Wednesday, 31 August 2022 06:08

Mathematics Questions with Answers - CBC Grade 4 End of Term 2 Exams 2022 SET 2


  1. During an Agricultural exhibition, farmers brought 742 different breeds of sheep. What is the total value of digit 7 in this number? 
    1. Hundreds 
    2. 700
    3. 740
    4. Thousands
  2. What is the place value of digit 9 in the number 96 401? 
    1. 96 400 
    2. 90 000 
    3. Tens of thousands 
    4. Thousands
  3. After winning in a drama festival, pupils were given nine thousand and fifty shillings. What is this amount in symbols?
    1. Sh. 9 005 
    2. Sh. 900.050 
    3. Sh. 90 005 
    4. Sh. 9 050
  4. What is 9 487 written in symbols? 
    1. Nine thousand, four hundred and eighty seven.
    2. Ninety thousand, four hundred and eighty seven. 
    3. Nine thousand, four hundred and eight seven. 
    4. Ninety thousand, four hundred and eight seven.
  5. Fourteen girls went to a boutique to buy some dresses. If each of them bought twelve dresses, how many dresses did they buy altogether? 
    1. 26 
    2. 168 
    3. 178 
    4. 158
  6. In the fraction 6/7, which number is denominator?
    1. 6
    2. 13
    3. 1
    4. 7.
  7. 90 seedlings were planted by learners in their nursery bed. If each learner planted 6 seedlings, how many were the learners?
    1. 84
    2. 15
    3. 96
    4. 546
  8. A pickup carried 6 430 packets of maize flour. In the pick-up were Jogoo packets and Jimbi packets. If Jogoo packets: were 2 766, how many Jimbi packets were there?
    1. 3 664 
    2. 2 664
    3. 3 674
    4. 3 764
  9. What is the next number in the pattern below? 816, 807, 797, 786, 774, 
    1. 709
    2. 761
    3. 699
    4. 753
  10. Which multiple of 7 is just before 84?
    1. 91
    2. 70
    3. 77
    4. 98
  11. Add: 536m + 499m
    1. 1 135m
    2. 1 025m
    3. 1 125m
    4. 1 035m
  12. Omwae's school is 210m away from the market. The market is 104m from Omwae's home. If Omwae walks from home to school and back, what distance does he cover?
    1. 314m
    2. 628m
    3. 324m
    4. 614m
  13. The distance from Moroto to Korogosho is 230m. As Njega was cycling from Moroto, his bicycle got a puncture after covering 190m. What was the remaining distance to Korogosho?
    1. 420m
    2. 419m
    3. 39m
    4. 40m
  14. When walking toward different directions, Asha covered a distance of 300m while Rama covered 230m. How many more metres did Asha cover than Rama?
    1. 70m
    2. 71m
    3. 530m
    4. 529m
  15. Three classmates Ali, Otas and Kipili have lockers which weigh 11kg each. What is the total mass of their lockers?
    1. 22kg .
    2. 30kg
    3. 44kg
    4. 33kg
  16. Mapunda's bull weighs 110kg while Mwang'ombe's donkey weighs 93kg. By how many kilograms is the bull heavier than the donkey?
    1. 17kg
    2. 7kg
    3. 203kg
    4. 213kg
  17. A container had 34 litres of paint. A painter used 8 litres to paint a school wall. How many litres of paint remained?
    1. 421
    2. 161 
    3. 261
    4. 431
  18. Some learners at Katikati primary school were asked to name some needs they new.
    Ajigo: carrots
    Mwashori: toys
    Jokopai: computer games
    Karani: balls
    Who was right?
    1. Mwishori 
    2. Ajigo
    3. Karani
    4. Jokopai
  19. Work out:
    Hours   Minutes
       8          10
      -2          20
    1. 6 hours 10 minutes 
    2. 6 hours 50 minutes
    3. 5 hours 50 minutes 
    4. 5 hours 80 minutes
  20. How many quarter litre containers are needed to fill a two litre container?
    1. 8
    2. 4
    3. 16
    4. 2
  21. Kibor and Chepng'eno had triangular cards like the ones shown below.
    If they joined them at the points marked X, what was the shape of the bigger card? 
    1. Square. 
    2. Circle. 
    3. Oval. 
    4. Rectangle.
  22. A four sided figure with all the sides  equal is called 
    1. an oval. 
    2. a square. 
    3. a triangle: 
    4. a rectangle.
  23. The figure drawn below is called a
    1. circle.
    2. rectangle. 
    3. square. 
    4. triangle
  24. Which of the following patterns has been made using ovals?
  25. A figure with three sides only is called
    1. an oval. 
    2. triangle. 
    3. square. 
    4. rectangle.
  26. What is the shape of your classroom door?
    1. Circle.
    2. Triangle. 
    3. Square. 
    4. Rectangle.

Use the illustration below to answer questions 27 to 30.

  1. How many circles can you see?
    1. One. 
    2. Two. 
    3. Four. 
    4. Three.
  2. Count the number of rectangles.
    1. Three.
    2. Four. 
    3. Two. 
    4. One.
  3. How many ovals are there?
    1. Two.
    2. One.
    3. Three. 
    4. Four.
  4. How many triangles can you see?
    1. Three. 
    2. Two. 
    3. Four. 
    4. One.


  1. B
  2. C
  3. D
  4. A
  5. B
  6. D
  7. B
  8. A
  9. B
  1. D
  2. B
  3. D
  4. A
  5. D
  6. A
  7. C
  8. B
  9. C
  10. A
  1. D
  2. B
  3. A
  4. A
  5. B
  6. D
  7. D
  8. C
  9. B
Read 1361 times Last modified on Friday, 02 September 2022 06:20