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Study the map of Seta Area and answer questions 1-7

  1. The land in Seta area slopes from
    1. North
    2. East.
    3. West. 
    4. South
  2. Which one of the following factors led to the growth of Seta town?
    1. Economic activities.
    2. Road junction.
    3. Security
    4. Climatic conditions.
  3. Traders in Seta area obtain their trading licences from
    1. Sema market
    2. County offices.
    3. Police station.
    4. County commissioner's office.
  4. The main religion in Seta town is
    1. Islamic
    2. Christian
    3. Hinduism.
    4. Judaism.
  5. Which one of the following economic activities is not practised in Seta area?
    1. Farming
    2. Lumbering
    3. Tourism.
    4. Fishing
  6. What is the climate of the North of Seta area?
    1. Cool and wet.
    2. Hot and wet.
    3. Hot and dry
    4. Hot and cool.
  7. The administrative head of Seta area is a
    1. county commissioner.
    2. governor.
    3. regional co-ordinator.
    4. police officer.
  8. Which one of the following language groups is correctly matched with the place of origin?
    1. Cushites - Cameroon.
    2. Bantus - Bar-el Ghazel.
    3. Nilotes - Horn of Africa.
    4. Semites - Saudi Arabia.
  9. The following are descriptions of an early hominid
    1. Remains were discovered near lake Turkana and Olduvai Gorge
    2. Made simple tools
    3. Made slurred speech
    4. Lived in caves
      The hominid described above is
      1. homo habilis.
      2. homo erectus.
      3. homo sapien
      4. homo sapien sapien.
  10. Three of the following are traditional methods of education. Which method did the learner need an expert to learn through observation?
    1. Story telling.
    2. Use of riddles.
    3. Use of proverbs.
    4. Apprenticeship.
  11. The following are types of soils. Which one is found in the flood plains through deposition?
    1. Loamy soil.
    2. Volcanic soil.
    3. Alluvial soil
    4. Sandy soil.
  12. The following are characteristics of a relief region in Kenya:
    1. Lies between 250m and 1100m above sea level.
    2. It is generally flat
    3. Has some eroded hills
    4. It is generally dry
      The region described above is
      1. the highlands
      2. the plateaus.
      3. the Rift Valley.
      4. the Coastal lowlands.
  13. Among the Nandi community, people who were born almost the same time formed
    1. a clan
    2. age group
    3. age set.
    4. age mates.
  14. The main aim of education in traditional African society was to
    1. prepare the youth for adulthood and become responsible members of the society
    2. prepare the youth for employment in traditional industries.
    3. instill discipline and responsibility.
    4. instill knowledge and skills.
  15. Which group of mountains below were formed through faulting?
    1. Atlas, Drankensberg, Cape ranges.
    2. Ruwenzori, Usambara, Kharas.
    3. Kilimanjaro, Kenya, Elgon.
    4. Ahagger, Tibesti, Homboli.
  16. Which of the following groups consists of crops grown in traditional agriculture?
    1. Yams, sorghum, millet.
    2. Millet, cassava, wheat.
    3. Arrow roots, French beans, Yams.
    4. Sweet potatoes, cassava, rice.
  17. The main problem facing poultry farming in Kenya today is
    1.  high cost of poultry feeds.
    2. attacks by pests and diseases.
    3. over production of poultry products.
    4. competition from imported poultry products.
  18. Which one of the following minerals is not correctly matched with its use?
    1. Soda ash-making toothpaste.
    2. Fluorspar - strengthening steel and aluminium.
    3. Diatomite-making paints.
    4. Limestone - making cement.
  19. The government of Kenya is promoting fish farming mainly to
    1.  improve the living standards of the farmers.
    2.  increase food production
    3.  increase government revenue.
    4.  make good use of unproductive land.
  20.  Which one of the following traditional methods of weather observation is used today?
    1. Croaking of frogs.
    2. Migration of ants.
    3. Observing the movement of the clouds.
    4. Phases of the moon.
  21. The system used by Portuguese to rule her colonies in Africa was know as
    1. assimilation 
    2. association.
    3. direct. 
    4. indirect
  22. The following are characteristics of population of Germany. Which one is not?
    1. Majority of the people are old.
    2. The population is not evenly distributed.
    3. There are slightly more males than females.
    4. The population has a small dependence ratio.
  23. The main reason why the government of Kenya established settlement schemes in Kenya after independence was to
    1. improve the living standards of the people.
    2. increase food production in the country.
    3. settle the landless
    4. put more land under cultivation.
  24. The method of irrigation used in Mwea Tebere irrigation scheme is
    1. canal.
    2. furrow.
    3. drip
    4. overhead.

Use the map of Africa to answer questions 25 to 28


  1.  The winds marked M are known as
    1. Hamattan.
    2. Westerlies.
    3. North West trade winds.
    4. Northery winds.
  2. The plateau marked S is called
    1. Bie plateau.
    2. Fouta Djallon.
    3. Jos plateau.
    4. Nyika plateau.
  3. The Island country marked X was colonized
    1. French 
    2. British
    3. Italians
    4. Germans.
  4. The climatic region marked Y is experienced in the following countries except
    1. Morocco 
    2. Libya.
    3. Tunisia.
    4. Chad.
  5. Below is a description of a town in Eastern Africa:
    1. It is an industrial centre
    2. It is the commercial capital of its country
    3. It serves as the gateway of its country
    4. It is the biggest city in its country
    5. It is a tourist centre
      The town described above is
      1. Nairobi.
      2. Arusha.
      3. Mombasa.
      4. Dar es salaam.
  6. The main contribution of sugarcane growing in Sudan is that
    1.  it has led to the growth of industries.
    2.  it has led to the development of infrastructure.
    3. it has led to the creation of job opportunities.
    4.  it has led to the increment of government income.
  7. Which one of the following is not a type of marriage recognized in Kenya?
    1. Civil marriage.
    2. Religious marriage.
    3. Eloping marriage.
    4. Customary marriage.
  8. The following are functions of the head teachers in a public primary school. Which one is not?
    1. Ensures that the day-today activities of the school are running smoothly.
    2.  Keeps important documents of the school.
    3. Controls the ministry of education.
    4. Admits new pupils in the school.
  9. The main difference between horticultural farming in Kenya and Netherlands is that
    1. horticultural farming in Netherlands is carried out on arable land while in Kenya it is done on reclaimed land.
    2. horticultural farming in Netherlands is highly mechanized while in Kenya it is less mechanized.
    3. Netherlands practise monocropping while Kenya grow all the horticultural crops.
    4. horticultural farming in Netherlands is done by the government while in Kenya it is done by individuals.
  10. Which one of the following is the main benefit of forestry in Swaziland?
    1. Earns the country foreign exchange.
    2. Creation of job opportunities.
    3. Moderates the climate of the country.
    4. Provides raw materials for paper industry.
  11. The document issued by a court of law outlining the person who will manage the estate of the deceased person is known as
    1. a will
    2. testate.
    3. letter of administration.
    4. intestate.
  12.  The following are conditions favouring a crop grown in Africa:
    1. High humidity throughout the year
    2. High and well distributed rainfall of between 1500mm - 2000mm
    3. High temperatures of between 24°c - 28°c
    4. Protection from strong sunlight
    5. Low altitude of upto 750m
      The crop whose conditions are described above is
      1. cocoa.
      2. cloves
      3. cotton
      4. sugarcane.
  13. Three of the following statements are true about the white settlers in Kenya. Which one is not?
    1. They introduced cash crop farming in Kenya.
    2. They introduced new methods of modern farming.
    3. They introduced livestock keeping in Kenya.
    4. They took the fertile land from the Africans.
  14. The main tourist attraction in the Rift valley region of Kenya is
    1.  wildlife.
    2. beautiful sceneries.
    3. sandy beaches.
    4. rich cultural practices.
  15. In which two months of the year is the sun overhead the equator?
    1. March and September.
    2. June and September.
    3. September and December.
    4. December and March.
  16. Which one of the following methods of administration was used by the British in administering Northern Nigeria?
    1. Assimilation.
    2. Direct rule.
    3. Association.
    4. Indirect rule.
  17. Which one of the following is a social right of a citizen in Kenya?
    1. Right to work and earn a living.
    2. Right to marry and raise a family.
    3. Right to vote.
    4. Right to do business.
  18. Which one of the following is not a similarity between the government of Kenya and Swaziland?
    1. In both countries the heads of state are commanders of the Defence Forces
    2. In both countries parliament has two houses
    3. In both countries the head of government is the Prime Minister.
    4. Both countries have civil servants.
  19. Which one of the following is a form of child abuse?
    1. Forcing children to go to school.
    2. Engaging children in household chores.
    3. Enforcing moral laws in them.
    4. Denying them food as a way of punishment.
  20. Which one of the following is the most commonly abused drug in Kenya?
    1. Alchohol.
    2. Bhang.
    3. Cigarette.
    4. Miraa.
  21. During the Belgians rule in Congo the native Africans were referred to as
    1. prazos.
    2. indigina.
    3. evolvees.
    4. assimilees
  22. Which one of the following river projects is not correctly matched with its source of water?
    1. Akosombo Dam - R. Volta.
    2. Aswan High Dam - R. Nile.
    3. Seven Forks Dams - R. Tana.
    4. Kariba Dam - R. Niger.
  23. Which one of the following methods of conflict resolution involves taking the matter to court
    1. Litigation 
    2. Mediation.
    3. Arbitration.
    4. Conciliation
  24. The best method of conserving wildlife is by
    1. passing strict laws against poachers.
    2. banning trade that involves the selling of game products,
    3. fencing game parks.
    4. educating the people about the importance of wildlife conversation.
  25. The main reason why the Europeans scrambled for colonies in Africa was
    1. search for raw materials for their industries.
    2. search for markets for their industrial goods.
    3. need to spread christianity.
    4. need to settle the surplus population.
  26. The bill of rights are guaranteed in the constitution in chapter
    1. Five.
    2. Four
    3. Seven.
    4. One.
  27. The diagram below means
    1.  no entry 
    2. no road ahead
    3. stop
    4. road busy
  28. Who was the first President of Ghana when it gained independence?
    1. J.B Danguah.
    2. Canaan Banana.
    3. Kwameh Nkrumah.
    4. Robert Mugabe.
  29. In Kenya National Assembly debates are controlled by the
    1. sergent at arms.
    2. leader of majority.
    3. President.
    4. speaker.
  30. The body in charge of elections in Kenya is mandated to carry out the following functions except
    1. drawing and reviewing boundaries
    2. solving nomination disputes
    3. nullifying election results
    4. announcing election results
  31. Which group of countries used armed struggle during their struggle for independence in the colonial period?
    1. Kenya, Zimbabwe, Mozambique.
    2. Ghana, Uganda, Tanzania.
    3. Ghana, South Africa, Uganda.
    4. Mozambique, Tanzania, Kenya.
  32. The main source of revenue for the county governments in Kenya is
    1. grants from the national government.
    2. taxes.
    3. rents.
    4. Ioans.
  33. The following are qualities of a good leader except
    1. intolerant.
    2. patriotic.
    3. impartial.
    4. loyal.
  34. Kenya became independent in
    1. 1960
    2. 1963
    3. 1964
    4. 1978
  35. HIV/AIDS can not be transmitted through
    1. sexual intercourse.
    2. shaking hands.
    3. sharing sharp objects.
    4. kissing.
  36. The head quarters of A.U are based in
    1. Addis Ababa.
    2. Nairobi.
    3. Arusha.
    4. Cairo.

Christian Religious Education

  1.  Which one of the following facts from the biblical stories of creation shows that human beings are given the mandate to subdue the earth?
    1. Human beings are commanded to multiply and fill the earth.
    2. Human beings are given the power to name all the other creatures
    3. Human beings are given the power to take care of God's creation
    4. Human beings are commanded to have work and leisure.
  2. In the Exodus the presence of God was manifested by
    1. a mighty wind
    2. an earthquake and a still voice
    3. a burning bush and a pillar of cloud
    4. a pillar of fire and cloud
  3. Now I know you have obedient reverence for God, because you have not kept back your only son from me." (Genesis 22:12) These words were spoken by God to
    1. Noah
    2. Abraham
    3. David
    4. Moses
  4. The following are lessons learnt from the ten plaques that God sent to the Egyptians. Which one is not?
    1. Yahweh was aware of the problems of the Israelites
    2. Yawheh was working through His prophet, Moses
    3. Yahweh was determined to save His people
    4. Yahweh was less powerful than the Egyptian gods.
  5. Which of the following action by the Israelites during passover does not show that they were in a hurry?
    1. Eating while standing
    2. The unleavened bread
    3. The bitter herbs
    4. Eating while wearing sandals
  6. Who among the following kings brought the ark of the covenant to the temple of Jerusalem?
    1. David
    2. Saul
    3. Solomon 
    4. Rehoboam
  7. Which one of the following lists consists of historical books of the Bible only?
    1. Judges, Nehemiah, Esther
    2. 1st Kings, Exodus, Leviticus
    3. 1st Chronicles, Numbers, Psalms
    4. Proverbs, Ecclesiastes, Jobs
  8. Who among the following is not a major prophet?
    1. Daniel 
    2. Ezekiel
    3. Isaiah 
    4. Joel
  9. During the God's covenant with Jeremiah in Jeremiah 31:3-34, God promised to
    1. make a new covenant where each individual will come to know God.
    2. make David's dynasty continue forever
    3. preserve the life of people
    4. fulfill the promises He had made to Abraham.
  10. Which one of the following commandments discourages us from being greedy for what does not belong to us?
    1. Do not desire another man's property
    2. Do not accuse anyone falsely
    3. Do not use my name for evil purpose
    4. Respect your mother and father
  11. The following are events that happened in the life of Jesus: - Heaven opened - The Holy Spirit came in the form of a dove - Sound was heard from heaven. g which of the following occassions did the above events take place?
    1. During the transfiguration of Jesus
    2. During the death of Jesus
    3. During the temptations of Jesus
    4. During the baptism of Jesus
  12. Which one of the following was the main message of John the baptist?
    1. Baptism and humility
    2. Repentance and baptism
    3. Love and generosity
    4. Forgiveness and joy
  13. Jesus was circumcised at the age of eight days because
    1.  it was in accordance to the Jewish customs
    2. his parents were in a hurry to flee to Egypt
    3. there was a census in the whole Roman empire
    4. the angel told Joseph to do so in a dream
  14. One way through which Jesus cared for the less fortunate in the society was
    1. preaching to them and judging them for their sins
    2. telling people to, despise them as they were lazy
    3. encouraging them to read the Bible when they were free
    4. feeding the hungry and healing the sick.
  15. Which one of the following was not a value taught by Jesus during the sermon on the mountain?
    1. Spiritual poverty
    2. Peace making
    3. Humility
    4. Courage
  16. "Do not put the lord your God into tesi" Jesus said these words to the devil when he tempted him to
    1. kneel down and worship him
    2. change stones into bread
    3. throw himself down from the top of the temple
    4. build the temple at Jerusalem in a day.
  17. Jesus healed the paralytic man. This shows that
    1. He has power over nature
    2. He has power over sins
    3. He has power over death
    4. He has power to rule the earth.
  18. During the trial of Jesus, Pilate washed his hands to show that
    1. he had made his achievements
    2. he was a sinful person
    3. he had nothing to do with the case
    4. he was a trusted friend of Jesus
  19. Which one of the following events happened during the pentecost?
    1. Noise was heard from the sky sounding like a strong wind
    2. Darkness covered the whole earth
    3. A voice was heard from heaven
    4. The curtain of the temple was torn into two.
  20.  Allan, a standard eight boy, visits the inmates in prison during the weekends. He gives them food and clothes. Which fruit of the holy spirit does he display?
    1. Self-control
    2. Patience
    3. Kindness
    4. Peace
  21. Which one of the following is not an aspect of worship in African traditional societies?
    1. Offering tithes
    2. blessing the people
    3. singing songs
    4. praying for God's protection.
  22. The following are similar beliefs in both African traditional societies and christianity except
    1.  the result of sin and evil is suffering and death
    2. God is the guardian of morality, law and order.
    3. sin arises from human beings disobedience and greed
    4. Baptism by water.
  23. The following were roles of girls in African traditional societies except
    1. feeding and looking after young children
    2. protecting the clan from external attacks
    3. sweeping the compound and cleaning houses
    4. fetching water and cleaning utensils
  24. In African traditional societies, it is believed that evil is caused by all the following except
    1. malicious ancestral spirits who have a grudge against the living
    2. evil people such as wizards and sorcerers
    3. failure to abide by the church norms
    4. breaking of oaths.
  25. The following names are used to refer to God in African traditional societies except
    1. Jehovah
    2. Asis
    3. Enkai
    4. Mulungu
  26. Risper, your deskmate, has a deep urge of taking alcohol. As a christian, the best advice to give her
    1. to take the alcohol only when not seen
    2. just take a little alcohol and repent
    3. our bodies are the temple of the Holy spirit
    4. take it but be careful to avoid its harmful effects
  27. Bochela is a wealthy man in his village. The best way in which he can use his wealth is by
    1. opening a big supermarket to sell things to the villagers.
    2. helping his sister's children who are jobless
    3. organising for expensive trips of his family members abroad
    4. buying water pipes to supply water to the villagers
  28. The best way that the church can do to stop the spread of HIV/AIDS among the youths is by
    1. encouraging them to visit VCT centres
    2. educating them on behavioural change.
    3. organising retreats for them
    4. neglecting those who are already infected
  29. Lewa, your deskmate, says that she is mature enough to have a boyfriend. As a christian deskmate and a classmate the best advice you would give her is
    1. forget about boys and concentrate on her studies
    2. have only one boyfriend abstain from sex.
    3. have the boyfriend but keep it a secret
    4. enjoy herself as life is too short
  30. At the Jacobs's well, Jesus was avoiding one of the following social vices with the samaritan woman. Which one is it?
    1. Corruption
    2. Nepotism
    3. Racial discrimination
    4. Social injustice.

Islamic Religious Education

  1. Which one of the following surahs warns ma against backbiting?
    1. Humaza
    2. Zilzalah
    3. Takathur
    4. Fatiha
  2. Which one of the following scriptures was revealed in the month of Ramadhan?
    1. Zabur
    2. aurat
    3. Qur’an
    4. Injeel
  3. How many verses are there in surah Al-Fatiha
    1. Six
    2. Seven
    3. Eight
    4. Ten
  4. The main teaching of surah Al-Ikhlaas is
    1. Iman 
    2. Ihsaan
    3. Taqwa
    4. Tawheed
  5. "You shall certainly see the hell fire." This is a verse from surah
    1. Takathur
    2. Qariah
    3. Zilzalah
    4. Fil
  6. Which one of the following is a manner of eating according to the hadith of the prophet (S.A.W)?
    1. Eating with the left hand
    2. Eating while standing.
    3. Saying Alhamdulillahi after eating.
    4. Eating the food while it is hot.
  7. While drinking water a Muslim should pause
    1. two times
    2. three times
    3. five times
    4. one time
  8. Which one of the following pillars of Islam cannot be done in ones home town?
    1. Zakat
    2. Swalat
    3. Saum
    4. Haji
  9. The total number of rakaat that a Muslim must perform in a day are
    1. 17
    2. 14
    3. 16
    4. 10
  10. Who among the following is a recipient of Zakat?
    1. Orphan
    2. Widow
    3. Slave
    4. Neighbour
  11. Which one of the following things is recommended to use while breaking a fast?
    1. Water
    2. Juice
    3. Rice
    4. Dates
  12. Which one of the following pillars of Islam promotes generosity?
    1. Hajj
    2. Zakat
    3. Saum
    4. Shahada
  13. Who among the following angels is in charge of removing the souls from human beings?
    1. Izrail
    2. Israfil
    3. Jibril 
    4. Mikail
  14. The fear of Allah (S.W.T.) is referred to as
    1. Tawakkul
    2. Tawheed
    3. Ihsaan
    4. Taqwa
  15. Which one of the following miracles was performed by prophet Musa (A.S.)?
    1. Bringing the dead back to life.
    2. Telling what someone ate the previous day.
    3. Changing a rod into a snake.
    4. Healing the lepers.
  16. Which one of the following sunnah prayers is performed to seek for rain?
    1. Khusuf
    2. Istisqai
    3. Istikharah
    4. Dhuha
  17. Which one of the following attributes of Allah (S.W.T.) means the fashioner?
    1. Al-Musawwir 
    2. Al-Waduud
    3. Al-Khaalia
    4. Al-Mutakabbir
  18. Amina a standard five pupil heard her friend sneezing. What should Amina say?
    1. Maashallah
    2. Alhamdulillahi
    3. Yarhamkallah
    4. Astadhfirullah
  19. Which of the following names is good for a Muslim?
    1. Mashaka
    2. Shida
    3. Zacks 
    4. Musa
  20. Which one of the following is the first rite to a newly born baby?
    1. Circumcision
    2. Adhan
    3. Shaving
    4. Tahnik
  21. Which month was the journey of Isra-wa! miraj undertaken?
    1. Rajab
    2. Ramadhan
    3. Muharrum
    4. Shawwal
  22. The act of hiding of goods in order to seli them when the prices go up is known as
    1. hoarding
    2. ghush
    3. riba
    4. uslu
  23. Abdullah, a shopkeeper, at Bidii trading cente has the following as the reasons to why his business has succeeded. Which of the following reasons is haraam?
    1. Weighing goods accurately.
    2. Selling goods on credit.
    3. Giving back the correct change.
    4. Charging interest on goods sold.
  24. .How many households constitute a neighbourhood according to the hadith of the prophet (S.A.W)?
    1. Fifty
    2. Forty
    3. Thirty
    4. Twenty
  25. Which town is the prophet's mosque found?
    1. Makkah
    2. Jerusalem
    3. Madina
    4. Taif
  26. Who among the following Caliph accompanied the prophet during Hijrah?
    1. Uthman 
    2. ali
    3. Umar
    4. Abubakr
  27. The main reason why Muslims lost the battle of Uhud was because
    1. they dishonoured the words o the prophet.
    2. they were few in number
    3. they were poorly prepared.
    4. the Quraish had superior weapons
  28. Who among the following was a brother to Nabii Musa (A.S.)?
    1. Issa
    2. Adam
    3. Harun
    4. Swaleh
  29. Who among the following was the first Muadhin in the history of Islam?
    1. Ammar
    2. Bilaalb
    3. Hamza
    4. Harith
  30. Who among the following prophets of A (S.W.T.) was swallowed by a whale?
    1. Lut
    2. Hud
    3. Suleiman
    4. Yunus

Marking Scheme

  1. A
  2. B
  3. B
  4. B
  5. C
  6. A
  7. A
  8. D
  9. A
  10. D
  11. C
  12. B
  13. B
  14. A
  15. B
  16. A
  17. A
  18. A
  19. B
  20. C
  21. A
  22. C
  23. C
  24. A
  25. B
  26. C
  27. A
  28. D
  29. D
  30. D
  31. C
  32. C
  33. B
  34. A
  35. C
  36. A
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  38. B
  39. A
  40. D
  41. B
  42. C
  43. D
  44. A
  45. C
  46. D
  47. A
  48. D
  49. A
  50. B
  51. A
  52. C
  53. D
  54. C
  55. A
  56. A
  57. A
  58. B
  59. B
  60. A


  1. C
  2. C
  3. A
  4. D
  5. C
  6. A
  7. A
  8. D
  9. C
  10. A
  11. D
  12. B
  13. A
  14. D
  15. A
  16. C
  17. A
  18. C
  19. A
  20. C
  21. A
  22. D
  23. B
  24. C
  25. A
  26. C
  27. D
  28. B
  29. A
  30. C


  1. A
  2. C
  3. B
  4. D
  5. A
  6. C
  7. B
  8. D
  9. A
  10. C
  11. D
  12. A
  13. A
  14. D
  15. C
  16. B
  17. A
  18. C
  19. D
  20. B
  21. A
  22. A
  23. D
  24. B
  25. C
  26. D
  27. A
  28. C
  29. B
  30. D



Use the map of Elgon Area to answer questions 1 to 7.

  1. The factory in Elgon area is
    1. an assembly plant
    2. a processing plant
    3. a manufacturing plant
    4.  is a Jua Kali plant
  2. Three of the following shows that Elgon area lies in a cool and wet zone. Which one does not?
    1. Presence of boreholes
    2. Presence of forest
    3. permanent rivers
    4. Presence of a cash crop
  3. What is the direction of the game reserve from the hill?
    1. North West
    2. North East
    3. South East
    4. South West
  4. Which economic activity is NOT practiced in Elgon area?
    1. Mining
    2. Tourism
    3. Trading
    4. Cash crop farming
  5. The highest point in Elgon area is
    1. around safi area
    2. around the forested area
    3. around the game reserve
    4. around the tea growing zone
  6. What has contributed MOST to the growth of the town in Elgon area?
    1. Nearness to Safi dam
    2. Availability of water
    3. Flatness of the land
    4. Adequate means of transport
  7. The dam in Elgon area
    1.  is a source of a river
    2. increases floods
    3. is a reservoir
    4. is a natural feature
  8. Which one of the following is a result of Bantus interaction with the people of Saudi Arabia?
    1. Introduction of Swahili culture
    2. Introduction of Christianity
    3. Establishment of Mission Schools
    4.  Abolition of slave trade
  9. The following are characteristics of prominent leaders in Africa
    1. He was a trader
    2. He was a medicine man
    3. He was a military leader
    4. He was a famous religious leader
    5. He died in 1904
      Which one are for Masaku?
      1.  (i) (iii) (v)
      2. (ii) (iv) (v)
      3. (i) (ii) (iv)
      4. (i) (ii) (v)
  10. Which one is the BEST way of conserving wildlife?
    1. Educating people on the importance of wildlife
    2. Erecting electric fences around national parks
    3. Protection of the endangered species
    4. Increasing the area under forests

Use the map of Africa below to answer question 11-13


  1. The climatic region marked M is?
    1. Mediterranean climate
    2. Mountain climate
    3. Equatorial climate
    4. Tropical climate
  2. The physical feature marked S is a
    1. a volcanic mountain
    2. a block mountain
    3. a fold mountain
    4. a residual mountain
  3. Which of the following is not true of the river marked Q?
    1. It drains in East Africa
    2. It has an artificial lake
    3. It is used for irrigation
    4. It starts in East Africa
  4. Three of the following are problems facing ECOWAS, which one is NOT?
    1. Brought limited movement of people in member countries
    2. Production of similar goods
    3. Inefficient infrastructure connecting member countries
    4. Lack of a common currency among member states
  5. Which is the capital of South Africa?
    1. Johannesburg
    2. Soweto
    3. Pretoria
    4. Witwatersrand
  6. The following are description of a certain river in Africa
    1. It originated from a lake
    2. It forms a delta
    3. Its water is used for irrigation
      The river described above is?
      1. R. Volta
      2. R. Zambezi
      3. R. Nile
      4. R. Tana
  7. Dairy farming is BEST practiced in areas that are.
    1. High in altitude.
    2. Hot and dry.
    3. Hot and wet.
    4. Near urban centres.
  8. The history of a community was passed from generation to another MAINLY through?
    1. Imitation.
    2. Work.
    3. Apprenticeship
    4. Story telling.
  9. The pre-historic site that is found in Tanzania is
    1. Olduvuai Gorge
    2. Nariokotene
    3. Hyrax Hill 
    4. Olorgesaillie
  10. Which one of the following is not a function of Mombasa town?
    1. An administrative centre
    2. An industrial centre
    3. A tourist centre
    4. It is a lake port centre
  11. Three of the following are requirements of presidential candidates except?
    1. Must present nomination papers to the returning officer.
    2. Must be 35 yrs and above.
    3. Be a registered voter in a constituency.
    4. Must be nominated by a registered political party.
  12. A false statement about the Portuguese rule in Africa is:-
    1. They considered their colonies as overseas provinces.
    2. The grouped their colonies to form federations
    3. Laws in their colonies were made in Portugal.
    4. The provinces were governed from Portugal
  13. The first prime minister in Kenya was
    1. Uhuru Kenyatta
    2. Raila Odinga
    3. Jomo Kenyatta
    4. Oginga Odinga

Use the map of Eastern Africa below to answer questions 24-26


  1. Which of the following communities migrated through roure X?
    1. Bantu
    2. Kalenjin
    3. Somali
    4. Luo
  2. Which of the following lakesis marked Y?
    1. Victoria 
    2. Malawi
    3. Rukwa
    4. Tanganyika
  3. The Eastern African country marked S is?
    1. D.R.Congo
    2. Uganda
    3. Rwanda
    4. Burundi
  4. Taxes collected by the Kenya government are used in all the following except?
    1. Providing education
    2. Buying private property
    3. Maintaining law and order
    4. Building roads
  5. Three of the following are TRUE about the flag of Kenya except
    1. The Kenyan Flag was adopted in December 1963.
    2. The green color stands for our natural wealth.
    3. It is a factor that promotes national unity.
    4. It has four colors each with a different meaning.
  6. During which month is the sun overhead the tropical of Capricorn?
    1. March
    2. December
    3. September
    4. June
  7. Three of the following are factors influencing climate change except?
    1.  Pollution
    2. Overstocking
    3. Deforestation
    4. Rural-urban migration
  8. Cloves are largely grown in
    1. Zanzibar
    2. Uganda
    3.  Eritrea
    4. Tanzania
  9. Three of the following are TRUE of the legislature in Kenya EXCEPT?
    1. Its main duty is to make laws.
    2. It formulates government policies.
    3. It has elected as well as nominated MPS.
    4. It controls government spending.
  10. Which one of the following countries has a traditional government?
    1. Zimbabwe
    2. Uganda
    3. Somalia
    4. Swaziland
  11. The Aswan high dam was established MAINLY to?
    1. Control the flooding of river Nile
    2. Produce hydro-electric power
    3. Provide water for irrigation
    4. Create fishing grounds
  12. Which one is NOT a problem facing forests in Kenya?
    1. Government allocation of forest land
    2. Silting of rivers and dams
    3. Illegal logging
    4.  Forest fires
  13. Three of the following are importances of population data. Which one is NOT?
    1. Helps the government to plan for enough food supplies
    2. The government knows the expected money to correct from individuals
    3. Planning for social services (eg) schools and hospitals
    4. Planning for free primary education
  14. Pyramids are a famous tourist attraction in
    1. Algeria
    2. Kenya
    3. Egypt
    4. Zimbabwe
  15. During the pre-colonial period virtues were encouraged through
    1. Bible readings
    2. Local courts
    3. Scared rituals
    4. Moral laws
  16. The factor that has mainly influenced the location of Webuye paper industry is?
    1. Nearness to raw materials
    2. Good transport means
    3. A ready market
    4. Provision of skilled labour
  17. Which one of the following countries achieved her independence through constitutional means?
    1. Zimbabwe
    2. Ghana
    3. Kenya
    4. Mozambique
  18. Female Genital Mutilation is discouraged in Kenya Mainly because
    1. It leads to barrenness
    2. It promotes disunity
    3. It encourages immorality
    4. It is health hazard
  19. The following are descriptions of a certain mineral in Kenya
    1. It is the second most important mineral
    2. It is used in the manufacture of sulphuric acid and toothpaste
    3. It is used to make non-stick cooking pans
    4. The mineral is mined using open cast method
      The mineral described above is?
      1. Limestone
      2. Soda Ash
      3. Diatomite
      4. Fluorspar
  20. The 12 members of parliament are nominated by?
    1. Registered political parties
    2. Public Service Commission
    3. Attorney general
    4. President
  21. Majority of foreigners become citizen of Kenya MAINLY through
    1. Birth
    2. Naturalization
    3. Registration
    4. Identification
  22. Who among the following is BEST suited to help end a civil dispute
    1. Local administrator
    2. Chief justice
    3. Arbitrator
    4. Member of parliament


  1. Which of the following physical features was formed through the above process?
    1. Mt. Kenya
    2. Mt. Kilimanjaro
    3. The Atlas Mts
    4. the Ahaggar mts
  2. Which one of the following was NOT practiced in traditional agriculture?
    1. Plantation farming
    2. Mixed farming
    3. Subsistence farming
    4. Shifting cultivation
  3. Three of the following are true of customary marriage. Which one is NOT?
    1.  It is the most common type of marriage
    2. Marriage certificates are issued
    3. It takes place according to African customs and traditions
    4. Polygamy is allowed
  4. Three of the countries below are members of the common wealth EXCEPT
    1. Britain
    2. New Zealand
    3. France
    4. Canada
  5. Three of the following are true statements about a general election. Which one is FALSE?
    1. Returning officers announce election results in constituencies
    2. Presiding officers announce election results in constituencies
    3. Presidential, parliamentary and civic elections held at the same time.
    4. The electoral commission supervises the election
  6. Which one is TRUE of Mzee Jomo Kenyatta?
    1. He supported freedom fighters in other parts of Africa
    2. He was the first chairman of the Kenya African Union KAU
    3. He was the secretary general of Kenya African National Union KANU
    4. He introduced the 8:4:4 system of education
  7. The ocean currents that creates a cooling effect on the South Western tip of Africa is
    1. Mozambique
    2. Canary
    3. Guinea
    4. Benguela
  8. Which one is a challenge facing African economies
    1. Under-population
    2. Urbanization
    3. Inadequate capital
    4. Shortage of labor
  9.  Which one of the following climatic regions mainly receives convectional rainfall throughout the year?
    1. Mountain climate 
    2. Equatorial
    3. Savanna
    4. Mediterranean
  10. Which one of the following is NOT true about the speaker?
    1. He is elected by members of parliament
    2. He chairs parliamentary debates
    3. He swears in the members of parliament
    4. He is elected after two terms of five years each
  11. Three of the following are reasons why Lenana of the Maasai collaborated with the British except?
    1. To be recognized as the Maasai political leader
    2. To receive food supplies due to famine
    3. So that the Maasai could be moved to reserves
    4. To get military support against his brother
  12. Which one is NOT an organ of the Kenya Defence Forces (KDF)
    1. The Army
    2. The General Service Unit
    3. The Navy
    4. The Administration Police
  13. Three of the following are TRUE about coffee growing in Ethiopia EXCEPT
    1. The main variety grown is Arabica
    2. The main growing area is Ethiopia High lands
    3. Coffee is the second foreign exchange earner
    4. Most of the coffee is grown by small scale farmers
  14. Three of the following are advantages of roads transport except one. Which one?
    1. Faster and cheaper over shorter distances
    2. It is free from noise and air pollution
    3. It is the most widespread form of transport
    4. It is a flexible form of transport.
  15. Mary a HIV infected orphan has been refused playing with anybody by her aunt. Which freedom has Mary been denied?
    1. Freedom of playing
    2. Freedom of speech
    3. Freedom of worship
    4. Freedom of association


  1. According to Genesis stories of creation, which One of the following explains the MAIN reason why God created Eve? To
    1. bear children for Adam
    2. take care of the garden of Eden
    3. be Adam's helper.
    4. look after the animals.
  2. Which one of the following acts of Abraham DOES NOT show his obedience to God?
    1. Accepting to marry his wife Sarah.
    2. Moving from Haran to Canaan .
    3. His willingness to sacrifice Isaac his only son
    4. Accepting to make a covenant with God
  3. Which one of the following was the MAIN reason why Moses ran away from Egypt?
    1. He had killed a Hebrew
    2. He was a stammerer
    3. He feared the king of Egypt
    4. God ordered him to go to Midian
  4. Which one of the following event did NOT take place when God was calling Moses to rescue the Israelites.
    1. God introduced Himself to Moses.
    2. There was a burning bush
    3.  Moses told God who God was
    4. God commissioned Moses to go to Egypt
  5. According to Deuteronomy chapter 34, on which mountain did Moses die? Mount
    1. Sinai
    2. Nebo
    3. Horeb
    4. Ararat
  6. Which one of the following is the reason why Jacob and his family moved to Egypt?
    1. There were plagues in Israel
    2. God instructed them to move
    3. There were floods in Israel
    4. There was famine in Israel
  7. Who among the following judges of Israel sang songs of praises to God?
    1. Deborah and Barak
    2. Miriam and Samson
    3. Gideon and Barak.
    4. Othniel and Ehud.
  8. The following were the failures of King Saul when he ruled as King of Israel. Which one is NOT? He
    1. consulted a medium after Samuel's death
    2. married many foreign wives who brought idolatry in Israel.
    3. offered it sacrifice to God instead of Waiting for Samuel
    4. spared some fat animals, beautiful women and King Agog
  9. Which one of the following statements is TRUE about teaching of Jeremiah on the new Covenant?
    1. Children will be finished for the sins of their parents.
    2. God will give the Israelites an everlasting kingdom
    3. God will accept sacrifices as a sign of repentance
    4. God will write the laws in the people's hearts.
  10. Who among the following prophets prophesied that Jesus would be born in the lineage of David?
    1. Joel
    2. Isaiah
    3. Nathan
    4. Micah
  11. Which one of the following group consists of the gifts that were presented to Baby Jesus by the wise men?
    1. Gold, silver and frankincense
    2. Gold, bronze and frankincense
    3. Gold, frankincense and oil
    4. Gold, myrrh and frankincense.
  12. How old was Jesus when he was taken by his parents to the temple for dedication?
    1. 8 years 
    2. 8 days
    3. 12 years.
    4. 12 days
  13. When John the Baptist saw Jesus coming to be baptised he referred to him as
    1.  Prince of Peace.
    2. Bread of life.
    3. Lamb of God.
    4. Light of the Gentiles
  14. Which one of the following is the MAIN lesson that Christians learn from the parable of the hidden treasure?
    1. Its important to find pearls
    2. Wealth is very important
    3. The Kingdom of God is for the Jews
    4. There is joy in finding the kingdom of God
  15.  Which of the following parables of Jesus teaches Christians to help the people that are in need? The
    1. sower 
    2. prodigal Son
    3. good Samaritan
    4. mustard seed.
  16. Which one of the following miracles was performed by both Peter and Jesus?
    1. Healing lepers
    2. Raising the dead,
    3. Calming the storm.
    4. multiplication of oil.
  17. Which one of the following beatitudes is CORRECTLY matched with its promise? Blessed are
    1. those who mourn for they will be comforted
    2. the merciful for theirs is the kingdom of God.
    3. the humble for they will be satisfied
    4. the pure in heart for they will inherit the earth
  18. In which one of the following activities did Jesus prepare His disciples for his death?
    1. Calming the storm.
    2. Healing the blind Bartimaeus.
    3. Triumphant entry into Jerusalem.
    4. Sharing the last meal with them.
  19. According to Luke 24:50 Jesus was taken to heaven while at Mt.
    1. Jerusalem.
    2. Nazareth
    3. Bethany.
    4. Galilee.
  20. Three of the following took place on the day of Pentecost. Which one DID NOT!
    1. There was a strong wind.
    2. Tongues of fire rested on each of them.
    3. The disciples spoke in new tongues
    4. The disciples broke the bread and shared
  21.  Three of the following are fruits of the Holy Spirit. Which one is NOT?
    1.  Faithfulness.
    2. Gentleness
    3. Love
    4. Faith
  22. Which one of the following DOES NOT mark new life in traditional African Society?
    1. Baptism.
    2. Initiation
    3. Birth.
    4. Marriage
  23. According to traditional African communities. how were the ancestors remembered?
    1. Singing songs of praises to them
    2. Naming children after them.
    3. Pouring libation
    4. Offering burnt sacrifices to them.
  24. According to traditional African communities naming of children was done by
    1. men
    2. women.
    3. both parents.
    4. clan elders.
  25. Three of the following are Christian views or marriage. Which one is NOT?
    1. Marriage should be permanent.
    2. Marriage without children is incomplete
    3. Wives should be submissive to their husbands.
    4. No one should separate what God has put together.
  26. The following shows how different pupils spent their leisure time during the school holiday Who among them spent it the BEST way!?
    1. Karani - read the bible.
    2. Wamaitha - involved herself in choir practice.
    3. Gabriel - watched christian movies
    4. Steffanie - participated in community cleaning
  27. You have noted that your deskmate Nahashon is dropping in his class performance for the last couple of weeks. As a Christian how BEST can you help him?
    1. Find out the cause of dropping
    2. Report him to his parents
    3. Buy him text books and revision materials.
    4. Avoid his company lest you also start dropping,
  28. On your way home from church, you find two boys fighting. As a Christian what is the BEST action to take?
    1. Avoid them by running very fast.
    2. Separate them and help them reconcile.
    3. Report them to the nearest police station
    4. Join in the fight to help the one being beaten more.
  29. Which one of the following is the BEST way to control the spread of HIV/AIDS among married couples?
    1. Abstinence,
    2. Faithfulness.
    3. Taking preventive medicines
    4. Use of family planning drugs.
  30. The following characters describes an early missionary in Eastern Africa
    1. He wrote the Swahili dictionary
    2. He campaigned against slave trade
    3. He established a mission station or Rabai
      Who among the following missionary is described above?
      1. John Speke
      2. Johann Ret man
      3. Ludwig Krapf
      4. David Livingstone


  1. The following are favours of Allah(sw) upon the prophet p.b.u.h). All of them are mentioned in Surah Inshiraah EXCEPT one. Which one?
    1. Removed burdens from him.
    2. Raised his fame
    3. Lifted up his heart.
    4. Gave him riches.
  2. Which of the following is the MAIN subject matter in the Surah Al-Qadr? The
    1. Angelic host led by Jibril(A.S).
    2.  revelation of the holy Qur'an.
    3. prevailing of peace until fajr.
    4. rewards equivalent to one thousand months.
  3. All the following information is true as mentioned in strah Al-Zilzala EXCEPT
    1. men will appear bright with folded faces
    2. the earth will be inspired to give our secrets.
    3. the man will question "What's the matter?
    4. the earth will shake with final earthquake.
  4. Muslims are not allowed to eat from all these meat EXCEPT one. Which one? Animals
    1. gored by the horns of other animals.
    2. that dies after falling from a height.
    3. that dies from a hunters hook
    4. partly eaten by wild animals.
  5. The army which attempted to destroy the holy Kasba in the year 570 A.D was destroyed by
    1. flood of water
    2. small stones of baked clay
    3. Dose of a thunderstorm
    4. corked fire.
  6. "The curse of Allah befalls the giver, the recipient and the one who acts as a mediator between the two". This hadith teaches us on the effects of
    1.  virtues and sins.
    2. righteousness
    3. co-operation 
    4. corruption
  7.  According to the hadith, true and honest business merchants will on the Day of Qiyamah be rewarded as the
    1. Standard bearers of truth
    2. martyrs
    3. steadfast in Imaan.
    4. fathers of Imaan.
  8. The prophet(p.b.u.h) one day told a Swahaba who wanted to just leave a camel free, "Tie it first and then rely on Allah Which lesson was he teaching us?
    1. Istiqaama.
    2. Istimraar.
    3. Tawakkul.
    4. Thumaanina.
  9. Angel Jibril (A.S) never stopped advising the prophet(p.b.u..h) about his until he thought that Allah will make them heirs of his inheritance
    1. neighbours
    2. friends
    3. relatives
    4. leaders
  10. Any good service you render to your brother Muslim Allah(s.w) will reward you Yaumul Qiyama.
    1. beyond imagination.
    2. a similar service.
    3. another better service.
    4. without Hisaab.
  11. Which of the following words when uttered last before death, makes one to enter paradise?
    1. Laa haula walaa Quwwata illa billah
    2.  Innalillahi wa inna ilaihi raajiun.
    3. Husbunallahu waneemal waqiil.
    4. Laa ilah illallah
  12. You feel like there is something strength especially touching on your life or on the life of your people. Which of the following prayers are you advised to perform?
    1. Swalatu Istikhaara.
    2. Swalatul Khusuf
    3. Swalatu Istisqu-a.
    4. Swalatul Khauf.
  13. Which one of the following activities MUST one face away from Qibla when performing it, according to Islamie teachings? When
    1. praying Swalah.
    2. slaughtering an animal.
    3. toileting.
    4. performing Udhu.
  14. Who among the following is NOT mentioned among the recipients of Zakkal?
    1. debtor.
    2. matyr.
    3. slave
    4. New convert.
  15. Which one of the following is classified as a thick Najis?
    1. Saliva of a dog.
    2. Milk of animals that we do not eat their meat.
    3. Urine of an infant baby boy.
    4. All faeces.
  16.  All the following pieces of clothing are prepared for the purposes of shrouding the Mayyit EXCEPT one. Which one?
    1. The Amis
    2. Taar.
    3. Chtaam
    4. Lifaafa.
  17. The following Hajj activities are performed seven times each EXCEPT one. Which one?
    1. Drinking at the spring of Zamzam
    2. Twawaf around the holy Kaaba.
    3. Sa'y between the Swafa and Marwa hills
    4. Throwing stones at the Maqamu Ibrahim stampede.
  18. The following are the qualities that may guide a person to make the most accurate judgement in the Islamic court. Which one is NOT among them?
    1. Justice. 
    2. Ihsaan
    3. Taqwa
    4. Handsome.
  19. The two prophets of Allah who received food direct from heaven were Prophets
    1. Musa and Issa.
    2.  Ibrahim and Ismail.
    3. Daud and Suleiman.
    4. Dhulkill and Idris
  20. During the month of Ramadhan's fasting sessions, the door of Hellfire are closed, the doors of Paradise remain open and the Shuyaatwiin aro jailed. Which Angels do this work? Angels
    1. Munkar and Nakir
    2. Ridhwaan and Malik
    3. Raqib und Atid.
    4. Jibriland Izrail
  21. With full evidence from reliable witnesses. the Islamic Sharia administers a death sentence to each of the following crimes EXCEPT
    1. apostacy
    2. adultery.
    3. killing accidentally
    4. corruption
  22. The first few people to join Islant underwent bitter persecution but still their Imaan was not swayed. This is because they had
    1. resistance
    2. tolerance
    3. no hope.
    4. hypocrisy
  23. The following activities took place on the days within the month of Muharram EXCEPT one. Which one? The day
    1. When Nabil Ayyub recovered from his suffering
    2. when Saidina Hussein was martyred.
    3. which Nabii Adam(A.S) was created.
    4. We Nabii Ibrahim was lynched
  24. The MAIN virtue encouraged among Muslim families in the Eid-ul Adh-h , Eid-ul-Fitr and Aqiqa festivals is
    1. sharing
    2. cooperation
    3. extravagance,
    4. advertisement
  25. Why do Muslims circumcise their baby boys? It is a
    1. custom of their great grand parents
    2. form of baptism.
    3. form of initiation
    4. form of 'Twahara
  26. Whoever has knowledge but hold back on it refusing to transmit. Allah(s.w) will punish him (or her) with
    1. strokes of cane from trees of hellfire,
    2. pebbles made of clay from hellfire
    3. bars of hot iron from the hellfire
    4. strings of ropes from hellfire fibre.
  27. Who among the following prophets made a great throne out of ivory and gold from Eastern Africa?
    1. Nabii Daudf(A.S).
    2. Nabii Suleiman(A.S).
    3. Nabii Yusuf (A.S).
    4. Nabii Yaqub (A.S).
  28. Who among the following early visitors to the Coast of East Africa came from mun? The
    1. Al-Insa group.
    2. Ammu Zaid Group.
    3. Shirazi group
    4. Suleiman and Sald group.
  29. Which sub-tribe entered into agreement with the Muslims after the treaty of Hudaibiyya?
    1. Banu Khura.
    2. Banu Khazraj
    3. Bam Bahr.
    4. Banu Qainuqua.
  30. At which point lid 100 Muslims from the Muslim army that was headed for the battle of Uhud, turn away?
    1. Around the mountain the archers
    2. At Miqat.
    3. At Ashawt.
    4. Where they had made trenches.

Marking Scheme

  1. B
  2. C
  3. D
  4. A
  5. B
  6. D
  7. C
  8. A
  9. B
  10. A
  11. D
  12. C
  13. A
  14. A
  15. C
  16. C
  17. C
  18. D
  19. A
  20. D
  21. A
  22. A
  23. C
  24. B
  25. D
  26. D
  27. B
  28. A
  29. B
  30. D
  31. A
  32. B
  33. D
  34. B
  35. B
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  37. C
  38. D
  39. A
  40. B
  41. D
  42. D
  43. A
  44. C
  45. C
  46. C
  47. A
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  50. D
  51. A
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  53. C
  54. B
  55. D
  56. C
  57. D
  58. C
  59. B
  60. D


  1. C
  2. A
  3. C
  4. C
  5. B
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  29. B
  30. C


  1. D
  2. B
  3. A
  4. C
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  26. C
  27. B
  28. D
  29. A
  30. C


  1. Which one of the following is not a function of the amniotic fluid?
    1. Allows for the free movement of the foetus.
    2. Prevents the foetus from shock.
    3. Moistens the foetus.
    4. Provides food nutrients to the foetus.
  2. Which of the following is not a sexually transmitted infection?
    1. Bilharzia
    2. Chancroid
    3. Syphilis
    4. Gonorrhea.
  3. Blood from the lungs enters the heart through the
    1. aorta
    2. pulmonary artery
    3. vena cava
    4. pulmonary vein
  4. Which of the following crop pests makes large holes in leaves?
    1. Weevils
    2. Weaver birds
    3. Aphids
    4. Cutworms.
  5. The following are some of the effects of drug abuse.
    1. Unconsciousness
    2. Brain damage.
    3. Poor relationship with family members.
    4. Rape.
      Which pair consists of the social effects of drug abuse?
      1. (i) and (iii)
      2. (i) and (ii)
      3. (iii) and (iv)
      4. (ii) and (iv)
  6. Which of the following parts of the reproductive system produces sex cells?
    1. Vagina and penis.
    2. Testis and ovary.
    3. Uterus and urethra.
    4. Oviduct and penis
  7. The diagram below shows parts of a bean seed.
    Which letter represents the seed leaves?
    1. M
    2. L
    3. N
    4. O
  8. The chart below shows classification of plants.
    Which group of plants were wrongly classified?
    1. Carrot, kales, wandering jew
    2. Kales, bananas, fern.
    3. Fir, banana, fern.
    4. Wandering jew, carrot, fir.
  9. During a Science practical lesson, class six pupils put maize seeds in boiled water and added to it a layer of cooking oil. What condition necessary for germination were they investigating?
    1. Warmth
    2. Moisture
    3. Light
    4. Air.
  10. Mass is measured using a
    1. spring balance
    2. newton
    3. standard weight
    4. weighing scale
  11. Which one of the following is not a living component of the environment?
    1. Earthworms
    2. Cactus
    3. Water
    4. Bacteria.
  12. Class four pupils put soil in a clear container and added water. They stirred the mixture then left it to settle. They investigated all the following components except
    1. air
    2. mineral particles
    3. water
    4. organic matter
  13. The diagram below shows a compost heap.
    Which letter represents the layer that consists of the old compost manure?
    1. Y
    2. X
    3. W
    4. Z
  14. A mixture of husks and maize flour can be best separated by
    1. filtering
    2. sieving
    3. winnowing
    4. decanting.
  15. What is the total percentage of the two gases used by plants to make food?
    1. 1.0%
    2. 78.03%
    3. 21.03% 
    4. 99%
  16. The diagram below shows a simple tool.
    Which pair of letters represents parts on which friction has to be increased for the lever to work effectively?
    1. G and E
    2. F and E
    3. G and H
    4. J and F
  17. Rollers are used to
    1. reduce the weight of an object
    2. reduce the force that hinders motion
    3. increase the friction of an object
    4. reduce the mass of an object
  18. Which one of the following is the third step when modelling the solar system?
    1. Pasting manila paper on the soft board.
    2. Modelling the sun and the planets.
    3. Drawing circles to represent the orbit.
    4. Pasting name tags against each planet.
  19. The diagram below shows a simple weather instrument.
    The weather instrument above works under the principle that
    1. air exerts pressure
    2. air is a good conductor of heat
    3. liquids contract when cooled
    4. matter expands when heated.
  20. Which one of the following is not an effect of parasites on livestock?
    1. Irritation.
    2. Poor quality products.
    3. Increased appetite.
    4. Anaemia.
  21. Which one of the following is the most expensive method of grazing?
    1. Strip grazing.
    2. Herding
    3. Paddocking.
    4. Stall feeding.
  22. The following are signs and symptoms of certain water-borne diseases.
    1. Blood in urine and faeces
    2. Muscular pains.
    3. Red spots on the chest.
    4. Itching at the anus.
      Which ones are not signs of typhoid?
      1. (ii) and (iii)
      2. (i) and (iv)
      3. (ii) and (iv)
      4. (i) and (iii)
  23. Which of the following methods of food preservation works the same way as use of honey?
    1. Smoking
    2. Refrigeration
    3. Salting
    4. Drying.
  24. Which one of the following is a common characteristic in rat, duck and gecko?
    1. They lay eggs.
    2. Their bodies are covered with scales.
    3. They have constant body temperature
    4. They breathe through lungs.
  25. After fertilization, all the following parts of a flower dries up except the
    1. style
    2. petals
    3. sepals
    4. stigma.
  26. Which of the following is not an immunizable disease?
    1. Hepatitis B 
    2. Bilharzia
    3. Measles
    4. Tuberculosis
  27. The following are importance of taking a HIV test except that it helps
    1. in administering proper treatment
    2. to know one’s status
    3. in behavioural change
    4. to overcome fear.
  28. Which one of the following food nutrients is not absorbed in the intestine?
    1. Fats and oils.
    2. Carbohydrates
    3. Proteins
    4. Calcium.
  29. Standard six pupils poured water on a flat soil surface. They used a bottle which had a hole in the lid as shown below.
    Which type of erosion were they likely to be investigating?
    1. Rill erosion
    2. Gulley erosion
    3. Splash erosion
    4. Sheet erosion.
  30. In a convection box, a burning candle is mainly used to
    1. produce smoke
    2. light the box
    3. warm the air
    4. colour the air.
  31. Which one of the following is a poor conductor of electricity?
    1. Pencil
    2. Razor blade
    3. Copper iron
    4. Marble.
  32. All the following animals have the same way of movement except
    1. scorpion
    2. cockroach
    3. ant
    4. chicken.
  33. Which of the following liquids are correctly classified?
       Immiscible   Miscible 
    A  Petrol, cooking oil   Spirit, diesel
    B  Milk, kerosene  Ink, water
    C   Water, milk  Spirit, kerosene
    D   Petrol, ink  Diesel, milk
  34. Water vapour has definite
    1. density
    2. mass
    3. volume
    4. shape.
  35. Two pieces of stones were placed in tins and balanced on a see-saw as shown below.
    What is likely to happen if stone J is broken into small pieces?
    1. K will move upwards.
    2. J will move downwards.
    3. The see-saw will tilt towards K.
    4. There will be no change
  36. Which one of the following is the best way of controling both external and internal livestock parasites?
    1. Clearing bushes around the farm.
    2. Practising rotational grazing.
    3. Deworming.
    4. Dipping and spraying.
  37.  All the following are characteristics of cumulus clouds except that they
    1. indicate fine weather
    2. appear low in the sky
    3. have flat base
    4. look like bundles of cotton wool.
  38. The following are all excretory products except
    1. excess salt
    2. lactic acid
    3. faeces
    4. carbon dioxide.
  39. Which of the following water pollutants is likely to increase the growth of water weeds?
    1. Oil spillage.
    2. Floods.
    3. Excess farm chemicals.
    4. Raw industrial sewage.
  40. The diagram below shows parts of the skin.
    Which letter represents the part that produces sweat?
    1.  H 
    2. G
    3. E
    4. F
  41. A patient with pale eyes and rapid heartbeat should take a diet rich in
    1. calcium
    2. iron
    3. proteins
    4. fibres and water.
  42. Which of the following animal feeds is not suitable to use as pasture?
    1. Desmodium
    2. Napier grass
    3. Lucerne
    4. Kikuyu grass
  43.  A mouse was seen basking in the sun. It is true to say that the body temperature of the mouse
    1. rose
    2. dropped
    3. dropped and then rose steadily
    4. did not change.
  44.  Which one of the following is not a fibre crop?
    1. Sunflower
    2. Sisal
    3. Cotton
    4. Flax
  45. Which one of the following is not true about the first stage of HIV infection?
    1. It has no visible signs.
    2. The patient has no AIDS.
    3. HIV shows positive results.
    4. It is most dangerous stage.
  46. Which one of the following is not a function of the largest component of blood?
    1. Maintains blood pressure.
    2. Suspends red blood cells.
    3. Transports waste products.
    4. Helps in clotting of blood.
  47. The following materials are needed when investigating refraction of light except
    1. pencil
    2. water
    3. mirror
    4. coin.
  48. Which one of the following is not a source of heat?
    1. Moon
    2. Sun
    3. Electricity
    4. Gas.
  49. Which of the following groups of materials cannot sink in water?
    1. Marble, feathers and paper.
    2. Stone, rice and pin.
    3. Leaf, bottle and wire.
    4. Wood, leaf and rubber.
  50. Class five pupils placed a glass full of ice cubes in the sun.
    Which of the following processes did not take place after some time?
    1. Melting.
    2. Expansion.
    3. Evaporation.
    4. Condensation.

Marking Scheme

  1. D
  2. A
  3. D
  4. C
  5. C
  6. B
  7. A
  8. B
  9. D
  10. D
  11. C
  12. C
  13. D
  14. C
  15. B
  16. D
  17. B
  18. C
  19. D
  20. C
  21. D
  22. B
  23. A
  24. D
  25. C
  26. B
  27. A
  28. D
  29. C
  30. C
  31. D
  32. A
  33. B
  34. B
  35. D
  36. B
  37. B
  38. C
  39. B
  40. A
  41. B
  42. B
  43. D
  44. A
  45. C
  46. D
  47. C
  48. A
  49. D
  50. D


Soma vifungu vifuatavyo. Vina nafasi 1 mpaka 15. Kwa kila nafasi tumepewa majibu manne hapo. Chagua jibu lifaalo zaidi kati ya pale uliyopewa

Bwana Hamisi ni seremala     1    sana katika mtaa wetu. Ana     2    kubwa ambapo yeye huundia samani maridadi sana. Ufikapo hapo, hutakosa kuviona vifaa mbalimbali, kama vile     3    wanaonunua katika kazi yake.     4     vijana wengi wanaokosa karo kumwendea kwa mafunzo ili waweze kujitegemea baadaye. Yeye pia ana     5     maadamu. huwapa vijana hawa ujira kila jioni ili nao wajiendeshee maisha yao. Sifa zake     6     kote mtaani. Hupenda kusema kuwa siri ya maisha ni bidii huku akihimiza kuwa     7    .Vijulanga   8    na uhaba wa kazi     9    nchini hayana budi kuiga mfano wake.

  A B C D
1  hatari  maalum  mahiri   marufuku
2  karakana  kiwanda  maabara  ofisi
3  kekee, fuawe, kembeo na pinamaji  utepe bisibisi, jiriwa na patasi  vipuli, mvukuto, timazi na nyundo  msumeno, kekee , chelezo na mvuo
4  Kwani   Lakini   Ijapokuwa  Aghalabu
5  mkono wazi  mkono birika  mkono mzuri   mkono mwepesi
6  zimesambaratika  zimetanda    zimesheni  zimetalii
7  ukipanda upepo utavuna tufani  bandu bandu humaliza gogo  cha kuzama hakina rubani  mgagaa n aupwa haondoki patupu
8  waliadhirika  walioathiriwa  walioadhiriwa  walioathirika
9  kote  wote  zote  yote

Vita     10   niliadarretsi vya     11    mzaha hata kidogo. Hili ni janga linalotishia kuwasomba vijana kwa mkupuo nimoja. Wakwasi wenye    12   wa darahima wanawauzia wana wetu sumu kali bila kujali lolote. Wavyele ambao    13    kuwa    14    cha kuigwa nao wamejitia hamauzo kucheza ngoma watakazo. Si ajabu kuinwona baba au mama akirejea mastakimumi huku amelewa kama     15     tha kwanza kuwafokea wanawe.

  A B C D
10  juu ya   baina ya   dhidi ya  kutokana na 
11   kufanya  kufanyiwa  kufanyia  kufanywa
12  umero  tamaa  shauku  ukata
13  watarajwa  wangetarajiwa  walitarajiwa  wanatarajiwa
14  kielezi  kielelezo  chombo  chelezo
15  pombe  mjinga  komba  nyani

Kuanzia swali la 16 mpaka 30, ibu kila swali kulingana na maagizo uliyopewa.

  1. Kati ya viteuzi vifuatavyo, kipi kinaonyesha kuendelea kwa kitendo?
    1. Jua lachoma vikali leo.
    2. Walizioka keki tamu wakaziuza,
    3. Ukifanya bidii utapita mtihani.
    4. Tulikuwa tukitembea mvua ilipoanza kunyesha.
  2. Ni orodha gani inayoonyesha viclczi pekee?
    1. Mombasa, kesho, vibaya, kila siku.
    2. Kwake, zuri, polepole, chochote.
    3. Vigumu, baya, kubwa, aghalabu.
    4. Baada ya vyote, taratibu, chekesha.
  3. Mibuni hutupatia kahawa. Je, mibono huzaa nini?
    1. Mabono
    2. Mbarika
    3. Tunguja
    4. Kanju
  4. Tegua kitendawili kifuatacho:
    Iluwafanya watu walie huku wakicheka.
    1. Kifo
    2. Pilipili mboga
    3. Kiboko.
    4. Moshi
  5. Tambulisha sentencsi iliyoaki fishwa barabara.
    1. Ala? Kumbe unaishi katika mji huu!
    2. Je? Huu ni uungwana kweli?
    3. Nilipofika huko sikumpata; alikuwa amesafiri.
    4. Tafadhali niletec, maji, sabuni, dodoki
  6. Maelezo yapi hayana maana ya panga?
    1. Kaa mahali kwa makubaliano fulani.
    2. Chombo cha kuleta baridi kinachozungushwa na umeme
    3. Weka vitu kwa utaratibu mzuri.
    4. Mahali maalum pa kufanyia matambiko.
  7. Badili sentensi ifuatayo katika ngeli ya PA-KU-MU.
    Shule yao ina wanafunzi wengi.
    1.  Shule zao zina wanafunzi wengi.
    2. Shudeni mwao kuna wanafunzi wengi.
    3. Shuleni pao mna wanafunzi wengi.
    4. Shuleni mwao mna wanafunzi wengi..
  8. Upi ni usemi wa taarifu wa senteni hii...!
    Mama alisema, “Tafadhali niwashic jiko .. nitelekechungu".
    1. Mama alimwomba amwashie jiko ili ateleke chungu.
    2. Mama aliagiza awashiwejiko ili atelcke chungu.
    3. Mama alisema angewashiwa jiko angeteleka chungu.
    4. Mama aliin wambia amwashie jiko wateleke chungu.
  9. Andika udogo wa:
    Mlango mpana umefunguka.
    1. Lango pana limefunguka.
    2. Jilango pana limefunguka.
    3. Kilango kipana kimefunguka.
    4. Kijilango kipana kimefunguka.
  10. Kanusha sentensi ifuatayo kwa usahihi:
    Maji yasingepatikana upesi mifugo yetu ingcangamia.
    1. Maji yangalipatikana upesi mifuo yetu isingeangamia.
    2. Maji yangepatikana upesi mifugo yetu isingeangamia.
    3. Maji yasingepatikana upesi mifugo yetu isingeangamia.
    4. Maji yangepatikana upesi mifuo yetu ingeangamia.
  11. "Gao huwa chombo wakatiwe" ni kwa wanziovidharau vitu vikuu; kama vile uncler la muwa la jana chungukaona kivuno"ni kwa wale
    1. wanaovidharu vitu vidogo.
    2. wanaopuuza msaada mkubwa.
    3. wanaopuuza mali ya wengine.
    4. wanaotamani mali ya wengine.
  12. Ugonjwa wa macho unaoweza kusababisha upofuni
    1. ukoma
    2. inachapwi
    3. trakoma
    4. alkani
  13. Ni sentensi ipi iliyo na kivunishi cha pekee?
    1. Wazee wengi walitou micliango yao.
    2. Wazee wale walitoa michango yao.
    3. Wazee wenu walitoa michango mizuri.
    4. Wazee wengine walitoa michango mikubwa.
  14. Mtu anayeongea kwa richa ya ulimi huitwa
    1. kithembe
    2. kigugumizi
    3. kiduko
    4. kiduvya
  15. Kamilisha kwa ufasaha:
    Mtoto huyu, huyo na Yule
    1. mnifuate
    2. wazifuate
    3. anifuate
    4. tufuate

Soma kifungu kifuatacho kisha ujibu maswali 31 – 40

Bwana Aisee aliporejea jijini alifungua ofisi kubwa aliyoipamba kwa samani za hali ya juu. Kisha aliwasiliana na waandishi wa magazeti mbalimbali. Alidai kuwa kulikuwako na mradi kabambe wa kuhakikisha kuwa vijana waliokosa amali wangeajiriwa kazi za maana kwenye hoteli za kitalii huko Uarabuni na Ulaya na hata kwenye meli za kifahari. Viongozi wengi walimshehenezea Bwana Aisee sifa kemkemu, “Huyu ni mzalendo kindakindaki! Anawakumbuka raia wenzake ambao hawana bahati kama yeye!"Vijulanga waliokuwa na hamu na ghamı ya kuenda ugenini walifurika ilipokuwa ofisi yake.

Walichohitajika kufanya tu ni kulipa ada ya shilingi elfu tano pamoja na kiasi kingine kama hicho kugharimia vyeti vya usafiri. Licha ya kuwa wengi wao hawakuwa na namna ya kuzipata pesa hizo, walikuwa radhi kukopa wahakikishe kuwa wamepata nafasi hizo adimu. Vijana hao pia walitakiwa kuenda hospitali fulani ya kibinafsi kufanyiwa uchunguzi wa kimatibabu. "Aisee bwana, huo ndio ustaarabu wa wenzetu walioendelea.. Ukitaka kumwajiri mtu lazima uijue siha yake ikoje," Bwana Aisee. aliwakumbusha. Hamna aliyejali. Kilichokuwa muhimu ni kuwa, baada ya miezi miwili wangepata kazi ambazo zingewafanya waipige kumbo la milele ukata uliotishia kuwagubika kama wingu.

Baada ya kuzikusanya hela hizo zilizolipwa na vijana zaidi ya elfu thelathini, Bwana Aisee aliwaambia wangoje kwa muda wa miezi miwili. Muda waliokuwa wamepewa wa kungoja mambo yaive ukapita. Tarehe ya kusafiri kuenda kuanza kazi zao ikaahirishwa. Taarifa iliyotoka katika ofisi kuu huko ulaya ilidai kuwa kuahirishwa huko kalitokana na hali mbaya ya usalama. Tarehe hizo zilipokwisha kuahirishwa mara nyingine mbili, kila mmoja alianza kutuhumu kuwa palikuwa na jambo. Malalamishi ya kila aina yalianza kusikika kwenye vyombo vya habari. Wakaanza kumsaka Bwana Aisee. Lakini hawakujua kumbe bwana huyo alikuwa ameingia mitini.

Uchunguzi wa historia ya Bwana Aisee ulianza kufanywa. Jamaa waliosoma naye walitoa habari zake zote bila kusaza lolote. Walieleza jinsi alivyokua fundi wa kuongea kizungu. "Lakini huyu si fundi wa kizungu tu bali na mizungu pia!" Walisema wengine kwa hasira walipozisikia habari hizo. Serikali ilianza mipango kabambe ya kumsaka Bwana Aisee. Ilibidi kuwashirikisha wachunguzi wa polisi wa. kimataifa, INTERPOL, katika swala zima. Haikuchukua muda kabla ya kugunduliwa kuwa mashirika yaliyodaiwa kuhusika na suala la ajira hizo yalikuwa bandia.

Mambo yaliendelea kukanganya wakati ofisi ya Bwana Aisee iliyokuwa jijini ilipochomeka siku moja wakati wa usiku na vyeti vyote kuteketea. Nayo hospitali waliyokuwa wameenda kufanyiwa uchunguzi wa kiafya wale walioenda kuomba kazi ilifungwa ghafla na daktari aliyehusika kutoweka. Ilikuwa wazi sasa kuwa watu walikuwa wametapeliwa.

Kashfa hii ilizungumziwa na wengi kote nchini si katika redio wala runinga bali pia magazetini na kwingineko. Adinasi waliapiza. Lakini njia ya mwongo ni fupi. Aisee alibambwa na polisi wa kimataifa alipokuwakatika uwanja wa ndege wa Frankfurt huko Ujerumani akijitayarisha kuabiri ndege kuelekea Afghanistan alikopanga kujificha kwa muda hadi mambo yatulie.

Baada ya kutiwa mikononi, Bwana Aisee alisafirishwa chini ya ulinzi mkali hadi jijini Nairobi alipofikishwa mbele ya hakimu. Kesi yake ilihudhuriwa na mamia ya vijana waliohasirika. Mwishowe Bwana Aisee alitumbukizwa gerezani kwa miaka minane ikiandamana na kazi za sulubu. Mizungu yake ilikuwa imegota mwamba.

  1.  Lengo la Bwana Aisee kuwasiliana na wanahabari lilikuwa ni
    1. kuwafahamisha kuhusu ofisi yake.
    2. kuwaeleza kuhusu mradi wake.
    3. kutoa tangazo kuhusu mradi wake
    4. kutoa tangazo kuhusu ofisi yake.
  2. Wengi waliosikia kuhusu mipango ya Bwana Aisec . .. .
    1. walimsifu kuwa mpenzi kamili wa nchi yake.
    2. walimwona kama adui mkubwa wa nchi.
    3. walimsifu kwa kuleta mapinduzi nchini:
    4. walimshuku kuhusu nia ya kazi yake,
  3. ni kusajiliwa kila mhusika atihitaji kulipa shilingi elfu
    1. tano, kufanyiwa uchunguzi wa kiafya.
    2. kumi, kuchangazwa afya yake.
    3. tano, kuwasilisha vyoli vya usafiri.
    4. kumi, vyeti vya usafiri na kuchungu wa
  4. Watu walianza kutuhumu kuwa mambo hayakuwa sawa
    1. baada ya tarehe ya kuanza kazi kuahirishwa.
    2. tarehe ya kusafisi ilipoahirishwa tena,
    3. Bwana Aisec alipotoweka kutoka jijini.
    4. tarehe ya usafiri ilipoahirishwa kwa mara ya tatu. .
  5. bwana huyo alikuwa ameingia mitini' maana yake ni kuwa alikuwa
    1. ametoweka haada ya kufanya uhalifu.
    2. ameshiriki uhalifu wa kuibia umma..
    3. ameshepatwa na mabaya.
    4. amijitia katika mambo asiyoyafahamu.
  6. Historia ya Bwana Aisee ilibainisha kuwa alikuwa na hulka ya
    1. kuwaibia watu
    2. kusema kimombo
    3. kusafiri uarabuni
    4. kuwapenda watu
  7. Inaonekana kuwa asiki ya kuchomeka kwa olisi ya Bwana Aisee ilikuwa
    1. kuficha laistoria yake.
    2. hasira za vijana walioibiwa.
    3. kuharibu ushahidi dhidi yake.
    4. harakati polisi wa INTERPOL.
  8. Badala ya kusema alibambwa, pia tunaweza kusema
    1. alibakwa
    2. alinaswa
    3. alikahwa
    4. alionekana
  9. Kulingana na makala haya, Bwana Aisee alikuwa
    1. jangili
    2. jambazi
    3. mkwepuzi
    4. lapeli
  10. Kichwa mwalaka kwa makala haya ni ...
    1. Wajinga ndio waliwao.
    2. Akili nyingi huondoa maunlai
    3. Alive juu mgojec chini.
    4. Mbio za sakafuni huishia ukingoni,

Soma makala yafuatayo kisha wjibu maswali 41-50

Tarakilishi ama kompyutani kati ya teknoloji mpya ambayo inatumiwa siku hizi karibu kila mahali mathalani katika kampuni kubwakubwa, benki, masoko makubwa, viwandani, viwanja vya ndege, meli, idara za serikali, vyuo, shuleni na kadhalika. Katika shule za upili, tarakilishi ni somo ambalo. linashughulikiwa kuanzia kidato cha kwanza hadi cha nne na hutahiniwa katika mtihani wa kitaifa wa kidato cha nne. Aidha, serikali iko katika harakati za kuwapa vipakatalishi wanafunzi wote wa darasa la kwanza katika shule zote za umma nchini. . .....

Tarakilishi imegawanyika katika sehemu mbili muhimu, programu mfumo na maunzi. Maunzi ni : nenojumlishi ambalo hutumika kwa kurejeleavifaa vyote vya kompyuta kwa mfano kichapishi, kishalekezi. kiwambo au skrini, kipanya m mashine chapishi. Programu mfumo ni neno jumlishi ambalo hurejelea programu zote zinazoweza kutumika katika kompyuta.

Vifaa vinavyotumika katika kompyuta ni vingi. Kiwambo hutumika kwa kuonyesha data ambayo inashughulikiwa, nacho kichapishi hutumika katika kuvugulia data hiyo kwa kompyuta. Kishelekezi ni kifaa ambacho huwaka kikizimika kwenye skrini nacho huashiria mahali ambapo data inayovuguliwa itaingia. Pahali pa kishalekezi panaweza kubadilishwa kwa kutumia kipanya. Kipanya ni kidude chenye mkia mithili ya panya. Baada ya kazi kukamilika nadata kuwa habari mashine chapishi huichapisha. habari hiyo kwenye karatasi ili isomwe na watu wengi iwezekanavyo, pahali penginapahali popote.

Tarakilishi ina sifa nyingi muhimu. Chombo hiki kina uwezo wa kufanya hesabu na kazi nyinginezo kwa kasi sana. Sifa nyingine ni kwamba tarakilishi huhifadhi ujumbe mwingi sana kwa matumizi ya baadaye. Maclekezo huchukuliwa na kuwekwa kwa ajili ya kufuatwana chombo hiki. Mfululizo wa maelekezo haya ndiyo huongoza kompyuta katika wajibu wake na huitwa programu ambayo huandikwa kwa letgha ya kikompyuta. Kompyuta hufuata maelekezo haya kwa kuamshwa na binadamu. Sheria hizi huwa sahili na kompyuta ina uwezo wa kuzitumia ili kufikia uamuzi wa jinsi ya kutenda

Kuwasiliana na mifumo minginc yakompyutani muhimu sana na kompyuta ina uwezo wa kufanya hivyo. Kompyuta huingizwa data ambayo huchakatwa ili kuleta maana, na uzao wa kuchakatwa huku ndio huitwa habari. Programu ni mfumo wa utaratibu ambao umeandikwa kwa lugha ya kikompyuta. Programu huiwezesha kompyuta kuchakata data na kuifanya iwe habari kwa mfano, inaweza kuongeza rumbari mbili au zaidi na kukupa jibu.

Katika kompyuta habari inaweza kuhifadhiwa katika diski ngumu au diski tepetevu. Diskingumu ni nafasi inayopatikana katika kompyuta yenyewe na inaweza kuhifadhi maktaba inzima. Diski tepetevu niile nafasi ambamo disketi huwekwa ili habari inayochakatwa ihifadhiwe kwa disketi. Disketi ni kilaa kidogo mithili ya kaseti. Nafasi hizi za kompyuta zimegawanywa katika viendesha diski kwa mfano ukitaka kuhifadhi habari yako katika diski ngumu, utatumia kiendesha diski A. Ilhali ukitaka kuhifadhi kazi yako katika diski tepetevu utatumia kiendesha diski C.

Kwa hivyo kwa muhtasvi, tunaweza kusema kuwa kompyuta ni kifaa au chombo ambacho hufanya kazi kwa kuongozwa na programu iliyohifadhiwa. Kompyuta hujiendesha yenyewe kwa kukubali na kuchakata data ili iwe habari.

  1. Kulingana na makala tarakilishi hutunika
    1. benkini, viwanjani, shuleni na idara za serikali.
    2. benki kubwa, shule zote, viwanjani na sokoni.
    3. masoko makubwa, viwanja vya ndege, benkini na vyuoni.
    4. mashambani, shuleni, vyuoni na nyanjani.
  2. Vipakatalishi vitatolewa kwa wanafunzi
    1. wote wa shule za umma.
    2.  wote wa darasa la kwanza.
    3. wa kidato cha kwanza hadi cha nne.
    4. wa darasa la kwanza katika shule za ..umma.
  3. Mfano wa maunzi katika kompyuta ni
    1. programu, kiwambo, kishalekezi, kipanya.
    2. baobonye, mulishi, kipanya, kishalekezi.
    3. baobonye, programu, data, disketi ngumu.
    4. data, diski, tepelevy, skrini, kipanya
  4. Sehemu kuu za kompyuta kulingana na makala haya ni ngapi?
    1. Mbili
    2. Tatu
    3. Таnо
    4. Sita
  5. Umuhimu wa kompyuta ni kuwa
    1. hufanya kazi kwa kasi, huhifadhi ujumbe mwingi.
    2. hurahisisha kazi, hutumia nguzu za umeme.
    3. huongozwa na programu wala si mwanadamu.
    4. ina akili hata kuliko binadamu, ni rahisi kutumia.
  6. Sheria hizi huwa sahili, maana yake ni kuwa huwa
    1. chache
    2. nyingi
    3. rahisi
    4. ngumu
  7. Kulingana na makala haya habari hupatikaria baada ya
    1. kuhifadhiwa kwenye diski yoyote.
    2. data kuingizwa na kuchakatwa.
    3. kupelekwa kwa watangazaji.
    4. kufikia hadhira iliyolengwa: .
  8. Watu pia hutumia tarakilishi kuwasiliana kwa njia ya .
    1. kipepesi
    2. simutamba
    3. nyaraka 
    4. barua pepe
  9. Lengo la kuchapisha maandishi kwenye karatasi ni kuwa itaweza
    1. kusomwa na yeyote.
    2. kusomewa mahali popote.
    3. kufanyiwa marekebisho.
    4. kusomwa kwa vyovyote.
  10. Kichwa ki faacho kwa makala haya ni:
    1. Sehemu za tarakilishi.
    2. Teknolojia ya kisasa.
    3. Manufaa ya kompyuta.
    4. Jinsi ya kutumia kompyuta.


Umepewa dakika 40 kuandika insha yako.
Andika insha isiyopungua ukurasa mmoja na nusu kulingana mna mada uliyopewa.



  1. C
  2. A
  3. B
  4. D
  5. A
  6. C
  7. D
  8. B
  9. A
  10. C
  11. B
  12. A
  13. D
  14. B
  15. C
  16. D
  17. A
  18. B
  19. D
  20. C
  21. B
  22. D
  23. A
  24. C
  25. B
  26. A
  27. C
  28. D
  29. A
  30. B
  31. C
  32. A
  33. B
  34. D
  35. A
  36. B
  37. C
  38. B
  39. D
  40. D
  41. C
  42. D
  43. B
  44. A
  45. A
  46. C
  47. B
  48. D
  49. B
  50. A


Read the passage below carefully. It contains blanks numbered 1 to 15. For each blank, choose the best answer from the choices given.

I will always remember the trip I made to the animal orphanage    1    February. It was then     2     I caught measles from one of my friends, Peter, who had gone      3    too. Before he met us at the zoo, he    4    to visit his cousin who was recovering from measles. The next day, Peter was complaining of a     5   throat, a bad cold and high fever. When he was    6     by a doctor as having measles, his parents     7    me up to warn me that I had been exposed      8     measles too. By the next day, I was     9     the same     10    .My doctor     11    me to stay at home for the next two weeks.  
I was    12    pleased with the    13    instruction. I     14    the time reading storybooks, listening to music and watching television. When I got bored, I     15   call up Peter, who also had to spend two weeks at home for a chat.

  A B C D
1  from   around   on  in
2  when  as  that   while
3  along   there  their  to the zoo
4  had gone  went  goes  have gone
5  sour  bitter  sore  hoarse
6  pronounced  diagnosed  examined  seen
7  rang  rung  called  ringed
8  over  on  to  of
9  experiencing  behaving  exercising  having
10   behaviour  symptoms  characteristics  sign 
11  advised  adviced  warned  ordered
12  quite  too  extremely  rather
13   doctors’  doctors  doctor’s  doctor
14   wasted  spent  whiled  use
15  should  could  can  would

For questions 16-18 choose the word which best completes the sentence given.

  1. Classes were early because of the storm.
    1. dismissed
    2. dissolved
    3. discharged
    4. cancelled
  2. Police officers the thugs' hideout following a tip off from the neighbours.
    1. invaded
    2. attacked
    3. stormed
    4. raided
  3. The corona virus had adverse effects on our country's economy
    1. disaster
    2. pandemic
    3. tragedy
    4. problem

For questions 19 to 20, select the sentence that is grammatically correct.

    1. Today's weather is more worse than yesterdays.
    2. I am not understanding what you are saying.
    3. What an interesting story it is?
    4. There isn't nothing left.
    1. You need not carry many clothes.
    2. Who'se in the house?
    3. None of the remaining boys are good players.
    4. The president, as well as the cabinet secretaries are travelling to Uganda tomorrow.

For questions 21 and 23 choose the word that best fills in the blank space.

  1. You be tired after the long journey.
    1. could
    2. must
    3. should
    4. ought
  2. The residents the area after the attack.
    1. fleed
    2. flew
    3. fled
    4. flowed
  3. We had settled down when the bell rang
    1. hardly
    2. soon
    3. immediately
    4. rarely

For questions 24 and 25, choose the odd one out.

    1. Lately
    2. Anyhow
    3. Proudly
    4. Keen
    1. Company
    2. Lost
    3. Troupe
    4. Member

Read the passage below then answer the questions that follow.

Many years ago, baboon was the most boastful ape. He was fast and could jump with ease from one tree to another. Whenever the animals went out to steal crops from man's shamba, baboon would never be caught. He always laughed at his cousins; the monkeys and chimpanzees who would be caught and whipped mercilessly.

"Oh, poor you! How would you be as slow as a tortoise? You should learn to be fast like me whenever you sense danger," he would lease them. The animals once went to steal maize from man's shamba, baboon quickly ate to his full and took a few maize cobs home. He then alerted man from the top of a tall tree. "Hurry up, some thieves are feasting on your maize! Man hurried to the shamba before the animals could escape and shot several of them with poisoned arrows. Baboon watched the drama from the top of the tree with glee.

With time, the other animals got fed up with baboon's behaviour. They avoided him and rarely talked whenever he was within earshot. One afternoon, baboon found monkey peeling a ripe banana, his only meal for that day. Without uttering a word, he grabbed the banana from the monkey. He quickly ate it and when he was done, threw the peel at the poor monkey's face. Shell-shocked, monkey stared at baboon for a moment before asking," surely, why did you do that

"To teach you to be fast when eating delicious bananas," baboon replied. Monkey walked away feeling humiliated as baboon laughed loudly at him. He told other animals what baboon had done to him and they were upset. They decided to put an end to his unacceptable behaviour. They held a sliding competition and gathered on top of a steep hill. The competition involved sitting on the bark of a tree and sliding down a steep hill. The one who would take the shortest time to slide down the hill would emerge the winner

Baboon was upbeat about the competition and boasted he would be the first. Eager to show off his prowess, he sat on the hard bark of a free and made himself comfortable. As he was able to take off, monkey pulled the bark from under his bottoms as chimpanzee shoved him down the hill. Thinking that the animals had done this by mistake, he screamed for help but his pleas fell on deaf ears. The sharp stones and thorns along the steep path were unbearable. They bruised his bottom so much that they felt as though he was sitting on hot charcoal. His effort to hold on to vegetation along the path were frustrated by the animals who continued shoving him downhill. He screamed in pain as other animals joined monkey in mocking him, "are you not the toughest of us all?" they asked.

  1. According to the passage, why do you think baboon was the most boastful ape?
    1. He was fast and wise.
    2. Man had never whipped h m.
    3. He was quick and agile.
    4. He could jump really high.
  2. How was baboon displaying his cruelty in the second paragraph.
    1. He left his cousins behind
    2. He called man to kill his fellow animals with arrows.
    3. He stole from man.
    4. He was always laughing with glee.
  3. Which of the following statements rings false according to the passage?
    1. The animals stole from man's shamba to survive.
    2. Baboon was filled with too much pride.
    3. Baboon genuinely felt sorry for the other animals who were slow
    4. The other animals eventually got tired of baboon's taunting.
  4. How did the other animals treat baboon?
    1. They shunned him and barely spoke to him.
    2. They respected him and offered him bananas.
    3. They only spoke when he was around.
    4. They avoided agitating him.
  5. Baboon elicited the following feelings from his fellow animals except?
    1.  Humiliation
    2. Anger
    3. Frustration
    4. Gratitude
  6. From the passage, we can tell that,
    1. Baboon had planned the competition.
    2. The competition was a plan by the other animals to get revenge on baboon.
    3. The other animals were also excited about participating in the competition.
    4. The sliding competition was an annual event
  7. Why did monkey pull the bark from under baboon's bottom?
    1. It was part of the plot to hurt baboon,
    2. To signal to the chimpanzee to push baboon.
    3. He was desperate to win and wanted baboon to be slow.
    4. It was an accident and he had not intended to do so.
  8. The word upset in the passage would best be replaced by the word
    1. annoyed
    2. sad
    3. anxious
    4. warned
  9. According to the passage, baboon's pleas fell on deaf ears. This means that,
    1. the animals could not hear him
    2. the animals would not help him.
    3. the animal's ears were not working.
    4. the animals could hear baboon but they couldn't understand him.
  10. The word prowess has been used to show that baboon was
    1. very quick
    2. greatly skilled
    3. highly flexible
    4. a show off
  11. While going down the steep, baboon's bottom was hurt by
    1. sharp stones and rocks.
    2.  thorns and pebbles.
    3.  hot charcoal and sharp stones.
    4.  thorns and sharp stones.
  12. What did man use to hurt the animals?
    1. He shot them with a gun.
    2. He hit them with stones.
    3. He shot them with poisoned arrows.
    4. He trapped them in his farm.
  13. The lesson learnt from this passage is:
    1. Don't tell on your friends.
    2. Once bitten twice shy.
    3. He who laughs last laughs best.
    4. Pride comes before a fall.

Read the passage below then answer the questions that follow.

Kenya's weather patterns are changing. The change in rainfall patterns has a huge impact on Kenya because 98 percent of the country's agriculture is rain fed. The major challenge that farmers face is timing. It is crucial for them to know when rains start and stop so that they know when to plant or harvest their crops. Most parts of Kenya experience two rain seasons, March to May's long rains and October to December's short ones. The months of June to August are mainly cool and dry over most parts of the country, except for some areas in the Western region that get rain.

Hot and dry conditions are normally observed in the entire country in January and February. In recent years, delay in the coming of rains has been the norm. In other years, rains came on time but then stopped earlier than anticipated. Such lead to massive crop failures.

Other than rainfall patterns, studies show a reduction in the amount of rainfall, especially during the March to May long rains period. This is a worrying trend; given that this is the main planting season.

The changes in Kenya's rainfall pattern have been linked to climate change. Global warming is known to cause an overall warming in the atmosphere and the ocean, resulting in complex shifts that affect our planet's weather and climate systems. Research shows that rainfall is reducing while temperatures are on the rise in Kenya, as is the case in other countries in the Horn of Africa.

In the case of Kenya's delayed rains, another culprit has also been identified; cyclones. It is normal for cyclones to happen on the Southern African Coast between February and March. But their magnitude is dictated by sca surface temperatures. These warm as a result of increased emission of green-house gases in the atmosphere leading to global warming. This means the intensity and frequency of cyclones is likely to increase.

The most recent cyclones was Idai and it occurred in the Western Indian Ocean in March last year.

The cyclone caused a depression - low pressure zone - in the ocean, cutting off moisture from flowing from the Southern hemisphere to East Africa. Cyclone Idai delayed the Northward progression of the rain-bearing low pressure zone, also known as the Inter-Tropical Convergence Zone.

This limited the moisture flow from reaching Kenya, leading to the observed seasonal rainfall delay that strengthened anomalous dryness from early mid-March last year. A combination of failed rainfall and the observed high temperatures adversely impact agricultural activities across many parts of the country.

  1. Why is the impact of the changing weather patterns great in Kenya?
    1. Farming activities in Kenya rely majorly on rainfall.
    2. 98% of Kenyans rely on agriculture.
    3. Rain has affected most Kenyans.
    4. Kenya is semi-arid.
  2. What have the farmers failed to do in their ventures?
    1. Determine when the rain would start and stop.
    2. Timing of their activities
    3. Choosing the best varieties.
    4. To consider how crucial rain is.
  3. The word 'crucial could be replaced by?
    1. Mandatory
    2. Advisable
    3. Needed
    4. Important
  4. A crop that needs a lot of rainfall to thrive is best planted in?
    1. May
    2. March
    3. October
    4. December
  5. Farmers are likely to prepare their farms for planting in the months of?
    1. January and February
    2. June and July
    3. March and May
    4. October and December
  6. Which of the following statements is true according to the passage?
    1. Western Kenya receives rainfall in June to August
    2.  It is normal for the rains to delay.
    3. Some months are dry with little or no rain at all in the entire country.
    4. Kenyan farmers are a worried lot.
  7. What is likely to happen when rains delay?
    1. Crops take longer to mature.
    2. It delays planting thus lowering productivity
    3. There will be no planting of crops thus starvation.
    4. The inputs become more costly.
  8. Climate change is as a result of?
    1. Effects of global warming.
    2. Changing rainfall patterns.
    3. Complex shifts.
    4.  Increased temperatures in Africa.
  9. The intensity and frequency of cyclones is determined by the
    1. pressure zones
    2. atmospheric gases
    3.  temperatures.
    4. position on the globe.
  10. Which region was affected by Cyclone Idai?
    1. Western Indian Ocean
    2. The African horn
    3. The entire world
    4. East Africa
  11. What limited the flow of moisture from reaching Kenya?
    1. Unprecedented weather patterns.
    2. Change in direction of winds.
    3. Delay in the creation of Tropical Convergence Zone.
    4.  Lack of moisture in the Southern hemisphere.
  12. From the last paragraph, we can conclude that?
    1. It has not rained since March last year.
    2. Lack of rainfall and high temperatures have adversely affected farming.
    3. Flow of moisture has affected Kenya.
    4. Farming activities across the county have been paralyzed.

You have 40 minutes to write your composition.

Below is the beginning of a story. Write and complete the story. Make your story as interesting as you can.

I was all set for the match with Kakamega primary school. Most of the other players had arrived. We were excited about the match. However, our captain looked worried……

Marking Scheme

  1. D
  2. C
  3. A
  4. A
  5. C
  6. B
  7. A
  8. C
  9. D
  10. B
  11. A
  12. A
  13. C
  14. B
  15. D
  16. A
  17. D
  18. B
  19. C
  20. A
  21. B
  22. C
  23. A
  24. D
  25. D
  26. C
  27. B
  28. C
  29. A
  30. D
  31. B
  32. A
  33. A
  34. B
  35. B
  36. D
  37. C
  38. D
  39. A
  40. A
  41. D
  42. B
  43. A
  44. C
  45. B
  46. A
  47. C
  48. D
  49. C
  50. B


  1. What is 7,090.528 written in word?
    1. Seven million ninety thousand five hundred and twenty eighty.
    2. Seventy million ninety thousand five hundred and twenty eight.
    3. Seven million nine hundred thousand five hundred and twenty eight.
    4. Seven hundred and ninety thousand five hundred and twenty eight.
  2. What is the value of (882-966 ÷23)/(12 x 14)?
    1. 60
    2. 70 
    3. 50
    4. 5
  3. What is the value of (1/4 of 7/10- 1/8)/(1/4+1/5÷2/5)
    1. 15 
    2. 1/5
    3. 1/15
    4. 1/20
  4. What is the value of 0.4 of 2.4 +3.6 - 12 -0.8?
    1. 0.46
    2. 4.6
    3. 46
    4. 460
  5. What is 36899.99 rounded off to the nearest one decimal place?
    1. 36899.0
    2. 36900.00
    3. 36900.0
    4. 36899.9
  6. In the figure ABC below what is the size of the reflex angle formed?
    1. 90° 
    2. 180°
    3. 270°
    4. 360°
  7. What is the difference in the square root of 36/25, and the square of 2/5,?
    1. 1 16/25
    2. 115/25
    3. 22/5
    4. 1
  8. The table below show the prices of food at Mama Chai Hotel
      Ugali Mchele Chapati Chips
    Beef  120  140  100  200
    Fish  180  220  160  240
    Sukuma  80  100  70  150
    A group of eight people went to the hotel for lunch Two ate ugali samaki.
    Two ate chips beef.
    Three ate ugali sukuma.
    The last one ate mchele beef.
    How much money did they pay for lunch?
    1. Shs 960
    2. Shs 1140
    3. Shs 1200
    4. Shs 800
  9. What is the simplest form
    4(3x - 2y + 2) + 2(2y - 2x +2)
    1. 165 + 12
    2. 8x+12y + 12
    3. 16x + 12y +12
    4. 8x - 4y +12
  10. The fractions3/7, 5/8 , 1/2 , 2/5 are to be arranged from the largest to the smallest. Which one is the correct order?
    1. 5/8,1/2 , 3/7,2/5
    2. 2/5,3/7 , 1/2,5/6
    3. 3/7,2/5 , 1/2,5/8
    4. 5/8,3/7 , 2/5,1/2
  11. Omwani piece of land is in a shape of a Trapezium as shown below.
    What is the area of the land in hectares?
    1. 0.96 ha 
    2. 9.6 ha
    3. 96 ha
    4. 960 ha
  12. A rectangular piece of land measure 140m by 80m. The land is to be fenced using five strands of wire leaving a gate of Sm. What is the length of the wire used?
    1. 2200m
    2. 440m
    3. 435m
    4. 2175m
  13. What is the next number in the pattern 3,4,8,17, 33
    1. 53
    2. 58
    3. 63
    4. 51
  14. What is the value (y+5)/3 = (y-3)/2
    1. 1
    2. 19
    3. 5
  15. Construct triangle XYZ in which line XY =7cm, YZ =5.5cm and XZ=5cm. Draw a circle that passes through the vertices XYZ of the triangle What is the diameter of the circle?
    1. 7cm 
    2. 3.5cm
    3. 2.6cm
    4. 5.2cm
  16. The marked price of a T.V set is Sh 25000. The hire purchase price is 20% more than the marked price. A deposit of shs 6000 is paid and the rest paid in 12 equal monthly instalments. How much was each instalment?
    1. Shs 30 000
    2. Shs 2 500
    3. Shs 2 000 
    4. Shs 24 000
  17. How many days were there between 25th January to 1" April year 2020?
    1. 65
    2. 66
    3. 67
    4. 68
  18. The mass of an empty carton is 0.25kg. It was packed with books until it weighed 17.75kg. If the mass of one book is 350g how many books were packed in three such cartons?
    1. 150
    2. 50
    3. 6
    4. 183
  19. An agent sold a car for Sh. 250000 and was paid a commission of Sh. 10,000. What was his percentage commission?
    1. 4%
    2. 4 1/6
    3. 96% 
    4. 2 1/12
  20. The table below shows the arrival and departure time for a bus from town A to town E.
     Town   Arrival   Departure 
      A  _____  8:00am
      B  9:45am   10:00am
      C  11:20am  1:05pm
      D  1:05pm  1:55pm
      E  3:20pm  
    How long did it take the bus to travel from town B to town D?
    1. 1 hr 5 min
    2. 3 hrs 35 min
    3. 3 hrs 20 min
    4. 3 hrs 5 min
  21. What is the capacity in litres of a tank that measures 1.2m long 0.8m wide and 0.75m high?
    1. 0.721
    2. 7.27
    3. 721
    4. 7201
  22. The mean of five numbers is 13. Four of the numbers are 16, 12, 11 and 15. What is the median number?
    1. 11
    2. 13
    3. 12
    4. 15
  23. The bus fare increased from shs 500 to shs 600. What was the percentage increase?
    1. 25%
    2. 10% 
    3. 20%
    4. 15%
  24. In the triangle PQR drawn below, construct a perpendicular from point to meet line PQ at point X
    What is the length of the line XQ?
    1. 4cm
    2. 5cm
    3. 6cm
    4. 10cm
  25. The area of the curved surface of a cylinder 2640cm?. If the height is 20cm, what is the radius of the cylinder?
    1. 42cm
    2. 21cm
    3. 14cm
    4. 7cm
  26. The cylinder below has a circumference of 28m. Calculate its surface area when opened
    1. 5632
    2. 5016
    3. 4400
    4. 301800
  27. What is the value of 21y - 12 < 36 + 13y?
    1. y<8 
    2. y<6
    3. y<3
    4. y<4
  28. In the figure below triangle ABE is an Isosceles triangle and BCDE is a parallelogram?
    What is the size of angle AED?
    1. 63°
    2. 126 °
    3. 117°
    4. 73°
  29. Karanja left Nyeri for Sagana at 11:46 am and drove at a speed of 90km/h. He drove a distance of 60km, at what time did he get at Sagana?
    1. 3:26pm 
    2. 1:26pm
    3. 2.26pm
    4. 12:26pm
  30. Jack and Joel shared some money in the ratio 3:4. If Jack got sh 2800 less than Joel, how much did Joel get?
    1. Sh. 8400
    2. Sh. 8 600
    3. Sh. 19 600
    4. Sh. 11 200
  31. At Ole Muyaa's Farm there are 1200 animals of these 5/12 are sheep, goats are 3/4 of the remainder and the rest were cows. How many cows are there?
    1. 425
    2. 175
    3. 500 
    4. 900
  32. Ochieng piece of land is in a shape of a rectangle. If the diagonal measures 260m and the width is 100m, what is the area of the land in square metres?
    1. 12000m2
    2. 24000m2
    3. 13000m2
    4. 26000m2
  33. The following are characteristics of a quadrilateral
    1. Has all sides equal
    2. Diagonals bisect at right angle.
    3. Two pairs of parallel lines.
    4. Diagonals are equal
      The quadrilateral described above is
      1. Rhombus
      2. Parallelogram
      3. Trapezium 
      4. Square
  34. A bus reached its destination at 0635 hrs on Tuesday. After travelling for 15hrs 25 mins At what day and time had the bus started the journey?
    1. Sunday 3:10pm
    2. Monday 3:10pm
    3. Tuesday 3:10am
    4. Monday 3:10am
  35. Keziah had shs.m. Carol had shs 30 less than Keziah while Tracy had half as much as the sum of Keziah and Carol. Which equation represent the information if the total amount of money was shs 360?
    1. 2m-30 = 360
    2. 2m -54 =260
    3. 3m-45=360
    4. 4 -60 = 360
  36. It takes 12 days for 6 men to do a certain job. How many more men are required to do the job in 8 days?
    1. 9
    2. 3
    3. 15
    4. 12
  37. During a birthday party people chose their favourite meat as follows. 0.15 chose beef 0.2 chose fish 0.3 chose chicken. The rest chose mbuzi. If those who chose fish were 80, how many chose mbuzi?
    1. 140
    2. 120
    3. 400
    4. 60
  38. The diagram below represents a wedge
    What is its total surface area in cm2
    1. 48
    2. 108
    3. 76
    4. 68
  39. A rectangular piece of land is drawn to scale 1:30,000.If the drawing measures 5cm long and 3cm wide, what is the area in hectares?
    1. 13.5 hectares
    2. 135 hectares
    3. 1350 hectares
    4. 13 500 hectares.
  40. In a function the number of women was thrice that of men. The number of children is twice the total number of men and women. The number of men attendants was 630. How many more children than women attended the function?
    1. 3150
    2. 2520
    3. 5040
    4. 1890
  41. Ntapaiya paid sh 25 500 for an item after getting 15% discount. How much more would he have paid if he was given 12% discount?
    1. Shs. 900
    2. Shs. 3 600
    3. Shs. 30 000
    4. Shs. 26400
  42. Daniel borrowed shs 50 000. After two years he paid a total of shs 60 000. At what rate per annum did the money earn simple interest?
    1. 5%
    2. 10%
    3. 20%
    4. 25%
  43. The hire purchase price of an item includes a deposit of sh 13 000 and seven cqual monthly instalments of shs 5000. If this is 20% more than the marked price, how much is the marked price?
    1. Shs. 8 000
    2. Shs. 48000
    3. Shs. 40 000
    4. Shs. 38 400
  44. Robert bought a piece of land for shs 2 million. He subdivided it into 8 equal plots selling each plot at shs 400 000. What percentage profit did he make?
    1. 80%
    2. 40%
    3. 20%
    4. 60%
  45. Kamagui bought the following items from a shop:
    2 - 2kg packets of unga @120 per packet
    3kg rice @sh 110 per kg
    2 1/2 litres of milk of shs 50 per half litre.
    3 litres cooking oil @shs 140 per litre
    3kg ndengu @ sh 160 per kg
    How much balance did he get if he paid using 2 - 1000 shilling notes?
    1. Shs 280
    2. Shs 1 720
    3. Shs 180 
    4. Shs I 820
  46. What is the square root of 0.0676?
    1. 0.026 
    2. 0.26
    3. 2.6
    4. 26
  47. What is the value of (3X-3)/4-6 = 0
    1. 6
    2. 9
    3. 4
    4. 3
  48. A square plot has an area of 0.64 hectares. What is twice its perimeter?
    1. 320
    2. 640
    3. 80
    4. 160
  49. Which of the following is the next shape in the pattern?
  50. The graph below shows the journey by Omolo from Kisumu to Unguja a distance of 120km. After travelling for 30km, he rested for half an hour and then continued with the journey arriving at 5:00pm.
    What was his speed after the rest?
    1. 13 km/h
    2. 15km/h
    3. 30km/h
    4. 18km/h

Marking Scheme

  1. A
  2. D
  3. C
  4. A
  5. B
  7. A
  8. B
  9. D
  10. B
  11. A
  12. D
  13. B
  14. B
  15. A
  16. C
  17. B
  18. B
  19. A
  20. D
  21. A
  22. C
  23. C
  25. B
  26. B
  27. B
  28. C
  29. D
  30. D
  31. B
  32. B
  33. A
  34. B
  35. C
  36. B
  37. A
  38. B
  39. B
  40. A
  41. D
  42. B
  43. C
  44. D
  45. A
  46. B
  47. B
  48. A
  49. A
  50. B


Study the map of Masumbi area and use it to answer questions 1 - 7


  1. The land in Masumbi area slopes towards
    1. South East
    2. South West
    3. North West
    4. North East
  2. What is the approximate length of the murram road in Masumbi area?
    1. 10.5 km
    2. 9 km
    3.  4.5 km 
    4. 50.2 km
  3. What is likely to be the main reason for constructing the railway line in Masumbi area?
    1. To transport minerals
    2. To transport livestock and their products
    3. To transport passengers
    4. To transport tourists
  4. Which economic activity is least likely to be carried out in Masumbi area?
    1. Lumbering
    2. Tourism
    3. Trading
    4. Fishing
  5. Which type of soil is likely to be found in the South Eastern part of Masumbi area?
    1. Black cotton soil
    2. Red volcanic soil
    3. Alluvial soil
    4. Sandy soil
  6. Residents of Masumbi area are dorminantly
    1. Christians
    2. Pagans
    3. Traditionalists
    4. Hindus
  7. The general climate of the North Western part of Masumbi area can be described as
    1. hot and wet
    2. hot and dry
    3. cool and wet
    4. cool and dry
  8.  Three of the following Nilotic communities migrated Northwards except
    1.  Alur
    2. Dinka
    3. Nuer
    4. Shilluk
  9. Which one of the following was not a way of learning in traditional African communities?
    1. Through ceremonies
    2. Through specialists
    3. Through observations and imitatiotis
    4. Through workshops and seminars
  10. Who among the following was the Chief Priest at the Royal Court in the Nyamwezi Chiefdom?
    1. Wanyinkulu
    2. Wanyamphala
    3. Mganwe
    4. Kikoma
  11. The most Westerly point of Africa is at
    1. Cape Ras Hafun
    2. Cape Blanco
    3. Cape Verde
    4. Cape of Good Hope
  12. Below are descriptions of a certain institution of marriage in Kenya
    1. It is strictly monogamous
    2. Marriage certificate is issued
    3. Divorce may be allowed
    4. Limited witnesses are needed
      Which type of marriage is described above?
      1. Religious marriage
      2. Customary marriage
      3. Civil marriage
      4. Monogamous marriage
  13. The time at Addis Ababa along longitude 32°E is 8.20 a.m. What is the time at Mogadishu along longitude 18°E?
    1. 9.16 a.m
    2. 7.24 p.m
    3. 7.24 a.m
    4. 9.16 p.m
  14. Which one of the following African cultural practices should be preserved?
    1. Early marriages
    2. Wife inheritance
    3. Female Genital Mutilation
    4. Use of traditional dishes
  15. The following are conditions favouring the growing of a certain crop:
    1. High rainfall of between 1500mm - 2000mm per year
    2. Protection from strong winds
    3.  High temperatures of between 24°C - 28°C
    4. Deep, well drained fertile soil
      The above conditions favour the growing of
      1. cloves 
      2. pyrethrum
      3. cocoa 
      4. bananas
  16.  In which of the following months is the sun overhead the Tropio of Capricorn?
    1. March
    2. September
    3. August
    4. June
  17. Which one of the following has mainly contributed to the low population density in Sahel region of Africa?
    1. Civil wars
    2. Poor drainage
    3. Infestation by tsetseflies
    4. Unfavourable climatic conditions
  18. The road sign below can be classified as
    1.  danger ahead sign
    2. warning sign
    3. informative sign
    4. regulatory sign
  19. Which one of the following means of communication can be used to reach many people within a short time?
    1. Television
    2. Radio
    3. Mobile phones
    4. Newspapers
  20. The King of the Kingdom of Old Ghana became wealthy from all the following except
    1. controlling the trans-saharan trade
    2.  conquering weaker states
    3. collecting taxes from traders
    4. defeat by the Almoravids
  21. Which one of the following is the best way of controlling rill erosion?
    1. Planting cover crops
    2. Constructing terraces
    3. Constructing check-dams
    4. Practising crop rotation
  22. Which one of the following was the main effect of the Berlin Conference of 1884?
    1. Scramble for Africa
    2. Spread of Christianity in Africa
    3. Partition of Africa
    4. Abolition of slave trade

Use the diagram below to answer questions 23 – 24

  1. The above feature was formed due to a process known as
    1. erosion
    2. folding
    3. faulting and uplifting
    4. volcanic activity
  2. The part marked R is known as
    1. Rift Valley
    2. Anticline
    3. Syncline 
    4. fault
  3. Which one of the following is the main duty of the Kenya Police Service?
    1. Arrest the law-breakers and jailing them
    2. Punishing the suspected criminals
    3. Protecting the citizens from external attack
    4. Maintaining law and order in the country
  4. The diagram below shows a method of fishing
    The above method of fishing is suitable for fishing in
    1. deep waters
    2. shallow beaches
    3. man-made lakes
    4. large rivers and lakes
  5. The following are descriptions of a certain trade bloc in Africa:
    1. It was formed in 1994
    2.  It is the largest trading bloc
    3. It replaced the Preferential Trade Area (PTA)
    4. Its member states mainly export agricultural products and minerals
      The above trading bloc has its headquarters at
      1. Lusaka in Zambia 
      2. Djibouti in Djibouti
      3. Gaborone in Botswana 
      4. Abuja in Nigeria
  6. The chief mineral export of Nigeria is mined in one of the following regions. Which one?
    1.  On the Highlands of Nigeria
    2.  On the slopes of Jos Plateau
    3. At the Niger Delta
    4. On the Valley of Niger
  7. Below are hominids whose remains have been found in Kenya:
    1. Homo Habilis
    2. Homo Erectus
    3. Homo Sapiens
    4. Australopithecus
      Which one was the oldest ancestor?
      1. (iv)
      2. (iii) 
      3. (ii)
      4. (i)
  8. Which of the following is likely to have a negative effect on population growth in a country?
    1.  Immigration
    2.  Polygamy
    3. Emmigration
    4. Early marriages
  9. The diagram below shows the cocoa growing areas in Ghana.
    The regions marked A, B and C are
    1. Accra, Sekondi, Kumasi
    2. Takoradi, Kumasi, Accra
    3. Kumasi, Accra, Tokoradi
    4. Tamale, Accra, Sekondi
  10. The best way of conserving wildlife is
    1. fencing all the national parks
    2. banning the trade of game trophies
    3. educating people of the importance of wildlife
    4. establishiment of animal sanctuaries
  11. Which of the following countries is correctly matched with its capital city?
    Country Capital City
    1. Lesotho Mbabane
    2. Namibia Windhoek
    3. Benin Port Louis
    4. Gabon Malabo
  12. The following are characteristics of a certain vegetation zone of Africa
    1. Trees shed off their leaves during the dry season
    2. Trees have deep roots
    3. Trees have thick barks which reduce water loss
    4. Trees have waxy and shiny leaves
    5. Trees are mainly soft woods
      The above vegetation zone is likely to be
      1. Mediterranean vegetation
      2. Equatorial rainforest vegetation
      3. Desert and semi-desert vegetation
      4. Savannah grassland vegetation
  13. Which one of the following best explains why the Maji Maji Rebellion broke out in Tanganyika?
    1. Loss of African land to the Germans
    2. Harsh and cruelty of the German administration
    3. Payment of hut tax
    4. Forced labour in the cotton plantations
  14. Which one of the following is a function of the Independent Electoral and Boundaries Commission (IEBC)?
    1. Nomination of candidates for various posts
    2. Registration of political parties
    3. Conducting and supervising elections and referendum
    4. Campaigning for popular candidates
  15. The main reason why the British used indirect rule in Nothern Nigeria was
    1. the country was too vast
    2. the British lacked enough administrators
    3. the existing African governments were willing to help
    4. the British feared the harsh climatic conditions in the North
  16. The following are ways of observing and predicting weather. Which one is both traditional and modern?
    1. Animals behaving in a funny way
    2. Plants shedding their leaves
    3. Observing the sky
    4. Insects moving in a single line
  17. Meroe and Melka Konture are both
    1. mining centres
    2. pre-historic sites
    3. national parks
    4. early trading centres
  18. Which one of the following communities belong to the Kwa speakers of West Africa?
    1. Asante, Akyem, Susu
    2. Kanuri, Ibo, Nzima
    3. Denkyira, Wassa, Kwahu
    4. Gas, Bambara, Asant
  19. The Akosombo Dam in Ghana was mainly established to
    1. provide water for irrigation
    2. produce cheap hydro-electric power
    3. control floods at the Lower Volta
    4. reduce the cost of generating electricity from coal
  20. The main difference in forestry between Swaziland and the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) is that
    1. most of the forests in Swaziland are natural
    2. forests in DRC are planted in plantations
    3. both countries have large reserves of hardwood trees
    4. Swazi's forests provide softwood trees

Use the diagram below to answer questions 43 – 44

  1. Which type of rainfall is shown in the diagram above?
    1. Relief rainfall
    2. Cyclonic rainfall
    3. Frontal rainfall
    4. Convectional rainfall
  2. Three of the following economic activities can be carried out in the region marked B. Which one cannot?
    1. Pastoralism
    2. Ranching
    3. Dairy farming
    4. Tourism
  3. The main economic activity among the San was
    1. keeping livestock
    2. growing food crops
    3. hunting and gathering
    4. fishing
  4. Which of the following marks the day Kenya became a republic?
    1. 12th December 1963.
    2. 1 June 1963
    3. 12th December 1964
    4. 20TH October 1965
  5. The party that led Ghana to attain its independence was
    1. United Gold Coast Convention (UGCC)
    2. Convention People's Party (CPP)
    3. Northern People's Party (NPP) ?
    4. Ghana African National Union (GANU)
  6. The following are descriptions of a certain river in Africa:
    1. It flows through West Africa
    2. It is navigable at some distance
    3. It forms a delta at its mouth
      The above river is likely to be
      1. River Nile
      2. River Congo
      3. River Niger
      4. River Zambezi
  7. The following are Portuguese colonies in Africa. Which one is NOT?
    1. Angola
    2. Mozambique
    3. Cape Verde
    4. Madagascar
  8. The following are achievements of a certain prominent African leader:
    1. He was a founder member of the Organisation of African unity (OAU)
    2. He introduced land reforms which made possible for peasants to own land
    3. He supported liberation movements in Africa
    4. He was the first president of his country
      The above leader is likely to be
      1. Gamal Abdel Nasser
      2. Leopold Sedar Senghor
      3. Julius Kambarage Nyerere
      4. Nelson Rolihlahla Mandela

Use the map of Africa below to answer questions 51 – 54

  1. The Kingdom found at the region marked Nw founded by
    1. Soninke
    2. Malinke
    3. Almoravids
    4. Fulani
  2. The man-made lake marked Q is
    1. Lake Kariba 
    2. Lake Volta
    3. Lake Kainji
    4. Lake Nasser
  3. The ocean currents marked R are
    1. Warm Benguela currents
    2. Walvis Bay currents
    3. Warm Guinea currents
    4. Cold Canary currents
  4. The international road in the map marked X is likely to be
    1. the Cotonou-Gao-Oudja Highway
    2. the Great North Road
    3. the Trans-African Highway
    4. the Trans-Saharan Trade
  5. Which one of the following refers to the property left behind by the deceased?
    1. Succession
    2. Inheritance
    3. Letter of administration
    4. Will
  6. The following are uses of a certain mineral mined in Kenya:
    1. It is used for making water filters
    2. It is used in the manufacture of soap
    3. It is used in the preservation of fertilizers
    4. It is used in dry cleaning of clothes in a laundry
      Which mineral has the above uses?
      1. Fluorspar 
      2. Diatomite
      3. Soda ash
      4. Limestone
  7. The units used for measuring air pressure is
    1. knots
    2. newtons
    3. millibars
    4. centigrade
  8. Who among the following was the second African to be nominated to the Legislative Coucil (Legco)?
    1. Benaich Apollo Ohanga
    2. Eliud Mathu
    3. Walter Odede
    4. Lawrence Oguda
  9. Which one of the following helps teachers and pupils to manage time in schools?
    1. The school motto
    2. The School logo
    3. The school administration
    4. The school routine
  10. Who among the following swears in the Speaker of the National Assembly?
    1. The Attorney General
    2. The President
    3. The Clerk of the National Assembly
    4. The Chief Justice

Christian Religious Education

  1.  According to Genesis story of creation, human beings are God's special creatures because they were
    1. created on the last day,
    2. given power to name other creatures.
    3. made in God's image and likeness.
    4. given power to till the land.
  2. God instructed Noah to build an ark mainly because He
    1. wanted to punish the sinners.
    2. wanted Noah to protect his family
    3. regretted He had created mankind.
    4.  hated the generation of mankind.
  3. Abraham's great faith in God was expressed when he
    1. built an altar at Shechem.
    2. sacrificed his son at Mt. Moriah.
    3. sent away Ishmael, born of a slave woman.
    4. obeyed God's command to go to unknown land.
  4.  Which plague led Pharaoh to release the Israelites according to the book of Exodus?
    1. Water of river Nile turning into blood.
    2.  Death of the firstborn males of the Egyptians.
    3. Locusts filling the land of Egypt.
    4. The rod of Moses turning into a snake.
  5. The greatest weakness of Samson as a Judge was
    1. his long hair that was not shaved.
    2. killing 1000 Philistines with a jaw bone.
    3. the love for women.
    4. touching the harvests belonging to Philistine
  6. Why was Jerusalem made the centre of worship?
    1. It was located at a central position.
    2. It had the Ark of the covenant.
    3. It had powerful leaders.
    4. Jews had strong faith in it.
  7. Which one of the following Kings of Israel was most successful?
    1. King Solomon
    2. King David
    3. King Jeroboam
    4. King Ahab
  8. Which prophet prophesied about the thirty silver coins that would be used to betray Jesus?
    1. Jeremiah
    2. Elijah
    3. Micah 
    4. Isaiah
  9. What lesson do Christians learn from the story of Jesus and His parents escaping to Egypt? That
    1.  they need to run to foreign land.
    2. God is ready to protect them.
    3. God is very powerful.
    4. God cares for refugees.
  10. Jesus performed miracles mainly to show that He had
    1.  people to see his mighty work.
    2. power to conquer evil,
    3. God's love for His people.
    4. God to shame the devil
  11. The main message of John the Baptist to the people who came to listen to him was
    1. birth of the Savior.
    2. not to collect more than is legal
    3. not to take money from people by force.
    4. repentance and baptism.
  12. "This is my own dear son, listen to Him" Mark 9:7. When did God speak these words? During
    1. baptism in R. Jordan.
    2. transfiguration.
    3. suffering on the cross.
    4. wedding in Cana of Galilee.
  13. From the miracle of Jesus raising a widow's son at Nain, Christians learn that
    1. there is no fear for death
    2. there is eternal life through death.
    3. there is hope of resurrection in Christ.
    4. they should raise back those that are dead.
  14. The parable of friends at midnight teaches Christians that they should
    1. pray without ceasing.
    2. be ready to help the needy even at night.
    3. ask for help from neighbours.
    4.  ask for advice from neighbours.
  15.  "I find no reason to condemn this man." (Luke 23:4) Who among the following people said this during the trail of Jesus?
    1. King Herod 
    2. Pilate
    3. Caiaphas
    4. Barabbas
  16. Who among the following offered to bury the body of Jesus?
    1. Nicodemus
    2. Simon of Cyrene
    3. Simon Peter
    4. Joseph of Arimathea
  17. Which of the following events did not take place during the day of Pentecost?
    1. The curtain of the temple was torn into two.
    2. Strong wind filled the whole house.
    3. The followers were filled with the Holy Spirit.
    4. The followers spoke in different tongues.
  18. The lesson Christians learn from the story of Simon the sorcerer and Simon Peter is that
    1. God's power is not bought.
    2. God's power is struggled for.
    3. all power comes from God.
    4. one can generate some money in church.
  19. Who among the following disciples baptised the Ethiopian Eunuch?
    1. John the Baptist
    2. Simon Peter
    3. Philip
    4. Paul
  20. Three of the following books of the Bible are Epistles except
    1. Romans
    2. Galatians
    3. Timothy
    4. Acts of Apostles
  21. Pre-marital sex was discouraged in both traditional African communities and Christianity because it
    1. was considered sacred.
    2.  was for the initiates alone.
    3. brought unwanted pregnancies.
    4.  promoted the spread of STD(s).
  22. Which belief about God is found in traditional African communities?
    1. God exists as three in one.
    2. God is omnipresent.
    3. God dwells in heaven
    4. God sent His son to die on the cross.
  23. Marriage was highly respected in traditional African communities mainly because it promoted
    1. respect and prestige in the society.
    2. companionship among the couples.
    3. continuation of the family line.
    4. responsibility among members.
  24. Why should Christians care for the environment?
    1. To obey God's command.
    2. To show how responsible we are
    3. To protect homes for wild animals.
    4. We depend on the environment for our livelihood.
  25. Christians obey authority mainly because
    1.  leaders sacrifice their lives for us.
    2. one day we shall also become leaders.
    3. all authority comes from God.
    4. God loves those in authority too.
  26. Christians discourage abortion because it
    1.  leads to lack of respect.
    2. undermines dignity of life.
    3. it can lead to death of the mother.
    4. it can lead to barrenness.
  27.  The best way pupils can use their time in the absence of their teachers is by
    1. sleeping on their desks.
    2.  reading the Bible.
    3. doing their assignment.
    4. going to the toilet one by one.
  28. Which one of the following is not a good way of using our personal freedom?
    1. Giving out our clothes that no longer fit us.
    2. Visiting the sick.
    3. Visiting the orphanage.
    4. Watching anything we feel like.
  29.  Your friend, Melanie, picks a thousand shilling note on her way to school. As a Christian, the best thing to do is to
    1. give the money to the teacher.
    2. donate some money to orphanage.
    3. try to find out the owner.
    4.  take the money to the police station.
  30.  The missionaries came to do the following except
    1. to acquire colonies.
    2. to stop the influence of Islamic.
    3. to spread Western culture.
    4. to stop slave trade.

Islamic Religious Education

  1. Which one among the following characteristics of the right religion is not mentioned in the Surah Al-Bayyina?
    1. Worshipping God.
    2. Fasting
    3. Giving out Alms
    4. Practising prayer
  2.  Following the teachings of Rasul (S.A.W). the most rewarding night of power can appear on any of the following days of Ramadhan EXCEPT on
    1. 26th
    2. 21st
    3. 29th
    4. 27th
  3. How many place of revelation are mentioned in the Surah A-Tiyn?
    1. Four.
    2. One
    3. Two
    4. Three
  4. "Innaa A'ath wainaka Al-Kauthar" In this verse Allah(sw) reminds the prophet (p.b.u.h) that He has given him
    1. knowledge
    2. guidance
    3. favours
    4. riches
  5. Such pandemic diseases like Corona are mentioned in the Holy Qur'an that Allah (s.w) brings them to us as
    1.  temptations.
    2. guidance.
    3. favours.
    4. riches
  6. Which one of the following is the meaning of the word "Az-Zakkat"? To
    1. pay.
    2. distribute.
    3. give out.
    4. purify.
  7. Which one among the following responsibilities should be taken by all Muslims in the world?
    1. Contact Da'awa missions.
    2. Search for knowledge.
    3. Build mosques.
    4.  Mix with non-muslims.
  8. Complete the following Hadith, "..... and Allah(s.w) has hated for your sinful and usless talks, asking too many questions and
    1. love for wealth.
    2. wasting of wealth
    3. wasting of wealth.
    4. piling of wealth
  9. Which one of the following actions do you think will give your neighbour peace?
    1. Visiting him/her frequently.
    2. Building a good house.
    3. Building a good house.
    4. Praying loudly as you mention him/her.
  10. Three of the following duties call for a cooperate responsibility upon Muslims EXCEPT one. Which one?
    1. Performing Swallah.
    2. Building a Mosque
    3. Furthering Education
    4. Burying the dead.
  11. The prophet encouraged Muslims, "....a comes with Rizq and goes away with family sins."
    1.  relative 
    2. good Samaritan
    3. neighbour
    4. guest
  12. All the following actions show respect for the dead during funeral EXCEPT one. Which one?
    1. Standing when your a Janaza.
    2. Grieving when one dies.
    3. Entertainments and celebrations.
    4.  Remembering the dead for the merits.
  13.  "Minha Khalaqnaakum, Wa Fiihaa nu'iidukum, Wa fiha nukhrijukum taaratan ukhraa" This are words said to the Mayiit during
    1. lowering to the grave.
    2. filling the grave with soil
    3. the three days of Taaziyyah.
    4. the shrouding of the Mayyit.
  14. Who among the following should be buried in Ihraam?
    1. An muslim who ever went for Hall in his/ her lifetime.
    2. Any muslim who can afford it.
    3. One who dies a matyre.
    4. One who dies while on Hajj Ibaada
  15. What makes sexual relationship halaal among couples according to Islamic Shariah?
    1. Adultery
    2. Nikaah
    3. Fornication
    4. Twalaq.
  16. What is Ghushuu in the performance of Swalah?
    1. Relaxing in every pillar of Swalah.
    2. The intention
    3. Concentration in prayer.
    4. Performing prayer in the correct steps.
  17. In which of the following places do the Hajj rites and Ibaada start? At
    1. Arafa. 
    2. Miqat
    3. Muzdalifa.
    4. Minna
  18. Which form of Twahara cleanses Janaba. heidh and Nifas completely?
    1. Ghusul.
    2. Wudh
    3. Tayammum.
    4. Istima-a.
  19. If you want to be just in problem solving, you according to Islamic guidance.
    1. listen to the guilty
    2. give the orphan som considerations.
    3. listen to both sides.
    4. know their levels of education.
  20. Igran counts her soul every day and does what benefits her in the hereafter. She is to Allah (s.w)
    1. Al-Qaisu.
    2. Al-Muflis
    3.  Al-Aajisu 
    4. Al-Haqiim
  21. One of the following persons is distanced from Hellfire a distance that will take 70 years to travel. Who is this? One who
    1. gets Lailatul Qadr.
    2. gets temptation but remains tolerant
    3. visits the sick.
    4. leads a moral life.
  22. Which two communities approached the prophet (p.b.u.h) to help resolve their differences and unite them as brothers? The
    1. Qainuqaa and Quraidha.
    2. Anus and Khazraj.
    3. Khuzaa and Bakr.
    4. Hashim and Najar.
  23. The Islamic calendar was lost in the memory of most Islamic people and leaders. Which of the following events guided committee to recall and plan the order of events and the calendar?
    1. Hijra of the prophet (S.A.W)
    2. The Isra wal Miraj.
    3. The Fat-hul Makka
    4. The Milad-un-Nabii.
  24. The prophets Ibrahim(AS), Issa(A.S) and Adam(A.S) were all created in a common month of the Islamic calendar. Which one? In
    1. Ramadhan
    2. Rajab
    3. Rabiul Awwal.
    4. Muharram.
  25. Who among the following visitors at the Coast came with a mission of gaining control of the activities with an aim of interfering and destroying them? The
    1.  Romans
    2. Persians
    3. Chinese
    4. Egyptians
  26. The Podipha locked Yusuf into jail .....
    1. because he was guilty of rape.
    2.  to go and translate the dreams of inmates
    3. avoid destroying his reputation.
    4. separate him from his wife.
  27.  If prophet Musa (A.S) had patience; he would have learnt a lot from
    1. Al-Bahrira. 
    2. Dhul-Karnaine.
    3. Nabii Shuaib
    4. Al-Khidhr.
  28. Which one among these business practises is ACCEPTED in an Islamic Society?
    1.  Hoarding.
    2. Monopoly.
    3. Adultration.
    4. Usury.
  29. The Youth who attacked the prophet(p.b.u.b) at Taif were from which Sub-Tribe?
    1.  Banu Thaqif 
    2. Banu Qinana.
    3. Jan-jawids.
    4. Bant Sad.
  30. The prophet(p.b.u.h) taught Muslims that there are three options from which one can choose in order to control Munkar in a society. Which was not mentioned?
    1. Using your hand.
    2. Using your Tongue.
    3. Moving away from Munkar.
    4. Hating the Munkar in your heart.

Marking Scheme

  1. A
  3. B
  4. D
  5. A
  6. C
  7. C
  8. A
  9. D
  10. A
  11. C
  12. C
  13. C
  14. D
  15. C
  16. D
  17. D
  18. B
  19. B
  20. D
  21. B
  22. C
  23. B
  24. C
  25. D
  26. A
  27. A
  28. C
  29. A
  30. C
  31. C
  32. C
  33. B
  34. A
  35. D
  36. C
  37. B
  38. C
  39. B
  40. C
  41. B
  42. D
  43. A
  44. C
  45. C
  46. C
  47. B
  48. C
  49. D
  50. A
  51. A
  52. A
  53. B
  54. A
  55. B
  56. B
  57. C
  58. D
  59. D
  60. C


  1. C
  2. A
  3. D
  4. B
  5. C
  6. B
  7. B
  8. A
  9. B
  10. C
  11. D
  12. B
  13. C
  14. A
  15. B
  16. D
  17. A
  18. A
  19. C
  20. D
  21. A
  22. B
  23. C
  24. D
  25. C
  26. B
  27. C
  28. D
  29. C
  30. A


  1. B
  2. A
  3. D
  4. C
  5. D
  6. B
  7. C
  8. A
  9. C
  10. D
  11. C
  12. A
  13. D
  14. B
  15. C
  16. B
  17. A
  18. C
  19. A
  20. C
  21. B
  22. A
  23. D
  24. A
  25. C
  26. D
  27. B
  28. A
  29. C


  1. Objects like wax, plastic and wood normally float on water. This is possible because of their?
    1. Size
    2. Material
    3. Shape
    4. Weight
  2. To protect themselves from noise pollution, workers in noisy factories are provided with
    1. Ear buds
    2. Gas masks
    3. Ear plugs
    4. Ear phones
  3. Which one of the following animal feeds is a source of proteins?
    1.  Lucerne
    2. Grass
    3. Molasses
    4. Sweet potato vines
  4. Cirrhosis is a disease of the liver which is commonly caused by excessive use of
    1. smoking of tobacco
    2. drinking of beer
    3. chewing of miraa
    4. inhaling of cobbler's glue
  5. One of the following animal parasites cannot be controlled by drenching or dosing, which one is it?
    1. Round worms
    2. Lung worms
    3. Liver fluke
    4. Tsetse flies
  6. Which one of the following substances have definite size and shape?
    1. Wax and steam
    2. Petrol and oxygen
    3. Stone and glass
    4.  Milk and water
  7. Study the diagram below of a simple rain gauge.
    The part marked T is placed underground mainly to
    1. prevent evaporation of collected water
    2. collect as much rain water as possible
    3. make it durable
    4. prevent the container from direct sunlight
  8. Which one of the following is not an air pollution?
    1. Loud music
    2. Aerosal sprays
    3. Excessive dust
    4. Farm Yard Manure
  9. In which one of the following pairs of levers is the fulcrum between the load and the effort when they are in use?
    1. Wheelbarrow and space
    2. Claw hammer and wheel barrow
    3. Crow bar and spade
    4. Crow bar and claw hammer
  10. Which one of the following statements is true about platypus, bat, ostrich and toad. All of them
    1. breath through lungs
    2. give birth to young ones
    3. have body temperatures that varies with the surrounding
    4. spend part of their life on dry land
  11. The following are ways in which plants adjust themselves to grow in various habitat:
    1. Succulent
    2. Flexible stems
    3. Thick and waxy cuticles
    4. Spongy stems
    5. Needle-like leaves
      Which set of adjustments are for plants suitable to grow in dry areas?
      1.  ii.iv.v 
      2. i, iii,v
      3. ii,iii, iv 
      4. ii,i,iv
  12. Which one of the following is not correct statement about the force that opposes motion? The force
    1. produces unwanted heat
    2. increase the effort required for moving a load
    3. makes the load lighter
    4. can be reduced by using rollers.
  13. The transfer of heat by convection is possible through
    1. gases only
    2. liquid and gases
    3. solids and liquids
    4. gases and vacuum
  14. The diagram below shows an improved jiko.
    The part marked T is made of clay in order
    1.  make the jiko durable
    2. make the charcoal light faster
    3. reduce the space for charcoal
    4. reduce the amount of heat loss
  15. The following are characteristics of a certain type of cloud:
    1. Flat-bottomed
    2. High in the sky
    3. White in colour
      Which statement below is true?
      1. The characteristics are for nimbus clouds
      2. The cloud gives rise to rainfall
      3. The cloud also looks like mountains
      4. This type of cloud also looks like bundles of cotton
  16.  Which of the following is not an excretory organ?
    1. Kidney
    2. Skin
    3. Anus
    4. Lungs
  17. Class five pupils of Jamhuri Primary School did an experiment. They dropped some pieces of papers on burning flames of fire. What were they investigating?
    1. Convection in liquid
    2. Gases occupy space
    3. Air in motion
    4. Convection in gases
  18. Which one of the following vaccine is correctly matched with when it is administered? Vaccine When administered
      Vaccine  When administered
     1st DPT   At birth
    B  2nd Polio vaccine  10 weeks
    C  3rd Hepatitis B  14 weeks
    D  3rd DPT   14 weeks
  19. Which one of the following components of the environment do plants and animals depend on directly for their survival?
    1. Soil and water
    2. Air and soil
    3. Water and air
    4. Air only
  20. The amount of matter in a substance is measured using all the following units except
    1. Grammes
    2. Kilograms
    3. Newtons
    4. Tonnes
  21. A certain weed was observed with the following characteristics
    1. Purple flowers
    2. Thorns on the stems
    3. Yellow fruits when ripe
      The weed was likely to be
      1. thorn apple
      2. wandering jew
      3. oxalis
      4. sodom apple
  22. Which of the following pair processes involves loss of heat to the surrounding?
    1. Freezing and melting
    2. Melting and evaporation
    3. Freezing and condensation
    4. Condensation and evaporation
  23. Which one of the following practices is an economical way of using water?
    1. Harvesting rain water
    2. Mulching and shading
    3. Constructing dams to collect rain run off water
    4. Practising drip irrigation
  24. The following are social effects of drug abuse except
    1. truancy
    2. lack of concentration
    3. drug induced accidents
    4. marital conflicts
  25. In a food chain, which of the following organism is a secondary consumer?
    1. Cabbage
    2. Grasshopper
    3. Hawk
    4. Chicken
  26. The following crop pests are correctly matched with the part of the crop they attack except Crop pest Part attacked
    Crop pest Part attacked
    1. Stalk borer Stem
    2. Army worm Leaves
    3. Aphids Seeds
    4. Cutworm Stems
  27. Which of the following pollutes both water and soil?
    1. Oil spillage
    2. Controlled use of farm chemicals
    3. Domestic wastage
    4. Industrial waste gases
  28. The chart below represents the characteristics of amphibians, fish and reptiles.
    What do N and O represent?
    1. Laying eggs Warm blooded
    2. Live in water Scales
    3. Cold blooded Breath by lungs
    4. Scales Cold blooded
  29. As Mame Brian was chopping potatoes she cut her finger with a knife. Which component of blood helped to stop the bleeding?
    1. Plasma
    2. Platelets
    3. White blood cells
    4. Red blood cells
  30. Which one is not a use of water in recreation?
    1. Irrigation
    2. Boat racing
    3. Surfing
    4. Swimming
  31. Which one of the following is a nonluminous source of light?
    1. Moon 
    2. Sun
    3. Stars
    4. Fire flies
  32. The pie chart below shows a composition of air.
    Which letter represent the part used by premature born babies in incubators?
    1. W
    2. K
    3. Q
  33. Below are statements about second class levers. Which one is correct?
    1. Load distance is equal to effort distance
    2. Load distance is always greater than effort distance
    3. Effort distance is always greater than load distance
    4. Effort distance is always twice the load distance
  34. Which one is not a minor plant nutrient?
    1. Chlorine
    2. Carbon
    3. Iron
    4. Manganese
  35. Expectant mothers mainly feed on food rich in calcium and vitamin D for?
    1. Help to prevent rickets to the foetus
    2. Providing energy to the foetus
    3. For proper bones formation of the foetus
    4. For growth and development of the foetus
  36. Which one of the following is observed in a container that has been used to boil hard water?
    1. Scum
    2. Bubbles
    3. Fur
    4. Soap deposits
  37. The diagram below shows a glass which was put inside another glass and got stuck.
    What should be done to separate the two glasses?
    1. Put the glasses into boiling water
    2. Put hot water in the inner glass
    3. Put the glass in cold water
    4. Immerse the outer glass in hot water
  38. A simple electric circuit should have the following except
    1. bulb 
    2. fuse
    3. wires
    4. dry cells
  39. The amount of space occupied by a body is its
    1. mass
    2. pressure
    3. volume
    4. weight
  40. The diagram below shows a home-made water filter
    Which of layer represents charcoal?
    1. J
    2. M
  41. The following are problems related to teeth except
    1. bad breath
    2. bleeding gums
    3. dental floss
    4. cavities
  42. The following are ways of maintaining simple tools except
    1. oiling
    2. cleaning tools after use
    3. sharpening cutting tools
    4. using them regularly
  43. Which one of the following livestock parasites attacks only the small intestines?
    1. Hookworms 
    2. Lungworms
    3. Tapeworms
    4. Roundworms
  44. Which of the following mixtures can be separated by dissolving, filtering and evaporation?
    1. Iron fillings, flour and salt
    2. Salt and sugar
    3. Kerosene, water and turpe ntine
    4. Sand and sugar
  45. The diagram below represents a set up that is used to investigate a certain aspect of light.
    The aspect investigated is
    1. light travels in a straight line
    2. refraction
    3. reflection
    4. passage of light through materials
  46. Large furrows in the soil indicate
    1. rill erosion
    2. gulley erosion
    3. splash erosion
    4. sheet erosion
  47. Which one of the following helps us to drink using a straw?
    1. Force of gravity 
    2. Adhesion
    3. Capillarity
    4. Air pressure
  48. The best method of controlling human intestinal worms is by
    1. deworming
    2. vaccination
    3. rotational grazing
    4. proper sanitation
  49. Standard four pupils set up the experiment shown below.
    The pupils concluded that pressure in liquids
    1. increase with depth
    2. decrease with height
    3. is equal at the same height
    4. is the same in all directions
  50. A fish is able to remain a float on water even if it is not swimming due to the presence of
    1. lateral line
    2. air bladder
    3. air sacs 
    4. fins

Marking Scheme

  1. D
  2. B
  3. A
  4. C
  5. A
  6. A
  7. B
  8. D
  9. D
  10. C
  11. D
  12. C
  13. B
  14. A
  15. B
  16. A
  17. D
  18. C
  19. C
  20. A
  21. B
  22. A
  23. B
  24. B
  25. B
  26. C
  27. B
  28. A
  29. A
  30. A
  31. D
  32. C
  33. B
  34. A
  35. A
  36. D
  37. D
  38. B
  39. A
  40. A
  41. C
  42. C
  43. D
  44. B
  45. B
  46. D
  47. D
  48. A
  49. A
  50. A


Soma vifungu vifuatavyo, Vina nafasi 1 mpaka 15. Kwa kila nafasi umepewa majibu manne hapo. Chagua jibu lifaalo zaidi kati ya yale uliyopewa.

Taifa    1    la Kenya shughuli     2    zimekwama. Ugonjwa wa Covid-19 umetetemesha kila kona ya taifa    3   . Ni vizuri kuelewa kuwa, gonjwa hili     4    nchi yetu tu     5     pia ulimwengu mzima. Hata mataifa yenye uwezo mkubwa kiteknolojia, kiuchumi na elimu ya juu     6     adha ya ugonjwa huu tandavu wa Covid19. Ili kujikinga, yafaa tunawe mikono    7     sabuni, kutoshiriki mikutano na ikiwezekana tufanye kazi      8     nyumbani.

  A B C D
1  nzima  zima  mzima  lizima 
2  zote  yote   lote  vyote
3  yetu  zetu  wetu  letu
4  limetisha  umetisha  halijatisha  litatisha
5  bali  hata  kumbe  ikiwa
6  haijaepuka  hayajaepuka  haujaepuka  halijaepuka
7  ya  na  kwa  za
8  katika  kwa  kwenye  kutoka

Waswahili walisema     9     .Hali hii ilijitokeza pale Kadongo aliyekuwa na mali     10     alipoamua      11     masomo ya yatima mmoja. Uamuzi wake huo uliwashangaza wengi kuona matajiri wengi    12    kusaidia      13     kuwa wamiliki wa mali yafuatayo       14    majumba, magari, mashamba na viwanda. Ni vyema kuwa na     15     kama Kadongo.

  A B C D
9  hiari yashinda utumwa  mtu hujikuna ajipatapo  kutoa ni moyo usambe ni utajiri  mwenye shibe hamjui mwenye njaa 
10  madogo  ndogo  nyingi  kidogo
11  kuyathamini  kuthamini  kuyadhamini  kuidhamini
12  walidinda  walikubali  waliamini   waliamua
13  sembuse  ili  licha ya  kabla ya
14 ; : _ !
15  mkono mzito  mkono wa birika  mkono wa buli  mkono wazi

Kutoka swali la 16 mpaka 30, chagua jibu lililo sahihi.

  1. Katika neno, ‘alisahaulika' tambua kiambishi kiwakilishi cha nafsi na cha wakati.
    1. ka
    2. li, li
    3.  li, ka
    4. Ali
  2. Andika katika wingi:
    Chuma kilichovunjika kiliwekwa nyuma ya pazia.
    1. Vyuma vilivyovunjika viliwekwa nyuma ya mapazia.
    2. Chuma zilizovunjika ziliwekwa nyuma ya pazia.
    3. Vyuma vilivyovunjika viliwekwa nyuma ya pazia.
    4. Machuma yaliyovunjika yaliwekwa nyuma ya mapazia.
  3. Andika katika udogo:
    Mzee alipiga ngoma kwenye mji.
    1. Zee lilipiga goma kwenye jiji.
    2. Vizee vilipiga vigoma kwenye vijiji.
    3. Kizee kilipiga kigoma kwenye kijiji.
    4. Mzee alipiga kigoma kwenye jiji.
  4.  Tegua kitendawili kifuatacho:
    Kikigongwagongwa wanawe hutoka.
    1. Kizimba
    2. Kichuguu
    3. Mzinga
    4. Chungu
  5. Chagua sentensi yenye kivumishi cha pekee.
    1. Gari lolote lililoendeshwa pasipofaa litaondolewa.
    2. Ndugu yangu atasafiri kesho
    3. Ndizi mbovu zimeliwa na ng'ombe.
    4. Kabati hilo ndilo lililotengenezwa
  6. Chagua methali yenye maana kuwa mtu anaposababisha shida huishia kuwahusisha jamaa wake.
    1. Mla nawe hafi nawe ila mzaliwa nawe.
    2. Mchumia juani hulia kivulini.
    3. Kikulacho ki nguoni mwako.
    4. Mchuma janga hula na wa kwao.
  7. Kanusha sentensi ifuatayo: Kujitahidi kwangu kuna manufaa.
    1. Kujitahidi kwangu hakuna manufaa.
    2. Kutojitahidi kwangu hakuna manufaa.
    3. Kujitahidi kwangu hakutakuwa na manufaa
    4. Kutojitahidi kwangu hakutakuwa na manufaa.
  8. Jina "shughulika" lina silabi ngapi?
    1. 10
    2. 8
    3. 4 D
    4. 6
  9. ‘Cherahani' ni jina katika ngeli gani?
    1. KI-VI
    2. I-ZI
    3.  U-ZI
    4. LI-YA
  10. Ni kiungo kipi cha mwili kinachosafisha hewa?
    1. Ini 
    2. Wengu
    3.  Figo
    4. Pafu
  11. Unganisha sentensi ifuatayo: Mama alipika wali. Wali ulikuwa kwa.cah.
    1. Wali ulipikiwa kwa Leah ta mama.
    2. Mama alipikiwa wali kwa Leah
    3. Leah alipikiwa wali kwa mama.
    4. Wali ulipikwa na Leah kwa mama.
  12. Tambua maneno yaliyopigiwa kistari: Vitabu vizuri vitanunuliwa kesho.
    1. Kielezi, nomino
    2. Kivumishi, nomino
    3. Kivumishi, kielezi
    4. Kielezi, kiwakilishi
  13. Andika katika usemi wa taarifa:
    "Tutapiga kambi hapa kesho," wanajeshi walisema.
    1.  Wanajeshi walisema watapiga kambi hapo kesho.
    2. Wanajeshi walisema walipiga kambi hapo kesho.
    3. Wanajeshi walisema kuwa wangepiga kambi hapo baadaye.
    4. Wanajeshi walisema kuwa wangepiga kambi hapo siku amiayo ingefuata.
  14. Mkopo usiotozwa riba huitwaje?
    1. Arbuni
    2. Chirimiri
    3. Kadhongo
    4. Karadha
  15. Andika kwa tarakimu.
    Milioni sita, mia tisa iisini na tisa eltu, mia tiga tisini na nane.
    1.  6,996,998
    2. 6,999,988
    3. 6,999,998
    4. 6,909,098

Soma kifungu kifuatacho kisha ujibu maswali 31 mpaka 40

Aghalabu kila wakati nilipomtembelea nyanya yangu, alikuwa akinitambia hadithi. Basi nilipomtembelea mwezi Juni, aliweza kunitambia hadithi kuhusu Mzee Hekima na bibi yake. Waliishi katika kijiji cha Madongo. Mzee Hekima alijaliwa na Mola na watoto wengi wavulikya magashi. Nao waliwalea wanao vyema kwa kuwalisha vizuri vyakula vya tumboni na kiroho. Usisahau kuwa Mzee Hekima alikuwa tajiri wa mali na moyo. Mamia ya wanakijiji waliofika kwake kumjulia hali aliwasubilia kwa vyote. Kuna wale waliopewa riziki kwa kulima shambani, wengine kufagia boma lake bora tu kila mmoja alifaidika na mkono karimu wa bwana huyu.

Kati ya watoto wake wengi, Mzee Hekim alimpenda zaidi kitindamimba na alimpendelea kwa mengi. Kutokana na hali hii kitindamimba alianza kujivuna na kuwadharau wakubwa wake. Alionyesha kiburi, unyeti na dharau. Mwishoni tabia yake ilianza kuingia ufa. Mambo yalizidi kuzorota zaidi kiasi cha mtoto huyo kuwa mbaya zaidi. Wazazi walipogundua uovu wa mtoto huyo, mambo yalikuwa yamekwisha kithiri. Baada ya kujaribu kulihali kumwongoa na kulemewa walimtupa jongoo na mti wake.

Kila mmoja aliepuka kitinda mimba huyu kama kinyamkera. Hakushirikishwa michezoni wala katika matembezi. Ajabu ni kwamba, hakurekebisha tabia yake hali aliendelea kuwa mkaidi zaidi kuliko hata mkia wa nguruwe. Mzee Hekima naye alizidi kuzeeka na kugotika kadiri siku zilivyosonga.

Mzee Hekima alianza kuwausia wanawe. Aliweka kila kitu wazi. Alisema pesa zote za banki zingegawanywa kwa wanawe wote wa kiume. Nayo mali yaliyohaki yagawatywe kulingana na umri wa kila mrithi. Jukumu la uandishi wa wosia huu lilipewa kitindamimba. Naye akawa amepata nafasi murua ya kufanya hila. Alijiandikia nafasi kubwa ya urithi wa mali ya baba yake. Hekima alipoaga dunia yule kitindarnimba aliazimia kuuza shamba lile. Hapo alimtafuta mnunuzi na kumpata Mzee Kolera. Walipalana bei lakini hakulipwa pesa taslimu ila waliandikiana mkataba

Nakumbuka siku moja, mtoto wa Mzee Johara alienda mtoni kuogelea akiwa ameandamana na marafiki zake. Mto Kingo ulijulikana kwa kuwa na mamba wengi waliowashambulia wakazi wa eneo hilo. Kwa bahati mui mwanawe Mzee Johara alishikwa mgutini na maka Alivutwa na kuelekezwa kwenye maji makuu. Watoto wenzake walipoona hivyo walipiga usiahi kwa hofu waliomba msaada. Kwa bahati nzuri, wana wawili wa yule Mzee Hekima walikuwa wakipita njia karibu na mto huo. Wakasikia mayowe na kelele. Basi bila kulimatia wakaenda haraka kuangalia kelele zilikuwa za nini.

Baada ya kufika mtoni, waliambiwa habari za mtoto yule aliyechukuliwa na mamba. Walipotupa macho walimwona mtoto yule wa Mzee Johara akizamia lulu majini. Bila chelewa chelewa, vijana hawa walivua nguo zao na wakajitosa majini na kumfuata mamba yule. Walishambulia mamba yule kwa sime zao mpaka akamwachilia mtoto yule wakamchukua na kuogelea naye hadi ufuona mato. Hapo walimpa ganga ganga za mganga Anazomwacha mgonjwa na matumaini.

Mtoto huyo alikuwa amejeruhiwa vibaya mguuni kutokana na kuumwa kwa meno ya mamba. Baada ya kumpa huduma ya kwanza, waliamua kumpeleka kwa baba yake ili kumsimulia kisa chote. Mzee Johara alifurahishwa sana na kitendo cha watoto hao na akawaombea dua ya Mola awasaidie.

Baada ya kuwapa makaribisho aliamua kuwasindikiza wana wale wawili huku yeye akielekea kumlipa kitindamimba pesa zake. Basi wote watatu waliaondoka Wana wale walienda nyumbani naye Mzee Johara akielekea kumlipa ujira wake kitindamimba. Mzee Johana aliwaomba kwa unyenyekevu waandamane naye ili wawe mashahidi wake. Vijana wale wawili walikubali bila ya wao kujua ni shamba gani lililokuwa likiuzwa.

Mzee Johara na ndugu wale wawili walipofika kwa wenyeji wake, alianza kuwaelezea jinsi walivyopatana bei ya shamba. Ndugu wale wawili walishtuka sana na kukasirika. Papo hapo wakamweleza Mzee Johara kisa chote kuanzia mwanzo hadi mwisho. Mzee Johara kusikia hivyo alighairi kununua shamba hilo. Ujanja wa kitindamimba kikagonga mwamba.

  1. Chagua kauli isiyo ya kweli kulingana na aya ya kwanza
    1. Mzee Hekima na mkewe walijaliwa watoto wa kike na kiume.
    2. Mzee Hekima na familia yake walikuwa wacha Mungu.
    3. Wavulana walikuwa wengi kuliko wasichana.
    4. Mzee Hekima aliweza kutoa mwongozo mzuri wa familia yake.
  2. Mzee Hekima alikuwa tajiri wa moyo kwa kuwa
    1.  Mamia ya wakazi walifika kwake kumlilia hali.
    2. Alikuwa na mashamba makubwa yaliyohitaji usaidizi wa wanakijiji.
    3. Nyumbani kwake kulishiba watu walioenda kwake ili kufagia na wengine kulima.
    4. Aliwafaa wengi ambao hawakujiweza kiuchumi.
  3. Wazazi walipogundua uovu wa mtoto huyo, mambo yalikuwa yamekwisha kithiri.Ni methali gani inayokubaliana na kauli hii?
    1. Chelewa chelewa utampata mwana si wako
    2. Asiyesikia la mkuu huvunjika guu.
    3. Mtoto umleavyo ndivyo akuavyo.
    4. Mwana wa nyoka ni nyoka.
  4. Kitindamimba aliharibika
    1. kwa kuwa yeye ndiye alikuwa mtoto wa mwisho kuzaliwa.
    2. kwa kupendelewa na baba yake kuliko watoto wale wengine.
    3. kwa kupewa majukumu mengi yakiwemo yale ya ugavi wa shamba.
    4. kutokana na vijana wa hirimu yake.
  5. Zifuatazo ni sifa za Mzee Hekima kulingana na aya ya nne ila
    1. alikuwa mwenye busara.
    2. alikuwa mwenye ubaguzi.
    3. alikuwa mwenye uwazi.
    4. alikuwa mwenye fitina.
  6. Kitinda mimba kulingana na kifungu, alifaa
    1. kupata sehemu ndogo kabisa miongoni mwa warithi.
    2. kupata sehemu kubwa kabisa miongoni mwa warithi.
    3. kuliuza shamba lake baada ya kugawiwa.
    4. Kumtafuta mnunuzi wa shamba lao bila kuwahusisha ndugu zake.
  7. Ujasiri wa ndugu zake kitindamimba unaonekana pale
    1. walipompeleka ndugu yao kortini kwa njama ya kuliuza shamba lao.
    2. walipoandamana na Mzee Johara hadi kwao kushuhudia ununuzi na uuzaji wa shamba lao.
    3. walipokabiliana na mamba na kumwokoa mtoto wa Mzee Johara.
    4. walipomkataza Mzee Johara kulinunua shamba lao bila idhini ya wote.
  8. Ni sadfa kuwa
    1. Mzee Johara aliwaomba wanawe Mzee Hekima kushuhudia ununuzi wa shamba lao.
    2. marafiki wa mwanawe Mzee Johara hawakujua kuogelea.
    3. wana wa Mzee Hekima hawakuwahi kuacha sime kila walipotembea.
    4. kitindamimba hakuwa amelipwa pesa na badala yake waliandikiana mkataba.
  9. Ni msemo gani unaoonyesha Mzee Hekima alichoshwa na kitindamimba?
    1. Mzee Hekima alimpendelea kitindamimba kuliko wote.
    2. Mzee Hekima alimpa dhima ya kuandika wosia.
    3. Mzee Hekima aliamua kugawa mali yake kulingana na umri wa kila mrithi.
    4. Mzee Hekima aliamua kumtupa jongoo na mti wake.
  10. Sime ni
    1. upanga wenye makali kuwili.
    2. kiboko chenye ncha ya chuma.
    3. miundi inayotumiwa kulimia.
    4. ni bastola ya kufyatua risasi.

Soma taarifa ifuatayo kisha ujibu maswali 41 mpaka 50.

Maisha ya binadamu huimarika kutokana na urafiki. Urafiki hufanya watu wanaopendana kuwa na mvuto fulani ambao huwapa kiu ya kutaka kuonana mara kwa mara. Umbali kwao huwa si chochote si lolote. Watafanya juu chini ili waweze kuwasiliana hata kama ni kwa kupigiana simu, kuandikiana nyaraka au hata kutembea kilomita nyingi mradi tu wakutane.

Manufaa ya urafiki ni gani? Nia kuu ya urafiki ni kuondoleana ukiwa, kuliwazana, kubadilishana fikira na kusaidiana wakati wa shida. Pasi na urafiki duniani kungejaa madhila, uhasama, zahama na maovu mengine ya kukiriha moyo.

Urafiki bora ni ule wa kujuliana hali, kufaana wakati wa dhiki, urafiki wa kupigiwa mfano yaani ule wa kufa kuzikana. Hata hivyo urafiki huu umeadimika kama milango ya pikipiki. Ni nadra na adimu kumpata rafiki shakiki. Kila mtu sasa ameanza tu kuamba ngoma akivuta kwake. Ya mwenzake hayamghasi, ni kanda la usufi ati.

Kile ninachojaribu kusema ni kuwa, urafiki mwingi ni ule wa juu juu. Ule wa nipe nikupe. Iwapo wewe ni maskini, ole wako! Watakwambia kuwa mkono mtupu haurambwi na utapewa kisogo. Ukiwa tajiri pia huna bahati. Utaandamwa kama nzi na kugandwa kama kupe na wanaotaka kikalia mrija. Siku ya kuonyeshwa mlango kazini watakuhepa labda uauniwe na ndugu yako

Kulonga mithaki urafiki mwingi ni ule wa idumakawili Ni ule wa kulana kivuli. Wale wanaojitapa hadharani kuwa marafiki zako shakiki ukiwapa siri, kesho utazisikia barazani. Ulimthamini lakini yeye hafai ni mfano wa kikulacho ki nguoni mwako. Ni makauleni wakubwa. Ni vycina kila mmoja ajue kuwa, ule urafiki wa zamani wa kufaana kwa jua na la mvua umezikwa katika kaburi la liliwala.

Kinyume na vile watu wengi wanavyodhaniás urafiki unahitaji uvumilivu, uaminifu, ukarimu, upendo, usamehevu na kujitolea mhanga kama kukuahatarishaye maisha yake ili kumwokoa kifaranga.

Je, urafiki una faida? Ndiyo. Kumbuka ukiwa na marafiki huwezi kuteseka sana. Wahenga walisema kuwa mtu ni watu na hakuna mtu anayeweza kujitosheleza. Majanga yapo. Mengine makubwa yanayozidi uwezo wa mtu binafsi. Chukulia kwa mfano shughuli za mazishi. Utachimbaje kaburi na ubebe jeneza peke yako. Hapo ndipo utahitaji marafiki.

Tujue kuwa tuko pia na urafiki wa kuharibiana tabia. Kwa mfano watu wasio na msimamo kimaisha kazi yao ni kufuata wengine kama bendera. Tumewaona wengi wakijitoa kikaangoni na kujiingiza motoni bila kujali. Hawa sana sana ni wale ambao huwa hawaambiliki wala hawasemezeki. Hata wakiambiwa wasitembee na watu waovu kwa kuwa samaki mmoja akioza na mtungo pia huwa hawasikii. Huonyesha kiburi na unyeti mwishowe huishia kujipalia makaa.

Tamu ikizidi sana huwa sumu. Nao-urafiki ukizidi sana wakati mwingi huwa na madhara yake. Unajikuta kwa kuwa ati mtu ni rafiki yako, unaamua kuchukua hatua bila hata kumhusisha. Kumbe uamuzi uliochukua ni sumu kwake.

  1. Ni wazi kuwa
    1. kama si urafiki watu hawangekuwa wakionan
    2. pesa haziwezi kuwa kizingiti kwa watu ambac wanataka kuonana.
    3. urafiki huumua maisha ya binadamu.
    4. urafiki umeanza juzi wakati wa teknolojia mpya.
  2. Lipi si lengo la urafiki?
    1. Kufarijiana.
    2. Kubadilishana mawazo.
    3. Kufaana wakati wa dhiki.
    4. Kukirihisha moyo.
  3. Aya ya tatu inaonyesha kuwa
    1. hakuna urafiki wa kweli kokote dunianti.
    2. marafiki wengi ni wanafiki,
    3.  lengo la urafiki wowote ni kudhuriana.
    4. mzigo wa mwenzio ni kanda la usuf
  4. Chagua methali mwafaka inayolenga mwis wa aya ya nne.
    1. Mla nawe hafi nawe ila mzaliwa nawe.
    2. Akufaaye kwa dhiki ndiye rafiki.
    3. Nzi kufa juu ya kidonda si hasara
    4. Ndugu ni kufaana si kufanana.
  5. Yaonekana kuwa
    1. urafiki wa leo ni bora kuliko ule wa zamani
    2. urafiki wa zamani ulikuwa bora kuliko wa leo.
    3. urafiki wa leo umeathiriwa pakubwa na urafiki wa zamani.
    4. hakuna tofauti ya urafiki wa zamani na ule wa leo.
  6. Taja tamathali mbili zinazojitokeza katika kauli hii: Kujitolea mhanga kama kuku ahatarishaye maisha yake ili kumwokoa kifaranga.
    1. Chuku, tashbihi
    2. Tashhisi, kinaya
    3. Naha, istiara
    4. Nahau, tashbihi
  7. Mwandishi ametumia mfano wa mazishi
    1.  ili kuonyesha hatima ya kila mtu ni mauti.
    2. kwa kuwa ni sherehe ambazo huleta majonzi katika jamii.
    3. kuonyesha kuwa kuna haja ya kusaidiana wakati wa shida.
    4. kionyesha ubora na thamani ya urafiki.
  8. Aya ya inatuonyesha kuwa,
    1. kuna watu wanaotumia urafiki kwa manufaa yao ya kiuchumi,
    2. urafiki wa dhati upo na unafaa kuigwa na wote
    3. wengi wa marafiki tulio nao wametufaidi sana katika shughuli zetu za kila siku,
    4. hakuna msingi wa urafiki mwema.
  9.  Kujipalia makaa ina maana ya
    1. kujinufaisha wao pekee
    2. kujiletea matatizo.
    3. kujisalimisha kwa kushindwa.
    4. kukosana na watu wote.
  10. Aya ya mwisho inaonyeshe kuwa
    1. jambo zuri linaweza kuleta athari mbaya.
    2. rafiki ana uwezo wa kujua shida ya mwenza.
    3. hatufai kuwa na marafiki wasiojua hisia zetu.
    4. ni vigumu sana rafiki kujua yale yanayomsumbua mwenzake.


  1. B
  2. A
  3. D
  4. C
  5. A
  6. B
  7. C
  8. D
  9. C
  10. D
  11. C
  12. A
  13. C
  14. B
  15. D
  16. D
  17. A
  18. C
  19. B
  20. A
  21. D
  22. B
  23. C
  24. A
  25. D
  26. A
  27. C
  28. D
  29. D
  30. C
  31. C
  32. D
  33. A
  34. B
  35. D
  36. A
  37. C
  38. A
  39. D
  40. A
  41. C
  42. D
  43. B
  44. A
  45. B
  46. D
  47. D
  48. A
  49. B
  50. A


Read the passage below. It contains blank spaces numbered 1 to 15. For each blank space, choose the BEST alternative from the choices given.

One afternoon, I went to a neighbouring school playground to    1    a football    2    as I sat down. I asked one of the boys what the    3     were.
“They are leading us with 3-0!”
I looked at the boy and asked, "    4     ? And you don't look discouraged?" "Discouraged?" The boy asked with a      5     look. "Why should I be discouraged    6    the referee     7     not blown the    8    whistle? I have confidence    9    our team and our managers. We shall definitely    10   !”
Truly, the match ended with a score line of 5-4 in    11     of the boy's team! He waved at me gently with a beautiful smile    12     he left. I was amazed, mouth    13     open at his faith and confidence. I learnt a   14    lesson from this young boy. Life is like a game and we    15     never get discouraged. There's no reason why you should be discouraged before the final whistle is blown.

  A B C D
1  watch  cheer  see   play
2  When  Then  Just  Exactly
3  goals  teams  points  scores
4  True  Really  Oh  How
5  shocked  confused  puzzled  straight
6  if  when  as  and
7  has  shall  had  might
8  last  end  closing  final
9  by  with  in  for
10  score  overcome  play  defeat
11  praise  record  count  favour
12  as  but  after  once
13  big  round  wide  straight
14  funny  great   complete  strange
15  would  can  might  should

For questions 16 and 17, select the alternative that BEST fills the blank space in the sentences below

  1. The visitors arrived on time, ?
    1. didn't they 
    2. isn't it
    3. did they
    4. weren't they
  2. My grandmother hardly shouts at us, ?
    1. doesn't she 
    2. is it
    3. does she
    4. isn't it

For questions 18 to 20, choose the alternative that can BEST replace the underlined phrases.

  1. My uncle came into fortune just a year ago.
    1. got
    2. chose
    3. look 
    4. inherited
  2. Yunis broke down as soon as she got the news.
    1. fell
    2. collapsed
    3. Sit
    4. trembled
  3. They could not put up with the noise from nearby goldmine.
    1. tolerate
    2. understand
    3. allow
    4. proceed

In questions 21 and 22, choose the alternative that is CORRECTLY punctuated

    1. "All boys said," the teacher, "have done well."
    2. "All boys," said the teacher, have done well."
    3. "All boys," said the teacher. "Have done well."
    4.  "All boys," said the teacher, "have done well."
    1. "Moses' mother said that shop sells childrens clothes cheaply."
    2. Moses mother said, that, "Shop sells children's clothes cheaply."
    3. Moses' mother said, "That shop sells children's clothes cheaply."
    4. Moses mother said, "that'shop sells childrens'clothes cheaply."

For questions 23 to 25. choose the alternative that means the OPPOSITE of the underlined word.

  1. Boarding a moving vehicle is a risky behavior.
    1. secure
    2. safe
    3. dangerous
    4. harmful
  2. Keeping cooked food in the dormitory is banned by the school.
    1. advised
    2. encouraged
    3. reminded
    4. allowed
  3. Wheat our usually has very fine particles.
    1. rough
    2. Small
    3. big
    4. clean

Read the passage below and then answer questions 26 to 38.

It was break time, a favourite time mostly for boys to play and do all sorts of things the classroom discipline couldn't allow them to. The girls, on the other hand, spent theirs in groups, sharing whatever whoever carried from home or one was able to buy. It was not even possible to tell, among the girls who had and who hadn't. They sat under trees scattered in the school compound and by the time the bell signaling the end of break rang, they would rise and rush into their classrooms. Among the boys, it was a totally different story.

The boys had invented what looked like a game yet it was not. As soon as the break-bell went, they shot out through the classroom doors like arrows. The run went towards where specific boys headed as already, they were known to have money and would definitely buy something. Dori sold doughnuts under the mango tree by the school hedge. It was sold on first-come-first-served basis and based on how strong you were too. There was no line to follow so if you could elbow your way through to reach Dora, you would be served instantly. Not all those who went to buy the doughnuts were certain to get. With your money, you still needed luck, strength and some push to get it, the boys seemed to enjoy it.

Immediately after buying it, the part two of the game would commence. The buyer would take off like a thief with a 'swarm' of boys in hot pursuit, with a sole mission of begging. He would cover as much a distance as he could to shake off the clumsy ones. At times, the run could cover half the school compound then, the buyer would stop abruptly. A number would be far behind, panting and checking if there was another nearer group to relocate to and that is when in a haste, the buyer would dish out one, two or three of the doughnuts to reward his friends' to share as he crammed the remainder into his mouth at ago. The sharing would be instant as they would be moving to try their luck in other groups already in flight.

This is what Juma did and he squeezed three whole doughnuts into his mouth. Ile had no time to chew them as many others were already running after Keri. It was after three or so minutes that he fell down but the others, not sure of why it had happened, burst into loud howls of laughter.

A different group, due to curiosity, immediately went to where he was lying. He looked as if he was suffocating and so they wasted no time. They carried Juma straight into the staffroom and reported that he had fallen down and had stopped talking. Knowing the mischief boys normally involve themselves in all the time, one of the teachers ordered them to take him outside under the mango tree. He quickly turned the victim to face downwards. Then, he gave Juma a gentle blow at the upper back. A ball of doughnut fell from his mouth and he started gasping for breath. In two or so minutes, his eyes opened and shock was written all over his sweating face. Immediately, the bell rang and they pupils dashed into their respective classrooms with a great lesson learnt outside the classroom.

  1. According to the first sentence of the passage.
    1. only boys enjoyed going out for break.
    2. most girls did not like going out for break
    3. the boys eagerly waited for break time.
    4. only boys were allowed to run out during break time.
  2. The difference between the boys and the girls at break time was
    1. each group had a different way of spending it.
    2. the girls made less noise under the trees.
    3. the boys went out earlier than the girls.
    4. the girls never bought anything.
  3. The way the girls spent their break time shows that
    1. they had more to eat than the boys.
    2. some of them did not eat anything
    3. the teachers were only concerned with the pupils in class.
    4. they were more organised.
  4. What made the boys rush out of the classroom?
    1. Their games began right from the classroom door.
    2. They were ready to move even before the bell rang
    3. The girl had designated sitting areas.
    4. Each of them wanted to buy doughnuts.
  5. Why were some boys unable to buy the doughnuts?
    1. Dora's selling method did not favour them.
    2. They reached Dora when they were tired.
    3. You had to be known by Dora personally first
    4. They did not have friends to push others for them.
  6. The writer associates the running boys w all of the following EXCEPT
    1. bees
    2. flies
    3. crickets
    4. wasp
  7. Among the boys
    1.  the fast runners could easily eat more.
    2. luck was more important than money.
    3. the running never stopped until break ended
    4. only Dora could discipline them.
  8. What was the real cause of the chaos where Dora sold doughnuts?
    1. The speed at which the boys ran there.
    2. The number of boys in the school.
    3. The period the break time lasted.
    4. Dora's failure to create order.
  9. Juma squeezed and crammed three doughnuts into his mouth because
    1. he had run for a long time.
    2. it was expected of the buyer.
    3. the others wanted to snatch them from him.
    4. the bell for end of break would soon ring.
  10. Why did Juma fall after around three minutes?
    1. the running after buying doughnuts exhausted hini.
    2. he did not chew the dough nuts long enough.
    3. the doughnuts blocked his windpipe
    4. he ran with doughnuts in his mouth
  11. The teacher know what to do with Juma outside the staffroom
    1. because of being in-charge.
    2. to teach the boys a lesson.
    3. Juma was always a naughty boy.
    4. due to experience.
  12. The MAIN reason why Juma was shocked
    1. his new environment was unfamiliar.
    2. his friends were not next to him.
    3. he was still tired from running with others
    4. he did not expect to survive.
  13. What lesson did the pupils learn from this incident?
    1. Teachers are trained to act as doctors.
    2. Some games can easily turn fatal
    3. Boys cat in a different way from the
    4. Selling doughnuts in schools is dangerous

Read the passage below and then answer questions 39 to 50

Many people have seen waste water but hardly any of them can give a proper definition of what it is. Waste water is water that is receivable by the ground and forced to flow away to a place no one cares about. However, scientifically, it's water that has gone through a process and is no longer attractive to the original user. Waste water management is the process of understanding the characteristics of water, treatment and restoring the water from available contamination.

Presently, the world faces a water quality crisis resulting from continuous population growth, urbanisation, land use change, industrialisation, food production practices, increased living standards and poor water use practices and waste water management strategies. This has a direct impact on the biological diversity. It disrupts the life support system on which a wide range of sectors from urban development to food production and industry. Waste water therefore should be managed well as even aquatic animals and those in the wilderness depend on the same source.

The United Nations wanted this improved and increase coverage in terms of access to improved toilet facilities. More attention should be paid towards ensuring that waste streams are adequately collected and treated before being discharged into the environment. Strangely, worldwide waste water treatment is failing. As a result, the majority of waste waters are discharged without any form of treatment. This spreads disease to humans and damaging lives of both plants and animals outside there.

Moreover, dirty water is a key factor in the rise of pollution in lakes, oceans and seas. This is because of increased urban population which is to double in forty years or so. Already, most cities lack adequate waste water management due to poor or lack of proper sewerage infrastructure,

Kenya's rapidly growing capital city is facing a very serious problem with the supply and quality of its water supply, forcing people to get water from unsafe and very dangerous or poisonous sources.

This is very different from early years where more than 90% of the population in Kenya's urban areas had access to clean water. Currently, it is estimated that just 50% of Nairobi's four and a hall million population residents have access to piped water. This is because of the demand which is too high to meet. It is higher than the supply due to other factors, such as population growth, inability to supply enough water, poor distribution network and climate problems.

Some Nairobi residents lament that the city receives around 50 million litres of water per day but Sadly, by midnight, it is all wasted. By morning, water is needed and this strains the source. This important to create a culture of waste water recycling so that all the wastewater can be raised.

  1. The number of people who can define waste water
    1. cannot easily be estimated.
    2. is as many as those who see it.
    3. is smaller than those who have seen it.
    4. almost the same as those who have seen it.
  2. Waste water is receivable by the ground because
    1. no one has any use for it.
    2. it can be used for irrigation.
    3. it is directed there by the users.
    4. the ground absorbs anything poured there.
  3.  The MAIN importance of waste water management is to
    1. ensure it is disposed of far away.
    2. safeguard its safety.
    3. make sure it is absorbed into the soil
    4. keep quantity of water on earth safe.
  4. The water crisis currently faced by people worldwide is
    1.  caused by poor recycling of waste water.
    2.  due to consistent change of weather.
    3. as a result of the reduction of water.
    4. due to man's several uses of water.
  5. If waste water is managed well.
    1.  there would be frequent floods during rails.
    2. there would be more fresh water than needed
    3. lives of aquatic and wild animals could he spared
    4. there is likely to be increase in water levels.
  6. Which of the four words below would BEST replace ‘waste' as used in paragraph two?
    1.  polluted
    2. used
    3. excess
    4. recycle
  7. Toilet facilities and industries are expected
    1. use more water than other users.
    2. keep using less water in their operations.
    3. separate waste water from their entities.
    4.  improve their quality of water before discharge.
  8. Why do you think is water treatment failing worldwide?
    1. Climatic change has affected water levels.
    2. Poor collection of waste water.
    3. The treatment methods being used is weak.
    4. Countries do discharge different amounts of waste water.
  9. Pollution of water is expected to rise because
    1. sewerage infrastructure has collapsed.
    2. no one can tell if water is contaminated
    3. of a lot of rural/urban migration effect.
    4. chemicals for water treatment is becoming scarce.
  10. Currently, the number of people in Nairobi getting clean water
    1. cannot be estimated due to over population.
    2.  could be half of the total residents.
    3.  is about 90% of the population.
    4.  more than 50% of the population.
  11.  It is expected that as the demand for sale clean water keeps increasing
    1. the supply will reduce
    2. more available water will be piped.
    3. there will be less wastewater.
    4. less people will migrate from the rural areas
  12. The BEST title for this passage would be
    1. Effect of poor waste water management.
    2. How waste water is increasing in worldwide.
    3. Increase of waste water in Nairobi,
    4. Treatment and storage of waste water.

Marking Scheme

  1. A
  2. C
  3. D
  4. B
  5. C
  6. B
  7. A
  8. D
  9. C
  10. B
  11. D
  12. A
  13. C
  14. B
  15. D
  16. A
  17. C
  18. D
  19. B
  20. A
  21. D
  22. C
  23. B
  24. D
  25. A
  26. C
  27. A
  28. D
  29. B
  30. A
  31. C
  32. A
  33. D
  34. B
  35. C
  36. D
  37. A
  38. B
  39. C
  40. A
  41. B
  42. D
  43. C
  44. A
  45. D
  46. B
  47. C
  48. B
  49. A
  50. A
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