Tuesday, 24 October 2023 08:43

Integrated Science Questions and Answers - Grade 4 End Term 3 Exams 2023 Set 1


Use the diagram below to answer questions 1-2


  1. Digestion of food ends in the part labelled
    1. C
    2. B
    3. A
    4. D
  2. Egestion of undigested food matter takes place in the part labelled
    1. C
    2. A
    3. B
  3. Which of the following is not a living thing?
    1. Stone
    2. Mango tree
    3. Grass
    4. Cow
  4. Plants make their own food through the process called 
    1. respiration
    2. transpiration
    3. photosynthesis
    4. chlorophyll
  5. The reproductive part of a plant is known as
    1. leaf
    2. stem
    3. flower
    4.  root
  6. What is the name of animals kept at home?
    1. Farm animals
    2. Domestic animals
    3. Wild animals
    4. Broilers
  7. The process of taking air in and out the body by an animal is called
    1. digestion
    2. respiration
    3. circulation
    4. polluting
  8. The following are parts of computers. Which one is correctly matched with its function
     A.  C.P.U  Process the information fed to the computer and stores it for future use
     B.  Monitor  Types information
     C.  Mouse  Displays information
     D.  Keyboard  Keyboard searching for information
  9. Which one of the following clouds indicate a sign of heavy rainfall?
    1. Stratus
    2. Cumulus
    3. Cirrus
    4. Nimbus
  10. All the following are digital devices apart from
    1. camera
    2. Ipad
    3. Laptop
    4. Radio
  11. The type of tooth drawn below is used for called
    1. cutting
    2. griping
    3. tearing
    4. chewing
  12. A millipede escapes danger by
    1. running away
    2. curling and pretence
    3. flying
    4. sleeping
  13. Materials that allow some light to pass throughthem are called
    1. transparen
    2. opaque
    3. translucent
    4. shadows
  14. Which one of the following is not an air pollutant?
    1. Smoke
    2. Dust
    3. Decaying dog
    4. Fog
  15. Which one of the following is not a factor that affects sinking and floating?
    1. Weight
    2. Size
    3. Shape
    4. Type of material
  16. All the following belongs to the same state of matter except
    1. water
    2. ink
    3. oxygen
    4. milk
  17. Which one of the following is not a phase of the moon?
    1. New Moon
    2. Crescent
    3. Quarter
    4. half
  18. Which of the following phases of the moon comes after the full moon?
  19. What is force?
    1. The ability to do work
    2. Push, a pull or a lift
    3. One that pulls things downwards
    4. When energy is less used
  20. All the following can be observed in the sky during the day except
    1. sun
    2. clouds
    3. moon
    4. stars


  1. Which method is suitable in controlling moles from destroying crops?
    1. Use of scarecrows
    2. Use of arrows and spears
    3. Use of safe traps
    4. Scaring them
  2. Which one of the following domestic animāls can be used to plough piece of land?
    1. Horse
    2. Sheep
    3. Camel
    4. Bull
  3. Learners of grade 4 carried out the following experiment on soil
    Which type of soil is likely to have he best drainage and has the largest air spaces?
    1. Loam soil
    2. Clay soil
    3. Sandy soil
    4. Alluvial soil
  4. The following materials can be used to prepare a compost manure except
    1. top soil
    2. banana peeling
    3. maize stalk
    4. pieces of rubber
  5. Which one of the following is not a use of water in the farm?
    1. Watering animals
    2. Irrigation
    3. Cleaning term tools
    4. Washing clothes
  6. Which farm tool is correctly named.
  7. Which animal below is regarded to be harmful? | 34. You have been asked to dust the surfaces of
    1. Bee
    2. Mole
    3. Dog
    4. Cow
  8. Goats give us all the following except
    1. mohair
    2. milk
    3. skin
    4. bones
  9. The best soil for building and construction is known as
    1. silt
    2. clay
    3. sand
    4. loam
  10. Which material is suitable to use in mulching?
    1. Twigs
    2. Logs
    3. Dry grass or leaves
    4. Soil


  1. The following are causes of accidents during play except
    1. playing dangerous games
    2. playing on slippery grounds
    3. following instructions and rules of the game given by the teacher
    4. playing in dangerous places like roads 
  2. Which common illness in the locality would the person be suffering from?
    1. Diarrhoea
    2. Headache
    3. Sore throat
    4. Cold 
  3. Three of the following are cleaning tools and equipments that we can use at home apart from
    1. gas cooker
    2. dust pans
    3. dust bins
    4. brooms
  4. You have been asked to dust the surfaces of your classroom by your Home Science teacher. Which material and tool will you use?
    1. Basin
    2. Lamb's wool
    3. Bucket
    4. Soap dish
  5. Which of the following is not a type of fuel we use at home?
    1. Charcoal
    2. Kerosene
    3. Firewood
    4. Water
  6. The following are challenges faced when using firewood as a source of fuel except
    1. It requires big storage area
    2. It is easy to find
    3. It requires time to collect
    4. It produce smoke which can affect our health
  7. Juma uses electricity for lighting, heating and cooking in his home. How can he conserve the electricity?
    1. Switching off the appliances when not in use
    2. Switching on the fridges all day 
    3. Leaving the bulb on during the day
    4. Leaving the electric heaters on all day
  8. Which of the following basic needs protects us from hot sun, rain and wind as well as danger?
    1. Food
    2. Clothes
    3. Shelter
    4. Rest
  9. What is the name given to the play item below
    1. Skipping rope
    2. Bouncing castle
    3. Hula hoops
    4. Bean bags
  10. Three of the following are common injuries one can get during play except
    1. bruises
    2. sprains
    3. cuts
    4. fair play


  1. Three of the following are safety measures observed when making improvised balls except
    1. use sharp objects carefully
    2. sore sharp objects in a box
    3. when injuries occur, inform the teacher immediately
    4. touch open wound having blood with your bare fingers
  2. Which type of pass is shown in the diagram below?
    1. Overhead pass
    2. Underarm pass
    3. Kicking
    4. Chest passs
  3. The following are parts of the foot used during a soccer game apart from 
    1. the instep
    2. nails
    3. inside of the instep
    4. outside of the instep
  4. The process of making things from what is in the local environment is called
    1. improvisation
    2. juggling
    3. manufacturing
    4. buying
  5. Which of the following is a material you cannot use to hand juggle?
    1. Stones
    2. Small balls
    3. Pebbles
    4. Broken glass
  6. In the game of rounders, the following equipments are needed for play except
    1. balls
    2. sharp pins
    3. posts
    4. bat
  7. The play item below is used in which game?
    Ball 3
    1. Kabaddi
    2. Hockey
    3. Football
    4. Basket ball
  8. Alex wanted to participate in athletics. Which of the following track eents could he participate in?
    1. 100m race
    2. discuss
    3. Javelin
    4. Long jump
  9. Three of the following are plav iterns found within the school environment durin the P.E lesson except
    1. balls
    2. skipping rope
    3. heavy stones
    4. nets
  10. Which one of the following people controls the game of soccer during play?
    1. Referee
    2. Teacher
    3. Parents
    4. Funs



  1. B
  2. D
  3. A
  4. C
  5. C
  6. B
  7. B
  8. A
  9. D
  10. D
  11. C
  12. B
  13. C
  14. C
  15. B
  16. C
  17. B
  18. B
  19. B
  20. D


  1. C
  2. D
  3. C
  4. D
  5. D
  6. A
  7. B
  8. D
  9. C
  10. C
  11. C
  12. D
  13. A
  14. B
  15. D
  16. B
  17. A
  18. C
  19. B
  20. D


  1. D
  2. A
  3. B
  4. A
  5. D
  6. B
  7. C
  8. A
  9. C
  10. A
Read 1596 times Last modified on Tuesday, 24 October 2023 11:35