Grade 6 KLB Visionary Art and Craft - Grade 6 Schemes of Work Term 1 2023

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Strand /Theme


Specific-Learning outcomes

Key Inquiry Question(S)

Learning/ Teaching Experience

Learning Resources         

Assessment Methods




Picture Making

Drawing; Stippling Technique

By the end of the sub-strand, the learner should be able to:

  1. Explain the meaning of stippling technique.
  2. Watch a video on how to shade using stippling technique.
  3. Appreciate stippling technique in drawing.


What pictures have you identified from the digital device? 

How is shading achieved in the pictures?

Learners are guided to define the meaning of stippling technique. 

In groups, learners are guided to watch a video on how to shade using stippling technique.

  • Pictures
  • Photographs
  • Digital devices
  • Computing devices

KLB Art and Craft Learner’s Book Grade 6 pg. 1-2

Oral questions

Oral Report





Picture Making

Creating dark and light effect using stippling technique

By the end of the sub-strand, the learner should be able to:

  1. Outline the steps to follow when creating dark and light effect using stippling technique.
  2. Practice creating dark and light effects in drawings using stippling technique.
  3. Have fun and enjoy creating dark and light effects in drawing using stippling technique.

Why do some parts in the drawing appear light and others dark? 

How are the dark and light parts created in the picture?

Learners are guided to list the materials and tools needed to create dark and light effect using stippling technique. 

Learners are guided to outline the steps to follow when creating dark and light effect using stippling technique. 

Learners are guided to practice gradual change from dark to light using stippling technique.

  • Papers
  • Pencils
  • Sharpeners
  • Erasers
  • Ruler
  • Pictures
  • Photographs
  • Digital devices
  • Computing devices

KLB Art and Craft Learner’s Book Grade 6 pg. 3-4

Oral questions

Oral Report





Picture Making

Drawing an imaginative composition;

Balance forms

Proportion of forms


By the end of the sub-strand, the learner should be able to:

  1. Define the meaning of balance of forms and proportion of forms.
  2. Drawing a calabash and a guard, ensuring correct balance forms and proportion of the forms.
  3. Appreciate the importance of balance of forms and proportion of forms in drawing.

How has balance of forms been achieved in the composition? 

Why is proportion of forms important when drawing a composition?

Learners are guided to define the meaning of balance of forms and proportion of forms. 

Learners are guided to drawing a calabash and a guard, ensuring correct balance forms and proportion of the forms.

  • Papers
  • Pencils
  • Sharpeners
  • Erasers
  • Rulers
  • Pictures
  • Photographs
  • Digital devices
  • Computing devices

KLB Art and Craft Learner’s Book Grade 6 pg. 4-6

Oral questions

Oral Report





Picture Making

Textural effects

By the end of the sub-strand, the learner should be able to:

  1. Define the meaning of textural effect.
  2. Practice creating varying textural effects on the drawings using stippling technique.
  3. Appreciate the importance of textural effect in drawing.

What type of texture can you identify in the composition? 

How were the textural effects created?

Learners are guided to define the meaning of textural effect. 

Learners are guided to practice creating varying textural effects on the drawings using stippling technique.

  • Papers
  • Pencils
  • Sharpeners
  • Erasers
  • Rulers
  • Pictures
  • Photographs
  • Digital devices
  • Computing devices

KLB Art and Craft Learner’s Book Grade 6 pg. 6-7

Oral questions

Oral Report





Picture Making

How to draw overlapped forms and shade using stippling technique.


By the end of the sub-strand, the learner should be able to:

  1. Outline the steps to follow when drawing overlapped forms and shade using stippling technique.
  2. Draw overlapped forms and shade using stippling technique.
  3. Have fun and enjoy drawing overlapped forms and shading using stippling technique.

What is the meaning of overlapping of forms?

Learners are guided to outline the steps to follow when drawing overlapped forms and shade using stippling technique. 

Learners are guided to draw overlapped forms and shade using stippling technique.

  • Papers
  • Pencils
  • Sharpeners
  • Erasers
  • Rulers
  • Pictures
  • Photographs
  • Digital devices
  • Computing devices

KLB Art and Craft Learner’s Book Grade 6 pg. 7-10

Oral questions

Oral Report





Picture Making

Imaginative Composition

By the end of the sub-strand, the learner should be able to:

  1. Explain the meaning of imaginative composition.
  2. Observe virtual samples of imaginative composition of fruits.
  3. Appreciate imaginative composition drawing.

How is shading achieved in the drawing?

Learners are guided to define the meaning of imaginative composition. 

In groups, learners are guided to observe virtual samples of imaginative composition of fruits.

  • Papers
  • Pencils
  • Sharpeners
  • Erasers
  • Rulers
  • Pictures
  • Photographs
  • Digital devices
  • Computing devices

KLB Art and Craft Learner’s Book Grade 6 pg. 11

Oral questions

Oral Report





Picture Making

Drawing an imaginative composition; Textural effect

By the end of the sub-strand, the learner should be able to:

  1. Identify textural composition in a drawing composition.
  2. Create textural effects and achieve balance of forms on a drawing of a twig, leaves and fruits using stippling technique.
  3. Appreciate the importance of textural effects on a drawing.

How to achieve balance of forms in an imaginative composition?

Learners are guided to identify textural composition in a drawing composition. 

Learners are guided to create textural effects and achieve balance of forms on a drawing of a twig, leaves and fruits using stippling technique,

  • Papers
  • Pencils
  • Sharpeners
  • Erasers
  • Rulers
  • Pictures
  • Photographs
  • Digital devices
  • Computing devices

KLB Art and Craft Learner’s Book Grade 6 pg. 12-13

Oral questions

Oral Report





Picture Making

Proportion of forms

By the end of the sub-strand, the learner should be able to:

  1. Identify proportion of forms in a drawing composition.
  2. Draw a composition of a twig with two leaves and a fruit from imagination and shade the composition using the stippling technique.
  3. Appreciate the importance of proportion of forms in a drawing composition.

How is the proportion of forms been achieved in the composition?

Learners are guided to identify proportion of forms in a drawing composition. 

Learners are guided to draw a composition of a twig with two leaves and a fruit from imagination and shade the composition using the stippling technique.

  • Papers
  • Pencils
  • Sharpeners
  • Erasers
  • Rulers
  • Pictures
  • Photographs
  • Digital devices
  • Computing devices

KLB Art and Craft Learner’s Book Grade 6 pg. 13-15

Oral questions

Oral Report





Picture Making

Painting; Imaginative Composition

By the end of the sub-strand, the learner should be able to:

  1. Define the meaning of painting.
  2. Analyse examples of imaginative composition paintings from a digital device.
  3. Appreciate imaginative composition painting.

What is the story in the painting? 

What do you think the artist who painted the composition wanted to express?

Learners are guided to define the meaning of painting. 

In pairs, learners are guided to analyse examples of imaginative composition paintings from a digital device.

  • Painting materials
  • Papers
  • Pencils
  • Sharpeners
  • Erasers
  • Rulers
  • Pictures
  • Photographs
  • Digital devices
  • Computing devices

KLB Art and Craft Learner’s Book Grade 6 pg. 16-18

Oral questions

Oral Report





Picture Making

Materials and tools used in painting

By the end of the sub-strand, the learner should be able to:

  1. Identify the materials and tools used in paintings.
  2. Use locally available materials to make his/her own painting brushes.
  3. Appreciate the materials and tools used in paintings.

How do you make painting brushes?

Learners are guided to identify the materials and tools used in paintings. 

Learners are guided to use locally available materials to make his/her own painting brushes. 

Learners are guided to outline the process to make an improvised painting brush.

  • Painting materials
  • Papers
  • Pencils
  • Sharpeners
  • Erasers
  • Rulers
  • Pictures
  • Photographs
  • Digital devices
  • Computing devices

KLB Art and Craft Learner’s Book Grade 6 pg. 18-19

Oral questions

Oral Report





Picture Making

Palettes for mixing paint

By the end of the sub-strand, the learner should be able to:

  1. Identify palettes for mixing paint.
  2. Prepare the materials by trimming, shaping, cutting or applying white paint in readiness for painting.
  3. Appreciate the materials used for making palettes.

How do you make palettes for mixing paints?

Learners are guided to identify palettes for mixing paint. 

Learners are guided to prepare the materials by trimming, shaping, cutting or applying white paint in readiness for painting.

  • Painting materials
  • Papers
  • Pencils
  • Sharpeners
  • Erasers
  • Rulers
  • Pictures
  • Photographs
  • Digital devices
  • Computing devices

KLB Art and Craft Learner’s Book Grade 6 pg. 19-20

Oral questions

Oral Report





Picture Making

Painting on imaginative composition; Centre of interest in a painting

By the end of the sub-strand, the learner should be able to:

  1. Explain the meaning of centre of interest in a painting.
  2. Create a centre of interest in a painting using various methods.
  3. Appreciate the importance of centre of interest in paintings.

What is the meaning of centre of interest in a painting?

Learners are guided to define the meaning of centre of interest in a painting. 

In groups or in pairs, learners are guided to observe actual or virtual samples of paintings that have centre of interest. 

Learners are guided to create a centre of interest in a painting using various methods.

  • Painting materials
  • Papers
  • Pencils
  • Sharpeners
  • Erasers
  • Rulers
  • Pictures
  • Photographs
  • Digital devices
  • Computing devices

KLB Art and Craft Learner’s Book Grade 6 pg. 20

Oral questions

Oral Report





Picture Making

How to create Tonal Value in Painting

By the end of the sub-strand, the learner should be able to:

  1. Identify the areas with light and dark tone in the composition.
  2. Create tonal value on forms in a painting.
  3. Appreciate the importance of tonal value in paintings.

Why are some parts of the forms dark and others light? 

How can you create tonal value on forms in a painting?

Learners are guided to identify the areas with light and dark tone in the composition. 

Learners are guided to create tonal value on forms in a painting.

  • Painting materials
  • Papers
  • Pencils
  • Sharpeners
  • Erasers
  • Rulers
  • Pictures
  • Photographs
  • Digital devices
  • Computing devices

KLB Art and Craft Learner’s Book Grade 6 pg. 21

Oral questions

Oral Report





Picture Making

Proportion in Painting

By the end of the sub-strand, the learner should be able to:

  1. Explain the meaning of proportion in painting.
  2. Paint an imaginative composition based on a sports activity.
  3. Have fun and enjoy painting an imaginative composition.

How can you ensure proportionality of forms when painting a composition?

Learners are guided to define the meaning of proportion in painting. 

Learners are guided to paint an imaginative composition based on a sports activity.

  • Painting materials
  • Papers
  • Pencils
  • Sharpeners
  • Erasers
  • Rulers
  • Pictures
  • Photographs
  • Digital devices
  • Computing devices

KLB Art and Craft Learner’s Book Grade 6 pg. 21-24

Oral questions

Oral Report





Picture Making

Montage; Pictorial composition

By the end of the sub-strand, the learner should be able to:

  1. Explain the meaning of montage.
  2. Discuss the characteristics of montage composition.
  3. Appreciate the importance of montage composition.

What is the meaning of montage composition? 

What are the characteristics of montage composition?

Learners are guided to define the meaning of montage. 

In groups, learners are guided to discuss the characteristics of montage composition.

  • Painting materials
  • Papers
  • Pencils
  • Sharpeners
  • Erasers
  • Rulers
  • Pictures
  • Photographs
  • Digital devices
  • Computing devices

KLB Art and Craft Learner’s Book Grade 6 pg. 25-26

Oral questions

Oral Report





Picture Making

Interpretation of subject matter

By the end of the sub-strand, the learner should be able to:

  1. Identify the materials used to make montage composition.
  2. Interpret subject matter of montage composition.
  3. Appreciate interpretation of subject matter in montage composition.

How to interpret subject matter of a montage composition?

Learners are guided to identify the materials used to make montage composition. 

In groups, learners are guided to interpret subject matter of montage composition. 

In groups, learners are guided to use digital devices to visit a number of websites showing montage pictures and learn more about this technique of picture making.

  • Painting materials
  • Papers
  • Pencils
  • Sharpeners
  • Erasers
  • Rulers
  • Pictures
  • Photographs
  • Digital devices
  • Computing devices

KLB Art and Craft Learner’s Book Grade 6 pg. 26-27

Oral questions

Oral Report





Picture Making

Mounting surfaces

By the end of the sub-strand, the learner should be able to:

  1. Identify mounting surfaces.
  2. Collet and prepare mounting surfaces for making montage compositions.
  3. Appreciate the use of mounting surfaces.

What are mounting surfaces? 

How to prepare mounting surfaces for making montage compositions?

Learners are guided to identify mounting surfaces. 

In groups, learners are guided to collect and prepare mounting surfaces for making montage compositions.

  • Painting materials
  • Papers
  • Pencils
  • Sharpeners
  • Erasers
  • Rulers
  • Pictures
  • Photographs
  • Digital devices
  • Computing devices

KLB Art and Craft Learner’s Book Grade 6 pg. 27-29

Oral questions

Oral Report





Picture Making

How to create a montage pictorial composition on wild animals

By the end of the sub-strand, the learner should be able to:

  1. Outline the procedure to follow when creating a montage composition based on wild animals.
  2. Create a montage composition based on wild animals.
  3. Have fun and enjoy making an interesting and appealing montage composition.

How do you create a montage pictorial composition on wild animals?

Learners are guided to outline the procedure to follow when creating a montage composition based on wild animals. 

Learners are guided to create a montage composition based on wild animals.

  • Painting materials
  • Papers
  • Pencils
  • Sharpeners
  • Erasers
  • Rulers
  • Pictures
  • Photographs
  • Digital devices
  • Computing devices

KLB Art and Craft Learner’s Book Grade 6 pg. 29-33

Oral questions

Oral Report





Indigenous Kenyan Crafts

Basketry; Coil and stitch technique

By the end of the sub-strand, the learner should be able to:

  1. Identify coil and stitch technique.
  2. Classify the materials used in coil and stitch technique into natural and man-made.
  3. Appreciate coil and stitch technique used in basketry.

What other man-made and natural materials can be used in basketry? 

What man-made and natural materials in your locality can be used for coil and stitch technique?

Learners are guided to identify coil and stitch technique. 

Learners are guided to classify the materials used in coil and stitch technique into natural and man-made. 

In groups, learners are guided to use digital devices to watch a video on samples of basketry items.

  • Baskets
  • Pictures
  • Photographs
  • Digital devices
  • Computing devices

KLB Art and Craft Learner’s Book Grade 6 pg. 34-36

Oral questions

Oral Report





Indigenous Kenyan Crafts

Types of coils

By the end of the sub-strand, the learner should be able to:

  1. Identify types of coil used in coil and stitch technique.
  2. Arrange the items collected in terms of uniformity of coils in a decreasing order.
  3. Appreciate the importance of maintaining the uniformity of coils.

What types of coils are used in coil and stitch technique? 

How to maintain uniformity of coils?

Learners are guided to identify types of coil used in coil and stitch technique. 

Learners are guided to state the importance of maintaining uniformity of coils. 

In pairs, learners are guided to arrange the items collected in terms of uniformity of coils in a decreasing order.

  • Baskets
  • Plaited coils
  • Rolled coils
  • Pictures
  • Photographs
  • Digital devices
  • Computing devices

KLB Art and Craft Learner’s Book Grade 6 pg. 36-38

Oral questions

Oral Report





Indigenous Kenyan Crafts

Selecting and collecting materials for coil and stitch technique

By the end of the sub-strand, the learner should be able to:

  1. Explain the meaning of good craftsmanship.
  2. Select and collect materials for coil and stitch technique.
  3. Appreciate the importance of selecting materials that have characteristics that suit its purpose.

What do you consider when selecting materials for coil and stitch technique?

Learners are guided to define the meaning of good craftsmanship. 

Learners are guided to identify the characteristics for selecting materials for making a floor mat. 

In groups, learners are guided to select and collect materials for coil and stitch technique.

  • Baskets
  • Pictures
  • Photographs
  • Digital devices
  • Computing devices

KLB Art and Craft Learner’s Book Grade 6 pg. 38-39

Oral questions

Oral Report





Indigenous Kenyan Crafts

Preparation of materials used in coil and stitch technique basketry; Natural materials

By the end of the sub-strand, the learner should be able to:

  1. Identify natural materials used in coil and stitch technique.
  2. Prepare natural materials used in coil and stitch technique.
  3. Appreciate the method of preparing natural materials used in coil and stitch technique.

How to prepare natural materials used in coil and stitch technique?

Learners are guided to identify natural materials used in coil and stitch technique. 

Learners are guided to identify the method of preparation of natural materials used in coil and stitch technique. 

In groups, learners are guided to prepare natural materials used in coil and stitch technique.

  • Baskets
  • Natural materials
  • Pictures
  • Photographs
  • Digital devices
  • Computing devices

KLB Art and Craft Learner’s Book Grade 6 pg. 39-40

Oral questions

Oral Report





Indigenous Kenyan Crafts

Preparation of materials used in coil and stitch technique basketry; Man-made materials

By the end of the sub-strand, the learner should be able to:

  1. Identify man-made materials used in coil and stitch technique.
  2. Prepare man-made materials used in coil and stitch technique.
  3. Appreciate the method of preparing man-made materials used in coil and stitch technique.

How to prepare man-made materials used in coil and stitch technique?

Learners are guided to identify man-made materials used in coil and stitch technique.

Learners are guided to identify the method of preparation of man-made materials used in coil and stitch technique.

In groups, learners are guided to prepare the materials selected depending on their type and the design of the floor may he/she is making by dyeing, tearing then plating or rolling.

  • Baskets
  • Man-made materials
  • Pictures
  • Photographs
  • Digital devices
  • Computing devices

KLB Art and Craft Learner’s Book Grade 6 pg. 40-44

Oral questions

Oral Report





Indigenous Kenyan Crafts

Leatherwork; Beaded leather wristband

By the end of the sub-strand, the learner should be able to:

  1. Differentiate between modern and traditional beaded items.
  2. Observe actual or virtual samples of beaded leather wristbands.
  3. Appreciate beaded leather wristband.

What is the difference between modern and traditional beaded leather wrist band? 

What are the materials and tools used in creating wristbands?

Learners are guided to define a wristband. 

In pairs, learners are guided to differentiate between modern and traditional beaded items. 

In pairs, learners are guided to observe actual or virtual samples of beaded leather wristbands.

  • Beaded wristbands
  • Pictures
  • Photographs
  • Digital devices
  • Computing devices

KLB Art and Craft Learner’s Book Grade 6 pg. 45-47

Oral questions

Oral Report





Indigenous Kenyan Crafts

Sourcing of leather;

Preparing leather for use in making a wristband;

Making a beaded leather wristband

By the end of the sub-strand, the learner should be able to:

  1. Outline the steps to follow when preparing leather for use in making a wristband.
  2. Make a beaded leather wristband.
  3. Have fun and enjoy making a beaded leather wristband.

How do you prepare leather for use in making a wristband?

How to make a beaded leather wristband?

Learners are guided to outline the steps to follow when preparing leather for use in making a wristband. 

Learners are guided to list the materials and tools used to make a beaded leather wristband. 

Learners are guided to outline the procedure to follow when making a leather wristband. 

In groups, learners are guided to make a beaded leather wristband.

  • Leather
  • Beaded wristbands
  • Pictures
  • Photographs
  • Digital devices
  • Computing devices

KLB Art and Craft Learner’s Book Grade 6 pg. 47-50

Oral questions

Oral Report





Indigenous Kenyan Crafts

Creating the patterns on a wristband

By the end of the sub-strand, the learner should be able to:

  1. Identify different patterns on wristbands.
  2. Create the patterns on wristbands.
  3. Have fun and enjoy creating patterns on leather wristbands

How do you design patterns on a wristband?

Learners are guided to identify different patterns on wristbands. 

In groups, learners are guided to observe actual or virtual samples of different patterns on wristbands. 

In groups, learners are guided to create the patterns on wristbands.

  • Leather
  • Beaded wristbands
  • Pictures
  • Photographs
  • Digital devices
  • Computing devices

KLB Art and Craft Learner’s Book Grade 6 pg. 50-53

Oral questions

Oral Report





Indigenous Kenyan Crafts

Procedure of using lazy stitched strung beads to decorate a wristband


By the end of the sub-strand, the learner should be able to:

  1. Outline the procedure of using lazy stitched strung beads to decorate a wristband.
  2. Decorate leather wristbands using lazy stitched strung beads.
  3. Have fun and enjoy decorating leather wristbands.

How do you decorate a leather wristband?

Learners are guided to outline the procedure of using lazy stitched strung beads to decorate a wristband. 

In groups, learners are guided to decorate leather wristbands using lazy stitched strung beads.

  • Leather
  • Beaded wristbands
  • Pictures
  • Photographs
  • Digital devices
  • Computing devices

KLB Art and Craft Learner’s Book Grade 6 pg. 53-55

Oral questions

Oral Report





Read 543 times Last modified on Thursday, 26 January 2023 09:03

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