Thursday, 01 September 2022 07:52

Social Studies and Religious Education Questions and Answers - KCPE 2022 Prediction Papers Set 4



Study the map of Seta Area and answer questions 1-7

  1. The land in Seta area slopes from
    1. North
    2. East.
    3. West. 
    4. South
  2. Which one of the following factors led to the growth of Seta town?
    1. Economic activities.
    2. Road junction.
    3. Security
    4. Climatic conditions.
  3. Traders in Seta area obtain their trading licences from
    1. Sema market
    2. County offices.
    3. Police station.
    4. County commissioner's office.
  4. The main religion in Seta town is
    1. Islamic
    2. Christian
    3. Hinduism.
    4. Judaism.
  5. Which one of the following economic activities is not practised in Seta area?
    1. Farming
    2. Lumbering
    3. Tourism.
    4. Fishing
  6. What is the climate of the North of Seta area?
    1. Cool and wet.
    2. Hot and wet.
    3. Hot and dry
    4. Hot and cool.
  7. The administrative head of Seta area is a
    1. county commissioner.
    2. governor.
    3. regional co-ordinator.
    4. police officer.
  8. Which one of the following language groups is correctly matched with the place of origin?
    1. Cushites - Cameroon.
    2. Bantus - Bar-el Ghazel.
    3. Nilotes - Horn of Africa.
    4. Semites - Saudi Arabia.
  9. The following are descriptions of an early hominid
    1. Remains were discovered near lake Turkana and Olduvai Gorge
    2. Made simple tools
    3. Made slurred speech
    4. Lived in caves
      The hominid described above is
      1. homo habilis.
      2. homo erectus.
      3. homo sapien
      4. homo sapien sapien.
  10. Three of the following are traditional methods of education. Which method did the learner need an expert to learn through observation?
    1. Story telling.
    2. Use of riddles.
    3. Use of proverbs.
    4. Apprenticeship.
  11. The following are types of soils. Which one is found in the flood plains through deposition?
    1. Loamy soil.
    2. Volcanic soil.
    3. Alluvial soil
    4. Sandy soil.
  12. The following are characteristics of a relief region in Kenya:
    1. Lies between 250m and 1100m above sea level.
    2. It is generally flat
    3. Has some eroded hills
    4. It is generally dry
      The region described above is
      1. the highlands
      2. the plateaus.
      3. the Rift Valley.
      4. the Coastal lowlands.
  13. Among the Nandi community, people who were born almost the same time formed
    1. a clan
    2. age group
    3. age set.
    4. age mates.
  14. The main aim of education in traditional African society was to
    1. prepare the youth for adulthood and become responsible members of the society
    2. prepare the youth for employment in traditional industries.
    3. instill discipline and responsibility.
    4. instill knowledge and skills.
  15. Which group of mountains below were formed through faulting?
    1. Atlas, Drankensberg, Cape ranges.
    2. Ruwenzori, Usambara, Kharas.
    3. Kilimanjaro, Kenya, Elgon.
    4. Ahagger, Tibesti, Homboli.
  16. Which of the following groups consists of crops grown in traditional agriculture?
    1. Yams, sorghum, millet.
    2. Millet, cassava, wheat.
    3. Arrow roots, French beans, Yams.
    4. Sweet potatoes, cassava, rice.
  17. The main problem facing poultry farming in Kenya today is
    1.  high cost of poultry feeds.
    2. attacks by pests and diseases.
    3. over production of poultry products.
    4. competition from imported poultry products.
  18. Which one of the following minerals is not correctly matched with its use?
    1. Soda ash-making toothpaste.
    2. Fluorspar - strengthening steel and aluminium.
    3. Diatomite-making paints.
    4. Limestone - making cement.
  19. The government of Kenya is promoting fish farming mainly to
    1.  improve the living standards of the farmers.
    2.  increase food production
    3.  increase government revenue.
    4.  make good use of unproductive land.
  20.  Which one of the following traditional methods of weather observation is used today?
    1. Croaking of frogs.
    2. Migration of ants.
    3. Observing the movement of the clouds.
    4. Phases of the moon.
  21. The system used by Portuguese to rule her colonies in Africa was know as
    1. assimilation 
    2. association.
    3. direct. 
    4. indirect
  22. The following are characteristics of population of Germany. Which one is not?
    1. Majority of the people are old.
    2. The population is not evenly distributed.
    3. There are slightly more males than females.
    4. The population has a small dependence ratio.
  23. The main reason why the government of Kenya established settlement schemes in Kenya after independence was to
    1. improve the living standards of the people.
    2. increase food production in the country.
    3. settle the landless
    4. put more land under cultivation.
  24. The method of irrigation used in Mwea Tebere irrigation scheme is
    1. canal.
    2. furrow.
    3. drip
    4. overhead.

Use the map of Africa to answer questions 25 to 28


  1.  The winds marked M are known as
    1. Hamattan.
    2. Westerlies.
    3. North West trade winds.
    4. Northery winds.
  2. The plateau marked S is called
    1. Bie plateau.
    2. Fouta Djallon.
    3. Jos plateau.
    4. Nyika plateau.
  3. The Island country marked X was colonized
    1. French 
    2. British
    3. Italians
    4. Germans.
  4. The climatic region marked Y is experienced in the following countries except
    1. Morocco 
    2. Libya.
    3. Tunisia.
    4. Chad.
  5. Below is a description of a town in Eastern Africa:
    1. It is an industrial centre
    2. It is the commercial capital of its country
    3. It serves as the gateway of its country
    4. It is the biggest city in its country
    5. It is a tourist centre
      The town described above is
      1. Nairobi.
      2. Arusha.
      3. Mombasa.
      4. Dar es salaam.
  6. The main contribution of sugarcane growing in Sudan is that
    1.  it has led to the growth of industries.
    2.  it has led to the development of infrastructure.
    3. it has led to the creation of job opportunities.
    4.  it has led to the increment of government income.
  7. Which one of the following is not a type of marriage recognized in Kenya?
    1. Civil marriage.
    2. Religious marriage.
    3. Eloping marriage.
    4. Customary marriage.
  8. The following are functions of the head teachers in a public primary school. Which one is not?
    1. Ensures that the day-today activities of the school are running smoothly.
    2.  Keeps important documents of the school.
    3. Controls the ministry of education.
    4. Admits new pupils in the school.
  9. The main difference between horticultural farming in Kenya and Netherlands is that
    1. horticultural farming in Netherlands is carried out on arable land while in Kenya it is done on reclaimed land.
    2. horticultural farming in Netherlands is highly mechanized while in Kenya it is less mechanized.
    3. Netherlands practise monocropping while Kenya grow all the horticultural crops.
    4. horticultural farming in Netherlands is done by the government while in Kenya it is done by individuals.
  10. Which one of the following is the main benefit of forestry in Swaziland?
    1. Earns the country foreign exchange.
    2. Creation of job opportunities.
    3. Moderates the climate of the country.
    4. Provides raw materials for paper industry.
  11. The document issued by a court of law outlining the person who will manage the estate of the deceased person is known as
    1. a will
    2. testate.
    3. letter of administration.
    4. intestate.
  12.  The following are conditions favouring a crop grown in Africa:
    1. High humidity throughout the year
    2. High and well distributed rainfall of between 1500mm - 2000mm
    3. High temperatures of between 24°c - 28°c
    4. Protection from strong sunlight
    5. Low altitude of upto 750m
      The crop whose conditions are described above is
      1. cocoa.
      2. cloves
      3. cotton
      4. sugarcane.
  13. Three of the following statements are true about the white settlers in Kenya. Which one is not?
    1. They introduced cash crop farming in Kenya.
    2. They introduced new methods of modern farming.
    3. They introduced livestock keeping in Kenya.
    4. They took the fertile land from the Africans.
  14. The main tourist attraction in the Rift valley region of Kenya is
    1.  wildlife.
    2. beautiful sceneries.
    3. sandy beaches.
    4. rich cultural practices.
  15. In which two months of the year is the sun overhead the equator?
    1. March and September.
    2. June and September.
    3. September and December.
    4. December and March.
  16. Which one of the following methods of administration was used by the British in administering Northern Nigeria?
    1. Assimilation.
    2. Direct rule.
    3. Association.
    4. Indirect rule.
  17. Which one of the following is a social right of a citizen in Kenya?
    1. Right to work and earn a living.
    2. Right to marry and raise a family.
    3. Right to vote.
    4. Right to do business.
  18. Which one of the following is not a similarity between the government of Kenya and Swaziland?
    1. In both countries the heads of state are commanders of the Defence Forces
    2. In both countries parliament has two houses
    3. In both countries the head of government is the Prime Minister.
    4. Both countries have civil servants.
  19. Which one of the following is a form of child abuse?
    1. Forcing children to go to school.
    2. Engaging children in household chores.
    3. Enforcing moral laws in them.
    4. Denying them food as a way of punishment.
  20. Which one of the following is the most commonly abused drug in Kenya?
    1. Alchohol.
    2. Bhang.
    3. Cigarette.
    4. Miraa.
  21. During the Belgians rule in Congo the native Africans were referred to as
    1. prazos.
    2. indigina.
    3. evolvees.
    4. assimilees
  22. Which one of the following river projects is not correctly matched with its source of water?
    1. Akosombo Dam - R. Volta.
    2. Aswan High Dam - R. Nile.
    3. Seven Forks Dams - R. Tana.
    4. Kariba Dam - R. Niger.
  23. Which one of the following methods of conflict resolution involves taking the matter to court
    1. Litigation 
    2. Mediation.
    3. Arbitration.
    4. Conciliation
  24. The best method of conserving wildlife is by
    1. passing strict laws against poachers.
    2. banning trade that involves the selling of game products,
    3. fencing game parks.
    4. educating the people about the importance of wildlife conversation.
  25. The main reason why the Europeans scrambled for colonies in Africa was
    1. search for raw materials for their industries.
    2. search for markets for their industrial goods.
    3. need to spread christianity.
    4. need to settle the surplus population.
  26. The bill of rights are guaranteed in the constitution in chapter
    1. Five.
    2. Four
    3. Seven.
    4. One.
  27. The diagram below means
    1.  no entry 
    2. no road ahead
    3. stop
    4. road busy
  28. Who was the first President of Ghana when it gained independence?
    1. J.B Danguah.
    2. Canaan Banana.
    3. Kwameh Nkrumah.
    4. Robert Mugabe.
  29. In Kenya National Assembly debates are controlled by the
    1. sergent at arms.
    2. leader of majority.
    3. President.
    4. speaker.
  30. The body in charge of elections in Kenya is mandated to carry out the following functions except
    1. drawing and reviewing boundaries
    2. solving nomination disputes
    3. nullifying election results
    4. announcing election results
  31. Which group of countries used armed struggle during their struggle for independence in the colonial period?
    1. Kenya, Zimbabwe, Mozambique.
    2. Ghana, Uganda, Tanzania.
    3. Ghana, South Africa, Uganda.
    4. Mozambique, Tanzania, Kenya.
  32. The main source of revenue for the county governments in Kenya is
    1. grants from the national government.
    2. taxes.
    3. rents.
    4. Ioans.
  33. The following are qualities of a good leader except
    1. intolerant.
    2. patriotic.
    3. impartial.
    4. loyal.
  34. Kenya became independent in
    1. 1960
    2. 1963
    3. 1964
    4. 1978
  35. HIV/AIDS can not be transmitted through
    1. sexual intercourse.
    2. shaking hands.
    3. sharing sharp objects.
    4. kissing.
  36. The head quarters of A.U are based in
    1. Addis Ababa.
    2. Nairobi.
    3. Arusha.
    4. Cairo.

Christian Religious Education

  1.  Which one of the following facts from the biblical stories of creation shows that human beings are given the mandate to subdue the earth?
    1. Human beings are commanded to multiply and fill the earth.
    2. Human beings are given the power to name all the other creatures
    3. Human beings are given the power to take care of God's creation
    4. Human beings are commanded to have work and leisure.
  2. In the Exodus the presence of God was manifested by
    1. a mighty wind
    2. an earthquake and a still voice
    3. a burning bush and a pillar of cloud
    4. a pillar of fire and cloud
  3. Now I know you have obedient reverence for God, because you have not kept back your only son from me." (Genesis 22:12) These words were spoken by God to
    1. Noah
    2. Abraham
    3. David
    4. Moses
  4. The following are lessons learnt from the ten plaques that God sent to the Egyptians. Which one is not?
    1. Yahweh was aware of the problems of the Israelites
    2. Yawheh was working through His prophet, Moses
    3. Yahweh was determined to save His people
    4. Yahweh was less powerful than the Egyptian gods.
  5. Which of the following action by the Israelites during passover does not show that they were in a hurry?
    1. Eating while standing
    2. The unleavened bread
    3. The bitter herbs
    4. Eating while wearing sandals
  6. Who among the following kings brought the ark of the covenant to the temple of Jerusalem?
    1. David
    2. Saul
    3. Solomon 
    4. Rehoboam
  7. Which one of the following lists consists of historical books of the Bible only?
    1. Judges, Nehemiah, Esther
    2. 1st Kings, Exodus, Leviticus
    3. 1st Chronicles, Numbers, Psalms
    4. Proverbs, Ecclesiastes, Jobs
  8. Who among the following is not a major prophet?
    1. Daniel 
    2. Ezekiel
    3. Isaiah 
    4. Joel
  9. During the God's covenant with Jeremiah in Jeremiah 31:3-34, God promised to
    1. make a new covenant where each individual will come to know God.
    2. make David's dynasty continue forever
    3. preserve the life of people
    4. fulfill the promises He had made to Abraham.
  10. Which one of the following commandments discourages us from being greedy for what does not belong to us?
    1. Do not desire another man's property
    2. Do not accuse anyone falsely
    3. Do not use my name for evil purpose
    4. Respect your mother and father
  11. The following are events that happened in the life of Jesus: - Heaven opened - The Holy Spirit came in the form of a dove - Sound was heard from heaven. g which of the following occassions did the above events take place?
    1. During the transfiguration of Jesus
    2. During the death of Jesus
    3. During the temptations of Jesus
    4. During the baptism of Jesus
  12. Which one of the following was the main message of John the baptist?
    1. Baptism and humility
    2. Repentance and baptism
    3. Love and generosity
    4. Forgiveness and joy
  13. Jesus was circumcised at the age of eight days because
    1.  it was in accordance to the Jewish customs
    2. his parents were in a hurry to flee to Egypt
    3. there was a census in the whole Roman empire
    4. the angel told Joseph to do so in a dream
  14. One way through which Jesus cared for the less fortunate in the society was
    1. preaching to them and judging them for their sins
    2. telling people to, despise them as they were lazy
    3. encouraging them to read the Bible when they were free
    4. feeding the hungry and healing the sick.
  15. Which one of the following was not a value taught by Jesus during the sermon on the mountain?
    1. Spiritual poverty
    2. Peace making
    3. Humility
    4. Courage
  16. "Do not put the lord your God into tesi" Jesus said these words to the devil when he tempted him to
    1. kneel down and worship him
    2. change stones into bread
    3. throw himself down from the top of the temple
    4. build the temple at Jerusalem in a day.
  17. Jesus healed the paralytic man. This shows that
    1. He has power over nature
    2. He has power over sins
    3. He has power over death
    4. He has power to rule the earth.
  18. During the trial of Jesus, Pilate washed his hands to show that
    1. he had made his achievements
    2. he was a sinful person
    3. he had nothing to do with the case
    4. he was a trusted friend of Jesus
  19. Which one of the following events happened during the pentecost?
    1. Noise was heard from the sky sounding like a strong wind
    2. Darkness covered the whole earth
    3. A voice was heard from heaven
    4. The curtain of the temple was torn into two.
  20.  Allan, a standard eight boy, visits the inmates in prison during the weekends. He gives them food and clothes. Which fruit of the holy spirit does he display?
    1. Self-control
    2. Patience
    3. Kindness
    4. Peace
  21. Which one of the following is not an aspect of worship in African traditional societies?
    1. Offering tithes
    2. blessing the people
    3. singing songs
    4. praying for God's protection.
  22. The following are similar beliefs in both African traditional societies and christianity except
    1.  the result of sin and evil is suffering and death
    2. God is the guardian of morality, law and order.
    3. sin arises from human beings disobedience and greed
    4. Baptism by water.
  23. The following were roles of girls in African traditional societies except
    1. feeding and looking after young children
    2. protecting the clan from external attacks
    3. sweeping the compound and cleaning houses
    4. fetching water and cleaning utensils
  24. In African traditional societies, it is believed that evil is caused by all the following except
    1. malicious ancestral spirits who have a grudge against the living
    2. evil people such as wizards and sorcerers
    3. failure to abide by the church norms
    4. breaking of oaths.
  25. The following names are used to refer to God in African traditional societies except
    1. Jehovah
    2. Asis
    3. Enkai
    4. Mulungu
  26. Risper, your deskmate, has a deep urge of taking alcohol. As a christian, the best advice to give her
    1. to take the alcohol only when not seen
    2. just take a little alcohol and repent
    3. our bodies are the temple of the Holy spirit
    4. take it but be careful to avoid its harmful effects
  27. Bochela is a wealthy man in his village. The best way in which he can use his wealth is by
    1. opening a big supermarket to sell things to the villagers.
    2. helping his sister's children who are jobless
    3. organising for expensive trips of his family members abroad
    4. buying water pipes to supply water to the villagers
  28. The best way that the church can do to stop the spread of HIV/AIDS among the youths is by
    1. encouraging them to visit VCT centres
    2. educating them on behavioural change.
    3. organising retreats for them
    4. neglecting those who are already infected
  29. Lewa, your deskmate, says that she is mature enough to have a boyfriend. As a christian deskmate and a classmate the best advice you would give her is
    1. forget about boys and concentrate on her studies
    2. have only one boyfriend abstain from sex.
    3. have the boyfriend but keep it a secret
    4. enjoy herself as life is too short
  30. At the Jacobs's well, Jesus was avoiding one of the following social vices with the samaritan woman. Which one is it?
    1. Corruption
    2. Nepotism
    3. Racial discrimination
    4. Social injustice.

Islamic Religious Education

  1. Which one of the following surahs warns ma against backbiting?
    1. Humaza
    2. Zilzalah
    3. Takathur
    4. Fatiha
  2. Which one of the following scriptures was revealed in the month of Ramadhan?
    1. Zabur
    2. aurat
    3. Qur’an
    4. Injeel
  3. How many verses are there in surah Al-Fatiha
    1. Six
    2. Seven
    3. Eight
    4. Ten
  4. The main teaching of surah Al-Ikhlaas is
    1. Iman 
    2. Ihsaan
    3. Taqwa
    4. Tawheed
  5. "You shall certainly see the hell fire." This is a verse from surah
    1. Takathur
    2. Qariah
    3. Zilzalah
    4. Fil
  6. Which one of the following is a manner of eating according to the hadith of the prophet (S.A.W)?
    1. Eating with the left hand
    2. Eating while standing.
    3. Saying Alhamdulillahi after eating.
    4. Eating the food while it is hot.
  7. While drinking water a Muslim should pause
    1. two times
    2. three times
    3. five times
    4. one time
  8. Which one of the following pillars of Islam cannot be done in ones home town?
    1. Zakat
    2. Swalat
    3. Saum
    4. Haji
  9. The total number of rakaat that a Muslim must perform in a day are
    1. 17
    2. 14
    3. 16
    4. 10
  10. Who among the following is a recipient of Zakat?
    1. Orphan
    2. Widow
    3. Slave
    4. Neighbour
  11. Which one of the following things is recommended to use while breaking a fast?
    1. Water
    2. Juice
    3. Rice
    4. Dates
  12. Which one of the following pillars of Islam promotes generosity?
    1. Hajj
    2. Zakat
    3. Saum
    4. Shahada
  13. Who among the following angels is in charge of removing the souls from human beings?
    1. Izrail
    2. Israfil
    3. Jibril 
    4. Mikail
  14. The fear of Allah (S.W.T.) is referred to as
    1. Tawakkul
    2. Tawheed
    3. Ihsaan
    4. Taqwa
  15. Which one of the following miracles was performed by prophet Musa (A.S.)?
    1. Bringing the dead back to life.
    2. Telling what someone ate the previous day.
    3. Changing a rod into a snake.
    4. Healing the lepers.
  16. Which one of the following sunnah prayers is performed to seek for rain?
    1. Khusuf
    2. Istisqai
    3. Istikharah
    4. Dhuha
  17. Which one of the following attributes of Allah (S.W.T.) means the fashioner?
    1. Al-Musawwir 
    2. Al-Waduud
    3. Al-Khaalia
    4. Al-Mutakabbir
  18. Amina a standard five pupil heard her friend sneezing. What should Amina say?
    1. Maashallah
    2. Alhamdulillahi
    3. Yarhamkallah
    4. Astadhfirullah
  19. Which of the following names is good for a Muslim?
    1. Mashaka
    2. Shida
    3. Zacks 
    4. Musa
  20. Which one of the following is the first rite to a newly born baby?
    1. Circumcision
    2. Adhan
    3. Shaving
    4. Tahnik
  21. Which month was the journey of Isra-wa! miraj undertaken?
    1. Rajab
    2. Ramadhan
    3. Muharrum
    4. Shawwal
  22. The act of hiding of goods in order to seli them when the prices go up is known as
    1. hoarding
    2. ghush
    3. riba
    4. uslu
  23. Abdullah, a shopkeeper, at Bidii trading cente has the following as the reasons to why his business has succeeded. Which of the following reasons is haraam?
    1. Weighing goods accurately.
    2. Selling goods on credit.
    3. Giving back the correct change.
    4. Charging interest on goods sold.
  24. .How many households constitute a neighbourhood according to the hadith of the prophet (S.A.W)?
    1. Fifty
    2. Forty
    3. Thirty
    4. Twenty
  25. Which town is the prophet's mosque found?
    1. Makkah
    2. Jerusalem
    3. Madina
    4. Taif
  26. Who among the following Caliph accompanied the prophet during Hijrah?
    1. Uthman 
    2. ali
    3. Umar
    4. Abubakr
  27. The main reason why Muslims lost the battle of Uhud was because
    1. they dishonoured the words o the prophet.
    2. they were few in number
    3. they were poorly prepared.
    4. the Quraish had superior weapons
  28. Who among the following was a brother to Nabii Musa (A.S.)?
    1. Issa
    2. Adam
    3. Harun
    4. Swaleh
  29. Who among the following was the first Muadhin in the history of Islam?
    1. Ammar
    2. Bilaalb
    3. Hamza
    4. Harith
  30. Who among the following prophets of A (S.W.T.) was swallowed by a whale?
    1. Lut
    2. Hud
    3. Suleiman
    4. Yunus

Marking Scheme

  1. A
  2. B
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  25. A
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  28. B
  29. A
  30. C


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  5. A
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  21. A
  22. A
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  27. A
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  29. B
  30. D
Read 1121 times Last modified on Thursday, 01 September 2022 08:37