Wednesday, 09 November 2022 08:14

Rope Work - Physical Health Education CBC Grade 6 Revision Notes

Rope Work

Wounded Duck

  • Is a technique which involves rope skipping with toes touching and heels apart, then heels touching and toes apart.

11 wounded duck

Safety Instructions

  • Wear comfortable shoes
  • Use correct grip and rope size
  • Skip the rope on a fat and smooth surface
  • Keep a safe distance from other skippers
  • Use the correct skipping technique and maintain the correct posture
  • Warm up before and cool down afer skipping
  • Land with the balls of the feet
  • Jump .5cm of the ground.
  • Make sure you have enough space
  • Generate the jump rope rotaton using the hrists. Do not throh arms hide

Warm Up Activities

  1. Tagging a partners
    • Look for a partner. Run with your partner within a marked areas youtry to tag each other.
  2. Leg swing
    • Start from a standing positon. Keep the left leg statonary on the ground.
    • Slowly swing the right leg forward and backward hhile keeping it straight.
    • Then change and swing the left leg
  3. Beckoning
    • Stand with both feet comfortably apart.
    • Stretch both arms forward
    • Open and close the fingers contnuously
    • Then stretch the arms sideways and then upwards

Cool Down Activities

  1.  Light walking
    • Walk Slowly around the marked area.
  2. Arm swing
    • Stand with feet comfortably apart.
    • Bend the body forward and swing arms Slowly to the left and to the right

Learning points to perform wounded duck technique

  • Jump over the rope and land with your toes and knees inwards and your heels apart.
  • Jump over the rope and land with your toes and knees outward and your heels touching.
  • Alternate toes touching toes in) and heels touching (toes out). Keep on alternatng toes in toes out to create rhythm.

Swing Kick

  • Is a technique which involves swinging the foot backwards and then kicking it forward as you skip with a rope

12 swing kick

Safety Instructions

  • Ensure you are wearing comfortable shoes
  • Skip while maintaining the correct posture
  • When skipping the rope, land on the balls of the feet.
  • Warm up before and cool down after skipping
  • Generate the rope rotation using the wrists. Do not throw your arms wide.

Warm Up Activities

  1. Tagging a partners
    • Look for a partner. Run with your partner within a marked areas you try to tag each other
  2. Leg swing
    • Start from a standing position. Keep the left leg stationary on the ground.
    • Slowly swing the right leg forward and backward while keeping it straight. Then change and swing the left leg.
  3. Arm circles
    • Put your arms out straight out to the side
    • Start by making small circles with your arms, then slowly progress to larger circles.

Cool Down Activities

  1.  Light walking
    • Walk slowly and leisurely around the marked area
  2.  Arms and legs shake
    • Gently shake your right arm, then your left arm
    • Then shake both arms at the same time. Then shake your right leg and then left leg.

Learning points when performing the swing kick technique

  • Jump over the rope, landing on your right foot and swing your left foot back.
  • Jump over the rope, landing on your right foot again and kick your left foot forward.
  • Jump over the rope, landing on your left foot and swing your right foot back
  • Jump over the rope, landing on your left foot again, and kick your foot forward.
  • Maintain the rhythm of back-kick-back-kick with the feet.

Partner Work

  • Partner work in rope skipping involves skipping the rope with partner.
  • The partners face the same direction or different direction as they skip the rope together.
  • One partner may hold the rope or both may hold as they skip
    1. Face to face technique
      • Involves partners facing each other as they skip the rope
    2. Back to back technique
      • Involves partners standing back to back as they skip the rope
    3. Side by side technique
      • Involves partners standing side by side as they skip the rope

Warm Up Activities

  1. Partner tag
    • In pairs stand one metre away from each other
    • On the command go, one partner tries to tag the other one
    • Keep changing roles
  2. Star jump
    • Start in a crouching position, hands by your ankles.
    • Leap into the air throwing your arms and legs out, in a star shape.
    • As you land, return the hands and the feet to the starting position
    • Repeat the exercise three times
  3. Back and side stretch
    • Stand upright facing forward
    • Raise your hands up towards the sky. Join your fingers and keep the elbow straight
    • Bend back as far as possible, then slowly to one side. Hold the stretch for a few seconds
    • Go back to starting position and change side.

Safety Instructions

  • Chose an appropriate rope
  • Make sure you are skipping in an open, flat and safe space
  • Maintain correct rope skipping technique
  • Generate the rope rotation using the wrist. do not throw your arms wide

NOTE: During partner work

  • Use a skipping rope that is slightly longer than your usual single rope.
  • The partner with the rope during the face to face and back to back techniques should make larger arm circles than usual to include the other jumper.
  • Remember to maintain the correct distance
  • Try to keep the same rhythm and speed with your partner.
  • Communicate with your partner.

Learning points when performing face to face technique

13 face to face technique

  • Stand facing your partner
  • One partner to hold the rope in both hands
  • Arms should be placed at the waist height with the rope behind the turners feet, ready for forward skipping.
  • The turner (the one with the rope) calls, ready, set, go and swings the rope up from behind.
  • Both of you jump together
  • Switch roles

Learning points when performing back to back technique

  • Stand with your partner back to back
  • One partner holds the rope in both hands
  • The turner (the one with the rope) call READY, SET, GO and swings the rope up from behind
  • Both of you jump together
  • Switch roles

Learning points when performing side by side technique

14 side to side technique

  • Stand side by side facing forward with your partner
  • Each of you holds the rope with the outside hand.
  • One partner calls READY, SET, GO
  • Both of you turn the rope from behind and jump together.
Read 2008 times Last modified on Thursday, 10 November 2022 07:45