. mkubwa.
    3. mnene.
    4. mpana.
  8. Chagua jibu linaloonyesha ukanusho wa sentensi ifuatayo:
    Munira amesoma kitabu hicho. A
    1. Munira hasomi kitabu hicho. 
    2. Munira hatasoma kitabu hicho. 
    3. Munira hakusoma kitabu hicho. 
    4. Munira hajasoma kitabu hicho.
  9. Mtu anapomhimiza mwenzake kufanya kazi, tunasema anamtia shime. Je, mtu anapomsaidia mwenzake katika jambo fulani huwa:
    1. anamfanyia hima.
    2. anampiga jeki. zamani.
    3. anachapa kazi.
    4. anatia fora
  10. Katana na Kombo hawapendi kushirikiana na wenzao kufanya shughuli za vikundi darasani.
    Chagua methali inayoweza kutumiwa kuwashauri kubadilisha tabia hii.
    1. Asiyesikia la mkuu huvunjika guu.
    2. Chelewa chelewa utakuta mwana si wako.
    3. Mchagua jembe si mkulima.
    4. Jifya moja haliinjiki chungu.
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Thursday, 09 November 2023 12:02

Mathematics Questions - Grade 6 KPSEA 2023 Exams

  1. Lorries delivered 84072 bags of maize to a refugee camp. What is the number of bags of maize in words?
    1. Eighty thousand four hundred and seventy two
    2. Eighty four thousand seven hundred and two
    3. Eighty four thousand and seventy two
    4. Eighty four thousand seven hundred and twenty
  2. In a hospital, 436587 children were vaccinated against polio in a certain year. What is the total value of digit 6 in the number?
    1. 600
    2. 6000
    3. 60000
    4. 600000
  3. A tree nursery had 368593 seedlings. Customers bought 27364 tree seedlings in a day. How many tree seedlings remained?
    1. 395957
    2. 341239
    3. 341229
    4. 94953
  4. A milk processing factory produced 19468 packets of milk. How many packets of milk to the nearest thousands were produced?
    1. 20000
    2. 19500
    3. 19470
    4. 19000
  5. What is the next number in the pattern?
    8, 24, 72, 216,_________________
    1. 232
    2. 264
    3. 360
    4. 648
  6. Work out
    24 ÷ 3 + 9 x 6 − 4
    1. 8
    2. 26
    3. 58
    4. 98
  7. Musa spent 2/5 of his salary on food. He also 1/4 spent of the salary on rent. What is the total fraction of the salary that Musa spent on food and rent?
    1. 13/20
    2. 9/20
    3. 7/20
    4. 3/20
  8. What is the value of 95/6 – 11/3?
    1. 111/6
    2. 91/6
    3. 82/3
    4. 81/2
  9. Wangeci made a necklace using red and green beads. The red beads used were 25% while the rest were green. Which of the following decimals represent the green beads?
    1. 7.5
    2. 0.75
    3. 0.075
    4. 0.0075
  10. A tailor bought a fabric material. He used 0.263 of the fabric to make a pair of shorts, 0.287 to make a shirt and 0.45 to make a dress. How much of the fabric was used to make both the dress and the shirt?
    1. 0.332
    2. 0.637
    3. 0.713
    4. 0.737
  11. The height of water in a dam increased by 5 cm after it rained. What is the increase in the height of water in millimetres?
    1. 50
    2. 500
    3. 5000
    4. 50000
  12. A teacher drew the folowing shape on the board.
    What is the perimeter of the shape?
    1. 43 cm
    2. 48 cm
    3. 50 cm
    4. 58 cm
  13. A ribbon is 31 cm 6 mm long. Rehema cut 5 cm 3 mm of the ribbon to make a flower. What length of the ribbon remained?
    1. 26 cm 3 mm
    2. 34 cm 3 mm
    3. 36 cm 9 mm
    4. 36 cm 3 mm
  14. A wall of a rabbit hutch is in the shape of a rectangle and a triangle as shown.
    What is the area of the wall?
    1. 6370 cm2
    2. 5590 cm2
    3. 4810 cm2
    4. 3185 cm2
  15. Kimeto drinks 3.7 litres of water everyday. How many millilitres of water does he drink?
    1. 37
    2. 370
    3. 3700
    4. 37000
  16. A road construction company mixed sand and small stones. The mass of sand was 18 tonnes 481 kilograms. The mass of small stones was 12 tonnes 394 kilograms. What is the total mass of the mixture?
    1. 30 tonnes 875 kilograms
    2. 30 tonnes 775 kilograms
    3. 20 tonnes 875 kilograms
    4. 6 tonnes 87 kilograms
  17. A tea processing factory distributed fertilizer to farmers using 4 lorries. Each lorry carried 24 tonnes 235 kilograms of fertilizer. What was the total mass of the fertilizer distributed?
    1. 96 tonnes 940 kilograms
    2. 96 tonnes 920 kilograms
    3. 96 tonnes 840 kilograms
    4. 86 tonnes 940 kilograms
  18. A flower company exported 4850000 kilograms of fresh flowers. How many tonnes of fresh flowers did the company export?
    1. 485000
    2. 48500
    3. 4850
    4. 485
  19. Wambua represented his school in a music festival. He began his performance in the afternoon at the time shown on the clock face.
    At what time did Wambua begin his performance?
    1. 2.07 p.m.
    2. 2.35 a.m.
    3. 2.35 p.m.
    4. 3.35 p.m.
  20. The table shows a travel timetable for a train from Manga station to Pate through Nanga.
     Station  Arrival time  Departure time 
     Manga    6.15 a.m.
     Nanga  8.30 a.m.  8.40 a.m.
     Pate  11.54 a.m.  
    A tourist travelled from Manga station to Pate using the train. How long did the journey take?
    1. 5 hours 39 minutes
    2. 3 hours 24 minutes
    3. 3 hours 14 minutes
    4. 2 hours 15 minutes.
  21. Ndemo assists his father to sell clothes in their shop. He sold a dress for sh 1 675. He made a profit of sh 390 after selling the dress. What was the buying price of the dress?
    1. sh 2 065
    2. sh 1 385
    3. sh 1 325
    4. sh 1 285
  22. The area of a rectangular piece of paper is 72cm2. The length of the paper is 9 cm. What is the width of the paper in millimetres?
    1. 0.8
    2. 8
    3. 80
    4. 800
  23. Omondi drew accurately the triangle shown on a piece of paper.
    Measure angle LMN using a protractor. What is the size of angle LMN?
    1. 100°
    2. 80°
    3. 60°
    4. 40°
  24. While picking litter in the school compound, Munya picked the following 3-D object.
    How many edges does the object have?
    1. 6
    2. 8
    3. 9
    4. 12
  25. A carpenter joined five pieces of timber to make a window frame as shown.
    Which of the following pieces of timber are parallel?
    1. r and p
    2. m and n
    3. n and q
    4. r and q
  26. Grade 6 learners harvested tomatoes from their agriculture project. The bar graph shows the amount of money received from Monday to Friday after selling the tomatoes.
    How much money did the learners receive on Wednesday?
    1. sh 2 250
    2. sh 2 000
    3. sh 1 750
    4. sh 1 500
  27. During a geometry lesson, learners were asked to describe the faces of a cylinder, pyramid, cube and cuboid. Which of the following descriptions was correct?
    1. A cylinder has a square face 
    2. A pyramid has a triangular face
    3. A cube has a rectangular face
    4. A cuboid has a circular face
  28. The table shows the number of patients who were treated for various diseases in a dispensary. Some information is missing in the table.
     Disease  Tally   Number of patients 
     Malaria    12
     Diabetes  ////  
     Tuberculosis  ////   /  
     HIV/AIDS    8
    How many patients were treated altogether?
    1. 30
    2. 20
    3. 29
    4. 10
  29. Ngei had some oranges. He gave out 4 oranges to his friend. He remained with more than 6 oranges. Use letter p to represent the number of oranges that Ngei originally had. Which of the following inequalities correctly represents this information?
    1. p−4<6
    2. 6−p>4
    3. p−4>6
    4. p−6<4
  30. A self-help group shared some money among 50 women. Each woman in the group got sh 8 500. Use letter x to represent the amount of money shared. Which of the following equations correctly represents this information?
    1. 50x = 8500
    2. 50/x = 8500
    3. x + 50= 8500
    4. x/50 = 8 500
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Study the map of Pali area and use it to answer questions 1 to 7.

  1. What is the approximate length of the murram road in Pali arca?
    1. 15km
    2. 12km
    3. 8km
    4. 10km
  2. The population distribution in Pali arca is likely to be influenced by 
    1. transport and communication 
    2. crop farming
    3. drainage
    4. mining activities.
  3. The land in Pali area slopes towards
    1. North West
    2. South East
    3. North East
    4. South West
  4. Most of the residents of Pali area are
    1. Muslims
    2. Traditionalists
    3. Christians
    4. Pagans.
  5. The main economic activity in Pali area is
    1. trading
    2. mining
    3. farming
    4. pastoral farming
  6. The climate in Pali area is likely to be
    1. Hot and dry
    2. Hot and wet 
    3. Cool and humid
    4. Cool and wet
  7. Three of the following social services are offered in Pali town. Which one is not?
    1. Security
    2. Education
    3. Health
    4. Recreation
  8. Which one of the following mountains was formed through faulting and uplifting?
    1. Ras Dashan mountains.
    2. The Aberdares:
    3. Mt. Kilimanjaro
    4. Mt. Cameroon
  9. Three of the following make up the school administration. Which one does not? The
    1. headteacher.
    2. deputy headteacher
    3. school president
    4. school committee
  10. The Pokomo migrated from Shungwaya in order to
    1. look for fertile land for farming.
    2. search water and pasture for their animals.
    3. escape attack from the Galla.
    4. reduce overpopulation in Shungwaya.
  11. Three of the following traditional leaders collaborated with the British. Which one did not?
    1. Lewanika
    2. Nabongo Mumia
    3. Oloibon Lenana
    4. Kabaka Mwanga.
  12. The Miombo highlands of Tanzania and Lambwe valley in Kenya are sparsely populated mainly due to
    1. pests and diseases
    2. poor drainage.
    3. harsh climatic conditions. 
    4. government policy
  13. Cultural artefacts are important mainly because they
    1. are preserved in national museums.
    2. were used by our ancestors.
    3. preserve people's culture.
    4. attract tourists who bring foreign exchange.
  14. Which one of the following groups belong to the plain nilotes of Kenya?
  15. The diagram below shows the formation of a type of rainfall.
    The type of rainfall represented in the diagram above is
    1. relief rainfall.
    2. frontal rainfall
    3. convectional rainfall
    4. orographic rainfall
  16. The early political association in Kenya played the following roles in the struggle for independence except
    1. presenting African grievances to the international community.
    2. promoting nationalism.
    3. communicating the feeling of Africans to the colonialists.
    4. leading Kenya to independence.
  17. The best way of resolving conflict involving two neighbours in the society is through
    1. dialogue
    2. litigation
    3. use of a commission of enquiry. 
    4. mediation.
  18. The best method of reducing human-wildlife conflict in Kenya is
    1. using the Kenya Defence Forces to protect wildlife.
    2. employing more game wardens.
    3. educating Kenyans on the importance of wildlife.
    4. erecting electric fences around game parks and forests.
  19. The following are roles of the deputy headteacher in a primary school except
    1. coordinating duties of the members of staff.
    2. supervising class attendance by teachers.
    3. acting as a secretary during school committee meetings.
    4. writing minutes during staff meetings.

Use the map of Kenya provided below to answer questions 20 to 23


  1. The town marked M is
    1. Kisumu
    2. Thika
    3. Eldoret
    4. Nakuru
  2. The country marked W is
    1. South Sudan
    2. Uganda
    3. Ethiopia
    4. Sudan
  3. The national park marked K is 
    1. Arawale
    2. Sibiloi
    3. Lake Nakuru National Park
    4. Malka Mari
  4. The climate experienced in the shaded region marked T is mainly influenced by
    1. winds
    2. relief and altitude
    3. latitude
    4. nearness to a large water mass.
  5. Which one of the following is not a basic need of family members?
    1. Food
    2. Clothing 
    3. Education
    4. Shelter
  6. Which of the following is a responsibility of persons with special needs?
    1. Taking part in national building. 
    2. paying all taxes like other citizens.
    3. Promoting social injustice.
    4. Taking bribes from business people.
  7. The following are characteristics of a type of soil.
    1. Found in highlands
    2. It is very fertile.
    3. Deep and well drained
    4. Red in colour
      The type of soil described above is 
      1. loamy soil
      2. volcanic soil 
      3. alluvial soil
      4. black cotton soil.
  8. The British used indirect-rule to colonize the northern part of Nigeria mainly because the
    1. British officers were often sick with malaria.
    2. cost of running the colony directly was high.
    3. protectorate was large.
    4. region had poor transport and communication networks.
  9. The first aid is mainly given in order to
    1. prevent further injury.
    2. promote recovery.
    3. save life
    4. enable the injured person to get to a doctor
  10. Which one of the following methods was not used in Tanganyika during the struggle for independence?
    1. Boycotts
    2. Diplomacy
    3. Motions through the LegCo
    4. Armed struggle.
  11. Below are characteristics of a climatic region in Africa.
    1. Rainfall ranges from 380mm to 2000mm per year.
    2. Temperatures range between 15°C and 25°C.
    3. The region experiences a hot rainy season and a cool dry season.
      The climatic region described above is likely to be
      1. savannah climatic region.
      2. semi-desert climatic region.
      3. mediterranean climatic region.
      4. equitorial climatic region  
  12. The most commonly used form of transport in Kenya is
    1. air
    2. railway
    3. road
    4. water
  13. Three of the following are roles of political parties in Kenya. Which one is not? To
    1. Encourage citizens to vote
    2. Encourage abuse of human rights.
    3. Keep the government on its toes.
    4. Promote freedom of association.
  14. The Equator (0°) passes through all the following African countries except
    1. Uganda
    2. Gabon
    3. Rwanda
    4. Somalia
  15. The main contribution of Mzee Jomo Kenyatta to the people of Kenya is that he
    1. led Kenya to independence.
    2. introduced the spirit of Harambee.
    3. Established settlement schemes.
    4. United Kenyans through the Kenya African National Union (KANU).
  16. Natural forests in Kenya are preserved mainly to protect
    1. sources of medicine.
    2. home for wildlife. 
    3. rare species of trees.
    4. water catchment areas.
  17. The main effect of HIV and AIDS on population growth is
    1. reduced life expectancy.
    2. slower population growth.
    3. high population losses.
    4. increased number of orphans.
  18. The backyard rearing of birds is practiced by most people because
    1. the birds have better meat. 
    2. it is cheap to keep the birds.
    3. traditional types of chickens are kept.
    4. birds are not affected by pests and diseases.
  19. River Nile and Niger have one thing in common. It is that they
    1. flow through Egypt.
    2. have estuaries.
    3. Rise in the equatorial climatic region.
    4. have deltas.
  20. A government officer who employs his close relatives in government positions practices
    1. nepotism
    2. ethnicity
    3. regionalism
    4. tribalism
  21. The African Union (AU) was mainly formed in order to
    1. promote unity among African states.
    2. promote friendly relations between African countries and other countries of the world.
    3. Promote trade in Africa.
    4. End colonialism in Africa.
  22. The most common problem facing the expansion of communication systems in Africa is
    1. inadequate capital
    2. illiteracy
    3. Lack of electricity
    4. Lack of skilled personnel.  
  23. Tea farming is important to the 20C Drought and famine economy of Kenya mainly because it
    1. gives most Kenyans employment. 
    2. improves standards of living. 
    3. is a source of foreign exchange. 
    4. is a source of income to farmers.
  24. The newest way of interaction among Kenya communities is 
    1. Trade
    2. Social media
    3. Education
    4. Facebook
  25. Three of the following are fresh water lakes in Africa. Which one is not?
    1. Lake Malawi
    2. Lake Natron
    3. Lake Chad
    4. Lake Tanganyika
  26. The main problem facing multi- purpose river projects in Africa is
    1. Displacement of People
    2. Siltation
    3. Water borne diseases.
    4. Reduced water levels downstream.
  27. The main method of improving the tourism sector in Kenya is to
    1. building more hotels and game parks.
    2. curbing poaching in all game parks.
    3. improving security by fighting insecurity and terrorism.
    4. advertising our tourist attractions home and abroad.
  28. The main problem facing beef farming in Kenya and Tanzania is 
    1. Poor quality breeds.
    2. Animals discases
    3. Drought and famine
    4. Land pressure.
  29. The appropriate action to take before crossing a busy road is to
    1. Cross the road when it is clear. 
    2. Look right and left then cross the road.
    3. Look left and right then cross the road.
    4. Run across the road.
  30. A foreigner intending to acquire citizenship in Kenya by registration must have
    1. lived in Kenya for at least two years.
    2. adequate knowledge of Kiswahili and English.
    3. a lot of wealth.'
    4. connections in the government.
  31. Three of the following are business opportunities in Kenya. Which one is not?
    1. Provision of services.
    2. Transportation.
    3. Farming
    4. Smuggling of goods.
  32. Which one of the following was not involved in shifting cultivation in the past?
    1. Practicing crop rotation.
    2. Cultivation of small portions of land at a time.
    3. use of land over and over again.
    4. Doing farming activities by hand.
  33. In Kenya, general elections are held
    1. When a sitting member of parliament dies.
    2. after every five years.
    3. in all constituencies on separate days.
    4. to clect the president only.
  34. In Kenya, the rights and freedoms of citizens are contained in the A
    1. Attorney-general's chambers.
    2. Hansard
    3. School syllabi
    4. Bill of rights.
  35. The arm of government that makes and amends laws is the
    1. Executive
    2. Judiciary
    3. Legislature
    4. Cabinet
  36. Cases involving children in Kenya. are heard by the
    1. juvenile courts 
    2. Kadhi's courts
    3. courts martial
    4. magistrate courts
  37. Which one of the following is a symbol of national unity?
    1. The national language.
    2. The national anthem. 
    3. National schools.
    4. The constitution
  38. Who appoints judges in Kenya
    1. Chief Justice
    2. The Supreme Court
    3. The Judicial Service Commission.
    4. The President.
  39. The following are sources of revenue for county governments in Kenya. Which one is not?
    1. Sale of bonds and treasure bills. 
    2. Sales of business licenses. 
    3. Loans from the national government.
    4. Property rates.
  40. Which one of the following is true about indirect democracy?
    1. There are no elections to choose leaders.
    2. All people are leaders in government.
    3. Citizens make all decisions involving their activities.
    4. Leaders make decision on behalf of the citizens.
  41. The method of irrigation used in Perkerra irrigation scheme is
    1. Drip irrigation.
    2. Basin irrigation
    3. Furrow irrigation
    4. Canal irrigation



  1. According to Genesis stories of creation, which one of the following answers is wrongly matched?
    1. Day 2 Day and night
    2. Day 3 - Sea, land and vegetation
    3. Day 4 Heavenly bodies
    4. Day 5 Sea creature and birds
  2. "At last here is one of my own kind-bone taken from my bone and flesh from my flesh." Gen 2. From this verse Christians should
    1. make use of God's creation.
    2. marry and bring up families.
    3. practice equality in their homes.
    4. learn that human beings were last to be created.
  3. Which one of the following was the main reason why Abraham instructed his son Isaac to get a wife from their relatives?
    1. Their neighbours were hostile.
    2. The Canaanites were uncircumcised.
    3. There were no women in Canaan to marry.
    4. Their neighbouring communities were idol worshippers.
  4. Three of the following were done by Moses when he was living in Egypt. Which one was not? He
    1. accepted God's call.
    2. killed an Egyptian.
    3. performed miracles before the king.
    4. received the ten commandments.
  5. Which of the following events took place during the exodus?
    1. Call of Moses in the desert.
    2. Building of the ark of covenant
    3. Killing of the Egyptians firstborns.
    4. Turning of water into wine.
  6. When travelling through the desert during exodus the Israelites were led at day time by 
    1. a cloud
    2. a pillar of light.
    3. a flaming sword
    4. ark of the covenant
  7. What was the name of the woman who hid the Israelite spies in Jericho?
    1. Rachael
    2. Rahab
    3. Abigail
    4. Jael
  8. The following are facts about a certain King in Israel:
    1. He ruled for twenty years.
    2. God rejected him.
    3. He was killed in war.
      Who among the following kings is described above?
      1. Josiah
      2. Ahab
      3. Saul
      4. David.
  9. Which one of the following miracles was done by prophet Elisha?
    1. Healing a blind man.
    2. Calling fire from heaven.
    3. Multiplication of bread.
    4. Casting demons from a woman.
  10. "He has provided for us a mighty saviour, a descendant of his servant David" Luke 1:69. Who among the following prophets made the above prophesy?
    1. Isaiah
    2. Hosea
    3. Zechariah
    4. Jeremiah.
  11. Which one of the following is the main reason why Herod was not happy when he heard about the birth of Jesus Christ?
    1. The wisemen had deceived him. 
    2. He wanted to remain the king.
    3. He wanted his son to inherit his kingship.
    4. He had not yet seen the baby.
  12. The teachings of John the Baptist mainly dwelt in.
    1. helping the needy people.
    2. teachings of the law of Moses.
    3. teaching people against idol worship.
    4. change of people's sinful way of life. 
  13. What advice did John the Baptist give to the soldiers who went to him to be baptised?
    1. Obey people in the authority.
    2. Do not accuse anyone falsely.
    3. Do not be misled by the false prophets.
    4. Do not take more than what is required.
  14. During the sermon on the mount, Jesus taught that happy are the peacemakers for they shall
    1. be shown mercy.
    2. be comforted
    3. see God
    4. be called children of God.
  15. The teaching of the parable of the lost coin, teaches Christians that they should 
    1. repent their sins.
    2. love their neighbours.
    3. be ready to forgive others.
    4. bring more people to God's kingdom.
  16. "Do not take a purse or bag or sandals" Luke 10:4. Jesus gave these instructions to his disciples when He
    1. sent them out to preach.
    2. taught them the Lord's prayer.
    3. met them on the way to Emmaus.
    4. sent them to prepare the last supper.
  17. Which one of the following Christian values is learnt from the parable of the prodigal son?
    1. Tolerance
    2. Humility
    3. Forgiveness
    4. Persistence
  18. Which of the following events did not take place on the night that Jesus was arrested?
    1. Jesus prayed on a mountain.
    2. Simon denied Jesus three times.
    3. Jesus healed the car of a slave.
    4. Judas Iscariot hanged himself.
  19. "Surely this was a righteous man" Luke 23:47. These words were said by
    1. the woman who went to the tomb. 
    2. the thief crucified alongside Jesus.
    3. Pilate when Jesus was brought before him.
    4. the Roman officer when Jesus died on the cross.
  20. Which of the following happened when Jesus was taken up in heaven?
    1. Angels spoke to the disciples.
    2. A cloud covered the disciples.
    3. A voice was heard from heaven.
    4. The Holy Spirit came down in. form of a dove.
  21. Which one of the following is not a fruit of the Holy Spirit?
    1. Kindness
    2. Goodness
    3. Faith
    4. Faithfulness
  22. Which of the following is the reason why people were surprised when they heard the disciples speaking on the day of Pentecost? 
    1. The disciples were drunk with wine. 
    2. The disciples had done miraculous things.
    3. There was wind blowing and tongues of fire.
    4. The disciples were speaking in foreign languages
  23. Three of the following were done by the carly Christians except one. Which one? They
    1. ate together joyfully.
    2. build synagogues all over Israel.
    3. took the good news to other lands. 
    4. sold their property and gave the money to the poor.
  24. The following values were taught by our ancestors except
    1. hardwork
    2. injustice
    3. purity
    4. honesty
  25. Which one of the following customs was not used when naming children traditional African communities?
    1. The child's wish.
    2. Time of the day.
    3. Type of the weather.
    4. To remember the ancestors.
  26. In traditional African societies, marriage was important because it
    1. is presided over by elders.
    2. ensured continuity of life.
    3. shows that a woman can give birth.
    4. shows that marriage partners are chosen by parents.
  27. Who one of the following is not a good use of leisure time for a standard eight pupil? 
    1. Taking part in a football match. 
    2. Participating in cleaning the streets.
    3. Fetching firewood for an old woman. 
    4. Watching a romantic movie on a TV.
  28. Kalekye a standard eight pupil was given more money by the shopkeeper after buying some items from a shop. She just went home quietly and hid the money. What Christian value does Kalekye lack?
    1. Honesty
    2. Loyalty
    3. Faithfulness
    4. Kindness
  29. Nekesa a born again Christian realises that Wasike whom she wants to get married to is a drunkard. As a Christian what is the best thing for her to do?
    1. Stop the marriage plans
    2. Join Wasike in drinking
    3. Talk to Wasike to stop drinking
    4. Advise Wasike to be drinking a little.
  30. Which one of the following was not done by the European missionaries when they came to Kenya? They
    1. treated diseases.
    2. translated the bible.
    3. baptised the converts languages.
    4. intermarried with Africans.



  1. Allah (S.W.T) has blessed you with many favours. What should you do according to the teachings of Surah Ad-Dhuha?
    1. Be proud of them.
    2. Teach them out.
    3. Conceal them.
    4. Explain them.
  2. Below are verses from Surah Al-Fiyl. 
    1. Faja-alahum ka'aṣfin maakuul.
    2. Tarmiihim bihjaaratin min sijjiil
    3. Alam-tara kaifa faa'la rabbuka bi-ashaabil fiyl
    4. Wa arsala aleihim twayran abaabiil.
    5. Alam yaj'al kaidahum fii tadh-liil
      The correct order of the above verses is
      1. (iii), (iv), (v), (ii), (i)
      2. (ii), (i), (iv), (v), (iii)
      3. (iii), (v), (iv), (ii), (i)
      4. (iv), (iii), (v), (i), (ii)
  3. To easily comprehend the knowledge that one is being taught, surah Alaq guides that learners should
    1. commit the knowledge into memory 
    2. take note of points using a pen.
    3. repeat the lesson, time and again. 
    4. put the lessons into practice.
  4. Who among the following people is not warned of a heavy punishment in Surah Al-Maun? Those who
    1. backbite others.
    2. discourage feeding the poor.
    3. do good deeds only to be seen.
    4. perform some salaats and skip others. 
  5. Which of the following things are believers asked to seek from Allah (S. W.T) in the Surah An-Nasr?
    1. Forgiveness
    2. Knowledge
    3. Protection
    4. Guidance
  6. The prophet (S.A. W) said, "Fear Allah in respect of these dumb animals and ride them when they are fit to be rode and get off them when they are tired." This hadith teaches Muslims about
    1. justice to animals.
    2. responsibility to animals..
    3. relationship with animals.
    4. kindness to animals
  7. Complete the following hadith of the prophet; "What will mostly take people to paradise will be the fear of Allah and
    1. obedience to leaders.
    2. good behaviour
    3. avoiding the evil
    4. love for the prophet (S.A. W)
  8. Muslims should endeavour to always be the first to give greetings, whenever they meet their brother Muslims because of a benefit taught by the prophet (S.A. W) in his hadith. Which one?
    1. It washes their sins like tree shedding leaves.
    2. The rewards are more than being greeted.
    3. They become close to Allah (S.W.T).
    4. As a way of identification that you are Muslim.
  9. You have committed an evil, may be without knowing, as a learned Muslim what should you do almost immediately?
    1. Follow it up with a good deed.
    2. Find a place and perform Sijdatu Sah-wa.
    3. Make efforts to control another evil.
    4. Recite a repentance supplication.
  10. Which one of the following is a pillar of Imaan?
    1. Praying to Allah as though you see Him.
    2. Accepting life situations the way they befall you.
    3. Performing prayers with thumaanina and ghushuu.
    4. Convincing people to know and practice Kalima.
  11. Which one of the following names of Allah shows that He is the giver?
    1. Al-Razaaq
    2. Al-Khaaliq
    3. Al-Qahhaar
    4. Al-Wahhaab.
  12. Which among the following scriptures was revealed to Nabii Musa (A.S)?
    1. Zabur
    2. Injiil
    3. Taurat
    4. Suhuf.
  13. In which posture of Swalah should a Muslim in prayer recite Tashahhud?
    1. Prostration.
    2. Sitting
    3. Bending
    4. Standing.
  14. While performing Salatul Janaza, when will you recite the supplication for the dead! In the
    1. third takbira
    2. first takbira
    3. fourth takbira
    4. second takbira
  15. Zaid is a Muslim farmer. He invites you on his farm to see his animals and advice him on how he should pay zakkat. On visiting you witness 60 goats, two camels, 30 sheep and 25 cows. Which animal would you advice him to first give out as zakkat? 
    1. Cows
    2. Camels
    3. Sheep
    4. Goats
  16. Which of the following is an act ofmTayammum?
    1. Drying the far with a porous stone after urinating.
    2. Rinsing the mouth with water.
    3. Wiping the face with dusty hands.
    4. Immersing the whole body in water.
  17. Which form of pilgrimage are Muslim faithfuls allowed by Sharia to perform more than the ones in their lifetime?
    1. Ifrad
    2. Umra
    3. Tamatu
    4. Qiran-
  18. Which of the qualities made the Qureish admire Muhammad's character?
    1. Generosity
    2. Hospitality
    3. Humility
    4. Trustworthiness
  19. Which one of the following stories teaches Muslims that Islamic brotherhood is far much better than brotherhood by blood relation? When
    1. Ibrahim was thrown into the fire and never burnt.
    2. Canaan perished in floods as Nabii Nuh saw.
    3. Yusuf was thrown in a ditch and survived.
    4. Qabil killed Habil.
  20. Which advice will you give to your close friend who likes using abusive language? To
    1. avoid by keeping quiet.
    2. speak in low voice and tone.
    3. use simple language.
    4. mind whom you speak to.
  21. Who among the following was an agent of spread of Islam along the coast of East Africa?
    1. Construction of Kenya-Uganda railway.
    2. Advent of Muslim missionaries
    3. Intermarriage
    4. The removal of Portuguese.
  22. The means of earning a living acceptable in the Islamic muamalaat is
    1. selling expired goods cheaply. 
    2. lending money on interest.
    3. selling, foreign currency
    4. adulteration of goods to meet customer demands.
  23. At the age of twelve, Muhammad (SAW) travelled to Shaam for trade training in the company of
    1. Maisara Khadijah's helper.
    2. a Christian monk Raaghibu Bahira
    3. his close friend Abubakkar Swiddiiq.
    4. his uncle AbuTalib.
  24. Who among the following people is prayed for a supplication - "Yarhamkallah"? One who
    1. sneezes
    2. coughs
    3. performs excellently 
    4. travels
  25. Which of the following was a form of persecution that the Qureish used to punish the early Muslim converts?
    1. Demolishing their houses.
    2. Beating them up
    3. Killing them.
    4. Boycotting them.
  26. Who suckled the prophet (S.A. W) away from his own mother? Mama
    1. Halima
    2. Aisha
    3. Khadija
    4. Ayman
  27. It is recommended that before Muslims attend Idd-ul-fitr,
    1. perform istinjaa
    2. perform a sunna prayer 
    3. they wear white clothes.
    4. they eat something.
  28. Which one of the following is the first ' month of the Islamic calendar?
    1. Muharram
    2. Ramadhan
    3. Rajab
    4. Dhul-hijja
  29. Islam recommends circumcision for boys mainly to
    1. reduce spread of HIV/AIDS.
    2. initiate them to adulthood.
    3. encourage cleanliness.
    4. as a sunna of Ibrahim,
  30. Which one of the following statements about Nabii Yusuf is true?
    1. He revenged against his brother.
    2. Allah gave him inspiration through dreams.
    3. He was jailed because of Zinaa.
    4. He rose to a minister in his own homeland.



  1. B
  2. B
  3. D
  4. A
  5. C
  6. D
  7. D
  8. B
  9. C
  10. C
  11. D
  12. A
  13. C
  14. B
  15. C
  16. D
  17. A
  18. D
  19. C
  20. A
  21. A
  22. B
  23. D
  24. C
  25. A
  26. B
  27. B
  28. C
  29. D
  30. A
  31. C
  32. B
  33. C
  34. C
  35. D
  36. C
  37. B
  38. D
  39. A
  40. A
  41. A
  42. C
  43. B
  44. B
  45. B
  46. D
  47. C
  48. A
  49. B
  50. D
  51. A
  52. B
  53. D
  54. C
  55. A
  56. B
  57. D
  58. A
  59. D
  60. C


  1. A
  2. B
  3. D
  4. D
  5. C
  6. A
  7. B
  8. C
  9. C
  10. C
  11. B
  12. D
  13. B
  14. D
  15. D
  16. A
  17. C
  18. A
  19. D
  20. B
  21. C
  22. D
  23. B
  24. B
  25. A
  26. B
  27. D
  28. A
  29. C
  30. D


  1. D
  2. C
  3. B
  4. A
  5. A
  6. D
  7. B
  8. C
  9. A
  10. B
  11. D
  12. C
  13. B
  14. A
  15. D
  16. C
  17. B
  18. D
  19. B
  20. A
  21. C
  22. C
  23. D
  24. A
  25. B
  26. A
  27. D
  28. A
  29. B
  30. B
  1. Which one of the following pairs of discases is correctly matched with. the time of immunization?
       10 weeks  At birth
     A.  Tuberculosis  Measles
     B.  Whooping cough  Polio
     C.  Tetanus  Pertusis
     D.  Yellow fever  Hepatitis B
  2. The following are characteristics of a certain type of tooth:
    1. Have cusps and ridges.
    2. Four in each jaw.
    3. Has uneven top.
      The type of tooth described above is
      1. molar
      2. canine
      3. premolar
      4. incisor.
  3. Which of the following parts of the alimentary canal produces digestive juices?
    1. Mouth and ileum.
    2. Stomach and colon.
    3. Ileum and colon.
    4. Colon and rectum.
  4. Which one of the following energy transformations take place when charcoal is used in cooking?
    1. Heat energy
    2. Light energy
    3. Electrical energy
    4. Chemical energy
  5. Which of the following is an advantage of using organic manure in the farm? It
    1. has specific nutrients.
    2. has long term effect.
    3. is bulky to transport
    4. spreads edible weeds
  6. The diagram below shows some parts of a flower
    Which parts represent filament and style respectively?
    1. V and Y
    2. X and Y
    3. Y and W
    4. Y and X
  7. Which one of the following parts of reproductive system facilitate movement of minerals to the foetus?
    1. Amnion sac and placenta.
    2. Amniotic fluid and umbilical cord.
    3. Placenta and amniotic fluid.
    4. Placenta and umbilical cord.
  8. Plants depend on other plants for the following except
    1. habitat
    2. shade
    3. oxygen 
    4. support
  9. Which of the following methods of soil conservation work the same way as constructing gabions?
    1. Terracing
    2. Cover cropping
    3. Mulching
    4. Shading
  10. Which of the following pairs consists of food that help in boosting the body immune system?
    1. Bread and milk.
    2. Potatoes and kales.
    3. Spinach and ripe bananas.
    4. Rice and carrots.
  11. The following are characteristics of a certain animal:
    1. Breathe through lungs.
    2. Has varying body temperature.
    3. Lay fertilized eggs.
      The animal described above is likely to be
      1. a frog
      2. an ostrich
      3. a tilapia
      4. a crocodile.
  12. Which of the following is a sign of crop diseases?
    1. Dark green.
    2. Malformation' 
    3. Thick cuticle
    4. Reduced yields 
  13. The diagram below represents a block of wood being pushed along a surface towards point X:
    Which of the labelled parts mainly help in conserving the energy used?
    1. Part S
    2. Part T
    3. Part R
    4. Part K
  14. Which one of the following components of air is correctly matched with its percentage?
       Inert gases  Carbon dioxide 
     A.  0.97%  0.03%
     B.  78%  21%
     C.  0.03%  0.97%
     D.  21%  0.03%
  15. Which of the following pairs of drugs are prohibited in Kenya?
    1. Miraa and heroin.
    2. Cocaine and alcohol.
    3. Bhang and cocaine.
    4. Alcohol and tobacco.
  16. The diagram below represents a block of wood being pushed alog a surface towards point X:
    In which direction is the force of friction?
    1. L
    2. K
    3. N
    4. M
  17. A child has the following signs and symptoms:
    1. Pale skin.
    2. Whitish eyes.
    3. Feeling dizzy
      The child is also likely to;
      1. have swollen body parts. 
      2. feel light headed.
      3. have alert eyes.
      4. have weak bones.
  18. Which of the following materials are not attracted by a magnet? Alni
    1. Alnico and tin.
    2. Steel wool and staples. 
    3. Office pins and razor blade.
    4. Silver coin and copper wire.
  19. The following are proper use of medicinę except
    1. taking medicine for the recommended disease.
    2. taking excess medicine to speed up the healing process.
    3. taking the right dosage. .
    4. medicine should be taken before the expiry date.
  20. Which of the following pairs of animal parasites can be controlled through hand picking?
    1. Liverflukes and hookworms.
    2. Ticks and fleas.
    3. Tapeworms and liverflukes.
    4. Ticks and tapeworms."
  21. Which of the following stages of HIV/AIDS does a patient test negative with no signs?
    1. Incubation period
    2. Full blown AIDS
    3. Symptomatic stage
    4. Window stage.
  22. The diagram below represents a set up that was used to demonstrate a certain property of matter.
    The property of matter demonstrated above was to conclude that;
    1. liquids exert pressure.
    2. matter occupies space.
    3. matter has weight.
    4. gases exert pressure.
  23. The following materials can be used to construct a certain weather instrument;
    1. Nail
    2. Piece of wood
    3. Wire
    4. Metal sheet
      The weather instrument likely to be constructed is
      1. windvane
      2. liquid thermometer
      3. raingauge
      4. windsock
  24. Which one of the following uses of water is not practiced in the industry?
    1. Mixing chemicals
    2. Cooling machines
    3. Cleaning tools 
    4. Making fountains.
  25. The most effective control measure against HIV transmission among youth is
    1. using condoms.
    2. abstaining from sex before marriage.
    3. creating awareness.
    4. educating through social media.
  26. Which of the following types of soil erosion removes a thin layer of soil?
    1. Rill erosion
    2. Gulley erosion 
    3. Sheet erosion
    4. Splash erosion
  27. Which one of the following statements is true about liquids and solids? Both have
    1. indefinite mass and volume. 
    2. definite shape and mass.
    3. definite volume and shape. 
    4. definite volume and mass.
  28. Which one of the following pairs of farm animals produce mutton?
    1. Goats and sheep..
    2. Pigs and cattle.
    3. Pigs and goats. 
    4. Sheep and cattle.
  29. When pupils heated some garden soil in a sufuria covered with a lid, some water droplets were observed on the lid? The observation made indicated the presence of
    1. organic matter
    2. mineral salts
    3. living organisms.
    4. water.
  30. The following are some characteristics of soil.
    1. Easily water logged.
    2. Poor drainage. 
    3. Best in capillarity.
    4. Small air spaces.
      The characteristics above are for
      1. clay soil only.
      2. sand and loam soil. 
      3. sand soil only.
      4. clay and loam soil.
  31. Heat is transferred through a vacuum by
    1. convection and conduction. 
    2. radiation only.
    3. conduction and radiation.
    4. convection only.
  32. Which of the following statements is true about cumulus clouds?
    1. Dark grey in colour.
    2. Bring heavy rainfall.
    3. Look like bundles of cotton.
    4. Found low in the sky.
  33. Which of the following statements is true about pulmonary artery? It carries
    1. deoxygenated blood to the lungs. 
    2. oxygenated blood to the heart.
    3. oxygenated blood to the lungs.
    4. deoxygenated blood to the body.
  34. In which of the following pairs of levers is the load, effort and fulcrum likely to be in similar position when in use?
    1. Spade and a pair of pliers.
    2. Claw hammer and crowbar,
    3. Spade and fishing rod.
    4. Wheelbarrow and claw hammer.
  35. Which of the following is the best way of preventing the spread of bilharzia in the community?
    1. Clearing long grasses and bushes. 
    2. Administering vaccination.
    3. Seeking medical attention during an outbreak.
    4. Wearing protective clothing.
  36. Excessive release of industrial gases affects non living components of the environment by 
    1. corroding iron sheets.
    2. suffocating plants.
    3. causing breathing problems.
    4. killing small animals in the soil.
  37. Which of the following pairs of plants is correctly matched with the type of root system?
       Fibrous root  Tap root
     A.  Beans  Millet
     B.  Onion  Acacia
     C.  Mango  Coconut
     D.  Maize  Sorghum
  38. Which of the following pairs of food can be preserved by salting?
    1. Fruits and fish.
    2. Cooked beans and vegetables. 
    3. Fish and pork.
    4. Milk and honey.
  39. Which of the following simple tools- make work easier by increasing the effort distance?
    1. Wheelbarrow
    2. Pulley 
    3. Spade
    4. Staircase
  40. The diagram below represents a seiup used to investigate a certain aspect.
    The aspect being investigated is: 
    1. refraction of light.
    2. making a rainbow.
    3. reflection of light. 
    4. how light travels.
  41. Which one of the following factors will not affect sinking and floating of a material in water? The
    1. size of the material.
    2. type of the material.
    3. mass of the material.
    4. shape of the material.
  42. On a see-saw, the heavier person can lift the lighter person when he
    1. sits away from the pivot.
    2. sits the same distance with the lighter person.
    3. sits near the pivot.
    4. stands on the see-saw.
  43. The main reason why a baby needs to be breastfed by the mother is that the milk produced
    1. boosts the baby's ability to fight ailments.
    2. is free from diseases.
    3. bonds the mother with the baby.
    4. is always available.
  44. Which of the following liquids will form a uniform layer when mixed in a container?
    1. Ink and diesel.
    2. Petrol and cooking oil.
    3. Water and kerosene.
    4. Diesel and spirit.
  45. When breathing out, the
    1. diaphragm moves upwards and flattens.
    2. volume of the chest cavity increases.
    3. pressure in the chest cavity increases.
    4. lungs become inflated.
  46. Which of the following is the most. effective method of controlling weeds, in a large scale farm?
    1. Digging them out.
    2. Slashing.
    3. Uprooting.
    4. Using herbicides.
  47. Which one of the following is not an effect of force on objects?
    1. Changes the direction of a moving object.
    2. Slows down a moving object. 
    3. Changes the state of an object.
    4. Stops a moving object.
  48. The following are adaptations of hydrophytes except
    1.  fleshy thick green stems. 
    2. flexible stem.
    3. numerous stomata.
    4. thin cuticle.
  49. Which of the following discase symptoms is for tuberculosis?
    1. Prolonged cough with blood sputum.
    2. Severe diarrhoea. 
    3. Joint pain.
    4. Blood in the stool.
  50. A flower with long feathery stigma is not likely to have
    1. no scent.
    2. sticky pollen grains.
    3. powdery pollen grains. 
    4. small sized petals.


  1. B
  2. C
  3. A
  4. A
  5. B
  6. B
  7. D
  8. C
  9. A
  10. C
  11. D
  12. B
  13. C
  14. A
  15. C
  16. D
  17. B
  18. D
  19. B
  20. B
  21. D
  22. B
  23. A
  24. C
  25. B
  26. C
  27. D
  28. A
  29. D
  30. A
  31. B
  32. B
  33. A
  34. B
  35. D
  36. A
  37. B
  38. C
  39. D
  40. B
  41. B
  42. A
  43. A
  44. B
  45. C
  46. D
  47. C
  48. A
  49. A
  50. B
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