Wednesday, 25 January 2023 08:35

Mathematics Questions and Answers - Class 8 Term 1 Opener Exams 2023 Set 2


  1. What is ninety eight million, ninety eight thousand and ninety eight in numerals?
    1. 98 098 908
    2. 98 908 908
    3. 98 908 098
    4. 98 098 098
  2. How many groups of thousands are there in the total value of digit 4 in the number 548 928 671?
    1. 40 000
    2. 4 000
    3. 400
    4. 400 000
  3. What is the next number in the pattern?
    209, 168, 131, 100, 71, ________
    1. 44
    2. 46
    3. 48
    4. 50
  4. What is 6/13, 9/14, 8/15,  and 11/17 arranged in an ascending order? 
    1.  9/14, 8/156/1311/17
    2. 6/138/15, 9/14,  11/17
    3.  11/179/14, 8/15, 6/13
    4. 8/159/14, 11/17, 6/13 
  5. What is 28. 2586 rounded off to the nearest hundredths?
    1. 28. 25
    2. 28. 259
    3. 28.6
    4. 28.26
  6. What is the place value of digit 6 in the number 962 534?
    1. Tens of thousands
    2. Hundreds of thousands.
    3. Thousands.
    4. Millions.
  7. What is the value of 8¼ + 21/3  of  32/9 ÷ 11/6 ?
    1. 911/36
    2. 1819/36
    3. 1425/36
    4. 2023/36
  8. What is the value of:
    0.87 + 51.3 - 0.09 + 0.2?
    1. 52.82
    2. 51.26
    3. 51.88
    4. 52.28
  9. Which of the following numbers is divisible by 11?
    1. 2 158 496
    2. 2 614 150
    3. 2 588 964
    4. 2 469 830
  10. The area of a square plot of land is 2 809m2. Find the length of one side.
    1. 53m
    2. 57m
    3. 47m
    4. 43m
  11. The population of a country is 46 005 818. If 15 589 746 are women and 21 934 834 are children, how many men are in the country?
    1. 8 841 328
    2. 9 281 328
    3. 8 481 238
    4. 9 821 238
  12. A bus travelled from Mombasa to Nairobi, a distance of 468km. Later on, the bus went another 281km to Nakuru and then further 96km to Kericho. What distance in kilometres was covered by the bus altogether? 
    1. 854km
    2. 845km
    3. 749km
    4. 794km
  13. A lorry carries 378 bags of rice in one trip. Each bag of rice is 25kg. If the lorry makes 18 trips, how many tonnes does the lorry transport?
    1. 1710t
    2. 171.0t
    3. 1701t
    4. 170.1t
  14. In a coffee plantation, 28 080 coffee seedlings were planted in 156 rows. How many coffee seedlings were planted in each row?
    1. 180
    2. 140
    3. 160
    4. 120
  15. Three bells ring at intervals of 24 minutes, 30 minutes and 40 minutes. The bell rang together at 1145hrs. At what time in am/pm will they ring together again?
    1. 11.45 a.m
    2. 3.45 am
    3. 11.45 pm
    4. 3.45 pm
  16. Kipkoech's stride is 5/8, of a metre. How many strides will he make to cover a distance of 80m?
    1. 128
    2. 96
    3. 50
    4. 64
  17. A man spent 3/8 of his salary on food, 1/5  on clothing, ¼ on other expenses and saved the rest. What fraction of his salary did he save?
    1. 17/40
    2. 37/40
    3. 27/40
    4. 7/40
  18. What is the GCD of 28, 63 and 84?
    1. 28
    2. 14
    3. 49
    4. 7
  19. A matatu left Busia for Nairobi at 2045hrs on Wednesday. The journey took 8 hours 55 minutes. What time and day did it reach Nairobi? 
    1. 1740hrs Thursday
    2. 1740hrs Wednesday
    3. 0540hrs Thursday
    4. 0540hrs Wednesday
  20. What is the square of 2¼ ?
    1. 51/16
    2. 41/16
    3. 11/8
  21. In the figure below, line AB is parallel to line CD and line PQ is a transversal line.
    Which of the following statements is true?
    1. Angle b and g are corresponding angles.
    2. Angle a and e are co-interior angles. 
    3. Angle h and g are vertically opposite angles.
    4. Angle c and e are alternate angles.
  22. The area of a triangular piece of land is 22.5 Ares. It has a base length of 250 metres. What is its height in metres?
    1. 90m
    2. 45m
    3. 360m
    4. 18m
  23. Which of the following properties is true in both a rhombus and a parallelogram?
    1. All sides are equal.
    2. The sum of interior angles adds up to four right angles.
    3. Diagonals bisect each other at right angles.
    4. Each interior angle is a right angle.
  24. The total length of a barbed wire round a square piece of land is 144m. What is the area of the piece of land in square metres?
    1. 1 296
    2. 20 736
    3. 576
    4. 5 184
  25. Simplify:
    3/5 (40x − 25y) + 2/3 (18x − 21y)
    1. (36x  − y)
    2. (36x + 29y)
    3. (36x + y)
    4. (36x − 29y)
  26. What is the value of a (3c - 2b)
    when a = 2, d = 5, b = 3 and c = 4?
    1. 11/5
    2. 33/5
    3. 22/5
    4. 21/3
  27. What is the value of letter y in the equation below? 5(3y − 2) = 2(3y + 13)
    1. 4
    2. 9
    3. 6
    4. 3
  28. Simplify the inequality 2(x − 1) < x + 4
    1. x < 2
    2. x < 6
    3. x > 2
    4. x > 6
  29. Find the value of angle m in the figure below.
    1. 144°
    2. 108°
    3. 128°
    4. 116°
  30. Construct triangle PQR in which line PQ = 6.5cm, angle QPR = 30° and angle PRQ = 40°. Draw a circe that touches points P, Q and R. What is the radius of the circle?
    1. 4.6cm
    2. 3.5cm
    3. 5.2 cm
    4. 2.5cm
  31. The top of a 17m ladder leans on a vertical wall with its lower end touching the ground. Which one of the following sets of measurements represents the height of the wall and the horizontal distance from the ladder to the wall?
    1. 5m and 12m
    2. 3m and 4m
    3. 6m and 8m
    4. 8m and 15m
  32. What is the total value of digit 8 in the decimal number 3.52842?
    1. 8/1000
    2. 8/10000
    3. 8/100
    4. 8/10
  33. Which one of the following fractions will give a recurring decimal?
    1. 16/25
    2. 7/34
    3. 5/36
    4. 11/50
  34. Work out:
    1. 0.0018
    2. 0.018
    3. 0.18
    4. 1.8
  35. What is 11/16 as a percentage?
    1. 68.75%
    2. 6.875%
    3. 0.6875%
    4. 0.06875%
  36. The sketch below shows possible routes to school from Kagu's home.
    What is the distance from Kagu's home to school through the health center in kilometres?
    1. 56.2
    2. 10.8
    3. 43.8
    4. 31.5
  37. The radius of a bicycle wheel is 21cm. How many turns will it make to cover a distance of 6.6km?
    1. 50 000
    2. 5 000
    3. 500
    4. 50
  38. The cost of a plot in Isinya in the year 2020 was sh. 400 000. After one year, the cost of the plot appreciated by 35%. What was the cost of the plot in the year 2021?
    1. Sh. 140 000 
    2. Sh. 480 000 
    3. Sh. 540 000
    4. Sh. 435 000
  39. A rectangular piece of land measures 32.4m in length and 26.8m in width. Kiba fenced this land with four strands of barbed wire. What was the length of the wire used?
    1. 473.6m
    2. 59.2m
    3. 118.4m
    4. 236.8m
  40. In the year 2021, covid related deaths in a certain country was 3 500. In the year 2022, this number reduced by 26%. How many people died of covid in the year 2022?
    1. 4410
    2. 910
    3. 3 140
    4. 2 590
  41. Find the perimeter of the shape drawn below.
    1. 33cm
    2. 48cm
    3. 58cm
    4. 63cm
  42. There was 1 800 litres of water in a tank. During construction, 68% of the water was used. How much water was left in the tank?
    1. 1 224L
    2. 1080L
    3. 5761L
    4. 1 276L
  43. What is the area of a circle whose radius is 28cm?
    1. 616cm2
    2. 4 928cm2
    3. 1 232cm2
    4. 2 464cm2
  44. The figure below represents a model cuboid made from wire rods.
    Calculate the total length of the wire rods needed to make the model.
    1. 152cm
    2. 308cm
    3. 1 728c
    4. 652cm
  45. Figure ABCD is a rhombus. Line BD and AC are diagonals. Angle BDA = 35°
    What is the size of angle BAC?
    1. 35°
    2. 110°
    3. 70°
    4. 55°
  46. The table below shows Wanjala's expenditure for the month of December 2021. The information on the expenditure on clothing is not indicated.
     Item   Rent   Food   Saving   Clothing 
     Amount   Sh. 6 000   Sh. 5 000   Sh. 4 000   
    A pie chart was drawn to represent the information above. If the angle representing the expense on food was 100°, how much was used on clothing?
    1. Sh. 4 000
    2. Sh. 3 000
    3. Sh. 8.000
    4. Sh. 2 000
  47. A length of 3.2cm era on a scale drawing represents an actual length of 9 600m. What is the scale used?
    1. 1:3 000
    2. 1:30 000
    3. 1: 300 000
    4. 1:3 000 000
  48. The graph below shows a journey of a cyclist from town X to town M, a distance of 100km. On the way, he stopped to relax. He then continued with the journey to town M
    What was his average speed for the whole journey?
    1. 40km/hr
    2. 50km/hr
    3. 48 km/hr
    4. 35km/hr
  49. The mean mark scored by five pupils in an examination was 82. If the marks of four of them were 84, 96, 78 and 64, what was the score of the fifth pupil?
    1. 68
    2. 84
    3. 74
    4. 88
  50. Which of the following nets can form a closed cube when folded?


  1. D
  2. A
  3. C
  4. B
  5. D
  6. A
  7. C
  8. D
  9. D
  10. A
  11. C
  12. B
  13. D
  14. A
  15. D
  16. A
  17. D
  18. D
  19. D
  20. A
  21. D
  22. D
  23. B
  24. A
  25. D
  26. C
  27. A
  28. B
  29. A
  30. C
  31. D
  32. A
  33. D
  34. C
  35. C
  36. D
  37. B
  38. C
  39. A
  40. D
  41. C
  42. B
  43. D
  44. A
  45. D
  46. B
  47. C
  48. A
  49. D
  50. A
Read 1489 times Last modified on Wednesday, 29 March 2023 08:45