Grade 6 Midterm Exams Term 1 2023 Set 5

Grade 6 Midterm Exams Term 1 2023 Set 5 (4)

This category comprises of Grade 6 Midterm Exams Term 1 2023 Set 5 with Answers.

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PART 1 (Answer all questions in this section)  

  1. John wanted to colour the wheel below. Which of the following colours are likely to be represented by the letter S, W and P respectively?
    1. Green, white, purple.
    2. Blue, green, yellow.
    3. Red, blue, yellow
    4. Purple, red, green.

Use the diagram below of an apple watermelon and an orange to answer questions 2 and 3. 


  1. Which of the following pairs include forms in the background?
    1. Water melon and orange.
    2. Orange and apple.
    3. Apple and water melon.
    4. Watermelon, apple and orange.
  2. The technique used to shade the forms in the artwork above can be described as
    1. stippling technique
    2. smudge technique
    3. cross hatching technique
    4. painting.
  3. Mutiso drew the diagrams below. Which of the diagrams has a prickly texture?
  4. Karen was painting an imaginative composition. She however realized that she lacked the paintbrush. What alternative did Karen have to use?
    1. Sisal fibre
    2. Carton paper
    3. A piece of Cloth
    4. Canvas.
  5. Grade 5 learners made the pencil case below. Which of the following materials were they likely not to have used?
    1. A pair of scissors C
    2. A ruler
    3. Gouge
    4. Nails.
  6. Mr. Gibson displayed the crayon etched picture below. Which of the following materials was he not likely to have used?
    1. Crayon, markpen, pencil.
    2. Wax crayon, soap, black Indian ink. 
    3. Black water colour, coloured pencil,paint brush.
    4. Palette, brush, scratching tools.
  7. During a group discussion, grade 6 learners listed the following ways of preparing materials for weaving. Which of the following techniques is used to prepare sisal fibres from the sisal leaves?
    1. Cutting
    2. Stripping
    3. Splitting
    4. Scrapping.
  8. During an educational trip at a local cultural centre, Grade 6 learners observed the artefact below. Which of the following techniques was used to decorate the pottery item?
    1. Stamping
    2. Embedding
    3. Incising
    4. Kneading.
  9. Joan stated factors to consider when planning an exhibition of art work. Which one is incorrect?
    1. Proper use of space.
    2. Amount of light in the room.
    3. Labelling of the work.
    4. Background music.
  10. Grace listed the Eastern African counties below. Which of the following lists shows the order from the largest to the smallest country?
    1. Ethiopia, Tanzania, Somalia, Kenya. 
    2. Tanzania, Ethiopia, Somalia, Kenya.
    3. Kenya, Somalia, Tanzania, Ethiopia.
    4. Somalia, Kenya, Ethiopia, Tanzania.
  11. Which of the following lists shows examples of crater lakes in Eastern Africa only? 
    1. L. Paradise, L. Ngozi, L. Shall. B
    2. L. Tanganyika, L. Turkana, L. Tana.
    3. L. Ngozi, L. Nasser, L. Kivu.
    4. L. Kivu, L. Paradise, L. Malawi.
  12. The following are characteristics of a climatic region in Eastern Africa
    1. High rainfall throughout the year. 
    2. Receive convectional rainfall. 
    3. Experiences high humidity.
    4. No distinct dry season.
      The climatic region described above is
      1. mountain climatic region
      2. modified equatorial climatic region.
      3. tropical climatic region
      4. equatorial climatic region.
  13. Rael was asked to name countries crossed by the equator in Eastern Africa. Which of the following is not correct?
    1. Uganda
    2. Kenya
    3. Tanzania
    4. Somalia.
  14. Use the map of Eastern Africa below to answer question 15.  
    After learning about physical features in Eastern Africa, Celine was asked to identify the physical feature marked P. Which of the following responses was correct?
    1. River
    2. Mountain
    3. Rift valley
    4. Plain.
  15. During a Social Studies lesson, Nzau drew the diagram below. Identify the vegetation zones in the parts labeled T, S, R, and Q respectively?
       T   S   R   Q 
     A.   Rainforest   Bamboo   Bare rock   Heath and moorland  
     B.  Bare rock   Heath and moorland   Bamboo    Rainforest
     C.  Heath and moorland   Bare rock    Rainforest  Bamboo 
     D.  Bamboo    Rainforest  Heath and moorland   Bare rock 
  16. Becky defined the meaning of the features on the coat of arms as shown below. Which of the following definition was correct?
    1. Cockerel- A symbol of the political party that led Kenya to independence.
    2. Lions- Means new and prosperous life.
    3. Harambee- Symbol of protection and security.
    4. Mount Kenya- It means pulling together.
  17. The following are reasons for the migration of the Bantu into Eastern Africa. Which one is incorrect? They wanted
    1. to run away from outbreak of diseases
    2. to move away from hostile neighbours
    3. to run away from drought and famine D. trading partners.
    4. trading partners
  18. Grace was discussing the arms of the national government. Which of the arms of the national government implements government policies?
    1. Legislature
    2. Executive
    3. Judiciary
    4. Police service.
  19. The following are benefits of democracy. Which one is incorrect?
    1. Promotes patriotism in the society.
    2. Promotes tribalism and nepotism.
    3. Promotes equality and fairness.
    4. It makes the government accountable and responsible.
  20. During a group discussion, grade 6 learners talked about the functions of a clan. Which of the following is not a function of a clan?
    1. Deciding marriage partners for clan members.
    2. Solving disputes among clan members.
    3. Allocating land to family members.
    4. Punishing wrong doers.
  21. Grade 6 learners asked to name electoral positions that are elected in the general elections in Kenya. Which of the positions is not correct?
    1. President.
    2. Members of national assembly.
    3. Cabinet secretary.
    4. Senator.
  22. Grade 5 learners discussed and listed the importance of the administrative structure in school as shown below. Which of the following is not a role of the administrative structure in a school?
    1. Helps reduce conflict among the leaders.
    2. Promotes peace and order.
    3. Helps in building school structure.
    4. Encourages the school leaders to be responsible as they perform their duties.
  23. A grade 4 learner listed the following uses of soil. Which of the following is an economic use of soil?
    1. For decorative purposes.
    2. For burying the dead.
    3. For making bricks.
    4. Building personal houses.
  24. During a group discussion grade 5 learners listed areas where dairy farming is practiced in Kenya as shown below. Who gave the correct response?
    1. James- Kapenguria, Meru, Embu.
    2. Japheth- Eldoret, Nyandarua, Nakuru.
    3. Joy- Kajiado, Meru, Kakamenga.
    4. Jackie- Bura, Nairobi, Homabay. 
  25. The following are effects of mining. Which one is not a positive effect of mining? Mining
    1. led to development of trade
    2. activities have led to the improvement of transport and communication
    3. has led to destruction of vegetation.
    4. has led to creation of job opportunities.
  26. Petro was performing a patriotic song during a thanksgiving ceremony in his school. The following ways will express his mood except
    1. gestures
    2. phrasing
    3. tempo
    4. building.
  27. During a class discussion, a learner mentioned popular songs as an example of songs. Why are popular songs known to many people? They
    1. are widely listened to
    2. are accompanied by melodic instruments.
    3. are sung happily
    4. educate people.
  28. Mwaura was asked to oversee a certain performance by judging or assessing it to make it better. This process is referred to as
    1. uniformity
    2. accuracy
    3. appraisal
    4. contrast.
  29. A group of learners did a trio performance of Mijikenda song. How many were they?
    1. 5
    2. 3
    3. 2
    4. 4
  30. A folk song is a common song in every community. Which one is not a feature of a folk song?
    1. Climax
    2. Structure
    3. Dance
    4. Mood.
  31. Brian performed Mulele song in a certain speed. The speed of song or music is referred to as
    1. tempo
    2. rhythm
    3. melody
    4. harmony.
  32. A learner made a four- beat count while singing. What does the four beat count stand for?
    1. Crotchet
    2. Semibreve
    3. Minim
    4. Quaver.
  33. Gabriel wrote the word full on a fash card and displayed to his classmates to tell its French rhythm? What was their response?
    1. taa-aa
    2. taa
    3. ta-te
    4. ta
  34. Grade 5 learners performed a folk dance. Who among the following is not a participant in a folk dance?
    1. Singers
    2. Dancers
    3. Audience
    4. Soloist.
  35. During a visit to a supermarket, Prekky saw many body adornments. What are they used for?
    1. To accompany the music.
    2. Decorations on the body of a performer.
    3. Articulation of the sound during singing. 
    4. How dancers arrange themselves when performing.


  1. When we use our talents and abilities well, we shall be promoting
    1. goodness
    2. caring
    3. love
    4. responsibility.
  2. Marriage is a blessing from God. Which one of the following is not an acceptable type of marriage?
    1. Customary marriage.
    2. Early marriage.
    3. Civil marriage
    4. Religious marriage.
  3. Kim has an extended family in Isiolo. Who among the following is an extended family member?
    1. Mother
    2. Aunt
    3. Sister
    4. Father.
  4. Grade 5 learners wanted to engage in a passive leisure activity. Which of the following activities could they engage in?
    1. Reading.
    2. Dancing
    3. Swimming
    4. Bicycle riding.
  5. James learnt that the Bible is the inspired word of God. This is because
    1. God speaks to us through it
    2. we learn to pray through it
    3. it is a special book
    4. it has good words.
  6. The book of Psalms was written by
    1. Paul
    2. Joel
    3. David
    4. Amos.
  7. Moses was given the Ten Commandments by God. The commandment, "Do not steal," is number
    1. 8th
    2. 6th
    3. 4th
    4. 2nd
  8. Samson had power and energy. What did he pick and used it to kill a thousand men?
    1. Stone
    2. Sling
    3. Jawbone
    4. Rod.
  9. Jacob wrestled with God. What does it show?
    1. Hope
    2. Hatred
    3. Disobedience.
    4. Determination
  10. After Jesus was baptized, he was tempted by Satan how many times?
    1. 2
    2. 3
    3. 5
    4. 1
  11. Boaz was walking in class. His teacher asked him not to show negative emotion. Which one is a negative emotion he likely showed?
    1. Happiness
    2. Anxiety
    3. Hope.
    4. Trust.
  12. Ambusa was a new learner inhis class. Which one of the following is a quality of a good friend he should choose?
    1. Honest
    2. Boastful
    3. Proud
    4. Selfish.
  13. Kings used to lead people in the past days. Which king persecuted Christians of the early church?
    1. David
    2. Herod
    3. Ahab
    4. Solomon.
  14. A grade 6 learner wanted to make a poem on gifts of the Holy Spirit. Which one of the following is not a gift of the Holy Spirit?
    1. Wisdom
    2. Faith
    3. Knowledge
    4. Unity.


  1. Mohamed lost his father in a road accident. His friends advised him to be patient. In which surah did they derive the advice?
    1. Maun
    2. Nas
    3. Asr
    4. Masad.
  2. Amina was asked by her teacher to recite any surah from the holy Qur'an. She recited a surah mentioning the word "hutwamah". Which surah did she recite?
    1. Tiyn
    2. Humaza
    3. Fiyl
    4. Aadiyaat.
  3. Below is a posture of swalah. Which adhkaar is recited in this posture?
    1. Rabbi ghfilii.
    2. Subhaana rabiyyal adhhem.
    3. Subhaana rabbiyaal aaala.
    4. Samiallahu liman hamidah.
  4. In the hadith on purity of actions, Allah does not look at two things. Which are the two?
    1. Heart and money.
    2. Heart and deeds.
    3. Appearance and wealth.
    4. Appearance and deeds.
  5. While discussing akherah, class 5 pupils learnt that everything will die except Allah. Which attribute of Allah did they discuss? A. AL aliim
    B. AL hafeedh
    D. AL hayyu.
    C. AL wahiid 
  6. Prophets of Allah performed so many miracles. A walking stick changing into a. snake was a miracle performed by nabii 
    1. Musa
    2. Issa
    3. Yusuf
    4. Ibrahim.
  7. Muslims are encouraged to depend on Allah in everything they do. The act of relying on Allah is known as
    1. taqwa
    2. ihsan
    3. taubah
    4. tawwakal.
  8. Which pillar of Islam is performed around the building below?
    1. Alms giving 
    2. Pilgrimage
    3. Swalah
    4. Fasting.
  9. In the battle of Uhud, the Muslims had won at first but later they were defeated by the Quraish. Which vice led to the defeat of the Muslims?
    1. Stealing
    2. Gambling
    3. Disobedience
    4. Dishonesty.
  10. There are so many ways a Muslim can use social media to benefit himself. However some Muslims do not use social media responsibly. Which one of the following is not a way of using social media responsibly?
    1. Listening to music.
    2. Making good friends.
    3. Listening to Qur'an.
    4. Search for information on deen.
  11. Grade five learners were discussing about nullifiers of swalah. They gave the following responses. Who among the following learners gave the wrong response?
    1. Mariam - Shifting from qibla.
    2. AISHA - Passing wind.
    3. Yusuf - Laughing.
    4. Khalid - Bowing.
  12. When a Muslim dies, he undergoes questioning in his grave. Which angels of Allah are tasked with questioning the dead? 
    1. Raqib and Atid
    2. Munkar and Nakiir
    3. Malik and Ridhwan
    4. Jibril and Mikail.
  13. The first revelation is important to every Muslim. From this revelation, a Muslim can learn that it is important to
    1. seek knowledge
    2. have patience
    3. fast during Ramadhan
    4. help the poor.
  14. Translate the following verse into English.
    لْكَوْثَ رَبِّكَ أَعْطَيْنَ - إِنَّا
    1. You alone do we worship and you alone do we ask for help.
    2. Of the jinns and men.
    3. Verily we have granted you a lot of river in paradise.
    4. Did he not make their plan to astray.



  1. C
  2. C
  3. B
  4. C
  5. A
  6. C
  7. A
  8. D
  9. B
  10. D
  11. A
  12. A
  13. D
  14. C
  15. C
  16. B
  17. A
  18. D
  19. B
  20. B
  21. A
  22. C
  23. C
  24. C
  25. B
  26. C
  27. D
  28. A
  29. C
  30. B
  31. C
  32. A
  33. B
  34. A
  35. C
  36. B


  1. D
  2. B
  3. B
  4. A
  5. A
  6. C
  7. A
  8. C
  9. D
  10. B
  11. B
  12. A
  13. B
  14. D


  1. C
  2. B
  3. B
  4. C
  5. D
  6. A
  7. D
  8. B
  9. C
  10. A
  11. D
  12. B
  13. A
  14. C


  1. During a nature walk, Grade 6 pupils collected the following green plants. Which one of the following is an example of a green flowering plant?
    1. Fern
    2. Moss
    3. Fungi
    4. Orange.
  2. John attended a conference on taking care of our ears. Which of the following statements on ways of taking care of our ears is not correct?
    1. Using a clean soft cloth to clean your ears after taking a bath.
    2. Listening to loud music through earphones for a time.
    3. Keeping a safe distance from objects that can hurt your ears.
    4. Using earmuffs in case you are near loud sounds.
  3. During a Science and Technology lesson, Patel named the following examples of muscles in the human body. Which one of the muscles named is not an example of skeletal muscles?
    1. Calf muscles
    2. Biceps
    3. Shin muscles
    4. Cardiac muscles.
  4. Kamau drew the human digestive system below. What is the function of the part labeled K?
    1. Where absorption of water and mineral salts takes place.
    2. Absorption of digested food materials. 
    3. Stores indigestible food materials.
    4. Holds food materials for a while before excretion from the body.
  5. Which of the groups includes vertebrates only?
  6. Below are signs and symptoms of a disease that affects the human breathing system 
    1. Dry and frequent coughs for a long period.
    2. Pain in the chest when coughing. 
    3. Losing weight over a short period of time.
    4. Fever and sweating at night.
      The disease with the above signs and symptoms is likely to be
      1. pneumonia
      2. asthma
      3. tuberculosis
      4. influenza.
  7. A grade 6 pupil drew the diagram below. Identify the parts labeled K, P and W respectively
    1. Left ventricle, vena cava, right auricle
    2. Vena cava, aorta, right ventricle
    3. Left auricle, pulmonary artery, right ventricle 
    4. Right ventricle, aorta, left auricle
  8. Grade 5 learners visited a hospital to learn about water-borne diseases. Which of the following diseases were they not likely to learn about at the hospital?
    1. Bilharzia
    2. Malaria
    3. Dysentery
    4. Typhoid.
  9. On the environment conservation day at Park Ville academy, pupils were asked to collect waste in the market. Which of the following protective clothing were they not likely to wear while handling the waste?
    1. Surgical gloves
    2. Dust masks
    3. Goggles
    4. Open shoes.
  10. After learning about gravity, grade 5 pupils were to state how they apply gravity in their everyday life. Who among the following learners gave an incorrect response?
    1. Real - Riding the bicycle downhill without pedaling
    2. Jones - Drying of clothes on a drying line
    3. Aisha - Sliding down a slide.
    4. Joey - Pumping water from a borehole
  11. During a computing lesson, grade 6 pupils were to state safety precautions to observe when using computing devices. Who among the learners gave a correct precautionary measure?
    1. John - do not give personal information to strangers in the Internet.
    2. Peter- Do not delete content in a shared digital device unless advised to do so.
    3. Catherine-Avoid visiting websites you are not familiar with.
    4. Jaylene- Do not use the Internet to bully others.
  12. Kasyoki composed the drawing below showing a summary of the changes in states of matter. Which of the labelled processes involves loss of heat?
    1. p and q 
    2. f and g
    3. p and g
    4. f and q
  13. One day, John looked at the sky at noon time and saw the following heavenly bodies. Which one of them did he not see in the sky?
    1. Clouds
    2. Sun
    3. Moon
    4. Stars.
  14. During a nature walk in the school farm a grade 6 pupil up rooted a plant that had the roots shown below.
    Which of the following plants have similar roots?
    1. Maize plants
    2. Bean plants
    3. Kales plants
    4. Green gram plants.
  15. Hamisi wrote the following characteristics of invertebrates.
    1. Their body is divided into three body parts.
    2. They have an antenna.
    3. Their body is divided into two parts.
    4. Have simple eyes.
    5. They have a moist skin.
      Which of the following pairs consists of characteristics of arachnids only?
      1. (i) and (v)
      2. (iv) and (i)
      3. (iii) and (iv)
      4. (i) and (ii)
  16. Grade 4 learners wanted to play their favourite " game. Which of the following sites is safe for the play activities they would engage in?
    1. Near bushy areas.
    2. Around the busy highway.
    3. In a valley.
    4. In a flat play ground.
  17. A certain hospital had a chart with the following common illnesses that affected people in their community. Which one is not among the common illnesses?
    1. Covid 19
    2. Diarrhoea
    3. Vomiting
    4. Coughing.
  18. Favour was asked to clean their cemented floor. Which of the following tools will be appropriate for him to use?
    1. Cob web remover.
    2. Toilet brush.
    3. Bar soap.
    4. Long hand hard brush.
  19. After walking home during a rainy season, Petro wanted to clean his canvas shoes. Which one of the following will be his first step? 
    1. Remove any mud from shoe soles.
    2. Remove the shoe laces.
    3. Hit the shoes gently against each other.
    4. Remove the insoles from the shoes. 
  20. During a community walk, grade six learners wanted to support the community with a fuel that can serve all purposes at home. Which one of the following fuels would be their best choice?
    1. Gas
    2. Firewood
    3. Electricity
    4. Paraffin.
  21. Banice had the following needle work tool. What will he use it for?
    1. Cutting cloth.
    2. Measuring.
    3. Holding pieces of cloth. 
    4. Pushing the needle.
  22. Mambo a pre-teen adolescent started experiencing mood swings and other changes on his body. Which is likely to be his age bracket?
    1. 9 -12
    2. 9 -19
    3. 8-20
    4. 7-11
  23. Our school team wanted to buy a uniform for their upcoming match. The following are factors they will consider when buying the uniform. Which one is not?
    1. It should be of the right material.
    2. It should be affordable.
    3. Should be of same colour.
    4. Should be of same size.
  24. Shakilla wanted to improvise a duster for their class. Which of the following pairs shows the materials that she will use to make a workable duster?
    1. Old slippers and blankets.
    2. Old newspapers and twigs.
    3. Cardboard and jerry can.
    4. Coconut fibres and sisal fibres.
  25. A grade 5 learner had a poster written, "DISEASES TRANSMITTED THROUGH INSECTS." Which of these diseases was the poster talking about?
    1. Measles
    2. Malaria
    3. Colds
    4. Chickenpox.
  26. A farmer wanted to advertise his eggs. Which one of the following media will reach many customers?
    1. Smart phones
    2. Radio
    3. Newspaper
    4. Posters.
  27. Wise buying has many benefits to any buyer. The following are some of its benefits. Which one is not?
    1. Getting value for your money.
    2. Prevents overspending.
    3. Promotes impulse buying.
    4. Helps one obtain goods and services at best prices.
  28. Food provides our bodies with different nutrients. Which of the following is a micro nutrient we get from food?
    1. Vitamins
    2. Carbohydrates
    3. Proteins
    4. Lipids
  29. The picture below shows the health status of a certain child. What was the child suffering from?
    1. Goiture
    2. Marasmus
    3. Kwashiorkor
    4. Rickets
  30. Mbuma wanted to repair his trouser that had a hole on the knee. Which will be the best stitch for him to use?
    1. Backstitch
    2. Over sewing stitch
    3. Loop stitch
    4. Satin stitch.
  31. The following are aspects of good grooming. Which aspect is about positive conduct when socializing with people?
    1. Personal hygiene
    2. Dressing
    3. Etiquette
    4. Exercise.
  32. Timiza Academy soccer team has a daily routine that involves running around the school field. The following are desirable outcomes of that except
    1. makes one look strong
    2. helps one become overweight
    3. reduces chances of getting lifestyle diseases 
    4. helps one to have strong bones.
  33. Fatuma likes wearing necklaces while going for recreational retreat. Which of the following belongs to same group as the necklace she wears?
    1. Caps
    2. Hair dye
    3. Deodorants
    4. Face powder.
  34. A patient was diagnosed with diabetes. The following are measures the patient will observe to prevent further illnesses. Which one is not?
    1. Doing exercise regularly.
    2. Eating foods with high sugar. 
    3. Reducing foods with fats.
    4. Drinking plenty of water.
  35. A farmer noticed that part of his farm soil had reduced and increased in another part. Which of the following processes may have taken place respectively?
    1. Erosion and mulching
    2. Irrigation and deposition 
    3. Deposition and erosion
    4. Erosion and deposition.
  36. Zipporah wrote types of soil erosion on different flash cards. Which flash card was wrong?
  37. Nimwak's father made an organic waste pit. Which of the following is an importance of the pit waste materials to the soil?
    1. Provides nutrients to plants. 
    2. Improves soil ability to hold water.
    3. Improves movement of air in the soil.
    4. Fastens breakdown of soil.
  38. Juliet wanted to help her father on ways of conserving water in the farm. Which of the following ways would not be effective in conserving water?
    1. Mulching
    2. Shading
    3. Cover cropping
    4. Thinning.
  39. Abdala had devised many ways of scaring away wild animals from his farm. His best method was use of sound. Which one of the following is a method that involves use of sound?
    1. Rattle metals
    2. Euphorbia
    3. Scare crow
    4. Electric lights.
  40. A grade 5 leaner mounted climbers on a manila in class. Which of the following groups comprises of climbing fruit trees only?
    1. Passion fruit and beans.
    2. Kiwi and grapes.
    3. Raspberries and avocado.
    4. Black berries and soya beans.
  41. Grade 6 learners were asked to plant a passion fruit in small containers. Which of the following methods will they use to care for the plant?
    1. Ploughing and weeding
    2. Irrigation and thinning
    3. Watering and weeding
    4. Ploughing and watering.
  42. Wambua was matching indigenous crops with their edible parts. Which one of the following is correctly matched with the part we eat?
    1. Spider weed - Leaves
    2. Cassava - Stem
    3. Sorghum - Roots
    4. Sweet potato - Stem
  43. During a rugby game, Moses pulled out the tag from the ball carrying striker to restrict their attack to the try line. This skill shown by Moses is referred to as
    1. Offside
    2. Tagging
    3. Passing
    4. Scoring
  44. A player performed the skill below. What was the intention of performing the skill?
    1. To cut the opponent.
    2. To score.
    3. To mark an opponent.
    4. To evade the opponent.
  45. Fiona likes swimming. Her best as show below. Which swimming skill does she use?
    1. Backstroke
    2. Breaststroke
    3. Free style
    4. Butter fly.
  46. A shoulder roll should be performed on one shoulder. Why should players use one shoulder?
    1. To move faster.
    2. To roll in motion.
    3. To prevent injuries.
    4. To balance the hip.
  47. A grade 5 learner drew a circle and performed the skill shown below. Which tool performs as the skill being practiced?
    1. Hammer
    2. Cartwheel
    3. Wheel barrow
    4. Long jump tool.
  48. An athlete had an injury and his doctor put ice cubes on the wound. Why did he put the ice cubes? To
    1. kill germs
    2. smoothen the wound
    3. stop bleeding
    4. cool the temperatures near the wound.
  49. When performing a crouch start, the following commands are given. At which command does one raise the hips slightly higher with both legs bending?
    1. On your marks
    2. Ready
    3. Set
    4. Go.
  50. Grade 6 learners were asked to name materia that can be used to make a shot put. Which o the following materials was correctly named?
    1. Grass
    2. Old clothes
    3. Brass
    4. Silver.


  1. D
  2. B
  3. D
  4. B
  5. D
  6. C
  7. A
  8. B
  9. D
  10. B
  11. A
  12. A
  13. D
  14. A
  15. C
  16. D
  17. A
  18. D
  19. B
  20. C
  21. D
  22. A
  23. D
  24. A
  25. B
  26. B
  27. C
  28. D
  29. B
  30. D
  31. C
  32. B
  33. A
  34. B
  35. D
  36. B
  37. A
  38. D
  39. A
  40. B
  41. C
  42. A
  43. B
  44. D
  45. B
  46. C
  47. B
  48. D
  49. C
  50. C

Soma kifungu hiki kisha ujibu swali la 1-5.


Tuta na Twita walikuwa wavulana. Walipendana kama chanda na pete. Walisoma katika shule moja.
Ajabu ni kwamba wote walikuwa na umri sawa. Walikuwa wakisoma kuanzia Jumatatu hadi Ijumaa.
Jumamosi na Jumapili walipumzika nyumbani kwao na kufanya kazi za ziada kutoka shuleni. Baada ya
kumaliza kazi za ziada, walipendelea kuenda kucheza.

Siku moja Tuta na Twita waliamua kwenda msituni kuwinda ndege kwa manati. Ilikuwa siku ya
Jumapilii. Walipofika msituni, waliendelea kuwawinda ndege. Waliendelea na mchezo wao hadi masaa ya
adhuhuri. Tuta akamwuliza Twita," Rafiki yangu,tutakula nini? Mimi ninahisi njaa!" Twita akasema "Mimi
nina kiporo ndani ya mfuko wa kaptura yangu. Sina wasiwasi!"


  1. Tuta na Twita walikuwa wavulana ndiko kusema
    1. walikuwa vijana
    2. walikuwa watoto wa kiume
    3. walikuwa duma
    4. walikuwa wanaume.
  2. Walipendana kama chanda na pete inamaanisha
    1. walipendana sana
    2. walipendana kidogo tu
    3. walipenda pete na chanda
    4. walikuwa wapenzi. 
  3. Wote wawili walikuwa na umri sawa. Kumaanisha walikuwa
    1. pacha
    2. ndugu
    3. marika
    4. kaka.
  4. Ni yupi aliyehisi njaa walipokuwa msituni?
    1. Hatujaambiwa 
    2. Twita
    3. Tuta
    4. Rafiki.
  5. Twita alikuwa na kiporo. Hiki ni chakula
    1. cha nyama
    2. cha ugali
    3. kilicholala
    4. cha msituni.

Soma kifungu kifuatacho kisha ujibu swali la 6-10.  

Mama aliniacha nyumbani na mtoto wetu mdogo. Nilimpenda sana mtoto wetu Nurika. Tulicheza na kucheka pamoja. Nilimwimbia wimbo mzuri. Nurika alikuwa mtoto mwenye furaha. Mara nilisikia mlango wa nyumba ukigongwa. Nikaitikia, "karibu!" Nilidhani ni rafiki yangu Sifu aliyekuja kwetu kucheza

Nilipoufungua mlango, nilimwona mtu mgeni kabisa Akaniuliza, "Mama yako yuko wapi?" Nilimjibu, "Ameenda sokoni." Mgeni aliketi hata kabla nimwambie aketi.Akaniambia:"Mimi ni rafiki ya mama yako. Nitamngoja mpaka aje kutoka sokoni. Nenda dukani ukaniletee soda ninywe nikimsubiri, Nina kiu sana!" Alinipa pesa.Nikakimbia dukani kumletea soda.

Nilipotoka dukani, sikumkuta. Alitoweka na mtoto wetu Nurika. Polisi bado wanamtafuta mama huyo.


  1. Mwandishi alipoondoka alimwachia nani mtoto?
    1. Mama yangu
    2. Mama mgeni
    3. Nyanya
    4. Nurika.
  2. Aliyebisha mlango bila shaka alisema nini?
    1. Karibu
    2. Hodi
    3. Niingie
    4. Nani yupo?
  3. Mgeni aliyeingia alikuwa
    1. mwanamke
    2. rafiki
    3. askari
    4. mwanamume.
  4. Mgeni alimtuma mwandishi soda ili
    1. akunywe
    2. anywe
    3. akule
    4. ya kukunywa.
  5. Kulingana na kisa hiki mgeni alikuwa na tabia gani?
    1. Mkweli
    2. Mzalendo
    3. Mwema
    4. Mwenye mkono mrefu.

Soma kifungu hiki kisha ujibu maswali 11-15.   


Magari yoyote ya kuwabebea abiria huitwa matwana. Katika matwana mna mabasi au kwa umoja basi. zipo matatu au kwa jina jingine ni daladala. Magari yote haya hulipisha nauli ndipo yatoe huduma za usafiri. Anayelipa nauli ili asafiri huitwa abiria. Mahali ambapo magari yote huegeshwa ili yaanze safari tena upya huitwa kituoni au stesheni ya mabasi au kituo cha matwana.

`Anayeendesha gari huitwa dereva. Anayemsaidia dereva kupanga abiria ni utingo. Yeye ndiye
anayepokea nauli. Hulipisha abiria kulingana na mahali wanapoenda iwapo ni mbali au karibu. Matwana
husimama kwa muda mfupi stanini ili kushusha au kubeba abiria. Madereva wanafaa kuyaendesha magari kwa utaratibu mkubwa ili kuzuia ajali.


  1. Magari ya kuwabeba abiria kwa jina maalum ni
    1. matwana
    2. matatu
    3. mabasi
    4. daladala.
  2. Malipo anayotozwa abiria ili asafiri ni
    1. tikiti
    2. ada
    3. risiti
    4. nauli.
  3. Watu wanaotumia magari kusafiri wanaitwa
    1. wasafiri
    2. wafanyikazi
    3. abiria
    4. utingo. 
  4. Dereva ni mtu ambaye ________________________________ gari.
    1. huongoza
    2. huendesha
    3. hupeleka
    4. huchukua
  5. Ajali nyingi husababishwa na madereva
    1. wasiomakinika
    2. wenye utaratibu
    3. wanaomakinika
    4. waangalifu.

Jaza mapengo kwa majibu sahihi. 

Chakula ___16___ kitamu watu hufurahia. Mimi hupenda chakula ___17___ na ___18___. Sitaki ___19___
chakula ___20___kwa sababu husababisha maradhi ya tumbo

   A   B   C   D 
 16.   kikiwa   ikiwa   ukiwa   yakiwa 
 17.  nzuri  mzuri   tamu   kitamu
 18.  kisa  safi  mzuri  nyingi
 19.  nile  nikule   kukula   kuikula 
 20.  chafu  kichafu   mchafu   uchafu 

Chagua jibu mwafaka kulingana na maagizo.  

  1. Kiungo cha kusafisha hewa ni
    1. maini
    2. figo
    3. moyo
    4. pafu. 
  2. Miti _________________________ ilikatwa ni hii.
    1. ambao
    2. ambaye
    3. ambayo
    4. ambazo 
  3. Mchezo wa kuvutana kwa kamba ni
    1. ndondi
    2. njugwe
    3. jugwe
    4. mwereka
  4. Ukubwa wa nguo ni
    1. manguo
    2. guo
    3. kiguo
    4. vinguo
  5. Kitenzi 'cheza' katika hali ya mazoea ni
    1. hucheza
    2. amecheza
    3. hajacheza
    4. atacheza.
  6. Kivumishi kionyeshi ni kipi katika sentensi ifuatayo?
    Watoto hao watacheza vizuri sana
    1. Sana
    2. Vizuri
    3. Hao
    4. Watoto.
  7. Kiambishi cha nafsi ya pili katika wingi ni
    1. yeye
    2. wewe
    3. wao
    4. nyinyi. 
  8. Akifisha sentensi ifuatayo.
    Mbona unatembea polepole
    1. !
    2. ?
    3. :
    4. ,
  9. Chagua jozi ya vitate.
    1. cheka - chora 
    2. fika - pika
    3. buda - bunda
    4. gamba - gumba
  10. Msimu wa baridi kali ni
    1. kipupwe
    2. kiangazi
    3. vuli
    4. masika.


Mwandikie rafiki yako barua ukimshauri jinsi ya kufaulu katika masomo.


  1. B
  2. A
  3. C
  4. B
  5. C
  6. B
  7. B
  8. A
  9. B
  10. D
  11. A
  12. D
  13. C
  14. B
  15. A
  16. A
  17. D
  18. B
  19. A
  20. B
  21. D
  22. C
  23. B
  24. B
  25. A
  26. C
  27. D
  28. B
  29. C
  30. A

Read the passage below and answer questions 1 to 4.

Martin burped loudly at the table. Father chuckled. Grandma shook her head disapprovingly.

"Martin!" His mother growled, eyeing her husband grumpily as well. She had quite had enough of this behavior, and decided to finally fix it. He burped again and then he wiped his mouth on the table cloth. "Man I am so charming!" He chuckled.

"Martin unless you want to do the laundry and you want to start eating out of a dog's bowl, I suggest you find some manners." "Like what? Martin groaned, leaning on the table with both elbows. "Elbows off the table." Martin lifted his elbows and fidgeted with his napkin. "The napkin goes on your lap," mother ordered, "and no eating with your fingers."

Martin sighed and peeking out the corners of his eyes at his mom, he grabbed his spoon and started shoveling food into his mouth with his face about two inches off the plate. Speed eating was fun. He liked to see how much he could get into his mouth at once.

"Whoa there! I had no idea this was a feeding trough," mother laughed. Try using a fork, sitting up and closing your mouth when you chew. If you can't get the fork to your mouth without spilling the food on your lap, you are overloading it."

"Then it takes forever to eat, and I want to go and watch TV." Martin whined. "You will eat properly, and you will stay and have a discussion with us until we are all done with our meals. This is not a
drive-through. Eat slowly and neatly, and then help me wash the dishes."
"But..." Martin began to protest.
"Dog bowl?" Mother offered.

"No, thank you." Martin said softly, which made grandma smile. Mother smiled when Martin lifted a carefully -loaded fork of food to his mouth closed. "Excellent. You might still make someone a good husband." Father cleared his throat and ate neatly, too. He didn't get a complement though.


  1. Which one of the following activities did Martin not do while eating?
    1. Leaning on the table with both elbows.
    2. Spilling the food on his lap.
    3. Eating everyone's food.
    4. Burping loudly at the table.
  2. What shows that Martin learnt a lesson? He
    1. lifted a carefully loaded fork of food to his mouth closed.
    2. lifted his elbows and fidgeted with a napkin.
    3. used the table cloth to wipe his mouth.
    4. burped at the table.
  3. Why was Martin complemented? He
    1. started practicing some manners
    2. helped his mother to wash some dishes
    3. peeked out the corners of his eyes at his mom
    4. had a discussion with the family.
  4. Which proverb can best summarize the story?
    1. All work without play makes Jack a dull boy.
    2. Courtesy costs nothing. 
    3. Prevention is better than cure.
    4. Every cloud has a silver lining.

Read the passage below and answer questions 5 to 9.


Once upon a time there was a parrot. His name was Chiriku. He lived on a Mango tree, where he had made a nice nest. Chiriku was a Lovely and intelligent parrot. Not only had he a sweet voice but he also had a natural gift of imitating the voices of many things such as a crying child, coughing person, barking dog, singing of other birds and so on. It was a great pleasure to hear him singing. Whoever was near that Mango tree was pleased to hear him singing or for his imitation. 

During the dry season the parrot on this particular day woke up feeling very thirsty. He flew around in that area in search of water but unfortunately, he could not find water anywhere. He was so thirsty that he could not live any longer without water. As he flew for a long time to get water, he was so tired so he sat on a branch of a tree to take rest. While he was sitting on the tree, he saw a pot of water under the tree. On seeing the pot, he was very pleased and rushed to the pot to drink water.


  1. Where was Chiriku staying?
    1. On a Mango tree.
    2. On a branch of a tree.
    3. In the forest.
    4. Near the tree.
  2. People became happy when they
    1. heard the parrot singing
    2. passed near the mango tree 
    3. saw the nice nest
    4. saw the good parrot.
  3. The parrot was ________________________.
    1. fortunate and hungry
    2. lovely and nice.
    3. lovely and intelligent
    4. intelligent and ugly
  4. Why did the parrot sit on the branch of a tree?
    1. He was very hungry.
    2. He had found a pot of water.
    3. To drink water because he was thirsty.
    4. He was tired and wanted to rest.
  5. In the last sentence the word rushed is underlined. It means
    1. go slowly
    2. go lazy
    3. go very quickly
    4. to rest.

Read the passage below and answer questions 10 to 15.

One day my mother whipped me for not taking my chores seriously. I did not clean the house properly and when she returned from the market, where she had gone to sell grocery, she could not spare me. After that, I sadly retreated to my bed and soon I was deeply asleep.

I then ran away into a very deep wilderness home far away from my parents. It was so peaceful and tranquil. For once my mother would not be there with her do's and don'ts. My life would have no sadness of any kind or so I thought.

Things however changed one afternoon when strong winds accompanied by lightning struck the ground several times. All the living things I had lived with for months retreated to their respective abodes. Rodents were the first to leave for their holes. Birds complained that their homes were being shaken and
flew away to different homes elsewhere. I was left alone and the worst happened. The final lightning
struck my home setting it ablaze

For the first time in my life I longed for home, our nice home where everyone was present. I had no choice but to go home. It took a while but as I was about to reach home my mother shook me up! I was
almost late for school.


  1. The writer was punished because she was
    1. diligent
    2. responsible
    3. lazy
    4. hardworking. 
  2. Which of the following qualities was not found in the writer's new home?
    1. Peace
    2. Disturbance
    3. Absence of commands
    4. Happiness.
  3. The word 'abode' has been used. It can be  replaced by the word.
    1. home
    2. peaceful
    3. goal
    4. factory
  4. Which of the following does not explain why the writer ran away from home?
    1. She did not accept to be corrected.
    2. She wanted to find a new school.
    3. There wasn't peace at home.
    4. She wanted to be free of problems.
  5. It is true to say that
    1. the writer slept while upset
    2. she ate her supper when very sad
    3. the writer's father sided with her mother
    4. she built her home on top of trees.
  6. The best title for the passage above is
    1. Chores.
    2. My mother's punishment. 
    3. A horrible dream.
    4. Thunder and lightning.

Fill in the blank spaces 16-20 by using the best answer.   

Stenca, the chameleon was very disturbed. He did not ___16___ the fact that he ___17___changing colour whenever he moved ___18___one place to another ___19___. Even ___20___as he changed colour he also changed his mind!

   A   B   C   D 
 16.   like   liking   liked   likes 
 17.  keeps   kept   keeps   keep 
 18.  for   with   from   on 
 19.  all the time   yesterday    tomorrow   easily 
 20.  badder  worser  worse  worst


For questions 21 to 30, fill in blank spaces with the correct alternative from the choices given.  

  1. Neither Nyokabi  ____________________________Kwamboka  was present. 
    1. and
    2. or
    3. nor
    4. but
  2. Please give us _____________________________ tea.
    1. a lot
    2. much 
    3. many
    4. some
  3. We need water. There is ___________________ left in the jug.
    1. little
    2. some
    3. a little
    4. much
  4. The carpenter is __________________________ the door today.
    1. fitting
    2. fit
    3. fitted
    4. fiting
  5. The football fans ________________________________excitedly.
    1. claps
    2. was clapping
    3. are clap
    4. clapped
  6. He had faith _______________________________ God.
    1. in
    2. for
    3. of
    4. from
  7. She is good ________________________________drawing.
    1. at
    2. in
    3. of
    4. for
  8. Her aunt was seriously sick yesterday ___________________________today she is better.
    1. or
    2. but
    3. so
    4. and
  9. September was the ____________________________________month of the year.
    1. hotter
    2. hot
    3. hottest
    4. most hot
  10. The green book is ______________________________ expensive than the orange book.
    1. most
    2. more
    3. much
    4. a lot


  • You have 40 minutes to write your composition.

Write an interesting composition about;



  1. C
  2. A
  3. A
  4. B
  5. A
  6. A
  7. C
  8. D
  9. C
  10. C
  11. B
  12. A
  13. B
  14. A
  15. C
  16. A
  17. B
  18. C
  19. A
  20. C
  21. C
  22. D
  23. A
  24. A
  25. D
  26. A
  27. A
  28. B
  29. C
  30. B