Tuesday, 30 August 2022 07:00

English Questions and Answers KCPE 2022 Prediction Papers Set 3


Read the passage below. It contains blank spaces numbered 1 to 15. For each blank space, choose the BEST alternative from the choices given.

One afternoon, I went to a neighbouring school playground to    1    a football    2    as I sat down. I asked one of the boys what the    3     were.
“They are leading us with 3-0!”
I looked at the boy and asked, "    4     ? And you don't look discouraged?" "Discouraged?" The boy asked with a      5     look. "Why should I be discouraged    6    the referee     7     not blown the    8    whistle? I have confidence    9    our team and our managers. We shall definitely    10   !”
Truly, the match ended with a score line of 5-4 in    11     of the boy's team! He waved at me gently with a beautiful smile    12     he left. I was amazed, mouth    13     open at his faith and confidence. I learnt a   14    lesson from this young boy. Life is like a game and we    15     never get discouraged. There's no reason why you should be discouraged before the final whistle is blown.

  A B C D
1  watch  cheer  see   play
2  When  Then  Just  Exactly
3  goals  teams  points  scores
4  True  Really  Oh  How
5  shocked  confused  puzzled  straight
6  if  when  as  and
7  has  shall  had  might
8  last  end  closing  final
9  by  with  in  for
10  score  overcome  play  defeat
11  praise  record  count  favour
12  as  but  after  once
13  big  round  wide  straight
14  funny  great   complete  strange
15  would  can  might  should

For questions 16 and 17, select the alternative that BEST fills the blank space in the sentences below

  1. The visitors arrived on time, ?
    1. didn't they 
    2. isn't it
    3. did they
    4. weren't they
  2. My grandmother hardly shouts at us, ?
    1. doesn't she 
    2. is it
    3. does she
    4. isn't it

For questions 18 to 20, choose the alternative that can BEST replace the underlined phrases.

  1. My uncle came into fortune just a year ago.
    1. got
    2. chose
    3. look 
    4. inherited
  2. Yunis broke down as soon as she got the news.
    1. fell
    2. collapsed
    3. Sit
    4. trembled
  3. They could not put up with the noise from nearby goldmine.
    1. tolerate
    2. understand
    3. allow
    4. proceed

In questions 21 and 22, choose the alternative that is CORRECTLY punctuated

    1. "All boys said," the teacher, "have done well."
    2. "All boys," said the teacher, have done well."
    3. "All boys," said the teacher. "Have done well."
    4.  "All boys," said the teacher, "have done well."
    1. "Moses' mother said that shop sells childrens clothes cheaply."
    2. Moses mother said, that, "Shop sells children's clothes cheaply."
    3. Moses' mother said, "That shop sells children's clothes cheaply."
    4. Moses mother said, "that'shop sells childrens'clothes cheaply."

For questions 23 to 25. choose the alternative that means the OPPOSITE of the underlined word.

  1. Boarding a moving vehicle is a risky behavior.
    1. secure
    2. safe
    3. dangerous
    4. harmful
  2. Keeping cooked food in the dormitory is banned by the school.
    1. advised
    2. encouraged
    3. reminded
    4. allowed
  3. Wheat our usually has very fine particles.
    1. rough
    2. Small
    3. big
    4. clean

Read the passage below and then answer questions 26 to 38.

It was break time, a favourite time mostly for boys to play and do all sorts of things the classroom discipline couldn't allow them to. The girls, on the other hand, spent theirs in groups, sharing whatever whoever carried from home or one was able to buy. It was not even possible to tell, among the girls who had and who hadn't. They sat under trees scattered in the school compound and by the time the bell signaling the end of break rang, they would rise and rush into their classrooms. Among the boys, it was a totally different story.

The boys had invented what looked like a game yet it was not. As soon as the break-bell went, they shot out through the classroom doors like arrows. The run went towards where specific boys headed as already, they were known to have money and would definitely buy something. Dori sold doughnuts under the mango tree by the school hedge. It was sold on first-come-first-served basis and based on how strong you were too. There was no line to follow so if you could elbow your way through to reach Dora, you would be served instantly. Not all those who went to buy the doughnuts were certain to get. With your money, you still needed luck, strength and some push to get it, the boys seemed to enjoy it.

Immediately after buying it, the part two of the game would commence. The buyer would take off like a thief with a 'swarm' of boys in hot pursuit, with a sole mission of begging. He would cover as much a distance as he could to shake off the clumsy ones. At times, the run could cover half the school compound then, the buyer would stop abruptly. A number would be far behind, panting and checking if there was another nearer group to relocate to and that is when in a haste, the buyer would dish out one, two or three of the doughnuts to reward his friends' to share as he crammed the remainder into his mouth at ago. The sharing would be instant as they would be moving to try their luck in other groups already in flight.

This is what Juma did and he squeezed three whole doughnuts into his mouth. Ile had no time to chew them as many others were already running after Keri. It was after three or so minutes that he fell down but the others, not sure of why it had happened, burst into loud howls of laughter.

A different group, due to curiosity, immediately went to where he was lying. He looked as if he was suffocating and so they wasted no time. They carried Juma straight into the staffroom and reported that he had fallen down and had stopped talking. Knowing the mischief boys normally involve themselves in all the time, one of the teachers ordered them to take him outside under the mango tree. He quickly turned the victim to face downwards. Then, he gave Juma a gentle blow at the upper back. A ball of doughnut fell from his mouth and he started gasping for breath. In two or so minutes, his eyes opened and shock was written all over his sweating face. Immediately, the bell rang and they pupils dashed into their respective classrooms with a great lesson learnt outside the classroom.

  1. According to the first sentence of the passage.
    1. only boys enjoyed going out for break.
    2. most girls did not like going out for break
    3. the boys eagerly waited for break time.
    4. only boys were allowed to run out during break time.
  2. The difference between the boys and the girls at break time was
    1. each group had a different way of spending it.
    2. the girls made less noise under the trees.
    3. the boys went out earlier than the girls.
    4. the girls never bought anything.
  3. The way the girls spent their break time shows that
    1. they had more to eat than the boys.
    2. some of them did not eat anything
    3. the teachers were only concerned with the pupils in class.
    4. they were more organised.
  4. What made the boys rush out of the classroom?
    1. Their games began right from the classroom door.
    2. They were ready to move even before the bell rang
    3. The girl had designated sitting areas.
    4. Each of them wanted to buy doughnuts.
  5. Why were some boys unable to buy the doughnuts?
    1. Dora's selling method did not favour them.
    2. They reached Dora when they were tired.
    3. You had to be known by Dora personally first
    4. They did not have friends to push others for them.
  6. The writer associates the running boys w all of the following EXCEPT
    1. bees
    2. flies
    3. crickets
    4. wasp
  7. Among the boys
    1.  the fast runners could easily eat more.
    2. luck was more important than money.
    3. the running never stopped until break ended
    4. only Dora could discipline them.
  8. What was the real cause of the chaos where Dora sold doughnuts?
    1. The speed at which the boys ran there.
    2. The number of boys in the school.
    3. The period the break time lasted.
    4. Dora's failure to create order.
  9. Juma squeezed and crammed three doughnuts into his mouth because
    1. he had run for a long time.
    2. it was expected of the buyer.
    3. the others wanted to snatch them from him.
    4. the bell for end of break would soon ring.
  10. Why did Juma fall after around three minutes?
    1. the running after buying doughnuts exhausted hini.
    2. he did not chew the dough nuts long enough.
    3. the doughnuts blocked his windpipe
    4. he ran with doughnuts in his mouth
  11. The teacher know what to do with Juma outside the staffroom
    1. because of being in-charge.
    2. to teach the boys a lesson.
    3. Juma was always a naughty boy.
    4. due to experience.
  12. The MAIN reason why Juma was shocked
    1. his new environment was unfamiliar.
    2. his friends were not next to him.
    3. he was still tired from running with others
    4. he did not expect to survive.
  13. What lesson did the pupils learn from this incident?
    1. Teachers are trained to act as doctors.
    2. Some games can easily turn fatal
    3. Boys cat in a different way from the
    4. Selling doughnuts in schools is dangerous

Read the passage below and then answer questions 39 to 50

Many people have seen waste water but hardly any of them can give a proper definition of what it is. Waste water is water that is receivable by the ground and forced to flow away to a place no one cares about. However, scientifically, it's water that has gone through a process and is no longer attractive to the original user. Waste water management is the process of understanding the characteristics of water, treatment and restoring the water from available contamination.

Presently, the world faces a water quality crisis resulting from continuous population growth, urbanisation, land use change, industrialisation, food production practices, increased living standards and poor water use practices and waste water management strategies. This has a direct impact on the biological diversity. It disrupts the life support system on which a wide range of sectors from urban development to food production and industry. Waste water therefore should be managed well as even aquatic animals and those in the wilderness depend on the same source.

The United Nations wanted this improved and increase coverage in terms of access to improved toilet facilities. More attention should be paid towards ensuring that waste streams are adequately collected and treated before being discharged into the environment. Strangely, worldwide waste water treatment is failing. As a result, the majority of waste waters are discharged without any form of treatment. This spreads disease to humans and damaging lives of both plants and animals outside there.

Moreover, dirty water is a key factor in the rise of pollution in lakes, oceans and seas. This is because of increased urban population which is to double in forty years or so. Already, most cities lack adequate waste water management due to poor or lack of proper sewerage infrastructure,

Kenya's rapidly growing capital city is facing a very serious problem with the supply and quality of its water supply, forcing people to get water from unsafe and very dangerous or poisonous sources.

This is very different from early years where more than 90% of the population in Kenya's urban areas had access to clean water. Currently, it is estimated that just 50% of Nairobi's four and a hall million population residents have access to piped water. This is because of the demand which is too high to meet. It is higher than the supply due to other factors, such as population growth, inability to supply enough water, poor distribution network and climate problems.

Some Nairobi residents lament that the city receives around 50 million litres of water per day but Sadly, by midnight, it is all wasted. By morning, water is needed and this strains the source. This important to create a culture of waste water recycling so that all the wastewater can be raised.

  1. The number of people who can define waste water
    1. cannot easily be estimated.
    2. is as many as those who see it.
    3. is smaller than those who have seen it.
    4. almost the same as those who have seen it.
  2. Waste water is receivable by the ground because
    1. no one has any use for it.
    2. it can be used for irrigation.
    3. it is directed there by the users.
    4. the ground absorbs anything poured there.
  3.  The MAIN importance of waste water management is to
    1. ensure it is disposed of far away.
    2. safeguard its safety.
    3. make sure it is absorbed into the soil
    4. keep quantity of water on earth safe.
  4. The water crisis currently faced by people worldwide is
    1.  caused by poor recycling of waste water.
    2.  due to consistent change of weather.
    3. as a result of the reduction of water.
    4. due to man's several uses of water.
  5. If waste water is managed well.
    1.  there would be frequent floods during rails.
    2. there would be more fresh water than needed
    3. lives of aquatic and wild animals could he spared
    4. there is likely to be increase in water levels.
  6. Which of the four words below would BEST replace ‘waste' as used in paragraph two?
    1.  polluted
    2. used
    3. excess
    4. recycle
  7. Toilet facilities and industries are expected
    1. use more water than other users.
    2. keep using less water in their operations.
    3. separate waste water from their entities.
    4.  improve their quality of water before discharge.
  8. Why do you think is water treatment failing worldwide?
    1. Climatic change has affected water levels.
    2. Poor collection of waste water.
    3. The treatment methods being used is weak.
    4. Countries do discharge different amounts of waste water.
  9. Pollution of water is expected to rise because
    1. sewerage infrastructure has collapsed.
    2. no one can tell if water is contaminated
    3. of a lot of rural/urban migration effect.
    4. chemicals for water treatment is becoming scarce.
  10. Currently, the number of people in Nairobi getting clean water
    1. cannot be estimated due to over population.
    2.  could be half of the total residents.
    3.  is about 90% of the population.
    4.  more than 50% of the population.
  11.  It is expected that as the demand for sale clean water keeps increasing
    1. the supply will reduce
    2. more available water will be piped.
    3. there will be less wastewater.
    4. less people will migrate from the rural areas
  12. The BEST title for this passage would be
    1. Effect of poor waste water management.
    2. How waste water is increasing in worldwide.
    3. Increase of waste water in Nairobi,
    4. Treatment and storage of waste water.

Marking Scheme

  1. A
  2. C
  3. D
  4. B
  5. C
  6. B
  7. A
  8. D
  9. C
  10. B
  11. D
  12. A
  13. C
  14. B
  15. D
  16. A
  17. C
  18. D
  19. B
  20. A
  21. D
  22. C
  23. B
  24. D
  25. A
  26. C
  27. A
  28. D
  29. B
  30. A
  31. C
  32. A
  33. D
  34. B
  35. C
  36. D
  37. A
  38. B
  39. C
  40. A
  41. B
  42. D
  43. C
  44. A
  45. D
  46. B
  47. C
  48. B
  49. A
  50. A
Read 708 times Last modified on Thursday, 01 September 2022 06:51