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  1. Which one of the following is not a picture making technique?
    1. Drawing
    2. Sculpture
    3. Montage
    4. Painting
  2. The way of drawing in which light and dark areas are created using dots is called
    1. Still life drawing
    2. Cross hatching
    3. Crayon etching
    4. Stippling
  3. Pick the odd one out technique in basketry
    1. Twine technique
    2. Coil technique
    3. Stich technique
    4. Pinch technique
  4. Vumilia is a porter in the village. Anjeko visited her for an advice on how to model a box for her teacher to be putting in pencils. Which modeling technique do you think Vumilia taught Anjeko?
    1. Slab technique
    2. Pinching technique
    3. Coil technique
    4. Montage technique

Study the diagram below and answer questions 5-7.


  1. Which of the following is not needed in drawing the object such as the one above?
    1. Still life objects
    2. Ruler
    3. Rubber
    4. Water
  2. Which media would be BEST for creating the thin hatching lines in the drawing.
    1. Crayon
    2. Pencil
    3. Paint brush
    4. Charcoal
  3. Which picture making technique is used in the drawing above?
    1. Cross hatching
    2. Smudging
    3. Crayon etching
    4. Shading
  4. John saw his uncle threading beads of different colours on wrist bands he was making. John asked his uncle the reason he was using beads of different colours. What reason do you think John's uncle gave him?
    1. For tightening
    2. For decoration
    3. For safety
    4. For culture
  5. Nerea likes helping her mother to reproduce various designs by passing paint or ink through a stencil on to fabrics for decorations. What name do we give to the repetitive decorative images Nerea makes on her mother's materials? 
    1. Motifs
    2. Stencils
    3. Designs
    4. Cards

Study the picture below and answer questions 10 and 11.


  1. Which technique is used to produce such decorations?
    1. Stencil printing
    2. Paper craft
    3. Carving
    4. Beading leather craft
  2. Which locally available material can be used to design the image above?
    1. Manila paper
    2. Plastics
    3. Banana fibres
    4. Decorating
  3. What is sand paper used for?
    1. Modeling
    2. Decorating
    3. Smoothening
    4. Carving
  4. During a painting lesson, Nzige mixed yellow and blue colours. Which colour was Nzige looking for?
    1. Green
    2. Purple
    3. Orange
    4. Red
  5. Study the following picture and state the technique used to make it.
    1. Montage
    2. Collage
    3. Carving
    4. Slab
  6. For exhibition purposes, artworks should cover what fraction of the mounted space? 
    1. 1/2
    2. 1/3
    3. 1/4
    4. 3/4


  1. Every Friday, students at Ngei Primary school say these words, 'I pledge my loyalty to ....' What is this called?
    1. National Anthem
    2. Loyalty pledge
    3. Morning prayer
    4. School motto
  2. It is also called an eighth note. It lasts half a beat. Mostly eight notes are joined by the use of tails. What is its name?
    1. Quaver
    2. Semibreve
    3. Minim
    4. Crotchet
  3. What does G6CAST3OS12023Q18 means in music?
    1. minim beats in a bar
    2. 3 quaver beats in a bar
    3. 3 crotchet beats in a bar
    4. 4 crotchet beats in a bar
  4. What do we call a person who trains a choir?
    1. Choirmaster
    2. Soloist
    3. Adjudicator
    4. Accompanist
  5. During music festivals, Patrick noted that there was a man who was looking at the way the choirs performed and gave them marks accordingly. What is the name given to that man according to the music?
    1. Choir master
    2. Adjudicator
    3. Soloist
    4. Accompanist
  6. Singing sol-fa syllables from the highest to lowest the, d-r-m-f-s-l-t-d- is called?
    1. Descending form.
    2. Ascending form.
    3. Descending and ascending form.
    4. Ascending and descending form.
  7. Complete the ladder below.
    1. r
    2. s
    3. f
    4. t
  8. Which of the following is not a note symbol?
  9. Which method was used to create the melody below?
    1. Improvisation
    2. Alteration
    3. Slight variation
    4. Repetition
  10. The last three sol-fa notes are?
    1. m, f, s
    2. l, t, d
    3. r, m, f
    4. d, r, f


  1. Which of the following Eastern Africa countries does not share its border with Kenya?
    1. Tanzania
    2. Sudan
    3. South Sudan
    4. Somalia
  2. Which of the following Eastern Africa countries does equator not cross through?
    1. Uganda
    2. Kenya
    3. Tanzania
    4. Somalia
  3. Which of the following mountains is not a block mountain?
    1. Ruwenzori
    2. Usambara
    3. Danakil
    4. Longonot
  4. Mr Mwene, the Grade Six SST teacher, came to class with the following items that were used long time ago: cooking sticks, bows and arrows, calabashes, clubs, hearths, spoons, stones and skins. What is the collective name for those items? 
    1. Artillery
    2. Weapons
    3. Utensils
    4. Artefacts
  5. Which of the following is an ox-bow lake in Eastern Africa?
    1. Kanyaboli.
    2. Elmentaita
    3. Bogoria
    4. Kyoga

Study the Eastern Africa map below and answer questions 31-34.


  1. What is the climatic region marked X?
    1. Savannah
    2. Equatorial
    3. Mountain
    4. Desert and semi-desert
  2. Anyoso was asked the ethnic community that used the route marked Y. Which answer did she give?
    1. Maasai
    2. Abaluhya
    3. Luos
    4. Abasuba
  3. Which vegetation covers the region marked W?
    1. Swamp
    2. Mountain
    3. Savannah
    4. Equatorial
  4. What is the name of the historic built site marked Z?
    1. Bomas of Kenya
    2. Namgongo shrine
    3. Kigali genocide
    4. Meroe
  5. Which ethnic community is correctly matched?
    1. Somali - Nailotes
    2. Hehe Cushites
    3. Banyankole - Bantu
    4. Anuak - Bantus
  6. Baraka was going home from school when she found an old man carrying two five- litres jericans of water. She assisted the old man to carry one. Which value did Baraka promote?
    1. Faithfulness
    2. Respect
    3. Sharing
    4. Love
  7. The following are marine fishing methods except
    1. Purse seining
    2. Trawling
    3. Hook and line
    4. Long lining
  8. Anyiko was studying a map when she noticed that the settlement on the map was centralized at the market place. Which type of settlement pattern was it?
    1. Linear
    2. Nuclear
    3. Scattered
    4. Clustered
  9. What is the main work of prefects in school?
    1. To write noise makers.
    2. To copy class timetable.
    3. To assist teachers in carrying out school routine
    4. To supervise other learners.
  10. Members of the county assembly are elected to represent people living in the
    1. ward
    2. county
    3. constituency
    4. country


  1. Which of the following values cannot be learnt from the eighth commandment?
    1. Fairness
    2. Social justice
    3. Integrity
    4. Greed
  2. Which is the fifth commandment?
    1. Do not steal
    2. Worship no other God but me
    3. Observe the Sabbath and keep it holy
    4. Respect your father and mother so that you may livelong
  3. What did Jesus appoint Simon Peter to do?
    1. To lead the Early Church
    2. To be a king
    3. To be a fisherman
    4. To be a carpenter
  4. Philip and Jenny wanted to be united in marriage. They visited a County Commissioner's Office. There was a government official who helped them to carry out the process. Soon after, they signed the marriage certificate. They had two witnesses. Which type of marriage did Philip and Jenny carry out?
    1. Civil marriage
    2. Cultural marriage 
    3. Traditional marriage
    4. Religious marriage
  5. Which of the following is not a cause of child labour?
    1. Poverty
    2. Death of parents
    3. Wealth
    4. Irresponsible parents
  6. Which Bible story teaches us about determination?
    1. The story of Elisha and how he recovered an axe head
    2. The story of Jacob wrestling with God
    3. The story of baby Moses being rescued by Pharaoh's daughter
    4. The story on the call of Moses
  7. Which one of the following is not a type of marriage?
    1. Nuclear
    2. Christian
    3. Customary
    4. Civil marriage
  8. In the Apostles' Creed, we declare our belief in the Holy Trinity. God exists in three persons. Who among
    belong in the Holy Trinity?
    1. God the Father
    2. God the Son
    3. God the Holy Spirit
    4. The disciples of Jesus
  9. Jesus Christ about persistence through the story of _________________________
    1. The lost sheep
    2. The lost treasure
    3. A friend at midnight
    4. The rich young man
  10. Which punishment was given to Eve after she ate the forbidden fruit? ______________________-
    1. She was told never to eat fruits
    2. She would feel pain when giving birth
    3. She was told to eat dust
    4. She would have to wear leaves


  1. Which one of the following is not true about Zakat?
    1. Zakat cleans the heart of greed
    2. Zakat creates in us fear of Allah
    3. Swalah and Zakat have been mentioned 80 time
    4. Zakat is ibaadah
  2. According to the Sunnah of prophet (P.B.U.H) one can break saum using
    1. sausage
    2. dates
    3. soda
    4. meat
  3. Midnight sunnah prayer is called
    1. swalatul witr
    2. swalatul Tarawih
    3. swalatul dhuha
    4. swalatul Tahajjud
  4. One can show justice to servants by?
    1. Paying them before they work
    2. Paying them as they work
    3. Paying them immediately after work
    4. Paying them on credit
  5. The following are reasons why the Muslims won at Badr. Which one is not?
    1. Prayers to Allah
    2. Slumber
    3. Good planning of the prophet
    4. Rainbow
  6. _____________________________ led the trade caravan to Syria from Makkah.
    1. Hamza
    2. Abu Suffian
    3. Abubaka
    4. Utbah
  7. We can help to reduce evil in the society best by
    1. killing evil people
    2. talking criminals to prison
    3. educating people on haram and halal
    4. forgiving criminal
  8. Believing in qadar is the ______________________ pillar of Islam.
    1. sixth
    2. fifth
    3. fourth
    4. third
  9. Which one of the following angel is incharge if hellfire?
    1. Atid
    2. Malik
    3. Ridwan
    4. Israfil
  10. People who fear Allah are called _______________________
    1. Swahaba
    2. Answar
    3. Auliyaa
    4. Muttaqiin



  1. B
  2. D
  3. D
  4. A
  5. D
  6. B
  7. A
  8. B
  9. A
  10. B
  11. C
  12. C
  13. A
  14. B
  15. D


  1. B
  2. A
  3. C
  4. A
  5. B
  6. B
  7. A
  8. A
  9. D
  10. B


  1. B
  2. C
  3. D
  4. A
  5. A
  6. B
  7. C
  8. A
  9. D
  10. C
  11. D
  12. C
  13. B
  14. C
  15. A


  1. D
  2. D
  3. A
  4. A
  5. C
  6. B
  7. A
  8. D
  9. C
  10. B


  1. C
  2. B
  3. D
  4. C
  5. D
  6. B
  7. C
  8. A
  9. B
  10. D


  1. After washing tomatoes in the kitchen, Dhahabu used the water to irrigate flowers near the house. This is an example of;
    1. recycling
    2. reusing
    3. reducing
    4. treating
  2. Which of the following is not an effect of sound pollution?
    1. Breathing problems
    2. Lack of concentration
    3. Sleep disturbance
    4. Interference with communication
  3. One of the following parts of the digestive system does not produce digestive juices. Which one is it?
    1. ileum
    2. stomach
    3. mouth
    4. colon
  4. Nuru dipped a blue litmus paper in an acid solution. It is true that the litmus paper; 
    1. remained blue.
    2. turned to yellow.
    3. turned to orange.
    4. turned to red.
  5. The following actions show that animals respond to changes in the environment. Which one does not?
    1. Birds fly in the air near the carcass of a dead animal.
    2. A dog pants during a hot afternoon 
    3. A tree sheds leaves during hot weather.
    4. A human being gives birth after nine months.
  6. James placed materials made of wood, metal, plastic and clay in hot water. After five minutes, he removed them and placed them somewhere to cool. Which material lost heat in the fastest way?
    1. metal
    2. wood
    3. plastic
    4. clay
  7. Sarah inflated a balloon then squeezed it as shown below.
    From what she did, it can be concluded that all gases;
    1. occupy space, have mass
    2. occupy space, have indefinite volume
    3. have mass, have indefinite shape
    4. occupy space, have definite volume
  8. After observing the clouds in the sky, Ndung'u decided to drive with hazards and flood lights on. Which clouds do you think he had seen?
    1. stratus clouds
    2. nimbus clouds
    3. cumulus clouds
    4. cirrus clouds
  9. The following are effects of gravity except;
    1. water flowing up the tank from the borehole
    2. prevention of floods during heavy rains
    3. planes not flying to the outer space
    4. children sliding for enjoyment when playing
  10. Which of the following shows the use of evaporation?
    1. The falling of rain
    2. Making of ice cream
    3. Drying of harvested maize
    4. Making a candle from wax
  11. Hekima and her friends observed the roots and leaves of a bean plant. It is true that the bean plant had;
    1. fibrous roots, parallel leaf structure
    2. tap roots, network leaf structure
    3. tap roots, parallel leaf structure
    4. fibrous roots, network leaf structure
  12. Which pair of processes requires increase in heat?
    1. melting, condensing
    2. freezing, condensing
    3. evaporation, melting
    4. melting, freezing
  13. Grade six learners uprooted a maize plant. They dipped it into a glass of water and added some drops of oil in the water. The maize plant;
    1. dried up.
    2. became healthier.
    3. increased in height.
    4. became stronger.
  14. Which one of the following is not an invertebrate?
    1. Insects
    2. Worms
    3. Snails
    4. Amphibians
  15. Which blood component is shown in the diagram below?
    1. Plasma
    2. Red blood cells
    3. White blood cells
    4. Platelets


  1. ________________and _________________ the two types of drip irrigation. 
    1. Sprinkler, perforated pipes
    2. Bottle, watering can
    3. Watering can, sprinkler
    4. Bottle, perforated pipes
  2. Soil erosion is the process by which _____________________ is gradually removed from one place, transported and then deposited to another place by action of water, wind animals and human beings.
    1. dry soil
    2. wet soil
    3. loose soil
    4. fertile oil
  3. Which type of soil erosion is not easy to detect?
    1. splash erosion
    2. rill erosion
    3. sheet erosion
    4. gulley erosion
  4. Which type of soil erosion can be controlled by fixing gutters on the roof of houses?
    1. splash erosion
    2. rill erosion
    3. sheet erosion
    4. gulley erosion
  5. The following statements are true about sunken beds. Which one is not?
    1. They can be used in dry areas or during dry season.
    2. Their base is hidden away from strong sunlight and wind.
    3. They conserve moisture than flat or raised beds.
    4. They improve soil fertility.
  6. Hellen and her friends had a discussion about creeping crops. Who gave a wrong statement about creeping crops?
    1. HELLEN: They spread their stems horizontally on the ground.
    2. HARRIS: They grow vertically in a slow way.
    3. HOPE: They serve us with food which has  nutrients.
    4. HAILEY: They can serve as good cover crops.
  7. Learners from Balozi Academy discussed the advantages of a certain practice in farming. The practice helps in ensuring that only healthy and strong crops remain in the nursery bed. The practice is likely to be;
    1. pruning
    2. thinning
    3. gapping
    4. shading
  8. Which of the following is not true about mulching?
    1. Helps to conserve moisture.
    2. It helps in reducing weed growth.
    3. It helps to obtain clean fruits.
    4. It helps in reducing the number of crops 
  9. Which of the following materials can be used to make a soil container for innovative gardening?
    1. Carton box
    2. Metal pipes
    3. Bamboo stems
    4. Joined papers
  10. During innovative gardening, Mwanaisha picked some containers in the environment which she used. What she did is important because;
    1. it increases water sources.
    2. it conserves water.
    3. it controls soil erosion.
    4. it conserves the environment.
  11. When taking care of seedlings, we remove mulch from around them to;
    1. allow the seedling to grow straight and  healthy.
    2. ensure that moisture is conserved.
    3. prevent weeds from growing around the seedlings.
    4. increase the rate of evaporation.
  12. Mzee Ojwang ensures that some of his tools and equipment are frequently oiled and greased. Why is that necessary?
    1. To prevents rust and rust and make them sharp.
    2. To make them clean and reduce friction.
    3. To keep them dry and prevent rust.
    4. To prevent rust and reduce friction.
  13. To harden seedlings for transplanting, one of the following equipment is not frequently used. Which one is it?
  14. Ezekiel carried out the practice below on his farm.
    Which one of the following is not an advantage of the practice?
    1. To reduces loss of moisture.
    2. It prevents growth of weeds. 
    3. It helps in thinning.
    4. It reduces soil erosion.
  15. Identify the list that shows indigenous vegetable crops only?
    1. pigweed, spider weed, black nightshade 
    2. millet, sorghum, pigweed
    3. spider weed, spinach, pumpkin leaves
    4. yams, cassava, arrowroots


  1. Which of the following causes of conflicts in a group cannot be controlled by selecting a good group leader?
    1. Poor communication
    2. Unwillingness to share resources 
    3. Lack of planning.
    4. Favoring some group members.
  2. Bunch start is also known as _________________________.
    1. torso
    2. bullet
    3. elongated
    4. walk through
  3. In the non-visual baton exchange method;
    1. the incoming athlete does not see the baton.
    2. the outgoing athlete does not see the baton.
    3. the outgoing athlete can see the baton.
    4. both athletes cannot see the baton.
  4. Field events are categorized into __________________ and ______________________
    1. jumps, sprints
    2. sprints, throws
    3. throws, jumps
    4. long races, short races
  5. After a sporting activity, grade 6 learners wanted to cool down. Which of the following would they use as a cool down activity?
    1. wind break
    2. press ups
    3. skip and skip
    4. jumping jacks
  6. Which answer shows styles of high jump only?
    1. approach, take off, flight, landing
    2. stance, grip, release, recovery technique 
    3. scissors, fosbury flop, western roll D
    4. American grip, Finish grip, 'V' grip
  7. The diagram below shows a _________________________.
    1. shot put sector
    2. rounders pitch
    3. javelin sector
    4. discus sector
  8. Which of the following is an offensive skill in Kabaddi?
    1. chain tackle 
    2. waist hold
    3. block
    4. hand touch
  9. _______________________ is an overstretched, torn or twisted tendon or muscle.
    1. Sprain
    2. Strain
    3. Closed wound
    4. Muscle pull
  10. Njeri performed the skill shown below.
    The skill in known as;
    1. side vault
    2. shoulder roll
    3. cartwheel
    4. splits and hand walk


  1. A house is a shelter that provides all the following except;
    1. physical protection
    2. spiritual protection
    3. psychological protection
    4. emotional protection
  2. Which of the diseases mentioned can be controlled by the following steps?
    • Managing stress
    • Doing physical exercise
    • Eating healthy foods
    • Reducing intake of salt
    • Maintaining healthy body weight
    • Avoiding intake of alcohol and smoking
      1. Epilepsy
      2. Diabetes
      3. Asthma
      4. Hypertension
  3. The following are precautions for the youth to avoid attacks from dangerous people. Which one is not?
    1. Not accepting gifts from strangers.
    2. Not walking in dark and deserted places.
    3. Not exercising near dangerous places such as holes or dams.
    4. Avoiding bad company.
  4. __________________________is an item or article you wear or carry, other than your clothes to enhance the effect of clothes you wear.
    1. Cosmetics
    2. Accessories
    3. Antiseptics
    4. Beauty agents
  5. Grade 6 leaners from Jangwani Academy discussed misuse of cosmetics. Which of the following causes a lot of danger to the adolescent?
    1. Applying too much cosmetics
    2. Borrowing other people's cosmetics 
    3. Bleaching the skin using cosmetics 
    4. Storing cosmetics poorly
  6. The following are causes of a certain non- communicable disease.
    1. Lack of physical exercise.
    2. Excessive intake of carbohydrates and fatty foods.
    3. Family history.
    4. Stress which may result in increased appetite.
      The disease is likely to be;
      1. cancer.
      2. obesity
      3. diabetes.
      4. asthma.
  7. Which of the following types of food is not rich in iron?
    1. spinach
    2. liver
    3. seaweed
    4. pumpkin seeds
  8. Johari wanted to prepare a meal within a short span of time. Which of the following cooking equipment would you advise him not to use?
    1. A jiko
    2. A gas cooker
    3. An electric cooker
    4. Kerosene stove
  9. Silantoi stays in a village that is very far from the main shopping centre. She purchased meat and decided to preserve since it would be used four days later. Which of the following is not one of the reasons as to why she preserved the meat?
    1. To maintain its nutritional value.
    2. To keep it longer for future use.
    3. To prevent it from getting spoilt.
    4. To prevent wastage.
  10. One of the following houses is not durable. Which one is it?
    1. A bungalow
    2. Storey house
    3. Apartments
    4. A traditional house


  1. B
  2. A
  3. D
  4. D
  5. D
  6. A
  7. B
  8. A
  9. A
  10. C
  11. D
  12. C
  13. A
  14. D
  15. C
  16. D
  17. C
  18. C
  19. A
  20. D
  21. B
  22. B
  23. D
  24. C
  25. D
  26. A
  27. D
  28. C
  29. C
  30. A
  31. B
  32. B
  33. B
  34. C
  35. A
  36. C
  37. A
  38. D
  39. B
  40. C
  41. B
  42. D
  43. C
  44. B
  45. C
  46. B
  47. C
  48. A
  49. A
  50. D

Soma kifungu kifatacho kisha ujibu maswali yanayofuata.


Je, ni mambo gani ambayo yanafaa kufanywa na jamii yenu? Dini yenu hufundisha mambo gani ambayo lazima yazingatiwe? Kuna itikadi mbalimbali katika jamii yetu. Kuna itikadi ambazo ni za kidini na zingine za kijamii. Baadhi ya itikadi ni muhimu katika maisha yetu ya kila siku. Itikadi kama hizo ni zile ambazo zinakuza heshima na ushirikiano kati yetu.

Kuna jamii ambazo zinasisitiza hali ya heshima ya mmoja kwa mwingine. Nidhamu katika jamii kama hizo huimarishwa na kila mwanajamii. Vilevile, kunazo imani za kidini ambazo husisitiza maadili kati ya wanajamii wote. Maadili ni tabia nzuri za binadamu. Tabia zisizopendeza na maovu hupingwa katika mafundisho ya kidini.

Hata hivyo, kuna itikadi za kijamii ambazo hazifai hata kidogo. Si vizuri kuwa na dhana kuwa watoto wa jinsia fulani ni bora au muhimu kuliko jinsia nyingine. Watoto wote ni muhimu, wawe wavulana au wasichana. Mtoto ni baraka kutoka kwa Mungu. Mtoto ni zawadi ambayo Mungu hupeana kwa familia. Si vizuri kupewa zawadi na kisha kuidharau. Kuna watu mbalimbali ambao wametekeleza mambo mengi makubwa bila kujali jinsia yao. Kila mtu ana uwezo wake, hakuna jinsia ambayo ni dhaifu.

Isitoshe, si vyema kumlazimisha mtu kuoa ama kuolewa na mtu fulani. Aidha, ndoa za mapema hazifai hata kidogo. Je, ni itikadi gani za kidini na kijamii unazozijua ambazo hazifai?

  1. Ni kweli kuwa mafundisho ya kidini;
    1. hupingwa katika kila jamii.
    2. yanapinga tabia zote katika jamii.
    3. yanashauri kuwa tuwe na tabia nzuri.
    4. husisitiza umuhimu wa maovu maishani.
  2. Ipi si tabia ambayo huweza kufundishwa na dini kulingana na kifungu?
    1. uzalendo
    2. ushirikiano
    3. ukatili
    4. uvumilivu
  3. Zifuatazo ni itikadi zisizofaa isipokuwa;
    1. ndoa za mapema
    2. kuhesimu makabila mengine
    3. kudharau watoto wa jinsia fulani
    4. ndoa za lazima
  4. Mwandishi wa kifungu hiki anatoa ushauri gani?
    1. Hakuna mtoto ambaye ni bora kuliko mwingine.
    2. Watoto wa kike ni bora kuliko wa kiume. 
    3. Hakuna mtoto ambaye ni muhimu katika jamii.
    4. Mtoto anafaa kuwa baraka kwa Mungu.
  5. Kulingana na kifungu hiki, ni kweli kuwa;
    1. Tunafaa kufuata itikadi zote kati jamii.
    2. Itikadi zote za kiafrika hazifai.
    3. Tunafaa kufuata itikadi za wazungu pekee.
    4. Kuna itikadi zinazofaa na zile zisizofaa.

Soma mazungumzo yafuatayo halafu ujibu maswali yanayofuata.

(Katika hospitali ya Tiba, Bi. Siha anaingia akiwa na mtoto wake.)

DAKTARI: Karibu sana mama. Masalkheri?
MAMA:      (Anaketi.) Akheri.
DAKTARI: Je, nikusaidie vipi?
MAMA:      Daktari, mtoto wangu hajalala usiku wote. Anaendesha sana. Lazima ana malaria.
DAKTARI: Pole mama. Hata hivyo huwezi ukajua ugonjwa wa mtoto bila kumpima.
                   (Anasimama na kumchunguza kwa kutumia steshoskopu.) Mpigo wake wa moyo u sawa.
MAMA:      Aha! Mungu ni mwema.
DAKTARI: Hebu uinue mkono huu ili nimwekee kipimajoto. (Anamwekea kipimajoto kwapani.)
                  tutaweza kubaini tatizo lake. Lazima sote tuchange bia ili kuhakikisha kuwa afya Naona ana homa.                    Hebu mpeleke maabarani. Akifanyiwa uchunguzi wa damu, yake inaimarika. 
MAMA:      Asante kwa ushauri wako. Hebu nimpeleke katika maabara kisha nikuletee matokeo. (Anaondoka.)

  1. Yawezekana kuwa mazungumzo haya yalifanyika wakati gani?
    1. alfajiri
    2. adhuhuri
    3. magharibi
    4. macheo
  2. Kwa nini daktari alimshauri mama aende katika maabara?
    1. Ili apewe dawa
    2. Afanyiwe uchunguzi wa damu
    3. Aeleze kuwa mtoto alikuwa na homa 
    4. Ili mtoto adungwe sindano
  3. Daktari aligundua kuwa mtoto alikuwa na tatizo gani?
    1. Moyo ulikuwa ukipiga haraka
    2. Joto la mwili lilikuwa la juu
    3. Alikuwa akiendesha sana
    4. Hakuwa amelala usiku wote
  4. Kulingana na mazungumzo, haiwezekani; 
    1. kujua tatizo la mtoto kabla ya kupimwa.
    2. kumtibu mtoto anayeendesha sana. 
    3. kujua ugonjwa wa mtoto baada ya kupimwa.
    4. kujua tatizo la mtoto kabla ya kumpa dawa.
  5. Nahau 'tuchange bia' ina maana gani jinsi ilivyotumika katika mazungumzo haya?
    1. tuwe makini
    2. tufuate ushauri
    3. tufanye matibabu 
    4. tushirikiane

Soma makala yanayofuata halafu ujibu maswali yafuatayo.


Juma mapesa alikuwa dereva aliyejulikana sana kwenye barabara ya kutoka Nairobi hadi Kakamega. Alipenda sana kuendesha gari kwa kasi iliyopita kiwango. Ingawa alionywa na wazazi wake pamoja na maafisa wa polisi, hakujali. Kila alipopita maafisa wa trafiki, angeendesha gari hilo kwa kasi kama umeme. Ajabu ni kuwa abiria wengine walipenda sana gari hilo. Walisikika wakisema kuwa hiyo ilikuwa njia rahisi ya kufika mapema. Haja kubwa ya Mapesa kuendesha gari haraka ilikuwa tamaa ya kutaka kufanya safari nyingi mno. Alitaka kupata kiasi kikubwa cha pesa kufikia mwisho wa siku.

Siku moja, saa kumi na mbili kasorobo, gari hilo la abiria kumi na wanne lilikuwa tayari kuanza safari. Baada ya wanawake saba kuingia ndani, wanaume waliongezeka hadi likajaa. Mapesa alishika usukani kisha wakang'oa nanga. Kama kawaida, gari lilipepea kama upepo barabarani huku abiria wengi wakifurahia ngoma. Mara Mapesa alifika mahali ambapo barabara ilipinda. Alijaribu kulielekeza gari kwa njia inayofaa lakini hakufua dafu. Sauti iliyosikika ilikuwa ya 'krrrrr', kisha 'ku'. Hapo ndipo mapesa alipovunjikia miguu yote miwili. Sasa yeye hutumia kitimaguru kutoka mahali pamoja hadi pengine.

  1. Mapesa alikuwa na tabia inayoweza kulinganishwa na ya kiumbe gani?
    1. simba
    2. fisi
    3. kunguru
    4. chiriku
  2. Maneno 'kwa kasi kama umeme' ni mfano wa fani gani ya lugha?
    1. nahau
    2. istiara
    3. methali
    4. tashbihi
  3. Safari inayozungumziwa ilianza saa ngapi?
    1. 5:45
    2. 12:15
    3. 6:15
    4. 11:45
  4. Methali gani isiyoweza kutumika kurejelea ujumbe katika kisa hiki?
    1. Haraka haraka haina baraka.
    2. Asiyesikia la mkuu huvunjika guu.
    3. Mtoto umleavyo ndivyo akuavyo.
    4. Tamaa mbele mauti nyuma. KISWAHILI: LUGHA
  5. Chagua mpangilio unaofaa wa matukio katika makala haya.
    1. kuanza safari, kuvunjika mguu, gari kujaa
    2. ajali kutokea, kuvunjika miguu, kutumia kitimaguru
    3. gari kujaa, kutumia kitimaguru, kuvunjika miguu
    4. ajali kutokea, kuvunjika miguu, kuanza safari

Chagua jibu linalofaa kati ya majibu uliyopewa ili kujazia nafasi zilizoachwa.

Ukosefu wa mvua ___16___ ukame mkubwa nchini. Wakazi ___17___taifa letu wamekuwa ___18___ sana kutokana na ukosefu wa chakula, maji safi na mahitaji mengine. ___19___ kubadilisha hali ya mambo, ni vyema tupande miti na kuitunza ili iwe mikubwa. Miti yote ___20___ na kuwa mikubwa, huweza kuvutia mvua na kubadilisha hali ya mambo.

   A   B   C   D 
 16.   imesababishwa  umesababishwa   imesababisha   umesababisha 
 17.  katikati  kwa   katika   ndani mwa 
 18.  wameteseka  wanateseka   wakiteseka  watateseka
 19.  Ili  Ila  Lakini  Wala
 20.  yakitunzwa  ikitunzwa  ukitunzwa  zikitunzwa


Jibu maswali yafuatayo kulingana na maagizo.

  1. Chagua ukubwa wa sentensi ifuatayo.
    Ndovu alisimama karibu na nyumba ya mzee huyo.
    1. Jidovu lilisimama karibu na jinyumba la zee hilo.
    2. Kidovu kilisimama karibu na kijumba cha kizee hicho.
    3. Dovu lilisimama karibu na jumba la jizee hilo.
    4. Dovu lilisimama karibu na jumba la zee hilo.
  2. Kama jana ilikuwa Ijumaa, mtondo itakuwa lini?
    1. Jumapili
    2. Jumatatu
    3. Jumanne
    4. Jumatano
  3. Onyesha ukanusho wa;
    Wewe ulikuja nyumbani.
    1. Wewe hukuja nyumbani.
    2. Wewe haukukuja nyumbani.
    3. Wewe hukukuja nyumbani.
    4. Wewe huakuja nyumbani.
  4. Tambua aina za maneno yaliyopigiwa mistari.
    Wawili walienda nyumbani kwao mapema.
    1. kiwakilishi, kielezi, kielezi
    2. kivumishi, kielezi, kielezi
    3. kiwakilishi, nomino, kielezi
    4. kiwakilishi, kielezi, nomino
  5. Sentensi gani iliyo katika hali timilifu?
    1. Juma husoma kwa bidii.
    2. Rehema amefua nguo zake zote.
    3. Zahra alipanda miti mingi.
    4. Ninapenda kula mboga na matunda.
  6. Nomino gani isiyopatikana katika ngeli moja na zingine?
    1. mafuta
    2. manukato
    3. mazingira
    4. mabua
  7. Yaf uatayo ni matumizi ya koloni isipokuwa;
    1. kutanguliza orodha
    2. kuunganisha sentensi mbili
    3. kutenga saa na dakika
    4. kutenga maneno katika orodha
  8. Onyesha sentensi iliyotumia kiwakilishi kiulizi.
    1. Mwanafunzi gani aliye na kalamu? 
    2. Chakula hicho kitapewa yupi?
    3. Nyumba mpya ni ya akina nani?
    4. Wote wameenda wapi?
  9. Chagua nomino iliyonyambuliwa katika kauli ya kutendua.
    1. fua
    2. angua
    3. tambua
    4. anua
  10. Maagano gani ambayo hutumika wakati wa jioni?
    1. kwaheri
    2. buriani
    3. alamsiki
    4. siku njema


Mwandikie mwalimu wako barua ukimweleza kwa nini hukuja shuleni juma lililopita.


  1. C
  2. C
  3. B
  4. A
  5. D
  6. C
  7. B
  8. B
  9. A
  10. D
  11. B
  12. D
  13. A
  14. C
  15. B
  16. D
  17. C
  18. C
  19. A
  20. B
  21. D
  22. C
  23. A
  24. A
  25. B
  26. D
  27. B
  28. B
  29. D
  30. C

Read the following letter and then answer questions 1 to 6.

Dear Larry,

I was delighted to receive your letter dated 11th January, and to learn that you are doing well. I am happy to inform you that I will be publishing an article on the school's weekly magazine. The article will focus mainly on the plight of children undergoing child labour. The contents will try to enlighten children on the dangers that are associated with child labour or forced labour. In the publications, I will highlight what entails child labour and also cite some examples of cases of child labour.

The materials will have several illustrations that are child friendly. They will be large enough so that the young children can read and enjoy them as they gain knowledge about the vice of child labour. Our Social Studies teacher, Mrs Nyagol, is helping in editing them so as to ensure they are error-free. She is also helping with the ideas. The head teacher has also promised to support in publishing the articles.

I welcome good ideas that can help me improve further. I hope you will be of great help since I know from the experience you went through as a child labourer, you must be a good source of knowledge.

Your friend, Jennifer.

  1. Who is the sender of the above letter?
    1. Jennifer
    2. Larry
    3. Mrs Nyagol
    4. The head teacher
  2. The sender of this letter must be a
    1. children officer
    2. child labourer
    3. learner
    4. teacher 
  3. The phrase 'Dear Larry' is referred to as;
    1. introduction
    2. salutation
    3. validation
    4. title
  4. Why did the sender think that the receiver had some ideas concerning child labour?
    1. He was her best friend.
    2. He was also writing an article.
    3. He must have been very smart.
    4. He was a victim of child labour.
  5. How many addresses should the above letter have?
    1. Two
    2. One
    3. Three
    4. Many
  6. The last part of the letter is called ____________________________.
    1. conclusion
    2. ending
    3. validation
    4. summary

Read the following passage and then answer questions 7 to 11.

Many communities in Kenya hold annual community cultural festivals to celebrate their cultures. These festivals have been part and parcel of Kenyan community celebrations over the years. They are majorly done to mark rites of passage and cycles of community traditions and practices. They are vehicles through which cultural traditions and practices are transmitted through performances and exhibitions. They promote intercultural understanding and showcase various communities' rich and diverse cultural expressions. Further, they are platforms for nurturing talents and providing an avenue to market cultural expressions. These festivals are major tourist attractions both at local and international levels. The community cultural festivals are deeply rooted as even city and urban dwellers have designed unique cultural celebrations in urban settings. For example' many hotels in Nairobi host annual community cultural celebrations themed on particular ethnic groups and these attract large audiences. The celebrations in urban settings are not only avenues for cultural expression but also economic ventures for major hotels. These celebrations keep alive cultural connections of city dwellers with their ethnic cultures.

  1. According to the first sentence, it is true to say that;
    1. cultural festivals are held yearly.
    2. cultural festivals are held for many years.
    3. all communities in Kenya hold annual cultural festival.
    4. few people hold annual cultural festivals.
  2. The word cultures as used in the passage can best be replaced by _____________________
    1. festivals
    2. celebrations
    3. communities
    4. people's way of life
  3. According to the passage, why are festivals held?
    1. To entertain.
    2. To expose talent.
    3. To mark rites of passage.
    4. To show the community circles.
  4. Which of the following is not one of the benefits of cultural festivals in Kenya?
    1. It creates ethnic division amongst the communities.
    2. It is an avenue where communities showcase their diverse and rich expressions.
    3. They are platforms for nurturing talents. 
    4. They are tourists attractions.
  5. Which tittle best summarises the passage?
    1. Kenyans and their cultures.
    2. The annual community cultural festivals in Kenya.
    3. Kenyan celebrations.
    4. How hotels benefit from Kenyan festivals.

Read the following passage and then answer questions 12 to 15.


Apart from the teachers, schools have other workers who do different types of work. One of these workers is the school secretary. School secretaries have a lot of work to do in school. They type letters and exam papers, and also make and receive telephone calls.

In some schools, the secretary sits at the reception desk to act as a receptionist. At this point, their work is to receive and direct the school visitors. Their work demands that they display good ethical standards called etiquette.

  1. Which of the following is true according to the passage?
    1. Schools should only have teachers and the secretary.
    2. There are other school workers besides teachers.
    3. School secretaries play more important roles than the teachers.
    4. In all the schools, secretaries are the receptionists.
  2. Which one of the following is not a role of the school secretary?
    1. They teach in classes.
    2. They type school letters.
    3. They make calls.
    4. They receive visitors.
  3. What is the work of a receptionist according to the passage?
    1. They make and receive telephone calls.
    2. They type letters.
    3. They type exam papers.
    4. They receive and direct school visitors.
  4. What is etiquette according to the passage?
    1. a lot of work
    2. hard work
    3. a good ethical standard
    4. working smart

Read the passage below. It contains blank spaces numbered 16 to 20. For each blank space, select the best alternative from the choices given.

It was unusual for my father to come to school ___16___ a weekday. That Tuesday afternoon, I was ___17___ when I was informed that he was waiting for me in the head teacher's office. No sooner had I made my way into the office ___18___  he stood and shut the door ___19___ me. I was totally in the horns of dilemma. I had
___20___ seen my father in that state before. This was the had first time since I was born. What could I have done, I asked myself ?

    A      B      C      D
 16.  in   to   at   on 
 17.   surprised   suprised   sarprised   saprised 
 18.   when  and   that  than
 19.  on  at   behind   after 
 20.  never  always   ever   now 

For questions 21 to 23, select the correct determiner to complete the given sentence

  1. The water in the tank is not _______________________ for today's use. We need to fetch more from
    the river.
    1. much
    2. enough
    3. a lot
    4. many
  2. The officers requested for _________________________ time to complete the investigation about the theft
    1. some
    2. enough
    3. little
    4. more
  3. I had a chat with __________________________ university student as we walked along the university avenue.
    1. a
    2. the
    3. an
    4. some

For questions 24 and 26, fill in the blank space with correct preposition.

  1. Grace is good ________________________ singing.
    1. for
    2. in
    3. at
    4. of
  2. Most children go to school _________________________ foot.
    1. on
    2. with
    3. at
    4. in
  3. The horse jumped ___________________________ the bridge.
    1. up
    2. through
    3. below
    4. over

For questions 27 and 28, choose the alternative that best completes the statement given.

  1. Both Francis
    1. but his brother are hardworking learners.
    2. nor his brother are hardworking learners.
    3. and his brother are hardworking learners.
    4. or his brother are hardworking learners. 
  2. Neither Doris
    1. with her sister will join the hockey team. 
    2. nor her sister will join the hockey team.
    3. or her sister will join the hockey team. 
    4. and her sister will join the hockey team.

For questions 29 and 30, choose the correct order of adjectives to fill in the blank spaces.

  1. The environmental club patron wore a ______________________ scarf.
    1. big, green, woolen
    2. green, big, woolen
    3. woolen, big, green
    4. big, woolen, green 
  2. Lucas bought a ________________________ shirt.
    1. Jamaican, cotton, nice,
    2. cotton, nice, Jamaican
    3. nice, cotton, Jamaican
    4. nice, Jamaican, cotton


Write a letter to your cousin inviting him/her to your birthday party.


  1. C
  2. B
  3. A
  4. D
  5. B
  6. C
  7. A
  8. D
  9. C
  10. A
  11. A
  12. B
  13. A
  14. D
  15. C
  16. B
  17. A
  18. D
  19. C
  20. A
  21. B
  22. D
  23. A
  24. C
  25. A
  26. D
  27. C
  28. B
  29. A
  30. C


  1. Write in words 5503813.
    1. Five million five hundred and thirty thousand eight hundred and thirteen
    2. Fifty million, five hundred and three thousand eight hundred and thirteen
    3. Five million five hundred and thirty thousand eight hundred and thirty
    4. Five million five hundred and three thousand eight hundred and thirteen
  2. What the total value of digit 3 in 8397028?
    1. Hundreds of thousands
    2. 397028
    3. 300000
    4. Thousands
  3. Grade 6 Learners in Msingi Bora Primary School planted tree seedling in different month as shown below.
     Month   Number of tree seedlings 
    Arrange the months in descending order according to the number of seedlings planted.
    1. June, July, May, April, March
    2. June, July, March, April, May
    3. May, April, March, July, June
    4. July, June, May, March, April
  4. A farmer sold 56894 chickens to his friend. How many chickens did the farmer sell to the nearest thousand?
    1. 57000
    2. 60000
    3. 56800
    4. 56000
  5. What is the GCD of 49.21 and 28?
    1. 588
    2. 21
    3. 7
    4. 3
  6. What is the sum of edges and vertices of the figure below?
    1. 8
    2. 20
    3. 14
    4. 18
  7. Wanja's container has 18 litres of water. She adds 10 litres of water in every one hour. She fetches water for 8 hours. What is the total amount of water in the container after the eighth hour?
    1. 98
    2. 18
    3. 28
    4. 108
  8. Work out: 45 + √576
    1. 24
    2. 70
    3. 25
    4. 69
  9. A company supplied 5432 iron sheet on Monday and 4023 iron sheets on Tuesday to construct dispensaries in a sub-county. How many iron sheets did they supply in the two days?
    1. 9419
    2. 8455
    3. 9455
    4. 1409
  10. Kaluli arrived at home very late in the evening as shown on the clock below. At what time did Kaluli reach home in 12-hour clock system?
    1. 11.25 am
    2. 2325 hours
    3. 12.25 pm
    4. 11.25 pm
  11. Work out the sum of
    524163 + 312805 + 120021.
    1. 979696
    2. 956989
    3. 716947
    4. 91337
  12. Quinter earns a salary of sh 3635 daily. How much will she earn in 88 days?
    1. 372300
    2. 354700
    3. 417268
    4. 319880
  13. Calculate 24 x 66 −12 × 47 +124
    1. 74008
    2. 1144
    3. 896
    4. 468
  14. Arrange 5/83/7,4/6,1/2  from the smallest to the largest.
    1. 5/8, 4/6,1/2,3/7
    2. 4/6,5/8, 3/7, 1/2
    3. 1/2, 3/7, 5/8,4/6
    4. 3/7,1/2, 5/8,4/6
  15. The government imported three hundred and fifty eight thousand bags of maize to fight hunger. During inspection, the agent found out that one hundred and seventy eight bags of maize were not good for consumption. Calculate the number of bag of maize that was good.
    1. 358178
    2. 536000
    3. 357822
    4. 357922
  16. A carton of chalks weighs 25kg 500g. How much will 6 such cartons weigh?
    1. 153kg
    2. 150kg 300g
    3. 153kg 300g
    4. 4kg 250g
  17. Ronny had 75% of the 60 marks in each of his 5 subjects. How many marks does he have in total? 
    1. 375
    2. 225
    3. 300
    4. 200
  18. Work out:
    Weeks     days
        7             5
      ×               6      
    1. 42 weeks 30 days
    2. 45 weeks 3 days
    3. 46 weeks 2 days
    4. 13 weeks II days
  19. Measure the angle marked y.
    1. 133°
    2. 47°
    3. 55°
    4. 78°
  20. Work out:
    93612 × 467 − 57892 + 32 x 865
    1. 23672
    2. 66638
    3. 8792
    4. 6214
  21. In a fundraising ceremony adults took 53 litres 144 millilitres of juice. The children took 34 litres 286  millilitres of juice. How many litres and mililitres of juice was used altogether?
    1. 18 litres 858 millilitres
    2. 88 litres 430 millilitres
    3. 19 litres 142 millilitres
    4. 87 litres 430 millilitres
  22. Mwende bought the following items from a shop.
    • Two -2 kg packet of maize flour @. sh 250
    • 3 packets of milk @sh 60
    • A loaf of bread for sh 65
    • I litre of juice @ sh. 220
      What balance did she get if she gave the shopkeeper sh 1000 note?
      1. Sh 35
      2. Sh 965
      3. Sh 715
      4. Sh 285
  23. Work out the size of angle x.
    1. 90°
    2. 60°
    3. 30°
    4. 45°
  24. The unit of measurement of length or distance is
    1. Metres or centimetres
    2. Celsius or Kelvin
    3. Grams or kilograms
    4. Litres or millilitres
  25. A square has a perimeter of 24cm. What is the area of the square?
    1. 36cm2
    2. 144cm2
    3. 12cm2
    4. 8cm2
  26. Two angles of a triangle are 30° and 45°. What is the size of the third angle?
    1. 45°
    2. 75°
    3. 285°
    4. 105°
  27. Construct a line AB of length 6cm. Bisect the line AB. Draw the bisector to cross line AB at O.What is the length of BO?
    1. 6.0 cm
    2. 9.0cm
    3. 5.0 cm
    4. 3.0 cm
  28. Which of the following statements is true about any triangle?
    1. A triangle has 4 sides.
    2. A triangle can form ↳ angles.
    3. A triangle has equal sides and angles
    4. Angles in a triangle add up to 180°.
  29. Calculate the circumference of the circle below.
    1. 17.60 cm
    2. 35.20 cm
    3. 98.56 cm
    4. 70.40 cm
  30. Grade 6 learners picked 32 marbles of different colours as shown in the table below.
     Colours   Tally marks 
     Green  llll lll
     Yellow  lll
     Red  llll  llll  llll
    How many blue marbles did the learners pick?
    1. 32
    2. 25
    3. 14
    4. 7


  1. D
  2. C
  3. B
  4. A
  5. C
  6. B
  7. A
  8. D
  9. C
  10. D
  11. B
  12. D
  13. B
  14. C
  15. C
  16. A
  17. B
  18. C
  19. B
  20. D
  21. B
  22. A
  23. C
  24. A
  25. A
  26. D
  27. D
  28. D
  29. B
  30. D



Use the following picture to answer questions 1-3.


  1. Which of the following was not needed in drawing the image above?
    1. Ruler
    2. Water
    3. Rubber
    4. Pencil
  2. Which picture making technique was used in the drawing above?
    1. Cross hatching
    2. Still life
    3. Crayon etching
    4. Painting
  3. Which media would be BEST for drawing the image above?
    1. Crayon
    2. Paint brush
    3. Pencil
    4. Chacoal
  4. Jane mixed red and blue. Which colour did she finally get?
    1. Green
    2. Orange
    3. Brown
    4. Purple
  5. What is the meaning of cross hatching in drawing?
    1. Is where lines are used to show darker and lighter parts of a drawing.
    2. Is a drawing where a pencil is the only media used.
    3. Is drawing while using a ruler and a pencil only.
    4. Is when a drawer balances the image to match the size of page.
  6. Nafula was making crayons at home. She assembled the following locally available materials. Which was the odd one out.
    1. Bees wax
    2. Coloured flowers
    3. Straws
    4. ink

Study the following image and answer question 7 and 8.


  1. Which technique was used to create thepicture?
    1. Collage
    2. Colour wheel
    3. Etching
    4. Still life.
  2. Which of the following locally available materials is not likely to be used?
    1. Leaves
    2. Glue
    3. Banana fibre
    4. Grass
  3. Which weaving technique is shown in the picture below?
    1. Plain weaving
    2. Twine weaving
    3. Plaiting
    4. Overlapping
  4. John was listening to an Art and Craft lesson over the radio when he heard the term thonging method. Which topic was being taught?
    1. Weaving
    2. Modeling
    3. Drawing
    4. Leather work
  5. What is pottery?
    1. It is the art of making items from clay. 
    2. It is the art of creating people.
    3. It is the art of preparing clay.
    4. It is the art of decorating clay items.
  6. Choose the odd one out in modelling.
    1. Coiling
    2. Pinching
    3. Handbuilding
    4. Curving
  7. Grade five teacher asked one of her learners the work his father does. The learner answered by saying his father was a sculptor. What do you understand by that? The father makes items from
    1. Clay
    2. reeds
    3. Soft stones
    4. Paint
  8. Mordern marketing strategies include the following except
    1. Online
    2. Radio
    3. Facebook
    4. WhatsApp
  9. Which is not an element of photography?
    1. Lighting
    2. Framing
    3. Shadow
    4. Composition


  1. During a harambee meeting, the Grade Five class sang some songs in praise of the guest of honour, M.P, and the councilor. What kind of songs did they sing?
    1. Wedding song
    2. National songs
    3. Patriotic songs
    4. Game songs
  2. To make a child go to sleep, a_____________________________________ song is sung.
    1. Chorus
    2. Patriotic
    3. Lullaby
    4. Game song
  3. What is the use of a resonator?
    1. To amplify sound
    2. To hold together all the other parts of the instrument
    3. It is used to hold the instrument
    4. To tune the instrument.
  4. Which of the following is not a wind instrument?
    1. Guitar
    2. Horn
    3. Descant recorder
    4. Flute
  5. What is not an item that can cause accidents during a folk song performance?
    1. Prop
    2. Costumes
    3. Sticks
    4. Wet or slippery stage
  6. What is the name of the note G5CAST3OS12023Q21
    1. Semibreve
    2. Quaver
    3. Minim
    4. Crotchet
  7. ta-aa as _________ value
    1. 1
    2. 1/2
    3. 2
    4. 3
  8. Complete the ladder below.
    1. d, r
    2. r, m
    3. f, s
    4. f, r
  9. What is the name of the note G5CAST3OS12023Q20?
    1. Semibreve
    2. Quaver
    3. Minim
    4. Crotche
  10. What is the note value for a crotchet?
    1. ½
    2. ¼
    3. 1
    4. 1/8


Study the map below and answer question 26 to 30.


  1. What is the direction of the cattle dip from the market?
    1. North
    2. East
    3. South
    4. West
  2. Which of the following physical features is not found on the map?
    1. Valley.
    2. River
    3. Mountain
    4. Plains
  3. Which of the following crops are not grown in Mwembe Area?
    1. Maize
    2. Tea
    3. Coffee
    4. Cotton
  4. Which is the administration unit of Mwembe Area?
    1. Chief
    2. Deputy County Commissioner
    3. Police
    4. Governor
  5. What is the staple food of the people living at Mwembe Area?
    1. Tea
    2. Coffee
    3. Ugali
    4. Milk 
  6. Which on of the following is not an element of a map?
    1. Buildings
    2. Key
    3. Title
    4. Frame
  7. Which country is bordering Kenya to the North?
    1. Somalia
    2. South Sudan
    3. Ethiopia
    4. Sudan
  8. What is the meaning of the following road sign?
    1. Zebra crossing
    2. Children crossing
    3. Hospital
    4. Stop
  9. Study the method of fishing below and state its name.
    1. Purse seining
    2. Trawling
    3. Long lining
    4. Net drifting 
  10. Jemima was leaving school when she realized that it was raining. Which method of communication could she used to tell her grandmother that she would be late going home?
    1. Letter writing
    2. Take a matatu
    3. Use radio
    4. Use mobile phone
  11. Amira was shown the picture below and asked what it was. Which correct answer do you think Amira gave?
    1. Museum
    2. Monument
    3. Cultural centre
    4. artefact

Study the map of Kenya below and answer questions 37-39.


  1. Mr Juma, Grade Five SST teacher, asked his learners which traditional leader was famous in the community marked X? 
    1. Chief Kivoi
    2. Nabongo Mumia
    3. Mekatilili wa Menza
    4. Oloibon
  2. Which mineral is mined at the lake marked Z?
    1. Soda ash
    2. Salt
    3. Flouspar
    4. Diatomite
  3. Which ethnic community lives around Lake marked W?
    1. Mijikenda
    2. Agikuyu
    3. Abaluhya
    4. Turkana
  4. How do people depend on each other during market day?
    1. Education
    2. Trade
    3. Treatment
    4. Ceremony


  1. The story of King Belshazzar helps Christians to realise that _______________________
    1. God does not humble people
    2. A humble person never apologises to his friends
    3. Proud people give good services to the community
    4. Humility helps people relate well with others 
  2. Why do some people worship materials things or practise idolatry?
    1. It makes them powerful
    2. To gain a certain social status in the community
    3. It gives them peace
    4. It makes them happy
  3. God's power helped Samson defeat the______________
    1. Philistines
    2. Galatians
    3. Israelites
    4. Egyptians
  4. Which King of Israel practiced wisdom in their ruling?
    1. David
    2. Saul
    3. Solomon
    4. Ahab
  5. Arrange the pictures below in the right order as featured in the story of the Lost Sheep.
    1. A, B, C
    2. C, A, B
    3. A, C, B
    4. B, C, A
  6. Who among the following people was miraculously rescued from prison?
    1. John
    2. Peter
    3. Paul
    4. James
  7. Before we receive the Holy Communion, we should ask for __________________________
    1. Anointing
    2. Blessings
    3. Forgiveness
    4. Guidance 
  8. Which of the following is a way of obeying rules
    1. Destroying the environment
    2. Saving water
    3. Leaving lights on
    4. Being disorderly in school
  9. Which of the following activities does not show good stewardship?
    1. Planting trees in the community
    2. Polluting rivers in the community
    3. Taking care of domestic animals
    4. Collecting litter from the environment
  10. Which of the following should we not do to overcome temptations?
    1. Read the scriptures
    2. Listen to the voice of temptation
    3. Practise self-control
    4. Pray to God



  1. Which one among the three is not a reason for tayammum?
    1. In availability of the rope to draw water
    2. An enemy is avoid the water
    3. Water is cold
    4. The only water available is for important things e.g drinking
  2. Which swalah does not have baadiyah?
    1. Fajr
    2. Dhuhr
    3. Maghrib
    4. Isha
  3. Complete, Saum is a _________________
    1. weapon
    2. amana
    3. shield
    4. sword
  4. Three of the following statements are true about conditions for saum. Which one is false?
    1. One must be a Muslim
    2. One must be fifteen years and above
    3. One must be healthy and well
    4. One must be mature
  5. __________________________________ was the foster mother of the prophet.
    1. Amina
    2. Fatuma
    3. Halimah
    4. Fauzia
  6. Three of he following statements about Lailatul Qadar. Which one is not
    1. Allah send mercy to his people 
    2. Allah forgives people who pray
    3. Allah accepts dual made by people
    4. Allah punished the enemies of Islam
  7. Aisha was asked to mention obligations to relatives. Which one was wrong?
    1. Help them when they are poor
    2. Point openly their weakness
    3. Give them presents
    4. Visit them time to time
  8. _________________was the Khalifa of Allah on earth.
    1. Idris
    2. Jibril
    3. Adam
    4. Ayub
  9. The main reason why Qabil killed Habil was
    1. competition
    2. jealousy
    3. rudeness
    4. carelessness
  10. Why did the Quraish want to kill the prophet? (p.b.u.h)
    1. He was becoming famous
    2. He was fighting them
    3. He introduced Islam
    4. He had many followers



  1. B
  2. B
  3. C
  4. D
  5. A
  6. D
  7. A
  8. B
  9. B
  10. D
  11. A
  12. D
  13. B
  14. B
  15. D


  1. C
  2. C
  3. A
  4. A
  5. B
  6. C
  7. B
  8. B
  9. A
  10. B


  1. D
  2. C
  3. C
  4. D
  5. C
  6. A
  7. C
  8. B
  9. C
  10. D
  11. B
  12. C
  13. A
  14. D
  15. B


  1. D
  2. B
  3. A
  4. C
  5. B
  6. B
  7. C
  8. B
  9. B
  10. B


  1. C
  2. A
  3. C
  4. B
  5. C
  6. D
  7. B
  8. C
  9. B
  10. C


  1. James observed some characteristics of mammals in the environment. From what he observed, it is true that all mammals;
    1. reproduce by giving bath.
    2. feed on both flesh and herbs.
    3. have a constant body temperature.
    4. are cold blooded.
  2. Which of the following parts of a computer plays the function of processing data?
    1. CPU
    2. Mouse
    3. Monitor
    4. Keyboard
  3. Why are mirrors of toilets and bathrooms made of frosted glass?
    1. To minimise the amount of light getting in.
    2. So that those in the toilet or bathroom cannot see outside.
    3. So that those in the toilet or bathroom cannot be seen by those outside.
    4. To ensure that bad smell does not affect those who are outside.
  4. During cold weather, Mwangi put on a woolen jacket as shown below.
    Why do you think he did so?
    1. It keeps the body from water loss into the environment
    2. It generates heat for the body
    3. It ensures that cold does not get to the body
    4. It keeps heat generated by the body from escaping
  5. Which of the following activities shows that force can change the direction of movement?
    1. Someone bouncing the ball on a cemented floor
    2. A goalkeeper grasping a ball that has been shot towards the goal
    3. Two men pushing a car that is stuck in mud 
    4. A learner squeezing a circular clay ball into a rectangular
  6. Jamal drew the teeth below during Science and Technology lesson.
    Which of the following statements is TRUE about the teeth?
    1. They are not part of the milk teeth
    2. They are used for tearing and crushing food
    3. They are usually 4 on the upper jaw
    4. They usually grow between premolars and canines
  7. During breathing, gaseous exchange takes place in the __________________________________.
    1. bronchi
    2. air sacs
    3. windpipe
    4. diaphragm
  8. In which part of the digestive system is gastric juice produced?
    1. In the mouth
    2. In the pancrease
    3. In the ileum
    4. In the stomach
  9. When Jamila placed a metallic bottle top on water, it floated. When she crushed the bottle top, it sank in water. This shows that;
    1. size affects floating and sinking. 
    2. material affects floating and sinking. 
    3. shape affects floating and sinking.
    4. weight affects floating and sinking.
  10. Which pair of levers has the positioning of Effort, Load and Fulcrum at the same position?
    1. nut cracker and scissors
    2. jembe and wheelbarrow
    3. spade and fishing rod
    4. wheelbarrow and a seesaw
  11. The nose has hairs and mucus lining which is used for:
    1. trapping dust.
    2. making the air cold
    3. making air dusty
    4. transferring air
  12. Teacher Bidii discussed with her learners the difference between signs and symptoms. Basing on the discussion, which of the following would be classified as the odd one out?
    1. feeling dizzy
    2. tiredness
    3. ringing in the ears
    4. sweating
  13. Which of the following solids undergoes sublimation?
    1. lodine
    2. Ice
    3. Wax
    4. Cooking fat
  14. Mama Afya advised her children not to swim or bathe in stagnant water. Which disease would the children contact if they disobey their mother?
    1. Dysentery
    2. Cholera
    3. Bilharzia
    4. Typhoid
  15. After typing some information, Natalie wanted to highlight the whole document. Which shortcut would you advise her to use?
    1. Ctrl + V
    2. Ctrl + B
    3. Ctrl + A
    4. Ctrl + C


  1. One of the following equipment and tools can be maintained by oiling and greasing. Which one is it?
  2. Compost materials should not be rained on. This is because it;
    1. slows down the rate of decomposition.
    2. causes the loss of nutrients.
    3. reduces aeration in the materials.
    4. reduces the amount of manure.
  3. The following are materials that can be used for mulching except;
    1. dry grass
    2. dry leaves
    3. maize stalks
    4. nylon papers
  4. Soil erosion reduces soil;
    1. moisture.
    2. decomposition
    3. fertility.
    4. particles.
  5. Learners from Kifaru Academy constructed an organic waste pit. Which of the following statements is true about the organic waste pit?
    1. Manure can be collected from the waste pit and taken to the farm
    2. We can add ferteliser to it to increase the rate of decomposition
    3. Crops can be planted on it to observe soil improvement
    4. It can be used to prevent soil erosion
  6. It is true that the soil with the smallest particles;
    1. retains little amount of water.
    2. is best for growing sugarcane.
    3. becomes muddy easily.
    4. retains medium amount of water.
  7. Irrigation of crops should be done in the;
    1. morning.
    2. evening.
    3. night
    4. mid-morning.
  8. Which of the following crops can be used to conserve water on the farm?
    1. Pumpkin plants
    2. Millet plants
    3. Maize plants
    4. Sorghum plants
  9. Which of the following is not the best. method of controlling small wild animals on the farm?
    1. Scaring them by use of dogs
    2. Trapping them
    3. Using a scarecrow
    4. Poisoning them
  10. The following are ways of conserving water on the farm. Which of the ways can help in increasing soil fertility after some time?
    1. Applying shade
    2. Applying mulches
    3. Planting cover crops
    4. Irrigating the crops
  11. Grade 5 learners from Makueni Preparatory School discussed suitable planting materials for establishing climbing fruit plants. Which of the climbing fruits listed below is grown from vine cuttings?
    1. Passion fruits
    2. Kiwi fruits
    3. Grapes
    4. Raspberries
  12. Which of the following is not carried out in container gardening?
    1. Uprooting the crops
    2. Uprooting excess crops
    3. Uprooting unwanted plants
    4. Sprinkling water on the crops
  13. _________________________ allows carrot seedlings to be about 4cm apart from each other.
    1. Thinning
    2. Shading
    3. Mulching
    4. Pruning
  14. Which of the following is not, legume?
    1. rice
    2. beans
    3. groundnuts
    4. peas
  15. ____________________________ is an adult female goat.
    1. buck
    2. billy
    3. nanny
    4. ewe


  1. The use of substance or technique to illegally improve athletic performance is known as
    1. Doping
    2. Stereotype
    3. Drug abuse
    4. Criminology
  2. Identify the skill shown in the diagram below.
    1. Chest pass 
    2. Underarm pass 
    3. Overhead pass
    4. Bounce pass
  3. Prince improvised a relay baton. Which of the following will help in ensuring that the baton is visible?
    1. Making it hollow inside
    2. Painting it bright colours
    3. Allowing it to dry
    4. Making it short
  4. When receiving a relay baton, the hand should be;
    1. stretched out and in front, open and facing up
    2. stretched out and behind, open and facing down
    3. stretched out and behind, open and facing up
    4. stretched out and in front, open and facing down
  5. In long jump, the sprinting or approach area is known as
    1. take-off board
    2. runway
    3. landing pit
    4. clearance zone
  6. Jesse practiced the following during a certain phase of the discus throw.
    1. The discus sits flat against the palm of the throwing hand.
    2. The fingers hold the edge of the discus.
    3. The thumb rests on the back of the discus. i
    4. The discus is held in loose grip.
      The phase described is likely to be;
      1. swing
      2. release and recovery
      3. stance
      4. grip
  7. ________________________is a technique used in performing rope skipping where the balls of the feet are used to perform the skill.
    1. Skier
    2. Wounded duck
    3. Straddle
    4. Straddle cross
  8. In Rounders, ______________________________ is touching the running batter using the hand holding the ball.
    1. stamping
    2. resisting
    3. tagging
    4. intercepting
  9. Which one of the following diagrams shows handstand?
  10. _______________________________refers to fair competition, equality, respect for rules and players.
    1. Team work
    2. Cooperation
    3. Improvisation
    4. Fair play


  1. The following are examples of cutlery. Which one is not?
    1. Knives
    2. Cups
    3. Forks
    4. Spoons
  2. Lyn wanted to purchase some items from a shop. Which of the following should she consider first?
    1. The type of material the packaging is made of
    2. The weight of the item that has been packaged
    3. The price of the item that has been packaged
    4. The date of expiry written on the package
  3. Which of the following fuels is very unreliable?
    1. Charcoal
    2. Kerosene
    3. Firewood
    4. Electricity
  4. A shopping list helps a person to buy only the things they need. This shows that;
    1. it helps in saving property.
    2. it saves time.
    3. it saves money.
    4. it helps in knowing the amount that one has.
  5. When improvising kitchen equipment, a hard stone can be used as;
    1. graters
    2. rolling pin
    3. knife sharpener
    4. knife
  6. The following are the steps that Awino followed when making a shopping list. Which of the steps is the last one?
    1. Write your list, starting with the most important items
    2. Consider the money you have
    3. Write on the list how much each item costs
    4. Think about important items and the less important items
  7. Njeri ate the following meal at lunch time: rice, boiled bananas, bean stew and two pieces of meat. What should she add to make it a balanced diet?
    1. Oranges
    2. Fried potatoes
    3. Chapatti
    4. Ugali
  8. The main reason as to why we should preserve milk is;
    1. to increase the quantity.
    2. to avoid waste.
    3. to make it tasty.
    4. to use it later.
  9. We should not buy plastics that;
    1. are durable
    2. can withstand heat
    3. are odourless
    4. peels and becomes discoloured
  10. Which of the following cooking facilities can be used to prepare several types of food at the same time?
    1. Traditional three stones
    2. Gas cookers
    3. Charcoal jikos
    4. Paraffin stove


  1. C
  2. A
  3. C
  4. D
  5. B
  6. A
  7. B
  8. D
  9. C
  10. C
  11. A
  12. D
  13. A
  14. C
  15. C
  16. C
  17. B
  18. D
  19. C
  20. C
  21. C
  22. B
  23. A
  24. D
  25. B
  26. C
  27. A
  28. A
  29. A
  30. C
  31. A
  32. D
  33. B
  34. C
  35. B
  36. D
  37. A
  38. C
  39. B
  40. D
  41. B
  42. D
  43. D
  44. C
  45. C
  46. C
  47. A
  48. B
  49. D
  50. B

Soma makala yafuatayo halafu ujibu maswali yanayofuata.


Katika msitu wa Eshikalame, Njiwa alijulikana sana kwa sauti yake ya kupendeza. Karibu kila mnyama na kiumbe katika msitu huo alimfahamu kwa ushauri wake aliowatolea. Kila wakati wa jua kuaga miti, ungewapata ndege wakiwa wamejaa kwenye mti ili kufurahia utamu wa nyimbo na ushauri wa njiwa. Wanyama mbalimbali pia walisimama chini ya mti huo. Siku moja, palitokea vita katika msitu huo. Wanyama na ndege walipigana bila kujali. Walipokuwa katika hali hiyo ya vita, Njiwa aliwakariria shairi lililofanya kuacha kupigana. Alianza hivi:

Na wenzangu sikiliza, vita ni kitu kibaya,
Wengi wetu angamiza, kuua bila ya haya,

Kwa makini kichunguza, hapakuwa na ubaya,
Sote tuweni pamoja, tuwe na amani tena.

Makosa yakitokea, usamehe tafadhali,
Vyema wewe kutulia, hasira naziwe mbali,
Jamani nakuambia, yote haya ni ukweli,
Sote tuweni pamoja, tuwe na amani tena.

  1. Kulingana na makala haya, Njiwa;
    1. alijua karibu kila mnyama na kiumbe.
    2. alijulikana na kila mnyama na kiumbe.
    3. alijulikana na wanyama na viumbe wengi.
    4. alikuwa akitolewa ushauri.
  2. Maneno 'wakati wa jua kuaga miti' yana maana gani jinsi yalivyotumika katika kifungu? 
    1. wakati wa jioni
    2. wakati wa mchana
    3. wakati wa adhuhuri
    4. wakati wa asubuhi
  3. Kibwagizo cha shairi lililokaririwa na Njiwa kina mizani mingapi?
    1. 15
    2. 4
    3. 2
    4. 16
  4. Tambua vina vya kati vya ubeti wa kwanza.
    1. ya
    2. za
    3. ja
    4. ya
  5. Ushauri wa Njiwa katika shairi unaweza ukarejelewa kwa methali gani?
    1. Umoja ni nguvu utengano ni udhaifu. 
    2. Asiyesikia la mkuu huvunjika guu.
    3. Achanikaye kwenye mpini hafi njaa.
    4. Siku za mwizi ni arubaini.

Soma kifungu kifuatacho kisha ujibu maswali yafuatayo.


Hezekia Omulama, kijana aliyekuwa katika gredi ya tatu, alipewa shilingi mia mbili na shangazi yake mwezi wa Disemba. Wakati huo, Hezekia alikuwa mfupi kama nyundo. Baada ya kumshukuru shangazi yake, alitumia pesa hizo kununua sungura mmoja mdogo. Baada ya miezi sita, sungura huyo alizaa vitungule waliopendeza sana. Watoto hao wa sungura waliendelea kulishwa majani mbalimbali ambayo Hezekia na dada yake walichuma shambani. Alifuata ushauri wa wazazi wake kuhusu ufugaji wa sungura hadi alipokuwa na sungura wengi. Alianza kuuza sungura wachache ili apate pesa alizojiwekea katika benki. Baba yake alikuwa amemfungulia akaunti ya watoto.

Hezekia alizungumza na mama yake ili ampe nafasi ya shamba dogo hapo nyumbani pao. Alianza kupanda mboga na matunda. Wakati ambao hakuenda shuleni, yeye na marafiki zake walipalilia mboga na matundo ili kuondoa magugu. Walipomaliza kazi hiyo, Hezekia aliwapa marafiki zake matunda kadhaa kama shukrani. Pia, aliwapa mboga kidogo ili wapeleke nyumbani kwao. Hezekia ana mpango wa kuwa mwanabiashara mkubwa baada ya kumaliza masomo yake. 6.

  1. Hezekia alipewa pesa na nani?
    1. dada wa mama yake
    2. dada wa baba yake
    3. mfanyakazi wa nyumbani
    4. dada yake
  2. Kauli 'mfupi kama nyundo' ni mfano wa;
    1. nahau
    2. tashbihi ya tabia
    3. tashbihi ya umbo
    4. kitanzandimi
  3. Ni kweli kuwa sungura wa Hezekia alizaa Hezekia akiwa katika;
    1. Gredi ya tatu
    2. Gredi ya nne
    3. Gredi ya tano
    4. Gredi ya sita
  4. Kifungu kinaeleza kuwa Hezekia alikuwa na tabia gani;
    A. mtiifu, mwenye bidii
    B. mjanja, mwaminifu
    C. mwenye bidii, mwongo
    D. mpole, anayependa kucheza
  5. Hezekia ana mpango wa kuwa mfanyabiashara katika;
    1. gredi ya saba.
    2. maisha yake yaliyopita.
    3. maisha ya sasa
    4. maisha yake yajaayo.

Soma ufahamu unaofuata kisha ujibu maswali.


Kuna aina nyingi za simu. Simu ambayo hutumika sana ni simu ya mkononi. Simu ya mkononi huitwa rununu, rukono, simutamba au selula. Watu wengi sana hutumia simu siku hizi. Hii ni tofauti na kitambo ambapo watu waliotumia simu walikuwa wachache. Kazi kubwa ya simu ya mkononi ni mawasiliano. Mawasiliano ni kupitisha ujumbe kutoka kwa mtu mmoja hadi kwa mwingine. Faida ya mawasiliano ya kuzungumza kwa simu ni kuwa hata watu wasiojua kusoma na kuandika huweza kuwasiliana.

Kunao watu ambao husikiliza redio kupitia simu. Watu hao husikiliza taarifa za habari na mambo mengine kupitia redio iliyo kwenye simu. Simu pia hutumika kupiga hesabu kwa kutumia kikokotoo, kupiga picha na kucheza video. Hakika, simu ina umuhimu mkubwa katika maisha. Hata hivyo, simu pia ina madhara yake. Kutumia simu kila wakati kunaleta shida mbalimbali. Kwa mwanafunzi, kutumia simu kila wakati humpotezea mwanafunzi huyo nafasi ya kufanya mambo muhimu. Mambo muhimu kwa mwanafunzi ni kusoma na kufanya kazi za ziada.

  1. Kulingana na aya ya kwanza, ni kweli kuwa;
    1. kuna aina za simu zisizojulikana.
    2. watu wote hutumia simu siku hizi. 
    3. watu wachache huwa hawatumii simu. 
    4. kuna aina chache za simu.
  2. Kifungu kinaeleza kuwa kitambo;
    1. hakuna aliyetumia simu.
    2. watu wengi hawakujua simu.
    3. watu wengi hawakuwa na simu.
    4. hakuna aliyejua simu.
  3. Kulingana na aya ya pili, simu huweza kufanya yafuatayo isipokuwa;
    1. kusikiliza taarifa za habari.
    2. kupiga picha.
    3. kupiga hesabu
    4. kufanya mawasiliano
  4. Ufahamu unaeleza kuwa mambo gani ambayo ni muhimu kwa mwanafunzi?
    1. kusoma na kufanya kazi za ziada
    2. kusoma na kucheza na wenzake
    3. chakula bora na kucheza
    4. kucheza na kufanya kazi za ziada
  5. Ufahamu unaeleza kuwa simu;
    1. haina umuhimu wowote. 
    2. ina faida na madhara. 
    3. ina madhara mengi.
    4. haina madhara yoyote.

Chagua jibu linalofaa kati ya majibu uliyopewa ili kujazia nafasi zilizoachwa.

Fisi alipohisi kuwa chakula ___16___ kilikuwa kikiandaliwa mahali, ___17___ na mate ndo ndo ndo! Alianza kutembea
___18___ ili mtu asimsikie. Alielewa kuwa haraka haraka haina baraka. ___19___ karibu na nyumba hiyo, aliingia na kuchukua chakula kilichokuwa ndani ya chungu. Baada ya kumeza, ndipo alipogundua kuwa alikuwa amemeza jiwe. Alichomeka sana tumboni ___20___. Akaelewa kuwa tamaa ina madhara mengi.

   A   B   C   D 
 16.   vitamu   tamu   kitamu   mtamu 
 17.  alitiririkwa  alidondokwa   aliteremkwa   alimwagikwa 
 18.  kwa upole   polepole   haraka   kwa mbio 
 19.  Alipofika  Alivyofika  Aliyefika  Aliofika
 20.  wake  yake   lake   mwake 

Jibu maswali yafuatayo kulingana na maagizo.

  1. Tambua nomino ya pekee kwenye sentensi ifuatayo.
    Amina alicheza kwa furaha baada ya kusoma na kunywa chai.
    1. chai
    2. Amina
    3. furaha
    4. kusoma
  2. 'Cheza' ni kwa chezewa kama vile pika ni kwa;
    1. pikwa
    2. pikia
    3. pikiwa
    4. pikika
  3. Chagua neno litakalokuwa la pili kwenye kamusi.
    1. chupa
    2. chungu
    3. chumba
    4. chuma
      1. iii
      2. iv
      3. i
      4. ii
  4. Orodha gani iliyo na nomino za dhahania pekee?
    1. huzuni, uchoyo, uchafu
    2. maji, maziwa, sukari
    3. amani, upendo, chuki
    4. umati, kicha, thureya
  5. Sentensi gani iliyoakifishwa kwa njia inayofaa?
    1. Miji ninayoijua ni Nairobi na Mombasa.
    2. Tutaenda sokoni siku ya alhamisi.
    3. Nimenunua unga, sukari, na sabuni.
    4. Darasa letu limeoshwa na wanafunzi
  6. Nomino gani isiyopatikana katika ngeli ya LI-YA?
    1. gari 
    2. darasa
    3. giza
    4. jitu
  7. Tambua aina za maneno yaliyopigiwa mistari. Amerudi kwa sababu alisahau pesa juu ya meza.
    1. kiunganishi, kihisishi
    2. kiunganishi, kihusishi
    3. kivumishi, kihisishi
    4. kivumishi, kihusishi
  8. Chagua wingi wa;
    Mwashi huyu amechukua saa yangu.
    1. Waashi hawa wamechukua saa zangu.
    2. Waashi hawa wamechukua masaa yetu. 
    3. Waashi hawa wamechukua masaa yangu
    4. Waashi hawa wamechukua saa zetu. 
  9. Sentensi gani iliyo katika wakati uliopita hali ya kuendelea?
    1. Musa alienda sokoni.
    2. Sote tunapangusa viatu vyetu.
    3. Yohana angali anakata kucha zake.
    4. Walikuwa wakisugua meno yao.
  10. Tegua kitendawili.
    Nifunue nikufunike.
    1. kofia
    2. mwavuli
    3. nyumba
    4. kifuniko


Andika insha ya masimulizi kuhusu mada inayofuata.



  1. C
  2. A
  3. D
  4. B
  5. A
  6. B
  7. C
  8. C
  9. A
  10. D
  11. C
  12. C
  13. D
  14. A
  15. B
  16. C
  17. B
  18. B
  19. A
  20. D
  21. B
  22. C
  23. A
  24. C
  25. A
  26. C
  27. B
  28. D
  29. D
  30. B

Read the following dialogue and then answer questions I to 5.

Kasuku: Excuse me!
Pauline:(Removing her headphones) Sorry, are you talking to me?
Kasuku: Yes, I just want to ask you one question.
Pauline: Okay, go ahead.
Kasuku: Which headphones are you using? They look very good.
Pauline: These are Skullcandy's. The model name is 'Crusher'.
Kasuku: If you don't mind, may I get a sound check?
Pauline: Okay...there you go.
Kasuku: Wow, it is amazing. I was not expecting this. I have never been an admirer of Skullcandy.
Kasuku: How much did it cost?
Pauline: Six hundred shillings.
Kasuku: Amazing product at such a low price. Sound quality is extremely good. I mean, I could literally single out the sound of every musical instrument being played, the drum thumping, the bass throbbing, the heavy guitar riffs, everything.
You can grab one from any shop near you. I am sure you will enjoy the service. It was initially not my favourite until a friend lent me hers.
Kasuku: I sure will. Thank you very much for your kindness. Sorry, I failed to introduce myself; I am Kasuku Kelvin.
You are welcome anytime. I am Pauline Nerima. It was nice meeting you by the way. See you around.
Kasuku: Yeah sure.
Pauline: Bye.
Kasuku: Bye.

  1. Which polite word did Kasuku use when he wanted to seek Pauline's attention?
    1. Sorry!
    2. Excuse me!
    3. Okay!
    4. Wow!
  2. Why did Kasuku want to know the type of headphones Pauline was using?
    1. They had good sound quality.
    2. They looked very good.
    3. They were affordable.
    4. They were of low quality.
  3. When Kasuku called Pauline, she was ______________________.
    1. sitting by the road side 
    2. listening to some music
    3. chatting to a friend on phone 
    4. playing with her friends
  4. What makes the Skullcandy amazing according to Kasuku?
    1. It had good volume.
    2. It had quality sound.
    3. It was the newest model.
    4. It was cheap.
  5. What did Kasuku forget to do at first?
    1. to introduce himself
    2. to greet Pauline
    3. to excuse himself
    4. to ask Pauline what her name is

Read the following passage and then answer questions 6 to 9.


Physical fitness is essential for our bodies' growth. This could be achieved by doing regular exercises that are fit for us. Some of us can do some exercises better while others cannot. Hence, it is very important to make a correct choice of the exercises that we would like to take part in. Unfortunately, many people rarely value the contribution of healthy exercises to our bodies. They tend to think that doing vigorous exercises is a burden to them. This is a negative thought.

  1. The word essential as used in the passage can best be replaced by _______________________________
    1. powerful
    2. good
    3. unimportant
    4. vital
  2. How can one achieve body fitness according to the passage?
    1. By eating regularly.
    2. By doing regular exercise.
    3. By having enough rest.
    4. By taking heavy meal.
  3. Why should one choose the correct type of exercise?
    1. Because not all exercises are fit for everybody.
    2. Because some exercises are not beneficial.
    3. Because some exercises are easier than others.
    4. Because some exercises are not interesting.
  4. The word rarely as used in the passage cannot be replaced by ________________________
    1. seldom 
    2. always
    3. hardly
    4. scarcely

Read the following passage and then answer questions 10 to 15.

Games and sports are very important to us. They offer numerous benefits to those who engage in them. First, games and sports offer a platform for physical activity. They not only keep us healthy and fit, they also improve blood circulation, remove tiredness and lethargy, and as a consequence, improve our overall well-being.

Secondly, games and sports are a useful means of entertainment. Many of us enjoy at least a sport or a game in their lives. This offers us a change from the monotony of daily life. In the process, we develop a sense of friendliness and a team spirit, which brings about unity and cohesion.

Games and sports are a means of mental and physical growth. By participating in games and sports, we get rid of the exhaustion that comes from long hours of study or work. This improves our efficiency and capability. During games and sports, we learn how to maintain balance in the midst of hope and despair and also how to tackle difficult situations. This shapes our mental toughness.

Sports and games form an important part of education. In fact, education without sports is incomplete. These days, games and sports are part and parcel of the academic curricula. Children are taught some games at a very early stage at home or in school. This helps with their physical and mental growth, as well as builds and grows their character. They also inculcate good values in the learners.

Lastly, games and sports offer career opportunities. Those who perform exceptionally well are offered a chance to play at the national and international level and earn a living. Therefore, the importance of games and sports in our lives cannot be overemphasized.

  1. Games and sports
    1. are essential in our lives.
    2. are luxury to us.
    3. are part of our lives.
    4. should be done daily.
  2. According to the passage, all the following are true about games except?
    1. they keep us healthy and fit. 
    2. they are monotonous.
    3. they break the boredom.
    4. they are entertaining.
  3. Through games and sports, we can do the following except.
    1. grow psychologically and socially only.
    2. entertain others.
    3. build and grow our careers. 
    4. give up hope.
  4. Games and sports do all the following to our bodies except
    1. make it strong.
    2. increase fatigue.
    3. improve blood circulation.
    4. create teamwork.
  5. Games and sports improve our efficiency through
    1. sharpening our brains.
    2. removing exhaustion.
    3. improving our capability.
    4. education.
  6. 'Education without sports is incomplete', means
    1. there is no sport without education.
    2. sports are important in life.
    3. sports and education are the same.
    4. sports help in learning and understanding.

Read the following passage. It contains blank spaces numbered 16 to 20. For each blank space, choose the best alternative from the choices given.

We were ___16___ in the morning by the ___17___ of a lion. It was ___18___ sound especially since we knew that our flimsy ___19___could offer a little defense against a determined carnivore. My companion, a university colleague, immediately ___20___ his gun and began to load it.

   A   B   C   D 
 16.   wake   woke   waking   woken 
 17.  shouting   bleating   roaring   trumpeting 
 18.  a melodious   a terrifying   an annoying   a soothing 
 19.  structure  dwelling   bungalow   mansion 
 20.  got  taken   take  took

For questions 21 to 23, fill the blank spaces with the best choice.

  1. A group of people working together is called a
    1. band
    2. gang
    3. team
    4. host
  2. Yesterday we were chased by a ____________________________________ dog.
    1. fierce, big, brown
    2. big, fierce, brown
    3. big, brown, fierce
    4. fierce, brown, big 
  3. My mother was very angry _________________________ me for having lied _______________________ her
    1. with, at
    2. to, with
    3. with, to
    4. at, for

For question 24, complete the given sentences with the correct simile

  1. This metal is as heavy as
    1. lead
    2. mountain
    3. diamond
    4. stone

For questions 25 and 26, choose the best word to fill in the gap.

  1. The cleaner has already ______________________________ his work.
    1. done
    2. doing
    3. do
    4. did
  2. Hamza was ______________ a book when his sister ____________ in
    1. reading, walked
    2. read, went
    3. read, go
    4. reading, go

For questions 27 and 28, choose the correct plural for the underlined words.

  1. We bought present for our mother-in-law.
    1. mother-ins-laws
    2. mother-in-laws
    3. mothers-in-law
    4. mother-in-law
  2. He bought a loaf of bread.
    1. loafs
    2. loves
    3. loaves
    4. loavs

For questions 29 and 30, choose the correct question tags for the given sentence 

  1. A good day is seen in the morning,_______________________________
    1. isn't it
    2. can it
    3. can't it
    4. is it
  2. I have not finished my work, __________________________.
    1. haven't I
    2. amn't I
    3. have I
    4. isn't it


Write a composition about,



  1. B
  2. B
  3. B
  4. B
  5. A
  6. D
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  16. D
  17. C
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  19. A
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  21. C
  22. A
  23. C
  24. A
  25. A
  26. A
  27. C
  28. C
  29. A
  30. C
    1. Which type of line is shown in the box below?
      1. curved line
      2. spiral lin
      3. zigzag line
      4. wavy line
    2. Which colour is missing in the chart below
      1. YELLOW
      2. ORANGE
      3. VIOLET
      4. RED 
    3. Which one is NOT needed to draw a still life composition?
      1. Sharpener
      2. Drawing paper
      3. Glue
      4. Pencil 
    4. Baby cots, hat and mats are made by a technique known as:-
      1. tanning
      2. carving
      3. weaving
      4. modelling 
    5. _______________________ is the quality of colour that creates a difference.
      1. variation
      2. smudging
      3. value
      4. saturation
    6. Which one of the following is NOT a type of leather?
      1. suede leather
      2. ordinary leather
      3. embossed leather
      4. canvas leather
    7. Grade four learners made a craft below:
      They used the following materials except:-
      1. Glue
      2. Crayon
      3. Paper
      4. Textas
    8. Which one is NOT a type of puppet?
      1. Doll puppet
      2. Marionette
      3. Glove puppet
      4. Rod puppet
    9. The following are elements of photography. Which one is NOT?
      1. form
      2. pattern
      3. vision
      4. texture
    10. Which one of the following is NOT found in a 2-dimensional piece of art?
      1. drawings
      2. paintings
      3. prints
      4. pastings
    1. We sing the ________________________ when raising the flag.
      1. national anthem
      2. lullaby song
      3. folk song
      4. sacred song
    2. Identify the musical note below.
      1. Crotchet
      2. Minim
      3. Quaver
      4. Semi breve
    3. Dancers wear _______________________ during a folk dance performance.
      1. attires
      2. adornments
      3. costumes
      4. ornaments
    4. Identify the musical instrument below;
      1. Orutu
      2. Entono
      3. Obokano
      4. Abu
    5. Which one is a french rhythm for a minim beat?
      1. Taa-aa
      2. Ta-te
      3. Tafa- tefe
      4. Taa-aa-aa
    6. Which bottle will produce the lowest pitch when air blow across its mouth?
    7. A song can also be called a:-
      1. poem
      2. dance
      3. recital
      4. vocal chord
    8. A descant recorder is played by:-
      1. hitting
      2. shaking
      3. bowing
      4. blowing
    9. A rhythm is a combination of:-
      1. beats 
      2. sounds
      3. songs 
      4. claps
    10. Complete the following;
      d, ______, m.
      1. d
      2. f
      3. s
      4. r


  1. What is the direction of the Bible College from the Cattle Dip?
    1. North West
    2. South East
    3. North East
    4. South West 
  2. People of Seje County are mainly:-
    1. Hindus
    2. Muslims
    3. Christians
    4. Traditionalists
  3. Which economic activity is NOT practised in Seje County?
    1. Farming
    2. Trading
    3. Cattle keeping
    4. Mining
  4. The settlement pattern in Seje County is called:-
    1. Linear
    2. Clustered
    3. Sparse
    4. Dense
  5. Seje County is administered by:-
    1. Commissioner
    2. Governor
    3. M.C.A
    4. President
  6. Which one is NOT a tradional artefact?
    1. Guard
    2. Spear
    3. Shield
    4. Bicycle
  7. __________________________ is the smallest county in Kenya.
    1. Mombasa
    2. Kiambu
    3. Nairobi city
    4. Nyamira
  8. The following are community leaders except:-
    1. Clan elder
    2. An Imam
    3. A bus driver
    4. A pastor
  9. The physical feature below is likely to be:-
    1. plain
    2. valley
    3. plateau
    4. mountain
  10. A good citizen should be:-
    1. Cruel
    2. handsome
    3. hardworking
    4. rich
  11. Which colour of National flag represents food crops?
    1. Red
    2. Green
    3. Black
    4. White 
  12. Farmers grow crops for sale. These crops are also called ________________________ crops
    1. food
    2. subsistence
    3. cash
    4. market 
  13. Which one is NOT a product of a dairy industry?
    1. peanut butter
    2. ghee
    3. butter
    4. milk
  14. The trade that involves the exchage of goods is called _____________________________ 
    1. Local trade
    2. Barter trade
    3. Currency trade
    4. Bata trade 
  15. The writings "HARDWORK PAYS" is written at the gate if Njiru Primary School.. It is called school
    1. Routine
    2. Motto
    3. Logo
    4. Administration
  16. This is a traditional Maasai house.
    It is built by:-
    1. women
    2. men
    3. morans
    4. clan elders
  17. A person who loves his or her country is called:-
    1. a patriot
    2. a citizen
    3. a leader
    4. a voter
  18. ________________________ helps the governor to head our county.
    1. president
    2. senator
    3. M.C.A
    4. Deputy Governor
  19. Mention one effect of child abuse;
    1. passing in exam.
    2. making new friends.
    3. being healthy and happy.
    4. running away from home.
  20. The money people pay to the government is called________________________________.
    1. fees
    2. license
    3. loans
    4. taxes


  1. Which attribute of God means that God has never sinned?
    1. Holy
    2. Sole creator
    3. Love
    4. Protector
  2. Old Testament has a total of ____________________ books.
    1. twenty seven
    2. thirty nine
    3. twenty nine
    4. sixty six
  3. _____________________________ is the last book in New Testament.
    1. Mathew
    2. Malachi
    3. Revelation
    4. Acts
  4. Samson was going to __________________________________  when he met and killed a lion. 
    1. Jerusalem
    2. Timnah
    3. Bethany
    4. Zarephath
  5. How old was Abraham whem God called him to go to the land of Canaan?
    1. 100 years
    2. 90 years
    3. 99 years
    4. 75 years
  6. Zachariah and Elizabeth were the parents of:-
    1. Jacob
    2. John the Baptist
    3. Samwel
    4. Samson 
  7. Jesus raised the son of a widow in _____________________________
    1. Nain
    2. Shilloh
    3. Zeraphath
    4. Bethany
  8. The parable of the mastered seed teaches christians about:-
    1. forgiveness
    2. kingdom of God
    3. repentance
    4. God's revege
  9. Who among the following people we cannot trust?
    1. Teachers
    2. Police officers
    3. Strangers
    4. Religious leaders
  10. The disciples were first called christians in:-
    1. Berhany
    2. Capernaum
    3. Bethlehem
    4. Antioch


  1. The surah that talks about the uncle of the prophet S.AW is:-
    1. Surah Al-Fatiha
    2. Surah Al-Kafirun
    3. Surah Al-Nasr
    4. Surah Al-Masad
  2. Al malik means:-
    1. The creator
    2. The judge
    3. The King
    4. The merciful
  3. Al-Rahman is an attribute of Allah S.W.T found in surah:-
    1. Surah An- naas
    2. Surah Al-Fatiha
    3. Surah Al- falaq
    4. Surah Al-kafirun
  4. The prophet S.A. W said "eat you together and mention the name of the Allah over it you will be blessed in it." This hadith teaches us to:-
    1. eat with our right hand.
    2. bless the food we eat.
    3. say Bismillah before we eat.
    4. avoid eating with other people.
  5. All the following are etiquette of eating except:-
    1. eating with the left hand.
    2. washing hands after eating. 
    3. eating with the right hand. 
    4. reciting dua after eating.
  6. Sharifa was given a bread by her mother. She started eating the bread without washing her hands. Which hadith of the prophet S.A. W would you remind Shariffa?
    1. hadith on washing hands.
    2. hadith on saying Bismillah.
    3. hadith on saying Alhamdulillah.
    4. hadith on etiquete of eating.
  7. A stick used in brushing the teeth is:-
    1. A brush
    2. Toothbrush
    3. Toothpaste
    4. Miswaak
  8. Which of the following pillars of Islam does not require physical fitness?
    1. swalah
    2. saum
    3. zakat
    4. hajj
  9. Asmaul Husna means
    1. Names of prophets.
    2. Names of Angels.
    3. The 99 beautiful names of Allah.
    4. A river in paradise.
  10. When do we recite the attributes of Allah S.W.T?
    1. when making dua.
    2. when we are sick.
    3. when sleeping.
    4. when reading a storybook.



  1. B
  2. A
  3. C
  4. C
  5. C
  6. D
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  8. A
  9. C
  10. D


  1. A
  2. C
  3. C
  4. A
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  7. D
  8. D
  9. A
  10. D


  1. B
  2. C
  3. D
  4. A
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  6. D
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  8. C
  9. C
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  11. B
  12. C
  13. A
  14. B
  15. B
  16. A
  17. A
  18. D
  19. D
  20. D


  1. A
  2. B
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  4. B
  5. D
  6. B
  7. A
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  9. C
  10. D


  1. D
  2. C
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  5. A
  6. D
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  8. C
  9. C
  10. A
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