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Study the map of Guta area and use to answer questions 1- 7.

  1. The land in Guta area generally slopes towards
    1. South East
    2. North West
    3. North East
    4. South West.
  2. Three of the following statements about the Southern part of Guta area are true.
    Which one is not? The area
    1. has high population
    2. has clay soil
    3. has steep slopes
    4. receives high rainfall.
  3. The drainage feature formed along the river at the point marked R is
    1. a delta
    2. a meander
    3. an estuary
    4. an ox bow lake.
  4. Climate in the North Eastern part of Guta area can be described as
    1. hot and dry
    2. cool and dry
    3. cool and wet
    4. hot and wet.
  5. Which one of the following is an economic importance of lake Bale? It is a source of
    1. rainfall
    2. a river
    3. fish
    4. water for irrigation.
  6. The elected head of Guta area is a
    1. county commissioner
    2. county representative
    3. chief
    4. governor
  7. Which one of the following economic activities is not carried out in Guta area?
    1. Lumbering
    2. Fishing
    3. Trading
    4. Crop farming.
  8. Which one of the following was not a way of interaction among communities in the pre-colonial period?
    1. Marriage
    2. Education
    3. Migration
    4. Trade.
  9. Which one of the following factors contributed to the growth of the kingdom of Old Ghana?
    1. Wealth from Trans Saharan trade.
    2. Spread of Islam in West Africa.
    3. Conquest of West Africa by the French.
    4. Introduction of new farming methods.
  10. The following are benefits of pastoral farming. Which one is not?
    1. It is a source of livelihood for pastoralists.
    2. Large herds of livestock are a symbol of wealth.
    3. It utilizes highly populated areas.
    4. It is a source of foreign exchange.
  11. Below are traditional methods of weather observation.
    1. Growing of new leaves on plants.
    2. Appearance of locusts.
    3. Shedding of leaves by trees.
    4. Rise in night temperatures.
      Which combination consist of methods that indicate the approach of a wet season?
      1. (ii) and (iii)
      2. (iii) and (iv)
      3. (i) and (ii)
      4. (i) and (iv)
  12. Three of the following statements about the population of Kenya are true. Which one is not?
    1. Population growth rate is high.
    2. Most people live in urban centres.
    3. Population of the youth is high.
    4. Most people depend on farming.
  13. Which one of the following crops is grown in reclaimed areas in Nertherlands?
    1. Wheat
    2. Sugarcane
    3. Flowers
    4. Tea.
  14. The main reason why the Luo people migrated from the Nile valley was
    1. search for fish
    2. attacks by the Galla people
    3. overpopulation in the area
    4. frequent droughts in the area.
  15. Before the coming of Europeans to Kenya, age groups among the Agikuyu people were made up of people who
    1. migrated from the same area
    2. presided over ceremonies
    3. had a common ancestor.
    4. were born around the same time.
  16. Which one of the following groups is made up of cash crops grown in Kenya?
    1. Tea, pyrethrum, coffee.
    2. Millet, yams, sugarcane
    3. Sweet potato, maize, rice
    4. Cotton, coconut, sorghum.
  17. The diagram below represents the formation of relief rainfall.
    Three of the following areas experience the type of rainfall illustrated above. Which one does not?
    1. Southern Tanzania
    2. Southern Uganda
    3. Ethiopian highlands
    4. Nyika plateau highlands.
  18. When Ludwing Krapf came to Kenya in 1844, he
    1. discovered the source of River Nile
    2. explored parts of central Africa
    3. built a school at Rabai near Mombasa
    4. visited Kabaka Mutesa I of Buganda kingdom.
  19. Commercial poultry near urban centres in Kenya is favoured by
    1. availability of highland conditions
    2. presence of cool highland conditions
    3. presence of cheap labour
    4. availability of market for poultry products.
  20. Three of the following are benefits of Jua Kali industries. Which one is not?
    1. Exports earn foreign exchange.
    2. Provision of employment.
    3. Use locally available raw materials.
    4. Earning of income from the sale of the products.
  21. Who among the following is not a member of Board of Management in a school?
    1. Chairperson
    2. Headteacher
    3. Chief
    4. School sponsor
  22. The main reason why Arabs came to Eastern Africa before the 19th century was to
    1. search for trade goods
    2. establish towns along the coast
    3. stop trade in slaves
    4. partition Eastern Africa.
  23. Rice farmers in Mwea irrigation scheme are faced by the problem of
    1. lack of rice seedlings.
    2. siltation of water canals
    3. inadequate market for rice products
    4. lack of skilled labour in rice farms..
  24. Persons with disabilities are nominated to the senate in order to
    1. provide employment for them
    2. improve their standards of living
    3. increase members of the senate
    4. obey the constitution of Kenya.
  25. Areas along the equator experience high temperatures because the
    1. areas have low altitude
    2. areas experience high rainfall
    3. sun is always overhead
    4. areas have large water bodies.
  26. Attainment of independence in Zimbabwe was mainly hastened by
    1. formation of political parties by Africans
    2. presence of few white settlers in the colony
    3. armed struggle by the Africans
    4. support for Africans from Europeans.
  27. Gold in South Africa is extracted from the ground using
    1. dredging method
    2. deep shaft method
    3. drilling method
    4. opencast method.
  28. Mwangi sold his piece of land in Nyeri county and bought a bigger parcel of land in Nakuru county. The main cause of his action was that he wanted to
    1. get better farming land
    2. search for employment
    3. search for better social amenities
    4. escape conflicts.
  29. Which one of the following statements about the law of succession is correct?
    1. All children get a share of family property.
    2. A second wife does not inherit property.
    3. Daughters do not get a share of the estate.
    4. The first son gets a bigger share of the estate.
  30. The colonial policy used by Europeans in administering Belgian Congo was
    1. indirect rule
    2. association
    3. assimilation
    4. direct rule.

Use the map of Kenya below to answer questions 31 to 34.


  1. Three of the following statements about the river marked P are true. Which one is not? It
    1. is a major inland waterway
    2. originates from highland areas
    3. has been dammed to generate electricity
    4. ends in a delta.
  2. Which one of the following language groups used the route marked Z during the migration period?
    1. Bantu
    2. NiloteS
    3. Cushites
    4. Semites.
  3. The pre-historic site marked T is
    1. Fort Ternan
    2. Kariandusi
    3. Hyrax hill
    4. Ollorgesaillie
  4. Which one of the following minerals is mined at the place marked S?
    1. Diatomite
    2. Soda ash
    3. Limestone
    4. Fluorspar.
  5. Fish growing in Japan is carried out in sheltered parts of the sea because
    1. the areas have many fish
    2. fresh water fishing grounds are few
    3. fish are in great demand
    4. high technology is used in fishing.
  6. Which one of the following swamps is correctly matched with the country where it is found?
    1. Okavango    - Uganda
    2. Malagarasi  - Tanzania
    3. Lotikipi         - Botswana
    4. Kyoga          - Kenya.
  7. A problem that faced the Organization of African Unity (OAU) was
    1. lack of a common language
    2. use of different currencies
    3. failure to enforce policies
    4. production of similar goods.
  8. One day when driving from school Mr. Kimani found a boy who had been knocked down by a hit-and-run motorist. The following are reasons why Mr. Kimani decided to give the boy first aid except to
    1. restore his broken bones
    2. prevent further injury
    3. save his life
    4. help him reach the nearby hospital.
  9. Which one of the following is an economic right? Right to
    1. education
    2. clean environment
    3. marry
    4. own property.
  10. Which one of the following human activities causes air pollution?
    1. Deforestation
    2. Monocropping
    3. Fishing
    4. Quarrying.
  11. The work of the council of elders in the traditional Ameru government was to
    1. solve disputes among the people
    2. foretell future events
    3. treat diseases
    4. lead the people to war.
  12. Rapid population increase in Kenya since independence has mainly been caused by
    1. practice of family planning methods
    2. improvement in healthcare
    3. increase in employment
    4. need for people to have large families.
  13. Ox bow lakes are formed through
    1. glaciation
    2. downwarping
    3. deposition
    4. human activities.
  14. Below are descriptions of a soil found in Kenya.
    1. It is eroded from highland areas.
    2. It is found along river valleys.
    3. It is also called young soil.
      The type of soil described above is
      1. alluvial soil
      2. volcanic soil
      3. clay soil
      4. sandy soil.
  15. Three of the following are qualities of a good citizen. Which one is not? A person who
    1. reports criminal activities
    2. does not engage in an electoral process
    3. takes part in community development
    4. pays government taxes
  16. Kwamboka wants to send money to her daughter in a boarding school. The quickest method to use is
    1. send it to the class teacher using mobile phone money services
    2. go to the school to take the money
    3. send it through postal money order services
    4. put it in an envelope and send it.
  17. Below are statements about a town in Eastern Africa.
    1. It began as an agricultural collection centre.
    2. It lies along the Great North Road.
    3. It is the headquarters of a regional body.
      The town described above is
      1. Addis Ababa
      2. Dodoma
      3. Arusha
      4. Kampala.
  18. The European nation that colonized Mozambique was
    1. Germany
    2. France
    3. Britain
    4. Portugal.
  19. Nelson Mandela promoted unity in South Africa when he
    1. appointed different races in his government
    2. made South Africa a multi-party state
    3. used peaceful means to fight apartheid
    4. led South Africa to independence.
  20. Which one of the following pairs consists of Rift valley lakes that are fresh?
    1. A. L.Bogoria and L.Natron.
    2. L.Eyasi and L.Elementaita
    3. L.Naivasha and L. Rukwa.
    4. L.Nakuru and L.Manyara.
  21. Settlement schemes were established in Kenya after independence mainly to
    1. reward Africans who fought for independence
    2. settle landless Africans
    3. increase food production
    4. put dry areas into economic use.
  22. The best way of helping the youth who are addicted to drugs is
    1. stopping sale of drugs
    2. arresting them
    3. putting them in rehabilitation centres
    4. closing places that sell drugs.
  23. Which one of the following groups is made up of Bantu communities that settled in highland areas during the migration period?
    1. Baganda, Nyamwezi, pokomo.
    2. Akamba, Ngoni, Banyonkole.
    3. Mijikenda, Sukuma, Bagisu.
    4. Chagga, Abagusii, Ameru.
  24. Pineapple canning in Thika is an example of
    1. a manufacturing industry
    2. an assembling industry
    3. a processing industry
    4. a service industry.
  25. Before the coming of Europeans, the Khoikhoi people were ruled by
    1. kings
    2. chiefs
    3. warriors
    4. emperors.
  26. Which one of the following game parks in Africa is correctly matched with the country where it is found?
    1. Bwindi - Ethiopia
    2. Selous - Uganda
    3. Dinder - Tanzania
    4. Kruger - South Africa
  27. Who among the following is a member of the senate in Kenya?
    1. Woman representative
    2. Governor
    3. Nominated member
    4. Cabinet secretary.
  28. A requirement for a voter on a polling day is that the person must
    1. be a member of a political party
    2. vote near his or her home
    3. be able to read
    4. produce an identity card.
  29. Differences in length of day and night on earth are caused by
    1. revolution of the earth
    2. gravitational forces of the moon
    3. rotation of the earth on its axis
    4. movement of the moon round the earth.
  30. An elected member of a county assembly can lose the seat if the person
    1. is jailed for six months or more
    2. is not a member of a political party
    3. lives away from the ward
    4. differs with the speaker.



  1. When God placed Adam and Eve in the garden of Eden, He commanded them to
    1. guard and cultivate the garden
    2. build altars for offering sacrifices
    3. worship no other god
    4. keep the sabbath holy.
  2. Noah accepted to build the ark because
    1. he wanted to save his family from floods
    2. he wanted to obey God's commands
    3. he knew how to build the ark
    4. God gave him the dimensions.
  3. A Christian value demonstrated by Jacob when he was working for Laban was
    1. tolerance
    2. humility
    3. patience
    4. kindness
  4. After the Israelites crossed the Red Sea, Mirriam led the Israelites in
    1. singing songs of praise to God
    2. fasting for forty days
    3. attacking the Egyptian army
    4. making the covenant box.
  5. Who among the following judges of Israel was also a prophet?
    1. Gideon
    2. Othniel
    3. Shamgar
    4. Deborah
  6. King Saul wanted to kill David because
    1. David was becoming famous
    2. Samuel had anointed David as king
    3. David and Jonathan were friends
    4. David had killed Goliath.
  7. King Solomon built a temple in Jerusalem in order to
    1. make Jerusalem the centre of worship
    2. keep the covenant box in Jerusalem
    3. obey the command God had given his father
    4. show that he was a wise king.
  8. Prophet Elijah went to live in the town of Nazareth mainly because
    1. there was a famine in Israel
    2. God commanded him to do so
    3. a poor window invited him
    4. he wanted to escape from King Ahab.
  9. Who among the following people prophesied the day of Pentecost?
    1. Hosea
    2. Micah
    3. Zechariah
    4. Joel
  10. Herod wanted to know the place where Jesus had been born in order to
    1. have the baby killed
    2. send the wisemen with presents
    3. go and worship him
    4. congratulate his parents.
  11. Who among the following women talked about Jesus when He was presented in the temple?
    1. Salome
    2. Anna
    3. Martha
    4. Elizabeth.
  12. A lesson that Christians learn from the temptations of Jesus is that
    1. they can't be tempted if they have strong faith
    2. temptations come only when they are in difficult
    3. they should pray in groups
    4. they should rely on the scriptures.
  13. Which one of the following was a teaching of Jesus about riches?
    1. Christians should acquire wealth.
    2. The rich shall not enter heaven.
    3. They should be stored in heaven.
    4. Wealth should be shared equally.
  14. Jesus healed blind Bartmaeus in Jericho mainly because
    1. Jesus knew him
    2. Jesus felt pity on him
    3. he begged to be healed
    4. Bartimaeus was a righteous man.
  15. Jesus explained the growth of the kingdom of God on the parable of the
    1. lost coin
    2. widow and the judge
    3. mustard seed
    4. lost coin.
  16. Pontious Pilate wanted Jesus released during the trial because
    1. Jesus had asked for forgiveness
    2. Pilate knew Jesus was innocent
    3. the Sabbath was approaching
    4. there was no sufficient evidence.
  17. On the day Jesus resurrected, He spoke to Cleopas on the road to
    1. Emmaus
    2. Joppa
    3. Lydda
    4. Nazareth.
  18. Which one of the following events took place on the day the disciples were filled with the Holy Spirit?
    1. The disciples chose Mathias.
    2. Peter healed a lame beggar.
    3. Saul was converted on the road to Damascus.
    4. Peter preached to a large crowd.
  19. Saul raised Eutychus back to life in the town of
    1. Caesarea
    2. Troas
    3. Lydda
    4. Joppa.
  20. Which one of the following sins was committed by Ananias and Saphira?
    1. Cheating
    2. Adultery
    3. Idolatry
    4. Stealing.
  21. Which one of the following groups is made up of books of the Bible that are letters?
    1. Acts, John, Ephesians.
    2. Revelations, Mark, Corrinthians.
    3. Jude, Philemon, Romans.
    4. Peter, John, James.
  22. Which one of the following is a way of remembering ancestors in traditional African communities?
    1. Naming children after them.
    2. Composing songs about them.
    3. Visiting tombs of ancestors.
    4. Writing stories about ancestors.
  23. Which one of the following is a way of showing respect to unborn life in traditional African communities?
    1. Offering sacrifices to unborn babies
    2. Taking pregnant mothers to hospital.
    3. Reading the scriptures.
    4. Exempting pregnant women from heavy work.
  24. Which one of the following is an important virtue required in marriage in traditional African communities?
    1. Hardwork
    2. Education
    3. Money
    4. Fame.
  25. In traditional African communities, people show they are sorry for sins committed by
    1. going without food
    2. shaving their hair
    3. offering sacrifices
    4. wearing rags.
  26. Which one of the following is a teaching about husbands and wives in a family?
    Husbands should
    1. love their wives as Christ loved the church
    2. put fear in their wives
    3. provide for their wives
    4. be subject to their wives.
  27. Phoebe, a standard eight pupil asks her parents for some unused clothes to donate to orphans. This shows that Phoebe is
    1. rich
    2. honest
    3. humble
    4. kind
  28. Which one of the following institutions was started by Christians?
    1. World Health Organization.
    2. Flying Doctors Services.
    3. International Labour Organization.
    4. United Nations Environment Programme.
  29. Prostitution is discouraged in Christianity because it
    1. causes stigmatization
    2. causes diseases
    3. is misuse of sex
    4. makes the victims to be hated.
  30. European missionaries taught Africans how to read in order to make them
    1. preach Christianity
    2. equal to the Europeans
    3. get employed
    4. stop their cultural practices.



  1. Which one of the following extracts is a verse from surah Al-Inshirah?
    1. Waman ya'amal mithkaala dharratin sharran, iyarahu.
    2. Fa ammaa man thaqulat muwaazinuhu.
    3. Fa inna ma'al u'sr, Yusra.
    4. Wala saufa yu'uthwika Rabbuka Fatardhwaa.
  2. Which one of the following verses sends a warning of a heavy punishment to businessmen who practice injustice in business activities
    1. Wailun yauma idhin lil-mukadhibiin.
    2. Wailun lil-muswalliin.
    3. Wailun likuli humazatin lumaza.
    4. Wailun lil-mutwaafifiin.
  3. "Ihdinaa siraatwal Mustakiim" is a verse in surah Fatiha that means
    1. forgive us our trespasses
    2. guide us to the straight path
    3. I seek refuge to Lord of mankind
    4. deliver us from evil.
  4. One way that Muslims can apply the teachings of Surah Al-Kauthur is by
    1. sacrifising an animal
    2. observing fasting
    3. performing tahajjud
    4. giving out Zakkat.
  5. The theme in the Surah Al-Ikhlas is clear that all the following forms of beliefs are wrong except one. Which one?
    1. Jesus Christ is the son of God.
    2. There is only one God.
    3. We were created in the image of God.
    4. Our bodies are temples of God.
  6. What does a sin do to a person according to the Hadith of the prophet (SAW)?
    1. Changes the mind.
    2. Destroys the brain.
    3. Changes the behavior.
    4. Punches the mind.
  7. All the following people are cursed by Allah as we learn from the prophet's traditions except one who
    1. disobeys his parents
    2. drinks alcohol
    3. controls munkar
    4. receives bribe.
  8. "Alhamdulillah" - "Yarhamkallah" "Yahdikumullah". This conversation takes place when a person
    1. sneezes
    2. beldjes
    3. coughs
    4. passes wind.
  9. Four pupils offered Islamic greetings as follows. Who among them is closest to Allah(s.w) according to the teachings of the prophet(S.A.W)
    1. Saudah - Gave a full Islamic greeting.
    2. Zakiya-Greeted with a smile.
    3. Imran - Greeted a group of people.
    4. Iqran - Was the first to offer Salaam.
  10. Obligations towards the dead are an act of Ibaada which the sharia classifies as
    1. Fardh Kifaya
    2. Fardh A'in
    3. Sunna Muaqada
    4. Al-Waajib.
  11. Upon receiving news of the death of his beloved friend, Darwesh should say
    1. Anta salaafnaa wa nahnu bil adri
    2. Fiihaa nuidukum wa fiihaa nukhrijukum.
    3. Fii amaanillah.
    4. Inna lillahi wa inna illaihi raajiun.
  12. All the following Ibaadaats of Hajj are performed seven times each except one. Which one?
    1. Twawaf around Kaaba.
    2. Drinking from Zamzam spring.
    3. Sa'y on swafa and Marwa
    4. Ramyul Jimar at the stampid.
  13. Which one of the following actions will break the Swaum of a fasting Muslim?
    1. Sleeping while fasting.
    2. Vomiting intentionally.
    3. Bathing in a sunny day.
    4. Tasting flavor of the food you are preparing.
  14. Muslims can perform Sunna Qabliya prayer before all these salaats except one. Which one?
    1. Eid prayer
    2. Fajr prayer
    3. Jum'a prayer
    4. Magrib prayer.
  15. The measure of amount of wealth a Muslim should have to qualify him to pay zakkat according to sharia is known as
    1. Shibr
    2. Qulatain
    3. Nisab
    4. Qiratun.
  16. Ladies in the state of Heidh and Nifas impurities are allowed by sharia to
    1. enter a mosque
    2. recite the holy Quran
    3. pray swalah from home
    4. attend the Eid congregations.
  17. What is the direction of Qibla while in Kenya?
    1. East
    2. North
    3. West
    4. South.
  18. The attribute of Allah "Al-Muhaimin" means the
    1. protector
    2. powerful
    3. magnificent
    4. holy.
  19. The stick that Nabii Musa had that turned into a big snake and also created a path across the sea was a
    1. walking stick
    2. protection stick
    3. grazing stick
    4. magic stick.
  20. Which of the following statements best explains Tawaakuul?
    1. Joining Islam without Shahada.
    2. Love for Islam without knowledge.
    3. The fear of Allah(s.w) without Imaan.
    4. Relying on Allah (s.w) without taking precautions.
  21. Which of the following temptations is not common in the current Muslim Umma?
    1. Loss of lifes.
    2. Reduced foods and fruits.
    3. Sacrifice of children.
    4. Hunger.
  22. The prophet (p.b.u.h) advised Muslims masters "Pay your servants before their sweat dries" Which virtue was the prophet instilling in Muslims?
    1. Justice to servants.
    2. Kindness to servants.
    3. Generosity to servants.
    4. Hospitality to servants.
  23. Which of the following is not the best way to treat the HIV and AIDS patients in Islam?
    1. Eat and play with them.
    2. Visit them and show love for them.
    3. Use them as an example while warning others.
    4. Pray the dua for them.
  24. The main reason why the visitors from the East came along the coast of Kenya was to
    1. do missionary work
    2. trade
    3. create towns and cities
    4. create Swahili language.
  25. Which of the following communities met with the prophet (S.A.W) for a pledge of peace at Aqaba? The
    1. Aws and Khazaraj
    2. Answaars and Muhaajiruns
    3. Banu Bakr and Banu Khuza
    4. Arabs and Jews.
  26. Muslims almost lost victory in the battle of Uhud because some group
    1. were hypocrites
    2. disobeyed their leader's advice
    3. supported the enemies
    4. became so tired.
  27. For the Muslims who are travelling to Makka for Hajj Ibaada, we wish them well by saying Hajj
    1. Kariim
    2. Mukarram
    3. Maqbul
    4. Mabruur.
  28. Which of the following sub tribes is correctly matched with the tribe it belongs?
    1. Banu Hashim - Jewish
    2. Banu Quridhwa - Arab
    3. Banu Sa'ad - Arab
    4. Banu Nadhiir - Arab.
  29. The prophet (p.b.u.h) taught Muslims three things that should never be delayed when their time comes. Which one is not among them? When
    1. a traveller is ready for a journey
    2. food is ready for eating
    3. a person dies for burial
    4. a youth is ready for marriage.
  30. King Najashy of Habesh welcomed
    1. the disciples of Jesus Christ who paid him a visit
    2. Muslims who had migrated from Makka
    3. the followers of Musa who were attacked by Fir'aun
    4. the Christian monks who associated with Jesus.



  1. B
  2. B
  3. A
  4. B
  5. C
  6. D
  7. A
  8. B
  9. A
  10. C
  11. D
  12. B
  13. C
  14. D
  15. D
  16. A
  17. B
  18. C
  19. D
  20. A
  21. C
  22. A
  23. B
  24. D
  25. C
  26. C
  27. B
  28. A
  29. A
  30. D
  31. A
  32. B
  33. D
  34. D
  35. C
  36. B
  37. C
  38. A
  39. D
  40. D
  41. A
  42. B
  43. C
  44. A
  45. B
  46. A
  47. C
  48. D
  49. A
  50. C
  51. B
  52. C
  53. D
  54. C
  55. B
  56. D
  57. C
  58. D
  59. A
  60. A


  1. A
  2. B
  3. C
  4. A
  5. D
  6. A
  7. C
  8. B
  9. D
  10. A
  11. B
  12. D
  13. C
  14. B
  15. C
  16. D
  17. A
  18. D
  19. B
  20. A
  21. C
  22. A
  23. D
  24. A
  25. C
  26. A
  27. D
  28. B
  29. C
  30. A


  1. C
  2. D
  3. B
  4. A
  5. B
  6. D
  7. C
  8. A
  9. B
  10. A
  11. D
  12. B
  13. B
  14. A
  15. C
  16. D
  17. B
  18. A
  19. C
  20. D
  21. C
  22. A
  23. C
  24. B
  25. A
  26. B
  27. D
  28. C
  29. A
  30. B


  1. Which one of the following materials allows light to pass through but one cannot see through it clearly?
    1. Fresh milk
    2. Mirror
    3. Oiled paper
    4. Clean water.
  2. Which one of the following statements about soft water is correct?
    1. is good for drinking
    2. lathers easily
    3. contains essential nutrients
    4. forms scum and fur.
  3. The chart below shows classification of small animals.
    What do parts S and R represent respectively?

    A Millipedes Centipedes
    B Crabs Snails
    C Butterfly Mite
     D Lice  Wasp
  4. The diagram below represents a set up that can be use to demonstrate a certain aspect of heat.
    The aspect demonstrated is that
    1. solids conduct heat
    2. solids expand on heating
    3. solids melts when heated
    4. solids bend when heated
  5. The main reason why a baby needs to be breastfed by the mother is that the milk produced
    1. is easily digested
    2. helps the baby to grow fast
    3. helps the baby's bones to be strong
    4. helps to boost the baby's immune system.
  6. Which one of the following ways of improving soil fertility will take the shortest time for plants to get nutrients? When using
    1. farmyard manure
    2. compound fertilizers
    3. green manure
    4. compost manure
  7. The diagram below shows parts of a maize fruit.
    Which of the following parts represents the embryo of the fruit?
    1. U
    2. T
    3. V
    4. W
  8. The following are functions of roots.
    1. Absorb water.
    2. Absorb mineral salts.
    3. Hold plants firm in the soil.
    4. Store food.
    5. Breathing.
      Which pair of functions is performed by all roots?
      1. (i) and (v)
      2. (ii) and (iv)
      3. (iv) and (iii)
      4. (ii) and (iii).
  9. Which one of the following property of light enables us to see clearly?
    1. Refraction
    2. Reflection
    3. Dispersion
    4. Light traveling in a straight line.
  10. The following are materials used to make a certain weather instrument.
    1. Water
    2. Manila paper
    3. Cellotape
    4. Bottle
    5. Biropen casing
    6. Cork.
      The weather instrument likely to be improvised measures
      1. temperature
      2. direction of wind
      3. rainfall
      4. speed of wind.
  11. The component of air that is used in food preservation is also likely to be used in
    1. making plant protein
    2. electric bulbs and tubes
    3. manufacturing of plant food
    4. germination of seeds.
  12. Which one of the following pairs of processes of changes of states of matter requires absorption of heat from the surrounding?
    1. Condensation and freezing.
    2. Melting and evaporation.
    3. Freezing and melting.
    4. Evaporation and condensation.
  13. Which one of the following is a social effect of drug abuse?
    1. Addiction
    2. Fits
    3. Withdrawal
    4. Truancy.
  14. Three of the following factors influence soil erosion except
    1. amount of rainfall
    2. ploughing along the slope
    3. slope of the land
    4. type of soil.
  15. Which of the following pairs of animals have a moist skin with no scales and lays unfertilized eggs?
    1. Frog and salamander.
    2. Newt and turtle.
    3. Whale and shark.
    4. Chameleon and toad.
  16. The diagram below shows parts of the human digestive system.
    Which part is wrongly matched with its function?
    1. P-Digestion of proteins.
    2. Q-Mixes food with enzymes from pancrease.
    3. R- Completes digestion of food.
    4. S- Absorbs digested food.
  17. Which one of the following is not a correct statement about reproduction in human beings?
    1. Menstruation stops during pregnancy.
    2. The zygote gets implanted on the walls of the uterus.
    3. Fertilization takes place in the oviduct.
    4. The blood of the mother and the foetus mix.
  18. The blood vessel through which oxygenated blood flows from the heart is
    1. Pulmonary artery
    2. Venacava
    3. Aorta
    4. Pulmonary vein.
  19. Which one of the following is an effect of ill health in livestock?
    1. Stunted growth.
    2. Loss of weight.
    3. Transmission of diseases to human beings.
    4. Rough coat.
  20. Which one of the following pairs of food stuffs can be preserved by smoking?
    1. Meat and fish
    2. Kales and bacon
    3. Oranges and berries
    4. Cowpeas and fish.
  21. Which of the following steps comes the third when making a beam balance?
    1. Suspending the arm to find the balancing point.
    2. Fixing the arm to the base.
    3. Suspending the tins.
    4. Making a hole on the balancing point.
  22. The following are uses of heat except
    1. drying
    2. warming the house
    3. ironing clothes
    4. taking photographs.
  23. A farmer noticed small and shallow channels forming in the soil in the garden due to running water. This type of erosion can best be controlled by
    1. building gabions
    2. planting cover crops
    3. terracing
    4. mulching.
  24. Which one of the following plants is not a tuber crop?
    1. Sugarcane
    2. Carrots
    3. Yams
    4. Irish potato.
  25. Which one of the following sources of electricity pollutes the environment?
    1. Wind-driven generators.
    2. Solar panels.
    3. Coal driven generators.
    4. Geothermal.
  26. The diagram below represents a certain lever in use.
    Which parts represent the effort distance of the lever?
    1. Y and Z
    2. Z and X
    3. X and Y
    4. W and Y.
  27. Which one of the following pairs of materials consists of non-magnetic materials only?
    1. Copper coin and nickel.
    2. Steel wool and office pins.
    3. Aluminium foil and silver.
    4. Staple pins and razor blade.
  28. Which one of the following substances have definite mass, volume and shape?
    1. Oil, honey, tin.
    2. Steam, vapour, toothpaste.
    3. Flour, chalk, stone.
    4. Oxygen, water, rubber.
  29. Which one of the following practices of maintaining simple tools will prevent a person from getting injuries?
    1. Using tools for the right purpose.
    2. Sharpening cutting tools.
    3. Oiling and greasing moving parts.
    4. Washing tools after use.
  30. In which one of the following activities is friction least required?
    1. Flying
    2. Braking
    3. Walking
    4. Lighting a match stick
  31. Which one of the following causes of pollution will damage roofs made of corrugated iron sheets?
    1. Aerosol sprays.
    2. Smoke from exhaust of vehicles.
    3. Industrial fumes.
    4. Excessive use of herbicides.
  32. The energy that runs most processes within a given environment mainly comes from the
    1. water
    2. sun
    3. plants
    4. animals.
  33. The following liquids were mixed in containers labelled (i), (ii), (iii) and (iv) as shown below.
    1. Water and kerosene.
    2. Kerosene and cooking oil.
    3. Milk and kerosene.
    4. Cooking oil and water.
      Which label contained liquids that cannot be separated by decanting?
      1. (iv)
      2. (iii)
      3. (ii)
      4. (i)
  34. Which one of the following plants is non-green and non-flowering?
    1. Lichen
    2. Moss
    3. Fern
    4. Mould.
  35. The amount of force of an object acting on a given area is it's
    1. volume
    2. mass
    3. pressure
    4. weight.
  36. The following are functions of fibre in human diet except
    1. helps in digestion of food
    2. prevents constipation
    3. helps in movement of food
    4. gets rid of undigested materials.
  37. Which one of the following parasites affect most farm animals?
    1. Round worms
    2. Hook worms
    3. Liverfluke
    4. Tape worms.
  38. Which one of the following changes takes place during adolescence in girls only?
    1. Growth of pubic hair.
    2. Releasing of sex cells.
    3. Fast body growth.
    4. Broadening of the hips.
  39. Which one of the following is a communicable disease?
    1. Measles
    2. Bilharzia
    3. Tuberculosis
    4. Typhoid.
  40. Which one of the following statements is true about HIV and AIDS?
    1. All HIV positive people have AIDS.
    2. During window stage a person may test negative.
    3. It can be transmitted by mosquito bites.
    4. It is not spread during incubation period.
  41. A child suffering from rickets should be given a diet rich in
    1. carbohydrates
    2. fats and oils
    3. proteins
    4. minerals salts
  42. Wearing protective clothing while walking in stagnant water can prevent one from contracting
    1. Typhoid
    2. Bilharzia
    3. Cholera
    4. Tetanus.
  43. The following are reasons why commercial feeds are given to animals.
    1. To increase milk production.
    2. Given to cattle under zero grazing only.
    3. To supplement other feeds.
    4. Given only when fodder cops and pasture are not available.
      1. (ii) and (iv)
      2. (i) and (iv)
      3. (i) and (iii)
      4. (ii) and (iii).
  44. Which one of the following pair consists of field pests?
    1. White ants and weevils
    2. Weevils and aphids
    3. Cutworms and weaver birds
    4. Rats and stalk borers,
  45. The diagram below shows a beak of a certain bird.
    This bird is likely to be a
    1. Nectar feeder
    2. Flesh feeder
    3. Filter feeder
    4. Grain feeder.
  46. Which one of the following methods of grazing requires intensive labour?
    1. Strip grazing
    2. Paddocking
    3. Stall feeding
    4. Tethering.
  47. The following are phases of the moon.
    Which phase of the moon is always seen in the morning?
    1. (i)
    2. (ii)
    3. (iii)
    4. (iv)
  48.  Which one of the following planets has the longest orbit?
    1. Saturn
    2. Jupiter
    3. Mars
    4. Venus.
  49. Class five pupils dropped two books of different masses on a table from different heights as shown below.
    What property of sound were they investigating?
    1. Types of force
    2. Loud and soft sound
    3. Sound pollution
    4. Sources of sound.
  50. Which one of the following lists consists of natural sources of light only?
    1. Candle, fire, firefly.
    2. Electricity, torch, fire.
    3. Firefly, sun, stars.
    4. Glowworms, lamp, stars.


  1. C
  2. B
  3. C
  4. A
  5. D
  6. B
  7. D
  8. D
  9. B
  10. A
  11. C
  12. B
  13. D
  14. B
  15. A
  16. D
  17. D
  18. C
  19. C
  20. A
  21. B
  22. D
  23. C
  24. A
  25. C
  26. B
  27. C
  28. C
  29. A
  30. A
  31. C
  32. B
  33. C
  34. D
  35. C
  36. A
  37. A
  38. D
  39. C
  40. B
  41. D
  42. B
  43. C
  44. C
  45. D
  46. C
  47. C
  48. A
  49. B
  50. C

Soma vifungu vifuatavyo. Vina nafasi 1 mpaka 15. Kwa kila pengo umepewa majibu manne. Chagua jawabu lifaalo zaidi.

Mazoezi ya viungo vya mwili.__1___uzingatiaji wa lishe bora___2__ ni njia muhimu ya kuimarisha___3__ zetu. Mtu___4__ viungo vyake mazoezi yafaayo___5___ vibaya kiafya.___6__, watu wengi____7__  kuwa kutofanya kazi zozote, hata zile nyepesi ni___8___cha ustaarabu wao. Si ibra, yaani si___9___ kwa waja kama hawa kudhoofika kiafya.

  A B C D
 1   dhidhi ya  mithli ya   mbali na  kinyume na
 2       ,       :      ___      ;
 3  sifa  miili  ari  siha
 4  asipozifanyia  asipovifanyisha  akifanya  akifanyisha
 5  huathirika   huathirikia  huathiri  huathirishwa
 6  IIhali  Japo  Hata hivyo  Ingawa
 7  hujua   husadiki  huelewa  hung'amua 
 8  kizingiti  kizuizi   kikwazo  kitambulisho 
 9  hoja  nadra  vigumu  ajabu


Maimuna___10___kuenda shuleni kama____11___ ada yake. Safari yake ya masomo___12____ na changamoto za kila aina. Hata hivyo, alizidi kujikaza huku akielewa kuwa____13___. Aliiona elimu kama njia ya pekee ya____14___ jamii yake kutokana na umaskini___15___hali zao.

10   alishika tariki  alitia nanga  alichana mbuga  aliweka nadhiri
11  iliyokuwa  iliokuwa  ilivyokuwa  ilipokuwa 
12  ilikabidhiwa  ilikabiliwa   alikabiliwa   alizongwa 
13   msasi haogopi miiba  msafiri hana miiko   hamadi kibindoni silaha mkononi   heshima haiji bali huletwa 
14  kuliokoa  kuwaokoa   kumwoka   kuiokoa 
15  uliowazorotesha  uliozizorotesha   uliyoizorotesha  uliyowazorotesha

Kutoka swali 16 - 30, chagua jibu sahihi kulingana na maagizo.

  1. Andika wingi wa sentensi ifuatayo.
    1. Sogora waliwatumbuiza sana kwa kigoma hivyo.
    2. Masogora walikutumbuiza sana kwa vigoma hivyo.
    3. Sogora walikutumbuiza sana kwa vigoma hivyo.
    4. Masogora waliwatumbuiza sana kwa vigoma hivyo.
  2. Chagua jozi iliyo tofauti na nyingine.
    1. Sabalkheri -Akheri.
    2. Alamsiki -Binuru.
    3. Buruani - Buriani dawa.
    4. Usiku mwaka - Majaliwa.
  3. Ni sentensi ipi iliyotumia kiambishi 'ka` kuonyesha kusudi?
    1. Komu alijikwaa akaumia kidole gumba.
    2. Deya aliamka akaandaa kiamshakinywa akala akaondoka.
    3. Salma ameenda nyumbani akawaone wazazi wake.
    4. "Tutaanza safari kesho asubuhi," akasema.
  4. Konokono ni kwa kombe ilivyo kuku kwa
    1. zeriba
    2. kizimba
    3. kifukofuko
    4. kitala.
  5. Bainisha orodha yenye vihusishi pekee.
    1. Kando ya, licha ya, mbali na, katika
    2. Polepole, vibaya, jioni, kwa sauti
    3. Mithili ya, karibu na, dhidi ya, kwenye
    4. Maridadi, gumu, nyepesi, vyenyewe.
  6. Tegua kitendawili kifuatacho.
    Nyumba yangu ina milango mingi.
    1. Kichunguu
    2. Kiota
    3. Uyoga
    4. Kibuyu.
  7. Chagua sentensi yenye maana sawa na hii.
    Hakuenda mjini wala hakununua mboga.
    1. Asingalienda mjini asingalinunua mboga.
    2. Akienda mjini hatanunua mboga.
    3. Angeenda mjini asingenunua mboga.
    4. Angalienda mjini angalinunua mboga.
  8. Kipi ni kivumishi kilichoundwa kutokana na kitenzi?
    1. Andika - Maandishi.
    2. Legevu - Ulegezaji.
    3. Uhodari - Hodari.
    4. Angalia - Mwangalifu.
  9. Bela ni dadaye Patu. Maria ameolewa na Patu. Bela atamwitaje Maria?
    1. Mwamu
    2. Mpwa
    3. Wifi
    4. Mwanyumba.
  10. Andika katika usemi wa taarifa;
    Kaka! Ukinipa nafasi nitakufunza kuuimba wimbo huu.
    1. Kaka alimwomba ampe nafasi ya kufunzwa wimbo huu.
    2. Kaka alimwambia kuwa iwapo angempa nafasi angemfunza wimbo huo
    3. Kaka alimwambia kuwa kama atampa nafasi atamfunza wimbo huu.
    4. Kaka alimwambia kwamba iwapo angempa nafasi angemfunza wimbo huu.
  11. Meza, dawati na kochi, kwa jina moja ni
    1. samani
    2. viti
    3. ala
    4. pembejeo
  12. Kanusha sentensi ifuatayo.
    Mkono uliotibiwa umepona kabisa
    1. Mkono usiotibiwa haukupona kabisa.
    2. Mkono uliotibiwa haukupona kabisa.
    3. Mkono usiotibiwa haujapona kabisa.
    4. Mkono uliotibiwa haujapona kabisa.
  13. "Gae huwa chombo wakatiwe" ni kwa watu wanaowadharau wale waliowahi kuwasaidia. "Mzigo wa chungu ni chembe moja ya mchele" ni kwa watu
    1. wanaopuuza thamani ya vitu vikubwa
    2. wanaotishwa na matatizo ya wenzao
    3. wanaoviona vitu vidogo kuwa na thamani kubwa
    4. wanaovidharau vyao kwa kutamani vya wenzao.
  14. Zipi ni nomino za wingi?
    1. Magari, nyuzi
    2. Ufuta, marashi
    3. Njaa, hamaki
    4. Kombamwiko, askarikanzu.
  15. Sentensi ifuatayo imetumia tamathali gani za usemi?
    Rajab ni kinyago, alituvunja mbavu kwa masimulizi yake
    1. Tashhisi, chuku
    2. Kinaya, tashbihi
    3. Sitiari, kinaya
    4. Sitiari, nahau.

Soma ufahamu ufuatao kwa makini kisha ujibu maswali 31-40.

Nilikuwa chumbani mwangu nikijisomea novela ili kukinaisha uraibu wangu. Mama aliniita ghafla, nikaukunja ukurasa niliokuwa nikisoma kabla ya kutoka. Alikuwa ameshika noti ya shilingi mia tano. "Nenda kwa Bwana Mauzo uninunulie kilo ya sukari, maziwa na paketi ya unga," aliniambia huku akinikabidhi fulusi zile. "Hewala mama," niliitikia huku niking'oa nanga kuelekea kwenye duka hilo lililokuwa takriban kilomita mbili kutoka pale nyumbani.

Njiani nilimkuta rafiki yangu, Aviza akiendesha baiskeli yake. Nilimwamkua naye akaniitikia kwa ucheshi kama ilivyokuwa ada yake. Nilimweleza kuwa mama alikuwa amenituma dukani na kwamba nisingethubutu kuwa kihongwe kwa kuwa sisi watoto tunao wajibu wa kuwaauni wavyele wetu. Huku akikubaliana nami, alijitolea kunisaidia. "Kwa kuwa sina ujuzi zaidi yako katika kucharaza baiskeli, utaendesha wewe nami niketi kwenye karia," alisema kisha akanikabidhi baiskeli ile.

Tuliichupia baiskeli tukaiendesha kwa uangalifu katika barabara ile yenye kuruba nyingi. Siku zote nilizingatia kauli ya wahenga kuwa kinga ni bora kuliko tiba. Muda si muda tulifika

Umayamaya wa washitiri ulikazania kununua bidhaa. Wanyonge walikaa kando kusubiri muujiza angaa wanunue. Wenye misuli kama mimi nao waliwasukuma wenzao almradi wapate fursa ya kununua bidhaa walizohitaji. Jambo moja lililowavuta wateja kwa Bwana Mauzo ni kwamba hakudiriki kuwapunja wateja wake licha ya kuwa na duka la kipekee pale kijijini. Wema nao hauozi. Hali ilikuwa hivyo siku zote katika duka lake.
Baada ya kujipenyezapenyeza, nilijipata nimekabiliana ana kwa ana na mwenye duka. Usoni, alionyesha tabasamu yake ya kawaida. Pindi tu tulipotazamana, niliuona uso wake ukibadilika ghafla, akawa kama aliyeona mzimu mbele yake. Hali hiyo ilinitia wahaka kidogo. Nilishuku kuwa labda alifikiri nimeenda kumkopa. Falsfa ya Bwana Mauzo ilikuwa wazi kwa wote "Lipa leo nitakukopesha kesho." Ili kumwondolea hofu yake, nilitabasamu, nikaunyosha mkono huku nikimwonyesha noti aliyonipa mama. Ajabu ni kuwa hakuipokea.

Mara noti ile ilinyakuliwa na mkono mzito kama nanga. Kwa udhia mwingi, niligeuka kumwona hasidi huyo aliyenuia kuchuma riziki kutoka mkononi mwangu pasipo kutoka jasho. Lo! Maneno yalinikauka kinywani, macho yakanitoka pima nisiweze kutamka 'be' wala 'te'. Uso wangu ulikumbana na mtutu wa bunduki. Tuliagizwa kulala sakafuni huku majambazi wale wakijiandaa kutupora. Acha mtafaruku uingie! Hakika angurumapo simba mcheza ni nani?

Wahalifu wawili walijitoma dukani wakaanza kupakia pesa za Bwana Mauzo katika mkoba. Mwanaume mmoja aliyekuwa nyuma yangu alimtazama mmoja wao aliyebaki nje akitutishia kwa bunduki. Sijui alikuwa akiwazia nini. Alitazamana na mwanamume mwenye bunduki akasimama na kupiga hatua akienda kwake.

"Nitakufyatulia risasi kichwani mpumbavu wewe!" Jambazi yule alifoka kwa ukali. “Nina hakika kuwa huna uwezo huo," alijibu mwenzetu huku akitabasamu. Jambazi alibabaika. Kumbe mteja mwenzetu alikuwa askari polisi, kwa hivyo alitambua kuwa bunduki ile ilikuwa bandia. Sote tulipandwa na mori, wengine wetu wakiwashambulia kitutu wahalifu hao. Hofu ilituondokea tuliposikia kuwa bunduki ile ilikuwa bandia.
Kamba zilitolewa pale dukani, wakafungwa kitita na kupelekwa marshimarshi hadi kituoni mwa polisi. Noti yangu ilitolewa mfukoni mwa jambazi aliyeniibia. Nilinunua bidhaa alizonituma mama, Bwana Mauzo akawahudumia wachache kisha akafunga duka ili akaandikishe taarifa kituoni. Japo nilichelewa kurudi nyumbani, nilikuwa na uhondo wa kusimulia aila yangu
kuhusu tukio lile.

  1. Chagua jibu sahihi kulingana na aya ya kwanza.
    1. Mama hakufurahishwa na mazoea ya msimulizi
    2. Msimulizi alikuwa na mazoeza ya kusoma vitabu vya hadithi
    3. Bwana Mauzo alimiliki duka la pekee kijijini.
    4. Aviza alizoea kucheka kila alipomwona msimulizi.
  2. Dukani alikotumwa mwandishi
    1. kulikuwa zaidi ya kilomita mbili kutoka kwao
    2. kulikuwa kilomita mbili kamili kutoka kwao
    3. kulikuwa karibu kilomita mbili kutoka kwao
    4. kulikuwa pua na mdomo kutoka kwao.
  3. Kwa nini Aviza alimpa msimulizi baiskeli yake?
    1. Msimulizi alikuwa hodari zaidi katika kuendesha baiskeli.
    2. Msimulizi alionyesha hamu kubwa zaidi ya kuendesha baiskeli.
    3. Aviza hakujua kuiendesha baiskeli vizuri.
    4. Dukani walikonuia kuenda kulikuwa mbali sana.
  4. Maneno 'Kuwa kihongwe' yametumia tamathali gani ya usemi?
    1. Tashbihi
    2. Chuku
    3. Tashhisi
    4. Sitiari.
  5. Sifa gani zinamwafiki zaidi msimulizi wa kifungu?
    1. Mwenye nguvu, afanyaye mambo kwa uangalifu.
    2. Mwerevu, asiyewadhulumu wanyonge.
    3. Mtiifu, hodari katika mambo mbalimbali.
    4. Mwenye udaku, anayejulikana kijijini.
  6. Wateja walifurika dukani kwa Bwana Mauzo kwa kuwa
    1. hapakuwa na maduka mengine
    2. aliendesha shughuli zake kwa uadilifu
    3. aliuza bidhaa za aina mbalimbali
    4. aghalabu waliendea bidhaa kwa mkopo.
  7. Kulingana na aya ya tano
    1. Bwana Mauzo aliwataka wateja walipie bidhaa papo hapo
    2. mtu alihitajika kununua angaa mara moja ndipo akopeshwe
    3. shaka ya mwenye duka iliondoka alipoonyeshwa pesa
    4. uso wa mwenye duka ulibadilika pindi tu alipomwona msimulizi.
  8. Mwanaume aliyetajwa hakujali alipotolewa vitisho kwa sababu
    1. alikuwa afisa wa usalama
    2. jambazi alikuwa mwoga
    3. alikuwa na uwezo wa kujihami
    4. alitambua kuwa bunduki ile isingemdhuru.
  9. Ni methali gani inayofaa zaidi kupigia mfano kifungu hiki?
    1.  Mwenye nguvu mpishe.
    2. Pwagu hupata pwaguzi.
    3. Akili nyingi huondoa maarifa.
    4. Mpiga ngumi ukuta huumiza mkonowe.
  10. Neno 'hewalla' kama lilivyotumika A. ni kiingizi cha kusisitiza jambo B. ni kihusishi cha wakati C. ni kihisishi cha kukubaliana na jambo D. ni kielezi cha kufafanua jambo.

Soma kifungu kifuatacho kisha ujibu maswali kuanzia 41 hadi 50.
Hakuna jambo litakalohatarisha maisha yetu humu duniani kuliko ukataji wa misitu. Hakika, ukataji huu si jambo jipya kwetu. Hata mababu na nyanya zetu walikata miti. Walifanya hivyo kwa matumizi mbalimbali kama vile ujenzi, dawa, mavazi na kadhalika. Ukataji miti siku hizo, hata hivyo, ulifanywa kwa uangalifu. Baadhi ya miti ilikatwa kwa ajili ya kafara na kwa matumizi mahsusi lakini leo, miti hukatwa bila kusudi maalum.
Si ajabu kupata miti ikikatwa milimani kwa kusudi la kupanda dawa za kulevya kisiri ili isijulikane na serikali. Aidha, miti imekatwa ili kujenga majumba yetu katika mazingira yaliyo na hewa mwanana bila kujali madhara tunayosababishia mandhari yetu. Tumekata miti kando ya mito ili kulima vishamba vya mboga karibu na chemichemi ya maji. Kile ambacho binadamu hafahamu ni kuwa miti hii ndiyo inayoshikilia udongo usimomonyoke.

Inafahamika kuwa misitu ni asili ya chakula na maskani ya wanyama. Misitu inapokatwa, ama wanyama watakufa au watahamia kwingine. Huko kwingine kunaweza kuwa kwenye makao yetu binadamu. Watavamia mashamba yetu na kuhatarisha maisha yetu na ya wanetu.
Tusisahau kuwa misitu huvuta mvua. Tunapokata miti tunapunguza mvua na tunaharakisha ukame. Bila mvua, mito na maziwa yatakauka. Bila maji sisi hatutakuwa na uhai. Mifugo wetu nao watafuata mkondo uo huo.

Hebu fikiria utafanyaje uamkapo asubuhi na kuambiwa kuwa mfadhili wako ameachishwa kazi katika kiwanda cha karatasi kilichopo hapo karibu. Kuna uwezekano wa hayo kutokea iwapo ukataji wa misitu utaendelea. Viwanda vitakosa malighafi, hivyo vitafungwa na watu kumwaga unga. Basi vitu kama karatasi, mbao, gundi na viberiti vitakosekana au kupanda bei.

Vilevile, misitu inapokatwa, dawa za kienyeji na za kisasa zitapotea kwa maana nyingi kati yazo hutokana na miti. Wagonjwa wengi watatangulia mbele ya haki kwa kukosa dawa. Je, wakataji miti wenyewe wajua wao pia wataangamia?

Misitu mingi yenye manufaa makubwa huchukua muda mrefu kukomaa. Kwa hivyo, tunapoikata bila mpango tunavinyima vizazi vya kesho urithi huu wa kimaumbile. Vijana wengi watakuwa wakizisoma habari za misitu vitabuni bila kuiona misitu yenyewe. Utafiti wa miti pia utakwama na elimu itakoseshwa mahali pa uvumbuzi nyanjani. Sasa iko wapi faida ya kufunza taaluma ya misitu katika shule na vyuo kinadharia tu kama misitu yenyewe haipo?

Miti isipokuwepo hakuna kitu kitakachozuia mmomonyoko wa udongo wetu wenye rutuba. Mimea itadhoofika ajabu. Mchanga nao utajaa kwenye mito na maziwa. Hali hii ikiendelea maziwa yatapotea.

Hakuna mandhari yavutiayo kama yale yenye rangi ya kijani. Mtu atembeapo karibu na miti jioni, hufurahia harufu tofauti; harufu ya maua na mzizimo wa upepo mwanana. Miti ikipotea ghafla hubaki visiki butu vyenye rangi ya hudhurungi au kijivu isiyovutia. Badala ya mzizimo huwa upepo mkali uliobeba vumbi jingi. Matokeo yake ni mawili. Kwanza, upepo huu waweza kusababisha uharibifu kama vile kuangusha miti na hata kung'oa mapaa ya nyumba.

Hasara nyingine ni kuwa upepo husafirisha viini vinavyoeneza magonjwa chungu'nzima ya macho, koo na mapafu. Hewa itachafuka maana hakuna miti ya kuisafisha. Mnaona! sisi wenyewe tunajiua. Tamaa mbele mauti nyuma.

  1. Ni kweli kusema kuwa
    1. ukataji wa misitu ni hatari pekee inayoweza kuwaangamiza watu duniani
    2. hapo awali, ukataji wa miti haukuwa ukifanyika kiholela
    3. wazee wa zamani hawakuthubutu kuikata misitu asilani
    4. awali, miti ilikuwa na matumizi mbalimbali, kinyume na ilivyo sasa.
  2. Wanaokata miti milimani hufanya hivyo ili
    1. wapate miti iliyo bora zaidi
    2. waharibu misitu makusudi
    3. wakuze mboga karibu na chemichemi
    4. washiriki kilimo cha mimea haramu.
  3. Kulima kwenye kingo za mito kuna athari gani kulingana na kifungu?
    1. Kusababisha memonyoko wa udongo.
    2. Kusababisha kukauka kwa vyanzo vya maji.
    3. Kufariki kwa viumbe wa majini.
    4. Kuchafua maji yanayofanikisha kilimo.
  4. Kulingana na aya ya tatu
    1. kukata miti ovyoovyo husababisha mgogoro wa binadamu na wanyama
    2. kukata miti ovyoovyo ni kichocheo kikuu cha ukame
    3. maeneo yasiyo na misitu hayana  binadamu wala wanyama
    4. watu wengine huharibu mazingira kwa nia ya kuanzisha makao yao.
  5. Kufungwa kwa viwanda katika kifungu husababishwa na
    1. ukosefu wa wafanyakazi
    2. hali ngumu ya kiuchumi
    3. kukosekana kwa malighafi
    4. kupungua kwa mvua.
  6. Chagua msemo mwingine wenye maana sawa na 'watatangulia mbele ya haki'.
    1. Watakula mwata.
    2. Wataenda na ulele ngoma.
    3. Watakufa moyo.
    4. Wataenda nguu.
  7. Manufaa ya misitu kulingana na makala haya ni
    1. kufanikisha elimu na dawa za kulevya
    2. kuhifadhi maji na kuzuia mmomonyoko wa udongo
    3. urithi wa vizazi na kubuniwa kwa mitambo
    4. kuongeza nafasi za kazi na kusafisha hewa.
  8. Matokeo ya upepo mkali yanaweza kuwa
    1. magonjwa ya mapafu na ardhi kukosa mvuto
    2. kuvunja miti na kutatiza starehe za watu
    3. kuporomoka kwa majengo na kueneza maradhi
    4. mmomonyoko wa udongo na kupotea kwa maziwa.
  9. Kauli 'sisi wenyewe tunajiua' inaonyesha kuwa
    1. binadamu wanauana wenyewe kwa wenyewe
    2. tunajiangamiza kwa matendo yetu
    3. bila misitu vizazi vijazo havitakuwepo
    4. binadamu amevamiwa na maradhi chungu nzima.
  10. Kichwa kifaacho zaidi kwa makala haya ni
    1. Faida za misitu.
    2. Mmomonyoko wa udongo.
    3. Tamaa mbele mauti nyuma.
    4. Madhara ya uharibifu wa misitu.


Umepewa dakika 40 kuandika insha yako.

Andika insha isiyopungua ukurasa mmoja na nusu ukifuata maagizo uliyopewa. Ufuatao ni mwanzo wa insha. Iendeleze kwa maneno yako mwenyewe huku ukiifanya iwe ya kusisimua zaidi.

Mchana kutwa sikuweza kupata utulivu. Nilitamani kurudi nyumbani haraka ili............................


  1. C
  2. A
  3. D
  4. B
  5. A
  6. C
  7. B
  8. D
  9. D
  10. A
  11. C
  12. B
  13. A
  14. D
  15. B
  16. D
  17. A
  18. C
  19. B
  20. C
  21. A
  22. D
  23. D
  24. C
  25. D
  26. A
  27. D
  28. C
  29. B
  30. D
  31. B
  32. C
  33. A
  34. D
  35. A
  36. B
  37. A
  38. D
  39. B
  40. C
  41. B
  42. D
  43. A
  44. A
  45. C
  46. B
  47. D
  48. C
  49. B
  50. D

Read the passage below. It contains blank spaces numbered 1-15. For each blank space,choose the best alternative from the choices given.
         We come across___1__ People on daily basis. From the time you wake up to the to the time you___2__ bed, you meet people of different characteristics. Some of these are good people___3___they may not look so. They are focused and go___4__their businesses with full knowledge that they need to respect other people and their__5___. They do not___6__or destroy anything that does not belong to them. They also respect all other people they interact_____ in the course of doing their duties. When evening__8___ they peacefully__9___ back to their homes,___10__ with the little they have got for the day. These people respect children, just as much as their fellow adults. 

         On the other hand, we have another___11__ of people who look smart but in behaviour,are far from it. They steal, rob, harm and destroy__12___ does not belong to them. They are___13__ with everyone and do not spare even children or domestic animals. It is not__14__ to see them arrested from time to time for different crimes. That is why you should not trust___15__you meet when you are out there.

  A B C D
1  Many  Some  Few  Various
2  Retire  Sleep   Move  Return
3  Therefore  Furthermore  Although  Moreover
4  Over  About   Around   Above 
5  Properties  Luggage  Wealth   Property 
6  Harm  Block   Damage  Save
7  With   By  Across  Between
8  Goes  Comes   Reaches   Ends 
9  Return  Stay  Walk  Approach
10  Eager   Contended  Excited  Calm
11 Category  Mob  Gender  Team
12  Whichever  Whoever  Whenever  Whatever
13  Cruel   Naughty  Bitter  Bully
14  Strange  Common   Usual  Funny
15  Somebody  Anybody  Everybody  Nobody


In questions 16 to 18, choose the alternative which means the same as the underlined expression.

  1. The teacher advised the candidates to go over their Compositions after writing.
    1. revise
    2. proof-read
    3. study
    4. read
  2. He was asked to look into the disappearance of exercise books.
    1. Investigate
    2. check
    3. solve
    4. discuss
  3. After failing to complete the race twice, Maina decided to give up.
    1. stop
    2. succeed
    3. fail
    4. despair

In questions 19 and 20, choose the best arrangement of the given sentences to form sensible paragraphs.

    1. I treasured entertainment.
    2. It was interesting watching animals at play.
    3. I would spend hours and hours
    4. Whenever I had money, I would go to the zoo.
      1. (i), (ii), (iii), (iv)
      2. (i), (iii), (iv), (ii)
      3. (i), (iv), (ii), (iii)
      4. (ii), (ii), (iv), (iii)
    1. He keeps cows and goats.
    2. There are more goats than cows on his farm.
    3. He is a large scale farmer.
    4. Some of the goats were bought recently.
      1. (iii), (ii), (i), (iv)
      2. (iii), (i), (ii), (iv)
      3. (iii), (iv), (i), (ii)
      4. (iii), (ii), (iv), (i).

In questions 21 and 22, choose the alternative that means the same as the underlined sentence.

  1. Should you start the journey late, you may reach Lamu in darkness.
    1. When you start the journey late, you will reach Lamu in darkness.
    2. You will reach Lamu in darkness if you start the journey late.
    3. It is likely that you will reach Lamu in darkness if you start the journey late.
    4. When you start the journey late, it is likely that you will reach Lamu in darkness.
  2. We complained to him and he took no action.
    1. We needn't have complained to him because he took no action.
    2. It was needless to take action since we complained to him.
    3. It was useless to have complained to him since he took no action.
    4. No action was taken although we complained to him.

Read the paragraph below and answer questions 23-25.

Samuel, Kadhi, Wanyama and Patel went into a restaurant. Samuel ate rice with chicken curry. Both Kadhi and Patel ate chapati with mutton curry and also drank a glass of milk each. Wanyama ate ugali with chicken curry and had orange juice. Samuel took a soda and had a banana; and so did Patel. Kadhi had a mango.

  1. Who of the boys did not eat any of these foods: chapati, mutton curry, soda and banana?
    1. Patel
    2. Samuel
    3. Wanyama
    4. Kadhi.
  2. Which of the following groups of foods did Kadhi have?
    1. Chapatti, chicken curry, soda and banana
    2. Rice, mutton curry, milk, orange juice.
    3. Ugali, mutton curry milk, mango
    4. Chapati, mutton curry, milk, mango.
  3. Which of the following statements is not true?
    1. Both Samuel and Patel had soda.
    2. Both Samuel and Kadhi had bananas.
    3. Both Kadhi and Patel had glass of milk each.
    4. Both Samuel and Wanyama had chicken curry.

Read the passage below and then answer questions 26 to 38.

Susa and Katina usually walked together to the market. Their talk, which was a punctuated with laughter, never seemed to end. They were so close that it seemed if a third person joined them, it would be an unwelcome move. Seasonally, Susa sold vegetables at the market while Katina went to do her business of selling dry maize at the grain's section. They seemed to rhyme so much that no one thought they could ever separate.

It was during the dry season and the price of maize had soared. This is because the maize was sought from far away and was delivered in lorries. On the other hand, Susa too had to contract people on bicycle to go far away to the villages located near the lake where fresh vegetables were still available. The ones she used to get from the farms along the rivers had since dried up. Only Katina's farm still showed some sign of life because she watered them every morning before sunrise. They maintained their fresh look but interestingly, the pluckable leaves never seemed to grow.

The two women were on their way to the market one afternoon when Katina confided in her friend that she felt like abandoning the farm till the onset of rains as she worked so hard but received nothing in return. She told her friend that the farm did not even produce
vegetables for her to cook at home while earlier, it was supplying a number of women with kales to sell at the market, Susa being one of them. Susa too said that she too felt hard hit for the cyclists she sent for vegetables charged for the transportation quite expensively. They left before dawn and returned around ten o'clock. After paying them and selling the vegetables, she hardly made any profit worth the input. Their conversation was more of lamentations to each other as Katina revealed to her that earlier, they thought someone could be stealing the vegetables at night but after hiring someone to watch over it for a whole week but returned frustrated, she gave up. By the time they reached the market, they were still in a dilemma.

Two days later, the quiet dark morning village was woken up by screams and shouts of men. This was rare as thieves and stock thieves never attacked the village at such risky hours. However, the men hastily dressed up, picked whatever weapons they could get and rushed out to join the rest. They took strategic positions where they believed the robbers would follow. The longer they waited, the more it looked as if it was a false alarm and by the time the sky was clearing in the eastern horizon, there was still no clue at all. The men started asking one another who had first raised the alarm but no one accepted to take responsibility and it was a matter of blame game here and there. The sky was by then clear and it was possible to identify a person walking a distance way. Then Hola, who had walked away from the others for a short-call, suddenly and loudly called the others to urgently join him where he was. The lead to the alarm was there, carefully hidden in the bushes: a green gunny bag and a bicycle with an inscription at the mudguard 'Survivor'. At once, everyone knew who the owner was; Luda! He was known to go far off on his bicycle in search of vegetables which he sold to the market women and Susa was one of them!

The gang immediately took the recovered items to the village elder's home. Another group went straight for him at his home but as expected, he was not there. The village elder asked the party to disperse for eventually, Luda would return home and be guided accordingly.

  1. Susa and Katina usually walked together because
    1. their homes were not far apart
    2. both of them sold items at the same market
    3. they had almost similar daily programs
    4. they seemed to enjoy each other's company.
  2. Why did Susa sell vegetables at the market seasonally?
    1. Vegetables were not available throughout the year.
    2. She had a variety of items to sell.
    3. There were too many other women selling vegetables there.
    4. She needed to take a rest during the drought.
  3. The main reason why the price of maize had soared is that
    1. the maize had since dried up well
    2. the commodity had increased in demand
    3. many women did not like buying cheap maize
    4. there were too many women selling maize at that time.
  4. The problem the two women faced at the same time was due to
    1. the diminishing number of customers
    2. the distance of their homes from the lake
    3. the weather condition at that time
    4. the choosy customers each of them had.
  5. Katina felt like abandoning work on the farm due to
    1. demand
    2. frustration
    3. confrontation
    4. confusion.
  6. The word 'dilemma' as used in the third paragraph means the two friends
    1. would discuss it later on
    2. decided to forget about the issue
    3. would soon abandon their businesses
    4. had not got a solution.
  7. What made the morning alarm by the men rare?
    1. The time at which it was raised.
    2. The direction it was first heard.
    3. The people who raised it.
    4. The number of villagers who heard it.
  8. Why were the men interested in who had raised the alarm?
    1. Very few people had responded to it.
    2. No one had reported losing an item.
    3. They didn't seem to see the reason for it.
    4. The person's voice was very strange.
  9. The time at which the first alarm was raised is likely to have been
    1. shortly after midnight
    2. just before dawn
    3. at sunrise
    4. early in the morning.
  10. It was easy to identify the suspect because of
    1. the inscription on the bicycle's mudguard
    2. the ideas presented by the people present
    3. where the bicycle was found
    4. those who were not at the scene.
  11. Which of the following words best describes the recovered items in the passage?
    1. Tools
    2. Instruments
    3. Implements
    4. Exhibits.
  12. The village elder asked the others to disperse because
    1. he did not want the women to know about it
    2. the crowd could easily scare Luda away
    3. it would not be a difficult case to solve
    4. he had worse cases awaiting him.
  13. What lesson do we learn from this passage?
    1. The weather can make people change their behaviour.
    2. It's not possible to conceal a bad thing for long.
    3. People who live together must know one another.
    4. Identifying a thief in a society is easy.

Read the passage below and then answer questions 39 to 50.

Moles can be found everywhere in the world except in the Antarctica. Moles may resemble rats and mice but they are not rodents. Instead, they are insectivores and are more closely related to the bats. They survive mainly on insects and most of the time, the ones that live underground. Moles therefore spend most of their day digging in the soil for that is where their food is.

Moles can dig tunnels at a rate of up to fifteen feet per hour. That is as long as seven footsteps. There could be a variation to this, depending on the weather conditions. Just like pigs, male moles are called 'boars' and female moles are called 'sows'.

A group of moles, called a labour, may come together at certain times of the year for the breeding season. You have heard that moles live underground, but how? Well, they have unique adaptations in the blood that allow them to survive underground with low levels of oxygen and high levels of carbon dioxide.

When the weather changes to become cold or dry, moles often dig deeper into the ground, following their food source. If they find a 'path' that leads to a nest of insects, they will pause and eat. Some insects will not realise that they have been invaded and thus, the moles could feed well for a while until the number reduces then the digging resumes. Some nests contain insects that are very sensitive and the moment they are interfered with, they hurriedly scatter in different directions. This makes it difficult for the moles to feed as within a short time, the nest is left with voids and remnant scattering insects. The moles therefore have to dig deeper and longer.

Moles' tunnels often follow contours of man-made features, such as fences and building footings. They are also often blamed for eating of roots and seeds but this is not true.

A mole's saliva contains a toxin that paralyzes worms, allowing them to gather and store food for consumption later on. To get dirt out of a worm's stomach, a mole can squeeze an earthworm with its forepaws before eating it.

Moles are among the few species that can smell in stereo, meaning that each nostril smells separately. By doing so, they instantly pinpoint the source of odours and estimate their path.

  1. According to the first paragraph, moles
    1. are found in a few areas of the Antarctica
    2. have similar characteristics to rodents
    3. live together with rats and mice
    4. are some of the most common creatures on earth.
  2. The relationship between bats and moles could be due to
    1. the eating habits
    2. the way they look
    3. their manner of movement
    4. the size of their body.
  3. If there were not insects completely
    1. all the moles would die
    2. the number of moles would increase
    3. moles would still find a way to survive
    4. all moles would come to the surface of the ground.
  4. What could be the cause of variation in holes dug by moles?
    1. The quantity of food they get.
    2. The effect of nature on the soil.
    3. The number of moles digging the same hole.
    4. The temperature in the hole being dug.
  5. Moles generally live
    1. a loner's life
    2. in different holes per family
    3. together in most cases
    4. in one big group.
  6. What makes moles look unique among other animals?
    1. The speed at which their blood flows.
    2. Their characteristics resemble those of other animals.
    3. Digging deep in the ground almost throughout.
    4. Their ability to survive on low levels of oxygen.
  7. Moles could feed well in a nest of insects
    1. if they get to it when they are very tired
    2. should there be some source of light there
    3. if the insects do not realise their presence
    4. if they intend to continue digging soon after.
  8. The phrase 'different directions' as used in the fourth paragraph means the insects move
    1. in a helter-skelter way
    2. very fast into the nest
    3. in one specific direction
    4. then suddenly change direction.
  9. Why do you think moles follow the man-made features?
    1. It is safer for them from falling objects.
    2. The areas are easier to dig.
    3. They try to dig as man did earlier.
    4. The holes are usually left unsealed.
  10. The blame on moles regarding eating of roots and seeds is false as
    1. no moles have been found eating them
    2. its man who eats seeds and roots
    3. moles majorly eat insects
    4. insects do not live near seeds and roots.
  11. Which of the following words means much the same as 'separately' as used in the passage?
    1. Once
    2. Straight
    3. Lonely
    4. Independently.
  12. The best title for this passage would be
    1. The lifestyle of moles.
    2. Animals that live in the ground.
    3. Reduction of population of insects
    4. Effect of low oxygen on moles.


You have 40 minutes to write your composition.

Below is the beginning of a story. Write and complete the story making it as interesting as you can.

The moment we returned to school, our friends came running towards us. We had been away the whole day at the festival................


  1. D
  2. A
  3. C
  4. B
  5. D
  6. C
  7. A
  8. B
  9. C
  10. B
  11. A
  12. D
  13. C
  14. A
  15. B
  16. B
  17. A
  18. D
  19. C
  20. B
  21. C
  22. A
  23. C
  24. D
  25. B
  26. D
  27. A
  28. B
  29. C
  30. B
  31. D
  32. A
  33. C
  34. B
  35. A
  36. D
  37. C
  38. B
  39. D
  40. A
  41. C
  42. B
  43. A
  44. D
  45. C
  46. A
  47. B
  48. C
  49. D
  50. A
  1.  What is 6085307 written in words?
    1. Sixty million eight hundred and fifty three thousand three hundred and seven.
    2. Six million eight hundred and five thousand three hundred and seven.
    3. Six million eighty five thousand three hundred and seven.
    4. Six million eighty five thousand and thirty seven
  2. What is the total value of digit 1 in the difference between nine million and eight thousand and seventy six?
    1. 1000
    2. 10000
    3. 100000
    4. 100
  3. The figure below shows an isosceles triangle.
    What is its area in cm2?
    1. 60cm2
    2. 255cm2
    3. 30cm2
    4. 120cm2
  4. What is the value of: 92 + 129 − 48?
    1. 12
    2. 44
    3. 22
    4. 76
  5. What is the value of;
    7/8 of 22/7 − (13/16 − 3/8) ?
    1. 13/16
    2. 3/16
    3. 13/16
    4. 2
  6. What is 569.997 rounded off to the nearest hundredths?
    1. 570.00
    2. 570.99
    3. 569.10
    4. 567.99
  7. The figure below shows a triangular prism.
    What is its volume?
    1. 2100cm3
    2. 4760cm3
    3. 1520cm3
    4. 2380cm3
  8. What is the value of the reflex angle FLM in the figure below?
    1. 87°
    2. 107°
    3. 273°
    4. 187°
  9. Musichi bought the following items from a shop.
    4 packets of milk @ sh. 65.
    - 2 loaves of bread @ sh. 80.
    - Two - 2kg packets of wheat flour @ sh. 195.
    - 3 packets of salt for sh.60
    - 1 1⁄2 kg of sugar @ sh. 180 per kg.
    How much balance did he receive if he paid for the items using three - 500 shilling notes?
    1. Sh. 240
    2. Sh. 360
    3. Sh 300
    4. Sh 140
  10. What is the area of the shaded region in the figure below?
    1. 154cm2
    2. 42cm2
    3. 56cm2
    4. 308cm2
  11. What is the value of x in:
    3x  + 2( x − 3) = 1
     4          6
    1. 12/13
    2. 2 ½
    3. 13/24
    4. 11/13
  12. What is the shortest length of a material from which equal pieces of 18m, 30m and 36m can be divided without a remainder?
    1. 360m
    2. 160m
    3. 6m
    4. 180m
  13. The area of a square piece of land is 3136m2. What is twice its perimeter?
    1. 224m
    2. 448m
    3. 12544m
    4. 56m
  14. Which of the following groups of decimals increases by hundredths?
    1. 0.1234, 0.2234, 0.3234, 0.4234
    2. 0.6219, 0.6319, 0.6419, 0.6519
    3. 0.3049, 0.3059, 0.3069, 0.3079
    4. 0.2451, 0.2452, 0.2453, 0.2456
  15. Draw triangle EAC in which line EA=5cm and line EC = line AC 4.5cm. Construct a circle touching points E, A and C. Find the radius of the circle.
    1. 2.7cm
    2. 1.8cm
    3. 3.1cm
    4. 3.5cm
  16. What is the value of; 436.352 ÷ 6.8?
    1. 68.014
    2. 6.814
    3. 68.14
    4. 681.04
  17. In Kwanzu's farm, there were 44 more cows than sheep. The number of goats were half that of sheep. If there were q sheep, which expression correctly represents the total number of animals on the farm?
    1. 21/2q − 44
    2. 2q − 44
    3. 21/2q + 44
    4. 11/2q + 44
  18. What is the next number in the sequence below?
    9, 10, 19, 29, 48,____
    1. 59
    2. 77
    3. 56
    4. 58
  19. A bus left town Q at 2230hrs on Monday. It took 8 3/4 hrs to reach town R. When did it reach town R?
    1. Tuesday 7:15am
    2. Monday 7:15pm
    3. Tuesday 7:15pm
    4. Monday 7:15am
  20. The following are properties of a certain quadrilateral.
    1. Opposite angles are equal.
    2. Diagonals are not equal and bisects each other at right angles.
    3. Opposite sides are equal.
    4. All sides are equal.
      Which quadrilateral is being described above?
      1. Square
      2. Rectangle
      3. Trapezium
      4. Rhombus
  21. Kimengich's salary increased from 40000 to 50000. What was its ratio increase?
    1. 5:4
    2. 2:3
    3. 4:5
    4. 3:2
  22. Dina spent 1/of his salary on food, 1/4 of the reminder on school fees. She spent 1/2 of the amount spent on school fees on rental payments and the rest was saved. If she saved sh.15000, how much money did she spent on school fees?
    1. Sh. 36000
    2. Sh. 6000
    3. Sh. 12000
    4. Sh. 9000
  23. Which of the following sets of measurements will form a right angled triangle?
    1. 7cm, 12cm, 13cm
    2. 4cm, 7½cm, 8½
    3. 4cm, 12cm, 12 ½cm
    4. 9cm, 16cm, 25cm
  24. A lorry was packed with cartons each containing 500g and 250g packets of sugar. The total weight of the packets was 900kg. If the number of 500g packets was 800, how many packets were in the lorry altogether?
    1. 1200
    2. 2000
    3. 2800
    4. 3600
  25. Jerusa drove from 7:30am to 11:00am at an average speed of 68km/h before repairing a puncture which took her 45minutes. She then continued with the journey covering 306km at a speed of 72km/h. What was her average speed for the whole journey?
    1. 70km/h
    2. 70½ km/h
    3. 64km/h
    4. 575/19km/h
  26. The figure below shows a cylinder whose curved surface area is 968cm2 and its height is 22cm. What is its diameter?

    1. 14cm
    2. 7cm
    3. 44cm
    4. 28cm
  27. Landi sold an item for sh. 9900 and made a 10% loss. What was the cost price of the item?
    1. Sh. 9910
    2. Sh. 900
    3. Sh.11000
    4. Sh. 9810
  28. Forty two men were hired to repair a bridge in 14 days. After working for 4 days, seven men got sick and were
    laid off. How long did it take to finish the job completely?
    1. 16 days
    2. 16 4/5 days
    3. 12 days
    4. 84 days
  29. Which is the smallest number that can be subtracted from 538715 to make it divible by 11?
    1. 4
    2. 1
    3. 3
    4. 0
  30. The hire purchase price of a printer is 30% more than the cash price. Okoth bought it on hire purchase terms by paying a deposit equal to 14% of the cash price and equal monthly installments for twenty nine months. How much was each monthly instalment if the cash price of the printer was sh.47000?
    1. Sh. 1393.79
    2. Sh. 2042.06
    3. Sh. 6580.00
    4. Sh. 1880.00
  31. The table below shows the number of shorts and shirts made in one week by a tailor.
    Day   Mon Tue   Wed Thur   Fri  Sat  Sun
     Shorts  45  40  50 45   40  20  15
     Shirts  25  35  20  20  25  70  8

    If sh.95 is paid for each short made and sh.115 for each shirt made, on which day was the tailor paid most?
    1. Tuesday
    2. Saturday
    3. Sunday
    4. Wednesday
  32. Which is the correct order of writing the fractions 2/51/6, ½, and 2/in descending order
    1. 1/6, 2/5, ½, 2/
    2. 2/3, ½, 2/5, 1/6
    3. 2/5, 2/31/6, ½
    4. 2/3, ½, 2/51/6
  33. A sales agent is paid a basic salary of sh.24,000 plus a commission of 12% on the value of goods sold above sh.100,000. What was the total sales in the month he earned a total of sh.43,680?
    1. Sh. 264000
    2. Sh. 31680
    3. Sh. 164000
    4. Sh. 167680
  34. In the figure below, line AC is parallel to line DG. Line EB = line Bf and angle ABE = 54°. What is the size of angle EBF?
    1. 126°
    2. 54°
    3. 108°
    4. 72°
  35. Wanda borrowed sh.120000 and paid after two years. If he was charged simple interest at the rate of 15% p.a, how much money did he pay back?
    1. Sh. 158700
    2. Sh. 156000
    3. Sh. 84000
    4. Sh. 36000
  36. The diagonals of a rhombus measure 9cm and 12cm. What is the area of the rhombus?
    1. 108cm2
    2. 54cm2
    3. 225cm2
    4. 42cm2
  37. What is the value of w in the inequality; 3w − 17< 2w −  3?
    1. w<14
    2. w<4
    3. w>7
    4. w>4
  38. Tuto paid sh.36000 for a tablet after getting a 20% discount on the marked price. What was the marked price?
    1. Sh. 7200
    2. Sh. 45000
    3. Sh. 43200
    4. Sh. 9000
  39. The circle graph below shows how Wairimu spends her salary.
    If she spends sh.4500 on rent, how much more does she spend on food than on rent?

    1. Sh. 1000
    2. Sh. 5500
    3. Sh. 100
    4. Sh. 10000
  40. The figure below is part of a parallelogram MUNA. Complete the parallelogram.
    What is the length of the shorter diagonal?
    1. 7.5cm
    2. 7.0cm
    3. 5.5cm
    4. 6.2cm
  41. A business lady bought 12 trays of eggs at sh.350 per tray. On the way all eggs in two trays broke. She sold the rest of the eggs at sh.12. If each tray contained 30 eggs, how much was her loss?
    1. Sh. 3600
    2. Sh. 600
    3. Sh. 320
    4. Sh. 4200
  42. A road measuring 23cm on a map has an actual length of 92km. What was the scale used?
    1. 1:400
    2. 1:4000
    3. 1:40000
    4. 1:400000
  43. The stack below was painted all over except the bottom. How many cubes were painted on two faces only?

    1. 12
    2. 36
    3. 14
    4. 8
  44. A family uses five 500ml packets of milk everyday. How many deciliters of milk did the family use in the months of February and March 2023?
    1. 14.75dl
    2. 14750dl
    3. 1475dl
    4. 1.475dl
  45. What is the value of; 4.2 x 0.65 x 1.6?
                                      6.4 x 1.3 x 0.07
    1. 750
    2. 0.75
    3. 75
    4. 7.5
  46. Tap A can fill a tank in 18 minutes while tap B can fill the same tank in 16 minutes. Tap C can empty the same tank in 12 minutes. How long would it take to fill the tank if the three taps were opened at the same time?
    1. 1 1/5minutes
    2. 2 minutes
    3. 28 4/5minutes
    4. 1 ¼minutes
  47. The figure below shows a net of a certain solid. Which solid will be formed if the net is folded?

    1. 11/minutes
    2. 2 minutes
    3. 28 4/5
    4. 11/4
  48. What is the value of x in the figure below if its perimeter is 56cm?
    1. 24
    2. 50
    3. 12
    4. 10
  49. The mean of six numbers is 9. Five of these numbers are 3, 8, 12, 4 and 19. What is the sum of the mode and
    median of the numbers?
    1. 9
    2. 16
    3. 8
    4. 17
  50. The graph below show two motorists travelling from different towns a distance of 350km.
    How far apart were the two motorists at 11am?
    1. 315km
    2. 100km
    3. 215km
    4. 200km


  1. C
  2. A
  3. D
  4. C
  5. B
  6. A
  7. A
  8. C
  9. B
  10. B
  11. D
  12. D
  13. B
  14. B
  15. A
  16. C
  17. C
  18. B
  19. A
  20. D
  21. A
  22. B
  23. B
  24. C
  25. C
  26. A
  27. C
  28. A
  29. B
  30. D
  31. B
  32. B
  33. A
  34. D
  35. B
  36. B
  37. A
  38. B
  39. A
  40. C
  41. B
  42. D
  43. A
  44. C
  45. D
  46. C
  47. B
  48. D
  49. B
  50. D



Study the map of Kute area and answer questions 1-7.

  1. The land in Kute area rises towards
    1. south west
    2. south east
    3. north west
    4. north east.
  2. What is the approximate area of the ranch?
    1. 7.26km2
    2. 3.6km2
    3. 4.8km2
    4. 12km2
  3. The climate of the south western part of Kute area is likely to be
    1. cool and wet
    2. hot and dry
    3. hot and wet
    4. cool and dry.
  4. Kutwe town serves all the following functions except
    1. religion
    2. security
    3. administration
    4. recreation.
  5. The following economic activities are carried out the Kute area except
    1. fishing 
    2. trading
    3. farming
    4. communication.
  6. Most settlements in Kute area are mainly influenced by
    1. drainage
    2. transport
    3. economic activities
    4. drainage.
  7. Kute area is likely to be administered by
    1. a chief
    2. a governor
    3. Assisstant County Commissioner (ACC)
    4. Deputy County Commissioner (DCC).
  8. Countries of southern Africa experiences longer hours of daylight than darkness during the month of
    1. December to February
    2. August to September
    3. June to August
    4. March to May.
  9. Below are statements describing some activities of the early horminid.
    1. lived in small groups
    2. walked on two limbs in upright posture
    3. lived in caves
    4. practised painting in caves
    5. remains were discovered at Olduvai Gorge, Koobi Fora and Ollergessasillie
      Which one of the following early human beings is associated with the above activities?
      1. Homosapiens
      2. Homohabies
      3. Homoerectus
      4. Homosapiens
  10. The diagram below shows a weather measuring instrument.
    The weather above is used to measure
    1. air water
    2. atmospheric pressure
    3. air temperature
    4. humidity.
  11. In traditional African societies, one of the functions of the clan was to
    1. settle dispute
    2. foretell the future
    3. defend the community
    4. train warriors.
  12. The time in Kigali 32°E is 2:24am. Find the time in Praia 26°W.
    1. 6:16am
    2. 10:32am
    3. 6:16pm
    4. 10:32pm
  13. Which one of the following communities belongs to the same language group in the same country?
    1. Iteso, Njemps, Nuer
    2. Anuak, Nuer, Acholi
    3. Njemps, Karamajong, Maasai
    4. Lugbara, Alur, Acholi
  14. Below are responsibilities of family members.
    1. building shelter
    2. respecting adults
    3. sharing family resources
    4. learning positive values
    5. helping in various family chores
    6. giving support and guidance 
      Which one of the following combinations consists of responsibilities of children?
      1. (i), (iii), (iv)
      2. (ii), (iii), (vi)
      3. (iv), (v), (vi)
      4. (ii), (iv), (v) 
  15. Which type of modern migration is likely  to lead to low agricultural output?
    1. Urban - rural
    2. Rural - urban
    3. Urban - urban
    4. Rural - rural
  16. The following mountains were formed in the same way except
    1. Atlas
    2. Ras Dashan
    3. Mt. Marsabit
    4. Mt. Nyiragongo
  17. The following are characteristics of a relief feature in Eastern Africa;
    1. Has some raised isolated features 
    2. Rises between 300m - 1000m above sea level
    3. It is generally a dry land 
    4. It is higher in Eastern Africa and lower in the Northern part of Africa
      The relief region described above is likely to be
      1. plateaus
      2. rift valley
      3. coastal lowlands
      4. highlands.
  18. Which one of the following statements describes the political organization of the Soninke during the pre-colonial period?
    1. They lived in grass thatched houses
    2. They were ruled by chiefs
    3. The king was assisted by a council of ministers
    4. Decisions were made through mutual consent.
  19. In order to enforce right behaviour in traditional African communities, people were supposed to
    1. attend ceremonies and festivals
    2. observe taboos
    3. attend rites of passage
    4. attend marriage and cleansing ceremonies.
  20. Which one of the following statements is true about settlement of communities in Eastern Africa during pre-colonial period?
    1. Development of self-reliance
    2. Spread of traditional religion
    3. Development of new languages 
    4. Introduction of cash crop farming
  21. Which one of the following is a traditional  form of education?
    1. Use of poems
    2. Reading and writing
    3. Use of pictures
    4. Apprenticeship
  22. In administering Congo, the Belgians used
    1. direct rule
    2. indirect rule
    3. paternalism
    4. association.
  23. Which one of the following statements is not true about traditional agriculture?
    1. Dependend on family labour 
    2. Farmers practised subsistence farming
    3. Farmers practised commercial farming 
    4. Farmers used simple tools
  24. The diagram below shows the formation of a lake in Africa.
    The lake marked X was formed through
    1. deposition
    2. erosion
    3. volcanicity
    4. earth movements
  25. Below statements describe an early visitor to Eastern Africa;
    1. he was a journalist
    2. came to Eastern Africa twice
    3. signed treaties with local leaders to welcome the Europeans
    4. confirmed that the source of the Nile was L. Victoria
      The early visitor described above is
      1. William Macknon
      2. H.M Stanley
      3. John Speke
      4. Dr. David Livingstone.
  26. The diagram below shows the formation of
    1. land breeze
    2. sea breeze
    3. relief rainfall
    4. convectional rainfall.
  27. The main problem facing forests in Kenya is
    1. forest fires
    2. attack by pests and diseases 
    3. increased population pressure
    4. destruction by wild animals.
  28. Below are statements about a mineral in Kenya;
    1. used in making cement
    2. used in hardening aluminium
    3. used in making non-sticky cooking pans
      The mineral described above is
      1. limestone
      2. diatomite
      3. flouspar
      4. marble.
  29. The Nile Valley in Egypt is sparsely populated. This is mainly because of
    1. flooding
    2. mining activities
    3. availability of water for irrigation 
    4. attack by wild animals.
  30. The following are characteristics of a certain type of soil.
    1. has medium sized particles
    2. medium water retention 
    3. well drained
    4. has high humus content
    5. the soil is fertile
      The type of soil described above is
      1. volcanic soil
      2. alluvial soil
      3. loam soil
      4. clay soil.
  31. Three of the following are importance of  the school routine except
    1.  maintains order in school
    2. encourages pupils to work hard
    3. maintains discipline
    4. encourage proper use of time.
  32. Which one of the following is the main reason why Mwea Tebere irrigation scheme was established? To
    1. reduce the problem of landlessness 
    2. grow rice
    3. increase food production
    4. promote cohension in the country.
  33. Which one of the following is not a way of managing rapid population growth? 
    1. Encouraging family planning
    2. Encouraging early marriages
    3. Discouraging some cultural practices like polygamy in the society
    4. Adopting a national population policy
  34. Which one of the road signs below is a mandatory sign.
  35. Below are functions of a town in Kenya; 
    1. it is a tourist centre
    2. it is a fishing town
    3. it is a mining town
    4. it is an administration town
      The town described above is
      1. Malindi
      2. Kisumu
      3. Nakuru
      4. Eldoret.
  36. Which one of the following statements is not true about fish farming in Japan?
    1. Most fish farms are found in the marine sheltered areas along the coast
    2. Japan is the leading producer of inland water fish in the world
    3. Fish is sold through co-operatives
    4. Fish farming is highly mechanized
  37. The main reason for the location of cement factory at Bamburi is
    1. availability of labour
    2. proximity to the market
    3. presence of limestone in the area
    4. availability of good means of transport.
  38. The major problem facing poultry farmers in Kenya is
    1. high cost of farm inputs
    2. lack of market
    3. pests and diseases
    4. fluctuating prices in the market.
  39. Which one of the following statements is true about the population of Kenya and Germany?
    1. The total population in Kenya is higher than that in Germany
    2. Life expectancy in Kenya is higher while in Germany is low
    3. Most of the people in Kenya live in rural areas while in Germany live in urban areas
    4. The number of children and adult is almost equal in Kenya and Germany
  40. The handing over of power ceremony among the Ameru was known as
    1. Ntiba
    2. Kiruka
    3. Ntuuko
    4. Njuri Ncheke.
  41. Who among the following leaders was a founde member of Kenya African Democratic Union (KADU)?
    1. Daniel Moi
    2. Oginga Odinga
    3. Jomo Kenyatta 
    4. James Gichuru

Study the map of Africa below and answer questions 42 - 45.

  1. The multi-purpose river project marked Q was mainly established to
    1. promote irrigation farming
    2. promote industrial development
    3. promote inland fishing
    4. promote water transport.
  2. The vegetation of the area marked P consists of
    1. umbrella-shaped trees
    2. hardwood only
    3. scrub vegetation in dry areas
    4. tall ever-green trees.
  3. The river marked S is
    1. Zambezi
    2. Limpopo
    3. Orange
    4. Cunene
  4. The country marked R was colonized by
    1. France
    2. Britain
    3. Portugal
    4. Belgium.
  5. The main cause of conflicts in schools is
    1. poor performance
    2. failure to obey school rules
    3. Absenteesm
    4. frequent dialogue between pupils and the school administration.
  6. Which one of the following groups of countries consists of members of IGAD?
    1. Kenya, Uganda, Tanzania
    2. Eritrea, Rwanda, Tanzania
    3. Djibouti, Burundi, Kenya
    4. Uganda, Somalia, Ethiopia
  7. The following are conditions that favour a growth of a certain crop in Africa;
    1. rainfall of between 650mm - 2500mm annually
    2. wide range of soils
    3. temperatures of between 18°c - 27°c
    4. dry spell before harvesting
      The crop described above is
      1. coffee
      2. maize
      3. bananas
      4. wheat.
  8. In 1957, eight Africans were elected to the legco to represent their regions. Which one is not correctly matched with their region?
    1. Tom Mboya - Nairobi
    2. Muindi James - Ukambani
    3. Lawrence Oguda - North Nyanza
    4. Benard Mate - Central
  9. Who among the following traditional leaders fought against European occupation in his territory?
    1. Mukite wa Nameme
    2. Kabaka Mutesa
    3. Waiyaki wa Hinga
    4. Lewanika
  10. Below is a description of a United Nations agency;
    1. founded in 1945
    2. headquarters are in Rome, Italy
    3. it deals with promoting food security 
    4. also deals with protecting water towers and forestry
      The agency described above is
      1. World Food Programme (WEP)
      2. Food and Agricultural Organization (FAO)
      3. United Nations Environment Progamme (UNEP)
      4. The World Bank (WB)
  11. Which one of the following is not associated with Gamel Abdel Nasser in Egypt?
    1. Abolished Sheria laws
    2. Initiated construction of Aswan High Dam
    3. Changed land policy in Egypt
    4. Led his country to independence
  12. Below are values that are practised in the society;
    1. rule of law
    2. multipartism
    3. freedom of media
    4. justice
    5. equity
      The values listed above relate o
      1. types of human rights
      2. responsibilities of people
      3. types of democracy
      4. pillars of democracy.
  13. Which one of the following groups of National Parks are found in Tanzania?
    1. Murchison, Ruaha, Serengeti
    2. Serengeti, Katavi, Ruaha
    3. Murchison, Bwindi, Queen Elizabeth
    4. Nuba, Dinder, Southern National Park
  14. Juma wants to import medicine from China. Which one of the following forms of transport is most suitable?
    1. Road
    2. Railway 
    3. Water
    4. Air
  15. Who among the following is not a member of the cabinet?
    1. The president
    2. Deputy president
    3. Secretary to the cabinet
    4. Principal secretary
  16. The main factor likely to undermine peace in Kenya is
    1. racism
    2. tribalism
    3. corruption
    4. oppression.
  17. Three of the following are functions of legislature in Kenya. Which one is not?
    1. Debating laws
    2. Enforcing laws
    3. Controlling government finances
    4. Passing laws
  18. A child found in Kenya who seems to be seven years of age whose nationality and parents are unknown qualifies to be a citizen of Kenya by
    1. recommendation
    2. birth
    3. registration
    4. naturalisation.
  19. Civic election is an occasion when people vote for
    1. members of parliament
    2. members of county assembly
    3. president
    4. change in the constitution.



  1. Adam and Eve were chased out of the garden of Eden according to the story of the fall of man in Genesis chapter 3. What punishment was given to the man?
    1. Crawl on his belly
    2. Pain during child birth
    3. Toil hard all his life
    4. Always eat dust
  2. God made promises to Abraham. Which one of the following was not among them?
    1. God will bless Abraham
    2. Bless those who cursed him
    3. Make his name famous
    4. Rescue his descendants from oppression and punish that nation.
  3. While in prison, Joseph was put in charge of other prisoners because
    1. he was faithful
    2. he was successful
    3. he interpreted dreams better
    4. he was hardworking.
  4. During the sealing of the covenant, Moses dedicated the Israelites to God by
    1. giving them the ten commandments
    2. sacrificing the lamb without blemish
    3. sprinkling blood on them
    4. giving them manna and quails.
  5. Which one of the following festivals is celebrated by the Israelites to remember their hard life in the wilderness?
    1. Easter
    2. Pentecost
    3. Passover
    4. Tabernacle
  6. Both King Ahab and King David broke the following commandments. Which one is it?
    A. The 4th
    C. The 6th
    B. The 5th
    D. The 7th
  7. The main reason why the Isrealites demanded for a king is to
    1. have a king they can see
    2. be like other nations
    3. lead them during war
    4. become chosen people of God.
  8. Who among the following prophets prophesied about the suffering servant of God?
    1. Isaiah
    2. Jeremiah
    3. Micah
    4. Zachariah
  9. Naboth refused to give his land to king Ahab. What main lesson do Christians learn from the story of king Ahab and Naboth?
    1. One should be truthful
    2. Land belongs to the community
    3. We should be fair in our dealings
    4. One should obey the laws of the land 
  10. The main lesson that Christians learn from the annoucement of the birth of John the Baptist and Jesus is that they should
    1. be ready to do God's work 
    2. trust in God's power
    3. be humble before God
    4. be prayerful.
  11. Which one of the following events in the life of Jesus took place when he was eight days old?
    1. Baptism
    2. Naming
    3. Dedication
    4. Presentation
  12. Which one of the following activities took place during the baptism of Jesus?
    1. The temple veil was torn into two
    2. There was an earthquake
    3. The spirit of God descended in form of fire
    4. Heaven opened
  13. Which one of the following parables teaches on the value of the kingdom of God? The parable of the
    1. hidden treassure
    2. mustard seed
    3. growing seed
    4. sower.
  14. The main lesson that Christians can learn from the miracle of the miraculous catch of fish is that they should
    1. be committed to their work
    2. work with others
    3. be ready to serve God
    4. obey God's word.
  15. Happy are the humble for they shall
    1. receive what God has promised
    2. see God
    3. be called the children of God
    4. inherit the earth
  16. Jesus went to River Jordan to be baptised in order to
    1. set an example to his followers
    2. recognize the importance of the work of John the Baptist
    3. show that John was more important than him
    4. make many people go for baptism.
  17. Immediately Jesus was arrested, he was taken to the house of
    1. Annas
    2. Caiphas
    3. Pilate
    4. Herod.
  18. Who among the following groups of people were the first to know that Jesus had resurrected?
    1. Peter and James
    2. Mary Magdalene and Joanna
    3. John and Philip
    4. Mary mother of James and Martha
  19. Jesus made his eleven disciples to believe that he had resurrected by
    1. healing them
    2. washing their feet
    3. breaking the bread
    4. showing them scars.
  20. During the day of Pentecost, many people believed and were baptised. How many people believed?
    1. 120
    2. 3000
    3. 300
    4. 140
  21. In the early church, the disciples decided to send financial help to their fellow believers in Judea through the following people. Who were they?
    1. Agabus and Barnabas
    2. Saul and Philip
    3. Saul and Barnabas
    4. Philip and Mathias
  22. Paul wrote the following books of the new testament. Which one?
    1. Titus, Jude, Ephesians
    2. Galatians, James, Romans
    3. James, 1st Peter, 1st John
    4. Colosians, Galatians, Romans
  23. Which one of the following beliefs about God is common to Christianity and traditional African religion?
    1. God lives in heaven
    2. God lives in caves
    3. God exists in trinity
    4. God is all powerful
  24. Which one of the following acts of worship is carried out by priests in traditional African communities?
    1. Giving holy communions
    2. Making sacrifices
    3. Baptising members
    4. Reciting the creed
  25. Which one of the following best explains why boys were valued in traditional African society?
    1. Source of wealth
    2. Inherit family property
    3. Provide security
    4. Take care of livestock
  26. The traditional African communities reconciled with God through the following means except
    1. giving tithes
    2. offering sacrifices
    3. praying
    4. confession.
  27. Class 7 pupils were asked ways of enabling authorities to perform their duties effectively. Who among the following pupils gave the best answer?
    1. Ann - paying taxes
    2. Ben - receiving bribes
    3. Jane - helping tribemates
    4. Vesh - supporting injustice
  28. James does not get any sleep the whole night thinking about wealth and family she has lost so far. Which kind of suffering is this?
    1. Emotional suffering
    2. Mental suffering
    3. Spiritual suffering
    4. Physical suffering
  29. The main reason why Christians fast is to
    1. overcome temptation
    2. strengthen their faith
    3. to obey God's command
    4. to pray for serious needs.
  30. Christians can help in the fight against the spread of HIV and AIDS in the following ways except
    1. avoid promiscuity in the society 
    2. abstinence among the youth
    3. avoid blood transfusion in hospitals
    4. avoid sharing cutting tools.



  1. Which verse matches the meaning below; "Master of the Day of Judgement"
    1. Ihdina swiraatal mustakiim
    2. Maalik yaumidiin
    3. Ghairil maghdhuubi aleihim
    4. Iyaakanaabudu wa iyyaaka nastain
  2. Which surah speaks about the Night of Decree?
    1. Alaq
    2. Naas
    3. Ikhlas
    4. Qadar
  3. In surah Al Qadr, which angel is referred to as Ruh?
    1. Izrail
    2. Mikail
    3. Jibril
    4. Israfeel
  4. Which one is not from Surah At Takaathur?
    1. Kallaa saufa taalamuun
    2. latarawwunnal jahiim
    3. thumma latus alunna yaumaidhin 
    4. fa amma man thaqulat mawaaziinuhu 
  5. Which statement is not true about Al Qaariah?
    1. Mountains will be like carded wool
    2. people will be like moths
    3. prophets will be smiling
    4. people's actions will be weighed on scale
  6. Who played the most important role in preparation for Hijrah? 
    1. Abubakr; he made all the preparations
    2. Amir; he removed the tracks of the prophet by grazing his goats in front of the cave
    3. Abdullah; he brought news about the plans of the Qureish
    4. Asmaa; she prepared food for the prophet and her father
  7. Why did iblis refuse to bow to Adam?
    1. He was better than Adam
    2. He was jealous of him
    3. Adam was created last
    4. He had better knowledge
  8. What was the reason for Qabil and Habil offering sacrifices?
    1. Adam loved sacrifices
    2. Adam wanted to solve a problem
    3. It is good to do so before marriage 
    4. They promised to make the sacrifices
  9. The best of Allah's gifts can be found in
    1. the sea
    2.  the land 
    3. the animals
    4. our bodies.
  10. Adam was not allowed to eat from the tree because
    1. the fruit of the tree was not good
    2. the fruit was dangerous to them 
    3. Allah wanted to test them
    4. iblis loved that tree.
  11. Which of the following best describes the word 'Mukhtadhar'?
    1. One in saqaratul maut
    2. One in hospital
    3. One who is pious
    4. One who stopped being a Muslim
  12. How many Takbiira does imam say during swalatul janeezah?
    1. 1
    2. 2
    3. 6
    4. 4
  13. The procedure of covering the body of deceased Muslim is referred to as
    1. ghusul
    2. kafan
    3. wudhu
    4. dafan.
  14. On which way are trees of benefit to mankind?
    1. Help in manufacturing glass
    2. Wood is used to make valuable items
    3. Trees are food for jins
    4. Trees can be burnt to make tar
  15. Complete he following Hadith;
    "________________ the one who eats to his fill but his neighbour goes without food."
    1. He is a liar
    2. He is not a gentleman
    3. He is cursed
    4. He is not a believer
  16. What is the best thing to do to a neighbour who plays very loud music?
    1. Report the case to the police
    2. Arrange with thieves to still the music system
    3. Keep on advising the neighbour
    4. Revenge by playing louder than his
  17. Which tree is mentioned in surah Tiyn?
    1. Date
    2. Fig
    3. Forbidden tree
    4. Cactus
  18. How many rights does a neighbour have if he is a Muslim and is related to you by blood?
    1. three
    2. two
    3. six
    4. ten
  19. On which year did the prophet (S.A.W) perform his farewell pilgrimage?
    1. 10th year A.H
    2. 9th year A.H
    3. 11thth year A.H
    4. 8th year A.H
  20. Which of the following will not nullify ones saum?
    1. experiencing nifas
    2. sniffing tobacco
    3. swallowing saliva
    4. drinking juice deliberately
  21. Which one of the following is a climax of Hajj?
    1. Stoning the Satan
    2. Prforming Tawaf 
    3. Standing at Arafat
    4. Putting on Ihram
  22. Which of the following does not fall under the Sunnah Fast?
    1. fasting on 9th and 10th Muharram
    2. fasting six days of Muharram
    3. fasting on the 9thth of DhulHajj
    4. fasting on the 9th of DhulHajj
  23. The prophet (S.A.W) said, "Muslims are like a single building, each side holds the other.The Hadith teaches on the importance of
    1. unity among Muslims
    2. building strong houses 
    3. congregational prayers 
    4. social gathering
  24. Which of the following is a teaching on Hadith on Ihsan?
    1. To hide our mistakes
    2. Angels record our deed
    3. To think before we eat
    4. Allah is All Seeing All Knowing.
  25. What is the most important thing on the day of Eidul Hajj?
    1. Visiting the sick
    2. Greeting friends
    3. Sacrificing an animal
    4. Attending parties.
  26. Ar Razak is an attribute of Allah that means
    1. the Fashioner
    2. the Bestower
    3. the Sustainer
    4. the Merciful
  27. Which statement is not true about the creation of man?
    1. Allah S.W gave man the right religion and guidance.
    2. Man was created in the best shape. 
    3. Man was among Allah's first creations.
    4. Man has been given many gifts in his body.
  28. Identify the correct statement about the books of Allah.
    1. they were written by prophets themselves
    2. they contain similar message
    3. their message was for particular people
    4. their contents have been changed
  29. The belief in the Day of Judgement encourages Muslims to
    1. ensure equality
    2. work peacefully
    3. practise righteousness
    4. help others.
  30. The believe in Allah can also be said to be
    1. Inna lillah
    2. Astaghfirullah
    3. Maa shaa Allah
    4. Amantu billah.



  1. D
  2. B
  3. B
  4. A
  5. A
  6. A
  7. D
  8. A
  9. C
  10. B
  11. A
  12. D
  13. C
  14. B
  15. B
  16. A
  17. A
  18. C
  19. B
  20. C
  21. D
  22. A
  23. C
  24. B
  25. B
  26. B
  27. C
  28. C
  29. C
  30. B
  31. B
  32. A
  33. B
  34. A
  35. A
  36. B
  37. C
  38. A
  39. C
  40. C
  41. A
  42. C
  43. B
  44. C
  45. B
  46. D
  47. B
  48. C
  49. A
  50. A
  51. D
  52. D
  53. B
  54. D
  55. D
  56. B
  57. B
  58. B
  59. B
  60. C


  1. C
  2. B
  3. D
  4. C
  5. D
  6. C
  7. B
  8. A
  9. C
  10. B
  11. B
  12. D
  13. A
  14. C
  15. A
  16. D
  17. A
  18. B
  19. C
  20. B
  21. A
  22. D
  23. D
  24. A
  25. B
  26. B
  27. A
  28. A
  29. B
  30. C


  1. B
  2. D
  3. C
  4. D
  5. C
  6. A
  7. B
  8. B
  9. D
  10. C
  11. A
  12. D
  13. B
  14. B
  15. D
  16. C
  17. B
  18. A
  19. A
  20. C
  21. C
  22. D
  23. A
  24. D
  25. C
  26. C
  27. C
  28. C
  29. C
  30. D

Soma vifungu vifuatavyo. Vina nafasi 1 mpaka 15. Kwa kila nafasi, chagua jibu sahihi kati ya yale manne uliyopewa.

    Yena__1___kofia aina ya__2___kichwani: Jasho lilikuwa likimtiririka tiriri kwa kuwa kulikuwa na joto__4___mno. Alimwangalia__5___ yake na kushindwa la kufanya. Ajali hiyo ilimwacha mwenzake bila___6__ mmoja. Alipoona watu walimtania na kumbandika jina "kikono." Kutoka siku aliyoipata ajali, rafiki_____ Yona hakuendesha pikipiki tena. Alipowaona vijana wakiendesha pikipiki kwa__8___ aliwaonea__9___ na alipopata nafasi, aliwashauri kuwa haraka haraka haina baraka.

   A B C
 1  alivaa   alifua   alivua   alifaa 
 2  kikuba   kikoi   joho   chepeo 
 3  pake   mwake   yake   kwake 
 4  nyingi   jingi   mingi   kingi 
 5  sahibu   mwendani   hasimu   msena
 6  mwili   mguu   sikio   mkono 
 7     ya       wa    la    cha
 8  mbio   haraka   polepole   kasi
 9  mayo   wivu   huruma   kinyama


   Kiongozi___10___alizifuja pesa____11__ za umma na kujenga___12____kubwa ambacho kiliuzwa vinywaji vya aina mbalimbali.__13___ walikasirika na kugoma. Aliliwa___14__ na kupelekwa___15___ ambako alikaa kwa saa kumi. Siku iliyofuata alipelekwa mahakamani.

   A  C  D
 10  shupavu  mihiri   katili   mwadilifu
 11  lote  wote   yote   zote 
 12  baa  mkahawa   klabu   hoteli 
 13  Waliomwajiri  Waliomchagua   Waliochaguliwa   Aliowapenda 
 14  mbaroni  pengu   shime   ufunguo 
 15  kortini  jalani  rumande  korokoroni


Kutoka nambari 16 hadi 30, chagua jibu lililo sahihi kulingana na maagizo uliyopewa.

  1. Chagua wingi wa;
    Uwanja wangu una nyasi ndefu.
    1. Nyanja zangu zina nyasi ndefu.
    2. Nyanja zetu zina nyasi ndefu.
    3. Uwanja wetu una nyasi ndefu.
    4. Uwanja wetu una unyasi mrefu.
  2. Chagua jina ambalo ni tofauti na mengine.
    1. Nasaba
    2. Jamaa
    3. Mbari
    4. Nikahi
  3. Uadilifu, wema, ubora ni aina gani ya nomino?
    1. Nomino za wingi
    2. Nomino za dhahania
    3. Nomino za makundi
    4. Nomino za kuhesabika
  4. Chagua kielezi ambacho hakijaambatanishwa vyema na aina yake.
    1. Mwakani - wakati
    2. Haraka - namna
    3. Kidogo - jinsi
    4. Mara mbili - idadi
  5. Je, jina mede huwa katika ngeli gani?
    1. I-ZI
    2. U-YA
    3. A-WA.
    4. I-I
  6. Mimi ni kifaa cha mkulima. Kazi yangu ni kutandaza mchanga au mbolea. Wakati mwingine mimi hukusanya takataka. Mimi ni nani?
    1. Beleshi
    2. Reki
    3. Jembe
    4. Mundu
  7. Kamilisha takanali hii ya sauti. Yeye alifunga mzigo wake
    1. mwaa
    2. nga
    3. ji
    4. ndi
  8. Tambua umbo hiii.

    1. Mistari sulub
    2. Mistari sambamba
    3. Mistari mshazari
    4. Mitari butu
  9. Ni sentensi gani inayoonyesha majuto?
    1. Ningalifanya bidii ningalifaulu maishani
    2. Ningekuwa na hela ningenunua kalamu
    3. Nisingefuata ushauri wake nisingefaulu
    4. Nikifuata mawaidha nitafua dafu maishani
  10. Ugonjwa unaofanya mgonjwa kukoja damu huitwaje?
    1. Kaswende
    2. Upele
    3. Safura
    4. Kichocho
  11. Tegua kitendawili hiki:
    Chaenda mbali lakini hakiondoki.
    1. macho
    2. jua
    3. njia
    4. mto
  12. Ni mdudu yupi ambaye hafyonzi damu?
    1. Bunzi
    2. Kiroboto
    3. Chawa
    4. Mbu
  13. Ni sentensi gani inaonyesha ngeli ya KU-KU?
    1. Chumbani inle mlikuwa na kukurukakara
    2. Kule jehanamu kutakuwa na mateso tele
    3. Shuleni petu kuna madaraka mengi sana
    4. Kucheza kwake kuliwafurahisha mashabiki
  14. Ng'ombe hurarama lakini chui
    1. huluza
    2. huvuma
    3. hunguruma
    4. hukorokocha
  15. Neno dunia lina sauti ngapi?
    1. Tano
    2. Tatu
    3. Mbili
    4. Nne

Soma habari ifuatayo kisha ujibu maswali 31 hadi 40.

Vitabu vyote vitakatifu vinatufunza tuwe waaminifu na tusithubutu kamwe kuzungumza uongo kwani mambo ya uongo hayadumu. Nadhani ni kwa sababu hii wahenga wakaeleza kuwa njia ya mwongo ni fupi. Mzee siambiwi alitanabahi kuwa uongo haufai baada ya kuona mambo yamemzonga kama chafu anavyomzonga mbuzi.

Kijiji cha Maganya kiliangukiwa na nyota ya jaha kubwa baada ya wafadhili kujenga chuo cha mafunzo ya watoto yatima na shule. Kila mtu aliyekuwa na watoto yatima alitakiwa kwenda kuwasajili chuoni. Hapo wangesomeshwa mafunzo ya kawaida pamoja na kufunzwa taaluma za ufundi wa kila fani. Kulikuwa na kazi za uashi. Uhadisi, taaluma ya tarakilishi mingoni mwa kazi nyingine. Nafasi zilikuwa wazi kwa mtoto yeyote nchini muradi awe yatima na kufiwa na mzazi mmoja au wote wawili. Vilevile kulikuwa na sehemu ya walemavu wa aina zote katika chuo hicho. Hawa nao walikuwa na rabiba yao ya masomo kulingana na uwezo waliokuwa nao.

Mzee Siambiwi, aliyekuwa mtu bahili na mwenye kupenda kuyakwepa majukumu yake ya malezi alipiga bango vile angefaidika kwa fursa hiyo. Siku moja asubuhi Siambiwi alimwita mkewe na kumketisha kitako. "Sharti nimpeleke kitindamimba wetu nasari ya yatima." Siambiwi alimwambia mkewe huku macho ameyatoa ungedhani ni ya bundi.

Mkewe alikiona hicho kama kioja kikubwa kwani wote walikuwa hawajakata kamba, isitoshe mumewe alijiweza kifedha. Ubishi mkubwa ulizuka. Mzee Siambiwi alisisitiza kuwa kutompeleka mwanawe . asome hapo bure ni sawa na mtu mpumbavu ambaye huacha jua lichomoze ashindwe kuliota kisha alitafute waka wa jioni.

Majadiliano yakakomea hapo kama sentensi iliyowekwa kikomo. Majonzi hayo yalimchoma sana mama inoyoni hadi akapata maradhi ya shinikizo la damu yaliyompeleka jongomeo, bila nauli wala matwana. Asubuhi ya majogoo Mzee Siambiwi na mkembe wake mikononi alikuwa kwenye lango la nasuri ya yatima. Alipokelewa kwa heshima kubwa na bawabu na kuelekezwa alikostahili kwenda huko alimwandikisha mtoto kwa mwalimu mkuu kuwa yeye alimwokota njiani na hivyo ni msamaria mwema. Mtoto alipokelewa na kupewa yaya wa watoto wadogo.
Miaka ilipeperuka ungedhani imepachikwa mbawa. Kitimtim alikua na kuwa mkubwa. Inasomekana alikuwa na bongo la sumaku. Aliongoza kwenye mitihani yake yote hadi akaingia chuo kikuu. Huko alifuzu na kupata kazi ya uhandisi. Alikuwa mhandisi mkuu nchini. Siambiwi wakati huo pesa zilikuwa zimemwishia na kubaki maskini hohehahe.

Siku moja alifunga safari kwenda jijini kumtafuta mwanawe ili akamwombe usaidizi na pia amweleze kuwa yeye ni mzazi wake. Kitimtim alishangaa kukiona kizee kilichodai kuwa mzazi wake kikimlilia machozi kupukupu. Alifahamu tangu utotoni mwake kuwa yatima. Siambiwi alidinda kutoka ofisini na ikabidi polisi waitwe kumtoa nje. Alimshika koti mwanawe na kukatalia kumwachia. Palizuka kizaazaa patashika. Uchunguzi wa kitaalamu wa hospitali na ushahidi ulitolewa. Mzee Siambiwi akawa na bahati kama mtende.

  1. Kulingana na aya ya kwanza ni bayana kuwa
    1. njia ya mwongo huwa ndefu
    2. uongo humletea mtu mambo
    3. mbuzi huzongwa kwa uongo wake
    4. kuna vitabu ambavyo huenzi uongo
  2. Bahati iliyowapata wanakijiji ni gani?
    1. Waliangukiwa na nyota za angani
    2. Walifundishiwa watoto bure bilashi
    3. Walijengewa vyuo vya ufundi
    4. Walipata watu wakusaidia viokote
  3. Waliofaa kujiandikisha chuoni
    1. walikuwa wamepewa barua za mwaliko
    2. walikuwa na watoto wengi
    3. walihitaji msaada wa wafadhili
    4. walitaka kupewa elimu nzuri
  4. Neno jingine lenye maana sawa na uhandisi ni
    1. uinjinia
    2. uhesi
    3. uhasibu
    4. usanii
  5. Chuo hiki cha ufadhili hakikubagua kwa kuwa
    1. kiliwaalika watoto wote wa kijiji
    2. kiliwapa wazazi wote nafasi sawa
    3. kiliwasaidia mayatima na walemavu
    4. kiliwapa mafunzo ya aina mbalimbali
  6. Unafikiri ni kwa nini ratiba nyingine huwa na tofauti?
    1. Vyuo hufunza kozi tofauti
    2. Uwezo wa wanafunzi hutofautiana
    3. Huwa mayatima na wengine wamelemaa
    4. Ulezi wa watoto wote si sawa
  7. Mkewe Siambiwi alienda jongomeo kwa kuwa
    1. mumewe alitaka aoge
    2. mwanawe alienda shule ya yatima
    3. aliugua ugonjwa uliomweza
    4. alilipa nauli ya kwenda jongomeo
  8. Siambiwi ni jina linalolingana na tabia ya mzee huyu. Mbinu hii huitwaje?
    1. Majuzi
    2. Lakabu
    3. Kupanga
    4. Somo
  9. Kitimtim alikuwa mtoto mwerevu kwa kuwa
    1. alimkana babaye ambaye alimtekeleza
    2. alipewa kazi pamoja na ofisi kubwa
    3. alielewa mambo haraka na akawa fundi
    4. alimsaidia babaye na wanakijiji pia
  10. Kulingana na kifungu hiki ni kweli kusema kuwa
    1. Kitimtim alihitaji kusaidiwa ili asome
    2. mamaye Kitimtim alikuwa na pesa nyingi
    3. chuo hicho kilijua Kitimtim ana wazazi
    4. Babaye Kitimtim alikuwa mtu mchoyo sana

Soma taarifa ifuatayo kisha ujibu maswali 41 hadi 50

Je, umewahi kutafakari kuhusu namna wanafunzi wengi, ukiwemo miongoni mwao, wanavyosafiri kwenda shuleni? Yumkini jibu lako kwa swali hili litadhihirisha kwamba asilimia kubwa hutembea kwenda shuleni, wengine hutumia baiskeli, magari ya umma na ya kibinafsi, pikipiki na gari mosi. Bila shaka aina ya usafiri hutofautiana kulingana na uwezo wa kiuchumi na umbali baina ya mwanafunzi na shule yake.

Kila aina ya usafiri ina changamoto maalum. Mathalani ikiwa umezungumza na wenzako ambao hutembea kwenda shuleni, haikosi wamekueleza dhiki wanazokumbana nazo. Licha ya safari za aina hii kuwachosha wanafunzi, ni wazi kuwa wanafunzi wengine hata hukosa masomo kwa sababu ya kutopitika kwa njia wakati wa mvua nyingi.

Pengine hata wewe umewahi kujipata katika njia panda baada ya daraja unalovukia kusombwa na maji ya mto uliofurika. Isitoshe, watembeao huweza kuathirika kiafya wakati wa kipupwe. Baridi huweza kuwasababishia pumu au hata kichomi. Wengine huwa katika hatari ya kuteleza kwenye njia zenye matope na kuvunjika viungo vya mwili. Hawa pia wamo katika hatari zaidi ya kutekwa nyara na hata kunyanyaswa kimapenzi.

Wanafunzi wengine huwahusudu wale ambao husafiri shuleni, ama kweli gari la sule, au la kibinafsi. Wakiulizwa kuhusu kiini cha husuda hii, wanasema kwamba wenzao hawa hawachoki kwani magari haya yanawachukua kutoka mlangoni mwa nyumba zao. Hata hivyo ukichunguza vyema utapata kwamba hata hawa wana matatizo sugu. Kwa vile magari ya shule huwabeba wanafunzi kutoka sehemu mbalimbali, magari haya hayana budi kuanza safari mapema. Hii huwalazimu wanafunzi nao kuamka alfajiri na mapema ili kuyawahi magari haya. Matokeo ni kwamba wanafunzi wengi hawadiriki kulala usingizi wa kutosha. Kuna wale ambao hulala saa nne usiku baada ya kukamilisha kazi za darasani, kisha wanaraushwa saa kumi ili kijitayarisha basi la sa kumi na moja. Wanafunzi wa aina hii hukumbwa na uchovu, na bila shaka husinzia darasani.
Isitoshe, wanafunzi wanaotumia usafiri wa umma hulalamikia msongamano wa magari ambao unawafanya kukawia njiani, na hata kupewa adhabu kwa kuchelewa kufika shuleni. Wengine hata hukataliwa na magari ya abiria, eti wanalipa fedha kidogo na kuwasababishia wenye magari hasara. Wanafunzi hawa huaibika na kulazimika kutembea hadi shuleni. Hali kadhalika magari ya umma humpa mwanafunzii mazingira ya kujifunzia tabia mzuri na mbaya. Pamoja na wanafunzi hawa hupata fursa ya kutengamana na wenzao kutoka shule nyingine, wao pia huweza kuathiriwa vibaya na hulka za wasafiri wengine. Kuna wale ambao huiga lugha, mitindo ya mavazi, namna ya kutembea na hata mienendo mingine ya madereva na utingo. Wengine huishia kuwa waraibu sugu wa vileo kutokana na vielezo wanavyopata kwenye magari haya. Muziki, picha na video na mazungumzo kupitia vyombo vya habari vilivyo kwenye magari haya huchangia kuzorotesha tabia ya wanafunzi. Hii ni kwa sababu baadhi ya maswala yanayozungumziwa ni ya aibu na hayapaswi kusikilizwa na watu wa umri mbichi.

Nihahiri kwamba kila aina ya usafiri ina athari zake. Hata hivyo, baniani mbaya kiatu chake dawa. Usafiri unaitajika katika kufanikisha masomo ya wanafunzi na katika uchukuzi wa bidhaa na vifaa mbalimbali ambavyo wanahitaji shuleni. Ni jukumu la kila mwanajamii kuhakikisha kwamba mikakati ifaayo imewekwa ili kukinga dhidi ya madhara yanayoandahana na kila aina ya usafiri. Wanafunzi nao wakae ange kutambua watu ambao huenda wakatosa katika maovu. Wachujo ya kuiga na ya kukataa.

  1. Ni bayana kuwa usafiri wa wanafunzi
    1. hauna changamoto nyingi
    2. huwa sawa kulingana na mwandishi
    3. huwa rahisi kwa wanaotembea
    4. hutegemea uchumi na umbali
  2. Kulingana na mwandishi ni wazi kuwa kila aina ya usafiri
    1. huwa na changamoto ambazo ni nzuri
    2. humtatiza mwanafunzi kwa njia fulani
    3. humtunza mwanafunzi na kumfanya bora
    4. huweza kumnoa mwanafunzi kimaadili
  3. Wanafunzi hasa wanaotembea huathirika vipi kulingana na kifungu hiki?
    1. Kutekwa nyara na kusikiliza nyimbo mbaya
    2. Kunyanyaswa kimapenzi na wanafunzi wenzao
    3. Kupatwa na magonjwa yanayolewa na baridi
    4. Kutazama runinga na kuvunjika viungo
  4. Ni nini maana ya huwahusudu kulingana na kifungu hiki?
    1. Huponda kwa sababu fulani
    2. Huhimizwa kwa sababu fulani
    3. Huchukia kwa hali fulani
    4. Huvuliwa na starehe fulani
  5. Kulingana na aya ya pili, mwanafunzi huchanganyikiwa iwapo
    1. njia ni mbili na hajui ya kupitia
    2. wachoka na kusombwa na maji
    3. njia anayotumia haipitiki hata kidogo
    4. kuna baridi kali na watekanyara
  6. Ni kauli gani sahihi kulinana na kifungu hiki?
    1. Wanafunzi huraushwa mapema ili wasichelewe .
    2. Wanafunzi wote wanazo changamoto zinzaofanana
    3. Wanafunzi wengi huchoka na hufeli mtihani
    4. Wanaosafiri kwa magari wana starehe sana
  7. Tabia za mwanafunzi zinaweza kuathiriwa na nini?
    1. Madereva wa magari ambao huwa wema
    2. Aina ya usafiri na wanaosoma nao
    3. Wasafiri na mitandao anayoitumia mwanafunzi
    4. Mazingira na watu anaotangamana nao
  8. Kuchelewa kwa mwanafunzi anayesafiri kwa magari ya umma husababishwa na nini?
    1. Madereva na utingo husukisha watu kila stani
    2. Kukaa sana njiani kwa sababu ya msongamano
    3. Kupewa adhabu ya kuchelewa na walimu shuleni
    4. Kukataa kuwabeba wanafunzi na kuwabeba abiria wengine
  9. Hata hivyo, baniani mbaya kiatu chake dawa. Kauli hii inamaanisha
    1. mtu ambaye huwa mbaya huwa mwema siku moja
    2. Usafiri ni mbaya lakini hutufanya watu wema
    3. Tunafaa kuenzi usafiri wa miguu tusipatwe na maafa
    4. Hata kitu kikiwa na madhara, kina umuhimu wake
  10. Kulingana na aya ya mwisho, mwandishi ana mtazamo upi?
    1. Jamii yote yafaa kuona madhara ya usafiri
    2. Tunafaa kuweka mikakati itakayotufaidi safarini
    3. Kusoma kutaimarika tukiimarisha usafiri wetu
    4. Wanafunzi wanafaa kujichagulia namna ya usafiri


Umepewa dakika 40 kuandika insha yako.

Andika insha yakusisimua isiyopungua ukurasa mmoja na nusu ukifuata maagizo uliyopewa.

Wewe ni kiranja mkuu shuleni. Andika hotuba utakayotoa katika siku ya michezo shuleni........................


  1. C
  2. B
  3. A
  4. B
  5. A
  6. D
  7. A
  8. D
  9. C
  10. C
  11. D
  12. C
  13. A
  14. A
  15. C
  16. B
  17. D
  18. B
  19. C
  20. C
  21. B
  22. D
  23. B
  24. A
  25. D
  26. A
  27. A
  28. D
  29. A
  30. B
  31. B
  32. C
  33. A
  34. A
  35. C
  36. B
  37. C
  38. B
  39. C
  40. B
  41. D
  42. B
  43. C
  44. C
  45. C
  46. A
  47. D
  48. B
  49. D
  50. C

The passage below contains blank spaces 1 - 15. Read and select the best alternative for each blank space from the choices given.

Love is a great passion. It is natural that man loves his___1___ country. The same is the___2___with me, I love Kenya for the fact that I was born here. Kenya___3___ given me an identity, it's who I am. It's my homeland, I will always be known as a Kenyan. It's not just emotional___4___logical to love something that is your everything.

We got it ___5___ our leaders had to lay down their lives for its achievement. Their struggle is ___6___ admirable. Kenya was not given to us on a silver___7___! A lot of people traded their lives for the peace and security we enjoy. Many a great people: Dedan Kimathi, Jomo Kenyatta, Fred Kubai, Pio Gama Pinto, Harry Thuku, Paul Ngei to mention but___8___ They worked day in___9___which resulted in the beautiful homeland we call Kenya.

We are independent.

I love Kenya because of its geography. There are a lot of ___10___ sceneries where both local and ___11___ tourists from all over the world can visit. Kenya has plenty of lakes and mountains which gives it a unique identity.___12___ Great Rift Valley is filled with many physical features. There are also a number of national parks where people visit to___13___their minds. In other places, people grow crops, vegetables as well ___14___ fruits. On the other ___15___,some places are meants for industries.

Kenya is rich in natural resources and minerals. I love Kenya because it is a land of peace.

   A    B   C   D 
 1.   native   habitat   father   born 
 2.  state  feeling   case   outcome 
 3.  have  had   has   her 
 4.  and  even   when   but 
 5.  before   after  therefore   later
 6.  quite  really   rather   never 
 7.  platter  bell  medal  perch
 8.  many  little  more  a few
 9.  everyday   day out   and night   day ever
 10.   fair  homely  pleasant  shocking 
 11.  domestic  alien  imported  foreign
 12.  An  A  Un  The
 13.  freshed  freshen  fresh  freshing
 14.  as  us  use  ass
 15.  hand  side  section  thought

For questions 16 and 17, choose the option which means the same as the underlined word 

  1. The thieves retreated when they saw police officers.
    1. backed out
    2. backed off
    3. backed down
    4. backed up
  2. The chairman kept postponing the meeting because most of the members were not available.
    1. delaying
    2. cancelling
    3. backing
    4. revealing.

For questions 18 to 20 choose the alternative that best suits the blank space.

  1. Each of the girls _________________________________  sent to fetch water from the well.
    1. is
    2. are
    3. was
    4. were
  2. My family has kept twenty ______________________________ of cattle in the field.
    1. herd
    2. group
    3. heard
    4. head 
  3. Joan is the _______________________________________ of the twins.
    1. oldest
    2. elder
    3. eldest
    4. older

For questions 21 to 23, choose the alternative that means the same as the underlined one.

  1. If he did not eat so much, he would not be overweight.
    1. He eats too much; that's why he is overweight.
    2. He is overweight because he does not eat too much.
    3. He is overweight but eats too much.
    4. He is not overweight because he does not eat too much.
  2. "Muriuki left for Nakuru yesterday", the secretary told her.
    1. The secretary told her that Muriuki left for Nakuru yesterday.
    2. Yesterday, Muriuki left for Nakuru she told the secretary.
    3. The secretary told her that Muriuki had left for Nakuru the previous day.
    4. A day later, Muriuki had left for Nakuru, the secretary told her.
  3. Jenifer always seems to be smiling. I see her often.
    1. Jenifer always seems to be smiling. I see her seldom.
    2. Jenifer always seems to be smiling. I see her frequently.
    3. Jenifer always seems to be smiling. I see her rarely.
    4. Jenifer always seems to be smiling. I see her never.

For question 24, choose the alternative that best completes the statement below.

  1. You don't have to shout, _______________________________?
    1. should you
    2. don't you
    3. shouldn't you
    4. do you

For question 25, choose the alternative that is pronounced in the same way as the underlined word

  1. The wind blew swiftly this morning.
    1. blu
    2. blee
    3. blue
    4. breeze

Read the passage below and answer questions 26 - 38.

Jack lived with his guardian on the East side of the Kangema mountain. Now, little Jack was always fond of boats. His favourite pass time and become folding papers into boats. Jack could fold any kind of papers into boats. Any kind of paper, Jack could fold it into pretty boats. Be it newpapers, magazine paper, wrapping papers and even paper towels!

One day, Jack made the most beautiful boat he has ever made. The paper he used had a shiny texture. There were words written all over it and had many pictures all over it. He folded the paper into the most magnificent boat. The sail of the boat was truly breathtaking because it was the tallest he had sen on a paper boat. Upon being done with it, little Jack put the paper boat on the table next to his bed and went to sleep.

As Jack slept, he woke up in the middle of the night. Strange noises filled Jack's ears. All of them were coming from the little paper boat. Soon the paper boat had a paper crew and a captain in a blue hat. Jack could hear the captain scream orders.

"Let loose the stern lights." Then the captain yelled again, "sailors, prepare to sail."
Little Jack shot out of his bed and shouted, "Hey! Where are you going with my boat?"

"Then climb aboard" the captain told the boy. Jack realized that his room has turned into an ocean and his boat was about to set sail. After Jack stepped into the boat, the paper boat swiftly slid on the water and slid across the bedroom.

Soon, the paper boat had found its way onto the main road, just across the supermarket. As the paper boat sailed, Jack saw the world whizz by. Just as Jack was watching the world go by, he asked the captain, "Do you think that we could sink after the boat becomes soggy?" To which the captained smilled.

Then he said, "Oh no, my boy! This boat is made out of the toughest material for the paper boats!"

"Okay,” replied Jack. Again he had a question. "But where are we going?" asked Jack. "We are going to catch the pirates little boy," replied the captain. "There are pirates, in the parking lot of the shopping mall!" As the paper boat reached the parking lot, Jack could hear a roaring sound. He became scared.

Immediately, the boat got sucked in and sailed down a pipe and went straight to the parking lot. The parking lot had turned into a vast sea.

"Pirates! They are here! The pirates!" yelled the sailors. When Jack turned he was taken aback. A huge boat with big yellow sails. Jack could see the paper pirates swinging their swords. A fierce battle took place. Alongside the sailors, Jack fought bravely! Like a true hero Jack fought. When the pirates boat sunk with many holes, the sailors and Jack yelled, "Hurray, we won!"

Soon after, Jack and the paper boat went back to Jack's bedroom. There Jack wished the sailors a good luck and went to sleep. Unfortunately, Jack never met the paper boats' captain and sailors again. Although, he kept the boat by his bed each night thereafter. All in the hopes that some day, he might wake in the night and have more adventure.

  1. According to the first paragraph, what was Jack's hobby?
    1. Staying on the mountains.
    2. Folding papers into boats.
    3. Reading newspapers and magazines.
    4. Tending to family animals.
  2. Why did the captain feel that the boat would not become soggy?
    1. It was made from the toughest material.
    2. It had been made by an expert.
    3. There was no real water.
    4. It was sailing on dry land. 
  3. Where were the strange noises at night coming from?
    1. From outside the house.
    2. From the paper boat.
    3. From the noisy pirates.
    4. From dreaming. 
  4. The word vast can be replaced by __________________________
    1. tiny
    2. heavy
    3. bound
    4. expansive 
  5. What do you think made the pirate's boat to sink?
    1. The pirates were heavy.
    2. The captain gave an order.
    3. The pirates had been defeated.
    4. Jack had fought bravely,
  6. Which of the below statements describes the paper which Jack used to make the boat?
    1. It was shiny.
    2. It had few pictures.
    3. It was folded
    4. It was magnificent.
  7. Why was the boat made by Jack truly breathtaking?
    1. It could not get soggy.
    2. It ferried many people.
    3. It was the tallest.
    4. It was made of metal.
  8. Where were the sailors and the captain headed to ?
    1. To do trade at far lands
    2. To capture pirates
    3. To shop at the supermarket
    4. To seek Jack's help in fighting.
  9. Which word means the opposite to hero as used in the passage?
    1. Heroine.
    2. Knight.
    3. Villain.
    4. Coward.
  10. At what time did Jack wake up to see the crew?
    1. At midday.
    2. At dawn.
    3. At sunset.
    4. At midnight.
  11. All the following were found near Jack's home  except
    1.  a supermarket
    2. a road
    3. a parking lot
    4. an ocean.
  12. It s not true to state that
    1. Jack's bedroom was filled with water. 
    2. Jack lived on the East side of Kangema mountain.
    3. Jack let loose the stern light to set sail. 
    4. Jack's paper boat slid swiftly on water.
  13. According to the story, why was Jack not lucky again?
    1. He never met the captain and sailors again.
    2. His boat did not sail again.
    3. They were defeated by the pirates at war.
    4. His hopes were answered with more adventure.

Read the passage below and answer questions 39 - 50.

Kenya is quickly joining the bandwagon in the world of using electricity driven cars. Across the citizenry; notworthy government agencies, the new imports concerning automobiles. Government of Kenya seems to have a soft spot for electric cars. All the reasons are well known to anyone who has made the slightest of effort to understand why.

Rather than a petroleum tank, an electric vehicle has an on-board battery that gets charged.

Incidentally, fossil fuel is non-renewable, has fluctuating prices and pollutes the environment. One of the basic reasons for the emergence of an alternative source of power for vehicles, which are fairly eco-friendly and relatively cheap. For the most part, electric cars offer a near-perfect answer. Nevertheless, like all manmade machines, electric cars have some disadvantages.

Mostly, the cars are fitted with batteries that have built in generators to provide power for thrust. Furthermore, electric cars are not necessarily powered by electricity generated by fossil fuel. Renewable sources of energy like solar and wind can be used to generate electricity for propulsion.

In electric trains, the power is transmitted via overhead cables and then stored in batteries. On the other hand, electric cars are plugged into power sources for a few hours to charge the batteries. However, people are yet to fully embrace electric cars and among the reasons given; they are still on a trial phase, and power recharge stations along highways and scanty.

The most noteworthy case about electric cars is that they are eco-friendly. They boast of having zero emissions of carbon dioxide thus minimal environmental pollution. This is contrary to cars with internal combustion engines. It is also important to note that, it is cheaper to operate on electric car compared to a conventional one because it is cheaper to charge a car battery than it is to refuel a tank.

Moreover, electric cars loose just about around 10% of their energy through heat which make them energy efficient. On the same note, electric cars have silent engines thus they produce minimum noise. Conventional cars produce irritating noise. In addition, since electric cars are powered by energy from renewable sources, they prevent the depletion of fossil fuels.

Unfortunately, electric cars are not suited for long journeys. This is because they have less torque and can only attain just some significant speed.

Besides, electric cars are yet to receive the much needed infrastructural support, like charging and serving stations along highways. In fact, most mechanics find electric vehicles complex because they are a rarity and interaction with them is limited to big cities.

Another thing, electric cars are dependent on batteries that store charge which can only supply enough power for a limited number of hours. As a result, a full tank of a conventional car can give a driver more distance than a fully charged battery of an electric car. In this regard, electric car owners have to operate within a given radius where they are confident of getting a power source and a service station. In addition, since electric cars are noiseless they are prone to accidents because people with visual disability cannot hear them when approaching crossing zones.

In this age, of global warming and inflation affecting nearly everything, the use of eco-friendly and cheaper source of energy to power machines is taking the centre stage. Electric cars therefore play a key role in preservation of the environment because of their minimum emissions.

  1. Which common practice is Kenya quickly  adopting?
    1. Using electric cars.
    2. Buying cars for all government workers.
    3. Using diesel driven cars.
    4. Trading with other countries in the globe.
  2. Why are electric cars not ideal for long journeys?
    1. The drivers get tired quickly.
    2. They have high power.
    3. They can achieve less speed.
    4. They break down easily.
  3. The phrase soft spot can be replaced by
    1. having special liking
    2. having a bad taste
    3. having a quick discovery
    4. having a strong affection.
  4. How do electric cars get their power?
    1. They get refueled at petrol stations.
    2. They are charged for few hours.
    3. They are pushed around by motors. 
    4. They are charged by moving wind
  5. Why is it said that electric cars are eco-friendly?
    1. Because of internal combustion.
    2. Because of charged batteries.
    3. Because of low environmental pollution.
    4. Because of generated electricity. 
  6. For efficiency in the use of electric cars, what should be done?
    1. Build more charging and service stations.
    2. Retrain drivers in driving schools.
    3. Issue ultra modern licences.
    4. Reduce the distance to be covered.
  7. Which of the below words can be used in place of propulsion?
    A. Proposal.
    B. Actuation.
    C. Generation.
    D. Evaluation.  
  8. Why are electric cars a danger to people with eyesight problems?
    1. They are flawless.
    2. They have faulty brakes.
    3. They are error free.
    4. They are noiseless.
  9. What makes most mechanics find electric cats complex to repair?
    1. The cars are rare.
    2. The cars are unlimited in cities.
    3. The cars do not have user manual.
    4. The cars are eco-friendly.
  10. Why are electric cars good to the environment?
    1. They are small.
    2. They are mouldable.
    3. They have low emissions.
    4. They move without drivers.
  11. It is true to state that fossil fuels ________________________________________
    1. have constant prices
    2. are safe to the environment
    3. are renewable
    4. get exhausted.
  12. From below choose the most suitable title for the passage?
    1. Advantages of Electric Cars.
    2. The Emergence of Electric Cars.
    3. Dangers of Electric Cars.
    4. Mechanical challenges of Electric Cars.


  1. A
  2. C
  3. C
  4. D
  5. B
  6. B
  7. A
  8. D
  9. B
  10. C
  11. D
  12. D
  13. B
  14. A
  15. A
  16. B
  17. A
  18. C
  19. A
  20. B
  21. A
  22. C
  23. B
  24. D
  25. C
  26. B
  27. A
  28. B
  29. D
  30. C
  31. A
  32. C
  33. B
  34. C
  35. D
  36. D
  37. C
  38. A
  39. A
  40. C
  41. B
  42. C
  43. A
  44. A
  45. B
  46. D
  47. A
  48. C
  49. D
  50. B
  1. What is three million, five hundredand thirty six thousand, two hundred and twenty four and six thousandths?
    1. 3 536 224.6000
    2. 3 536 224.060
    3. 3 536 224.666
    4. 3 536 244.006
  2. What is the product of the value of digit 4 and digit 7 in the number 4 672?
    1. 4 070
    2. 280 000
    3. 3 930
    4. 4 072 
  3. What is the number 39.49962 rounded off to the nearest thousandth?
    1. 39.400
    2. 39.500
    3. 39.00
    4. 40.00 
  4. What is the value of
    132 −2(23 − 12) + 33?
    1. 15
    2. 43
    3. 13
    4. 165 
  5. What is the value of 
    ¼ of 7/10 − 1/8  ?
      ¼ + 1/5 ÷ 2/5 
    1. 15
    2. 1/20
    3. 3/4 
    4. 1/15 
  6. What is the value of 
    4.5 − 2.4 x 0.6 + 2.94  ?
             8.4 ÷ 1.4
    1. 2
    2. 6
    3. 1
    4. 12
  7. What is the value of (1½)2 + √6¼?
    1. 4¾ 
    2. 7¾ 
    3. 8½ 
    4. 4
  8. The following are prime factors of three numbers
    1. 23 × 32
    2. 25
    3. 22 × 32
      What is the difference in their LCM and GCD?
      1. 284
      2. 288
      3. 4
      4. 292
  9. Which of the following is the next number in the sequence below? 0, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13,
    1. 15
    2. 17
    3. 19
    4. 21
  10. Arrange the fractions 2/93/84/55/6, and 3/7 from the largest to the smallest.
    1. 2/93/83/74/55/6,
    2. 5/63/74/5, 3/82/9,
    3. 5/64/5, 3/7,3/82/9,
    4. 2/9, /73/85/64/5,
  11. Kasyoki had 2400 animals in his farm. 5/12 of the animals were cows, the goats were ¾  of the remainder and the res were sheep. How many sheep were in his farm?
    1. 850
    2. 1 000
    3. 350
    4. 1 800
  12. In an election the winning candidate got 0.36 of the votes. The second candidate got 0.18 and the third candidate got 0.5 of the remainder. If there were 75 spoilt votes and the fourth candidate got the rest 2225 votes. How many votes did the winning candidate get?
    1. 2 300
    2. 10 000
    3. 1 800
    4. 3 600
  13. What is the value of x in the equation
    3(x − 2) + 1½ = 3?
    1. 8
    2. 4
    3. 6
    4. 3
  14. What is the simplest form of
    2/7 (21x − 14 y) + 3/4 (20x + 12y)?
    1. 21x + 13y
    2. 21x − 5y
    3. 9x + 5y
    4. 21x + 5y
  15. What is the value of
    3x + 2(4z − 6y)
    where x = 2, y = 1/2x and z =x+y?
    1. 18
    2. 3
  16. Makawaka is three times as old as his son. The wife is 12 years older than the son. If the age of the wife is x years. What will be the sum of their ages, 6 years to come?
    1. 5x − 16
    2. 5x  −  30
    3. 21/3x + 34
    4. 11/2x + 16
  17. Solve the inequality below.
    3x −  2(x+4) > 4
    1. x > 22/5 
    2. x = 22/5 
    3. x > 12
    4. x = 4
  18. Achieng produced 2 400 bags of maize in the year 2022. This was 20% decrease from the harvest of the year 2021. How many bags were produced in the two years?
    1. 3 000
    2. 5 400
    3. 1 920
    4. 4 320
  19. A plot of land is in a shape of an isosceles triangle. Two of the sides measures 50cm. If the height is 48cm, what is the area of the triangle?
    1. 2 400cm2
    2. 1 200cm2
    3. 1 344cm2
    4. 672cm2
  20. Karani's piece of land measures 420m by 360m. The land is to be fenced using posts placed 5m apart each. How many posts are required to fence the land if a gate of 10m if left?
    1. 311
    2. 312
    3. 156
    4. 155
  21. A wheel covered 17.6km after making 20000 revolutions. What is the radius of the wheel?
    1. 28cm 
    2. 56cm
    3. 14cm
    4. 140cm
  22. The following are characteristics of a certain quadrilateral.
    1. Diagonals are unequal.
    2. Opposite angles are equal
    3. Diagonals bisect at right angle.
    4. Interior angles add upto 360°
      The quadrilateral described above is
      1. Rhombus
      2. Parallelogram
      3. Trapezium
      4. Square
  23. The figure below shows a water trough.
    What is its surface area?
    1. 616cm2
    2. 4 400cm2
    3. 2 816cm2
    4. 5 016cm2
  24.  A cylindrical water tank is 12320cm3. If the height is 20cm, what is the closed surface area of the tank when closed?
    1. 616
    2. 1 760
    3. 1 232
    4. 2 992
  25. The figure below is a cylindrical tank of diameter 28cm through which a square hole of sides 12cm.
    What is the volume of the wood left after the hole is made?
    1. 14 160cm3
    2. 2 464cm3
    3. 18 480cm3
    4. 4 320cm3
  26. A family uses 3-500ml packets of milk daily. How many deciliters of milk did the family consume in the month of January, February and March year 2020?
    1. 1350dl
    2. 135dl
    3. 1365 dl
    4. 136.5dl
  27. A square based tank of sides 0.8m holds 768 litres of water. What is the height of the tank?
    1. 1.2cm
    2. 12cm
    3. 120cm
    4. 1200cm
  28. Jasmin bought the following items from a shop.
    • 2kg sugar @180
    • 32kg rice @ sh. 120
    • 5 rolls of tissue for sh. 160
    • 5 pieces of bathing soap @sh.60
      If the teacher paid using 3-500 shilling notes, how much more should she add the shopkeeper to get a balance of sh.300?
      1. Sh.1 240
      2. Sh.260
      3. Sh.40
      4. Sh.60
  29. A shopkeeper had the following denominations in his cash box.
     Value   Number of notes 
     Sh. 1000 
     Sh. 500
     Sh. 100
    He decided to change half of the money into sh.100 notes and the other 20 half to sh.50 notes. How many notes did he get?
    1. 318
    2. 636
    3. 159
    4. 477
  30. Hannah bought 5 dozens of glass at sh.480 per dozen. Twenty glasses broke and sold the remaining glasses at sh.72 each. What percentage profit did she make if a dozen holds twelve glasses?
    1. 20%
    2. 35%
    3. 30%
    4. 10%
  31. Hassan was given 5% discount for a generator and paid sh.47 500. How much less would he have paid if he was given 72% discount?
    1. Sh.50 000
    2. Sh.46 250
    3. Sh.3 750
    4. Sh.1 250
  32. Wawira borrowed sh. 240 000 from a bank that charge 6% compound interest. How much did she pay in total after two years?
    1. Sh.254 400
    2. Sh.269 664
    3. Sh.28 800
    4. Sh.268 800
  33. The cash price of a TV was sh. 45 000. The hire purchase was 20% more than the cash price. Ochieng paid sh. 18 000 and the rest in 15 equal monthly instalments. How much was each monthly instalment?
    1. Sh.1 800
    2. Sh.2 400
    3. Sh.2 000
    4. Sh.3 600
  34. A salesman carns a basic salary of sh. 15 500. He is also given 5% commission on all the sales he makes above sh.50 000. In one month he earned sh.30 000. How much was the sales that month?
    1. Sh.290 000
    2. Sh.340 000
    3. Sh.240 000
    4. Sh. 190 000
  35. In a farm the number of goats is 3200. The number of sheep is five times the number of goats but 2 000 more than that of the cows. The number of camels and donkeys put together is half the number of cows. How many animals are in the farm altogether?
    1. 40 200 
    2. 38 200
    3. 36 000
    4. 42 200
  36. The ratio of cows, camels and donkeys on Kamunge's farm is 3:2:1. If there are 900 camels, what is the total number of cows and donkeys?
    1. 1800
    2. 1200
    3. 300
    4. 900
  37. A company employed 36 men to do a job in 48 days. How many more days did the job take if 12 men failed to turn up for the job?
    1. 72 days
    2. 36 days 
    3. 18 days
    4. 24 days 
  38. The mass of an empty carton is 1.2kg. The carton is packed with 25 - 800g bars of soap. What is the mass of such 50 cartons?
    1. 21.2kg
    2. 1.060kg
    3. 1000kg
    4. 20kg
  39. A rectangular piece of land measuring 800m by 400m is drawn to scale 1:20 000. What is the area of the scale drawing in cm2?
    1. 12cm2
    2. 8cm2
    3. 32cm2
    4. 16cm2
  40. The mean of six numbers is 91/3 . Five of these numbers are 10, 6, 14, 16 and 6. What is the median of the six numbers?
    1. 10
    2. 8
    3. 6
  41. An aeroplane landed at JF Kennedy airport 0025hrs Tuesday flying 191/4 hrs from JKIA Nairobi. At which day and time had it left JKIA Nairobi?
    1. Monday 7.40pm
    2. Monday 5:10am
    3. Tuesday 7.40pm
    4. Tuesday 5:10pm
  42. A motorist cycled for 30 minutes at an average speed of 5m/s. He stayed in the market for 1/3 an hour. He cycled back taking 25 minutes to reach home. What was the average speed for the whole journey in m/s?
    1. 5
    2. 6
    3. 3
    4. 4
  43. A school closed for third term holiday on 28th October 2022 and opened on 2nd January 2023. For how many days were they at home?
    1. 64
    2. 65
    3. 66
    4. 67
  44. The table below shows how Mutunga scored in his exam out of 50.
     Subject   Eng   Math    Kisw   S/RE   Sci 
     Score out of 50   39  30  36  42  33
    If the information above was placed on a pie chart, what angle would represent the difference between S/RE and Maths?
    1. 48°
    2. 60°
    3. 24°
    4. 84°
  45. In the figure below line AB is parallel to line CD. Angle ABX=34° and angle XDC= 48°.
    What is the size of angle CAB?
    1. 97°
    2. 48°
    3. 49°
    4. 82°
  46. The figure below is a parallelogram JKLM. From point M drop a perpendicular to meet line JK at. X. Join point X to point L.
    What is the length of line XL?
    1. 7.5cm
    2. 3.9cm
    3. 4.5cm
    4. 6.2cm
  47. The table below shows the number of children per family at Nyumba bora estate.
     No. of families    3    4   8     7   6   2 
     No. of children per family   0  1  2  3  4  5
    How many children are in the estate
    1. 30
    2. 15
    3. 75
    4. 24
  48. The figure below shows a net of a solid.
    1.  Square base prism
    2. Square base pyramid
    3. Triangular prism
    4. Triangular pyramid
  49. The stack below was painted all sides except the base.
    How many cubes got the paint two faces only?
    1. 8
    2. 4
    3. 12
    4. 16
  50. The graph below shows the journey by two motorists Joel and Jackline. Joel left town A for mtown B at 8:00a.m while Jackline left town B for town A mat 8:00a.m
    How far apart were the two motorists at 9:00a.m
    1. 30km
    2. 90km
    3. 60km
    4. 72km


  1. D
  2. B
  3. B
  4. C
  5. D
  6. C
  7. A
  8. C
  9. D
  10. C
  11. C
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  13. B
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  15. C
  16. B
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  18. B
  19. D
  20. A
  21. C
  22. A
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  25. A
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  27. C
  28. C
  29. D
  30. A
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  32. B
  33. B
  34. B
  35. A
  36. A
  37. D
  38. B
  39. B
  40. B
  41. B
  42. D
  43. C
  44. C
  45. A
  46. A
  47. C
  48. B
  49. A
  50. C


  1. The land in Maweni area slopes from
    1. North to West
    2. West to South
    3. North West to South East
    4. South East to North.
  2. Which type of climate is experienced in the Northern part of Maweni area?
    1. Hot and dry.
    2. Wet and cool.
    3. Cool and wet.
    4. Hot and wet.
  3. The main means of transport in Maweni area is
    1. road
    2. air
    3. water
    4. pack animals.
  4. The following shows that Maweni area is developed except the presence of
    1. farms
    2. factories
    3. roads!
    4. markets
  5. Maweni area is likely to be headed by a
    1. Chief
    2. Governor
    3. County commissioner
    4. Member of County Assembly.
  6. Which of the following is an indigenous beef cattle?
    1. Zebu
    2. Fresian
    3. Jersey
    4. Ayrshire.
  7. Which of the following is a characteristic of large-scale farming?
    1. Use of simple tools.
    2. Crops are grown for home use.
    3. Large tracks of land are cultivated.
    4. Use of family labour.
  8. Grade 6 learners wanted to practice fishing. Which main inland fishing ground in Kenya can they visit?
    1. Lake Turkana
    2. Lake Victoria
    3. River Tana
  9. Which language group in Eastern Africa has the least number of people?
    1. Bantu
    2. Cushites
    3. Semites
    4. Nilotes
  10. A tourist visited our country and saw writings on a banner at the airport about a citizen. Who is a citizen? A
    1. family member
    2. person who owns property
    3. person who runs from his/her country
    4. person who belongs to a particular country.
  11. During a group discussion, Grade 6 pupils listed the following examples of plains. Which answer did they give wrong?
    1. Lotikipi
    2. Nyambene
    3. Bilesha
    4. Kano.
  12. Which of the following is not an element of weather?
    1. Temperature
    2. Sunshine
    3. Cloud cover
    4. Rain 
  13. Kibwana school has different leaders. Grade 6 learners asked their teacher to help them identify sections of leadership in the school. Which section of leadership is top in the structure in a school?
    1. Head teacher
    2. Deputy head teacher
    3. Board of management
    4. Parents.
  14. The figure below shows a land forming process.
    The force marked X is
    1. compression force
    2. upthrust force
    3. tension force
    4. inertia. 
  15. Which one of the following is not a block mountain?
    1. Aberdares Mountain
    2. Mt. Pare
    3. Mt. Ruwenzori
    4. Mt. Kenya


  1. Which of the following songs is wrongly matched with the purpose it serves?
    1. Patriotic - Praise leaders of a country.
    2. Popular - Pass a certain message.
    3. Lullaby - Comfort babies.
    4. D. Sacred - Please God.
  2. Which of the following values cannot be learnt from the East African Community Anthem?
    1. Selflessness
    2. Patriotism
    3. Tribalism
    4. Peace.
  3. Grade six learners sang the song 'Tushangilie Kenya' during a Nationa day celebration. The boys sang in bass and tenor while the girls sang in soprano and alto. We can say that this song was sung in
    1. unison
    2. harmony
    3. voice parts
    4. genders.
  4. Anita came across the wind instrument below. Identify its name and the community where it is used in folk song performance.
    1. Obokano-Kisii
    2. Adeudeu-Teso
    3. Orutu - Luo
    4. Sukuti-Luhya.
  5. When playing a chivoti, we can change the pitch of the tune by
    1. covering and uncovering the holes.
    2. pressing softly all the holes.
    3. pressing hard all the holes.
    4. only covering the holes.
  6. Kilumi dancers carried drums to perform in Music Festivals. The performers wore sisal skirts and decorated themselves with necklaces. The presentation was good but its ending did not please the judges. Which feature of a folk song did they fail to apply at the end?
    1. Instrumentation
    2. Costumes
    3. Climax
    4. Participants.
  7. Which solfa syllable is shown below?
    1. do
    2. mi
    3. re
    4. ti 
  8. Sofi wanted to make a drum. Which of the following materials was she likely to use?
    1. Hollow wood, animal skin, string. 
    2. Hollow wood, piece of cloth, strings.
    3. Hollow wood, animal skin, metal rod.
    4. Hollow wood, piece of cloth, animal skin.
  9. Grade 6 pupils were asked to identify the French rhythm name given to a semibreve. What was their correct response?
    1. Ta-te
    2. Taa-aa
    3. Taa-aa-aa-aa
    4. ta-te-taa 
  10. During Music Festivals, a certain group of performers presented a folk song and the audience understood its message clearly. This
    was probably due to
    1. many facial expressions
    2. correct diction
    3. varied gestures
    4. high tempo.


Angela saw the item below on the Internet. Use it to answer questions 26 and 27.


  1. Which of the following tools was not used to create the displayed artwork?
    1. Scissors
    2. Steel nails
    3. Battens
    4. Mallet.
  2. The following techniques can be used to decorate the above artwork except
    1. incising
    2. stamping
    3. painting
    4. texturing.
  3. Shakilla wanted to draw a still life drawing. Which one of the following cannot be used to draw a still life?
    1. Imagination
    2. Tracing
    3. Observation
    4. Memory.
  4. Linet was preparing to mount her artwork for an exhibition. Which of the following factors was she not likely to consider?
    1. Proper labelling of the artwork.
    2. Adequate lighting of the exhibition room.
    3. Good arrangement of the artwork.
    4. Suitable background music
  5. Grade 6 pupils collected the following materials for making a door mat. Which of the following is an artificial material?
    1. Raffia
    2. Acrylic yam.
    3. Reed
    4. Sisal fibre. 
  6. John was making improvised crayons using bee wax. Which of the following explains why he used two containers when melting the wax?
    1. To prevent fire accidents since wax is flammable.
    2. To enable the colour to mix well with the wax. 
    3. To melt slowly.
    4. To ensure consistency in melting.
  7. Grade 4 pupils were provided with dye, strings, small stones and a white fabric for a dye and tie lesson. Which of the following techniques of tie and dye were they performing?
    1. Knotting
    2. Pleating
    3. Folding
    4. Stamping
  8.  A grade 4 pupil was preparing to paint an imaginative composition. However, he noticed that his brush was missing. Which of the following materials would he not use to improvise a paint brush? 
    1. Sisal fibre
    2. Feathers
    3. A sponge
    4. Grass.
  9. Celestine, a photographer was hired to take photos during a wedding ceremony. Which of the following aspects of photography was she not likely to observe
    1. Centering of the subject
    2. Proportionality
    3. Background 
    4. ighting.
  10. Faith drew the figure below.
    The figure displayed above is called 
    1. graduation
    2. staggered variation strip
    3. value strip
    4. blended gradation strip.

PART C: RELIGIOUS EDUCATION PART 1: Choose a section you have prepared for. Each section has 15 marks


  1. Who among the following people worked for 14 years in order to get the girl he loved?
    1. John
    2. Job
    3. David
    4. Jacob.
  2. Jesus promised to send His disciples a helper whom he sent on the day of Pentecost. On that day, many people were filled with
    1. tongues
    2. fire
    3. holy spirit
    4. life.
  3. In the parable of the good Samaritan, the man who fell into the hands of robbers was going to
    1. Jericho
    2. Bethany
    3. Jerusalem
    4. Samaria.
  4. Which one of the following is not part of God's creation?
    1. Water
    2. Soil
    3. Car
    4. Man
  5. During the baptism of Jesus, the Holy Spirit came down in form of a 
    1. pigeon
    2. dove
    3. duck
    4. raven. 
  6. During break time, you find your best friend opening your bag without your permission. What is the best action to take?
    1. Report to the teacher.
    2. Forgive him and tell him to ask for anything he wants.
    3. Discuss the act with your friends.
    4. Stop your friendship. 
  7. The following are reasons why Christians read the Bible. Which one is not? To
    1. strengthen relation hip with God
    2. get guidance on various issues
    3. strengthen faith in God
    4. pass exams.
  8. Sharing work and resources promotes all the following except
    1. love
    2. unity
    3. peace
    4. hatred.
  9. Which of the following parables reminds christians never to give up in life? The parable of
    1. the friend at midnight
    2. Pharisee and the tax collector
    3. the three servants
    4. the lost coin.
  10. On the way from School, Ali saw two boys fighting. What should he do?
    1. Stop them.
    2. Report them
    3. Reconcile them
    4. Run away.
  11. When the first humans disobeyed God, they
    1. were rewarded
    2. were chased from the Garden of Eden
    3. reconciled with God
    4. died.
  12. When Moses was taking care of the flock, he saw a burning bush. When he went near it,
    1. he was burned
    2. a voice told him to take off his shoes
    3. his stick changed to a snake
    4. one of the sheep disappeared.
  13. The Bible is divided into the Old and the New Testament. How many books does the Old Testament have?
    1. 66
    2. 27
    3. 39
    4. 47
  14. When Jonah was sent to Nineveh by God, he disobeyed. What did he do?
    1. He was swallowed by a big fish.
    2. He escaped to another place.
    3. God left him alone.
    4. He stayed at home and did nothing.
  15. Which of the following books of the Bible is a prophetic book?
    1. Isaiah
    2. Mathew
    3. Genesis
    4. 1st kings.


  1. Which one of the following surahs of the holy Qur'an clearly explains the events of the day of judgement?
    1. Maun
    2. Nasr
    3. Zilzala
    4. Dhuha
  2. Grade 5 learners were discussing about the first revelation. Which one of the following surahs did they identify as the first to be revealed?
    1. Fatiha
    2. Nas
    3. Falaq
    4. Alaq
  3. When the prophet lost one of his sons, the Quraish mocked him saying that he had been cut off. Which surah did Allah reveal to console him?
    1. Asr
    2. Kawthar
    3. Nasr
    4. Tiyn.
  4. How old was the prophet when he lost his mother?
    1. 6 years
    2. 8 years
    3. 10 years
    4. 40 years 
  5. Which one of the following brings love among the Muslims according to the hadith of the prophet (S.A. W)?
    1. Fasting
    2. Swalah
    3. Hajj.
    4. Greetings
  6. Muslims are allowed to take Tayammam when
    1. water is not available
    2. water is very cold
    3. one has to buy water
    4. there is a lot of sand and dust around.
  7. Which one of the following statements is true about the angels of Allah? They
    1. received books
    2. preached Islam
    3. advice Allah
    4. obeyed the command of Allah,
  8. Angels are created from
    1. nar
    2. clay
    3. nur
    4. water...
  9. When Hussein was on his way back home, he saw some Muslims who were standing throughout their prayer. Which prayer were they performing?
    1. Eid
    2. Jum'aa
    3. Janaza
    4. Dhuhr.
  10. The first muadhin was called by
    1. Umar
    2. Bilal
    3. Abubakar
    4. Ali.
  11. A prophet of Allah was thrown in fire to burn off but Allah (S.W) ordered fire, "Be cool and safe on my servant'. This was Prophet
    1. Nuh (A.S)
    2. Yusuf (A.S)
    3. Musa (A.S)
    4. Ibrahim (A.S).
  12. How many brothers did Prophet Yusuf (A.S) have?
    1. 11
    2. 10
    3. 12
    4. 13
  13. What are Hadith?
    1. Stories of Prophets.
    2. Sayings of Swahabas.
    3. The history of Islam. 
    4. Sayings of the Prophet.
  14. In the hadith of the prophet, we learn that Allah (S.W) judges people basing on their
    1. actions
    2. appearance
    3. wealth
    4. race.
  15. What did Allah promise those men who wear women clothes and women who wear the male clothing according to Hadith?
    1. Reward
    2. Punishment
    3. Curse
    4. Confusion.



  1. C
  2. C
  3. A
  4. B
  5. C
  6. A
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  8. B
  9. C
  10. D
  11. B
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  13. C
  14. B
  15. D
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  19. C
  20. A
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  22. B
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  25. B
  26. C
  27. D
  28. B
  29. D
  30. B
  31. A
  32. B
  33. D
  34. D
  35. B


  1. D
  2. C
  3. A
  4. C
  5. B
  6. B
  7. D
  8. D
  9. A
  10. C
  11. B
  12. B
  13. C
  14. B
  15. A


  1. C
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  12. A
  13. D
  14. A
  15. B
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