Displaying items by tag: grade 4 2022


  1. People of Kasi area get water from a___
  2. The main cash crop in the area is___
  3. The main means of transport is Kasi area is___
  4. River Kasi starts from which direction?
  5. What is the name of the school in Kasi Area.
  6. There are___counties in Kenya
  7. ___ is an instrument used to show direction of one place from another.
  8. Densely populated areas have___
  9. Name any 3 physical features (3mks)
  10. The best time for harvesting is during the___season
  11. Name three counties that are neighbouring your county.
  12. Draw and name two artefacts from your community. (4mks)
  13. List two economic activities carried out in your county (2mks)
  14. Name two religious leaders in your community (2mks)
  15. Crops grown mainly for sale are known as___
  16. The raw material used in making shoes is___


  1. Write three good thoughts (3mks
  2. Name three members of the extended family.
  3. Write three attributes of God property. (3mks)
    1. YLHO
    2. GNIVLO
    3. TOTAERC
  4. ___climbed a sycamore tree. (1mk)
  5. Which animal spoke to Baalam?(1mk)
  6. Samson and his parents were going to the vineyards at___when he killed a lion. (1mk)
  7. Who interpreted pharaoh's dream?(1mk)
  8. List the four gospel books. (4mks)
  9. Where was Abram living when God called him?
  10. The Birth of Jesus was announced by Angel___
  11. The parents of John the Baptist were ___and___ (2mks)
  12. Blind Bartimaeus was the son of___
  13. A leper is a person suffering from a disease called___(1mk)
  14. The widow whose son was raised by Jesus was from the town of___(1mk)
  15. How many lepers went back to give thanks to Jesus?(1mk)



















  1. lake
  2. coffee
  3. road
  4. north east
  5. mall
  6. 47
  7. a compass
  8. many
    1. river
    2. mountain
    3. hill
  10. dry
  11. (a-c mark relevant answer)
  12. (a-b mark relevant answer)
  13. (a-b mark relevant answer)
    1. pastors
    2. priest
  15. cash crops
  16. leather
  1. Mark relevant answer
    1. uncles
    2. cousins
    3. aunts
    1. HOLY
    2. LOVING
    3. CREATOR
  4. Zacchaeus
  5. donkey
  6. Timnah
  7. Joseph
    1. Matthew
    2. Mark
    3. Luke
    4. John
  9. Haran
  10. Gabriel
  11. Zechariah, Elizabeth
  12. Timaeus
  13. Leprosy
  14. Nain
  15. One



  1. Name the type of teeth used for cutting and biting food.(1mk)
  2. Draw and name any two protective clothing (4mks)
  3. What are water-bone diseases?(1mk)
  4. Write two characteristics of plants as living things. (2mks)
  5. Name any two digital devices (2mks)
  6. A____helps one to point or select items on the computer screen. (1mk)
  7. List the three states of matter. (3mks)
  8. Reflected sound is also known as___(1mk)
  9. What is force?(1mk)
  10. List any to materials that can float in water. (2mks)
  11. Name any two musical instrument that produce sound. (2mks) 


  1. When transplanting fruit seedlings we should select seedlings that are___(1mk)
  2. Using water in the farm without wasting is known as water___(1mk)
  3. List three examples of domestic animals (3mks)
  4. Seeds of cereals are known as___(1mk)
  5. Which type of soil drains the least amount of water?(1mk)
  6. The meat from cattle is known as____ (1mk)
  7. Name two vegetable crops. (2mks)
  8. Study the pictures below and aname the part eaten (2mks)
  9. Moles arte known to destroy the___ of crops. (1mk)
  10. Manure that is made from decomposed plants and animal waste is known as___ (1mk)
  11. List three used of water in farming. (3mks) 
  12. Name any three fruits that have any seeds. (3mks)


  1. Name two things you should consider when buying food from a general grocery. (2mks)
  2. Name the three food groups. (3mks)
  3. Name the fragile itensils shown in the pictures below. (3mks)
  4. List two things that should not be used when cleaning glasses. (4mks)
  5. Name the method used in cooking the foods named below. (4mks)
    1. Chapati -
    2. Githeri
    3. Sausages -
    4. Cakes.
  6. Name three needlework tools. (3mks)
  7. List two games that you play at school. (2mks)


  1. Incisors
  2. Mark relevant answer
  3. These are diseases casued by drinking contaminated water
  4. They remove waste
    They reproduce
  5. computer
    mobile phone
  6. mouse
    1. liquid
    2. solid
    3. gases
  8. echo
  9. a push or pull
  10. paper
    plastic pegs
    dry leaves
  11. guitar, drum, piano
  1. healthy
  2. conserving
    1. cow  hen
    2. goat  rabbit
    3. sheep  donkey
  4. grains
  5. clay
  6. beef
    1. tomatoes
    2. carrots
    1. leaves
    2. roots
  9. roots
  10. compost manure
    1. watering plants & animals
    2. washing farm building and tools
    3. mixing chemicals
    1. passion fruit
    2. guava
    3. tree tomatoes
    1. expiry date
    2. packaging
    1. proteins
    2. carbohydrates
    3. vitamins
    1. a pot
    2. a guard
    1. sand
    2. steel wool
    1. shallowing frying
    2. boiling
    3. deep frying
    4. baking
    1. tape measure 
    2. thread
    3. thimble
      seam ripper
  7. mark relevant answer


Soma mazungumzo yafuatayo kisha ujibu maswali 1-5
(Ni wakati wa likizo fupi.Hamisi na Zainabu wanakutana)
Hamisi: U hali gani Zainabu? Kumbe nawe waishi huku Tushauriane kama mimi! 
Zainabu: Hali yangu ni njema. Naam. Tulihamia huku Tushauriane kwa kuwa mwenye nyumba alitaka kuipaka rangi nyumba yote.
Hamisi: Kabla ya kufunga shule hukuwa umeniambia kuwa umekuwa jirani yangu(wote wanacheka) Yaani tunasoma katika darasa moja na huwezi kuni...
Zainabu: Aaah! Nawe! Samahani basi. Huenda nilisahau. Hata hivyo, tutarudi Mnarani ufundi ukikamilika. 
Hamisi: Sawa kabisa. (akikohoa kidogo)Nilikuwa nikielekea kwa kina Fauzia anieleze namna ya kutumia viunganishi katika 
Zainabu: Usihofu Hamisi. Tukakae pale kivulini nikusaidie. (wakielekea chini ya mti) Je, unajua mifano gani ya viunganishi?
Hamisi: Lakini, kwa sababu, ingawa, ila na vingine vichache. Tatizo langu ni kuvitumia katika sentensi
Zainabu: Haya tukae nikuonyeshe. (wanaketi huku Hamisi akitoa daftari, kitabu na kalamu mkobani.)

  1. Kulingana na mazungumzo haya,kina Zainabu walikuwa wakiishi wapi kitambo?
    1. Tushauriane.
    2. Mnarani.
    3. Kivulini.
    4. Hatujaelezwa.
  2. Je, ni kwa nini familia ya Zainabu ilihama?
    1. Wazazi walitaka waishi karibu na shule
    2. Zainabu alitakiwa kuwa karibu na Hamisi ili amsaidie kimasomo.
    3. Nyumba ya kina Zainabu ya kitambo ilikuwa ikipakwa rangi.
    4. Waliupenda mtaa wa Tushauriane.
  3. Unadhani Hamisi alifika kwa kina Fauzia? 
    1. La.
    2. Naam. 
    3. Haiwezekani.
    4. Yawezekana. 
  4. Tatizo la Hamisi lilikuwa gani?
    1. Kujua mifano ya viunganishi.
    2. Alitaka Zainabu amwambie kuwa walikuwa wamehama. shule.
    3. Kutaka kuhamia Mnarani.
    4. Hakujua kutumia viunganishi katika sentensi.
  5. Inawezekana kuwa Fauzia ni 
    1. mwalimu.
    2. mzazi. 
    3. mwanafunzi.
    4. Zainabu.

Soma kifungu kifuatacho kisha ujibu maswali 6 hadi 8.
Ni wajibu wa kila mkenya, awe kijana au mzee, kushiriki katika uhifadhi na ulinzi wa misitu yetu. Kila mmoja ana nafasi yake ya kutekeleza kulingana na umri na uwezo wake. Upanzi wa miti unafaa kuongozwa vijana kwa sababu wana nguvu ya kutosha. Msimu mzuri wa kupanda miche ni msimu wa mvua nyingi.
Ili kuipanda miti mingi nchini, serikali imetenga siku moja kwa mwaka iwe ya upanzi wa miche, yaani miti michanga. Wengi hivi karibuni wamekosa kuitilia maanani siku hii muhimu. Hapo awali, shughuli hii ilikuwa ikichangamkiwa na kila mmoja katika jamii.

  1. Kulingana na ufahamu, uhifadhi wa misitu ni wajibu wa
    1. vijana.
    2. watu wazima.
    3. watu wote.
    4. wanafunzi.
  2. Je, ni kwa nini vijana ndio wanaofaa kuongoza katika upanzi wa miti?
    1. Wana nguvu ya kutosha.
    2. Wanajua kupanda miche zaidi.
    3. Wao ndio wengi nchini.
    4. Hiyo ni sheria ya nchi yetu.
  3. Katika mwaka mzima, ni siku ngapi zimetengewa upanzi wa miche?
    1. Tatu.
    2. Mbili.
    3. Nne.
    4. Moja.
  4. Kulingana na ufahamu, 
    1. hata sasa, wanajamii wanachangamkia upanzi wa miche.
    2. mti mchanga sana huitwa mche
    3. hapo awali watu hawakupenda kupanda miche. .
    4. miti ina faida kwa vijana pekee.

Soma kifungu kifuatacho kisha ujibu maswali 10 hadi 12.
Kuna umuhimu mkuu wa kudumisha afya bora. Binadamu akiwa na afya bora, huweza kufanya shughuli zote vizuri na kwa wakati unaofaa. Ili kuwa na afya bora, ni vizuri kuzingatia lishe bora. Chakula tunachokila lazima kiwe na kabohaidreti, protini na vitamini kwa viwango vinavyofaa mwilini. Vile vile, ni vizuri kunywa maji safi na salama kila siku. Je, wajua kuwa matunda hutukinga tusiwe wagonjwa? Wapishi na watu wote wanaoandaa chakula ni lazima wawe safi ili tusipatwe na magonjwa

  1. Taarifa hii inasema kuwa kuna umuhimu wa kudumisha
    1. lishe bora.
    2. chakula bora.
    3. afya bora.
    4. usafi.
  2. Tumeambiwa kuwa chakula chetu lazima kiwe na
    1. kabohaidreti na protini.
    2. vitamini na kabohaidreti. 
    3. kabohaidreti na protini. 
    4. vitamini, kabobaidreti na protini.
  3. Kulingana na taarifa, matunda
    1. hutuletea magonjwa.
    2. hutukinga tusiwe wagonjwa.
    3. huwa na ladha nzuri.
    4. yanafaa kuwa safi na salama.

Sonia kifungu kifuatacho kisha ujibu maswali 13 hadi 15.
Mayowe alikuwa ameketi kando ya ghala lake tupu. Tumbo lilimnguruma kwa njaa. Aliishi hivyo kwa siku tatu. Mtama aliokuwa ameuweka katika ghala uliibwa na manyani na tumbili waliotoka katika msitu wa Marura. Mahindi nayo yaliyokuwa tele humo ghalani yaliliwa yote na kuchakulo. Kando yake kulikuwa na kibuyu. Kibuyu hicho kil'isoma akili yake haraka na kumwambia kwa sauti, “Fanya chaguo!" Mayowe, kwa sauti alisema, "Nataka chakula!” Ghafla bin vuu, ghala likajaa mihogo na viazi. Mayowe alifurahi kuliko siku zote za maisha yake. 

  1. Mwanzoni mwa ufahamu, ghala la Mayowe lilikuwa na nini?
    1. Mihogo na viazi. 
    2. Lilikuwa tupu. 
    3. Mahindi na mtama.
    4. Mtama na viazi.
  2. Tumeambiwa kuwa Mayowe alihisi njaa kwa muda wa
    1. wiki tatu.
    2. miaka mitatu
    3. saa tatu.
    4. siku tatu.
  3. Manyani na tumbili wale walitoka wapi?
    1. Katika kijiji jirani.
    2. Mlimani.
    3. Hatujaelezwa.
    4. Msituni Marura.

Soma kifungu kifuatacho. Chagua jibu lifaalo zaidi kati ya yale uliyopewa.
Jana_16_ , kipindi cha kwanza kilikuwa cha Kiswahili. Kila mmoja wetu alifurahi . kwa sababu _17_ wetu alituambia kuwa siku hiyo angetufundisha mengi kuhusu pande kuu za _18_ Alianza kwa kutueleza kuwa jua huchomoza_19_ na kutua au kuzama_20_ Jioni hiyo, tulitakiwa kulichora jua na kulipaka rangi.

    1. asubuhi
    2. jioni
    3. usiku
    4. mchana
    1. mzazi
    2. walimu
    3. mwalimu
    4. mjomba
    1. uwanja
    2. darasa
    3. shule
    4. dira
    1. magharibi
    2. mashariki 
    3. kusini
    4. kaskazi
    1. kaskazini
    2. kusini
    3. magharibi
    4. mashariki

Katika swali la 21-30. jibu swali kulingana na maagizo uliyopewa.

  1. Ni rangi gani hapa haipo katika bendera ya Kenya?
    1. Nyekundu.
    2. Manjano.
    3. Nyeupe.
    4. Kijani.
  2. Chagua wingi wa sentensi hii:
    Mwaka umeisha bila vita.
    1. Miaka imeisha bila vita.
    2. Mwaka imeisha bila vita.
    3. Miaka umeisha bila vita.
    4. Miaka zimeisha bila vita.
  3. Kamilisha methali ifuatayo:
    Mtoto umleavyo
    1. hutazama kisogo cha nina.
    2. ni nyoka.
    3. ndivyo akuavyo.
    4. mkanye angali mdogo.
  4. Chagua umoja wa
    Madirisha mekundu yamefungwa.
    1. Madirisha nyekundu limefunguliwa.
    2. Dirisha jekundu limefunguliwa.
    3. Dirisha nyekundu limefungwa.
    4. Dirisha jekundu limefungwa.
  5. Mwembe hutupa maembe, nao  mgomba hutupa
    1. ndizi.
    2. kahawa. 
    3. mchele
    4. matunda.
  6. Chagua neno lililo katika ngeli tofauti na yale mengine.
    1. Jua.
    2. Joto. 
    3. Jani
    4. Jasho
  7. Nahau taka idbini ina maana ya 
    1. toa tangazo
    2. omba ruhusa
    3. omba msamaha
    4. pata habari 
  8. Baba amenunua televisheni mpya. Chagua kisawe cha neno lililopigiwa mstari.
    1. Baiskeli
    2. Redio 
    3. Simu
    4. Runinga
  9. Kati ya hawa, ni yupi mnyama wa porini? 
    1. Swara.
    2. Farasi. 
    3. Mbuzi.
    4. Punda
  10. Kitenzi soma katika kauli ya kutendwa huwa
    1. someka.
    2. somea.
    3. somwa.
    4. somesha. 


  1. B
  2. C
  3. A
  4. D
  5. C
  6. C
  7. A
  8. D
  9. B
  10. C
  1. D
  2. B
  3. B
  4. D
  5. D
  6. A
  7. C
  8. D
  9. B
  10. C
  1. B
  2. A
  3. C
  4. D
  5. A
  6. C
  7. B
  8. D
  9. A
  10. C



Answer questions orally

  1. When you want to use something that belongs to another person, which polite word do you use?
  2. Name any two healthy foods.
  3. Which part of a computer is used for typing?
  4. Name one family celebration. 
  5. Spell the workd 'etiquette

All the farm animals woke up The cock crowed early in the morning. All the farm animals woke up. They were going to have a party. Each animal prepared some food. The horse cooked rice. The nanny goat roasted They were going to have a party. Each animals prep, cooked rice.  The cow and the bull baked a cream cake. The nanny goat roasted the meat. The ram was lazy. He pretended to be sick. The food was ready by midday.The duck and the crake set the table. The billy goat brought in crates of soda. The animals sat down to eat. Just then the ram walked in. "any one who did not prepare food will nnot eat" said the donkey. The ram was sorry. He said he would wash all the dishes after the meal. The animals agreed to forgive him.

Write the comparative form of the words below

  1. big
  2. small
  3. long
  4. hot
  5. healthy

Fill in the blanks using the words below
some, many, any, much

  1. There were____pupils in the field.
  2. We do not have____homework today.
  3. How____money does he have?
  4. Do you have____story book in your bag?
  5. I found____marbles in the classroom.

Complete the following sentences using 'alot', 'alot of' or 'enough'.

  1. please, look after the baby. She is not old____
  2. That rice is____for me.
  3. Judy told me____stories.
  4. They stayed long____ to see the giraffes feed.
  5. Our teacher talks____about politeness.

Write the contracted form of these words

  1. you are
  2. will not
  3. did not 
  4. it is
  5. has not

Write the plurals

  1. child
  2. ox
  3. goose
  4. knife
  5. potato

Write these words correctly

  1. anbgead
  2. crush
  3. trestrhce
  4. edmniiec
  5. hposialt

Read the passage below and answer the questions that follows.
Mrs Sakuda asked the learners in grade four North to talk about thier classroom. Wanjiru put up her hand. She said, "Our classroom has four windows and one door. There are two big tables and one small table on the side. There are two cupboards. There is one clock at the front and three big charts on the wall. The charts make your classroom beautiful".
Patel was the second to speak. He said, "Our class has ten boys and five girls. Six leaners sit at a table. Other learners like our classroom. They say it is the neatest classroom in the school.

  1. Who was the first learner to speak?
  2. How many windows are there in the classroom?
  3. What makes Grade four North classroom beautiful?
  4. What do other learners say about the classroom?
  5. How do you keep your classroom neat?

Write an interesiing composition about:


  1. bigger
  2. smaller
  3. longer
  4. hotter
  5. healthier
  6. many
  7. any
  8. much
  9. any
  10. some
  1. enough
  2. enough
  3. a lot of
  4. enough
  5. a lot
  6. you're
  7. won't
  8. didn't
  9. it's
  10. hasn't
  1. children
  2. oxen
  3. geese
  4. knives
  5. potatoes
  6. bandage
  7. nurse
  8. stretcher
  9. medicine
  10. hospital 
  1. Wanjiru
  2. four
  3. charts
  4. becasue it is the neatest
  5. Mark relevant answer 


  1. During an Agricultural exhibition, farmers brought 742 different breeds of sheep. What is the total value of digit 7 in this number? 
    1. Hundreds 
    2. 700
    3. 740
    4. Thousands
  2. What is the place value of digit 9 in the number 96 401? 
    1. 96 400 
    2. 90 000 
    3. Tens of thousands 
    4. Thousands
  3. After winning in a drama festival, pupils were given nine thousand and fifty shillings. What is this amount in symbols?
    1. Sh. 9 005 
    2. Sh. 900.050 
    3. Sh. 90 005 
    4. Sh. 9 050
  4. What is 9 487 written in symbols? 
    1. Nine thousand, four hundred and eighty seven.
    2. Ninety thousand, four hundred and eighty seven. 
    3. Nine thousand, four hundred and eight seven. 
    4. Ninety thousand, four hundred and eight seven.
  5. Fourteen girls went to a boutique to buy some dresses. If each of them bought twelve dresses, how many dresses did they buy altogether? 
    1. 26 
    2. 168 
    3. 178 
    4. 158
  6. In the fraction 6/7, which number is denominator?
    1. 6
    2. 13
    3. 1
    4. 7.
  7. 90 seedlings were planted by learners in their nursery bed. If each learner planted 6 seedlings, how many were the learners?
    1. 84
    2. 15
    3. 96
    4. 546
  8. A pickup carried 6 430 packets of maize flour. In the pick-up were Jogoo packets and Jimbi packets. If Jogoo packets: were 2 766, how many Jimbi packets were there?
    1. 3 664 
    2. 2 664
    3. 3 674
    4. 3 764
  9. What is the next number in the pattern below? 816, 807, 797, 786, 774, 
    1. 709
    2. 761
    3. 699
    4. 753
  10. Which multiple of 7 is just before 84?
    1. 91
    2. 70
    3. 77
    4. 98
  11. Add: 536m + 499m
    1. 1 135m
    2. 1 025m
    3. 1 125m
    4. 1 035m
  12. Omwae's school is 210m away from the market. The market is 104m from Omwae's home. If Omwae walks from home to school and back, what distance does he cover?
    1. 314m
    2. 628m
    3. 324m
    4. 614m
  13. The distance from Moroto to Korogosho is 230m. As Njega was cycling from Moroto, his bicycle got a puncture after covering 190m. What was the remaining distance to Korogosho?
    1. 420m
    2. 419m
    3. 39m
    4. 40m
  14. When walking toward different directions, Asha covered a distance of 300m while Rama covered 230m. How many more metres did Asha cover than Rama?
    1. 70m
    2. 71m
    3. 530m
    4. 529m
  15. Three classmates Ali, Otas and Kipili have lockers which weigh 11kg each. What is the total mass of their lockers?
    1. 22kg .
    2. 30kg
    3. 44kg
    4. 33kg
  16. Mapunda's bull weighs 110kg while Mwang'ombe's donkey weighs 93kg. By how many kilograms is the bull heavier than the donkey?
    1. 17kg
    2. 7kg
    3. 203kg
    4. 213kg
  17. A container had 34 litres of paint. A painter used 8 litres to paint a school wall. How many litres of paint remained?
    1. 421
    2. 161 
    3. 261
    4. 431
  18. Some learners at Katikati primary school were asked to name some needs they new.
    Ajigo: carrots
    Mwashori: toys
    Jokopai: computer games
    Karani: balls
    Who was right?
    1. Mwishori 
    2. Ajigo
    3. Karani
    4. Jokopai
  19. Work out:
    Hours   Minutes
       8          10
      -2          20
    1. 6 hours 10 minutes 
    2. 6 hours 50 minutes
    3. 5 hours 50 minutes 
    4. 5 hours 80 minutes
  20. How many quarter litre containers are needed to fill a two litre container?
    1. 8
    2. 4
    3. 16
    4. 2
  21. Kibor and Chepng'eno had triangular cards like the ones shown below.
    If they joined them at the points marked X, what was the shape of the bigger card? 
    1. Square. 
    2. Circle. 
    3. Oval. 
    4. Rectangle.
  22. A four sided figure with all the sides  equal is called 
    1. an oval. 
    2. a square. 
    3. a triangle: 
    4. a rectangle.
  23. The figure drawn below is called a
    1. circle.
    2. rectangle. 
    3. square. 
    4. triangle
  24. Which of the following patterns has been made using ovals?
  25. A figure with three sides only is called
    1. an oval. 
    2. triangle. 
    3. square. 
    4. rectangle.
  26. What is the shape of your classroom door?
    1. Circle.
    2. Triangle. 
    3. Square. 
    4. Rectangle.

Use the illustration below to answer questions 27 to 30.

  1. How many circles can you see?
    1. One. 
    2. Two. 
    3. Four. 
    4. Three.
  2. Count the number of rectangles.
    1. Three.
    2. Four. 
    3. Two. 
    4. One.
  3. How many ovals are there?
    1. Two.
    2. One.
    3. Three. 
    4. Four.
  4. How many triangles can you see?
    1. Three. 
    2. Two. 
    3. Four. 
    4. One.


  1. B
  2. C
  3. D
  4. A
  5. B
  6. D
  7. B
  8. A
  9. B
  1. D
  2. B
  3. D
  4. A
  5. D
  6. A
  7. C
  8. B
  9. C
  10. A
  1. D
  2. B
  3. A
  4. A
  5. B
  6. D
  7. D
  8. C
  9. B


  1. Which of the following messages is in upper case lettering?
    1. the floor is slippery.
    3. open all the doors.
    4. Wet paint.
  2. The type of files with pleats are called 
    1. pleated files.
    2. partitioned files.
    3. expandable files.
    4. expanded files.
  3. Which one of the following indigenous crafts can be made using pinch technique?
  4. A leather wallet can be made using 
    1. thonging technique. 
    2. tie and dye technique. 
    3. coiling technique. 
    4. folding technique.
  5. Which of the following items can be woven? 
    1. drum.
    2. basket 
    3. pot. 
    4. belt.
  6. When weaving traditional mats, all the following may be needed except
    1. a cutting tool.
    2. reeds. 
    3. strips of fibres. 
    4. cellotape.
  7. A grade 4 learner collected the following items for picture making:
    1. Pencil
    2. Black ink
    3. Drawing paper
    4. Wax crayons
    5. Painting brush
    6. Tooth pick
      Which picture making technique was the learner intending to practise?
      1. Crayon etching. 
      2. Memory drawing. 
      3. Still life composition. 
      4. Smudging
  8. A teacher placed different fruits on the table instrument? as shown below.She then told her class to draw the fruits.This type of drawing is called 
    1. memory drawing. 
    2. imaginative drawing
    3. still life drawing
    4. nutritional drawing
  9. Study the form below.
    In the form above, light and dark effects have been shown using 
    1. cross hatching
    2. smudging technique. 
    3. crayon etching technique.
    4. shading technique.
  10. All the following materials may be needed for picture making except 
    1. a pencil. 
    2. a ruler. 
    3. an eraser. 
    4. a rubber band.
  11. Which of the following lines is found in the second verse of the Kenya National Anthem? 
    1. With hearts both strong and true.
    2. Build this our nation together. 
    3. Fill every heart with thanksgiving.
    4. Justice be our shield and defender.
  12. Into how many groups are percussion instruments divided? 
    1. 4
    2. 3
    3. 5
    4. 2
  13. Tightening the laces of a drum so as to produce the desired sound is called
    1. hitting. 
    2. tuning
    3. sounding
    4. tying
  14. The type of songs most likely to be sung in the church is 
    1. patriotic songs.
    2. action songs.
    3. sacred songs.
    4. topical songs.
  15. Sing the song written below.
    "Tunawe mikono ooh
    Tuvae barakoa aah
    Ili tuwe salama katika jamii yetu ooh"
    Which type of song is this?
    1. Topical song
    2. Folk song
    3. Patritic song
    4. Lullaby song
  16. Which of the following is not a percussion
    1. Bell
    2. Marimba
    3. Guitar
    4. Kayamba 
  17. Below is a diagram showing a descant recorder. 
    The part labelled P is the 
    1. mouth piece
    2. foot joint.
    3. head joint.
    4. middle joint.
  18. The process of making body movements when responding to music is called
    1. vibrating.
    2. shaking.
    3. performing.
    4. dancing.
  19. A folk dance belongs to a certain
    1. county.
    2. country.
    3. community.
    4. person, 
  20. All wind instruments produce sound when 
    1. blown.
    2. pressed.
    3. scrubbed.
    4. shaken.
  21. Which industry is responsible for the production of milk in our county?
    1. Bakery industry. 
    2. Dairy industry.
    3. Agriculture industry..
    4. Beverage industry. 
  22. The buying and selling of goods is called 
    1. business.
    2. marketing.
    3. job.
    4. trade.
  23. Which of the following is not a resource? : .
    1. Minerals.
    2. Wildlife.
    3. Work.
    4. Forests.
  24. All the following are economic activities except
    1. leaming
    2. fishing.
    3. trading.
    4. farming.
  25. Money was not used in
    1. modern trade
    2. barte. trade 
    3. currency trade
    4. advanced trade
  26. On the sign board of Majimoto primary school, the words“ Learn to succeed” represent the school 
    1. motto.
    2. history. 
    3. culture.
    4. routine. 
  27. In a school set-up, honesty, integrity, discipline, trust and respect are examples of
    1. vices.
    2. school virtues.
    3. core values.
    4. dangerous habits.
  28. Which one of the following aspects of culture maintains our good health? The
    1. way we build our houses.
    2. traditional foods we eat.
    3. our traditional ceremonies.
    4. games and sports we play.
  29. The pattern of population where by the population is distributed along the road, railway or river is said to be
    1. scattered.
    2. sparse.
    3. nucleated. 
    4. linear.
  30. Who among the following people do not depend on one another?
    1. police officer and a robber.
    2. pupil and the head teacher.
    3. mechanic and a motorist.
    4. mother and a vegetable vendor.
  31. All the following are examples of historic built environments except
    1. bridges.
    2. monuments.
    3. museums.
    4. forts.
  32. During rainy seasons in our county,
    1. roofs are likely to be blown off.
    2. harvesting takes place.
    3. animals become healthy.
    4. we should wear light clothes.
  33. Rivers are likely to dry up during
    1. cold seasons.
    2. windy seasons.
    3. rainy seasons.
    4. dry seasons.
  34. Study the compass directions drawn below.
    The direction marked L is
    1. south west.
    2. north east.
    3. north west. 
    4. south east.
  35. Identify the physical feature drawn below.
    1. Trees.
    2. Timber.
    3. Forest
    4. Wood.


  1. The Jewish leader who went to see Jesus at night to know how one can be bom again was
    1. Nicodemus.
    2. Samuel.
    3. Balaam.
    4. Belshaazar.
  2. When we repent our sins,
    1. people start talking about us.
    2. we become followers of Jesus Christ.
    3. they are transferred to other sinners.
    4. we are not accepted in the kingdom of God
  3. The ten men that Jesus healed were suffering from
    1. epilepsy.
    2. ebola.
    3. leprosy.
    4. blindness.
  4. When Jesus raised a widow's son, He demonstrated His power over
    1. nature.
    2. diseases. 
    3. the dead.
    4. death.
  5. The name of the blind beggar who sat by the road was
    1. Methibosheth.
    2. Zacchaeus.
    3. Bartimaeus.
    4. Nicodemus.
  6. You will go abead of the Lord to prepare His road for Him. Who was told these words? 
    1. Zacharia
    2. John the Baptist 
    3. Pharoah
    4. Jesus
  7. Which parable teaches Christians that God is happy when a sinner repents? The
    1. ten virgins. 
    2. mustard seed.
    3. lost coin.
    4. prodigal son.
  8. Ngano and Mawele are deskmates. One day as Ngano was sharpening his pencil, he accidentally hit Mawele's inkpot and ink soaked Mawele's exercise book. As a Christian, what should Mawele do?
    1. Pour ink on Ngano's book as well.
    2. Start a fight to settle the case.
    3. Cry the whole day.
    4. Forgive him and tell him to be careful.
  9. Who among the following portrayed great faith hence was healed? 
    1. Jesus.
    2. John the Baptist.,
    3. Bartimaeus.
    4. Zachaeus.
  10. When an angel appeared to Zacharia, he was
    1. burning incense at the altar.
    2. praying and fasting on the mountain.
    3. looking after a flock of sheep.
    4. throwing his net into the lake.
  11. Who told Zachariah that his wife would give birth to John>
    1. Jesus.
    2. An angel.
    3. The priest.
    4. Church leaders
  12. Leave your country, your relatives and your father's home and go to a land I am going to show you. Who said these words?
    1. Abraham.
    2. An angel.
    3. God.
    4. Jesus.
  13. People were not happy when Jesus entered Zaccheu's house because he was a 
    1. sinner.
    2. tax collector.
    3. short man. 
    4. jew.
  14. Who among the following used to interpret dreams?
    1. Pharoah.
    2. Portiphar's wife.
    3. Joseph.
    4. Jacob.
  15. The angel Balaam's donkey saw on the road carried a
    1. sword. 
    2. Bible.
    3. shield. 
    4. dove.


  1. Suratul Al-Falaq means the 
    1. dawn.
    2. men.
    3. help.
    4. unity
  2. Which of the following lessons is learnt from surah Al-Masad?
    1. Allah controls all things.
    2. Evil people have bad endings.
    3. Allah is the best cure from magic and other evil
    4. We seek refuge in Allah from evil whispers, people and jinn.
  3. How many ayats are there in surah An-Nas?
    1. 6
    2. 3
    3. 4
    4. 5
  4. Min sharri ma khalaqa. What does this ayat mean?
    1. I seek refuge in the Lord of the daybreak.
    2. And from the evil of darkness when it settles he created
    3. From the evil of that which he created
    4. The one who whispers in the heart of mankind
  5. Lam yalid walam yooladu is an ayat from suratul
    1. Al-Kawthar.
    2. Al-Nasr.
    3. Al-Maun. 
    4. Al-Ikhlas.
  6. Prophet Muhammad (SAW) was a strong?
    1. supporter of the poor.
    2. believer in paganism.
    3. man.
    4. worshipper of idols. 
  7. Who among the following was prophets Muhammad's uncle?
    1. Abu Talib
    2. Abu Daud 
    3. Abubakr Sidiq
    4. Al-Abbas
  8. Which of the following is not a hadith on etiquette on eating?
    1. Eat from the side of the plate and not from the middle. 
    2. Wash your hands before, when and after eating.
    3. Do not drop the food. 
    4. Say bismillah and eat what is in front of you
  9. We should not brush our teeth 
    1. when we wake up.
    2. after meals.
    3. when eating.
    4. before sleeping.
  10. Which one of the following is not a way of keeping physically fit?
    1. Playing dice.
    2. Swimming 
    3. Playing football
    4. Diving
  11. Which of the following attributes of Allah means the all seeing? 
    1. Al-Samiu
    2. Al-Basir
    3. Al-Malik
    4. Al Salaam 
  12. Which of the following is referred to as the angel of death?
    1. Atid
    2. Raqib
    3. Israil
    4. Israfil
  13. Which one of the following is not among the prophets mentioned in the Qur'an?
    1. Idris
    2. Yahya
    3. Al Yasa
    4. Jibril settles he created.
  14. Which among the following is not an example of najasatul mutawasita? 
    1. Vomit
    2. Dog
    3. Blood
    4. Urine suratul
  15. Which of the following is not a nullifier of wudhu?
    1. Sijdah
    2. Passing wind
    3. Blood
    4. Fainting



  1. B
  2. C
  3. D
  4. A
  5. B
  6. D
  7. A
  8. C
  9. B
  10. D
  1. A
  2. D
  3. B
  4. C
  5. A
  6. C
  7. C
  8. D
  9. C
  10. A
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  10. A
  1. A
  2. C
  3. D
  4. A
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  5. C
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  7. C
  8. D
  9. C
  10. A
  11. B
  12. C
  13. A
  14. C
  15. A
  1. A
  2. B
  3. D
  4. C
  5. D
  6. A
  7. D
  8. B
  9. C
  10. A
  11. B
  12. C
  13. D
  14. B
  15. A



  1. List three materials required in crayon etching (3mks)
  2. The lightness or darkness of a colour is known as____(2mks)
  3. List three media used for shading values. (3mks)
  4. Drawing an arrangement of non-living things is known as____ (1mk)
  5. ____ is the art of cutting pictures from old magazines and newspapers and pasting them to form a new image. (1mk)
  6. List any three uses of baskets.(3mks)
  7. Thin steps of leather that are used for threading through punched holes are known as____(1mk)
  8. List three methods that are used for decorating pots. (3mks)
  9. Capital letters are also known as____in graphic design. (1mk)
  10. A person who makes pots is called a____(1mk)
  11. List two materials used in painting (2mks)


  1. The highness or lowness of sound is known as ____(1mk).
  2. A song sung by one person is called a____(1mk)
  3. List four types of songs (4mks)
  4. Who is a soloist?(1mk)
  5. Name the following percussion instruments. (3mks)
  6. Name two ways of playing percussion instruments (2mks)
  7. Why do we tune drums?(1mk)
  8. Name the three parts of descant recorder. (3mks)
  9. Name two formation of dancers during a dance performance (2mks)
  10. A group of people gathered to watch and listen to a performance is called____(1mk)
  11. The speed of music is referred to as____(1mk)


  1. List three skipping techniques (3mks)
  2. To position your self close to the ground balancing on the front part of your feet with the legs bent is to____(1mk)
  3. List any three gymnastic activities (3mks)
  4. The forehand throw in frisbee is known as the____ (1mk)
  5. List three materials that can be used to make an improvised soccer ball. (3mks)
  6. Name the parts of a rounders bat below (4mks)
  7. An athletics track has____lanes. (1mk)
  8. List two types of passes in soccer (2mks)
  9. Name any 2 short races. (2mks)



    1. Scratching tools
    2. Black indian ink
    3. Wax crayons
  2. Tone
  3. Pastels
    chalk coloured
    coloured pencils
  4. still life drawing
  5. Montage
  6. For storage
    for carrying items
    for catching small fish
    for keeping clothes
    for harvesting
  7. thongs
  8. incising
  9. upper case letters
  10. potter
  11. paint brushes


  1. pitch
  2. solo
  3. Lullaby
    folk song
    sacred song
    topical songs
    patriotic songs
  4. This is a person who leads a performance
    1. Kayamba
    2. drum
    3. shaker
  6. Hitting
  7. For them to produce good sound
  8. Head joint
    Middle joint
    Foot joint
  9. U shape pattern
    W shaped pattern
  10. audience
  11. tempo


  1. single bounce
    double bounce
    one foot bounce
  2. squat
  3. head stand balance
    backward roll
    forward roll
  4. flick
  5. old clothes
    old socks
    dry banana leaves
  6. barrel
    end cap
  7. 8
  8. instep pass
    outside of the foor pass
  9. 100m


  1. Study the decice drawn below.
    The digital device drawn above is used for 
    1. processing data in a computer. 
    2. producing hard copies of data. 
    3. typing on the computer. 
    4. displaying the data being typed.
  2. A teacher drew the device below on the black board and asked some learners to name it.
    Aisha: cable
    Abdalla: mouse
    Saumu: printer
    Omary: CPU
    Who was correct?
    1. Omary
    2. Saumu
    3. Aisha
    4. Abdallah
  3. Which one of the following is not a liquid?
    1. Porridge.
    2. Juice.
    3. Chalk dust.
    4. Water.
  4. A certain substance had the following characteristics:
    1. It had a definite shape
    2. Its volume was definite.
    3. It had a definite mass.
      The substance was most likely to be 
      1. paraffin. 
      2. sand. 
      3. petrol.
      4. air.
  5. Which of the following objects can float on water? A
    1. bottle top. 
    2. coin. 
    3. key.
    4. small stone.
  6. All the following are effects of water pollution. Which on is not? 
    1. Transmission of diseases. 
    2. Improvement of the population of sea animals. 
    3. Causes death of plants and animals. 
    4. Sea animals cannot survive in polluted water.
  7. Which one of the following is not an example of air pollutants? 
    1. Mud. 
    2. Bad smell. 
    3. Smoke. 
    4. Dust.
  8. The following are descriptions of a certain type of tooth:
    1. It has one root
    2. It is sharp and pointed.
    3. They are four on an adult's gams.
      The tooth described above is used for 
      1. grinding. 
      2. cutting and biting. 
      3. chewing.
      4. tearing.
  9. Which two types of teeth perform the same function? 
    1. Conines and premolars. 
    2. Mors and premolars. 
    3. Incisors and molars.
    4. Canines and premolars.
  10. Name the tooth drawn below.
    1. Canine. 
    2. Molar
    3. Incisor.
    4. Premolar.
  11. Study the diagram below and answer the following questions.
  12. Chewing of food takes place in the part marked
    1. P
    2. N
    3. O
    4. M
  13. Name the part labelled
    1. Large intestines.
    2. Small intestines.
    3. Stomach.
    4. Duodenum.
  14. What is the function of part N?
    1. Absorbing digested food.
    2. Digesting fats and oils. 
    3. Digesting proteins.
    4. Storing waster matter.
  15. The part that absorbs water and mineral salts is marked 
    1. O
    2. N
    3. P
    4. M
  16. Choose a crop whose seeds can be sown directly. 
    1. Sugarcane
    2. Cassava
    3. Carrots
    4. Bananas
  17. Which of the following lists consists of vegetables only? 
    1. Onions, yams and cabbages. 
    2. Tomatoes, carrots and onions. 
    3. Wheat, rice and barley. 
    4. Peas, beans and groundnuts.
  18. Kemboi was asked to draw one example of cereals. Which one of the following shows what his correct drawing looked like?
  19. Which of the following domestic animals gives two food products?
    1. Sheep
    2. Camel.
    3. Cat.
    4. Pig.
  20. We get mutton from
    1. cows and sheep.
    2. chickens and goats.
    3. pigs and sheep.
    4. sheep and goats.
  21. Established fruit trees cannot be cared for by
    1. weeding.
    2. mulching.
    3. trimming.
    4. pruning.
  22. The following are steps during the preparation of guava fruit seeds but not in the correct order:
    1. Wash the seeds and soak them.
    2. Collect the guava fruit.
    3. Sort the good seeds and dispose the bad ones.
    4. Remove the fleshy part with a knife.
    5. Sun dry the good seeds.
      Which of the following shows the correct order of the steps 
      1. ii, iv, i, iii, v 
      2. ii, iv, iii, i, v 
      3. ii, i, ii, iv, v 
      4. ii, i, iv, iii, v
  23. Identify the animals drawn below.
    1. Mongoose 
    2. Hedgehog
    3. Monkey
    4. Mole
  24. When making a scarecrow, what is the use of old clothes? 
    1. To make the scarecrow nice to look at. 
    2. To make the scarecrow look like a real person. 
    3. For easy vis bility
    4. To frighten the destructive animals and birds.
  25. The type of soil which holds most water
    1. is called loam. 
    2. is good for farming.
    3. forms the longest ribbons.
    4. has the largest particles.
  26. Which of the following kitchen utensils is not fragile? 
    1. Cooking stick. 
    2. Glass.
    3. Clay pot.
    4. Enamel plate.
  27. Which of the following can be used to preserve milk?
  28. Muli ate rice and spinach for his lunch. Which one of the following foods should he have included in his meal to make it a balanced diet?
    1. An orange. 
    2. A boiled egg. 
    3. Sugarcane. 
    4. Chapati.
  29. When choosing foods from a general grocery, we should consider all the following factors except 
    1. who the grocer is. 
    2. the cost of the foods. 
    3. the freshness of the foods.
    4. the expiry dates of the foods.
  30. All the following are importance of a shopping list except that 
    1. it helps us save time. 
    2. vith it we buy only what is necessary. 
    3. it helps us buy items at lower prices. 
    4. it helps us plan well for our expenditure.
  31. The diagram below shows a stove.
    Which of the following fuels can be used in the source of heat above? 
    1. Sawdust. 
    2. Charcoal. 
    3. Paraffin. 
    4. Firewood.
  32. Matilda has a pair of gumboots. Matilda's gumboots are made of 
    1. rubber.
    2. nylon. 
    3. fabric.
    4. hard paper.
  33. All the following materials can be used to clean our shoes except 
    1. a sponge. 
    2. soap.
    3. a brush.
    4. a sand paper.
  34. Long grass around our homes can be cut using a 
    1. pair of scissors. 
    2. slasher. 
    3. wheelbarrow. 
    4. stick broom.
  35. Smoke or dust in the air we breath can cause
    1. ear aches. 
    2. vomiting. 
    3. skin rashes. 
    4. coughs.
  36. Which of the following is not a way to show kindness when dealing with emotions?
    1. Do not acknowledge any player even if they deserve it. 
    2. Forgive someone if they pushed you while playing. 
    3. Gently wave to other players when you meet.
    4. Offer help to the injured player.
  37. Which of the following should be taken during the game? 
    1. Water melon. 
    2. Glucose.
    3. Water. 
    4. Energy giving foods.
  38. An exercise done before the main sports activity is called 
    1. press up. 
    2. warm up. 
    3. preparation. 
    4. cool down.
  39. Which of th following throws is associated with frisbee?
    1. Under arm throw.
    2. Backhand throw.
    3. Over arm throw
    4. Over head throw
  40. Study the illustration below.
    The type of dive shown above is called
    1. crouch surface dive
    2. standing surface dive 
    3. squat dive
    4. arms up dive
  41. Which one of the following is not a pool rule?
    1. Do not spit in the pool.
    2. Do not swim when the sun is too hot.
    3. All children musi be accompanied by an adult.
    4. No food or drink should be kept near the deck.
  42. Which of the following can be used to rescue a drowning swimmer?
  43. Study the gymnastic move shown below.
    The move shown above is called
    1. forward roll 
    2. shoulder roll 
    3. backward roll
    4. a three action sequence
  44. Which one of the following is not a jump rope technique 
    1. Single bounce
    2. Double bounce 
    3. Two feet bounce
    4. One foot bounce
  45. Instep pass can be applied in
    1. volleyball.
    2. soccer.
    3. handball.
    4. rounders.
  46. Which of the following can be used for hand juggling?
    1. Ropes.
    2. Bats. 
    3. Balls.
    4. Cones.
  47. Which of the following is the last step when improvising a ball?
    1. Collect the required materials
    2. Squeeze the materials one round mass 
    3. Use strips to tie the round mass together 
    4. Clean the working area
  48. Which of the following materials is not necessary when improvising a handball?
    1. Rubber bands 
    2. Thorns 
    3. Plastic grocery bags
    4. Old pices of clothes
  49. When passing the ball using the overhead pass, 
    1. hold the ball with both hands
    2. let the ball be behind the head 
    3. hold the ball with one hand 
    4. use one hand to throw the ball
  50. Why is it important to follow rules in different games?
    1. To better our techniques. 
    2. So that other players may like us. 
    3. For safety. 
    4. To be the leaders of other players.


  1. B
  2. D
  3. C
  4. B
  5. A
  6. B
  7. A
  8. D
  9. B
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  9. B
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  9. A
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  6. A
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  8. B
  9. B
  10. A
  1. B
  2. C
  3. C
  4. C
  5. B
  6. C
  7. D
  8. B
  9. A
  10. C


Jibu maswali kwa kutamka (Alama 5)

  1. Ni nini wingi wa neno daftari? 
  2. Bendera yetu ina rangi ngapi?
  3. Eleza maana ya "kutiwa nguvani" 
  4. Kamilisha methali ifuatayo, "Asiyesikia la mkuu....
  5. Taja vazi moja la kike unalolijua.

Soma kifungu hiki kwa sauti (Alama 10)
Shule yetu inaitwa Bidii Jumanne ilikuwa ni siku ya sherehe ya kutia zawadi. Walimu wetu waliwasili mapema kwa matayarisho. Mgeni wetu wa heshima alipowasili, alipewa shada la maua. Shehe na kasisi walituombea kabla ya kuanza sherehe. Wanafunzi thelathini wa gredi ya nne walituzwa. Shangazi yangu alihudhuria kwa naiba ya mama yangu. Thuluthi  mbili ya watu ambao walihudhuria walikuwa kina mama.

Andika visawe vya maneno yafuatayo

  1. Tembo 
  2. Nyanya
  3. Jogoo
  4. Barua
  5. Motokaa

Nyambua vitenzi vifuatavyo katika kauli ya kutendwa.

  1. Chora
  2. osha
  3. tuma
  4. panga
  5. lipa

Unganisha sentensi kuwa joja kwa kutumia kiunganishi sahihi

  1. Alitekwa nyara. Hakudhulumiwa
  2. Maria amevaa koti. Maria anahisi baridi
  3. Utavaa jaketi. Utavaa koti 
  4. Nilienda katika kituo cha mabasi. Nilisafiri Lamu
  5. Juma hakuvaa mlapa. Juma hakuvaa daluga

Taja majina ya heshima unayotumia kuwaita wafuatao.

  1. Mzazi wa kiume
  2. Ndugu wa kiume wa baba yako
  3. Baba wa mama yako
  4. Ndugu wa kiume.
  5. Ndugu wa kike

Andika nomino zozote tano


Andika kwa wingi 

  1. mpira
  2. kiatu
  3. ndizi
  4. ua
  5. chungwa

Soma ufahamu kisha ujibu maswali (Alama 5)
Auni anamiaka kumi. Wazazi wake waliaga dunia. Anaishi na nyanya yake. Kila siku Auni na nyanya yake hula mihogo. Siku moja, Auni aliugua utapiamlo kwa kula mihogo pekee. Auni hakupata aina zote za vyakula.
Kuna aina nyingiya vyakula. Kuna vyakula vya kujenga mwili kama vile maharagwe. Kuna vyakula vya kupatia mwili nguvu kama vile mihogo. Kuna vyakula vya kuongeza kinga ya mwili kama vile matunda.
Auni hakuwa anaenda shuleni. Hatari hii ilimfikia chifu Stela. Chifu Stela alienda kumwona nyanya yake Auni. Auni alipelekwa katika kambi ya watoto mayatima. Huko alipewa lishe bora.

  1. Auni alikuwa na umri wa miaka mingapi?
  2. Auni aliugua ugonjwa wa
  3. Taja aina ya vyakula vya kujenga mwili
  4. Auni alipelekwa wapi
  5. Habari za Auni kutoenda shuleni zilimfikia nani?

Mwandikie binamu yako barua ya kirafiki ukimwalika kwa sherehe ya kuzaliwa kwako.


  1. Ndovu
  2. Bibi
  3. Jimbi
  4. Waraka
  5. gari
  6. chorwa
  7. ashwa
  8. tumwa
  9. pangwa
  10. lipwa 
  1. Alitekwa nyara lakini hakudhurumiwa
  2. Maria amevaa koti kwasababu anahisi baridi
  3. Utavaa jaketi au koti?
  4. Nilienda katika kituo cha mabasi ili nisafiri Lamu
  5. Juma hakuvaa mlapa wala daluga
  6. Baba
  7. Mjomba
  8. Babu
  9. Kaka
  10. Dada 

(21-25) Sahihisha jibu sahihi

  1. mpira
  2. viatu
  3. ndizi
  4. maua
  5. machungwa
  6. kumi
  7. utapiamlo
  8. maharagwe
  9. kambi ya watoto mayatima
  10. Chifu Stela


Read the following conversation and then answer questions 1 to 5
Mambo: Hello Lenchiro. Where are you going? It is still break time.
Lenchiro: Hello Mambo. I am taking this book back to the library. I was just finishing the last page. It is one of the most interesting story books I have ever read.
Mambo: What was the book all about? 
Lenchiro: It was about a boy, Kodawa, who was addicted to drugs and substance abuse. The boy dropped out of school and joined the bad boys in town.
Mambo: Oh my! Why did poor Kodawa decide to do that?
Lenchiro:  It was because his new friends in town persuaded him to do so. They also threatened to chase him from their group if he refused to comply.
Mambo: I also think that idleness contributes to indulgence in drugs and substance abuse. The boys must have been idle.
Lenchiro: Exactly. But the good thing  is that Kodawa was taken back to their village, Mchangabaridi, where he reformed and resumed school.
Mambo: Wow! Thank God he did.

  1. Mambo and Lenchiro met
    1. in the evening. 
    2. in their classroom. 
    3. at break time. 
    4. in the school library.
  2. Lenchiro said that the book he finished reading 
    1. was more interesting than any other he had read before. 
    2. was as interesting as the others he had read before. 
    3. equally boring like the rest he had · read before. 
    4. more boring than the ones he had read before.
  3. Who was the main character in the book Lenchiro read last? 
    1. Lenchiro himself. 
    2. Mambo
    3. Kodawa's friend
    4. Kodawa
  4. According to this conversation why do some young people abuse drugs and substance? They
    1. are idle. 
    2. want to be recognized 
    3. don't like school. 
    4. like being high.
  5. Finally, the good thing about Kodawa was that he 
    1. finished school. 
    2. reformed. 
    3. joined some boys in town. 
    4. started abusing drugs and substance

Read the passage and then answer questions 6 to 2.
A journey by train is interesting as well as educative. Such a very important event happened in Samira's life. Last week she went on her first train journey. She travelled with her family to Voi where her uncle lived. They left home at dawn and went to the SGR terminus. After purchasing a ticket, they got into the train. Suddenly, the train blew its whistle and started the journey. It seemed to Samira that the trees, houses and stations all went hurriedly back to Nairobi. She was very excited. She really enjoyed her first journey.

  1. With whom did Samira travel to Voi?
    1. classmates. 
    2. teachers. 
    3. friends. 
    4. family.
  2. How many times had Samira travelled by train before?
    1. She had never 
    2. Thrice 
    3. Twice
    4. Once
  3. What did they do at the SGR terminus before getting into the train? They 
    1. closed all the windows.
    2. purchased a ticket
    3. saw trees moving backwards. :
    4. enjoyed their journey.
  4. Where was Samira's family living?
    1. In Voi.
    2. At the SGR terminus.
    3. In Nairobi.
    4. We are not told.

Read the passage and then answer questions 10 to 12.
Technology refers to the use of tools, machines, materials, techniques and sources of power to make work easier and more productive While Science is more concerned with how and why things happen, technology deals with making things happen.Technology has brought about efficiency and quality in the manufacturing sector. Technological advancement has reduced the risk involved in manufacturing enterprises.  A lot of improvement has been seen in health facilities. Technology therefore should be here to stay.

  1. The passage says that technology has
    1. brought tools and machines.
    2. made work easier.
    3. killed manufacturing industries.
    4. increased death rates.
  2. The writer says that Science is concerned with 
    1. how and why things happen. 
    2. making things happen. 
    3. making work easier.
    4. improving human life.
  3. According to the passage, a lot of improvement has been seen in 
    1. agriculture sector.
    2. production of goods
    3. health facilities. .
    4. some school in the country.

Read the passage and then answer questions 13 to 15.
Wild animals live in the forest. Some of them are kept in national parks and game reserves. There are very many types of wild animals. Some are big, some are small. Some small animals include the hare and the squirrel. Some big animals include the elephant and the buffalo. The animal with the longest neck is called giraffe. It gets its food from the top of most trees. Cheetah is the fastest animal. It runs faster than any other animal. Wild animals must be protected because our country gets money through them.

  1. According to this passage, one of the small wild animals is the
    1. elephant.
    2. squirrel.
    3. buffalo.
    4. rabbit.
  2. How does the giraffe's long neck help it? To 
    1. see distant enemies. 
    2. hide its head. 
    3. get its food. 
    4. run very fast.
  3. The fastest animal is the 
    1. elephant.
    2. giraffe
    3. squirrel.
    4. cheetah.

Read the passage below. It contains blank spaces numbered 16 to 20, For each blank space, select the best alternative from the choices given.
Industrialisation means _16_ things for people to buy. These things are always made or manufactured in large buldings called _17_ Such industries are flour, cloth and soap industries. Here are three names you should _18_ : raw materials, products and labourers. A _19_ is used for making a thing. The thing which is made is called the product. Therefore, cloth is the product of the raw material called _20_

    1. making
    2. bringing
    3. using
    4. selling
    1. godowns
    2. factories
    3. stores
    4. museums
    1. forget
    2. write
    3. see
    4. remember
    1. material
    2. tool
    3. raw material
    4. machine
    1. cotton
    2. papers
    3. leaves
    4. polythene

For questions 21 to 23, choose the past tense of the given sentences.

  1. I am flying a kite.
    1. I was flying a kite.
    2. We are flying kites.
    3. We were flying kites.
    4. I was flying kites.
  2. The animals are grazing. The
    1. animal was grazing.
    2. animal is grazing.
    3. animals will graze
    4. animals were grazing
  3. Our teacher is running. Our
    1. teacher will run.
    2. teacher runs.
    3. teacher was running.
    4. teachers were running.

In questions 24 to 26, select the correctly punctuated sentences.

    1. nairobi is the capital city of kenya
    2. John and Ashley will go to the market
    3. richard said that he plays tennis
    4. Moreen and Kimani went to Nakuru.
    1. Who knows how to ride a bicycle.
    2. Kenya, Uganda and Tanzania are neighbouring countries
    3. the doctor did not come in good  time.
    4. They were playing in the rain
    1. there are twenty six letters in the alphabet.
    2. Donkeys and sheep are domestic animals 
    3. They replied to our letter in good time. 
    4. july is the coldest month of the year 

For questions 27 to 30, complete the sentences with the correct adverbs. 

  1. The man drives his van
    1. slowest. 
    2. slowly. 
    3. slower.
    4. slowness.
  2. The game ranger walked very
    1. caring.
    2. careless. 
    3. careful.
    4. carefully.
  3. Grade four learners were singing 
    1. happily. 
    2. happy.
    3. happier.
    4. happiest.
  4. Amunga waited for his guardian
    1. patience
    2. patient.
    3. patiently.
    4. patients.


  1. C
  2. A
  3. D
  4. A
  5. B
  6. D
  7. A
  8. B
  9. C
  10. B
  1. A
  2. C
  3. B
  4. C
  5. D
  6. A
  7. B
  8. D
  9. C
  1. B
  2. D
  3. C
  4. D
  5. B
  6. C
  7. B
  8. D
  9. A