Tuesday, 24 January 2023 09:47

Mathematics Questions and Answers - Class 8 Term 1 Opener Exams 2023 Set 1


  1. What is the sum off 97036 and 523850 written in words?
    1. Six hundred and ten thousand eight hundred and eighty six
    2. Five hundred and thirty thousand eight hundred and eighty six
    3. Six hundred and twenty thousand eight hundred and eighty six
    4. Six hundred and thirty thousand eighty hundred and eighty six
  2. Round off 287985 to the nearest hundred thousands
    1. 200000
    2. 300 000
    3. 280 000
    4. 290 000
  3. Which one of the following numbers is divisible by 11
    1. 26931
    2. 37245
    3. 549264
    4. 983455
  4. The area of a square is 676cm2. What is the distance round it twice?
    1. 104cm
    2. 208cm
    3. 52cm
    4. 204crn
  5. What is the difference between the total value of digit '5 and the total value of digit 6 in the number 756390?
    1. 44 000
    2. 440
    3. 4400
    4. 44
  6. Calculate the area of the shaded parts in the figure below?
    1. 25cm2
    2. 50cm2
    3. 62cm2
    4. 56cm2
  7. A man withdrew half a million shillings from hirs bank account. He spent half of it to build a house and 2/5 of the remainder to pay school fees for his children. How much money was he left with?
    1. sh. 100000
    2. sh. 200000
    3. sh. 150000
    4. sh. 50000
  8. Work out:
    84 +12 − 108 ÷ 9 + 7 x 6
    1. 37
    2. 42
    3. 47
    4. 32
  9. Work out (5 ÷ 3¾) x 11/8
    1. 2/3
    2. 3
    3. 11/3
  10. The diameter of a circular wheel is 0.7m. How many revolutions will I have to make to cover 44km?
    1. 200000
    2. 20000
    3. 2000
    4. 200
  11. What is the next fraction in the sequence?
    1, 1¾, 2½, 3¼, _____
    1. 4
  12. If p= 5, t = 4 and r = 2. What is half the value of t(p − r) + 2(3t + p)
    1. 46
    2. 28
    3. 14
    4. 23
  13. The scale of a map reads 1: 10000. What is the drawing length of a section of road which is 12km long?
    1. 1.2cm
    2. 0.12cm
    3. 12cm
    4. 120cm
  14. What is the distance round the figure drawn below?
    1. 44m
    2. 77m
    3. 33m
    4. 84m
  15. The length of a rectangle is 72cm. It is three times longer than the width. Calculate the perimeter of the rectangle.
    1. 96cm
    2. 192cm
    3. 216cm
    4. 596cm
  16. The longest side of a right angled triangle is 13cm. One of the shorter sides measures 5cm. What is its area?
    1. 30cm2
    2. 65cm2
    3. 60cm2
    4. 32.5cm2
  17. What is the total value of 5 after working out 7 ÷ 8
    1. Thousandths
    2. Ones
    3. 0.005
    4. 0.05
  18. The figure below represents Mr. Oluoch's piece of land.
    What is the area of the plot in hectares?
    1. 0.63ha
    2. 0.84ha
    3. 63ha
    4. 84ha
  19. A man is three times older than his son. The sum of their ages is 48 years How old is the son?
    1. 16 years
    2. 12 years
    3. 24 years
    4. 8 years
  20. Construct triangle MNP such that line MN= NP = 6.5cm. Angle MNP 70°. Drav a circle touching the vertices of the triangle. What is the diameter of the circle
    1. 7.0cm
    2. 4.0cm
    3. 3.5cm
    4. 8.0cm
  21. A text book was sold for sh. 675. The trader made a profit of 25%. At what price had he bought it?
    1. Sh. 168.75
    2. Sh. 506.25
    3. Sh. 540
    4. Sh. 510.00
  22. Two brothers shared 40 hectares piece of land in the ratio 3:5. The elder brother got the bigger share. How many hectares of land did the younger brother get?
    1. 32ha
    2. 15ha
    3. 18ha
    4. 25ha
  23. A businessman bought three - 50kg bags of rice. She packed it into 750g packets. How many packets did she obtain?
    1. 200
    2. 5
    3. 2000
    4. 50
  24. A cylindrical tank has a diameter of 10m. Its height is 7m. How many litres of water can it hold when half full?
    1. 275L
    2. 275 000L
    3. 550L
    4. 550 000L
  25. A closed cuboid has a square base whose length is 10cm. Its height is 15cm. Calculate its surface area.
    1. 500cm2
    2. 150cm2
    3. 800cm2
    4. 1500cm2
  26. A woman bought ½kg of onions at sh. 90 per kg. A-2kg packet of wheat flour at sh. 140 per packet. Three - 2kg packets of maize flour at sh. 90 per packet and ¾kg of tomatoes @sh. 100. She paid for the items using Two-sh.500 notes. How much balance did she receive?
    1. Sh. 555.00
    2. Sh. 450.00
    3. Sh. 445.00
    4. Sh. 400.00
  27. Abdalla left Ukasi at 10.25a.m. After travelling for 3 hours, he stopped at Mwingi where he rested for 45 mins. It took him 21/3 hrs to travel from Mwingi to Nairobi. At what time in 24hrs clock system did he arrive at Nairobi?
    1. 430hrs
    2. 1545hrs
    3. 0430hrs
    4. 1630hrs
  28. A woman spent a quarter of her salary to buy household goods and a sixth to pay her rent the rest was used to pay rent. The rest was used to pay school fees for her children. What fraction of her her salary did he spend on school fees?
    1. 5/7
    2. 7/12
    3. 5/12
    4. 7/24
  29. A carpenter cut the piece of wood drawn below from a cylindrical log.
    What is its volume in cubic centimetres?
    1. 330cm3
    2. 693cm3
    3. 6930cm3
    4. 660cm3
  30. A square plot whose area is 12¼m2 was fenced round using 4 strands of barbed wire. What was the length of wire used?
    1. 3.5m
    2. 14.0m
    3. 56.0m
    4. 21.0m
  31. In the year 2019, Jimmy's crop yield increased in the ratio 8:5. His yield in the year 2018 was 400 bags. How many bags of the crop did he harvest in the year 2019?
    1. 640
    2. 600
    3. 250
    4. 560
  32. To travel a distance of 72km, a lorry took 2 hours. What was its average speed in m/s?
    1. 20m/s
    2. 30m/s
    3. 36m/s
    4. 10m/s
  33. The table below shows charges for interstate money orders.
    value of order in (sh)    Commissions charge in (sh) 
     301 - 500
     501 - 700
     701 - 1000
     1001 - 2000
     2001 - 3000
     3001 - 5000
     5001 - 7000
     7001 - 10,000
     10,001 - 15,000
     15,001 - 20,000
     20,001 - 30,000
    Nandwa bought two money orders, one worth sh. 7500 and the other worth sh. 17000. How much money did she pay altogether?
    1. Sh. 24,500
    2. Sh. 1080
    3. sh. 25350
    4. Sh. 25580
  34. 3 taps running at the same rate can fill a tank in 15 hours. How long will 5 taps take to fill the same tank?
    1. 25 hrs
    2. 9 hrs
    3. 10 hrs
    4. 6 hrs
  35. In the figure below line AB is parallel to line EC. Angle ABC = 73° and angle CED=62°.
    What is the size of angle BAD
    1. 45°
    2. 73°
    3. 1080
    4. 62°
  36. Simplify 2(x+3) + ½(6x+2)
    1. 5x + 5
    2. x + 7
    3. 5x + 7
    4. 5x − 7
  37. Akinyi bought 50kg of tomatoes for sh. 1600. 10kg got spoilt on her way to the market. She sold the remaining tomatoes at sh. 50 per kg. What was her percentage profit?
    1. 25%
    2. 10%
    3. 20%
    4. 15%
  38. What is the place value of digit 3 after working out 78.3721 − 4.2370
    1. Tenths
    2. Hundredths
    3. Thousandths
    4. Ones
  39. Cherono paid sh. 4200 for a suit after getting a discount of 30%. What was its marked price?
    1. sh. 7000
    2. sh. 1260
    3. sh. 6000
    4. sh. 5460
  40. Solve the value of y in the equation 1/3(6y−18) + 2(y+5) = 28
    1. 8
    2. 6
    3. 3
    4. 11
  41. The pie-chart below shows the number of learners who chose class representative. There were 4 pupils who had volunteered to be a class representative.
    If there were 60 learners in the class. How many pupils chose Samson as their class representative?
    1. 25
    2. 10
    3. 5
    4. 15
  42. Micky received sh. 12500 as commission. This represented 5% of the value of goods sold. Calculate the value of goods sold?
    1. Sh. 25000
    2. Sh. 10000
    3. Sh. 100000
    4. Sh. 250000
  43. The mass of bag of maize decreased by 10% each week. At the beginning of the first week the mass of a bag of maize was 100kg. What was its mass by the end of the of the second week?
    1. 80kg
    2. 90kg
    3. 81kg
    4. 79kg
  44. A man is 2x years old. His son is 24 years younger. While his wife is 3y years old. Write an expression to show the sum of their ages
    1. 2x − 24 + 3y
    2. 4x − 24+ 3y
    3. 4x + 24+ 3y
    4. 4x + 3y
  45. The average mass of 6 boys is 42kg. Four of them weighs 34kg, 41kg, 47kg and 40kg. What is the average mass of the remaining two boys?
    1. 90kg
    2. 55kg
    3. 44kg
    4. 45kg
  46. The cash price of a DVD player is sh. 7200. Jamia bought it on hire purchase terms by paying a deposit of sh. 4500. He then paid monthly instalment of sh. 1200 for 4 months. By how much was the hire purchase price more than the cash price?
    1. Sh. 11000
    2. Sh. 2100
    3. Sh. 12000
    4. Sh. 2200
  47. Class 8 pupils at Investors Primary School made a cuboid using sticks as shown below.
    What was the total length of the sticks used?
    1. 39cm
    2. 78cm
    3. 156cm
    4. 1944cm
  48. Twelve families shared 480L of cooking oil among themselves. How many decilitres did each family receive?
    1. 4
    2. 4000
    3. 40
    4. 400
  49. Three buses, four nissan matatus and twelve personal cars were used to transport people to wedding ceremony. The cars accommodated 4 passengers, The Nissan matatu could carry 14 passengers while the buses were 52 seaters each. If all the vehicles were filled to capacity, how many passengers did the vehicles carry altogether?
    1. 216
    2. 260
    3. 78
    4. 261
  50. The travel graph below shows a journey followed by a bus travelling from Peto to Ijal
    What was the average speed for the whole journey?
    1. 64km/h
    2. 60km/h
    3. 531/3km/h
    4. 532/3km/h


  1. C
  2. B
  3. D
  4. B
  5. A
  6. B
  7. C
  8. A
  9. V
  10. B
  11. B
  12. D
  13. D
  14. D
  15. B
  16. A
  17. C
  18. A
  19. B
  20. D
  21. C
  22. B
  23. A
  24. B
  25. C
  26. C
  27. D
  28. B
  29. C
  30. C
  31. A
  32. D
  33. D
  34. B
  35. D
  36. C
  37. A
  38. B
  39. C
  40. B
  41. A
  42. D
  43. C
  44. B
  45. D
  46. B
  47. C
  48. D
  49. B
  50. A
Read 2401 times Last modified on Wednesday, 29 March 2023 08:45